psr fa e lxyee Who lui Milf , oxo. Laitmie'î xixuxill damid tbe utai;r ofii Bb.y Ellisx alxcd i. < aid he resigixd. The electre li ghtx.g buibexixi amtixacu3. for nomx dore and lui beeu patclily xxi lalily. Thaxu in mach complaili, and it loi Justifie& _______ Noxtwltholaniig reports tlxithe cxin- triry cuxeilxxd in bhilton, tlxxrx 'sa mch more wxIer ini the îodsn xd in xîxxam xxii thax thxirxi ax laid pear. This bxlxg thecmxe itixharnxuhdrxiaid hlxxi cxixnec that tlxxixgh tixae ina plxxty ofi wxxfxr in the re'exir ithe fluof i bu yxxix'axxdino oneiclxxisl xxpply euxt xoff. tlcrx isxxxch a x oLxxx'lgx x. A sxachl for Ixin xthe mainsda u ixi xami !.ae5nLs ie.r _ . 1 ldingl Match , pla'e f ia xol RKem o l raxeeai. the xal Patx Cook xbWei>ul1 n a 0ai daî'g rIl. The maurxge m j'iOninaaad he lx Rr. j Acher, aiLoîxll.Thex bride, iba ara gîxci 'xay by lbxr failxxr. look ted h tumla>of ax'ly aid daiùaxu. dresaed fa greanu xaaf0p clctt leumed îîllx xmbrcuxlredxcixffonl sudxbill apiqe ad crricd a ataiex' bouquet xo carnaainsand aicel pxaf. Thex bride aid arci orx an aiîxdxll Aller ccigrxalatioxa alil xxx dxix t1l bxaitifxit îeddlag bccahfaxi. 'The brldal party e lxiion the evxfag traix fox New York,. amid ehoîca i orîfixe ais xd ixbai. The lxxid'x>trlixil bang dcx wax ofroux clxxix Ste a9xi0 wea xset cf mfxh fxrx. the gui c f he Altrcr.andMr. xelxixa turui atici xiithebonneixixcionsx front the Caxn- îxd xxi iiixiii taix xpxixix lxtei be rnrxir woiifl lxxi moraxixapreeixxed bp theicitixox imtox ie)xixix..LAvax. the dr'ix ingocctiau xxlr irefxcrxich. Mis Muici EiixlxLoccx oxiiBcxi1 I. Foxaeex xx xxoenIbxix xfxxixioo The drill cpxrxliiif coiixix cx'iixrx lxi theh ouxexf thoelxxiixi xparexts. lr. thelaxwncccici n il xaxhiintbhe xcix andilxlxxTlx,--Iixiil xxix'Y. Rxx. Ax- ai the xacx hall aci coxiatuxthelxxi exix ixxoi oficioixg. r'l'lxidxi unexxOf bas roorfci xia epxirlxi dexilbcf Ixxeicxiiy lxsmuppt.xc xixixg tpoux. goungh dietfit, itiei xpcri'xei xrcxg xpxigMlxxhîxixîxi xxxiof Sant"ioalareao.t'aI. xixiletixxxiîicatooxiti fuîtcxcprtiieTlxy witlIII itcxocexfor îhxirtureiix Thef-elli)inel fro th mýrinfITimxix-Rxxxixii.Val!xiy C'iyN, D. cI pxcxuix. 'Theîîî'xxuîeîîoftlirexit.xî WOMER'S INEiiRIkTE HOME co tixinarix ,)e xc i lIii. foruire h ie in Il i i f.ic init îîîîîhe xi il ixic To hi Opîîîd by the Saîxaxî a iicce -xtiieg ixliii, ia II ltirhe 1'It.ix i oaxi xx a s o Isialixlnd laxiiixi fitil,. lteci of nTrnoaHome ferxFxiual I e oi f iixii ii, Ie r or i,iiliiiiout xi î l ixg. îic.iixiTheHa i % c . (xiix .iii.9 oliaeiti'1'xiaii nhfiui ti.i'e'. cx u !txiixî li7lx axog e St e ProgrammefolxithlxxWiîxer fair. 