r;DR U p ,rr.i~ I. cml' lie.t DO Doisaogi Ji' Wi' V altyôü é tua a îîî îreî:lî t t Or0 *I)AINIYTOLT Sdl0 ;it;eiliuîtuîîî , ira t is lt a t ol ;je.,.î ~JIîî1îseta killi îody o andt.1111 a't more,-we a' OR RETU RNI Its 5 apeki. I' ý iiih il h S N yaîl'iI Pure Cinstile ô Toilet Soaps-É MiîItîo riting Tablets' aid TRADE AT HtGGIN15OTI v. ~i ';et conservative montthas prodiccîl a. safé, sure mr th it and laborer i The MetropolitanI Varw (- is" Sal v Notes promptly c' Pî~I.mlMoney Orders hougi 1MILTO00 BRANCOO W. B. CLE Kf WHEELER, Teacher-cf Music S. 'Di Plaieo, lrgan and Vilin,. Alerf r iKm, Gaarc ... .-J Pafm.sUa.t Il. rrdn inplrha Mainn ec rso Ai r~ i. I. dl MIIi lio.c. n n N t Waated at Once. 18 en' i.;rîrll li'tannd Oa.o hae enll dan niîî,.e h 'ia In n 2 j Il, ...,t lti act acai 0"lelîo l c(Pc a.1 a 'Foue t Pteparations ii ai ou rtquirc a teilet Pilparatei, 4lacKENZIE'S 14. una ou kowah hueW YOtU0 if;; r ,,~htheme je anyt&fiig nf î:aîîîvîîîrîî I alcum 1'berý al utnu acenquiî a~ Cliîta 'm Cashcnil*iffBSP i t O d,ý 'iaieViolt Tile .0,,' ,fromI& r0. C Zaof S r oea 5c b treun. t F1W- Orbut s iÙ tedahing, bad ~gàat i 0 ery casie IVON EY tu 0e try it. Na-Drtu.Co.Beees 23~c. ýe-Bei;t value made, IT LWYSPAYS jLcal News fr House toRiN. n Marint. Apip tueA.aoo M ion, Mr, aid Mra, J. , C.Wttt, o Brant. tienHan., aroeheceuKtîlciihir Hilton retiveso. InalîaiChair on cheelo, oeend.hanii, (orm;,aei.. pIY t tî oie, r Mm. CangItoît, of Mnneapolisn. Mîe,, virtiteti crer Suiiuy wlîh hber etece, Mm. W. WH, Reid. j WOOI.-Mighes arketurtriprce paid ci'rnact, cash. -C. B.,ateallwy. Btelier i .>hp, Hilton. iii.îf. k. ALL Asien-Tho aison Paît As. zef sic l e t e houat Mitonen clMenday. Non, zîs. Mr. Juscee Claecîili preido. H. ugis Caphettlleuasbeen appointi islecer ot marrînge icecres, Office- lanan hatt, Milice. ,n.tl .0 Pici Lîîecs-A neth ef I books.net mîlicien, b hâeo n eoroti for the public lîhaary., SrMmelames Mllreutb. uf Amsterdacm N.Y.. bas heen the guesofober brcther, iri Jehn Meinlonli, fron Mondey tu Tknnn. iPP, Iday. Fos Scc Pe aLt.n-Sinrey andi ebait bonne ciait'..ee3c. cîtkkitehen and coodibedet- i ai ced rc lui.ngondl condition. Terne aseh. Uý'J "imeite possenlon. APPty te Mmn Hîec Sceeui. URANS-The soolsein à ot Goceronent gracir 10 Hatton htcb o chcli tee theYsear edieg iis onth are. gebritto B1795.034,Georgetowin .iv'CAti un TIîarsi.iwht cîhlthonts the ciiînet Hilon cand riclity tom their bearny snpport chue una emptope cf C. 9.R Calioce?. ant Iif eaiti is ImprOveti. hopet1, ce in e position te onnanti that Rane respect anti confidnce ln neuf O ue-lZ IE.C111111 A COV r ý LINE 0F LETTS I LAIES il sutock, iirtpyà is judgelGotbem bas redncd #b sem. nontaetrlb. Doinin suad stationt batela, Acten. $600, Roason. locat option. Berfry Wbelofr. music toacher, loves Oe Jenes 30thtfor atrip te Regtaedcand wii b. hidi te fetenietaccinge fb.ilet weeb le September. RiZ eien nîaî-Thbo mrnteg auboît ce Seeday nalîtlbe. "Gcd ne tcvçd the wrd.' lenlbe oning 'Mr. bM'cke.y wilt preach a short sermon le Young mon. Subject, ",Te Ricb Peet. The tcllcning Sîreetavitto studonis 'lu snctyp cdtheir eamteations Peck. l'ned Chafrte, liyden McClure, C. . McLoian. FUR rit FAusr.aiwe bore WII. iamaeaead Dayiet'seRegtisti ip Boute, ioarranteed noti.K ether. Empreocehoo c for wemen aed Sittef 'n tformon. made1 hy the bust makere ini Canada. To Comnîcote this stock ce thare chenu made ilihbioteelSoles. Kepaifleg eeaty iicee.