<.atcvu. Tir Wanted att) - 1 "4- é.I Bach .f' r-eig. ICV'N'iIAN NORTfRI -SrîviSiiips LIMITEW CHRSTMS AT THEIPROYAL lL (LECOUNR RM S. ROYAL EDWARD flun .r.eert EIRNICESai SIMOtE FAI~ 9; X DONti v" GOAL! Jas. W. Bliain F., Vkd. Seed, Sait .1t:ul Lerient , ltr esphiolg téutudo 4 (icuil Teaming and Cartage BusutCB hi\ Goodl Thlingeý - t'-tt u' I datp f thetc ktti. t LiE da lu i\%, ao] tut4N:ti ,i1uttttt.f A M"n ut u lt t -< I let g4 mi T.- tl. he' a.dian ;,à i nat ~GA. G4 lu ESTENDGROCE ~gandLU{f éd utat i eit ir in1 etr trtiz rmilflttb I etropolit4n COI NTtY BISINFSS-KEvi'ii Srtt r asationi of their bî < t~ oerreNOII islh a u i ofi Io ndependegic oificeoptim for bnp iipl, gmoesitable .1n oders for ,he Roi f.-t i tgtt how clouse w COME f, The Bunter tu, Piano, Organuand VIolle. A Sa ut tlty eople Il uIew pr l iwi tl- a tuî1 Beefu. WhteP c Lfe ai o f0o ledo 1 rincip to ce 'e. Try -q cal),Degrcal eNews.en I<VOJW, OReI- S l Camptuen hdnga onatie n. ispl an p r e onWmsap on tisGepird. bif SinIs1; blrid buiina rn e u are t Act re,uisourtble s doro Slr tJOneit, et onden.Guehrein, É Saate okday mai sto Smaereta lef ni t nrlo oMtad, lierai c, ee priatevMgu. 10 eott Aois.Ait our et rein tndi r j Mis ~st, of Lirau , ot ii r nns 18 t d. gao p1on ayhier orene o, Fnt oytrj onhis er M aurs. l e jro $ Christon ortyon Mets,2 Al, oreuîng §et(OMstra t edoBo ih tP. foisenatuuCe..r gbeto it o us i Miy rei ii <loue alîree iour ffar eChrint- tadetante, nol a tn ue&y ndFrday OfuBe' lac uery Wetl.att inn. eg iseg.. or g ar a u erlar Mat, ifB antado's. , oer C. ,à, ime.Mobet and Clora 1Mils et aTdiotckoÉtint tobnt.to eii i sf.uta . r$, )a..ý T wi n da s tsir * Pedies. dou iutng ai Lie'. lHead, tbo.l5tb O Deccnbr? maag apenin int iA. T'ton bal.Milieu. 25-t% So.g Lambertaind dauigiterVolina ofl'asum e Guelph,iave retiirnod bonne atta Mat.4Liou. montg ao irt nuitis, J. jobufen. - ftre iseoutbyansd Mararnt Gai. Bdirap a i nim frioidi, lise tMîn Galtonay ,no MgIn rge !g Itao. UaWedaiouWa nAuinal tufaortor eut M IÀlk.t#, AMOdoisffIaIrn _ or nentis anti peultry. breI e. .intOr'*'nos.gond. L*oisai gororumut tot eut 01 t.ou circulâr. nad tisa prîce fi l fgit. 0" Ht W iume,» FPond $tort,. itro Mm" - stoCur ~our Cold al 'Weverybod le mucu cit Âng ats iYGioute ýîýi te g its 9PortaWld ffectiri 1De; A. C , jouis, of Xlider.diii mt lauh ib iamlon, and dem nôt lteai, te go. Tisa .1iompisu ias inatrmei bp ¶ muer riseirasboylna siisone. COiblnatleu Ladl7W ijoduernrlit *'#a1$,5 .e, 4e 81,. ils! Wonl Glapen, taury celor, 1c prtat Batodea" r#rsad. Tb oerLoamalo Wiso, of Port Nise,, cared goi$49,25 in e uis pratosiu ami P. C.Wlmo.etl tou# g0t *gierr-Oaisllw tar. IfioCurnmi-On llaadap morang tisa subject wmli bo, "1àtoar a diffat- once boineon Chirttianan otisera - Ongis tiean ber " Intheoerounu Mr 4Mita _fili cotiuntb sri. TbeGret Tacbr sd fLa Teacising*. aubjeot. "Tise taaciluget Jcou*about Juan" Gond ileai tb serrte. SBoisWaal Cens 50c, 7c,*090, BabypWotMitl a c aud2ic. Beetion s5c. nec. nac. Large sleotfeu. potitar prîe.. 0f Butado'. linnocicet.nt. octrv-Tisaauuai ca e . boteidluntisae oyalTamplao' cait'onT ynap lutag oiontisa fol. lening rts oca era ectadPreaodent. A. Htgglaisearnammi Visa-pren.. D, S, eosruutnd V Vlpro. G, S.Ben.; uiac..eau. Fraunk Ponron. Dimctru- Maiamn tocayp 1<11..W. JlDewar aud itgg inmeMu.rs, il. E, Be.. j. M.t Bastaio.Bell. laiacan od Paen. Auditr-Dr. tRoisreoami C,.E, flot- lînroko. Dleaoes te OataieHatetu- tarai Socioty. 