ti nte ie cîe cin, la"Ifeces liE cenldiset l'e j p n tl J Il c t ofc f ale pI îi BIS LLiS ou.ed. 'Ire ad- - - nfflfke det i n,e r -' nr,efl - ~ ý l'as at 1 Ifs th f Aier, f'!.cofic .r e'î -c ---le-c- naku., ,rI the - rnri t r r> us rl' I t>,If f len -e c r.»îg . i r -- f i r fe eil Or --r-ciEý r q'dr ce f I l c liz.ic 1 o . ci- - oIeptiloir'le il! i u ursaing s ' fi;c titl cîil SLEONAROD pppeb. oltne 1 he These MtPs il, the ordim Iaet we li a liited' nmbe1r11d regular $ CÇ1OO btije ç 1 W ai ' I D > t w s - s l c c c -- - "ns Y.T~ - te-. I lNe lic icle tevgsd CM 10LA I ea(cl]h ý-rdreatea 0 r- a tee. T1ïere rndicl frtl he twin ll- er afe P, ,cauht fronm -11tlectuert r i. fr re dl ec el- ry etw fInthe 'e ili r bill 'crly cii (hrt>cte. dmms -nt tee o-c Ia- A the to Pavtlias ie îceht qti 'Bricks-, Tasteless -Cod Tier Qi,) ofpo-d J aceceîl dlelig c o .ý W1L vE r-CEmrYouna - t , t h eiel~e A p Mecci P yee, - Mcc lir c11 ciii prestlacI tetit ervîrca, n achcelce SI dil, vent c fle mxture, il freco a il est, lMe. par Bfiiggiiabotham D'rug o;Mlto. iI-ÂÀuheeb e ieoetc rh - d r îc e i e n r ge e 0 it e t r e el e o f A t c n IbuLrels lte blit s imprt £Ltir teeei tit, Thy. it>W sais.are Oct _______________________as cacruehe c.%atIecAtee or Canada, bot cwcettece frote Moisie er cntin- The M etropolitan Ba k etitalopmroraisr£lget 1 lITAI Petîl)UP . 1,000, .1a) Ilc254f, iioFRvfIUNO ...........,Oî,ooooo I1yl Hall, c lescrtf c rlg lrcc, fe i N i IDI ID E D P R O F YT S . . . 0 ,iS 3 1Txc ne" l s i I 2'r "tf. DI~~C ORS: ~l,'- .,gr e hIccîbre oi-htel liecfeO cciii'te l- ciecîtMc,, i'îeeceeeî I.> Irt~1V Itla le aîdle lcrical eplîtioht e ' Pliiie D .Tosoc ,VIOP'-;ie iassucacce frcm tc leoerceeci Merlcee Cir-tMC. ThteceBretti>rt t lbe ta cwlrecnaicl ey for 11cr Jailclr'irtbl'oot, Jamce yrite. îblod! u d sm e icc ea r Ti tu ee licene, bte ty rcneladcit lliii lbIiCE, TIOONTO. - W. D. ROJSS, GOtea ani llgc. The finest ineof itou te cnet fte oen I inrcirîl Bnictng Busienes Traeeacted, cOI,îhnelith eect ef rngtice RveW. - r i\rr< )iPATMNT-ii0nd piere eeard e .-..San d PASTRI P» ect-ccdleSrigPlt r ol dte01do - r s Il Y.Thel-bîacetDen)cyed taer MILT'fON BRANCII-W. 8. DIEMENTS, MOgU98t.ote OFap>e RFh cclcbwi r I »tf - tpeefie iicitlcctef y'i 'ay f ane c-ct, FRESH DACI LY c>onyccinc.imee1il a b dt openfor_______________________________ uk.ing cuand ctieînedeties o-~cîeîy'n-eqt f lrf peaieo efgeiat crie e~. Daynd gielef polclreeugitrateaon Special Dlier seeîDa usicsof<>î.,a u oit a u -' '- -oliicitais le acerdinirece lleccaii HIb~ .. WHEELER,1 Tîaher ofiMuîio o elrP'rerlllee h ction ctatIseitctsep M .1 BPlane, Orgue aud 'fbih. Send ln your Ordels, cacieetinte oe iy lier Lecece iterfe ofecelingte. I îeîced Atîtillel' Addce-Soreb Si., Mllen PHfONlE N. f7 perNc-Oc ted finer, Trafalgar'l ie f t>» icfbotre Ir, aboclt it illarcle, c hIac -S. DICE eà3jJ gt Owec ccc acepaig r- rrcc, ec., Oppiy Icoutr cf MarrlagO Ligeie, Son OjlSuî rie petleie iriie acd paîn01 Omreeiipleieiloieef ami eerecr. 