ithI,l iig i I MI letîJit 1 e l . P 0. The QUICKESI aou.û LAKE sHORE EXPRESS iiil' itic Stein'\ elIN tI dt\ I . 04LI-WAY' ,I y' ,<'s Exti4ct qWld er Oft~ l 10 WTîlilde lad oY Pxr Lime Juico -Cràp ilid3î4 !tm t, 101tOcotwt 0ecplo~l~. %!sece of'imon i, a OetTie4, ai W 7 it e ad 'tortai'lq Aei WaM'etrt44 t o seele>te Ex4iuioaite Efcvel gaî-1 P opati '3" îr Tleic. Fr June a ilng, - Burik E etA i areties di. Toôî h Powderg and Paste'$. Jînset lta, B4terîôttlltl8dblsttCallIe Boap. Florida Water's, Pip Cly, hi5d 8, r illeViolet 1%aCe$, FeciRoeSae Eno'e FuitSale, 4eyi ~lltî Hîle ilth Saline, BEanm Fot Powder, Foot Elen. ForTou Va~tiý, o't Foget th'o KODAK Your happincos velS flot be complete. 9ithoùtthis luxtlry. WIe carry a full collection ot Kodaks anîd preetto Camerae. 4Çalland aec-eài i. Prices to Suit al. Bring your films l4¶e devloped. IVo malte a specialty à, printing and doveloping. m. WHEELER, Tochai of Mul S. DICE liguer o Marrlage Lcse, Piano, Orges and Vielil.. AsoA fo eer i te itedt. ne"s iu- e..e-' sed irt ceekinsieiptestber Addreen-Sarei t S.. àittee.l uneeer e < tee OfetetJ. W. mIllet L,&W0offie,, iltett. Ont WaSRlç!A 1Mt «Cc,.- gocd rntnrt gli te bindelCf etete. epertteM"__ 1et-ry Apptytein_ 0pMVtsQ&ee SiteeMentnluetererlç. elcctjit" j ell9 a t 6.tby renjd Bop' Irsaeboseiam mala..ce -ilartu rui. ut Wu,£ V"Orffîs Local News. G.ý alncd Mt%. Cetrelin. o-f Toronto, lait1 s>~t cnetfer te West, Mbgt; Neilie Luccot in 'te clenlt Mir. cd Mre. A. MuSe,.Trcet>,. Me MrgertCcblustulttte tIgbI NIç the. Ws.MMs uroe iede, e in e îi uiester. Mýr . . ln. W& are elbipg ebene below custipriue fr ata weeb. Culit cnd ee et eta Wlo'%S BitenStere. PFi", A,' Gzoceroe4-A teil bure en rer et C.B. i.Iyfol & consithes 'ectorynt Gergeown, wcnrt trîb,' ightning tant Piduy stersieg. Tite ces tsnetbecey,. GAm aIT COMPANY~' fer O rocories ! Redpath'e; Best Sugar. X XVinegars. N'ew'Gem as Our special Bieind Tea at 25c, and 40c- lb. Galbraith & Company MILTON MAOKEN It:1 ealth Il i tak A. Griffth SRoo Copma& Of M -o.e Mel Ee917 à en> eTw&. ,Ç Do you icnow the "Smack -of Satiefaction ? follows every drink at MAG1(ENZIE'S. SODA FO!~~IL- If youli ýatroliize our Foufltftifl abou ~tef you haven't tried it yc ing a greB treat. "Suda"r duî1oda,î better thIn1aý snyal'ee , In- .c - ou knoW al 0u are miss- mnakes One itto 2 bottie.. berbt'2 bottle. te. '.i'beY lte- . dely et Georgetown asnreil csitaie, (fo, te lgetea0eeuealit elnge i.local li r tigadie te Welland, WOOL-itigtest imarket prîit pea tor Waaol ccatt-C E.' Gllora, Bteber ShPiÏtiCOc5: *-e 404f. L. Mndc e d men bave comeaueecda stork ons t. Robtseon & Col ew on,I wrlietdît buelarge cnd up-to-dete, andsi will gcti,' ncenoise te etpel of fiste te C.P. R. pt an lrte bell et the Martin StreetE ent eenrosisg. It rio s o tie appt'e(ctl Ofeorry train tran a Chat, direction. Big Clering5scie of Boots à Shisc et Wlieon's. Prc go tow coil.SaieP opem a Sturday, 301h Ilipt, Streeteeitteceltlenee are tlred of dc- structive ires aed etbleg teauebl tte Tite,'wtt vte %ceesoesc ~te lcy teincit wclerstainscce Queen lce t, te C cat 03,000 e Mlle.