1u, I. IBm eaud Praut ponron. A public maeior ilanit bfedi ltor, iisasthe cul» and Pmteou nos Sy saccmtl cenyrtiter il bc pn- "e& ILd. ta thitetoneuof thea socety so iare a gond speaker irba con give ui- formation reSfdog i. ep-ratiou aud coaeot lawnm. P.-s SALi-Oaa tsCumd ced0àaisoc ramenaif n5ca plae, nFuilce e9 tise buit ubiesfand tisey icOurnemera Emprana fer tbe Indies nai ft linf e ail indu t of otirar. Rpais] ug neatp doea vat", lShe S lie, epPs. penteice. WaltorJ, Bell aud Gisas.R.,Jeun" ireeirreutad at Toronto, cisogdnwti anrober of burtarlan. ILîwassuspact- tisai tbay nera tisemasien omncd-ed Jee chsoux, a Ctinetsa iuidrmsan on licoetumîlie. laitjoue, irearviltè paoplaee Sbongist ta Toronto liai nooti. Mm. Holliuaisoad, jeiralar. ides. tlled Bell ait ajmats ir badiltrie4 to aie a dollar ou a iratehilu]<île toma ets tise day prereding tise murder. Jane. Battey, btcbec, tisueisc ierccgnt.ed thebon es.St Jonona tcseied to fat, H, W, Ktsipfboettkaaper. min net nuro irisatior onef islised seanhto n in bisonsa. More lietorlîle vcoptc nl go to Tlorontote tgo fcy etfdoftfiou, Sut an utI Ioa nacrant bas beau lnused fo thio rat toc tba mncder. They wili bc trial ire . scierer. foc tbo Soc- Panxx atonSAu.14 actes lit 3,cou. fNS. aio.Tire goedwatts, trame à7ule. arstabls,. dirlng boom ..d osuiard.utsld bera ltfOtbol stIgation 0et1,100:0813inspecter orgis, J.J ,Gibbon.soppaaed ietoeaMagis. troefi bleido, 0f Doiuillesithtis oir bailbre on 'Tburodap ofrrneen tant cisrged uiti seslllng l quteto parties la toinit l~oflt5tbot <1ConAt. f50 nltseffeaLonis lRice.oud Bd, StîlI, bahoif e irimeVigara titornond oridancsda mi m oretitiioy hadnera ratavcd aup ligner or mnu eanpaons fbe err baring rSeneimei 00diraotly Sldectlp troeUgi, M.GOibons, th.. .,,eina ne tfis-a edene. Mr, Mislinr,.B-5 dlil gay tliIra eatW p bus bean 00. thorae'fer- slis,-eoei , «e«n i re l naps ara.tie nul bao ieng Osisd. 1M paslé blisemun ara pleutttul Md! ntremelyiy mu. e ti isepe te be la MitIon sal sby aoneil ai Alaska, 3 92il. eyd~n ref1 ais t eeee oe, pegos.été bai.otsspndld aisa ig thse county. Od mtcb« ha e i ote. MendboarulAs wçeglaenbe a id t.dgy onif.ý ba?, ftan lstat. ide utishe telnu. liceayW.. CIanelalb«e.. it noetis scunt et plen.gmatois 1 lCe.tlre ofer ompat ie Ila misa otly iitmin.. aet t!budro'.Planisaiette sliplp te£ o- I ular 75c.and *0.00, for ac.WOnuano6 Planaolleite NIg0tGoul 50ac.,at bu. ieoe', b Cookosirle taie rwan be on epTianisu. gfi ig Day. bartog bous vordbc rei t isrgnal dat.on accossstofb tain. Srtry Peoi, 0etttisaitlt bc A glcntUral SocatpattensdaditLtand c reporta thse ttadassco Vory large, tisela day bolsxfg ine, atie,.niarouu and f tisa qoality et tis e a.ibit. ire lose. . Goon iRtDun-Lonst nI iairmo LIý standing eeinni0teo c oueat. l- spoctad tise nOtis bave bacou- fitil i tmi e ri at0 tishe OMt l. lie reports tisamllre.. 