.859.àO wJthou'It truek y gh ! 095.00 cornplete with ra 'L1 . prepaid, A*k for o-rSpedrProp> Executr'Ncto C edito s SPROArr, Jate of the Towni, qe injothe Go nty oi Yoadeceased, Pursuant tthenuRevi ttatui ivenctut il " dtr o .à -1 %b"ut the thatift ofTný an ftenoetut i ï b T, tor for. lo rra * a ahotet aset djeint th enroons -f l mnhe susn' itl rilDt V- t ll f t.bu l par nherwdsrbtat Ij 11n the Matter of the Estate fo r. HARDY, late "f the To>wnsh;"11 quesing, IV Ihe Cotlity ofn lm, hap. 129,sme, m.tha abr ln elatß gn-t tb,. E.txteof t Il GI JWi ,, d-Ied a .-d L oerobe.A.D Déio, n r m-, adesci osandar(.Il tatern serit yffany held by ijudu] wl r-.etatdistii,uh, a T Dateod him lsh day of ,ptI.A 3futý" ý' n theae 10wYf 1mA,3ke ar o tiloring ilin A~FI repr1,ertatwe, A permaient posfi tionr itory for the iht ma an ræ d, a 'Se work ln the binndcry dý shoe factcry, A pply t The subscriber flemt celebrated rnurscry , 4: Welland. Ont. 1, ne Canada, producing sr,o* infenior to any ln meri' to take ordlers for p iti." trees, ,,rubs, vines; r01l.i1j-, ers, bulbr, &C. Pd ace hivery free ANTH Yý 5-4t 4 O g h-l ) Tenders will be reeêi,,, .oth for Wal timber ,a pri, N.S., Nfison, The J net necegssaryiFy acpe lars appLy to A MRUSE SPREADER for S59,50 Wit POY Pr IS"1 e""Y ngcetr sstio gld QguelienÉt%;r sud Oen Å obrilogland ' igtt agidcü, UmIe i fm wite, e bogh te ifreocsmon f am la ub, W Pattrsoit and bl ap orherlif e ocq bewen h estan bswet nta su2d ;aedow eC, W P ltrost and Cn a sferng I s1 ah Cäs and otherqustoere=magnarylacIittlsd th mour e ia u'JkFII Fdon --MIlrIj greest aent and be expected the visit ofýOxford- Xf, aged, J ,Ellenton , rom make new, rIchod, thaît se teLa arin Gr4 the manufac«trersto tbe West and trips lamb, J Eeto9stad sneacret smtesof disrsschat -oly Parlow Beatrct Tu " Of Weternersto the east would ildisiae we, Ellentoï lit and end ;,sar Zg won mea lroin grl kowwtTbe Mananeyie thremt, ' llenong tand and; ewe lamb, stretec ve vtloaio ts anos MIZret Andersono Rez a olle stand Ïnd - spaitask; ndri osy ceks and Hme, Isbel esrbgMm io Divores are not urn nCnda H r- amnb. B owman, *hapely formsthat tell- ofwomnlyGordon Hamilton, Wilbert Ford,.char, I eta but3the t ' ~~it& andso; we, JB& A Wilson Lhalthadd FpoerMrR thrd ett cotilr n ninwn ndpopers ndzd;ee m, AWlsnLob RdDer Alysysa·A ha or I - rnc-, 1,agi who have boendivorced! in other CoU- st, itand and,ciial d i y te nonas theéMCan 8,BMurray, ,pâlito",W, triès baye'afterwards benmairred Sbrflfre-Ram,saged, T Graham ech, ang lfee o luhta hrlyothwell, hers, la his charge to thesynod of goaua il d; shearling.ram, T Graham hpdt ul hog.ildctred frLad.