à Peler MeGltiten cli clst $6 trcin3 te cant)'-ceecit for damaegestatebis 0 beggyand bernentule eeseqneee9et tic bore l g trlbesed by a pileet teteplitne poe on te base lme. P.4atu ',a Su E-224 acre%.e inte i TwsiofNcstýeg eey, Faxtot-ei licers apply teJ.W.MuryMitnt P. '4t C A aumberet MiltiIce lereele ced New 'Yerk Voeog ladies, wtllbMec. A. H. aet tie clbdoit eo f te Mlon Pst aed Gtaste Ctub.seer 'estpbettrilte. Mrc.,K"te Young, uttber t e t t TiteecesuFc&, rrldla teve on Tceedey stereîng. Site baso viedie lte Wetern Stce er nîeoce ber joer- r tagte lteecetl, Yoeng, bel wtl .eke Torentlierteste tutrlite ftutre, $5M0.00 Worth of Bots à Sheas C stuet bu seedinlea eekit etWILSON'Sb 56105 STORE. Siteenof et ui lds eti FIIi. PRICIe. Scie epeet Selerde,, A Pt rAtant IExcuuntet -Tite x crinte HeelenteIad ce Teesdcy, ceder te auepice et Att Sielt*' S. S.. T'erre Ctte, won Weil eteeded ced expeueoen ere stare thoncienerett. A ed ia ileeleeotuitit t e., rite b ebalnmtch bo eT- rotand Newarrk etua ig attraction,. Newark won by aescere of tee2. PUBLIC Sct.-Tite peope ef Ml-1 toe deepiy regret te reegeallen et Mue Pttiee estleeciter oethlie ecend dcrteett ti te publie tcbaet, bet wtt be giud l t ear tbel te beard bec seeeeedet itt egcging miiYeung,.oet Gleorgetwntate neeeedlier. Misst Yetung be% e bigit repottice et e teaceier. Anestl.relired ferster wrienlChoclbe weel cfaiIn le neprcetttity ale Mlton, Anyeee wce.ting te miplecie eppir le . Ztststerstce Chaes . I.Lewis ced Ncrry McClele gel boretenet Tbersdcy oeeet cter c stee iitseon rLte scrtn bringieg wititIem cnt oe fine meuble. enge ced bae. Mr. Lewis ces bted eeeegb le presentth ie Chtampin wt ca rery lerge base ofthlie cstll.soten plirt~tttt-b report fer Isgoq et te Inepetur et Prisonc atd Re- teuor ien eotrc%44priceeeen eesteneedj tn HalOue, 4 lent*teson li teproviens 'yecr. Thte nester eesesitted tees 170, 'ite ercge test per dey treccit prîtteter r uc tsgcensi. owieg tchct t il jeile steecged eeosticlccy. te average testlhrugbont te provincet beitg2347 ttti&, Auccto scie ci Herces. Rige. ced tteemîleru oeutfit, et Jobe Tebow, aette McGlbbetl Houe, Milton, es Sâucrday, Il jeth,, tt'et t Cest. Ne reserre. E CcapstuctCOcletoer $'tr ONt Bneert -ot Mosdc,' cfiereeo Dr Jeitscten. the Weil bsewcI postrilte V. S.,stetdt ca palattal ced strere ocideni. 1He ces reederise bis protecsicttci services a tecoelt t lre ce tour treebe od, ced pttî e e rst averit Ch e ccilai cccsed il te ssddee- ' reer a. Is cdcîei te ceetced itbroete boubee, drivtgil cpwcrd eou t fptce.-OskvIItC Record. A specici clam bastbesu tresetc Stanley' Brrctttccoesilstlg of pÏbtic ced iigit itteettetei ,te receIVe el course et mililtariinstrctione. Tbe crne tillt en esdrea pered 9etliis wgetto. 'rhe trainisg Io dcndcd tint tee seelseno. Pitol, c couseeiledrill, cnd second,.aconfire isnsteetterp. Certificat«s ýeltt fterwïds be ccerded ip te Dostlelets Gceicsmt issteitilg chcei tltteoffice tot Lient BALirce LMIeTU199eY -Patrure SALE. - e . Eitc5 we it; I l by pricte SA Ot#rdeynj' oi, 1. ,costswsieiset ebicit i,' ýdope" Wae pretectlee. BargDolss'icl bleds P. Seeneer Peet- Wear.Nes Rip scedets end Acil ttls c 1ipper. Tite temcss Rlledo Bouts tor wosts for slet Cent prite. Ageotc j fer Willapsc' eesd Dcyfoe t ece'bâts, (nitusel)fine bbLt And bons. RZ eppecîts et