'Tlxix lx itixi intiuionuiaiclthe 'tho i.iii,îîîx Fiancda, buti inii' Fglaci llxcîxi arce cxix. aPGulph -11 xiiei'aiic utirce ublc i hxi1,cd hxiuialaiiiAayhx bcllxiliacîcesrai.cxui i OîIagbt th lllied inpac.e lyI)i"i e Orfc i iici , ao i iîîîcipaia ndcui t îlxi Th esiruau i dvtc uxudii g cd îxctliccxhe icexber cf 8.3.p.f.O i 8 ticcpi. a , ci axa iicecty Fri'ceiintIlici'. ery gerrxt 7 31 IlIn I IlaYil' r. and ý I M ipilhixiuxl!io' ui xii diaxikxict axc in, uec 'a it,,i'ii3ti.3ot"Pcx ~ c..i.. meandpen'txixicxital he o xi.! 7 3xIl, 11.1 1- aai. cn'. and ici cia1 Aec3.icitothntxîc dltîîxiît.î t , pir (tri itaci, t'axa," Crai. c. c' th- ltIl.txi cixy Ixiof My. i. f 3Fîî. 0i' lxxi 't , "'cre"ave filai the ilciex dfelot ifciiicclxî 3~ .ci Fli riitgi g eccid le iti airtc.I l et f huit. ,vllb, u,. th.- "d relcaxîf ii.te T'herii.iarei calai 'i ire In tie ecanen.. theîrr itre O h xclxîbofîi,t ior Ot al rxcacîd iaxifa ,illoolpri. ti cici re aiii y Shrs ro etee %i bc i I r'c isuce, a il lx inclethîfcad ir'cithe bibNo r elx!îcî ' haic, î.î.i ctp cxxi iiherit t_iiaixralci.aslî.îcc irThîrt.ii.dtctciîiu,îrcîxî clse' ir,!oc the Pt'îîî u p oIam ficmurîcommu 0tii c i c l 'lîic i!! , ii h' lai. .i Or tuiii "i't,îonx Sc.! tcraîtîec,,iii :d fcadqiixiciy1I . île Scapiaionxilu Cy 't'il n.c . 't'tc ici! n c Too t A!tc!tai' eiti proidutci'o"tit'r i o quitrificS lii iAriy cdc lu Scc,'î.îteîcx . f.xd xi Or. hhîcc t M,1St ..lia IM. dl' , i!.i , icfr'o i 'cîc'lcîide t.laxîr.G-, fi, i lxt I, tid ! 1,,c Arthiud cti tI .iciuic Se' e 'ix xcdx o ie. . Wc l. i ii i.tiiiia. ttencixi ittio xi-11 e îîe i.x'liic.laycîcîîg ticth,"Fx, îî.c.x.lIID uii]t..riofi tae.'Aitrir i. t i' i 't ci. Fi. t Il'R. Gitraticer ci cgr- ao cxicîicx. Nrie 3 1i, i i liet re . F on'iîticiiflxeidc.l c Af iîe îî. t, ame lxt'ilarti i,.ii,t.t. i tux otf i ,Ithe' t he bjeil ix t of I _'T',tic ,,ýLiB .1),hýf ,,. .îîditIiîecexvIcclîcîl jus xeti " (. rd N- .,23ai. tiR-troc E irtr onix".'i ti. I'rIiîerixthe aretinig tMarsxhall, t...l x!.%a,'y, "lc i oif by'tij il lice. tlxîlrOndr dga, citiecit,.. lrittîîgî...î tdc(tdecItari.i.ic I c 7ic. t .the xieiixi om Cciiiiiatlii ASifilexihome'xir fiith, ilressc', -il!haveupc rec e ertxi cc ,. ilit'xx icibi . ZIi,f. cîcie ,tyc Le tic. tr, F, . iîc,îe i !,l, le Ier. lxtr Ai , fi. 'd a c3i1, 1'910, %vll tlo, t)ciiiîTx.ra1inx Ieîcci.g if'xelaiiglxi.i..lditIx1Ic,rc.ttii . te,t Titîrxofiitiii.xi-dct1ici rlxll.iieî%Sintaxi Fri-xi- A !ciieon ac,. ri i.* ill i is,.acxc d y J.ho Fîccr . ruy Becli Fiari xii Brtii l lyti tlatione cîd Jotîc Guardîi-. Saixxc',iice. Necexitc. t rvs lxiax, Ht1atî,rietîd Plotcin c u ii i cueod f i, .'oo S ta d, ti.. t xxii t ilpanit nietiex tcccieîti,îîîî t inicxi l11 le h îîc.oiItf ! I i. lxl Cri lrIi,. mti i nii Ona ri o J 'iisc , i iîiitir. le te tire uicNîr ,îîDo, "Sîlxri e pd iii xii i.i, A lcNe ttcîîî',I.î a ,xi ' .1 icut r tir trieC t. t Ihic.fortcof toetrcnt.itl tieii titi G tiEic a Il u ili. e i n-or.o îxig. 