H j As Old Country Blusiness Praglicoi Malng llgadway ln Toronto. A. el,,,rer colfeil yc.ileriy ftiern-Hn ghar<Jy <HHHHaC1H 1 HHIHHon Hac HepartH ment maaerHHHf He ofHHHHH HHiH 1-g iiolol ck a HIiYounglady IHHHH<H<ig H<Hn Hw .UasoficiLec.Threporter wu. H«eHed 1Iilpartait of iH(IcHOHrHHHost dellei .utandHIrcfr.si<iiHc-gHe, and bHHHIi ne$aLinfg ald -il. iHH a ,Hcth.« maniger"pealIt'd <<it a.(tcmonil1i lerc «re HiH iadH b HHi e HgftH<H herc lie ad i <HHthHaHe IHHHH<a.HIHHk t<. e00,1<0 i,,.aHHHHHly boiHiHH<O« ou- Il, H1-1 tHHYHH-H0H.'Hh aHHH <alHHr and aHtHHHh riHHHHH«0H"fHHoHeHHf the ch«>ccr lH< HO< hHC OHgotiHHhe HiHli country.H lf<Hv<cnq.iry aHi thoff-Hofthe LIcHI liHs a oroHI i H aîHfou<H<.o ixhe pr-c tHe hâ b ee«bç.acn i<HvH Hl«y af itayFHHg.and %a ta HH<-H"..Haif aambiaiot clHiHHHe had ,f hIle JHHH -'con<aahcrîarro<to .0-p ofHt Hýi..HHH tes aIHacaly t<Heve<vY ,cer he IH oicand <aroHo1<HHastaffs IHuHiHHIHHOHf stcanger hohaHH<.pfH.HHH<t,)oHoHSihi <he gaiest th le aHHarHine HHHHr 'PThe tIra H terveid<aoe-ryy HHonai HH.HHor<H-rOHîli TheîlrinkHiHHH«HCHHHH1y<aHint«HHH<rH t- and th.He.< i. H-i eO<HHIfH~fresh< iagoalIH<ia-H1Ht liithe oHHIliHH offiew-ooof t c f oiH v~oadfoH<he day.H 'The reHaaaotilHe H---,HHof1 ReillIio 'T'c.a<nIIthhiglir.HeHa n hO îeh h ir hlrlat 0the v IHOH<c hrHHHghIHHI Cantal.c <cna. sriHHg rHhH<e t1 heIIfor- fuii ,adi r iHiHHHbusHe-I ehocisOH st<eIdlv o',,<l1y T. I IOHHla î<lSt <H i IcH N. Il. , il H<HHHHI r II' H Roece ea. T'hiasuoe< H---HsîIH .lpplcby Sobo leai t -F. lic<haoncce e IHIHHH l'ait. 11Geo, lHtharHI. <icg Sh"- OHHdH H,<H tr H HChn.rH«H<HlO Aailre<î' 11<0, Mel. <lieegl<. iG<tîc pin 111 Nra Alioa. Ma< HeslHHHHH Jil. - HHirgf 5Hl, Eylv« Ma<OH fl'HHmIV l r-Or bîhialoIHa, FlHHy Pric., or11atioo. lHom Ih r, lilna W-a.. bu<e Alkiîatîa< ' ,Illentp, J<Sa Waod. JoauncHie B a v,ýýh i 1. tci<le Ilacachard, iiPI< nfarh fly. HHH«McKerr. %Ni. J, Nl(Healao. 'l'acher. Noveniber lHorticulurf, 'TheoN.,ceanlerH--nJ hf ie Caaaai<ca lioiHaalluivof iIiIHHHHOat-coH tin*a<cmuchval IH<H IHni mat<ona nd mlat, tuei«InfiggenaHHofr hi momb. Treah. o «c in <H i v.ia< dixs catothJ-a c<mlarofleail.HIHg Ocaarîî fruit<gra<varn Wolihave ycOvc i OOeper unacetlehaeli la y <Sir ,fa<oHHoH<a The ocîrrîc olihel.Cali<ircaa OfriHHydn. nale. aycr HaaadiaHc fruIiain HH1,iMon- io.lio arktid sbthoa<oin ea«c..H .Hvartile, 'rhc fltî,or a c <et.l.i<c Hic mnt aepariciacIy attractlive atd< <H<cct. ing. -<VH« 0<p roti«<Haon f Iand nh<ciaentcrae of (alitbil. cH<l,ivon ofa «r<rde graec.'aaoita'. <SieIfc<Iplavt. ngoîHI,'Hll.. and i ne-ic 1<11 ciHaîli t'egoitahic,ara fewiuttch. Mary c<h. joc<icaci cd A pageofat aigga«inlla reaiigiae Nvrmhc-r oarlin toe<lic ce gaaicn <teohat amatecura eadea lig< mcnil.tupreparo 0r aoai <car. An <«ieraiaig foalona oft he rogoiahia do- patimal' 'Hie an Istaion ea hawiag donneý(»êf'rednsd" tr c armai inth -Rierh