-Yates' Bbc. Storo, opposite pot outie. Tihe farimora'Iiiotouenersien te Guelph on the C.P,R. un Saiondepwa l coilt rareelacd b,. tle.people frein t11Km fiole t y. Nazti Striay thero dît be another excursion le the samne ploie oerr the GTR.f Bunîî îîr TAiî-ihe Milon Buardm et Trade moi ai the cooneit chember on1 Friday ereeieg andi diocosscd me.1 teciurlng Industrie, eppoin led catm.1 miltee la maitie certaineqoîrles ced1 cdjoarneii la meni ai the calftheaube Preeiieni. .0i. 0, .-Ttie brutret et Hilton Lotice Nu. aa. 1.0,0,1., are orgenity1 rtqneated te attendthie regotar meeting et the 1.0.K. hattlefai'rbestialeee. cog. Jupe chatiaenp.m.Very important businees l te ctrceeccicd. -Thom. Mc. lannecti, Sc'y. CeiîAr4i Tîne TAiiies,-A chanige le te lime tablaeoft i p»t cn etct effetuen Sccdey. Tht chaege effeots ontly e few el the irains, Thc fettowleîr Ia tht nnw ie ale:îtGeleg euet, 9ail cmn.,.21ee 9.11 .5u5epo.. n'en po... Î2, p.m. GOln ceai, ,0a.eo., 2c5 p.m.. 7.00 Pt,11,, 83Fn1l. Knox Chnrch an i eeor srlcee acre hold tat Sneday. aoc. H. A. Mfacpherson, et Chatnerte lberch. To- rente, cundocied the services aud preacedite and dettgttd targe congre. dfatleenh11oth mornic nad eranlgTbe r olu etfr thte dayteafi brt $zen M Geiln, reedereti choes meelc ai hala Excvasiî-The annuel eecursinalofe Grec, Chcrch Scnday SBaeot dîbte l tiftmnby Becach on 'rhareiay, Joly *71. Grmsby Beach ln etc macageii by e Ctevetaad. 0610, umpaey. aed eaencre atiectilpe han cor tf.aIldciilie eur- roundînga are mot beautitet. Ameni tb, amuseentnare boatleg. ihii,1 drlateg, o minalare faitceY. mefrrY-go round. norîeg pctere shoce and bath- leg. Nie chargetforunec et tabtes by ticncere and bot celer neleplied troc. 'rchete-AdatnOe, ochidrec nec. Darleg thefreceet enamînalions httii le tht puhlie c oieitthe WCT. t. gare Prince opaptts a eang the bcd enxamn. atloni le sclontiic tomperence. Thent przesiferc roete a h p lso Mr. jas~. Doet onebhesat ot the W.C.T. 0. Tht toltoning are the prine cincrg and 16oedoserieg ot honorable mon. tion: DIv. IKi.-Ben, ., i. lhiredIMta- hep; hon. mention, iteen H arrisne Mary Petheesteni, inn. 1IL,. Hilda er- V gct ;hbon. mebttcs, Hume Aexander,. i>v IV-Bc.<IL., jach riffth;l hoc. mention, Romc Hare, Rdth Plge. e<ne It, GltiadysPeawcc ; ho,mention, ethleen MciDongatt, Lois McKay. hjome tints aga. Win, Corc, cnr tece welK driller, leveited ile enîan Outfit, He bas a lage drill mouonted on trucks ciih a traction engcin. te heot Il abont and alsec funothib1e pocer te OPerate 1IL 6fr. Cre bn aubnup &Ince ho madie bi noebs inklng Welastforfermera. ecd h orli citb incederfat raphdity tonnpared with tbe recits oh- taieedby bts former bhumepner tfit. Lasi weeh r, t'aro ieistal die isdrillai 6fr. Coltrer s tannuer y pr..pfty cherbh pt doc as ce fot bote tat pear ced obtainecia 1miecr0alimcd mter raîneable for tening The sec$nd weelI iill lie drilled jcam tact, etitenýt.sad Mr ColIncr bas hopecflstrikile .tbi' gin or ci. ibedO 'ta thie eetorpris.