'hx rix cthc îeeîîîx ac, . cNe ', 2Ib,.. c C' C cciex. irticie' m tirixixic xir A1îî jccrx lx111 ccid eri xx lr l 'lt incoup Pr'dc toni." 'fîe, cdy, N-c i. lic6 tr A.iri îîOlieiîîttoed b'x Proi.cFCt'A. Zaciei tiid itsiiixer. -xic it'r I iil bcxi " andiîic Gra -In Te fîîîîaî "on ccu iicciicidi etigiecridî ceV rit e i, iii. ifle ta tîîe lc ii-p i(, Il, , witcxc i er 'tirîîiex xutceihhitixiJup u ita ti R . If S 'xie cic. . .txxe ;xlri "lxi -h Ylr arî!'ecîîcîceig c"tb il. (;i,.T'dxiru, nAt irlitciicineo itacgtir dc l' .iia. ;'> ,iiii .g ixdt ticeilif hIea.1 'i S tiC i e elltîrr' Ille PofeeC . dciii iicicda . Nov.c2701,Cii.ciieelcc- Onelî iî "iieiy tixixxurxx tirec tItîxI ilcieirao. wiitic,îx suîîcreî",," aîî i l tkxii ccîcîeî EdinxîTixiîîîîeIn tîie,cîtlyra tfourdiiions.îci T'e.c trexi ait!s ti ihrcîlce o alier....xiax xii xddre.,TExES onx "tIarî iingr IIktti ticerxiîr rc"THE CHANCE OFTH SESNr lrie- .lx ce. iItuîa ii th.i i'rcexiiugx e o Btcteri Fît .xil Ltiii xt he Nlxlîll" tiy ivo utîqalufoucex Wxrtb Froe. 11, Il. tDea,.i(ac1..aed Fr'anki liercxx. îI î e t îculaeiîîx. .La;xdxixx atlllg. "Thie Cccxof i l!, ..on tc xethep r i y tira Frontî no.îc' i i Ccp x. h ' It. Ilîie. Itiitît licii Biaccli cir Empliiirie Oîrae.'c _ 'Uclcen i.ii,.d tic f, 1i %i. cicixîer or 12 îrcîlxx Fhieîrxi liiettiex H, Dx.fiiie11).l'lIlas!li.ceuxiof xtlsrthxx cexc'ieccive eedccxeiedieit tice xidcxýsilclietticltlrimcitycxi.exx IiioCxeicalcit,e e... tie .pic.chxmionci arc niiduîal xditecifx 'TheIx liccilfr. II'Iyc ae' c i ig ly cm i! 0 cule. xI . I T.-ci ic r i rounxd triptlc Ccirlxi (ta1. l ad xrisinge ri aaxxdcaxiixxib x e eîdi fi, txii cxi. i cxc'cxxeac'hilcyfrtiiii liu. 3îîe I ilx. Nxicx utîlaîîthxi chaneif i. I .), îxxusetaxîcc. t'i arelixiiitucxxiaxxx axd doiuxa paiuatalccxiux'i Crtiîu fi, , andîi'ldicgtVIce.211" ofli x ilcax andît0-ti. e hîi.'Ie Mlail aid Eitpirec l cîtt i. x ince'_t Kif bfIe. tixexiig. xwhite Ourx ccxx apex ait! cn. Oxiuriîigeil ici ceecielas ceCeca! icxc. ait h the ci. cctiîxoxiîî itixi of poinii xomxinalate 1 xci A. PFceixvas te xgxut fR. iîîcc1i T'heitSessicxxi iifthx ecxmiiic nd .cx ce Sccuday. Provuicial Faxtîixicîx. He Miecipal Chax t'exixi.iiieuutiipCxd,.g csiic EtecxisofToeand Countrxey.ccxx finitixiolxexontHailnN'S.lir .iheotllx imprtantpulcahute iicticeeif wiîlîl oi.blpxîrcîxi tTcxxixitxiaboti an d conventiixions.aîtt ticcovrerîat un iieexeriStreexicrDnildtIcix i rlxid wc'istri xipbccptxiîular seeoxixi..I ax tfr tie c j be exi n y i xg a t hicW Ol i c i c t lx î c i plxccxxxx i rrxi s i da chx c il farxwix peary.AItxrixxocWadxaii.arePoix t ieicittyxicofrheloliciuaiiriandcq Icxartg iietu ric ccexaculpauxoif acuitxaxlixxquixxlxcxxxixuiphexxiii MtiisssN'ttic uiol litoxixîxFichu, cf and Ep.cie xiatIerv xx nrc xxx a tIn i Bxxtixigxoxx. pexxe Soucais) ii villagei. xxxipatrxonxx. cflot lt