i. ..1 .M, MAKENZIE lsruiggut, i)1tii'iafland itaticusr. Red Crois rug Stase. î't.EMEFNTS & CO. s Ilur.iss.'ru, Stases, ire Feuciug, l'aitt. Oir, Glaur, ste. 1' i.Si-ONS Ordereil uard iteauymade C!tiug antiGetsl' Faruistiuga. E. E. YAT'Eý AUhîkînsa ohcotflice, Rutters uhica Reparisg. A, L. CIIAMIBER-S Baker, t.rocr anid Cosiectianer. Voicu»âgissîusonubrnan aud'ot5't. F. E ALIOWuIY Al tindsifsut rcot and Sat Mle,, Poultry, Fish, etc. Dry (icces, ('ittiug, (iruasriee, Vota, gtsee senlDry (;"Mmaosîtp . MARCHAND Watecheu;, Coceks, Jewlry, &c. Repairlue a specualîy. MISS ELLIOTT }teadqaaricrc for Miiiurry. Oser Iaiuron, Stare. T, D.HU.ME Flaur, Fred sud Seeds. Wheetlala, Rolied Oales l&e. E.,.J, WIL.SON Grceeriea, Provisious, and Coufeticuery. WM. ANDERSON Touacrial AtisL. Choica Cigarsacnd Tobuceoo. wlfttidomo tlnjuce&t'es0 i,1 ntha.gion tsepl1oncoltegc od lemwes chb.ebowielwtdo youcrsth O lose atke ufoitéI o sil lis . wbuoelt. e , bmu. ? as.A. D. SAVAGIE lisr f o urw 4.1tt OZ10 £ o orit&opusn Ibo1%2 allotstheP OM m d. Cbate PitmUte. UELPH. ONT* coeflthghwap le'10 te agrieltuece *1re arc mure thus tee millon S. S. Ne. , Eueoslug4 ?îlui cf coae e flit 480,000,000n- W Jr. 4 Pt. A-Alburt Barwell, Aloi, .00 0 peu yr Leuston 10iCT Pryde.Cocra Sgrlnceien. ta cource th e.rosit suretes ubasauepor. Sprlegsteen, Isabel Mclollsn, Ftt nlaelp intperoedle n ga W . l i i jdhittlil.marvitsntillou. Wtllo Htm. buoest5inateil cprvtvety Iht A Ilion,. LUlIlanMill. emoderao teprovemntoltettit woild 1P.BK gePryde. lfsue port aitunebcof ceeo o u arldt Rohol.ttt, Maitel ardllont e sPe.or.loOtai ndliofttitrandaiil75 su, Helen JOYcee.Jeunette Pollocelisls bof wbcitet eolai 55, teaiti Jeunuette = Yieard. Aberttifed-on. outeetaasavlsg f 5toaoo ocoCet Ol Sr.1l-HarMac,.Jon eirell. itaaeg tese te o ropu aoigeew Myrtle Mcclilae. nmarket," Mt. I-Gieorge EllitTitmeejoys, Tbeenormo»eoneclenme t cientai abic] Puddle. Gordoe Robertson. leo taIldedsoeliter bir rîgneortfinal dlass l-ttuatriao 'rransnt. Mary dintiolnon thte farte or inte vcillage SPtmslneeuu.Gladys Baltfertitt.Wlfrd mentliettaeuportad covrcthecdiri esagi Appleyard. Berthta Rulil. ityrilo Hons. and pay tot taulita obtrctons chial tan, Albtet Pesldie, Ciarles Joyue, Violet thoy cicr ga traffle. Te average loue- Hamilton, Sidney Huilgos. Arablo Pol. try hlgirosd males country Il 0mitot lok, Aunie Prydu. boin' aend loosaprofitailtotn le elould Cos#unlîl-Otîpa .Joyce, John Elîot, ho; casece lm, u, aece abas. wueîu Alexander Scott, Rochtet Joce, Ruobet mun ainstesnIlle. It bai tomoteite Rabb. Hautl Applapard. te farm enaitrcter, promt«th-it Clau IV-Alic obblili, Lula Trantent, drft of pepulaionen sepiard and di, Joa ie MGitc.AneonEllît. Intetur %î fertetr te blanenOaotomplay' G. C. Dolmen, Touacher menu. 11h.ec ubeluepoe winîchtil _________ là cptot te accuse pubicso test t-duY «.re..it. t e lo riiratai and te' Falling H air vrov mnt owaecays, wireeait tbt1 dosired tn entiter directoneaccta- Mrs. jas Haseis,. oWappella. Saab, pliaited. te oranct couilne'bhoaura. sa ': - paccd, lu catit value cr inuil@ toalse a hIIaca csied PursiaiSage0g liethetbr iconouuntry lite, cit tce nuit brs scalp and his seuts and dreuing tantial umprveetcaIithe country bbase eses simd. My utbut blee cad." s'osiag etiusssssbefull sad w ercy tled rudarcet ivue, but il dry adbrsttraud thetsaltp waraultept cstatemot oeeete sbe't utItret iiiliig and flitfcIdasdruit. 