-,Bramnp, teen ananeR 1- voet ari ail lnvl$ed "te 1join tie' crowd te 4gIMohy!Zonab, juIy ;th, Tickets 5M1e.and $11.lifer al i Sido tibe sadday Mesi on,.he blenamisT eora eite aUnver gallactio iiiItlin te bis eapended on amsdsrh objeit, ibe petrchasa et 4ctE b PROfMOTION EXAMINATIONS. eiU)(tlaet4âINe M. Ceea. B. PromtKPerm il te Ilorin tît-Attt Biain. iPIc. Bradley, Mabal Wite. Phcehý Haro, Kcnnctk McDougaîl. Jean Altn, Robert Anderson, . 'rak Ramehaw. Frein tFormte 1tu eai i-Aiteen Griffith. Racketlttorthwced. ('hure$ Roer.Netie- Ocecrman, Chritina Hum. -Chai. Kennedy, Gordon Bridg. mac. ReeissilPetch. ,GroeTomner. l'roe tnt. KV tu lei. IV-MarJcrie AnedroeCarlte tienstreci. Prom inn.V te Cen. VLcaMr j Elee i. ititt. Melorl Mnc, FreinJa.IV talKt IV-Meat Ra. Bei. Iti t Jeu. IV anad ta Mis# Pet. tisons* ree.-'Merr Feetherntono. Reta Tlter. Rîtoe ierrîsen. Mildred bMc K<y Louise Dariiece Archie Mc. Enchero. Jagmes Martin, iÏarcud Peacock.à Freida Harrison, Marlon Dent. Mahal Sloen. Chrtene MtGibbnn Jolie Aikin- son, lierold Waics, William Angen. Pkyli Thonoen, Allen MtCready, Minier Mccndi. William Cartwarighi. Etoner Tach. Habet Chlsihotm, Nora Hennant. iGordon Hepbuae.Morteli Screri o crge Vaten, Samuel Horley, U cne Vecghau. Gladys Kennedy.t .bal Mler, Ruasell Mepbnrn. HJcc IliItii lai.Kiil-Hihde S8rgant. Hume Alexander, Horley HaraZ o crtAltac, (Gcoge WInn, Irnsa liren.Norman Kelly. Hargeret Keiiey. Charitese Frlow, . Prom Sr. Il te Jcî, K11 and te Mica Lwrrecoc rco-Rcee Marc. Grace Mitîs. Rdih Pair,. Isabel Athînsen. t.acrc Chîchoîn. AlfedjemPeci WII- fred Shephend, F. ocdele. da Waieo. Ea Rtobinson, Prom Knt, il te Sr, II and Mica Lana' rencea ocm-Frank Jones. Ethel Ciemenia. Eina Morley, Gac. Cooper, Catherine MoNabh. David Snack. Heratîn Perd.,SIcielt Parha, esie GallowlJh Griffith, Triai. Mar- chall 6t, on Cbinhotm. Donald MeKeaie. PromJco. l te ltIi.Kaitleen McDaDouet. rthnt Marchand.,hargarot Dewaer, 1l'ois mecaay, sasie 0'Rgan Marion BSctt, F.dth Mannanl.Benl Mteatto. Rtmer Wharton, 't*haper Hep. bure, Triai. Giedys eecoeh. iîr.V. FrernSrKPariltejrIl anditu Min Nicons roun-JohnellitttClree 4 Wilkinson, 000orge Bock. Frank Knapp. Fiigar Newman. James ('anning, Wal. lace Shorcceii. Myrlie Maade, Leslie Maehere, Loch. VanSeeut. Haggen Vaughan. Pearl Farecce. Pdmunnig Lewin, jean Parlona. Triai, Bertha Keninor, PronIci.utFart IlIte Soi. Partîtl adi te M ise Nxon%eooo-R#tbton Hamil- ion, Louise Couper, Augusta Martne. Edth Dewar. Carl Hamiltten, Erma1 WeisAngle àMacBontii Frachk('ber' recten. Triai. Victeria Brnsk. Ada Feenere, George Anderson, Herry Hcmming Promt Part K tg Jr. Part K-ReKa jouec, f harien Dartdecn. lorence Chiereiieten. Plerenice Broch. Div. VI, Promt jue. Part Il te Klt Part IK and te Dîr. V-Rubert Sergeant. Arehie 1anlgantiAnglni ason equal. Cralrdro.Cifferd Staer. Gefj;e Btvisoneeeqnat.lei