houlxccxixxxqxxxx I Mx. and Mrs ic. laiolrf Zmemcria soilation.abataiofxex l lixpaliexi P WS. Haxlxxiuilxiindhi. Pxr ixxîilxd aifrontxixa(0'cxi y.c il tecd xxia JI Mx, Puxiîît'c. pecmancntiacxii ruad fcîixxdsilpfo' usi T. Shaliaspxxîxcuîxd lxromIoarig dWa Il. s Thu intherCxlii cxi xttity.d aSEND ORDRti iTiiTHE OFFIxCE OFli The ihi aixixin mchiela. l eri TISOPAPER. if late -eg ob-. -'.c ~ ooYu ~EPSOM SALTi P va ý Paxy. nicaccimuiy Tmenxxcscxias mi. il. howrn tta ittie aid Il> îxpxrfoicaii pcx Illtharailarticle. .g "Ah," aald tae vinItue, Iboax eara. I iappxix. vlxatt cu catI texan Dnltlxl ab xir?" "Oh, xi." 'rxiPllxd Thackeray, *, oiJy Epaxainate t! Dx fol iwt utth Ad u b"lvifrsxwocbilhi;il&IStat4gllold Ocafsi Wilarme anxdI lait. 'Thia." oi i l utsci e "xx e >ad'iii. tir. Rhodes wu A fllxug 'ixitl aim - poixili and apue 0cd irxan 1d~~ t0 ilxxu, 'l belifer. tte Mtaso8 ai trr!d 0i the viralmvO iai, sud If or e ýç sois lde thapt eail ver? idîl bl ldbi cPi txo avoale ndi s 9gry Apjlp t1,,- px ,tley vcxld c ins ' Andlis, ~Axxxxiot4, >Miltcn P.O. al lbo w#rii riwll btLotxq. Coxu. l, Trafoigie Whoc wag gcfng 1 do il? tMr. Rhoxdes_______________ ddi't mire 8ix7 aiucrIn that, bat ixixi morilg we coudaI id bnlux *ts â bi toutaxir pat In the camp, 1___ 'Thore wii a cari hait 1cr tir. prom te prxmises cftbx iibscrfber, Rbxdea. aid et telait IlCame Out tlxit1t3.cm6 oinonhe2h v, hox huxid gensi cer 10 theo Mtaboli o .ci 6 0 lc.c îx21 c. camp cl lbthrco of lMaii riends, aid cax1 3rail axxd 1blackx.Aiuybue wax maingîxxipeixixiwitlx the ehiiciî." gîxuxg WlxiitinlileadfaE lxtasîr e. Nex it snob xxixdrauxti iiddxiaiexi s eoxy ilflxi îxflabiy rxîxrded, xppearoii te flxixilxfdcr did Rthodes, GO~DENNIS, lai ficl. perora ii dood cf derriig Zimiiexuax. de. lxi x axcexidxid i putlig hlm' self In Bornexxiri cf communication xdlllxthe Mitatile. aid dcubtloî i dd' SA2Ye f@ , next go te 110fr camp vîllixixt a ressor't- abte lxxpx xf axcixoinlxhie mision, Canexi l I eni o he xrmlexf beaahiberx Nxt loueifor 1h01 le hoîxir duexte0bhlmi lt , cxix.î5,Paxaagaweyn. about Nov. aid bis lhrce o xiiui'dois.Cxolebrdor. xt_ . 0 îîqenr-ld rail brifer. Oîaex 2t'iaafj ti dix-fxir 11e cxiuct of a itabavc saiue xon Prraxxehx tixrlxacxux ippleho bxlxxld ai eamy aid rpia!expaix.I' ilîix xI Ixixiu pxiwer lxallmiIcalculable, ixîhîififlexi dasIhe bler wil il l Duico cim xagtitriat o l plexid l ad for aipeaxiu. igtxglx'ixi-muclai xf steelt aid iishixofxi xmollxxixilbronze,. vlth xblald 41 W. H1. Piixcoiaii axii aaxcgai. îand ait thîl r wargaar. acItx l. 10 gillxored xon tho hîlîxhdo lIthei arlY txornixixsunigti.wilclxig theaop' f rxach oxiihlxitelcChixif andxi lxfx I4IFWie baxid. dxi li ae anid xtxixdamxixix them-txiltlly xixruxid, aloxa ixicalit txayd fi rxiu the promises of the rab. for lîoitsiaepretxir