'a oeecepaper. btcl celien I rneut tIuuIioee-.tcmi cieoigrîline a 1111e jiiof peltîne dîcnt eRésoi ccaeeos cdccecietto - .iil ON T. ', ehep e-pcr eod ceiela fifîytoileIl 0 ec', LeOt- Iîi e, - dc..orderetoge1 ro cetlea litippes of1 - few ceeue, 1'lTey generalir dent ceue Sarn kIenson -j uitiec1gasithute r iete >fu>Te r 51M 1 lIN andt t'O aie _______________ uela ccppe ce le Ordltakn e th Chalpil ffiediulee-Otante a-celf " te crea apneContractOfîe -Brlicaoidencer. wll it deodewcddieeOnd aslargr0Omee a ite- %I vlcc peeliruelaid& antee-cierefore oina the alîet troee rrrc t , crdr. er. appiy 1le ieleccu linvitatlins aed ccaeomande-'oAePpe a"?g Ilrccellp C, F, LeCICc>E. Meor, bo lte l', n1ccra cc1 om S pc Baeelelcr, M,,c etleeiT-'alîî,dcc ccpce Sc 'i'c-p i- e ___________________________________________________________________ SOtlsale preie$1.911 - AecTi-uuic Valises andefSuit Cae, RItec I~ Ytrnre ~- - 4c~J' '. , nratY cone. Tatcu' Chue' Store, 0c 1c>cic peo l'llrc. IAGARAct.CAti' eIcT e-etPARTeS-] o ulndeecliod thal felocic cielt1th sugsin nct l l rra iruJoli Frl4ehilts Iretci on the Cacoadih ecîllitla, ccclappecerd ty Maie (Gecirai tdccteicue.Chief cf Geecei staff tlire raieieg cf treepa iBicgel eoepheeeeIliite divlded late tu ,teIedcef to-e ceebo secel, l rccl cricdtlie 411 Iufanle Bigcf ccneîesticp cf te lSe-c l. ol, Ih an Z' stll llegemee> ccclnd thc Prevînce >ý1Cavale-y Brigade'. eoile1folte i K ser.eeudo ancl le- c, sec ar nier liîleBrant Dî-ageo C ciii le c the oweciGtmmrediaeey ieli te trd ccd rte ccl' 0- e -f. Re ". and cte ite 211 h ie44t Lý7tre ectvlyiyancdthie le dlry Beigaede. eoostieg Of lire G0e 5WIEETLT PERPLEXINO QUESTIN - anî'andth OL' - isa eand good i u110taiTiarceoi fort 4 tefwethloe0'al tl pu- didIcg opelclte cam p. -'fthic ate place le Sce, lo pimrliy t Fine t C nfecioferYToronto, wcclidetîverlitte celetectef I doeunr o ook of palatc'ti FlgCxotleC ml, ogt, Peibterduc liltuccCettduirclfl ceMncdey, April ilth, els%.ii. fli 00 wa on-t s adiferent klnd och t102e yen buy. Thua o tnte t tie n mcsatisfytag ateet tus 10- o'gi'dbtaiceae qstceÉ1ef f ltteb> ~R~H VSy WEEK <T - lcEtg,jeelcrec ec AyNE-HAT FOR îWoeruolIOl c;i cts 'ja bî C1506 1ilklyHka Telteh- emoecuda'tctlrcff, oie att. elul'ite 0vcl f o ielcf l e 011 e fe ee s-le ud $1,0l.M t(8It îlet c i Sour , ,h -ce> c- llee 1 ro-e em t tu I e W P___ il lySotkc forke4 tleuc.1fol lOcol' e(ec101cy cLI f F~RI Reri e, -di otit l 1ý creee CompaWny cjin h, o Galbraith & Compan ]î I Rt. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Moc Oc Rloeùioecli _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ i jc e,~ ure lc l fc il à 2ecc M e, - f elll ldfty t e. >' Y o r Ne w S u it f o r [a s t e r ! cP plots, ll thenalicys desigs intice ptIc dfurj T t mie ne vec i e Me ltreth de o a Ometario Oe cftca>cep ue fe cewn lv, lean ry 7ec'lee t ereljcalllc bcd cop hascf rtcdîîlcefgle. p ceV le î $ 6 8 0,1, 3 2 ,f ut 20TU ioiEl ,tiîceIodyliae eNceifhelm t ueri.Ou oe utng i ctt W. P.Mrete n Cece eccel"Wrent A bron, ole, inie a ndt greiyte.aes ýýI oleet cnu.-MeCy l.i Donal W.li su. Mere edCei R. alacelgocen-iîcdadtioedl h fctc~ls 9 oene ec Le t..lia SIf'thetci eflerovief 'l ýite et. Ie Wvfa ts L Adel e t> R cithe toi . el - 0 r st ie ck f W A L L P A PE R S l dey Ls liteeteeetî cf tc ale isne eereely fr vou icpection- Fee, edîd altontn d h1 efî cr teh, 1) iL 11f IF 1 el recletieci epprorîng cf lher Gerer-Th e mente reelpeeclt agreement cilh -Nîte PAr-rERNS l i. TiecetpiitaifleRuecîselealîcer t and te fr i irriIf f tte Unted clele. -NiE icoE etaionce te te scîtoît f t e ed, A Iltee inte 11w r r> \iiri( i lte Iter prt cf c tevelc.M arte , dec le.k ep.entP îc ,e P ic e c f il re t e $ 1 c ot ScI i îe c I > plclgieecderfoei Import Chitinasee Itt uia air orhus i il ghlfig cf gifle tis eleyr fer excell ltille expeesec. a t rN c i a There were l iff lrreteearleller, te, paiersO1ut 5c, cfitc7, et Sc, lFor Eeelcrceeiir te BiaîcoTtce tîwil te tha leae-'îIrs iii rr-ii r l,, f e cs l e t f r e t. e t lO , e t l2 b c 5ctia n d e c a n I i> e e s c i t >0 ( ! e c c l Aeecsodnl, cenie c Aex Le-yedale i% cfmoil ofle Too- troeufb le tethowgonds- ldeand cei e beerîrd yeteel aY.Rer. il l AlRATc&e.M Y.Shîrt-S J i n. 8 thiii e, c f l iot le er h, rei t G L I A T I & C M A CiuchreIV in ee ees sonecefeet let à Criehietitt hitr triped rieRgec h(, g>1> Il las» t> o% el j'> S 1.01fJr1r il,_ -_1.25_a .11 Rteitltea Street Creeiege. le ANN T 'S IDE tSO ,rnetcpl cleenestheyeieceedie, or as CASH GROCERY _______________________ aifb the lier tOceeler eforne certaini ce delieo aeed emen t cîhereth st> lccld 1li» 0e t-ee>,>tt l ii4m lie-ae bee me )f thrm :tandclt eciceteede, vti t In tecrccl ohleg cf ineeîhl ImportancerH E R E ' aceaunie dde onthelceteei t iie ecallee i-cgoodeei e 1-1t, -r ' crl hs l lie atendedte.Te >ltand reoit. tIl treet cenmtelc Oiec egîlego Bcoticeor 1vcpicercceigtosd v verf Importatiport cf Ihele duîly wiîî ecmpar e c ith> rl _Retepapr. cthcet,. lt-c su--uertos Beleeetccee.ee.tt.'