Mcitaoern, Thi.MKiKis, Warren iVont, joseph Kant- nef. Vara Clemecte. Wilie Laing,. j Pro.n> 'A" f'las tc nn. Part Il and1 île Dir. V-K'Korcicetings, Mdedge Gabraith. Margaret Aleander, Rota Rliî. Jniteceby. Martel Marchand, Tis, oniera,.RomcRogers. UJorthp Maguir , Rri 1bcir.Clarece CoupefI Abert Drake, CenLecin. Rd. eevemofe. Robert Brne, Froc> 'B'te "A"-Frank Alpcrt. Zetýrn spde. John Mcenzie Gortte RoffeyI Lucy Brcebn. Frcnu "B", te -'A" aud te Div. VI. Mise Farite'î ron-Allan Atinsen, marcrte Mcjannett, FrankiVéesDaiep Rcnci.î Marte Foerd, Amuie -Morley, Edner4 jones. Tinfinf.ai, ,Frnkn obude', Charoan Bor' iFrancis c0n, AKn.AlKpmr, ¶VInnird'el F 11'C ,1 " il'ate Dir. VI, Mi , , uen bn-Viltbms 0«.A.Jnciilé aeb liaisoîn., 011. ', . c 1 t ' rp.l . 4 K e 2 4 -fîi ... 0 K 01eu r 1a -4ab . sa e140-2 _W....; a3 4 il 0e0ci t i bas# it#. Fanion. Neilile, Mea. kgt 2, Olico; braau bie, ., ltf.rlqwv t tabases. J. Wiee z, 9,3 amies 4, Ciipcr. PâOtou. Gallemey 2; double plape. A. atu Coece.astfeCciiiuthy Gel. 4, by (.tltenay 4, by Pr , hy Panten 5î;ban« ce bello, ffep , cff MAwbpray 6, eitGallo. cil Pantois le; kit by _pithed L Mawbiey. L. . iiinioha C'ocpe, pircii Mnehray i;poed, 't's RvilIe j ; e on baenu, trice i i. M.tbodict t9. Riez ccd Hethediai tueroa wîtt play ceai Satinday ntaIo. Automohile ut tesralon.coti who eraîtei tiieiseîeiea fa nIria OcOa. vitle on Fiiay tant cere 111f Weniiet, ConcilineBari, Griffen, Teeh, Pociher- tene. J. P. Perd ae ut eteheceand Ctif rear.r Andreno. Srîyplncthe forencee four largpeeatos arrivrid in tece abid r>nged ni) tie front t theoHHeel eMGihhan. thic bng tbe iaating polnt, idcîerable diiieupolei. mont caa toit chen on the arrirali cfihe traIln fren tetnortit Coancilttre Mc- iannah. of Georgrlown ;Mmvdc,.1a Acton, ccii Thempson ced teriggeo. wcrih. cf sqneing, faitei te pet ie ce appearance. Hoeveer. att tht memtbers prreonti ookihir smatsuln the autos anti cIter hieg phtegraphcd tertoti an a reryplpeciftiren o Ouhritto, acricg inîLiefor lunch.,nhîch nasliernu i god styn libitheMurray Honne. Aller ch the auoswere agein matin ose ai Socator toa's beactifet boue, groonde ced stables. JtestaRyrlea ccii sevrai other fâne resiences atoug thtlatie shore reîd. eastci et aheilto. Amaif thte reriaîîiatatotiîeaithie club heonze 8a ice it.ling allry. Ail the utembeniri tridthoîr hanî t ut tccti ieg dothae t en îelrîc. aîîîl Iinii'tr Fcetbcertoe'ntiweit het hi' nue auniiti hanniiet the gagnte hy ticiihna iluri cvre apin dihlthe ditel hat. Tho mainehbet ofIbish ainît outhle members of tht ceenty tanait cc ta vicoe thc repaîrs ccii imprcventie nwbeîng madec to the lahe ahore reati, nahhebafrIbe" Pa'tec Years beon ln a nontdepltabteiiondltiee. The îetiiontc 1r a le. miles oaci of the tennare rcry acelons te here ronthini donce olmon nronn tht condition oeti m ecb ceet biighcep anti are quite wîttîcg te anint tho ccceitpcorecil te acp reaienablo wap. 00tt cîtb private o fndscanti auici. ence linbe cay ucf eeeing. oic.. but ibey tktnh Ihet an tisisoeeethe ceîînty dest nsiedi readt he înpreoenento skonýii ba donc by andi