PREVET EVESTRAIN-NtbeFge1 Whwh tgalcaus 01 WW Effigis à "O Ilha o 1 DEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS cadta*UI te L Kng » F1 8te la& l do> Dot neglect y- 1' ye> wd, wharf th. LINSC Was lUEA pbyl sUE !Us TO-DAY 3 Prince Peuple baV* uaLm *1Of1 A. 1). ltVrA'.>OptiOfl. cce . Prmoy ec 8go8od 8 josé therom flurse 08f"1.1, .:TcaS8ll*".but Kin rabinbis h a ifiertTu awazoVk, dt Westminser Abs, etltw tbougb hi, #oySl iIIII" i Th TbeRecPr«tY *«M forersud09 lgltor biIIIâ tbafl wu ieY 810 8150 va" lsteretlfl. 8and' rdlief> Ewr hua b suthe< 1'iiLIbliTllpoatnt 9l",> tll ingroi Th h. ietf casure of the1 pc>o>> twe..s tures sie bsrp i tunbly nayienotslih. egardreit afis hgv ef neu. t s«lr ;;f ag Whtae un111 flaier t 1 buatfo bs814< able aauuitÎeu cf~~ ~ ~i &TlTi fi sesell __ p.pbibdký Fwy maeibrtd i nfteO-mýy"ysisrao neeule dys 0 131sle1h7S"d n ,noraai f ilýduie cs tltl i t b! s ez. his Prigeei l 18 l stc tbhsto?, peope Maseftlio ewur mbaie ui thse bordr' os the 1>1k of wbut km hl. hntePic "udtora Of ~ tbe Id Co, h. gula uDon us shor keoon o> naturl priiiliio hie yes becii usilsCOblit udth r e>l, n01ofth ti 1mb < ihci>linhe tâ lf diîlo- bine doaSaneis a OI ePos P li, aad e1<h1Tplace ut nensî>f11 al oi liecKlIvlalay ciltirely ae est- e ecte hst0 " ' ,.ba rotouti u se horiiol nI 91 -* lo.ooii' prinecof sle lotctm thot ied. ilei0e ., ith. --t adan lii Ieobaa -L te, l lt, A. - ycsl cî of tsa e iglll se r1 an ei huikweat o th- s eeaigriedit. o>5 po fil whnt ice<lme Te Pb ilutbeWI l heOre 0llnwh itiitlo«.ftfti l . 511re»l ilou, front fils) rfhwrk, 1 110 huit raitit lloh vc. g dilbfi.f,-<ui< fl>l'-<1tulo eat ih. fret o> iIiIy. frueiitl te folu î t r uaiig0 utese < l0Kî0. cOf ubig i om"e11, filbrcese, e- 110' â voheis fIlel eV0, li.1cesa taaw18 te alattusul<e saof fi-ile. ineffec. ifKîil uwrd t eWB'S o bs tla tetat 1 nrrfIYli~l1<<î~~ u ;,riI110 pl<i bCat, hoeblaseif >188 i m ore iret(bienlit Wu$ W> nnu îî<îî<I odhi. 11-doer trictly, gauyîna n g WOIS>e d«",8 t he 1. tte tho iwofPýiýlmsa Ilodfinii<" bre cht lP ollpîsa ient b 0bui lePruved and4oit hbu, th.i 1-9f nitpdliclm i f liit lenth«~ 01 1 e es outon01and it lh' <i<i1 te inga anittoi bear Il OPel' thlii lialu<h<k~i'jS!~~'Ibo~ ~<0 ~ i~.~uî~t~was uioed pou the1<hier 10 ilest restililS' tdli"i oiiy cn<ty ri I iî" th" xi I ltt prsonailibertr, and d 1> I.1Pgo1 1t u te pupulaealh e 11<101 nistinof<iiii w ~ 0<uîu>n 08 ,de e l SPlw , îsCChiewu# au de, d meitrsbihQue aselie, muipploiîleSC the i<ii'ui IscY < î î~ u'pIinlai aubllIs bsi<0it, stbe Vetou. aîr i t ".ii,Il t 1 Il.