-M. McCannell, H, , Inma, J, Ñew Brunswick on Miond even s utaded ; rae lamb, T Graham s onths, but did not et ny relieadPto,.MrrWotwl, eand;sit;e we, T Graham lt and I grew ek that could hé'treralk PormII 1-Lati --R;,Hfgg inwbtam, the Bishop of that dioces on tad;seaiee rhmitan buadA a ipsil o et . Anderson, ,HàimA, GrIffith and necessáry tosay that bc wished to make ad ;ee lamb, Jas Raotertz & Son, do mry bousework.Olywmn hoRNrtodiVieCDnB, it quite clear thaet "The re-marrg of a T Graham, have suffered similairly cou tel how Pno.goves i _qý e divorced person, during the Ilitiet of 4 DrsetRam aged, Jas Robertson & nui endured--the constant miseryÉ. Proec-R, Anderso, 1B,Panton and ltdnHgrev tpy , - ïafi the other party to the frer union Ji son ;sh= liez ,s oetsnB the dragaed out feelingc and the terrible C, Dent equa! B, Scott, A, Griffith an a ý'0 xraJe, dxi teth atorm not nly ugnnt o te curc's ens So ; am am as son& n-backaches rhat beset me. NO woman H. Higginbur am éequel, 0. Hume, RP of rghta w , buabouuely ae lat, Jgroberts Lon & on nid ulbave been in a more wretched Northwood K.: McUoýn allolreØY hibited by canon &W. Thereare, t "g.end,; hearling ewe, jas Robertsow&aondton thati wai tthsn m, n tFomI- Atin-G, me. HmGe nledm no conceivable circumistances which Son fat.uand o; eweJamob, Ja% Robert n as d daricttm, J. McLeunnaR HmG ee puwr Hay ght rester estniy wo ld iy a prehiaitpeeri rming son lot and sud, hall doetteboxes and befors they Were rlw.PUBLIC Selfto grePay,$00btte, etc,, ai 1,502'00( ,00e aid, bind in nits obligation dupon aillWPoodWetherrnRoberton, C & Eaenthere. Brgoodpvement B Speial-D Henderon. for best Cot*. boxes and belore had ualed thremt ail 1I illmott B. White wold shearling ram,. w Patterson, felt like a ne w woman and wax enjoying In,1-.Ltri, FH aysey, EBe.t a Clr ]e emueW oe t ilALTON FAIR PRIZE LIST, mi pis. Netter boull hon 1jif don for yvpa SmsoM analo igoes, D" $,02,75,3,75 each, Yorkshire-Boar, aged, Geo Richard- proved a blessing to me, but they amoe rIVHoor-M uMKa, v mTelgea wearer, per 12. Gi 'seteroaech1.0nd 0 (If an errors appear in this list please sert. A M T Brain ; now, aged, A M T wre ra hng ntecs fFe'.e; on.Lwi.P -R e- os ] ryrssyC1,7 noty t e Secretary), Brain set and zond ; bou, gero. F Brate; my daugbter, who waxslima very iser-ac .CMcboW.arwgh,. Geyntopgoe, m, eg ow, 39io, Gero Richardson, P Wriggles- able conditJIon after childbirth, I kenow Allan. i» 11 Heavy Draught-Brood marc, J P worth. alsolof two Young girls whom 1 believe O"II Birownridge, G Bell & Son, W J Robert B.]erkhire-Boar, aged, WlonJ;WOU ilhave beent in thir graves now lut IIl-Hildo Sergleat, Morley f bon ; colt or flilly, i e, W J Robertson, sow, aged, W B3rowniridge, ,1 Jwison; but for the use of Dr wiliams' pank Harbottle, Mary Kenney, Hume Alez-.,d es le RL Brecken, W I Peer ; geldin 0 owinr, W Brownridge rt and l2nd, Plixconsidetingwhat they have 1nder. 0Hilda tSmith, Caudetéebbi, illy, r Yser, J Il Broworidge ; gel i Sal-lemets Peacock and S damre for me and wbat 1 have #euenbuthmeneue t or f1Illy 2 year, Jas Cartwright, W yCI.E Wradn orbs of bacon bugs. do for others, 1 am jutified imyn- auIIo Eva Rbinson, Edith Paig liott, T Howden ; gelding or 1ly, j yr, Ge, Richardson, IP %rigglesworh' hsamfrti eiie n ee isM e ae là os ev egtWoe oe l ie, W FElliott, E M Hunter, 4' Peer, lPoultry-B3rahma cock, w