For SippIias lk HOM r ,,derrm for bt'ed. ra «y i. Iju!)' 15h. tsi,,,'rc .<i oonue ye2,, (romF yat.-Mi uThmae Qn'u on15 -k !\}IIaCHI MLYSKOKÀ G I AN BA% rx; AMI y!'NPAREK 1 %%%"<ilN RIVER Il RIVER 1 iAKE 1 I lA LARES 111 iNU., ETC' nliche,'. ce Sa.tul<uî. 'M asînger Sesnelri *~~~~ P..i'.t,5,n Agentbi, BESI SERVICE TO MUSKOKA LOLIB EEES~i ni S~ tKES Buitcher Shop. Ce. E. GALLOWAY f îenh 7' . I u5~ and Vour 3 iturlig , lu 1 îi îi G. .Griffth ierut arluimiat bm, elî u u 'n î . e r u t a r i a s i t m 3"th t', uittbth nly 9 ti am bmnbs.O<ed grat compese. -d, taCt e tanri tetba drte itep Thjia i kit! pergpiration, Loi-tbe ýpecial pq tin& fet; 4à Toii ed nd1eê now iWs no good tbs± wtý liaieptr i-Y"reared powder , Madé e ý' 1, PIwe, no a abypowder,ibut i iadeé *iodr 4dto 0 0 iSWety, ired, aoittng, bal toa nue i aevery caua VtRMQNEY weS iýite yOtz to iry it. Na-Dro-Co. Remediea. i p, irge bar, 2,5o, *-BOlY $hem bers., $ndyEuvéope-Best valuie male. J' tI'Sm ITALWAYS PAYS Progressive'fyet coi ment bas prodîîc0d a farmer, merehanr. a1r. Ihe IVetrôpC Farmers' Sale i.ýotes1 IDrafts and.Money Or Ha WIIEELE, bhachr ef Msic Piano, Orgie u VandWlin. Jteerettnnid fimt veh i uSeptemben Gu Aidmns-SsraiSt.. Muitan.' Wantect 3Mt Once.e Same gnoicmarC irîn enutcit vomerk i ederyr,'.depiertnte t ie ' nbs taccnr, ApsI,' ta WtNN E& C.. n Miýohe,' Boseo ep *letit cna chotie M icone aco aran ri. bt vawt wàc-vIsheets sii N ive<muae- Local News. sue .ha.r tor, Sr¶ 0b' tNio.cîdo finsntonon Tnotaiay. rer ifl Frank Pt.asehov ban taben oa poition nJOtelocal agenay of teFatrmers Bank,. k Mien M gtdred Boit loft tosen Tornda,' tin vtst lrndgat Apploby anod Buring. ton' a an D, oapOofie nillblietcsoed Wd 'ailS .1 upent ron nia,' ta Sonda,' wth aptly collteLeU . -in e Mr oedMm. Wn Aitberrry. otlia-. boght 1solU. ltonpeut Dotnnton 1lýia th inirtn own. Mantain Morte,' Harbottte slit ding a. CLEME YfTSn bu tlid fat lace. E. wn MfAxwtLgHAv LosaOX '<aSoLe- l5ood as new. t'ttap. Appt,' ta Ait. Walen, Onagtt. Ont, i Mr. nnd Mm.,Wnt, Andernon, of To& no, epent te holiday nt te MitrOn Andon e geno S. DICE Mr. and'M!Kr. John Meacbern. et gr ai Narlage ËiCeUoon, Bnn.*pont fronte Tiurnday to Monda,' relt, relative% le town. Î, Mé ahii nd iýnt Mn.and Mr%, Rlpit B. Toiseont e-J totren.titobolde yteit MniTwies's pareetto. hienmeJ, on Wr Jatr , n.and Mm. J. R. bittin. eOffS ioutOt. Mr. aed Mr%,Alet. Mitchell. otCaye. gu, re rofLowtrtle. caled on I neyerI tnlenalu ten tMonda, Vi@~iHngli Campcell ban bren appo cd 2~o ttne lener t tmarntage reneot Office- &-.uittn toCwn ba1,OIl hi 2 liV »OJO Roer P.A. PChadwck.reoton of ..=ýra n in ~'Wndterhan rot gned and han heentaity 14pnd A or ntealrectar of St, Pont n Chnrcb fur in ralcoer, BenBL the former reclrcof Lw-f ai o sepli3nI pitîriva ecetly lected Bieobp oi 0 a Westttnster. Mr.IiCdwickfle a stee il-en of Police Ittagttrate Dice, eýïlE, TO Ùrs FOP i For the Houseo Woe endiesvioFto t ltep businens t poaplof reql bae ta naenti 01,pea, l us, 1,re haire ihôgps maney.f ParisGreen suMp 1 -- tPQ4i -ps w pi~ Liii LEAN inDuDI-LUXEM !.gi aurr Ank l i lbi ,rlt iy. ', à, b ee i>, ari ifi Ali Mts, rw sa aante aieavaer n wue r1eu ànttentRne jl uled01 off ebore . 