'isls Cr=dt Chie te RendtSnarintaidai lto W and hl sistantst, Eddie Cottar. tise Burtl.ten long- dlagtan cuner seau seconsdsin tis a i- mitre. lirald rond race. aroued tisa ba 0nsibcm oft on ThauboICEnit Dy. Ha bed frees and Itl.gami tDa gurtopinioin waust ad tiset rar bren aouitil, longer bcroild bave eseta, urne George, tisa Beoreortois indian. niepoatad bis gnuoftanyeor- Watarfrentlsraellat, in tisaVillag Wras saUt t te parovincialt ailylot or Toronto ttisi wee. and tisa report in regard ta tise repective watts snad là1 oseis case tisat tis a ter ee,,taisad con- olderaisl baciorloaud typisod gengs tisane anare at caalloetîyphisodl tise village at prefont. atsd tisactn are iecetsng alam.nad-Buihrloll Garnira.7 FeBasidesn lcttog a nuisance 0 alencs tand cîndorik lu teisuegisborisood tisa uisugettise follois rames In a nss(tal frein ou oc.oiipoinpftf t'ionw. Tise demi teame. are ratuabigle tatitimned, % alceegond mulelgmatetI TeIsaru teba ta esao t aluema.Colisct and putitbeinaayfluaaiOp ta rot and bca retorned roitheueIt, muis <ey on. O ricislctclbp trzxt rcen-George Barber, a peis]g rngîlisinOir. noo tried Wfor auangistor tatpt'eaAoifflneu ouseday. Tise I- ocCe oweid tisot tat JUDnO, ttise Fort Credît mtchreis, tlîciael maotgi hadl caltad Barier o vile uame and isod or- tagbad hin nitisa bomner.tisOtBriser ial oed bisu lit. on MoisgtIl nisodi tisa fodga tise, charge nie redssagd te comme nsl te tisa prisnarpl gnstp anrd wir eleasad on Ftspandd cr f~elmono r t o t heaMrchsanta BanksuamiR. B.eBarbler, ettthe Barbera Lt Rlla Ceo. nere iron a taraoel .Up- a lebtsi on reeesi t e teanit Tisuedor eraîna t t isatgibissu IltOMO e, r ai alta ini aon et Gogtnu a u 'Astisedor aMi t andtcd eGibisi lea a ebelco mn. sud tise tabla decerstieun ' nerf Itint.fc Seanbisnbenupro. Inl dte tbo penlilois etmanager ai letglitam, ami i, , Barbor bau remored 1te Torento, al; boboseau mPot fd oc rIne ime oi thetisaiedqtier t 0£tise 30bnri&oille 115Ce. aud bIson, bar>ov positionsiIn thisetty, Te luarenT Woii&tjn-TboCaauil >tortbnrn Outarlo eR. ban lnotlta n immgratilonand eolal dqtleuyp f nit.lnwiltis lebeng oegamslzd b h Wtnalse odii nîilor irtfotochie r Satfoin ArMsp. erb iho gàinfdî r ronoa perlaneM Tise departinon s rlisauu tae t~o4wn*ibo reiuioanttor Sarin belp thirogisent thegisn t t ia Vlan te lmpeytlsg feain laiutrofri le tis at rI dîtrit. etf themotber tend epa teàniiassp!. 'Reb9t" linslet deuitl asr qus e bo ailltteta aufo Oa pplicatIWn a'fo a ~ OsIfn Of!y. 4lg flu-ief , lf& Cml.AGt metu rlntaltn.neatebr «n ntl , lorgar.bt ot uatta sinis r t codldatea 1te ais t, enerar tisay- irnl ,bore and ber'opr ult on dae, na oie lnspnu eturu.,Ou tisa Couclnu ethtiecn mnatie. arrsre lthe Bisbep proea semo o gitrda tapin tisatn ,Blmntietd, O r , 1,t anîd ait loti lihsn me bISa bis boty nomta." s., 103, V. r. i$aLordnblie "As él' eias rer snd, neftnlbitandln g <noga, bis rote. e. Clair and poeatol ne smtoee et-tise grestnt et ofCan- adia ,preocis. Mm, . A, C.Bouc. minuis tRiet.utaoetA. C.'satir, laed lon Prhday morcng ai iser boina «Toledo, Oblo. On tho prersonn avon- gn and ducisg tisa nigist isacamplined tbetngunwetl. ln tisa ioring isa maind tubo ltsieplg tudty aud iser baubami iront te bis.isop iritsotsdis- nebtnuiser. At abouita, . o ueet or daigset oucidMes. Bally deudilul .4., Mr&, Bally lsrod ai ilaupalarnit ber merloge. iWisasuccoma te Mîlten. brIsmband belug orttot dito la ot. ersiip uts Mr. itri On tise disso- lution ofet isa In. art L& Oalty. about utltaru yeoago. lisraioerifimbr and bis famlp remorad ita Tolede. Tisare