G Bailev, Jlouesan opportunity to recommend it, e In'rW n Joes,'Chiares Rom- p r 2 5C to50e Agrcultural -Birood mare, RL Graham. H Tlhompson ;ien, w 1 SaleyJ -sold by all medicine dealers or b Sel, D avi nrsh uselPrsEIo e a J .1 ilson, J IP Brownridlge ; colt or Thmpo ;cckere., w Galej H mail at 5o cents a box or six, boxes Morey. ati robPoRdusWlkoer cshmrethsereguar fIly, 191, R McDonald, G G;astle, T ThopsnI;ulet, J HThompsn,w $2,50 fromt The Dr. Williams' Medicine Mre.HrtePr.lde'wloe ûhnr m oua Ilowden ; gcelding or filly, 1 year, GoBaiey, CIL'oe F!n cock, w G Haiiley, Il CO,, Brockvill, Ont, Div. IV, 40e for 29e,.5 ll & Son, Jl Neiland., C Peear ; geld, walmes en ' ale. w G 15ailey ; cock- Sr. 1 Class-Edith Dewar, Louise b 8c ' in-or fill. 2 years. Biggar Broe,, M eeJHThmsn ales ;i pullet. J' Cooper, Augusta Martin, Amade Mc- . Ladies' and Children s Angoo ho-, 35 G'vent, IL cDonald ; gedn or illy, 3H hmpofai Drin oc.Ashgrove, Rostie, Victoria Brunih, Geo e ndr' to 50e pair. Years, M Laidlaw jet and 2D JElenf. Jan Currie, w 9, Bailey; lhen. C Il Earl,Ct, 3rd, v):ip, wu., tIn, Jas Currie ; cockerel, w G Jiailey ist & A number clrom here attended the Jr. IlIClass-Jack Eýllitt.Mjean Par- Ladies' and Children's ribbèd cashmere G;eneral Proe-ro mare. , Band ; pullet, w G liailey it, and 21nd, anniiversary services Jn Norval un Son- r ene ikinonL, i Ecen hose, paír 30e to 50C,. coulisain, W MicMater, A Sinclair ; colt 1irwnLegoncck. 1I l omtpson, day last, Or filly, 19to, A L Chambers t u-w GBaey; e, I li Thmpson, %w i; Anniversary services will b edi n.I ls-ainSot lds band, W Wheeler ; gelding or filly, t liadey -; cock.eelv G Baeleoy, j w this church un Sunday, OCt, 23rd. For Peoacock, Mifargraret Dewar, Edith Hlan-. year, A L Chambers, A Sinclair, M ' Ifhomp.n; Ijletý, w i Halley rjet and further particulars see later on, nant Bertie Maguire, Sosie O'Regan, 'urner ; glding orfly er, 2d ht ehr ok aew Mssioary K ermon was preaclied here Div, V, P'eddie, C Jarvis, Il McArthur; gel lg 2 :n"l" ; e,",, E Llsyer, w G Bailey ; on Sunlday lant, Sec, Part II-Reta Jones, HlelleoMen ' or filly 3 years, H MctArthur, G Wilson, cockeee ais Iand and; puliet, Mr. Prudham, of Waterdown, visited Bradley, Florence Brush. Willie Nelson, jary 8. i walex lut and and, Hiansburg cock, at HenryWilson 'y on Sunday, Florence Cherrington, George Hastings. Cariag-,Boo mae a Tlt.Ben Il Thompoisct and and ; hen. j Ili Mr. .andMr.George Thompson, of Int, PartII-Annie Dawson, Arc le nett Belros E ae, B 'itBe.Thompson, MIcKenzie Bros.; cockerel, j H ornby, sipent SuInday at Wm, Thomp. Canning, Robert Sergeant. Kathleen Ln e w a "9fi, i & Ås..W, Hwman ; ot or hIl Thompl>n it and 2nd ; pulier, j Ili on's. O'Regan, Clifford Staver, Ge. Kenny, net&BrS,;ln. or , rW i hom sot etand zad. Minorca cock. We are glad tO oueechat S. K. Ruddell Jr. Part II--Madge Galbraith, Pier. MieKay, A oidcabb;r in ill r. W , ,G iley, B jones ; hen. fax 'urrie, ie able to be around again. enice Hastings and Clarence