04 Jns lpa it. S »ynheblé cs'uts o tCbhiesoo felite lisnt Rd CMPognai 1Cfaudd S. Min eurmcn. Mj.D.. deettet, bant opun i feua n tinaor tI)7ý Me- i Colts, (Ioten ieolbridge voit a otteci-1 att,Olcehboots tttnP, .t. peele entage0pnus de forfo aeuont. t il SunAît. PR't-A ev mnutes oitar six ocisei an Tueida, emunug te fine alomm aeunded snd the brigcde temuci anC. A Spa bai bran diecaoercsinl te yo01va , . RBett'c baiununMay' Àta.A e bacht, of vaier pet Il ont viittont te use eofte bote. TzcanoAam St.anc-Dr. A. H. U. eolqneah dptyl-ste ofnieiccttan. bacu cc trcai te ieepectorc ni jeitoole, advisnugthen that te depaet tuent telîl permit neitol [lourds, If aittrF dec aisertinontant te,'are nuabte ta necire poprrntnctified teacheru. IDA se. cept ane vîit Iower qualifications. L On Thnmcicp Mîshaci Maugle vtpèu$ billeil hy a hiowternte iteurt ecoi4d <nomn George Barber, a illne nrmo f onte iePort CeiC tareh vortuo. 'Ban. hemrtoasa,'osng Eugllinsn.ten wleo inCoanada. Thtemenweare irtin prenleas tu tein uamelt oui t le nt tyitght taIBarb:ro ltaed w neon. FORaTIuc Paaeec.,s-We bore Wi. lilamtgnand Daot'stEugl iPB tooa irrmnti selli teatiter. Empreanitoro fo omenmacnd SloCer'e for men, mode by dtehttemliers tn Cousis. Te COmpiteethin stoit we thcve obus» mode f =it SteeltSCent. epaiiug neatl,' daa.-Yates' Siton Store. oppotnite pota office. Bratmpton Morbaulco' Bdni ban cessed ta ctiit ftheCtpreeent. Ther trouble i not a lac f onnds, asuhontae uCitaom nommraI times le the pet, bautte ttamC age ai ptsyern. Mtemenasiand other caues, pmlnpelli netimonu,,have mc- dnced te piayems t, uot more titan teu Dien. 'Thteboni ban oniiormmtnd ite. strmnstate it 400,A cOmmi"lee ai the caneoil ban beeo appointi tao se wbst can bu dont intte ws,'oftran. îctlae -Bouter. A Bii.; Faussas lUMIc NOic-Womh men are bny excavtsing fonrte fonu. datian o! P, L, Roenton Con. Cen. iaey.bocbick .wlianata DIe Ill r ton te mn.ooe vmb.,iiibnlz oenitntsek, WekhbYvecit the ifctf g ta iuomcalng lis machtineeo qnîlent. womblngestaif sud lits outni l obnt esones ltedenonifor eiîo on- tiooio Cie nuppiy. thongit se fi<I an tnsoi ol,' ta tiactueois.prnlipsl,' for0 temnîtomo. hects aud canot.At ttan I waa%-l r,'iu uBAruEu.-Coteplainltâ aon main thatDmeu andiboyn hachtetaite brai ai tOc pond. weceitdayn and Son- d'a n, that tbey do net wecm btiing enita. CkSt ti ebhavtom tn mntttnte accentCand tcy yeti toatstmaCat. tentiote. prtîcetani,' tiat of irlsI and wamen vhs paotb,' or vntutr into LtnilngataePark, We r. eqetoi ta on,' t limanseuor ho,' teo baltestln an,' puhlo place lu the ttelgbomiood oet he Cave telitot abatbtng snit wli de l .eat the eit cof pmseotiou. Ciief1 CouamibtcCiapmsu vîlI braon the look-. ont fornthemansd redy tanet on suiem- ntatian ittmiied hlm. UNiION '5. 