ll 'Alaertaa, nhai archbeng pac'iia n t<liarketioi y he <H1'. iR. P. eaucnof<tilJae la the large <aombeiofaexcerllentillccaraiana ac.Hi<mp.Tyiaag t<h, duHTrcaiartclce%, ci<cicrfig Uracaro a capyaof thu% ltHOher May eblain rama lay arîlina Fruitî magazine. The C-a.n <a «ihbof-<i'reapriai MagoaHato. ua<Hli-Hncd Oc Vacoucrer, fq, C-. iHaalîci a gOoHciavalol flanal readlag and alc inf iomation' fo aaen --l, iHcnma..cera fruitowes T'he Olacmbeo aamleo ovlul bgranrg ilitiotat.d pgedl anifailly w bhviw ith. Pin Cgt a. ,thhîaireport goiw fÎhnshow and a Cam. plat i itoltIha pfea wîan. H LE? JUS1 00 TEEPReV»NTINQ OPeant riât àOZ 0 .H FORI FALUINS NMR Von Rua No Rlak Wheul You Use This Res.ndy, , We promineneyau cat, il your halo las falingaoutaad eau bave aoc lait ILgo tua foyoa coaarapalo lbe damna i- ron11do....by aciag Reaali 1493"Hait 'rnc ilhs cieacy and raguaiy, fo aaaolaaglh oa iman, Ic la a acieatiiic, cleanlag, anclneptic. £or- nîcidal poparation. cidancetoapa mae- robea, ainilala nto ciclaion aroaad ti.he alo rons, promaiaa halo aoaoinhameac. reovoea dandoiff sad oatoesfniralahtih. ILl na npleasani la ana .anpayre a tacr.and iLilaHelicacol' pfoamo I laca raial ielnzeceuaiy, We anaiyaaiaity ItHgali1'93- lair iHa noatbiag autie" yaa are paotectiy aatiallad wcoli ta aeIL cama, latw ims .polcea 5oC. ad Sc.Ranari- ber, yoa con obia i Racli Ramedai In chlccaommuna 1y aic aor ir-Tha Rexail Stooo, liggal.aiham tYoag CH. Bayas Schanî Repart. Artois Si-cii, LiJIO «oaci. Mldrcd McDoagallHael iAndrews, Meloîa Lawrenc, TomLawrence. JIi-Lloydi BoioiHt. ira Johuaoa. Ioane Paailistcaaiic.Maadc Peai<hoo. aona, AlbaciCooper. Sdaoy <Hhaaey. Jamas Hlgmaa. Lada Ockeomaa. FocS Wiltshire. rl- emical CoHe Dois Mcoaa<, Maggfa LawraancH.Will«o Sitel or ono ifheaaaiy. iOta MoDoagall, Henray Aycoa i'Campbell MaI'Iaail, Horace Spiaho. Il<hcl Aadocws, Focda icathco. Pt. ti-Moacicali Maxwell, Godcoa Huaiit, obbia CraaHr, job a cI oGr. don Cooper, Nc<caanilocuield, so, i iiooîha Foaihcro<a, VilliH Siooii. lamnimia Crocico.Ed<tMaao. Joha W, MetHagiall. -liHlyn l'oH<aia. Jr, 1i-Wîilc «Maxwell, Shhldoa Pcaahcrsionc, J..y Andrcws. Aggocgcict <c daaa(1H4. AloHaga Ittoi ceoc36i Wi«rHîl Spaolig, I*aHHiÂHH TEA CLIP INYID ES T HE OFFICE. aim~i One. thoronsgh applition. of i Zam'Ruk ut night noIl bring *aus b>o moreing. Zs.m-Bah stops the amarting, healo te cracks, andI ~fI naaleete hhnds amooth. PEOOS'-îHna Ittte a Grno aco.burg, ont., Ioln -"I c.tronhhod occh cb.ppod 1-o.dn..î.armand ot1,ahiag reo ond la-b1" tcam 11-r-ahl ccti mv tonad ZamBo. It fo nocoai akinHo toccacondmi <jIrl., ci chlic thero la aoisliag labo ZomBal." Matrs iccc<ddunotht thier ohillonea naZH. Bah dnuy, -ai chis a.athilci <10poeat<n. A licl Z.Bah lcghcly namoaaed 0ara ho hands nacd orbe.. sllae .Oahin. VIIflpeot hap naaCOUilsaai Who. mac . m 01010 sl»d.n.. mm. ~ohnoihe Pli»,05 an W-W tm ,L bho Z. . nkC. ".1 i iln ala = .Icae GO or 9" fililaj inf rlgbh" 1ae, I Ofoefoanua. LlBlnn.Pea, < liCh.a Hf Bit-oardBuc. eviln. Morrds Tnoner, 1neelaedeela' gharse Pft I-0110. Pothetatana, WilfredMýchmeceat Nofolk, Vs., We have eiosed our greatl an sd bave noir sî up-to.