Cooper Ileavy fdeece-lined underwear, per gar- yeMca dlcaw J & A r flly 2 eSat Jones ; cockerel, George Pollock. MI,alGr a visiting at her equal, Kathleen Smith, Rots Eilin. t5e G . B Jones ; Pullet, 8 Jones, w G Halley, daughter's, M ro. Haines. Toronto. Dorothy afaguire, Jessie Bescoby,mn Lagha -ok, w G alej .w Balley;MssM a rdgnhareundhmIJvV fleavy all-wool underwear, per garment Rioadster-Brood mare. R liusband,j hen, w, i Bailey, j . plain ; ccckere1, after visiting friends in Orillia. int, ('las%-Phlyllis Ilallas, Marjorie ,0. W, ('dMcKTufrner ;colt or filly.iio, j Blan Gdi ( alkyco k wa . -- -BI-elcjannett, Zelma Mande and Frank Brown underwear, fall weight, per gar- eling Or filly, 1 year, M Laidlaw, A 1) Bailey, n j Alexander ; hen. %% G Bailey POTATO MARKET IN C UBA- Jr. Clamss-Richard Tte marsh, CGrace net 5,Pure silk black taffetn, guaranteed not 1to ouISOn. R H Lagby ; greldingprfilly, 2 cockerel. w G Hailes'. G l' olloc è ult. Amu ,l u xla rIoaosDrydale Frank Johnsn Rober Fine quality wool under wear, winter i;plit or crack, each $5.00, reairs, J Robertson, iM Howman. A Col- w G Bailey, GPllcWhite or buff Amsg aforeprs fptte '""'weight ergrment $1,00 etebor neb rs lc,ý;e "g.RckccwGady HThmon for the figcai rear ending Ma rch 31st on. ,mg etebomudrhrs lcee telfr t e -iea brsLta b e c ,Ihw G n rj Iley ch l tino t gt $ 3 w and io hHe ilsn c'i me 5y'lc Se-lned underwvear, per gar- 82.00, 2.50, 3.00(, 3,50, Hlunter ; spart agricultural, j MotLher. G llialey, 4; Pollock. Black redl Game p)resenlting 8an ncrease over thec-pre- nseu Boys' woolen underwear, per garment Black sateen undersdkirt, e-ach 75c and bill, RL Graham ; span roadsgterà, Fuller cock. C HIl¢art. w Li Bailey ; hen. w G vieus year of $103,834. Thei increase Div. Vil' 40e to 75c.81,0 ljrog., ! 1, Refid roadster, 3 years, J L liailey, j H Thiompson; cockerel. j I in' volume was mnuch larger, but prieso B Morning Classes. kneid, A MIcNabb),fLJ1,,McGibbon ; sIngle Thompsonf 2st and 2ml ; pullet. j Mor- were, en the whiole, from a third to a "B"--E Haillas, M. Mande, W - froarlster, A Dialn, H Hutcheon, ley, j H Thompson. A. o, V. Game h'ait lower than iIn former years. Rogers. E, Goodwin, tireenlees Bros.; span carrage, J Lcock, C Hfi arl. 4w 4; iasley; hen. - erca uyers, enjoying, as they "C"- L, Andrew, tG. Thompson, 1D McC'lure,,J Eastoo.,IG E Galle ; car. kenzie Bros., iJ-Morley ; coc erel, J Mor, do. reeeniltariff In that mar. Be--, M.'Hill. riag., erMGveJHGaam.ley lot andi 2nd ; pullet. j lorlev ist & kt aeeeyefr ocpuei, Afternoon L Mc flan ; single carrdage,J Brown. 2nd, Gaâme fiantam cock, j il Tnomp- quotinig lov;radsil oe rie,""-Gbesn . H.Cr----- rilige, 1- Wrigglesworth, jas Tit ; car, mon im and 2ndi ; hen, j H Thompeorm, i herptatuoeo were offered indiel. M, Eliott, L. Lewin, M1, Hillson. ringe spart, not dlocked, J) L McClure, C H Igarl ; cockerel, j H Thomipsoin, j lvn $, 0pe barrel, c...tnd ""-iceTgt dngecl J Edidton ; general pupose team, W N F Licte ; puilez. j FH Thompso)n, j yfnje 1 areSti]l, with jack Buck, EHz Javistl, Winuifred Core Scott, M Carer,WA Brown ; asaiddie Little. 