L1D ALESIC*I 'h- gsw.7 T-..Is,.)o1 i t8lAR5 Mîlj N 1 j c ci tJRA uR foi1$59 5, 'lcan s.,b le hl Vent . ahesn agns WVUL :PEA0R Nf r Y s . -Y Y'*'. t Lick -mthrsfoe, A ents 1 ) I-1i ; NO TH 1R '1 ilil GEORG GIUELPHI ,c aiiciReturn 'mi se -~ ~ $$ * * fI 1 4115 . lîîrida, CI, WINNIPEG A1,1D WE~ST AlI INE i, SERVICE 1,cg sandL - for al CF.RISTMAS 11._ ry11 l . f ri liere's Your Oppotunity.. Listen, wait a 'Minute and read about "MNackenzie's Grand Display of Christ- Iiia- (;ifts." This ycarwe have gathered together from the Four Corners of the i ithe greatest array Of Christmas Gifts ever shown under one roof in any town iii Cnada. We have, stuaslied ail Traditions, Broken ail Records, in bringing to- guîilwi this display, audit is now here for- your inspection, Sonething fery Wovn uit Vases, llln Cases, lIand Bag, 1;'eu lrses, 11-co bony MibrroTs, idewing Isets, Boe$ oap Boxes, Xfair Pin Boxes, Needie Çeses, - Ebonri e b00,lýj ,-Fjantjn Fus tise fui GINtS foi" the Home1 j4ediler Tabls F ~ k tTa i auj L. POlO. 'fliceP~~ He who Hositates is Lost. Get 1i1 toucli with us We are Ohristmas Speialists We undertake te relieve the seasons bu srditindu*enimalmetits of choice; Io $p yon select suibeable 4rticles for old Anê.oung, ie and poor, the learnedl aail un aea i endr#ilarly for "the Wh aII 0hob . tytiug." Thé e ,nly. rouble'abc ut ip'esting Oifts toeo s-you E nvyIý thoge Who reoiilvem'5fl 6tsfr012 MackenSlà~'"- home the Dls: vey, hs A Present tisai wiI please an>' san Den (ioodo, Card Cases, Smoking Tables, Purges, Coller Boxes, Soap oe, Travelling Cases, WVaFliug ticks, Stump Boxes, Ve;t Sets, 1n SeÏ,ts, TobaccoJars, 1'onntain Pens, Collar Baga, Paper Knives, Military Brushes, Library Sets, Ash Treys, Smoking Sets, Pipe Racks, Seels Glovo~ Boxes, Cerd Cases, Huudk'f Boxes, Shaving Sete, Coller Boxes, Cul! Boxes, ivallets. Photo Frames, Bill FoIds, Shaviug Sets, Coin Purges, Tie Racks, Bras and Copper Smokers, Glts t. Mfake thse Girls and apo>'. qipp)l' Gl'Own Àjlnnnl, 1Boys' 0wl1Annuel, Work Boxes, MilitauTBSets, Drawiulg ets, oller'Bces, 3MauicureO Sets, Me Bscks, ;GloveBox. ý l lXuth0 rgell5, 5in 05 CDr I ai i~ sa.uesle o Pe' iipoitlbhrla k aîii 0d esLabisep. Uat fDAý E t. ollerty. Pire flshdiel4, bat lho opes iliat THE II. I.11511fl1! i suces thblrteu le o lalumber lu bts Cage easdla t.eel ut hyur is ;,ed ho M. B. A. 0.. bas spsung a surprisee 3eIg Golb Wi tow o.i tbeother etestssio Caor the liblryr lug G e Mejaueltt'oCr peur Crlstraas b ilep leabiglat ai bâilpts iwblc 15 .reres, New Corranle. Raisins, Penin, t iber. bcsi cold st..,eo aud ahid tis la, Pan es s u us. 'ry , lipingathirIil pacerlots tbe ted. bc Btiugods.is9o'l.lb.il T4arga orerbluominUnionS .8S. lt.wincrao sporautesery lb, 2 a ius'cy ssaîl, cîhers arexcell op sud tbe aer, .Tn:ix btenderoethIe Milteslierest iscreases. Theo et proise oie-, curling Club or the parsenstuth1e te hWclose. wtb troquant ebeugea. Hcrs and roit 1 bausaccspted. On Modai, or. dtis-rck'is figures but ereojug tbectob hetd a meeting t M, n. A. C.......... 39857 IV', wicb il eus dcidta apply for c i. ;Motutain Unie,, 5. ....... 8839208 a e Crpraio, OMCa Cpial02,00,BOYUe SeI0Lseet .......... 2921 'a' lalio W1 hieO es.aSt $o eracb. It lu lu,.Ko ueendtsSciseet. . ....19178 tanetn toudloei euoobsisares ta curenr e Ckhaire . ......... 