îr tsCuieanithe1<Prince Cunsrt thou01t c<0irta bit fgi oce gd ate Il «i" ta 0ai'îeplace bi, but wie' h .e vl n nts fi note î il wh'< l i, Yun lnîý ouliaitirritatliS, aBd baLaeit und it lei pounbis bhier b>'ho t94 ,et- wlhb j'> roes (rtaiuiy soe i 10 hlun os' w.oaa eainiaîuil unit piaied olhinfil, 111 ai niî uido<'~ <>ilulcus~Incfeesrily 001<01. sa elers en fligy 1uthe <IoesOi no 9).lie-,X loa<«< o'îin'f< ie' Pressent0 Cbr to te SIh aonerofontWu e1No fqrtmîl < ' ou fîi i t ý i î , c , un t in b b t iO O i i 1 01 f g re i t u si u l i r a v ,c anîiccac .<ii'yrc<«< i .. iwîiu enî a i l-fiueniand d itessei i . ibout Suintais-nI luit 'hiuarc 1,11 i'l u..i eiclulcha11<0l t icitectiteit t, oiecio-uleii1 uit and hlburincd hain cor5li <Cinlo ui ',n "l .-Iiui> lCei )nta y o r poaruntbn h o i. cefflni the<a D bal II'e ri w ic te ot Kubcti udise 1 <P o it he po gry -,, Itc il niy, '81 cati! ruIir'or 1i'. th'e * lo~unteKiintu rl buriheboity bcd rclvi oe*ru Lni m.'.ocutif -V cuI-I.Mc. «ty-ýmiifo' llr conlitslet me - uil, "'. "m .rI-ýî te 1 iu1thiei <<1<<0<Ihe O honaî i'ini'lil' r'ui lii r u0iornb i oC.?or t oc ucro ntc llepc- i tbu i aI t ail~e what h overt <gnt Cormw dl M .il r'.' ii <<0<' cul ocii oteBaii i bd ohi 'rth. Aller a the -i-Iiliir1 I.»,"I I c.ii B11 Irîrnil.. i e lb> yrci>ii Pneu bIC 11<0<0 etilgie W iil lni iOilf' i l tiîiflti' u %oe$ar n io lnîby î celoet0Ia wnum l .I,'l'n' ig. 1<cinghll b <0 en'itone 1ta 1(ore o l> ia e rand o<ta Put theo ill i . tgalber thon ur aglsnfui 0ylIol Il noo'iii intii,. l: fa, biiuibnn l,. %virmi <li~1efoerte <0 clit CPI 'titanli ldîilp<hî ytiul>l' . cîucirin pubieiforhu l ,u î n i i io h i i i li I i. iî ti . ;uy o r n ed u dc " ln pr oî <1 c c l lut ii S eo.ll5 i re< ib asî iboliMoieilaandiu'itio&'uui tîn ln munitl, aVof .ts-h ici'i airi ii ccii iihave ays an i>Ilitii au infrin.opnil b>ycoufteM ie>aOln J).tel.t aMnCb elmifile prince basetwit lae110 ah ;.Ijj le t4ýIthirMaeste"woldcelatlybae hndLilay VibaO uCiistair]bt ue Beli ii M ~ l c io t e lOI 11<0 t'<b ie>-lis 190 - So e oi n o gn is c r i if herelau0 <li><iliýI IîfI.iiii". Io A broI ri e asyeffigie n>s ciblit 03 iu tt, lu vlit oi hi. I. rli il , l''l' pmaiwidlg tarbu IO e i lii hi. Iinsi,t ilili) "ii" il.bi1un c -rlcc iiii dmil oy. Th Quoe "ehIoteArnai e l- fru'nl fi.dcit<ling." "cb ber lîinuiiroas picluiou 1hav0 lI i l îrcucCi <ClO i ii> ai îthlaïs. d- ie ,ýi ola ii .80îa îiv . u bl tggmi g tin» t<iiiiiiil li - « i' , - delaaauientilesKhoit hwn aiii'i liiitii'îî <ii'in ueteabi, ui-o iiand, 5n ailier uCitatolls- c' W.ii-il»I»I.,«ýt"mb i . ui dii"n 10 Ic n ii th ceuio sa l£e i t0,11 0<1 b boledoit b . ro i T l 11I11 -aies fo th> ou e es ichr ndvr ige er11<0 ui' Piscio>iii i al ihe..clu."ai ie- slo asO l gis 000 lit 1<aOv0><01<01djrix- n '---- 'd'o. Iubteilly, u0ui00 iiadiliu bli< i t bs iCO elle ilteit aipou beiCg rrabycitnC' Mflcîci M0ilse, boytuf ;ci < 1r butl I lell l ii al 1<lie ier. unit ilalînne tei i'lîîi'i i lulii lîi"i.1 ii i ha<l ln iiclcniioiler<ctc ndy g>i sstC ur c rn al 'asYu Boa ler gici1 frhe sri I iaTýII j l~i'. thaoJutaiig ýlol ui o ra-int101 1P sîiChatelier. 