5. PICNIC-Metitodist aid Presbyterlau, te Stsalgy Par1, 00 Frlday. JitlY 15<11. Piai t isse itotieg anti ittlng, iuerry-g-rocad, dîsdsg pavillaon, dictes, batttester, a1l froc t e excutrellots. Gonditai tiielî bd for ail hum 0 IStson .Camte sud 0010Y te day mt it te glilldrel -Trais Invi eCgp ellvllle ai 5.15, Terr Catis 8.25, iion 8.10, b S AO, .0 Ticktel-Adulie 95c, Chldritu 50<. UNION S, S. PîcnIC-A er,' aje,'. abe J. S. picla vwan iet On te Prenhy- Cerîu monte gronedo, Hrab, onsuFrt- d ay ant Dae.Jet,'Set, aiC ehîctithe ,nu. yC ofleetfounmcitumohea marc vol lt neprnetaivic. < tiurcit et ng tend, etheodit aund renbytetau t Hornit,', ouiOmagit Froniytentan Chancit. About titee tnudrei mitre prosent. Gan. faces, ie.. litreatan.ý cd loto hestily b,'pianng a i0et. Tablensvr. preilu in e nt* e aud afi« penthi of ac. iîitincat vent avo' atlnfied hat anary leauent &MI CCh balcdbeaapen t., ihliwan indîcativS < i'theamean on su il pnes'alltug boeea tienentthnurcit- A Muaot hYCtAL mtm-%*kvO Toentda, sltter vn int1hain the Taranto NoW& trant Dm. EdsW. Rtoberio, l. R S (a4ndu lHa andi l0 ite eat int pn5Cra Rar No iffchael Stl1t a anuta, nsnabetflÇhe#anîti0n10 i=fa de n t si 1Ç r.ot . ...n.i.5 an~ai hai atnt . .. ..... e titilleville ddinoetemnpote.bétil:a aneer lir qtian.As tîwae ~ ~' ~ te.OiLkill. hay' did pleedidl,' te toa4ki t on Moan4ny 0liii vutue lu fiel te bote mesl î"-rt.te Cir ut e q' 'Ir therase tefi aut.'enipay. I ntlioe lts ir. , nn i-i s~t!bit mninte front Th- ey ant Win ocau nan routetgavtean ,ýhebtîon tof finit aid t, firmod. 1 1 1 tit. senlir, " ter. van a procen. 1,etý Wse4. trom ill vit 9oi Stantbiigb te ptreetn ol the cotete tantec uAtint hd bmum tlugtan, m banià,da pipera. Reeve ite fiette a n [àJupei MeCaioneait von serohal. vans meetrd =31 l. ai vore a retnsue niorie. A tty w fo Cit.rte hcmor-au _ Cite Metnnn1 ltt-eBnsbail. 'Aeoattta v w posnood anolbetecu On Deintiou Day a nine cotepsard (leem A t4 onehal..... 0î pardylof etmtbere citant yram'a seniora Wr. Penotr.ore & ntalOn... o 50ve w tieegetosreaud plapsan. kJrI J ..n- ..- 1. in i mtIengie teit Cfitec tfoeglocal W. Pieler, t tnproveiuenits .400 TIi5 in e isebelhcsfonrituý W. Pt l, tiegeaien,....... 570 Mittasa. teyV ere retiraditaitio J.o Ciiajjj l."ý,----. 8 75t geeleg a0tan on Cient base. The fiet A. I ..... ......... 675 (largeteve monn p. Bootean. got tu J. "Cra ..e.. .... 0soe Cise une Reppa fumable. ond bleileh G. iaary 43 3nies anrerd foure run irere somd f7. .- 10oun tenrisineglotsad a double. Aller TiaMk JO 0 sehat. IIoWnet. LiAt tlglItteod UV. al- A ohnan 2905o toed ont,' fine aattered sinîglos and Ch .nglia '6 1 iort ue esserri off ise. stu c Wo., Ford 7 ou nintit. ose se twt rrroràaond ns belt. P. L. ..... o ..i1- se Uttoiana tIi ast asbit, t ra Clent 0 . eetr ilgit_ .7 47 maon t ne etil the thîrd. e teti, l P. t.. RO 17e. .5ebat out a lowe infioîl grounndrr. Ho «.isefrt aùtiret. itoovrnorMbtltoni srukv flitaceen tlc iitth. t.aloooy wriit oi. pteutu iraii, 'leloty g. un etl'ai k. JeIji ithi ioer'acrro.r. andM'ion si