office. Mo bn Fneu Borne ARItA-WMst. UD eett, nmerlnedeetftet itendestriel Stiteettlteebeage. Cae.Clce'. Io le tees os a vint tle bis fâtcher, Robert1 McJâneetlý widm lie bctiDoselmceesrte 39 yecrs ustil bicserveite bre ce Sutdcy f eveeleg Mr. Melcecett le thteestu , ceitd tottbec finst enerlage. wces broegbf eUpilun Settcsd by bis grasd- parenseand s bautesleSoeth Atrlc fur 93 y-eu ,Met etfte beys trainieds in is iitot are tthe iee et tormer§., meer etfurbom are ver,' 'buelioff b tbrougithlie subdivsioens oetchiriformeci gesterctioncttergoeertitts. Lcnd ls set t as prducive in tie cotes,'ascit initerea asd, tecnplpot astlt, a f ermer ensetci hare a getnd ssy aceres. M. eett in confideutchtithlie ptesest bcppy s relatiensi betweee te Boers cnd Britini sn Boetht 4ttca trOt be permanenst ced titet ail iciiibueloeyal thie Estpire, Thete eety ratre tresble wciehobeceesiders P possible lisone betren te wbite n ce te bittecýiti, i ie, bis roc, Frazer," ced bis ss4tier. islec. Mn. Hanter, areb citit tr. NeJcssett. Mes. iteliresY le Scetiend. Bite wresileCasada Whites ire yeces ot ctre ilte 4o's wtlbber& tnciter,.$Ste bas rinited Sentt Ateicc t tirtsetienes.a CotconceAmie, Pctne.-Te.serrtetn eeeg ite CarecyBren. ciii showea e echoelt ceDowmovieg ptcteren tb Victeria Park aed te band wIII play l setetioes. Tbe eertisstest cl ite. fer te ient tee titis messe. eeder the auspices et atd fte iedirect iteefilt of te bodaud.cergcsioattesnrthicb de. serreste supporttced encourageet et evrecitieen. Thte ttendenceo beeid ho large cnd se nbeetd teocliver col- leteien, RctesitensCOU tee b oiie et te stcsd,. cictnlithobe eegd by lte band. Retour TFtvceneL.-Oe Tueeday evein a publie meting cen field t thetow bllai hib Mr. Mceseii of Toronto, ced is anseclete eaplaiscd thieteprepoecttceauctur0wstetnereen estd rater testera leate Wiimtsttlote tor ut'icdisgi bore. Atter benrisg titee te meeing' appoitte Neyerr Deacos ced Ceueltrs BIde ced ever an a depetsion te go te Torontoe te magie esqsirlesitent ite articles te h ite scs. facturait!cdnlte liceciai tanding oet bIt. MesisilI aed ie ssecicle Thte tripk ,cna mode ,'eccrde,' and alter lie re. turc ai te depelcîss lnsucitter Bidle infoemt! te Chamepione'bat eelbing wci iccrscdlteat wtracetvorable, Ibal, te deputatmtiocrcferred te severl. respeesible beelpags irmt e d stceta- torero, att cf stiteesspebie cel et M. Mdassit cedaicocicte. ced tetcd taI titeir ieâccietstandieg cue g0ed. Tte sttetent casnstede cîse tbcl c largeau.mber e ite weler beadrs bcdý beaeustade le 'roeeste siepn fte Itele rester, bcdl becpsosed cnd titeresciti ttnldaed'bad proved te bie botter thoe cep cter ccte al een eilte maeket. 'Te indicatieonaechlitItedepetatloe euti repert is tareir et cebtttga b. lenW te gecrlo tiebssdc etfte pro. pesed steqstactersg fComtpany teate ameelit etfB 925,00, sefficent nccit,' te b.e Ulves and Ilgront tid Bectheo eeeje. tntiugte atebetoe te t tees coueli ced a b-l a ena,'i> et FIREMEN AND BAND -EXCURSION- Il A"'ARAFALLS, 0. WOWELLAND diW OEssi'f,1 AI. 814, 1910 ses, ý. j= di. 4 4. 1.10 1.056 ucrli I CLÉ104<%At lti S Ut çUcfecp fcaiter#. sen ~ ~wu 11isers scaf 9,10 A Roteanceln Toti.