1497 igbt tbe pnieuo e fsbuildiag sund uucesuary it lSiei' ...... 1117 repeirs. factit itres roda sto suectb- ;rtiseaChlircb 0S.... 1040 en tshe trame andpceseut ail poeibility Ligs> Scioil.... .... .. 47 ...oftsllese. o A ueod uumber oureoutild R<iec. ......... ' 2261 Jat ecose et the meuting sud ttiore biîlsdiet S. 8 C....... 3 wili 0eoudifficîlty in dlspoiug outh11e Maîîeweed U.P. Cisei, . 3200 balance. Tho ruk willi ho osaged by Lacrille Metot ,9 . .... 171 acmiteaneflicut carotahos en-, OmgitlPublicllsiaeei . 1772 gda nd llere uvoitbu uhatlug and qutre Basu. . .:,100 hockey07asîelîscurling. Milto IltjHre Pbe lý .... 188 liv imier aud perbups an luterrord,- qahPebtrnS.8......17 3 aie 0 O . ta ibiiScbol . 867 Grau Chereh Conucert. Tewu Hallhlita,, Puli,nl dHigb Seal... 0-7K" toi -Zilliu.ertnauOS'S. .. 447 MscAruscu Du&Loseu, Soprano, lIisds Itethodiet 18. 8:_. 232 Miss Keterr.Couituatte. NHiiuu'u Publice svial ..... 10 Mr. Richard Tutteruail, Piasist, lle5llly Raglielui S. S_..... 102 Mr. Pal Hahu, Cette. Publie Library........... 4 Ce sîi,rsE.-Ou Priday, Oee. Hiseu, ofetNasua ay, upprared hetere ju.- ThsBritish Paliuoeutsrus diasaverd licos R. . Cmpbl sud J. H. Peucck, ce Metuaty, The urss Priuocct nl rhacgsd byh bis her.io-tass, Robert asrmblees jenuaary 3 1, loii. Wodge. et Esquesng, wh bouse.hseab- r ing andstrsliug about 12 or 13 Iho. ot gnsueegMrsîWedge sobuht tlb 7y retswere hiug drd iu bec hous that sueioesbre ois andltutor îbeo, îtha onede 10aeterwurdsailîe l-d becrsialr, Mss. -llos, sud o. ue li er hom el seme ginseguoui sla ebfie thogbt &ube celd idetity. 05e cellet in erobuubuud and lie ideutllOcd fCea ý& ofelhotsel. Robertt Wodgecororer.~ ad bis iseidece a a ink (tloi ohlis identificatio. Giuueug lut corsb W w ý,rf $7 per -poraid. Hilucuo a scomîtted!eQ KNOX CîîsURCu Morulugusubjecl, "The Verastha, the locusta have cale,." Trhe ereclog sSjecd. ,%Vhat Christ s tecues about His Cbesc.' Mr. Mac- PERFECTIONY IN SNATE kay ssltt pseach aud lhers clii bespeclal MAKING musclit btuservice». PublEs, isVssr-W. G. Meezie, These esaesrbIiadu s o ktrýu-d, eft he 11,0 ef Logo & bicReusar, mes. gaed. Seules sud 'Auomobile'bch caut tuilesu. Vesner, B. ('.. han brou eblet qeallîles et "Auoobile" Skateu hud enuagh te secudl tbcCbuspieu a use laehlucs, slsesgtb, beausy. They cepy euthIe VealusNewsu. uselcil- ae aindîsîdaul iu design. potsge espPus, 188oldeul sud largeet Aleumiucoeps essare llgbtuesn, b. publiticd oin the Ohuuuguu. 'Thbe uldes halo g oesy snsg. 'Teopesed Oksuagauslana gea rrausit coutry and nickel uteel blaelrugso stseuclb, teuglI. the Ps O5cctaiusthe 1luelsI efth1e sass and laeenuý. And cilS ,gbluesu gsel uîsa Apl be.ltetp heldnaud trength ya ohtialufinshr asd etlVuucouver, A gecdly proportiau ci brauty. lbe priueu . coul le the Ohusagas. Wîîl, osssy palsrceu esu belate Mossus. Lecîs & McKeucîr diedc h'gaasantee roe yearsalst braauc. Motreal eml.RssdY Cltbsng asd MoeutC-e;l 0 ar;ohrsae hure a largo adyertlslug upace is thea m',cu . pasehrule Newu. A ueo carlng rnuSls bcl i lSn p bolîlual Vercen, 00.,s5s 1. Ms. Mc' "AUTOMOBILE" Keuicsluau es-member efth1e MilleonII9BL curlung club aud imay be espected ta ho s denoerseofthIe reurlu 'game ut Verualu, Reoccbcr thc entrlioest le Omoagh Preshytenîsu