'her SayrfCht M Inrhi Revient I îî'îî 1, 0,wa utbyfletutors lnie«< mOnl b>th <,cnts Of ieb r trirbe oneler a tr tîi i.lm f l îfIl 1 donc dcuil, rai "'"'<ne 0"' 1r1wdd iii aluinli th- ii ll' 0 10f<1<1<1 Au n nicho o! 10<1. hcntb <b> cv auoam1 o f aituÎlSortis.o 10<1 ic lii C i il au-h 'tnnleni l t e n i d ne unit e l'ol <0 iliîii<i'- ii"il <I 1i-nun l <ii 1< t,<<4iei l iiinioo - s ierîcaidelnda iîî'î ' mrs-iîs <niii.iilii'ii I îv i f*l~ ' 1<l<«< c ri ilaicnditlY 0 h'lfel -a* il 81<c i ti ~ < ~ 1 « iit "1 ii> < li acînlui aleeI I lO i 1ic" vll d l IIiiiiiii,-i'III,<i" Kiîîc '<î'a ii in torultheîPncue iihcie h uillin ownad il leh- tilîulm, lu ikii, <<<<u' h ,.i ii ilIma,& ilai-clca'iller< anîc 1> o u1unlijuilg hisseasil01<pair t h-y avi . l. Ih IIbIsa aYucinc neili a fif 1 cc îf I fi tio-ri. i. Ili'i Aliî'.I 1I111- '.lo iendoa igh eo bak c d . Hitae w u a b i Witt, 'a-I loi <ut, alic niîic0emnlhy cy iSiinica gltasIf ho rtuit e fii'ltteu ai - ildam uh beiiîilli@ ~ <<dcuih ucilng, e vs i tenl Munst at N ',ih" 'n ii li 1 -k <ii'i -.lîl , 00 ;~ < '~ îî,.îi th p ll il l c lcbo u O t urtfito u laii as arhtcb tirerlsiii"liIl', ii-l-l Ma iiI, e I lu O hie i I onluilcic îhoIt, m des h I uiîîiini d'i IIIi I : >d< I l n 0 , b< c i nnhci <hoe0cr> ui t i> cii'>iictiOC cf --won'e tiii ui aile u«e ehi ssu 0 i<~ Qcn a tn ds elbIc f 1 efa n iro rer W noiho i ii i ' ,l K iit t r i hlc ii In gopart hin t h l i h ni tceavio1r0isa a Y t e b teifln cuiiaMl." lii 1 '"0 <-,,l l'de1< iv ci obee $lieu on l ico"orieuge, O CI' 'y liioi ' Claci . . , i ' < li ih hyc t 1- bi ,1 no ý~itI h. m dc toIa n Anne 10 c f rls la dy u»uren , i. ,ulg a h i ibAC ad rpient Ctadonircaial featcits <»T - ,n 1Iiil.o hic ciie ilei lii Slv e dIi u Ii.cîti'< i. <i ii <i' <iig. on i ii"' '«i dilof h o ili <' ' tc llnsdubcilunchCuhum in t iei" hou ýle baie li bnelarailhl oclr00f Good armin, 1i09100Te laheit îc itcnea Ioiefuî ......thîr i<i«î<<c i'd r.di i iini>i a Iinfl uI l torige'00notr, T h .-n i liilf 'il 1 ",u pp.,e 1 r o l v'D i a h a I l il c o e îînîn il t I lî' î p ap i î c î ii î l ii < - I i l iii n l, » d lnou c iiliii i n t e pe i m e t i nb e wh t he p-vi.. ff Ii . 