-YeterdaV 3 Toronto yeeeg ledil ret teulte Cemu Stationetetebit te -0Pst.u-C. Pli. truie fer Milton. Site crrted bere a( 8,3 p. ms. petr(i. T. R. vie Atteedele. Bite ncid tbellai tee UionStation %lie tva tetd beretrain ccc ce Ne. b truck,. bst ltbere wun coetusion owcg ithe ntrtbe, c G. T. R. train boed ter Northt Bey tnled on No. b. atd se beardcd il. Thetoncteeedîd col ctestnroond ced nite dtd net keoc titee tafny,'mintaeentit ge eu cour Aucore. Thte cosderter udrised ber tee, celinthe train cnd tale an- cter tor lthe tit utAltuedute. eNili, cite dld. Mtst Votre Rtctett,.-Tbe resîlgu. flou oftMissYung wacepted auth schoboaerd steeJ;llelue et owIn le ltee tt tittltee metbrnfruitte,' tertatie te pc, tbe tuclcey ebc l'ad beau effered eisecitcre. isscYoung Yoeng le n colelient lencier ced bue lte bcrsty fctcty oet inlg eblidret) ce Wrte ithe cbtlity te leetenelttost tn lte rudimtsoet iteir educelîce. Wr aire ceery gse eu Micas'Youneg frornthlie trccblg staff et our publit eicio, bel mugit titasi ber for lthe effort ebc ber pet lordIte cpuât touryeu,- ccd 1 i ber everyImceoIac le ir tee fl eto leuer. citce wubeilee MleautMiltce.- ueorgetecu Hecld. r 2.ii',- iio. T'i>' eyîi 1il . cBitr> reom 7,5c, t) 8 . '$2 h t.inen Hats .tti7>icl Summer Wash Vests Frie 81.(X) té, 84,(X)'cdi, Summer Sox Nié,i lini>'iof laie',' îe>te i:iii lu in, 'iii Ii. îî< and'ii' e gril->,Iîîre tuie25v. te o50,. é,'i>. 'Negligee Shirts AIlaé l ii i'egl i eil 'el Vente .>I a gpo.ii. iii'. ,il ti Ic i roie h50'. t..o I 2'.. ______________Tub 'iies AUCTION SALE Pousoh'd Furniture q1cACE CHIIRCiI. MILTON ruemn anti Kitchee Pitînitue e w'î ieg Muchine, Garie rlc T. e,î' Th"ho,ifenetpreviuily seltl. cii aise be ffered for %aeoubîet te re'oiet P.. CSAPtIAN. Auctiuete. Mci an nett's CASH OROCEAT Tite Home of Good Grocerles P-Ttlo re le itotedtftee lIe fronli and Weili uuicrteul stock etftirueeriee and Proevision, and nectill lite te, keep (but reputetien 1,,' elting u<lt the bet, goods aI li eaesttîrices. and bv erctttg our cuctomero Wcli tee hýPe for a large §hareo ofte patronage of tbe ipublie ut large. We bave just reeeived a iehipnnenl of hot ceatiter nemecilies, sucliau4 -Salmon, -Kippered Herring. Z t inlgilefTesate Sauce, -Cered »«f, -011Scd Bee, -Pleeen Ilcddle, -Helelu Piettis, .-ledla e lloit. -ChuristiePoney Cuites ced Bett' Breadl delivered daily. 'h l ' n ' lo.ti , 'r ( ! 4i k fourfin.LI,..t.. al'0, ..h, -".BEWS' SONS. Ariifea if l ' f tIndetlreon, 1gh 111E FARMER5 BANK 0F CANADA SA-INGS OfPARTMENT $t,00 opucife te 'ceute. lîiitceci at01 i, il t iii, cil i, MONf Y ORDERS. Cateailitte Baîtkere' Aece'ictij eiiNl t0'rd«lece Il A il'tl MILTON 1B WrGIVE US A TRIAL ORDER1 __________ NOTICEee 'lu ctIdby e thé Weiàyre prepared to do 1al pai, and lhe iame wil4 iAso ceAinga roail et pricots x rsemlp1tXL ýN C Hi WcBRIDE, Manager,' ' itiese formerly crin- ,ensiln 03Edtwards, e of Miaeiicnry Ré,- P"Ouir pr tatten- dg. iWe paly higb- 'tit" ..r it l rloklin' ece>tIitc onte ,"i progressive yet conservative managé- ment has produced a safe,.suire- bank for farmer, nierchant and laborer iu The Metropolitan ,Bank, Farîîîerts' Sale Notes proînptly col1ected. Drafts and Money Orders bouglit &sold. W. B. CLENENTS,.ý WILTOO BRANC11D Phone -W. T90S.- MOMINE