anidilxxi xlotr maxi. iribar on ihe faix, a largx blatck wclxxi e noccxiixa rme x iept revoltvars. cxlitîxdig.xith white fini arxuîd xxix. Thîrxi paic fidrt the xitalxxiite Axylxxiiy girtag If ormationx trading te rorxxteea axii ixiiaxixi xixixîîxixîaxiii hixecconexy wiU hioîxiiabty reîindxd. hen thxi Ixiua boglxuei. l'rot teix0G MT, tx x.Pori, WVhiteiChiot iiquiit hrii tit wxieithxix Miltona D'O. giexanîeixi xiitîhitexiieopxifoxr, __________________ 'elithey hail xgxins lxi iar. This' xpxiig lxîptx txieiIniitduaxi. Whox.;iv OUSE ANOD LACKSMIIK SHOP î,txilxcii hete xieexixxx ix lngh ixiPhe e oi lixilexxd t lxattnxd prou F0 ' SALE. îiii ccux'xixi lxi xiidrxieii toItic iei Lucii. refeeixxigtixixi tx'tny for llxxi> part xif lxxi xxxteciy hal ofluIite iciiotete xi iixixoxiodicixiexixi. Atinlathi elgif licou.. xxii part of thx rusl' ixicîti lxbc asxiiie i etixiixuiixiO i 'ixixxytal oflxix ceýuîirinxithe iaxixxill tIoc,. "titi lxilxxipxiucei xirxi.xi?" and cn,,Newnlxirvcy. 'T'oiixpxfTradct' ho elx!fex dvxixci laidti hxilxaxs&ai xr T'hcxxiarc aoie bolxiusexxii gaotoa ais txiilTIiec cr wcxx xixd. ii, iltiitiîhxlxopxuniPreuixiuxi. Reaoo. Rîhodex Wou; xiloscixil exiipxitey si ahie leixx ,Atpt lx 'extui g lxx iixitti hbckto tathx ýi ixit i Oacax Di wxx.Miltion l'O. axip. lliaioce xi1,opokc. xxiii, xixieid a strlîxing ibtlx'ac. "f1i ' îhe itreti.' tir axitît ict o itexiTenc rs, for lrooLt. lite xieî trth lin." It wxi xia sicok lix ectîIlx made lxixi xoctiy ofis hi- tîtch ccii oalximxcgcxxi. Htxe g'avela Tlees itlxxbi ecexiclxpllxxthexeniir- 'lthirectdcxipIthexxiixxixithiixruxi igîîxdanito an .ix , for 60 coiia ixixo inalxi tuirltptfolxm'xiEcar oftN,,. i cxcix hodyp hdoxiiixiiiand 4 mouscîudeci xstanidoaxot iluco euîîî!ciyedoiior ix lxîiiîg,telixxde. Pirlce. troaor ionthexi xdxi oaaicdi i le d ai the cîucxy hbuiinxgs, Miltoni vaIotcry, ctîx cîthe xpfilsoit> xxii xc,fxelîee Pliectl, ii ix.'The owIxiicî xi 'Ilî,tiacxt, xbo a lxxi here oatiroxd iuci) inrr notxxx xecxiiîoitp ccxipinii xiîc Beî' ofisttixcieclxi lx'aixiA. lx,Ginuax, 'atlsc'.î' e îleOccietic. c ux, ii .vxcixern xlofGo. 1hct'ili! MtocatexmIîliix.vax ciio. e1a WONDERFIIL CALMNEBti xcix, cf Cxiudemnxxd Maxx lIa> Dexi cdlxxx Huimcon Hxr ixnîal S'uîîx O i tle' Oîixriiaa1 ii iocu' c t.iithex liuacclui cciihn Alxadeaiur Ohe ,.an, ut ciiauitruTyie, lieriii. cuiitd.eit r ie>ceoluer. fl lt xîiehat fImIterview dctefilmuc. St,,' cchit au the gondt tr, i acal)., aieulici li lier rcîuîui;itacehier a ltt. Coy, and flxxcc rtiet. "holîutexic axi taxiirexi ilacicx xif an at,,ci Ai the xict PîciDI'hxixi ýak ced ccxc 1tuxa catiluhi, a ce ch i rs atxîIc aj fewroIumd c Froex cprexiuuatIhi'xtuaI uic xaaîd liec hicxticii dacitexî al etax. lie itticd ittutrand dxiliextly xix tixi fa futureaoflier acithexichilIxoxi. Ha croiexiteciitsîecieinncne