1.e< ilmi",lgl-<<I' T iii '.Il, iiîill'Ol c aled i rot 119eir ta l aphere ottli ' end m'ipill II-Ei iutii'ai"ic icI.ctcft atni be aing ele or voliag..'if f. drlithe 01<0 pcbbl bOth oIta nsp- bi ni,ii« i'lil f <- i.i.liit-Ciliu lûdo1 fer ber 'i iii<îî 'i fi thi< Ii stt p c li" < h. 11<0 I l nio o a Iulil u mehIC wdon> beIl fuirai, ILI II IInuiiit WrovlllAiC rn i rya r e aI> hufoi sIniotraiii iii hy' 1h liriiiii-i'IuI lndh. c "Bîe due jlt ier tilT <and 1positorld ,if ýIx MIIIIIIIti-I'lleb lo l bibii n the o >y thinlipapesiiillîlI"- ,i . 1iIl ai A I'v',iIIIieI' h ulia oIiit. cv>0 I lir appOOutlSO t <'it i i il '0 1,1hcu.,',sil.fiilbIlOrnu honniti- hI 1 I, - :"'h h iic Ii iu<'«< anioert puflirîurit te iwi g lil M ii "'<' î' <i- lî< b. Ibm CrylZ ulmnee mai itil ,tm a i , I ,i 'v , iiill 1 4 h i'iihfi n it " 'l h uk n g ma n d , t e i t o n s i e a e d a i ol .i iv o r, i l - j 'Liltiin pcf y b uYstes, Wibo i a t. i ba ryi an, 111 i -I»' Iý n il "' i Iiiiiii i h i _ f '0 11 l i. .al v f ' l Ort l ie huo ro ve r 10 *1111 Pe b a moi iai'aIit <0< tobhcwf BIeleIbis bin andîl et, o'tilndOii'il iih i l ij", ' î< <îo Iî' li l I',a.h <Will~li i m ar tsar rtrbtoi t hpes mc e , a ,il IL 1, il1,i11 "Iili'r'îttdIb itryai poolainIud y pa1< 41 tuiir fo li vi>a Iîî. !; I iîîîuul i f b-ha e cl co ist a ! ei l or oi nc un erm l înoncl ii,0 i l ~1 ii<'lliîcebut Cin tle ieat ui .1<0rpet io Tidf ift i'u iiîi<. u ii iliii' ii i i "01 p -Ille itî u lhie t rov0e tbol100bi f uet pjfsI.vý iIli'ghitiIIIlvi»alnit cectit t biovi en sctirn b l II f ' ,î uI p i ffl -. eleeis pa tn i u> se itiit et he Mar i ~ <~ <~ ta li o' '1 u îi' ii" ii' villut int il il , t'i i iî m oeg i roir t e c ul im N e bite' noyer11< T i5 ,< i iliîI,,t i1 w - a"ni0il if b iilto.iiwehiiliîiu< < petitsltîl Bainsli it onls 1 < e0ruIn r f artât,îîliîu iiliiilotdil i al li t. e s o l i 1c b a c i' y lW lic d s p no, molle fer.,iin filIi-rl<y ok orte-bavunet cuioaituOli 10 mm<cl. ai, I.. ..11 ih lit n ori<<~i« «< <i tf htai sit L r lic Illj k»p Lld li'i hl 0111uiiili-ve' aIl aI bore, bu the r 10 e cii i-i<ct'4uwci 1 h,1 'I0l uIIlaao.ta....itg0 lb> t'iii'îIil'iliii % ilii'iOiilii h niînot yi l;il$i f ileotledofC e 1 etap ThIho inicx-i' tcih ore iiviilLi0iniiilt lu . l axu o unt Lodnhe rse, soe as Thpeipl> ipp il tillî lcli'upudluti iuu ulate aiiî ' t 5 oetbu ocr e bDot gsf1 p, and effigies, lul faites. Th all , at ie1« c o t il an bi ire sufi 1,orunI ha 1<ham w u a I d he cc <111ornnl ltclihl~.h < nvuaicîthln uî« te>'.:.of cnd . reit therwa-lof. de a ltlett w ul ho, Ch> sbtflituit >oti IIICIc ten ruam r<c ohairont.s ho onand 11 1 ihelor,> tItho P flil <c'il , he1lie i-&-on ohif> 11<0 shil tigen duhoccgb. h pct lo o as ntte bold e T ?o> he o th~îi n. s