&nte line of Men's, Wonîen's and Children's Footwear for Fail & Wintei lTEALBERTi [H S-lE for mitn îali lientcers. THE HAGER SHOE for mnen, and aaonen, thce 0- knomiedg,,il Lest madsdouiiiaCinada. VICTORIA SHOF. for «a umen, iu ail leuthers. WATIERiPR-OOF SIIUES for unjeit. WORKINUMEN<S SiFUES at al pnices. CHILDIREN'S SHOES tfîat tri' guarante4a. School ihuecu ac peciaity. H-jI 5 , '1. lems u t. cHihHi Hti iaOaj'M i Cadi and sce us-- It wili pay you. WILSd'N'S SHOE STORE, Tvvo Minute Talks About for Goal or Woodi 1i Cananda Go? H la ine, nnfadahint Hj ai41.. ith an eyéliWe aille, ad a aw liko fiona. anl Wou, bca all.tpi ha *'aald JOIh Othlrèsix5hc H'lie h lnkweIs. H r Bu l i en lIna sI% cpnpgan*ditkm satIner tlen nat aiinçlo teenia7.j1 ha Sml(h'a obstina Hhy tond tlia Sa ilojr iran. hlmntâatiag thét aller lo. thatrafeleioln ha )lsd decflled ne 1 go lau. Ihe acharne aSISO AIL. WNraaim theslx oma,'ned0 galber aanadnglnbt for hys and mInra. Bai"lié 1.e fo. ayoases.t. anal i n.ot IHmpasalonedI ,W. dldm'L appocce noalgl.ta bla thnslp.m. Mn itng ILaIL lmonthe ch a1 --eàchnalam.W. cenlined anraOl<EaO ton mach la fiels an a garea. The multiplcation tab.le'» aIl right, u l.a neverBait the marIl an are. ilereg Wa we nauet pcia nlIceol.mre excitempl lac e anme. Carra linaaDe5tl.ela faat. aweop thana alsang wcoul. nn-il.t'sl the chias te do"' Slid tho second, colîl.anlargehanaPi Of caution n nîs- ranm: HWe aaght tae baemode 10 cloîtrer chat lhecouannidaloge1. A man cga go lato businn eeer boar afthe d9y. Thot# eOsy.Bat coat ha la olasg for lna apraloiantlocore hoa anal toge, Male lt iaitl. 10au£0oppoH iaalty lnaccad ofai n lntr.People arani cal.lnig olaha, bat thoy are- goaplan Saiciho chîrd, a CYnicH "HThe trouble la tisa We dîdnHi aha.. hlm ptalniy anaagh hoe ona go- lslngIne aamthlng ont a1 nothng. TIha.t., .50-Yty ling ntn tstn cl.m W. att have tl.e nmo atroal. in us, Wo ara aylng ta do tha saima thing carnotaca, .W ptninho thlg fowaid a tghîn aua a egîimnia hasinesa poapa, sitio. Weil,ftiant lant gaad anoagl. Woave get tu look aiy and crfty, andr tel tithm how iv anagl otiea ora iiathiiig. Thon aero sot ta top Oi nansand nd ml.anday. HWontcic cama la sud gsoraimaoailt' ThatHa theo <Hlo thiag thoritl fait f00"* Oald the bard.. a facetotunflamber: HHHha woatathîac mai piiched la toc aalocoa a key. W. ment et hlm toia earnoacly. Wa hapt hi. andor a ton, Bian ait ihe tiras, andMas was ailc gai away flice tenion bhuire aod tht whoia thlog mnasf, Aler thia mal mati gci op o laugh aonn aohîta tu roleeolaIha t010.TellH'a a fen joton, itell em a fow 5100105. moit