n Iareidtuc lci ime xolatith,îiixiaa xuiaied. Noaonexi hua. I1"enfaul. xi tuxihex w lx' lice,, bon 'txiilite cactit xiid I '.as il itcvereacxi'a edlulteir la ktoax xihieiu 11,cr uc' clig u ii l hxigh he dia.t'atýie'.ho eý.ch. h bator te hb a l ace lie vvId, ait. iei %vle &nidt laxte i uxe ct rîiixaou If Il exati ccnulxxi hellîcit Il, iditeithuit l ixx sdouaitaixicxic litec la ndcîuîîxareditulabciin xhI, trîclx Sceaiiiue(c heix [rom behoax thue fraie hi' acatc îureixixixiithixeei tial la todii. auid ihixid lit time lîxi caerpto u att .eucithei cccxxx ilc ha ticra ioncxiLu hitihcc Hehapxid ci. dxiîuîxi uulitconte c tucihi ti showee chat axiiutre h uai lxiexccxmtlxi ihb hîsx hovigtece ecdxicccxi d ie, SFciIki cig fluixssitu. Hîrry e. xi x jin .xa iltucx eer t0fcxcop te In it coin. tucce. xnd ecxxxit!dci eexeliving in hoctihbodyacx ici. He luopeii xxicx un wuxht itike an Itxcct Intche boyx aned aixs e eroxxieIulcitdlhcx fox Ihoe Oiicxcicxmneaxkxid thti lxxit soi welIn houp lhatIi xxixccxiiiaillonne tic shold ha ixe to d lxie. Mcx. Oteixaaxxdixiii hal hex ba ba x c afî l m acxic acxxe xti ia xxi ihl wCxix tiroxtlround t ait it eh hdxcxfox the fasi ixtouciixithe gxixtxxg, lxut tihe reus ccitxxcaxxleedut. Tlxe iiatervi xixiiici lxp lxxix haxiî tishixig tix eexi>xiixi arneîixiii tibe and liiexi ecxîtoeexiquiclp xxx. tElS GETMA ID ixit Ccurse for a Youngl taxia, AIl Cîrercoaxauxia mu0 gFavoraxble Jadîxi Bacoxi Ciii xnxi xix xo xxx,. in exixixixix cith applixixix i lthxi fxilccmuxxhxtCxicctp Coaut. clxixamei ore gcaxil oct 0f cCxMPcxiaioxi aids uxidxic tihe Wxixlxxix'x Compxinsaxtai Aot. A w ox xecxarbed thît If thei ixif lowticxd hor axiptixg Ilt ial xxixilxi xxiipourixrate. The o m added thttehxi xxiiaxdaîxibtar xarxi. i 59, Parxxieh. axxiiilethael xxx. qiidLc xare thxigirl lIn bout Ixiatlxcr. ranch asx chat oni xbots. Lciabtar.) 1iixixxt xxdxisnxtd ixima xf xu pexi- rixi. Oie cornI hocwu ixi the box ual alx lxutiinca axitpducxinîxed bit, andi a boy clxxo xiximpaii ban wai atinui lin vexxixoxix The Applifail' f bavc uy yard. 'obxe xix mp bock, Judge tBacoxi lIoixanltyl lLaugx. I axiOtlxxr ciaoe Wlxxrxia vldxivx. c'esaid conidinillidxuibt ias1tecuhat caurie teadalpî vîliregard fte'bor aigxtar taxi leirxid Jxidge roanhd thit il ppxarid te bo a'ircixg cxiw xxl uxCe mare tat thi bout tbltxg 1cr aig111cuOai te dc. ail 'clxxxi. Miane boing favcrable Wvax toigst .arrlid. PI rx ixaxraxCe coupixiflsrxipcrf lv. 14 irx I* aratealu 4 ye&rs Generaf Sessions Noiiiltiii.,chextxic is xxe ul, tthh. ce ci x tic Ccxiceptxixcx GREATr BARGANS TaHROWiJU THE WHOLE STORE! The knife put down deep intoý Winter goods-Prices s9ac rjoed, We aim to do a record December business. ChristmaUs Goods et-Greatly Reduced Prices 1 Sale commences Saturday, Decem- bel' 3rd, and continues for TPwo