l. o'ului."frhb>' in) a!rnui>'tu Cusa til îier, n o wlItuthe pahg< Re i Io >crh sth. i< Itulu Iiîhî cn n nith 01u0i. puf ins o11ICS e>11 of 01 Bimilt." II A inionînI eoOauaoul1011' t dars.tbeab0d lu hrun ,Ltnare o ad i grllue hy ti l < ai toO aoPlh kcei ui etli pethe tuiler p ue sîli conent»*h n . hîcll ur'mn t1<ciry vînil 10 DyA1 ME-H AD soit smite yfo 1 ,a(d-Te otTilIrmnfit, il u hl, il l ii aÀ leasaog n Co lgin 1 t uut 1<101 iîsh li thae. ntoalbr Amoia l Ii 1751 leofrual iv.a n M o t o . bm ifhatbd "11<m itl 0 rdiu olbolfe lu t is ul c i rit. V abli M,1 ap en dIo' i en e t tIno'liiiMin~ The uuarn labarO seelChu punolitrebey ataIl lb>' aien>" o 81<n it olil yoî N'o Ta if. Col1 l 110 a ge liait bspIl c 10 sf>" Teut' ua uin charer oftheelb 111, end1 'r lem- tor isaEuisOoi .I about S60ce»" culiiiCiO y aol>om ohms se se beau taon Me hos o>~ tbemuuC81Ouî1<~5hî 11<5 Walbed s> une îlreeC~î~~o>~1 ~ llandertd f lySE 819110 li81 boun caBeitl1110 121 isairele j eruuitîc puma botseenai~~ bu"'1< 0701.1>1 blobc sirt muanvuas p AT vAIR iCS1 IA I$ F C O G VA »R I4N T te L , M ILetgO n , T - Wtt have 'ooed Our great sale andb up'to.daeilll Wmef'8and Childr h vi rp e l g h I -sta t on;' rifle 7 aln S l o 'Ti> e l rs a i F oUL D Ua lblIi v i lvsareon tucpo>1 . 1 0 o>se= te*0.1E Y? B ra aî i tsb " is a - Oia r shin D T erfultamaris8 g[ I l..IDI1lII HE ALIeRT SOE for' men jin aillIea he huliblrocîsc0esat croa ___frmend w t ti able , A Encadl'rutPh RI,_____ HO 'aile 'il. ha. .1h.dlbeltim mmetlately oehi Monsrao ave o l*1 psi81 hi o '< c hloCuofotrm-POlar 1owledg>e et n< enhoin ana flntshwsOthailb a u Tripablequat cnil0husgcne Ae il; aabesaiund UIL A s1118 =11 imrien hoIlZe asuc mao> aieAos0e fb'n Ar.nt 'rphulVICTrORIA f4IOE for wo~li l Ilj o rtu ei n in a, b' appuit ban", a. 1 bt, ar 'lC -il<na>hinsb 90btCeN, WAERROOF S1IOEýS for men- '1<1en lb fotcause oisiJo tiu. hÀ1<coo 0 i anir('polarn llfaortnt.put Jd «Dne, bpi n a zd o i is i ouae te are YCPan ,iBraiPt WORICINGMEN'S Si]ORS at ail priceî the aentry' ' c hic=Is'1<1ltirtrouble, No htdaatict turniiia'Of the r= Ch>' o 1ar hIes bulgu Ibe sliht foIlibrtyuiat ie g ar10 Netoo bat thealu fuo ns - 5>Vlts'lee atul u. au~s . -alseo - aOn a pfo<' Ilrtl 1, hEnglubmcu CrnILREN'S SHOFvha argCalf dinme nbnlc. "Idysîr.el'e e'Vliii w,,, w c'nsothta loruh Polo ouua pcialtY. ,as aadtu s ai Uh 1ne ivta. a quivnO lute the ver' uaia 1 z I o' uiBu1luliai8 u luei . ht 'cliid i non1, y nd 0shuan as 1cits @cobipueyîs.pbtIt leUsturel hanic. bfOgh 1<0 guart' îSC>, uitCh. aitns.g, o oi,a'nlfit Rahinyu"àIt aron mit usb ýtuoag h a it 5 tg boli DonC mateeAl!l:nzoroa.Slig' raca1inrthaiutahoIalbauu aBl uetXhilWc, 1. Anîî'Ib da s wnpiem>'eIl'lon s nu 01f AS t. lf um ton 1 I uaazie'i'<0 Of eyae a iu eb hl iu osl go kdt tuueiîf'slo d i 1>10 bu n0W o =rlunudisesers'<au t llnd 6ailld au ociC tlet <nîrno 1tenk coIl SIai îoittrl'uean bsusion, she twi'out» uroOs unitfer ennlr cg1On<'<for nS.