e n W.nk we're00ali a tot af gaod ello.., eojoylig aorivea, No mare fuaarH.ol Bilff fou, or ml ogelnathon aial, icai thecoaneo a waltntSmith. You arkl cao mrdi, ild theoith, the Sptimist: HiHohaps It'onut a i eiltchai Sith didn't como la. Heon nach a ti. domlnerlng sor of aimn coho iemtlgh have oloca cus a lot of trouale, StiltI, for ftulre guildance, 1 chial. me doali foc moch apan the 100 nîaidofthingo Wa ilicaghi ma ecra cavaring ail]opa aihle coaclagoaclea. hat, an a roter ofi taci, we oera aaly nngotag uccptco ganal thaHghta t10ishînmld, Wa taicI how e or <HlO «rai Oar aampoticrn tnstead of roaaaaning hlm tl.la aaly onad citheotactfihot mo oaaid imaa w<Oh carcycllilan. We told hlmhbon weaaold «andla tha îhap-morai atail. lnntead oft couaig hlm, thi n ogntcd 1teltsmlad thc tari 1h01 H lîcoreo oeld lha aholHoorna taif. And go o. Al l teine, m et ay 00 01<0 I Ihoothi«0 teha im r." Sid 11<0 nlixh, a manon a Y00and HNo, gentemen oî.raroail ronic We ail500hlm. att rlght tilt lha got home Our trouhla la ihis: We ara arguiog <haeo lonhe homataar ap olth MILSa John emith, Ihoattal.-Nom Yorkc WNEN TH-E 5ABV CRIEa In la Tylai 1. npalh, aad Parener ahlcoao 'ry la Underad A rigaraun proaet aOgooat trcatlag Hthe hol.y "HmIf lhe maro aa nnmltigated focai- tgntorod «y iFlorence Hall Win, terbhum lu the Jaty nacabor of The < .imcrlica Bahy. HHWO aisumeaH bcl. nana, Hhai mhea che hol.y criuesh naadn talie hanl.d, jn sIffthe noe le anahon woao asort 0f nataatie cýreol.lag Iran. loosened ncreWs, Ha la lohco 01, and tonl.ad ac and dama or rockcO tu distact bis attention. and faîir balliiad io sinlence. I10oaoly "cas a If ma mîi gIr.l baby coodla for a lîcta nanaa; isnote af trouble may moan o amthlng afteo nIl, The baby. oloie, , on, lterburn againta. ara the babyn langaga. and weOuoght 1t aithornaimaclai te lean ohat Il anusan.*"A lusly, vigooous L.. c0Y," shc aiserta. "ndicaton temper sud wimîloinan" and laIoveir board ancil the hoby basi ionad te bhauMgr, etther tbroagl. aing signe of 1loin.w per la others or nhroangl belng un,~ neceonoooiy nl.maoced in bis nanural ilapoînta. anfferlag bas 1is chnoneler. lutteacntes, and charo la theobsarp ar7 Of paln,.taoylng tram I he full, lau H arr of catie te tha terrible, sharp, sud. dea aholal. Inalaating braI, troubla Ca big, branchions, criest, faeompaa. lad icl. a lail.ed face and hrroled broo.ilg, ladlanna same trouble of the tOago, Wl.imPeolag sufretfulneas aungeaaintestinol dloordeas." OSATH AFFECTS FAIR Jackn ltOwgrtthe tWoIoe.yenr.old ad eaniaso f M m, -W, RHStewart, 0t the atewart onhl, Alberta, dled snd' dooly roetiy 0f bhao telure. ThIrty. Ira homs b roaght in frana the ono0a fo Ciaraahatm Falodit! net, awlg 1 cha Gal acaident.c, c'aajala S. S.No. I, Esqueslsg, JHIPI. "A"-Cora sprnotnea,, pRdlih Miinhali. Airs, Pryde.Rbn. La Co. id t(H fHHIH ] Suppose you could take your