ander the napor. vîion cf the ceucty roadscperi nîeedeni eii theobp ocrotrumlhogoavernmoen bs shore et the grant fer sccbpuerPOcon The îopravntonîe cefar caiicDf ovra Mle et tîte drain, nearty in the contrceiof tbe roand, nahteh cets ite a bcagtnîg lc the rlghdirection, Att1 te cooncitiome preftenî eceonot deepip intereclei c the mitremoni eand ecpreoscd their deatre lu aaint ce fer ai M ceibte. hltoing It goo eati potia b.1p iont who rtiltig Ia htp thein About fmiiet, ci i he prt rerttcet att beicg reonerkahiy cett pleacd ti cti the iicy' otîng. Netic te) aron eeni .î ottc ineufneai.roe.tnt tr. ntan tu R"i of. Ohil penti nnetM itate29 t ocicco .0 ALIRA MaANS. tWh"l tic e% isiei191te sidthe itmi-fhi dulrer l t'Io n n 'd-ce efcthltthipoaL. 'ec Ir>eona bar doiiii.,ctiee. Mia, uc, ante 4nie ihe i tflthidcraoaecd-eesiasg nteeunntieeecitni..c oiT, he eil ith u.e tibe ri .lihutiao'n, cfnbnttniii h Detat i Milten ihio lutt day te ent, 1tata WILLIAM 1t. IKiK, ici blctuieefe xnacee. Mciannett's CASH aie 1Ty Tie Nom.e t Ceeod GcrecerIea Vcin @àýre je noteil for' iio frast w<Iit Aocrted iSticc it (it wojies lia tir uece~rweil I1 'W~ 'ftire c. re, "dithmet wat o ne" ten folio cd t6-gaowdà snene vkevr v.Te i ie (ftl oàtio 0bave *bat pýo% M n'Ostrsvý t~0. 7e.,*.00.. ,ùndLip~ ~t 50.,754., $1.0l'0. Men'a Peei-. eit Hýat*, will erash aud ery pochet., Men's TroopetRHats, navy, black, bine, grey, Men's Derby Hats $2.00 to $2.50 eaob'. Men's Work-day Ilats 50c., 7'50., $1.00. Men$s Suits, Mon's'Shirts and -UnçIerweaT. Men'. fine. Bonts & Shoes. Men's New Ties and Snspenders. CASH PRICES ARE 10W PRICES. ;GALBRAITH & COMPA HOT WEATHER SPE( Balbriggan Underwear Finc e ebir throad Btlriggtipaaiitrshirln oatdîtraiv , in nactara m etiadém at 40c. lier gai'iment or NSO, por ait. Fluer lnm. in rea i tii au d tîifnoelîllî ati0o.I 01, railent or 8t.00 ppr nuit. Straw Hats îiiade in nîigiigee ain te, e"una litliag, good quailîl;%, ram 75c, ta $2 01) raîtli,'l'hio t pular Bîîaiern troiii 75c. tb 2.50 eaicb. Linen Hats lbaod îîaaity. i'wini. t5e, ainîd 75c euh0. Summer Wash Veste Frîîrîî "t-ot 84.(X) eulî. Summer Box Nivi' unes ig f iaîîcy patterhn.-,i blie, grerî,eiiitejîwagn. aand grî'y' ciior,roina25e. tli50vî, aah. Negligee Shirts Ailtanthiîrrîaptîtr iîîad. ogoaul vurirty uaI tutctîa, cuf1teat- Tub Ties ThiP aicestat oîîinationo a . aratiomînîrh ii t -cîîîti Th lieai w Ltaîitaieur cooriîrlanîtik bar-ia huîai ids ) 0c au b -aqu--W. BEWS' SONS. WDE FAHMER5 BANK 0F CANADA CPTLP iD 'l'............ 84,5 SA VINGS DEPARTMfENT 8SiPO opepan aruieOiaita lîtreiat lîîgtî nirite aiiî%,îu'î,cîa poîtuil ialifirln. MONEY ORDERS l'aîiaîiclta iîhcna' Aneîîîiatiouî neeaI rîtîrm A , i iteiiiî way Ici aî.iît hîiîimny. MILTON BRANCH, .1 A. C.McBRIDE. Manager, Harbottie &. Croziei, Agents for the Deeî'i;g Ilarvesier M--MILTON --- Have reeeived and set up in their witreroolite Corner Main and Martin Ste., A lb.' 72 Plaqot Junior Corq 'Culti Ail kinds of Farm Im.Plements. AGENTS FOR PAR!S PLOWS. F~miyPhotos Rave:i& faùnily P4hIf tkn'Whoil a bon "w Ima &yoU Çi 1 41e i pf~getOd ~IItToNj 1; Ili MI 1 q