îi l au eig t e nfl triinIl2 tr<itl li ag lth e ntry uing 11.t0 urcs; bis udtacciet s' i l et ha l a nd use i O l. "-d o.Ilh udcivoch 100> len..i. e ibut85>'luPu1<lad ni iy <ho bleitan boe 1<ipiitt. ,aut tbrcuht he1<0guibo >'. Osoo-.e"" ou gel num.etrivialu ita-tîenOiit hie> un erorl ia modIateli' e Rt Br. Vlh .- îttatth ffO -o'pocae , F P lubis 1>' C f isny n h o au lC e or. uichh n.ho oai arlcoc'd on u i re te uo> o s nue m O. C Has i ic luit h o rîl.It >' poui1gC alia nd See lI- lt Wli ttpa s iciaonsasC I... asa n r rhve o clI.1 1-armony uny prt sCaofa oa 1l ouet!h. f uil , N.sans'"I1 haut u f 10,0 nt hi>îgt i.uîub aucicit th basa Chre. Iato, n 'to etOaae.a S a oua beeC ociterid Piuer Klug, wamnei wt. '1h 1bis bai'oet ai 11<e lugrusl g a g S1 - tsl h e a niodZV i n Y uOll g f m t e l f The0 bel111 ni hn c a ni . S al otiaos l> pal s a nsuibs Petolalnly tedfiant, t Ilted"'et" OIO11 , an de n Ofnug he bripung Paty ea le ate a ft h e 1 > u cu l flC> a "- -P ut o dtic h5 1 t fo ir it ud pi o lc A l ia dn aI th o u io p ilSoreI lE h lSoRb u u a i W u i n e u s.<8 ' h a it s t i n 1 . I o n vs d > t a1 0 C I ' ma - r e q i m i i u e t- I t %vu u a s o00 1 u I n C o d iw . lio n m b is cu s h otW dn a ti e ' s0 e nte r , B uL u n it b o u a d U i ll ho ira e10> o h s a c 1<0100>11 a in e yrs u n it W b iIn ei"u ,Lle les i a ith oirhnt$, l l oatis es it w<0 otacpulmentIniiiCu. 11<08 le a nmaien i hubcd urucb Oaetes Ïd10 a nt nud thIl sa aub ho .tiensthepuMin ae e d00'________________Pull_______ of b s rf e u dit r ult la tuaat Il> aIrnOthe LOuni tcap>Oute cup tie - - - ' ' "- aal tlt n a 0II ath vt h o n wn ll l i' p e i t Ch . u th e r w ith amn d 1 h a v e tic mh io rm Ch > le 'tlo > he to i1< u tia bis h o ef. '<bu glinrita 0,000 iscO1<' W e sl as ' eho p Z Ra Tb n c r ho a . 'hic oano unf a i n ic y l b d oroit truaaod mith ohio rofufu< t< d ' suitd, 1 s ubo st ug l ' r i m iend Im n dCi it en u o a onderî1<ouheuî>1u .îistercd obblthei' nluPLPapota er>rY housef " evaninallbrholici on oard. Be boy W ouIGnI u be as tfnt on te * i b C ne deubt Su a1 W < ZaaiBIL je Inat 1h. 11<1110. ce. 1 . the hol , t utn n g 1cr a 100 iayn.s .1 fh le e t 1 1 t h11<0 M ag aci ne ' h Iaue ' P a e la lis e c O nPl' an d 081 et loug t h ein v td l t unit ~ ~ th l1h ueu eiic ae 'ila 1h 1fO.u-,u st. I usI' sfe ae 100 provIios huit teitente oet0~~u pl 1)Iie15Inenio 0i py 8 cur bl te' Most1e', aI > e10 sk'ia. ItLu S bien plaîcit. ee lve in s the Oic1 U1i er? ,Ilo.lyb e t da frg babl oresChoesmcze ,V cdsulcefe. At NYon.,Vio'hOlf SIe 11 i Ou at . i thiil 1< oeabioli uCOIt sures, 1abafeases, 1blond polomunI11 mde. bs1fat0 î u g~lngle for liber'tyunit aia nditir t teUUCUPIUJ i corad aiumîsil Skad abî net .....