4eabrght Batame cock. (;eo the newv Cuban crop ont the market, boride, L, Wilson, J W B3essey, C D)ecker; Laing, j H Tlhompso)n ; hen, G Laing, Candadialiotaoe-cntiniued to arriveoComme nces sin1gle w>ny. JaKTilt ; market or express j IH Thompson ; pullet, Geo;a. ng,: lin undimeinished quantitles, fand! on woggg diil hors, (; Wilson. Bennett Bro. G 0. v, lBantam cock, j ,w Blain, j 11 June 24th were still hld Ingth ar. 2u Øart W 0 o tbr1t A N F C N I R Currie : hurdILehorne, K Buck. C Me. Tlhomnpson ; hen, j Il Thompson, j w ket, to thre elclusion of potatoes fromn Toneaudnum« h Gregor ; Maigl hgh stepper. F Wrig, Blain ; cockerel j HThmonw G all othler counris,- ew Gond partridge shootng on the line gleKworth, H Devereaux ; pair high liailey ; Vllet, j IliThompson, w a - .------ Mentaln Iforra Nýorthrof Par ySoudCpenseasonf(rom4 ý;eppers. J 1, Reid ; farmer'osingle turn, lialley. yandotte (golden or lver) Mary Polian was fond guilty at lar. && e= ýbusolo, GaeOt. i5th ta o v. YISth. ou. lisn l LItíd;bet ppin-cock, j IH Thompson, w G Bailey ;hr re1fte deferinant nd Tos =e1wiFPIe No"e are plenitifol between Sellwood O n u d o u "i turnout. Hl Hutchernson. A Fletcher ;j H Tfrompson ist and 2nd ; cockerl , .caumm na Jt n GwadiJtlpn esn farruer'éd double turnt, R Graham, Oj H Thomnpson ist sand 2nd ; âleJMNltywacniced1s eristga. ot',fon Oct. 1th, B lE AYI Wilson. Trhompson lut and 2nd, yandotte or. Both were sentenced to death, = M yaie egs DerDhuning cmmencs NoINrst SpcasGoBell, for bout foals of (white, bug 1or black) cock, j w fI3aic. I " De utn omne o.st idR Shilds, A Sinclair ;Sawyer &lA c ouga o kr . A Me o ugall, i- Fr deuisan to favored I&atlons L ibrar Y oting C onteste on).JR Meijonald :1) McGIbbon, for Thompsun:oullt.IAMDua. wenrD rmet Canadian Northern • besxt fouli of '9:0o from Sam Bernard, J le ntnccwGHllyBidnoot n, h hom: Porter l5ros., for best three ben, w G kiley, Fi Jones; cockerel. B- ---- -- ,0= bornes bred by one exhibitor, W C Me. Jones ; pullet. fi lones A. O. V. cock ' W il/ ltn hcae f'oieo h )cgliefri kay ;fitobt Simpson Co., fer best dapplei w G Hialley, 1lBradley; lhenmwIG JalevEO wilbfonthna sofomofhepgr vefms grey herbe, W N Scott, M W Carter ; j lIraley ; cockerel. j liradley, of Mo Nilton who makre this miost popfular and liberal dlfer This e1 Dacnator 1e oracombination car., mmW et, duckHrad e elegnt Library and handsomce case wiill(be given by vote to the flte irs ldydivr MssBow cDnld, w Patterson ; f•malr, 1D Inflge, soclety, church or school mn Miltonirt hn ony ,f- Dennison. %IiK- Smith ; qluick McDonald, w Patterson. J'ekin dricks securing the largest lnumber of votes in the following manner- ' hitc.hup T MicKenze, M Tnrne il male. j HiThompson. C i larl ; female ma hmpo J ,n eae est store for el'8 low faillWear i" J49s. W .