1Iavitarc ebiusild thorae.'Teuatep ia- osd tsobls of liu Pasiîa $&oand litproo te. itgitay bp te id tystte "eIaîIcppsdssiphair ram talutg, thtcetofloalet îcriaion. ssli approprsi- ichîng and daudrali baya dsappeured aiane, tmeus arlrd ast imientt a i pl aid motep"laisite.naud louen'. t te cati, aasputs pliticul eisttrii wcaid n,5 le wsîboat thitifina His wasssetsery dlar sae epndcd.Rosad 'l'cfosrssas ttmethbepricer!' building latatbi at eseat eugtuert Forswassu en,ec.or ibidren Parisau n g, citero rcuulie cull aiaayoe m Sagseila ithsat aiy dout te iceast ued b'atheccmo ite unp appts prepiraticu lar teflatr. Dalntiy partaed bcuta etitadu eplaped." lsiîsd. f e t rontIasgrenuse orstck:. "Nrscr as a prebiesis iepies thone Isss-uaudsigt t bc hcre evurytmont. tiatwhicit te gcct! aadss îaec.neat berscfthe falsîcousa utaenil dalî'. pirenta.iîconistite proisionsr Large boulie 5oetsut ait drggitnsicr und pprtî3ent eetaoeiurcqs and L u fsass tle po pritars, Thea GrosnMfg. e rersmeut ai cuottathst Witi ae li '.. Fist erse. Ot . piepa.Thte ausîtiîly a liuicuss allair ac flAltser gir with theAubaunboit ia n crsry constrction dneulr as iedtidalacru piacgeSotd anid guarasiteai by Htg- corparton," ginbtciaus DrugCo. *'Miea rondgosa uta nd sidurss - tit ataction coginecrun sac c lit Osca Nlats-Nec rabecibers a pungiug I rancd ealln'utait scmea sosofthe i2oec in assnesiircietbc Chamepion par, and pou bavc donsc lsr ihe lare ascil te 'TorcataWerhty Mil and ubat thesualtraad l dsfo1r telta se l.u ýiseniisatlasi. i.stu. t .Par isa ibrasig i s lit itsns$;si-aite trtolley paid i dvace aittrsibusebertcilitieru-doà lotlthe aibarb. Wieresririsadsai ucveteiCaampiou far a rer acd te iiscsitacter are praeldud. te r"min Wetp Mai aud Esupre, pretesumtetcvalue sif arsiilandsatonelsuetareatet isi to a ac. i5,1. 992. Scad inibteggegiasi ho ithneisetire casi psar oderss f csrucition." MAGNIFICENT LIBRABY 0f One Uundred Volumes TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN A Library Voting Contest. B lf'I ws sll lie fosinîl te nainesiof saine tf the progressse fri c iif Milton, tsi ii îake thia haost pc1sulur sinî l lerail ffr ris et-gasit Lirary aîîd hunusomte caae wmil bei gicît ly vati'eitti'. Iiidge, rticiciy, ehîrct or chool in Miton or Ha]itn cîîcsîY îîeurisîp liii'laressîssi îiitr f votes is the fcitcciig msainer: Tiielsîîiites ies listcd telîse give mihEuclt Ten Cent Pucîbaut salevait-.'The couti-ut egins Thusrday, Sept. ttth, 1910, asti endiion liliritrs l7tli. PlI 1, al, ths hor cf accru ociocitp.m. A boîiî, sx lias lsccsi paced is McnciesDrug Sore, werein'the vts ,aic lecdiicsitri] At itue clone cf ths coulee tcehurcit, stciets', i tii-l or i. tipi-aVcitig the largeat numiier cf vostes ciiilie awardeil lic liilriry. Crresl ecconnfn Whou promptly pald clîl bc entilld laos,, lIR EMMBER, votes