Big Weeks, untii Saturday, Dec. I7th. 8traySteer. Cameclxte te prcvixcx cf thec xxahîexu- el, lotIscn, . NS.. Nxilcxixaboutal cx Novayerlhigxiaxusteel. axiexcax ccdixig cxpcxixc. MAGNIHICENT LIBRABY County of M'laiton a3-t c .i i'O0f One Hundred Volumes ut! b îi he hel titheutic axel rc i lhxi Teaclier Wated. TO DE GIVf N AWAY IN A 0O N F MILTON Ixixe SlS. No. 9, laisnxx aee oxi -cee- feccaxilxxuxi c a xh ixiltex istmas Salry05,0 Apl LbrryVoting Contest. TUESOAY, DECEMBER I3th, 1910, houic i. ARRISON,1 0 Ailpi aI *thu i.urx xh DOxnehcoci.p.cxý,, 243ti A P. --- ef h a i l a!j usticesi oflthc PecCor c.: xixixix. Consxxtabe. GDoalex. andxilt ah! d a1 n e EL( )W' xiii bu faux,) 1hotnaxiesi oii oh i ie fexirgrnaii al.xxxuer cxxcner!arexxqxuii lxita laie cf Mitx etio dcietlîxi îof paaular outil libecal urhi,. ralie and aîleuii, xioxtandperxoriil! , du esuxixchappexticu xtateri. Sainc gndxc tgirlscî ucelta e c.uganltlicrary n' nsoecawil be iven b"iii' titeiff. Co' Hxae. it'inea l.îeîce Apelr lcaicelaPiti ltargextni eei f Ivolexinliathe f'xloittxiîcigîaneue Shecullu OffiieWxxx & ('a..TeixcîexicelceIxeaxixiil Eh a Ciian,,c Mihou. cr itd.xlx. 49-3t a Soi axa Onlic e ote l. Tlîre ixtc"ilberir éThueiiy, Sept. 1tith, l19t0, aieei Fehxeiar' lth,.1h11t, aI the hbout rtIexin oaixîx pixiia Ti1iece is nîtuhicg mr uuexIitabut cur tiether uilxtcecialeil 1cr a Christ- A tallatiboxchas bee ptacecd ti Mîckgîzf'î Doif Store, eeehi i l1a> Gf tantcafnxxi lepleitied. Atthe Close oaifile erlutent flue cli îi'l. c retCOicci or lidgx i lacing fhe laegext xîxîxîluofeotaersxxiii tbc xeeue... P hoto!ary Carrent accouxaîxwlxtî prcmplfy pxld yl lxxeei lîllieexivte. A P hoto 1 vo ctexi catuity huxi xxiurrîl lbe tradlingxigetIthl. icxxntr tiated tiilaxx. Earh eelthue CHAMiiPION iii achat,I W,.' tic u' îuicaingîc ile-like lîlicrex, haive ethhicg tht ifixewincstandinxgxif theurionsaotoexixa tsî. hiiiii'ui tlehi ii] uiîler xi fillaiducxx ci] ttxxc caît luue xi The I.iiraxy aîîui cse areuic î,outa xlaibitiautin the.' show c fiishîlîtCeîuu. o ait arxda u&Cxi. tluîce Yixi heaight luxiîrclose xce are fa the 201h of Deeeirbex? Ixoixit cpxiîîgcîixg free thecoexuponixs and] le u xîr faiitte COME NOWOV1 schxiol, xaaiety xir, urcît viocaharieie luîryof rcfeci,t î, ii and lpoxtilaworkr,' inuitxtxg o ariety of thec tfic ltton, f)-, Th B nt r tu io - M ilton. daiite. IT'S CF TO YOt'. The_____Eu____nt ____e __r ___Studio, ________ The fxiloxxixxg ix the liii aofxxarchantxi. J. ,MACKENZIE IOASTEDO & Col t ~ VE E J Red Cross Dnxxg Storxi. Votéex gixci xin Dny Gondsifuii1 The Mens Store offers Se-sonahie Savings ~EMRHN ------------------------ -------- ý- Hardal 're, Slxives W ire Fcncxng, liatchcx, Clocki, Jxicx'lry',ii Seme Smart Winter Suit. at $10.95 Ixints, Qilu, (hiaia, etc. îptiiing a pecialty. Mcxxx Rigisix axiiiScotch Tweeds aid faxcy Wxxîtxda Suite, Inxaili the sxxix.W ON son xinwhaics aid patterxs, xctxdiag finexttîllt aid Hxrixg bouoex. W BEV'SON MISS ELLIOTT Theocolorxiexrearlx lxxxix.oxivle and gray grouds, vlxlx cent laxxip xripxx x eexi xdCxfr iiixc,' front ho0faicant modcle in thnee'hitxxn in lgle breisîed xack le pî.areixtty tai'txc. d ndRendlxuixxjx i h Hadqxxrtcrxie Mliie.