@B a one ote, "he ont h nsThrwa, ept Ii10nid"'ns nn° j Irlam- llnt.yesE CiWiimotgna e nFebruary 15th, 1911, at the hour of seven o'clock 1.mi. b i ycal , leCMcDonaldtco , ledfmale, I. A Melougall :t aa nd ;4%Dealer iri. A balot box has been placed in Mackenzle's Drug Store, where the o'r in caIl Fi'Wihnstt, Ji htelds ; cow, Toulouse gesse, male, E A Meico,>ugall. edw l Inenthve becorn ling in daily for the last m t F l Sltvote@ can be deposited, - At the close of the contest the chour b society 2yeIr-. I ' W nOtt it 2 nl eA eduall, -s r n we nMitm ventIf fnot ready tLdiiyo)ur faill hpior eeSeSlchool or lodge having the largest number Of votes will bie 1awarded the McDnad hifr ar FC ilmot THr n; emlA, (ITV.Hr Bronzâe inaked'yusefltin istore and inspect the varieti4es, and Cemrent library. Curregt ACCOButs when promptly paid will be entitledt tes, f in e and alru a l Vmott It i rk 'mde lA e o gal emae t u r h this ifall conies drect frorntfil e b Itibnulchants be , oteo can only lie s are i v traingwit h n mr- Ellntn, cKnze Bosanyg rd; 1A eDogal, ougal em e.a .in lv of andclean wevéaring imate.rial, in 1all the cor- alszsoftebs qai etitandíng of the various contestants. dow. calveel or In calt, McKenze lBros. S eciis- John file, fo bet stwo inade w itl n fa rey, bmiwn land greenish tones ; stock, als Soft Coal for t reshing Theiibrary and case are now'on exhibition in -the show windo# Holstein --Hiull, any age, Mount Dairycoclierels and pallets in Amierican cla.sL]lntef ,r(]lncycolored thired stripesý, "ut from aeag'i oito e of Bastedo & Co E wetlauter. Mount Dairy ; cow, calvded J w1HMain ,.Il aler, forbest enlection tenwfall Inodels in] threeutton single-blreasted sack style \eaeas n oiint do a orin calt,. Mount 1>afry, J 'JWilson ; of white wyandottes. j ', Bla'n, Crfu tiordw n fnihd it hebstofwrkanh Gnea T-pon gettmng free the coupons and helpi your favritelde efr,2 year. Mfount Dairy, J Wit. Coc le n j'âge four e and imateril, that inake clothing gDood enougih for the onfei a eaMing and school, society or church win a hansome library of referenc.d..standard J 1 i uta)D Me onald ;, - - part icuilari dressers, ms Cartage Business and poetical works, fincluding a variety of the latest fiction, Do your li a(, n ar· duty. IT'S 'P TO YOU, oa ure e . calve o nor er;l, Q UEEN M A RY New Fall Derbys for MenFrntrMoi a sca The following la the ]lot of merchants. . e%, a lie er, 1 year, W I;rownridge;--- -- Iheifer colt, J McClure. l'is ne w BacDry is cnade of the genuine English Fur ---Or, Grades (Beef Typelc 'w, calved or 8he Will Nover Wear thec Billy Ex, Felt, Thie brim isi practically fiai, buit has a slighmt roll whieh orer omptly at nded to, M. MACKENZIE BASTEDO & co , in calf, Fl C Willmott. J 1) Meijonaold. yl tremai of Fashiond, lifts it i ndliii. the crown in faIirly. fUfu;lnd the djuality the best Call or Phone No, 00, Druggíst, Optician and Stationer r od,(Iohn.ir C Willmott ; heiter, 2 years, IW Brown, and iwe offer them latl'opular Pices . a•DyGosCohnGrcre. ride..I 3 cDoall ;hefer Icar y Thre new quee f IEngland la de-¯ 'otJDMload; e af evypopular. and