a litisai 1 R Tite <formen ettenret'achnArnold,. Wits droppeitto i fy. A patibsi Mailing it l b»iiiya rc.'b os aIt udvaeed toe. Roapît Jmals a Seome cf aur tonng peoplerockite osingle. ecoirng Telotit,. adthed *parté tu Geol55tvfl.otier tw scret uncorrut Loiti An onCe ro snt Toronto osled ansMalle a hit e ite cit, bat ose J. H.I %ponoientolp left on tird. la fth eyetit Tocl gsi MioseSella Ruddellt.Tto petWlcasgrounder, bot titrew igttg. tiret te tnt underhit parental rocf. and te reaner ouichrdl the bug ,bils Mr, Wrn, Torotia pnto ilourds,' Arnold waintficrair. Keappseont an. sulXd yed, #tt rtniduitene ottiténgronederiLU Tocit. wcoo ibld M.Gre,'montto. wutanhie guentofi t.Armstrong (oLlotci sitt a double. Mise WtlcQrtua te neeit. Aliteceetorcil. Mobra,' trotit Mr. ond Id. Frank Wmigglunotht oct. bnt Totier a1oLf t d seoinglot. and fasel,. ict, epent Siuay ce Teliere as cangii htwcoothîrd ted tite$tit lna.botue, kydorestnincitot and Loti Wall bIneo Wall. aan cd M oster lettlu te rtgith, illoay w"ousit, ipeutte blida t Bottou. tiird ta trat and Tcleaky second tu i. R. sud M il M weoeActou. cled Teck inntblcsWin'i gîtuder aedllho ou finonda bien uSstuemil. we oiowseou'o sol 'arken n sild titrowa. Ntihor ptcr gavq base tn bAlleorit tbc. baa1'at. V Are. llantescelers' Excursions te Westr ld wu vas eunt on boite nd tikeanso Cam"i J. J, Pracook on base pay..t Ilit ssr imtpatial andnoe ofthitnr drcistie rThrougi t tie netropolu' 01Ciicago, sere serrltioely diinpots. titpuce via Dulutht audPor"Fruoanci Crongit Cbiclago sud ite tvlu cltiensi hiuueapalic td St. Paul. mi,' cansd oisi . Irtt.V ains and Norttern Nav. i.wssbnsy,'.. 5 os ao1 gation Cmon~y'e leeagmenc. leste han. Teier. a b_ .......s5-3 4 3 i dic >.3o p. s.. Jut,' 3th sud t27t. Lott, p5.o.. tic 2t Winnipteg a i etenu *0200,.941111ii010t13Ryder. c 4 0 0 7 i c sud neue sfoo.Tickets god tor e0Callenray, b...h..a...4 oa02 2a icys. Pnaportioncte rate" taicertatn Telenyi ,,tb . .... . i. . 1 i 8 c otitor vnsternepaints. Ticketsad udlnl Wiuuc. .. i . .... 4 3 s a c i litbnation iront Grand TnrukAgeuts, Rucpp, . _..i .... . o.. i i o1 s2 Artntroitg. n. t .;a ""'.' I Ongio Scel io el- 7. S - O« Son. IV-Wtilbent Ford. Ceeue, Ford,. i..c. Carence Fard,. Mcgle eevi. FIer- rer CotoaîJetriCotuep. Je .C-ol-ea MceseWoe. Ceetl Me. Bosesen. c,.ý 2 12 Conu. AhitaTanner. Goq4on Robinont. R. Arnol. c._ i o c1 lIt-Mary McCcntuey, Mattie Me. G. Arnol, t b_ i i 3 tfi o Keucte. MaryFond. Samt Devîte, Ali. r.. no. e._a..t..c ....5 '- i G albraith. 'Meldrunt.c.i . 4 C ll-Jsotnh Homuel. Sealice Italien. Hoine. . i1 . a4i1t1i1s0 Lîllîcon. Montier iceaunu.Frsuk Parkter,2b........ sh . 4aoa2i3 a UoGrtuey Aunte Derlait. isti Po Frter, 3 il s s 0 4 t Fr.Mye'~ e r;lu. Rnnh. PW 4J nur.Ele - - 2 B w trdnt Deviina4-i5s1027 1t' Pt. CIJh-Olive Fceitcoue. Wtt. Mltu... ........ooCI 05 3 t -7 trond Frath toCne. Geargetown ..4 'oa s0 c.0OI 01- Pt. 1-9 QcelFard. Lillian Tunenr, Tvn.bane bite. Armstrong and Ciel. "AIAmes Wales, Violet Deoieu. son Sacrifice hict Meldrms. Siolos Herbert tibaith Alb tert Ford.Iasae, Lut T'eieor. Armstrontg, Winr. Fox. RtI MeCsuu. Violet bicCaun.