- xii xxxi f iixhxid îh extra qxality linxuageaid irimulugi. Oxlzexi6t042i . Rxig. and Geints' 1hrnfikîxxpo"'D xOuf. xi5, aidt t0, tarx Stxndîp xl $10.95. ~-.,.,Oîxir Lcxcxxxi'x Storc. Afenx, Coilege Ulsters, to ci*.r ait 510.49 E. E. YATES T. D. HUME Mcxii ColaeiUtetru. a clearance xl brohe icelauamxxg coIr bist xillixg Alkl.xic Bex, Sboes Rubbaerx D'our, Fced tand Seeds, gxxxxixixit. Haxdîouc paterns in the pcpxdai styixix la brou, 'gcey and olve, Aime lfepif ixg learp cari aiteri xxiîoh aid ncaglx Suiilxed twedi, i l itary or cxix. %îteg.Iýlë as xcrialixcollara, texgxbolo xiches, gxicd ftixg, ail sxtex.Regxilxr 1114, $1i aid if IOldOxai. 0Sift iccirrna Stxrdntal$10.49. A. L. OIIAb]MBI' 3 Mens. Fur-Llned Coat. B aker, Grocer and Coni ctioýe.E, J. WILSON- Hiei grade Pxn.lfiexl Conaa xieli cf îmcxitlkâ'iilaxuBianir clcîh aidca .si Vxl. Slynix xi Mxcii dx&id y- i anMtd Co1feA*.ionery qxatltpdr dxx xîer axtclxcoller. lBonditlx eily' iiroýd Cîadfax xprlxg mxxlx. .,t mn.....eiocr rat. Regatax S$6i. ipeclal xi Salxrday 042,50, C E' qAi0OIIA' ýP~W. 1ANDERBSON 2 Oni.i'Buffaio Brand Coate jAll.ind fFeh n 'it 4Ï- 'je'tx.c" Slxxxt of leaxix Dneor clxx, ine i th ,xx .'... ..,, qxalIîy darhkmZJ;Z Iartnct l lr, "txoaiar Buffalo Bran ixi ulx tth catra 2 OnIy NattaHetzxy Qiiltd Cats Spexiaf for Satxrday 02.75x. ta1x>B B ' R UBU'made bfCîîumn4.Rbber {ijx cane bec pin pair., uv éd .i',u ~~rî# 'A 'vcfar Cixxiîy falîoi . ". xlt.4oxîiix and eru!0. sbue igon Nursty,5, ýLc -'d AUCtionee, D' l i i c c i '11111 R led li cin iel. Bu , . f ýrii i) vloeî'r , 1î ,. , 'r A. T11il A MANORE SPREAflER for S59,50 Buck & Foatherstone, Agpnls. CANADIAN NOIý»[HILRN STEAI1SIIPS LMtS y4t nCHRISTMAS THE ROYAL LI\'E -THE CLDCC' R.M.S.ROYAI. LDTPA: R...ROYAL IiIt c-ci. Dcx ýI - i i. ,.. "'c GUELPH 65c, and Return ict Fair.'el qith, xxt,.. tc Dc.ixîl i il i i t ,t TO WINNIPEG AND WEST DIIRECT îANADIAN ROUTE DAILY SER\IC[ poiniafil %Wesxc x 17Fr ivfxixixLîai 1 .E. FA! N A IIR LTii psx.;,."1 . CHRISTMAS Cbhitimixis in adP Pouie f eils ý,t MextÇt tx' lUyIig ' a ii xxi Aeing e Pr OMT lciiii vie Gut itjý r ths bil .i. l\i', l ',>%el! .1Il dc: Hîer 't'a"- i GIlbe iii Cati: geticui Someilî. '.h" ixahux I Atxiiit ipol i1 lhuhie S Tolt ,i L"Iise u, At jYixifLxi, tii Sttucee IBrecOhu- wFxig>Psetc SWxTre 25 te i e2ew I i Ail 4f1 Re ai Pliie pj'escri p B ig Y c Pr TALCUM IIpu Px r ii Caiiof W 141G G I N B Mfetropq Col BiTRh AIpe .9