eau sly blise scireil ly trsinlg sith thc suer- chate olisti-1 ti -oue' Eat useek lias CHAMPION wmilacictei ctLasiduitgoftifeli.sariatisii'ontestatisi 'hé-Lil.lrtry iand ctseare naw îîîî exhibitionîins utue sow itilosi' Iiisci sis îîîgctiiig trec the carouous aud lieus) yoiir fa soi ilgi' get'iol. oscipty or clîsîreli îiu a haudsomo iitrary of referuir, stcîdarîd aliîsî hok, iîîciuding a vsrirly of the latet fiction. PI os lais't. tTiS 1tli TO YOt. TI ftîligisvig tahe lisI of merchansu if' 'NNAS CAR~ do "f si-a t tOi> t'a.,' raAO%0 - m. s O' - V0t5tJusuut -- 0 lusy Troubl.. I'Sf pins hack 1in slstahqseit- Mo deIt itaottng cj iyuZ? arcout rder. 1 pont aoresfIlsqunt tsntp sud pbh1' , you kidneliflâeIl blodder are ont f ardor. se qelably bringt onchoami. 1i disi rI. lembstge salullua, e. 1 9 hIs. Jobn Wagner. c ci e ta S..I prd, ond alat u crisl oiteona 0 e ke>liai adeumoie me s obaIldaàrsuad dui fu cegml au r dt vroit u aeaiand seello cf d 1nai 5 lpet eald dacutu béforeG 13nmyeyes and eVreytbing ecild tnen a loic . 1I nd taitcthe lor and lie 0 unntluitu lpagain clîbont seteit. 1 nc,. A frlbad old ment1 B e I id- - ny Pille and tlirega Ibis uc. Thte d atI and otrng." Aldugit 1 ànon PUtIS soc. a a biIEnW on cils a leur- nteiteerev or ,g va a r p eu thebo orld'o gretail îpecifio s fer Klducn'and s bladderculo io. b paitpaîd trais ta spsiorir. Tite R. T. Booth Ca,,1 Ls. oeCi.SItd and Caraîteed sby Higgniotabas )ssigCc. Otaca Cena na.ofaitheOldest Bates- loIanluCanada theOtawa May lar lanI claiesta b avini bu ldet nascutta>In Canada, aedË prhape n o te Cantinent. Hie nase to laonMeDowetl t. aienssycito a Sa gces n luOttawah e rs tillbartnacn ou"Cape ony"thnWO hr n saa oeinereoaing Street charo- "Cappes loinsy' hba a acal>t oJ bomllung I111the ibimeligbt. Jutthlie Itller day te caa irosigit upn ucourt ansa charge se t asls. John's ara-E tigits le Iaiîg. si but otboagbt ha dc- j ~tectcd a san dito bad iorsocad Bre mny (saut tmin ite distantpeuet. saiuas. John accontadithansansd rahc loescul a terruifetitradeaIil itahesaey usre nitt ortbcosiit atD e hnJalcuy appearod ln court ho atdstitued tte Imagistats br bad made a sisabe. and le cas sont pro- 9 aue ti ielInapocuai A fine of StOaasi It Imsamulai wdieu toIsa> uariy co- i usyeit beai.ic Jontasuan au reine5ly ig esgtiaitinofstncita smasi "leu (-'sec" nccesbulasi udduly su' Yived 'ulriitîe sciaielcais anaaassed ihat le coald uonapîd paysoits Johesy nasi lors sn ingcston, l3 yeuagoa A t ecrui ar faliei case ta Otaw a anddhtis ad papecu au the trroi almoauicattiauoa cluco satlnimue. hin asillsautîr a halt csss,'us Internu IlIfleree ncarisuse sta, baesmado Jaînny lamom sauS ca nboy lila ineti valo bcasa a tetortiascaiita nourstiu ike a elonu brttcroc n 10e lumanad a 'Owcbe oth luir aer-ue li> l@ e abeard cbcstigc lia cars fr blacks &lcne tle Seet. Hastsg Cutled wcu lisc caeid nstes stru> utle asd rtsrrged ltrimphant ose es IlnovacsituvadeshtIcuonteo (0aa c"ohr.Johnubus aSoitsali sesil hiuelhertfr th' tMltespaler mr chatsithoara liiitîs vstri tut sainss, bal riscdîs eertîrucuu ul t I sitit Janirunansacrosis 50e e biddie si ho Ia Ires acftiaiîn ti dtîpcuti,g of llite s aiert and bau "got stici'ben s itonne oftes "W.11. 