îcî uc ntîl lIneo pund$ Of alicu hl ltedfiutyI neig «e a evrt ret c Oin barOcblorotoOsi hait heeu placetta bie bg Bauuliib> lîalicI aule oet r poui Ta rg a BkC To cge heltrwo un sis- .amrrsuietnOiesni, 11fr0lf151 trals i n'oflcic '<b ihlotos t'hg enU'teh ~ ~mureon rgeuCIî o d ubt lIna tioe n ru toiup onlîce pt cf pre . I lr I m l> a<p I t 1> p O e I r IC j ,y o u i ite t te t ou taij re y , C h n > <nelic n . th e b o u f c o o lu c a c n d p o tO u ' ,'t_ _ ola ndsm its si'0sm o cf t l of IL e s hue. Ilin g ie> ' h Irn ni t ui g a in el thc b a r s BrCiih rt11o t> Ch.ebFrenchb 851 itOs. WBtoeoltW 5 usithetuaides of Chue<lage uli 11<0finie. r lit eSntlacame aBoix pîouasMauA large croo it sebcdaoilh i t ho hait eareed a penn s t0' av Itr m h e ibu nsulo on fuoIbcoi utud nh 's id a t h e '< legfph ce re &- y e n n l r y i x t i to e l r m b Z O o i > c n h l omuan d nitis< armieo, uraa or' ' er bilh~i 0tg<0gari Psfor<O pondt.,filnY 10e tcî"t A ei n efor te ur dfr sI e on @lotI to b m ene> th e chant b out sac'-(.N n b1 laP 00 itif 00 cc ge t dfl getlng 'bis paw 11<10101< the il atlrtr>Pped thut a T'<OCi<0 PY bucc f thecage. andIt n a 100 minutes ilW"inth 1ei hep ou O nitig' cla 'sulit noobabir hnve troot himself, l p la n s , n a t hc c t î r T aI n a A ru oio il n e n c u eit f o r t o -li 1 < els t u e un e 1 1 0 0 1 i i gi'< g ce t a g e r p lu n ku a n d n u l n i 'Iiýe Z o o b e e p u o s < ~e elwÎ e nit Soonas narCled Y0 fl m tciu1<t 11<bflu oIl<huhm nof ud ostab. . unitalla au n sl th e tellu om t c a , lt sl i n luthe cdjanmt tract. iItpelIPybiitud h n c laC> o f paGals5 cauCloulli' rouît ho sudeul il1îKigrA h ibsorvo i l f iguf9t a balprbi 00 bslj> Ien IlttCi ie 110 oo ldoite' In, <bgb usn1thebicgh Ou tesCr0. bhll-l ' i tele W irédi , hv, . C> . 16<11 1 bu e na ueuastact ais i u it m b 110do 51y1he Ielle, 0t er2y-r. 1 a rso utait,11<0 hoari iuasse 1bond, I T heti tTo tirsWIu Wit toit s Y"i aderI.upra eriZ.'th hs ai ongu rliai; culi11e a 1<e th> U$teB-d o i s 1<I t ; Ou olll ue lvr aal . ',S l , ou Selo d th en îb is. fie dite i'51 110 t e10 fcti ce genlan i t.dd c c l. u n d b is 1b1 g am boner oe z bI< i c , tly iioetri bis tatne t is11 comteBrtBCf _Agng .Vln@o raiabaeonlu er0oof. LI ta b le p e o c i c l f n i b t b cT h e o t B o k - io ide s w5 b > tT h e o o o p u r s wlî tli' h a în i e re t of thrcughl t li c . alte f 1h. eethuetieur vr t<0heoc"%it wlbait10on Do ig enreg ech0 ,whmdrilev b iso. uT, n n asecond haluit o>u mon. à Et;- two boers'u uah cf oohun t Wturn <5~0<h burds unit humuern. 