ChasoS. ia aid o et, s a dw r lbe Suday echool, os Wcdsuda.psu n o s H rw r 10g, Vos. 141, au 7 16. Au «colentu esamolîbparlv cal. .G .t aI am,eof tornu.elitl 05pla5l0 Sp lme- I sîluivcAgoue les Milto ligbt r,swu. 5'tinsliuad the Bot sc Ilo lutt atau Laud.'"Tbere wouI stucbe reediucs ad uu r. .d -kIr1 .»kr ta ste-àuiY.. sou sblocal taleut. Adissiou se. eIV Cufdrnlch re., - Canada Cycle and Melor Co., Lial. UI Tuls Puîsvu Cecunrsr-thu OpePa.TO"XTIO. l aritp et cite BcnatoFtu alaye'e g,~ wh i u rizso el Ieserved, seuls tee their Perfermauce ut "The 00O TO...... drvt ereay ieeru oe uhaul ior odbfrthduslb. ecopenbu ub i irl 0nesldan ad tbe puh EfIu &at ÎeefldThe seceupts ocre d n e f ,P uesrly $I.lîe. lcng u respectable uet ______________ 4f' baasse. Cr the baud.'The pay sloeil 1dsriedssà aaceical eoedy, and tise At the PALACE RC YST E Surtîigtus players put it os lna astyleRCR sUJl tbau did tbrm sud ubeir efficienutonu- cosesOU ager. bic. Graluger, great credit. Laitgblur analappîsaswereueuliunuusu. ist n Al uMe. -Gsaigec, as Rseg. Rbet id let MssC8i an sn lasL i Aabted, 'and Jr.lHart,'as Mr. Çatter- moa>, tout hiolaparls peticuaulyWeil. Tb. Mlton orchestre, plsyed u.tectiuu G ocer e et I hoopeulue aod,-betwentu lb. ncl. adlug grestîrl, e the. pleaure efth1e- srnîegîbatied latli y -th1e 8,ti f Our ne,, Fruits and Canasl Gonds errlrut issmusicsi ad ~a are nusinustock, ulanc urpriieco re 51gb cas tmCnI fcasr8tieu rigbt. We have- Pur saur coeuîy pyess TIhe Wesly -New Currants, iss aoosed.5 erisWc- -rangeaCsrer, - Nes Daes, eon -Neiv Proes, -New Prns, -iewOcqnos, lerrons, .<,-New Extry'", Spices, AIl the new, fresît Fruits, Nîtts, Pecle, Rxtra(-L;;,-îand aIl the requisites for the Chîristnmas baking. Table Raisins, Table Figs, Olives, Candies-tIîc i! goods in ths traite, aIl ready and waîting faor yoii. You dont ivatt three or four lbs. et old raisiwn j iir ratts for a quarter just non. You isant the bliot g. îîk -ýfor Christmas, and we have thcmn and at the lowest pticuî-n to We are opening up an13immense slîowing of the - î~- noveltits in Cîinawtre-a %vouderful vltriety of .1 suitable for gifts, and a great variety of prces to sîuît îoîry kind of purse. The latest in Hand Bags, Puîrses, Neckweat, 1lIîîallrîî cihiefs in lawn, lian- a nd silk, eînbioidered atnd iîîîtîolcl, Fiancy Blouse Etnds, etc. zTable Cloths, with napkino to mtatch, Sil k C A splendid gift for a getntletman would l'e Beaver Cloth, fur-collaed, rubbcr iîitrlin The prices are very moderate. We have Men's Fancy Tics aitd lracei boxes, Gauntiets, Gloves, Mîifiers, lewelîy, An elegant gift for a ladîy vonld lîn on New Raymond ]Jrop-head Sewing Machines, îngs, ail latest improveruents and complet, only $1000. '«c coul cnumerate aIlCte gondthinswclias'e Cor Christmas, Came and sec tbeso. Y nîî are weleon sybether buyiug or nt. ý Phoneîs ayour llroesry order. Wc promîise p aetins 0ur Phane 7No. is 48, R. L. HEM$-[ TPE FARRER3"BAINK -0F CAPITAL l'AID UP .......... REST ...... ................. SAVIN4-TTiEPRTMHENl $I'.0 oup a n eccount. Intereotst nhighe4rab4 (Jpounded belf yearly.! RD S 1 ane1iai lOEionMi Ord cRS ivay ts~sesd a, -i e of ouit fille 0, ra 1 it. f otîr l.îtc- , lbt ba:Ilîo -ET1. lsllaeaIiîl (.515.. 4.. ~AT PRIýlCES TI4AT WILL SUIT EVERYONE. k Ils- as ôý Orde- M py