areitret cblldron. att daugbtarn. tise oIginZt abot x17 poars et oge. BORN<. Wilson-ln Milton, ou Wodnenlay. Ber. zud.sqgt,tubir. anid Mr. E. J. Wtt. son, a son, Iianitt-At tretriîtar, on Saday, Oct, n3md., Tbhom a utwtc, aged a2 peurs. Cor-Af tmtsrevlle. Tiurodoy. Oct. 027f55 Sarahs Wauî ater cOftib a ti Hogis Eau, lu bar nati yoar. llcMtlIou-Ai Acton. on Wedneaiii. Oct. itis Joa BedrIn. ite-fret tat Laoblon isiarMitiots.flber y4tis THE BIG SALE 1 136 CATILE GE. BOIJSFIELD ettiluino the Town Of illt-n.LotIM, 'n , 3 TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1910 tc. fclwot ttarfrot fu <2cmt. iW Haiteru, ' 9 - lu Zr) Yeumlagu.1ctl oue.$. iC<j,ta ustg inlu, IVeut Crl,en 6 Consfnot luinît.l I lar-yeur-oi 0%O, 1<Sssa lve,. Tise à1cre bsnois s.nearir mi n-bnrh. botcises'itni Bggut umnt sgtis0» mit mi t obem on CnSislneO sutbw idnt ucin.l-tsar jai ieinutti e t Um Junia sami fi. E. Boaaflald, Peeps. GOI. ANDREWi Amcfton«t Miannett's Tho PalaisG0'rueiry PIRB9iH, US'.TO-DATE cR0- CBRtRS AND PROVISION$,- New Non Cern ami Peau'. Daily ) Heltz'ilw ç - Mrsnat. aip ndr pluma en'ayisdp..Try a coa,.iPaen.hb. tdu tac. wiirl 1~riiini~nud Valus Floor Oilel9i~ant~ loi GROOUBI liBRA~TI4&C ly-to-wear ( E EOurnr tise hes ai Ovencoats. TJ -l- thse neW "chongo coller. " Conýý tloWfl or close fitting, satie as tihe coiieÊj are tise newest ini the trade. Priées Range ftom $9.000 UNDERWE) We appcializc fin Mcin'n isnderserca. Ouar lit WATISON'S, STANFIELD'II. TUIINBULL'184 Plrocc-litnci, extra hcary, at par garni Hrai-y ibbcol, al-wool, unnhrinlcable,, 'ensnan'u amd %atmosn'u Maturai 'K4 -CAPS- Mens Golf (cuti, ire patterns, ilS the tue The brut nay feou npport yttnc Teouacr pendees. They are fullainuirmaode ii s4honldem P lricr J»t-cneS. Full raunge of Met'a Work 8 Overallo; and Heavy W. BEWS' SONS, inaes, 6PANY rcoats rare made with ~oneltier tstrn olr.Patterns ecBrantd. .per. banid,rO75c, $10) üt'eu. 'nIS to-eur th' Ciseîtar SUS- ih web ends, l.tnytumi tw ShtnSocks, - MILTON At Hemstreet's SPECIALS I An immense consignment of the noted Turnbull's Unshrinkable ljnderwear just opened. This lineofa Underweariie now we'lI know toî be, withont doubt, the best Underwear for the money iii the trade. Ail uines, from infant's wear at 17aea tcl, up to the finest goods in children's, women'n and men's wear. And a big supply of the farnaus Newlands & Co.'S Rubber-lined Goods in Sleigh Robes, (Jauntiets, Mitte, Chiit Protectorei, Ovtr- coats, ail rubber-Iined and entirely wiui proof. We are aimnoat buried nnder tisep -NEW FALL( Everything ready for a big1 Oinr coupon systerul la Workine ad goods from nus and get a coupon witli purchase (ten coupons for rvery dollar are tise beat. Ncw Hosiery and Giovea, New Undegj lets, Blankets, Wooien Yarnî, ni Blonses, Dress Goodsi, Loti Children'n Jackets. New Choice Fresh' 4 Wc prttntr<e eat raraful atteintion foi tSe meut prompt attentios, urOtePhnone Ni, glrcin ne a tial, do ion ibis neek. 'Wc nul a R. La ifEM TEFAIRUE83% BAN OTW[ITAL PAl» UP- ... ,4 >uSIItGS DEPARTA j 00 OMO 4 oimfitcooUit.Ieat aii OODS trade. rabiy. Bîîy youi y ten cetrmtt'lî nd Our reilliiliul rRobes, ttanuit- Skirts tond Coats, ,oceries. ni ntrief e . - u t'te 4,, f o clat ou TREL T. F CANADA ,567,357 40,e14 oid. A splentliî -t, 1/ -t ~i yt k.]. {-V n>