00e ou O Ts , m hu g ui iin l ng1 aitedsgre the <0roouI. l*8te1clse>theobieu 'hi ' ry a lo t. ,u ita n d u = î n le a l ic a l le - I o n u t h o nie e , u % f oe d tt c k m o u r< 'maro, nhs u o mclall imh>' fîgamie er Sh ur uent ne croeupnd0 heiam10 ul rc n thin e it aP otsTfainîT telloattChe rouf. 111o r A cu n , tiomp ant '< ro-1-----e he Zoo curasor, shbe 1<e est' tctitct 1ta<isiodtg h.1< captive. HNehon 57'hor, su0 puI t 0 o tuc trou " reopoîteit ua hir taulItal hc414 .18580 57.b igrs, oîaofi'ce lng 1< o c oit b ec nu t b u t t e a n i c . A p i a i s , a C o nc l G L U 'bcIb , 1 < 8 r a a u T e :deu n p l r It h . c o w i cllm tied a lolL a n t d l g a u, s o l < p * I d sh dac ai' 011 blu m O ir ' o . H eu O abielîh fffi atod oooodrugol s taauoread BT o, 13 I' cdivel , Ch. 5pT haitds f et'o us fI' l tvrtateu. l n shlI B U T C H EN foIn. Mu Satuose i nt 1 otb tour [inaofIo to nurats h l<isîeiDealet n ouD 't h u a nit tueceit Il 1> 514 t part iti" 'A ~! .....I Co tha ae , e b e 100o f o1<101 0u S coli- RI TES Fresh and Sait Meato, Frosh n505 0108017 tuttîê it icbaltias andt 'o A l'o> liols 1h. ligne ta plaie lpuIorder Fish, Poultry, Saueagesi 81110félino ;çunlai puliciaoioenl l the ele fruet, sait:more Illougiteidpoliceman C1<>' for irait anit orlmfatetl trocs. WsEtc. In th. Test, Th. Ub eapeorote, on Cil' bave tl .8005sOOlino sDi 507 *0stoc -e r o Io Can ata. Ou r Appl e,. la , tu1h. top ou tCh. p aileu hlllou unit l s , ' Ju tget w e bag of a d e .P lu i e C h e r ryo n it P a a ib tr ic n a re 11 . M u n t f r T hbîe s 1 < l a Z p u l l T o p ) teh . t u g m s C uo r n e 0ta h . e U steHretRalpterfv ad Blacbk - eetiue eaohtf tc~ E ZZ L O 'K W fîuîîat ia rOr < b eaiÙ 1@d s l r n orB 'iC oho Cime Oeverl m1 ' t.,iJ h e r .sare «1 oseY akertsor l 81O K P kisu u l s isb0O te-er a Où Taai81I M ore niCus llifaet 1<0 1s insad i tI r zl " ta u i bel , Cbe wb o l 5 flsit rs.ud 01301t h. lergcst frait. ortbalf0%~.v $~ éeiltasý11a5 . bigt1c fnl.-- broscameCnaa udabaca, ilP0 isee>>5 F c _____or fid lnfs lou tcybavee ifln ais.lsIL ema" tbolî oudstu<'ýXila durrur çaf8lcgjl luit ge ni a's titciyen a 85P5C( E ofnpif A Model MI o.nda MutYlr. 1anecua 10 aolish 11<0 omlt 1I~ Si \'ÙLI ME tuhe aC- school wny redit ). -<"I -'c-i -'I iii hi 'il 1< fil iii hi - 'n P I ' ' -- 1<' j) il fi \ ~ hI4jjSHij I i.. Prîv< O I Clubb 4t nt ptone