0nsui. tosu cas> hase yoa lutth"agitn. olscy. ctîo ounocau etoua u nit i r r tha lad and lIa, astidhl ic os tu. a ra.cut a esilise casciasaite t tsi ocsîdsiea lacuras, LINKS WITH THE PAST Saute resuarkabla Imasses nf Atteci. aaun euh iltsirta eous Severa i cccieuo'm shavescrecruti> baenc ctingtaticoett crsdsi cI lisving peoples dc lotmiisItîeih sha peut Sayu sasceller Ini The Daliy Mail: 'rîimâi t s'ttiig Intanco b laceoeraIlu lai of tara. Morde, cita ivs isnety-ou lasi brtîday. Her taiirrsa it-itiyeau'u aid uhe site uas nal.iesboig batstu in 7. 'masteuta eay ilat theit joiut Ilus base exedod 160 yrarn. Ose cr110? Stats nth is utler aua sboy h,îcc ta od Cgtnteansi ho as aabat iai daasad sclt ai d lady wcIas a te girl bitddasoed sitl Chîarles Il. l'hia ItOu. Dauiet l aultrd naya t ailis aret randthesb sr ebars ti teo rign o ailese, This launpardi, scoaoudfo tash l e ci sîsi holu sure tbo al lt itouuîti helneglty' ebrdtesr, thec acatechiA but ona et hie tles. wo lAtati stilldruut, aed bu ce» himscoîthOe rouegeet bai oeaetfiuetty'Irs chldres by thea paclier oetwoica scionThora le an- thor ceuse of a Mee or s diait oly e quarer of a ceiry aaeo saea lad ou luthe uop ot enailer Puas wbe buosu île atlicer a et heecuieot et WHO ARE 'ml-E RICHl lIay. Charle te 10lse asîls scapital detunitton cfriole, and pcrerty: Atter al, pors y la au lsdiclduat totter, le daces ot boelg Ioauppar- ticuacl saeu $orne popletell0usantit ouarcoaaery la dtvtdud i,to tiregreaa eiiniak--tbe coaitbp slase and ttc ccrblag cosae, Tituraara soatly tour iedset people Ilte ia orid tu-ady: The poar lsa-thoae cita bava no soneer.and uoi iseln. Ttche it bsoo-tbose wt alceccnm soey, basutsboavbae saur ciller The peur ricti-titao cia have moit- ey. btt othlflC cime. Ttc rict riai-tiosa citabave mon- oy ms wel auste other thibgo. Thisinlusthclasesas a rclo, o agite to ic tec bappietpeple but il1bai l t oboaeaiad botuaben a Orct peor' man or a "peor ricit" sue, b conta i-lItar ta a "ricit poor' utau-end aey- bady say ite a riol pour mani. Wl-lN TROUT ARE RAVEP4OIS Ttc traut In thea Ell rieur aidtritu- tar" treamsnhaee ncyer butor teeon Pie liiakler eanulJ( l MILTON, - ONTARIO THE FARMERY DANK 0F CANADA TICDOFFICI-, - iTRONTrO, IONT. SA VINGS DEPARTMENT Fepoallu recived cf 61 aud îîpscarulsanid the sasme atteunti lai iial idc ositossmeta large. Douî lot the ite ai yosir depasît îîresest yîit frîsm opeuiug anautatonceaInts ulreët alowee at lîghî-sî cîrrcnt raIes. MILTON BRANCH, A, F, SCHULTZ, Manaer. MACHINERY REPAIRS of aIl kmnds promptly attended to at the SCREW FACTORY MACHINE SHOP Aise Ail Kiqds et ELECTROPLATIO Nickel, Sîlvar sund Copper Oziditing AT PAIR PRICES. SATISFACTION GIJARANTEED. P. L. Robertson Mfg. Co., Limited, MILT1ONa ONTr. Christmas ifts ThatAre. Oeul. Shirt Walst Box-Madle of beat Getman reed, lined throughotit with imitation leather, size 19 x 9x 88, Oak Roclers-In pad lats, cobbler seaL; and roll sest, pol make and finish....................$271040 $.50 Parlor Tables-In oak (bout quartered), solid miahogany and veneered mahogany, from. ........ .p Foldlng Doli Carts-One motion, rnbber tires, strong and durable.- ToI.ph..N 1. 63 m. JOB Licensed Auctioneer Fer parttouaasto tirect5. aptity 201 M, jasiNassgawear 1, EALE S &IN O Grain, Wool, Ooal, Cernent Gi. T. R. STATION, MILTON. Sam tHenson, East Marr Bu. MILTONy Carpenter, Contractor, Repaireaetc. EKiartetai cIes. A MANDRE SPREA0ER for $5950 selli Pur foecteo i aey es'n'n $ 5 itB. t l h a îu i m e k. tre ig b t iri-p i i. 01,-S comrplets sth îtrnlorurceit.it prepaltl MIL.TON, IfunLarA R. Burling &Go 1og"se'iel z ueo:21V. Wîlt Wit. ls 'sna1icn.iti , :10 et~ cteee Oa~ a oaa rh. Titat a pu tongui ilaaw rd. lfle gi i Appleby ho RPr- lite remoilien far poeats liteont These~le BaY Muagl' iaoe for Deuils. muitrr titan temoarp 91= t e');so eclil.n itctaao FI. 1-Gea. Rchtardson, Pab oFrî t',anM ainr I1Ïnlsta Intbtef sa nec cariaI - Dry. of he y" Otaryva TiseTrait oet qS, ity R.W. II.-Geo Bianitard, Relit, rmait Ceq'tonhlp e ad t eue "Baneae.at flieue. Pem l-. tanar. he.I h ueetd y nee.".c, t t eei; Iudn artileoun Henri nesAln..Maire Paiborîl. Rist frou genastoe iluae 1cndtian ut a Nladj Boston. tIMsHneLtInPtt.complote onc u hr eaJtid Twub asrirumuttll e fute rtitaisuae PerteI-a osoLlia oh leternal treamunt phild ho saloutiuat. Drauumtd en eisiise osisiailtae urgill Niera Allen, Erelyo MeKer ,lyis ded faitifei ,edtilt dl peillîls; Mr. Dcrn"roumustai>'î Jilsa Waed. Routît MNon.Ton l s a tll JI Ialliust bu reonOd 1n thItercits Of Porte IV Jr.-Oen'ia Meidîenahue prcpared fecistlbpre p.encfan Canadiat iarorad an lineretiag Fie Preri, Mleyriuastae. etet pityslele clio fer titr fopatarticloen Canadian railcupu hp H. J. Por IV Sr.-Cecil Heibae. Edna nmade catarrb is în peial I Ttt«r -Petîypleeo. ea.M.P.P..1balde- anay Wood,.loenWood, Sosie Atiinsnn dy Jis admlr*blp adapled l et rt. atiters. Ttc Bu-spMan a r chu e Il t- =n'Ilobard, Emil>' ItKerrs Edtlt ment cf thte catarcital ilmeist et ticteasosn. a magasina for barsy Sesi Baeuad. Jennîr Blaesbacd. - cmen,. t peli«ael nd lltilite and ait beiteeua utn sbauld trreu t. W. J. McCtnatae. Toactcs. lond, ted§ ta *top tNuceua dlscbaeeoe -_______ aIda nu reoavine Impu.iutle ram tae TUE CHANCE 0F THE SEASON. ,aetso hu ele cud trengtite8 Tsnsley Scheeol Report, muno siudilbrng about a w cuiane Wot tdith Wl et n'e tatry nesLII uu IV-Itdiu bRaineson, Reta Abteu, Ta e1'l faabe f u flc.Cultivatlg., Sidneyt Aio. Tu nOrgaatu e uare nul jrIV-lilor Crte. taneyAitnbeneied. or for anyeeaueenet atita routaaaoutiliayv ust. oi. The Jr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , bVCiisdrae iat> lun idtmlt I nudeacl baed Daly Mail aud lEspire andd car oct JSr.III-jaIrviAengYohne rvigbackmpouis soacy. Retit Muca-Toneupaper for 1ua ututta.The teo tagetitre Ba.r bb-Jaa erng, litt oîgnemsa tIo sizet. 