from the tmo. BO3 OTS & SHOES rs rgtrvtsinnr<o rn a J Id Mel10iald ; beit beef animal, Wmc ment of hier debut as the >ncs May tl Bronrige.ofTeck »he seenw e ataehoda A new shipment Of Men's and BOY§' Shoes.Tharen tiradex (llaíry Typel-to avdo the popular Imagination s being q faislesIn Tan Box Cl and Black Box Calf, Z are mexent a' CLEMENTS & cO.EARCANl r aan I'1* ,prhap themth chlosan l inao, r b lasong er tyl ar Youb oed Goadr er y da Hardware,Stoves, Wire Fencing, Watchles, Clocks, jewelr, &c. h u!!ontuDairy 2 & fr h Ye, 1if -1015b1>Y owing tolir sr!an paas feet. BucirTpi r ak rsie t utthe Pints, Oil, Glas, etc. Repairing a speciahy, ý ealf. ilunt I ary JJ& Wil oitadentg- hcadnetnhrOrs, ur prices on our Clothing and other concds are figured on a tricti r She flleattires lienrs tir he m at r ih geean t or article Io rnarked with plain cas B SSOSASSELOTT s;f- 1 r m--T1 a t., ount.a.ryo r tr ,a y '. n hth usbe dd eethuo y-iOrderand Bn Furn hiC!othing Headquarters for MIiHinery. groomed, tallor-made Englishwoman, 1ngs' OverenLawson's Stores while her evening gowns are, made in ElE aE vrUwri'fsoe TH E DOCTOR' QUESTION lte Court fashion ad nevor Incline toE AE the unitidy and "artistle-," Queen T ,HM Mary will undoubtedly leadithe fash.- AU kinds of Bo'o, s$oe, Rubbew luFe n ed Much Sickness Due to Bowel Ion in English dress, juit au King l'roprector, Manage lur edndSesTi Disrdrs lAwrfset the modbeutfarvme, net ger1AlsoRepairing, Wheatlet,41Wd as c A docwtot'A first question when cou. World. The, silly mitremese of fauioan sulted by a patient i, "Are your bowel* will nover hu worn bhi neTuea- ---HABR deia! iomutbemoved etlyand thor.cent, elk•so< ful le;oiumal ceeialley giv nn.d gdPsry n ofetoey utl 1OrgInatdeesare ative Fleodanaw ndteitelcua ieofCE LOA an% and afpe rmed orcons tioont avelNohingireaclesd rbasinater ANDER80Ñ aiimu bow e od ngene n ra. W In to!( lip eawla abroadicgnta, Ue 0 yknsofF hand Èal Meatsnëeiiney vagly uett e priet reabcturted.r-odex pleumteresting t, sWhen 18 at W 8 p F sh etc C e C lib a l r am n i n ev aery a psi e , h e tey d raeore a r or icelt ago ds e owas - o1 ecos W AyW M; AN E tfal souc eetire cnsfac ation runingbot ha mstpitesue This C O US aRex | rerie cos 'mare cuatelied, fItr aopen o apyitauito n, and SO ta 0VDe thle catqietlyrndmae a fugthingpa r.eos mized . 'fhestincess L of Walebes 8 On F@ßset, >an ToC mtrngten, ling infuenceon the had prgPie to saor to iyswereb8 lher -cgre bae.s fantitr intes ti e atsactihe on ot snesatres, abot fedtigh tr of s es I,,----- PRgse, , urlcase &na e aence. 'mof Erot4,ndituber. alohemaloas QusCuoneeno o 1 agi n ..T.L- 4 'O u. w ç ivred sa4Q with that obi ec ont of mort jjrejy destroy aà & Yst o t r -etropi C01UNTR Y l SI NES bters for tetr i Arseonal C:> h nrr Iànation of a lUfo J Cþelihe ffo .ch0c Te lHunter ELR Tahe nio0, furt r der andj urinl:n elairn il wil , into thi- dre:o . Nyaj* Sto remaedy i th f fojr the t1 a t m MILE FAR cith0e 2thiimd m a c l bas rEil RN TICKETS a re. oth to N