. e-etif. Eîerythiîîg ready for eprilhi trade la al lrîrffff CeP. as eemcrelre. H fcote rro-turctcoutt e eThe litîes rereiving speclal attention juet nov, rc 1r eie el ce cee lte leaicir> flIer e,,tc-eced le cil, enimratorforthe Couny alLont ci Arloe-flergr HavilI anti ROY Me- ic urigtca-WJflee , cl Farmers 1llln r Jee-ot ce»liell ycft,,If. ad'âiel .Tee acef ac urais )-Mltef- ICeai. F. Prarce acndce>eit'ed lIt' aItI>eulil>tngc wec C rais W. A. Dear, coi> îieus eet.n Oiele .Roierct, t. telelre eemltad -, tolledgc Wrc eLITY U e lte>Irf 'If> W ~iali Pape rs in qi ceej i Wcc, i. Hanepeqhi, ce . Celi R h; 121 H, Cunninghami, Preche CacneetiGeede, Pictkle, Celecp, "Il Nceeaill 30ceWiigt>eweelh. Aeli ®r v- (4) JosicephiA.illii. Arien>: Ouyse, Etratte, Spiece, Tesced and îlhe NEW 'RAYMOND SEINGrf III',liNE1, the Oa rà) Jeý itrleierArien ;i flA Owens, rca Gieorgcetwn. Cffee, Sagare, lBreakfaset Cercl lateet qîîyetr-cul oak dropl> lnd mnhirne, ce th comtî>rîî ro Ifceo-ecI>MBCîliCoueScape cf cll inide, Syrcfle and set of ettacliint>, bell beartege, ad every rîcît nprvv- le, gccrcyc I(8)W,. J.Alitecie-Acioc. nilete ent, for $.30.010- (ail etnd acf theni m Uî,i-îîcdfoi- " " N e l s o - - -l( . e , l l e o n , B î r l n - t n y s l otNiche, IRîlte»lle; (4) W. Cola lnNwgaIl ,sos n aaa cd11 L Dccciie; l5> Peter lime> Milltn f l0 flg S f1125 îd B îf y. D, Cltece Port Nelsc, lin ci -Il(dame JorisJe. d,, nue cc ceecriLCIIt> crriy, We bave opeaed Ibis ceeek itlarge cnt4o>cî f cl T'rayeeli.111ch, Ageelea c (3) Ù, n Byce; T)Ra.alar ll rth,. Trafal- IBO îANNET, epecial INew Lines of Lace eand Swlce Net Cir- itl > .a , raalgr;ceeiJc he, ; (8I)>W.l thA, ()J B. sckiie L, A n-1Main Stret. tains direct frotte.Nottiîighatn, England, erîlîri-inla idîI ~'itetcce rnge of patteras ad price. -bd ~Fery dcy alit is sereecet rttîgeus ilsccnctnet.ici tre grr. VI Jul TThis ent ie ar unpackian eucîcally eey ht etteln the - CHINAWARE e, C O 'M M O N TS dirent frote the manuaclurerm te Enganîi-ste pi cir rsci ill : 1 1 Gonds andei let clSerts. ite d Gl- lcivcer Leaf Ceolle and i r fr eTU 'e 1 SOc.a dozen. Platesr Bot 1er ilkers, &c, 11liec, se , valrru ce' Av XjM~ VIEN ,1 ~ Celte ondi Seccers,. cJ OIUR NEWWALP ER id LJL,, re reàeiyaccd mevIeg outi le goned ehepe, roMetler vatîr1 i,,-.%1>e1 c ey 4& Aie aye leepilu eccirel t -i e ircigtlc> e iîr- r - eîîý1M or ROC RY Ieprtmcci licur Ptne Ne î 48. ei ill cerce-clite ncet coi>fui anro îemptl te nîlen. ~jf, cco~uepons 111ai Casie Perce o 4 ef ci and aie R. L. tIIMSTRIffT 7 Pt~tThe Hunter Studio, t~ii. ecci e5 ,5etB11- OPnEN ONrt [Iv . Cfn cecl d iltd ood Friday Z !