5o cne and I5a.ou. tar the repective puricds eeuled iii Is ciaruel- u Ag. ioe tgg eemeyu coain Reeslb Rm- ent t e sicc sbcrilestforthîe ILcaRoinmsn . artRobinsneries auîr at Hig atamDu o., Chamtptou. aur iodscîdaal astuss. blno eloareonrryde. Val The Rahalb Store. hp saill st. i Canada (ir- JaeQ Hîon.Ana Dre. ui_________ routa and sbaritsuoeeid) Soru'1,2. lS., Pt. il-prInetesiàunlin. Liba Altcn nrs ageSbneisece Nue ti is the chance of t e avite. Harry Qitla, Clarencealae. Hastkliarrete cf Cauadian applea at Otaaanil darieg a a eaty n eesc Tesd Alîsin. Tommty Ruitosnn.Milton Qain. for Ctruitmas gilo uae rieuds un Scot- MlanhiEmred îit. ee scîtout ris- in, -£va Gunlir. land,. teresire. chuta aar ccx papor ciii con- Je. Pt. b-Revdon Garrett, Gladysn Robnaou.tMary' Heatan'.Preident J.J. Hillha rtteute h sina maximuasmiocl rcoasil .ît Tho"ieared -haveeaat rittn on CanadienuScietyNewcYorketu uShe ttie wita hecositîaisbscîtuîall alesîsinutions. Lac r casses re port Prsent timport datie nta the Stateu are aeste aiterpcet odicaiis. autse eaut aot giet. notepr'otectio.but punitteenifor te Dominaileate, Rose Tbamsmn. Tucler. cOnstersi. Ttc Sesîsonus f lth.Deminicue Provincial Parliutsistheo Mcit1i ______________________________________________ ileeeiisilousisand Countsiry. easy ofstdeaMst importanduie urtin rcurded. WCe sesit more people ii inti'i i gtes tse .dietrict to lb-ed vCata. aî.r t bots ta car paper. as btv nsu a ey ,lndircctly sa-perasu cuu L us a e c isîtt leceiuruitfthe cdteîuiir.and ifuasmural acqiaisu.uOtistikc Thue Mil sudtEmpireussli rerve ucînrod ace usi-i newpan'sua.e ee titailt'iueý,ssu associatioe. asa e aeit .titpalies rasnDous sa uet May. eili toastci.-a perrmanetandaluearicsiptfor as SEND ORDRTicIT mii. OFFIPCE, hiF Toronto jecuua'rc ti iristhlawar.e sig iees Secs Helureus îeddîuusc. bai tbe Attorney.Geuuralisavs itl a eaufoir- wa idde. sarIsiite liedetî drpatiutsttv sboc iarr. Appty la SOL BYWiNx &i' COLO BY52- itioe Maaîsîac arerîs. Good minng 1 "CUEAMOF THE s Lik. the lsunrl.o-<stll lips-VAPiN~LLetLL ce.GOLTï Tîsere c is tîîgMore saîtable or better aîppl'ca teilf- ma Gift thani A P o oI Wiî imaltîlia' .e I-lUs p cures hbave sveryth ig fancy moiisîandi' lr for the Holîdays, and ail wcss.m finish tlitit. liavi' Nimil th îs ivvclose ire are t lude 25tf e , CQME NOW 1 The Buniter Studio, - Milta F. H. DEACON & CO M asiT.ruetta Steeli Eeelpessgnt lLi-ive iii I-i ilto morllee stîîu iwsdîuA otlîe. 97 Bay Street S cail at 1t';i ii given tsi litii en Lof 5ru itFii iel.Mît";Ig(gî IIdîîk i Stock s ccurusd tofa 1 Offices 'J7 1TOR ST PLOW SHARý We Psb e i ý - Pt 0W Sl{AtES, LA11N bMO% -. * Iffipeflal MA cI ia& Gly, ' McIi'*, Wonen's anti ChiIdren's Footwear for FaIt &,Wint THEi \i iii I l '101 for men in atIt athi i> THEi IIi\tsb.h -Il0E for moen and womell. t kian %lelgeiletatmade chas- int caneèa. \'i("ï)]liA"0 fi'.irwinnen, in al l Witbers. W\1ll'FZllOOi J-SIILS for men. VW 11xNlii S SIl0ES at.allprcvýS (1lIilli-'S i-i t Stîuarse guaran3~. e ssîî-'î'pucir' Iy. il i 'I a . I ttI! lusisc asa hik 'sur 1-ýt a k ls 'ei. iil ir]this sa 11, "cile"cthfit'lthanu lit Cal and ,;ee us-lt wil pay you. WILSON'S SHOE STOB 1-01 ah T "'i -'I -isit' --i i. ~i i 0e t 1' lu' c Chýampi'on Voting Coupon This Coupon su good for 10 votes in the Lbrary Voting Contest. Ce! uut, fil in nurse cilud , Loalge, Sehol or th orgnizatiott you wish o vole, anitd epSk>f -$N-s--" ~ST' 510 i