time about your Christmas buying - wouldn't your moisey go twice ase fat ns if spent in a few hurried, crowded shopping hours? ThiC1 of spending a whole day-a week-' iourgreat store-iooking oi.en opr exten- sive stocks cumparing prîcel; an d making out becs of d1e preeents you would like to buyl TIats /est w/rat you do when you buy t/rough Simbson s SPeciac Chrstmas Catalogue. We have a copy of the catalogue for -you, swaiting for your name and addreîo. It es free--send for it nuw. WE PAY L(ELIVERY C. on every arficlie Hhown inoui Catalou. of.HU buy just asH thoughyou 'ived ight here i: and you îhip ýe goods back at à i yu don'ý like îhem when il' andeget yo ioney back. <1 of course, tii we are goingtoub, fui about scH H H ng exaccly what Our generalinmou orden cataiog you Eu buy- r Toronto prices- thing shuwo îri unr greai store, ,bay deliver, h/arges on atg in our Gener -lcataioguewith tht of a very Sci' eavyhu lky antici IJust write on a post cord: ""Pieu send me Christmas Catalogue No. 144." I We wil #end it bjc réturn mail, prepaid. __1' TJRO1iT Champion 'Voting Coupon This Coponqgod foi 10 votes in the Library Cutoil, fll n nme f Chtirco. Llge, Seool or other organzatin yo wimhto vteaivldeposit. AT TUE Plimsi FOU NDRY 'fou çiii flnd a (.11lino fa PLOW SHARES WC alsia ahaopea PLOW SHAlOEs, MOWÉR ENIVES, LAWN MOWERS &,!. Casinugand Repaie Work a Speclalty' Hiibeni Puce pâli! forSerap Iran. ImperliaIMACHlINE & FODRUIORT CD. ---------- 't for F. H. DEACON MMarba .Ta0t. stookE Have n more comwodig 97 Bay Str8E Special attention -<cii lu Invesrnei First Mortgage Bon tondStockzs seé purchaser 56tulI.- rfut. Off ics-97 BAY ST., TORONTO MACHINERY RE, of ail kin<I> romptly attended SCREW .FACTORY ýÀC1INJ Aise Ail Kiiis e! E[EÙTI Nickl.i îcr, and Copper Oicý l' FAIR PRICES. SATISFACTION GUARAÂ, P. L. Robe il on 31'fg. Co., MILTO0N, ONT., lIts the; a pi o n po b~ra n d,~ 'AI1RS at tii HOP PIATINGI âinted, Tl-Pia of LOCA Pl- ' i < l 1 Cal]ýd î by l-J-11 H A,-i PH H H (H. E 1; E B. GOh . T.n BfIT. H 1.: ULL E. GOM 1\\uH ... ai àH lvate Fu na0da je. ýr yQllr ,issued. SR G ES lh rist mnai teaply as Toronto, H expenase arrive- is mneani, 7my careH uorder. enables fluet any- 1We a /su 's thown uceptiHon F~wfar wil my Christ às MOe It -will go m-uch further than, you think-if -you Or gifts from this Special Christmas Catiilogue -u Y OU coa quicky pot tise Pandora oven ready for tihe baking. t ia made of Nickel Stcel which is mucis more sensi- tive than a cast or gray irota ovev, It heats up more rapidly anfd thereby savca you many precious minutes. After you've ued the Nickel Siýc! Oven for a week you'li congratulato yourself that «ou invested in a Pandora Range. Get one this week. Make up your mritad you'1l enjoy its nany conveniences at once. Our agents in your loca]ity wilI fl orodrprompty d11G1 ffa i H i I 1! <~ (H H H 1