(;. Aruiold, Tnck o, Hadsnu. Donuble Wiltient G lbrait. pIsy,.Kuapp ta Trelier. Strecti aut b,' Hlattte Jabsurtcn.Tacitr. LaOtt. 7; b,' net,,8. Pasned baths. ___ Ryder. Sosenan. tLoir an banet. Miltota Wh.ou s aBttrTtnTals Georgetotnc 8. t.tptoet, tCat. ', ettrTh" "- Akatl iludJ. J. Prek. If lite uprtug po"le W-idtireakeil-be neirC. P. R. ime table tetîlene- ligittibruea iactsudaseep Sd gaedi a il le Torouto teauitius ene home ,or titey w 'i nerda=It. ri"Motiae acunis,' citaruseus and reset, lSin geai Chieansd do tittin ugond tinte or matches. fitLt copel teuton. T mnsre jour cultese bang titïa onurnter otiecit matche itot l ttti geai si White SeuBrand, pledet uilg thebcslitrît îh t htj itau îtonmr. DORS.The S S.,teause oppernt.c anc dilii. cuIt,' ta pllîugeoff thit c etedd ttst-AtIngr, u De otif, Cqee. to a gouis- heeor h oinnut docm, Mosud MU. rati MatIsoin, nmnjor gaouleseitould h. snbottttd. Com-At streetanit, an Weduenday, m i jue 19e1, Fraude Canm. nwuai 01 I2ff faust , lu bis 24tbh u,m I flJanlnetts Pooche- tSnetviie, an Tueiay, _________ tue Sli, titto, Samp it Etîshi FokeY.auei augiti of iMe Poche.CASH OflOCENT litThe flome ei oar 3 B- oi Gooid Crecerles Daite Cabeii 5t Aà unI, 110. slttea,' ,Bwâ t U'rittielan nteal for ils frionîtandi >3t vell atinel tock ofi ,torsoic» end ' alProvisions, ate otcll iaise <i 080 'kBelli tIs, eSrpitation b y ollieg ani> the best g;oOoeat thé loveot prices, Paor 0S 9, x à NMein-D"etlo aand 1w acnviug Our cueotonswcll tOttntSC~t i*bAL, Slem 0 a0 Wteehipe for a large sharo, of the patr Woo fnag e cpuies' t.large. S i ge J, MAan -~gtiU'4~aC5Bance. Silk Waists Hosiery Spe, M.nolinè at THE SI HOT MWEA1 Balbriggan Ui Fili IIllide ti re naltri u reniiil aduli' a i i rt'ii. fîuu -Ir RIAi j' iti r Ii '.3ti"bi 'I lt1 . ..... . 1 ,1! SA VINGS DEPARTMIT potuli'it haUtfsu MONEY ORDIiRS l'suilaslii, i.. Ass>aotuii Ai ru lu id. 3 itaY t' til MILTON BRANCH. Uarboi Agents foi. the 'Puire Mar A Fani, WC makeo 4-5 ~ at I ( ,'Get4 - ~- 98o..~ M - $149. Waist, - $2,85 1, 15, 19, 25, 50c. ksols, bruss îib'd, 89c. sols, 19, 25, 50C. ,t educedPr~ices. ;TOPE FOR VALUE 1ER SPECIALS! ierwear Ialhrigniîl , u anid r Oei ' iloiarn,uit - l ii u. l i ' iqtjjiýii at ýý, p i , lîuu,uii i Photo!1 kindt that please. e Bunter Studio. k Foptc i oa'nr os, ihei.c.liiutuof C.I Raye. Ptctadrrt of1the fGrand rtet tet," r en.arcediIront the noet. sep al b' s e uepromse.o o.Iep o the âocenîge et -lismt f î,1<1 A. C. McBRIDE, Managaer. le & Crozier Deviniîg I hîrvs to i- ) ' î. a BinderlTwine Straw Hats Linen Hats I, iiiI i. i tack, ai <3 , 3 Summer Wash Vests Iota Si ti .l.l4 .0('eaclî. Summer Soic Nir »luuî. ti,;,, .iu. liý p . Iv i hil il Negligee Shirts Ilru ihir 1'. S 2palî i. , l'ri i Tub Ties The iwii l,îîi l n s, in '<Il.lnu u i --u-W. BEWS' SONS. TME FARMER5 BANK 0F CANADA 10c. lb. (1IAO I. to t lb. H elil' ly ; 1 1 PEA