1 ler, Bizé 9 soJie manï $î rtrs NI TOXI, ~ rOU NDR PLOW SHARES Y REPAIRS :1l thp * HI\E SHOP tMWail r[ ' ,Winter tht at'- 1 -ýciol STO( REOP VOLUME 51. l>ei'pt oiîy do erhap'ilavem-rt FiucOti it 11 Wlro' dmO5 110 «f bac tt Jou~tb1 5,os wm fza.& 1Clll; hnjdcigwthaIme t ,W attlstd bint Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P 01105 t'aîîrusbve505IW5lieplet. BIt tthIe Ta, igt o"M wih or itbo tate1-1tl8 t roase 1 WUwtb s sa tra0O tb lat thtý a Msd Sm 1ottrbV.Md 50o<Olten10111~?Dose. "rtt osras5ltso wmraIs 10 a Wil ase1tle o aYitaltpros sud dse iu..y, kd APl. %rd lir sd 2±e ctoef. ,tW train. 40: Jol, M Y slV 5fifirt lober. "Nt aaltou Pro&ttt0' 'Wod bar dloIVC'lalle Watt grla. by s latfr Il idr W I. DICK, Milon, "ver i pral, a gcat gattt. prsatti the9 Clonl ol lta Paco. OIS are a P a ointa taltOUtTh"ie Job of t - ~ '-" shWa entte Udfcý111" ht 1OlttCm.Oill m15Utes, te menrrt. 'It-%l Cto.dt d 515055105551 a vi eaubeeoste rayaiIf Il sutcttdo DerrICk.L M jaz«OD enula 0note inOlaruassise thet 5asstlet of "TohnteaI 1sa.ftIsmistelleDotsler. tbe , tbu aou tato ibWads 2MdP, CHAPTEIR VLIL te ingt t op, o 511011 passoSOeron theH1 Iighland -1 saoule ~attles~sl550155 spettutetil Il.Mh ras Il axps. sitt tb afhelvery sasol stslf rosmauties te the Nortit, bavîlt IttThitis hIati gt oC, W.,5.M, el4,ldir tlllfoO. Carlse sud rearoti s t S th elay treatho vt . Offiffl il M, su 1 M nal, traveroed the lît itt ige witi ýT he gus ta hitob Al :M kth, ordelt, a .~ or~ te the rosr W yol let t ad t Web ltt O aia 11wîtt o of «Y omth s ita W 101, ongt15 asd ti ith, endi lent they zAcz coussfik i Il.W. . Vau . W ei v~wil i n- T' lhe grî 5sl, 0, lgVtAlo. S-"o, teitifer thettrfansoV0inO 000 Olg ll.t.lIi15 tba IrIseiOI d frained 1M Os~5A~5t5ltthîlil laIt -- stt00te ti Il was lr vsileotiC -l~~~~ln and mbliY i ibss lV hIZY& Oh. T olo h0 IS-1 dye ot n ca Ill o lIiîtt bel Ud v du le *klltWlaonkt ita'to dl.'asi t1litrdh01 l'e thiht - envyor 01 , l t,.l 8 "hIe ,ma"*tiavh dth lle aibate tîst0i, Iti la. u eral, agtri,' av bc fol. d 0elea st l d, on hoiea tt ilay ,,gr-.h I ut e "wg )a trtot" dit a k Ijà bae tId oAn hla t'. ban îr;O dtî th'ti g" ne t ig U lthito i "nisInil- 'orma tt io it vIYOl 1L 0101w tt 'fo elh'i./ D'i -rl i uumet e oi t l jdIa 0 shaced tetît te tt iîî e d W ltaOt P it re te steor kIow l u& tat atthe tailla tel i- slrcallY ota tat rondthIe tIsacanterbgstnn h ad itA l, gVCeeCIdlte OtIrsar, th tue top et beensi to eaooftheWeta.n and epd tisa" Id, "htti1a ' art toi LU9, An tI tn1wh bantileuIt 0.d off ura oldCV5.t' bannsan mt'l rail, hii piusbedi ht ty,,AI ,gro nîafi ttY. lit ares. uC Derrck que0tt<l 1 m ieV n&tatlitan hl1 fotCVCtCC tata atasel . e . h- d tiIs irai, "Whot udbat" ht lndit?"ttV re' aalaohtdo t.lertte.alh lttfitt5s CidinChampion'e -AIS ~ . bit LCON, ONT, OtaIé 0r016700 ClOS Otti-U ~, o'a'tti'~ h ts0sIlI ale rt a s àCOt S '. etu a5l18,C 50tit,îfi01tît.î~ COIAU IA'isOlC CIUlCll Ar, ..tvtal- tesit' ad ml~'Ott~fsu5a Ai - atari Wal'AN ONdo ',.ti atI0tlCtl 'V ANADIAN IPACll'lC RAILWA ' t ei tetîtl 018.51. botl PM,8,25 tel a tlntsIteU Wolsa . ra55 nî i 7,0l WILLt ht I.1)1111 oILAtl) ,l AILWAY lie ha J . Pte -.W iî.î, H W ALL v E.F. Boy), - PAPERS h TT, Hiiniats, LD.B., ew1yforYOrqrPtlflo'r' Tri" =oý1 1.,jilKbPHARENI GSo., tr sIIy' MARSHIALL E. IWILAMiJ Jta ID Basr al. sl Private tinf4¶s t a ' tIlt arPO ngm a i ii 't5p meot. laterrt papabWtýY"y~ yeasily' IIEAIiIi. issOo, 13 mIle 'l Lafot lI 'i 1, 'ai ER~u g