or~ei e " 900h'aî nd i îct e. l LIMJIT OCT. !13T,~ ToWoestelo tAN r>oN< ger '.PLA Kà]ý 1 ,ni ind ti. pms 'frain ,, %twp% l ~Perforjîwr -d .1 1, _r, - A p...S ils Af.i glini lie 1- t mgi-.nii>. t t m) 1-t-.hiau j- 4n 1flo re f .l1ye,'" i-il Jcif mai far sjiilir t1 9NJ G OCJXR. p0hbeiel ey W. ;i~ We «cWy à We endeavov .Dtow îp good-ýa Goiet Every 'rairum Powded "Dai ty ToiIc« oiîttol Wormý Elitro Siliçôpii1 Writîng Paper,1 Thetrto 4f îmers' Sale Notespromp lhafts anîd MoneyOr4éir'bo: MILTON BANCJIK' M, WHEELER, Thacher o Nua S Piano, Orgail ad Viol. Àmeit~~ 1- 1Rpafrea. Gua- e,'u Aýllre%-ara St. ilott'uLwO Wanted att me n,1 - r girls wuned te thet bfd, n.dopatiat cf dca - v A9r1 t, WIN,, C(o.. Sil,e .Maaufcctuteia. tf.o r ncfa11.t cian c beusg "bée "M A 11 4 We knoW. thoîr formula, th ' lii. Nyal lino Pm cdo lu Ctua wo-i hûlj ave stood tte'teét'fori'50 S NyaI's Stoue Roût< For idaey anld Bladd S NyaVN DiP, "T d Lr - Nyal's C no!n * y Nal's ÈaW&n St S Nyal's Sprniýh"" bNyaîyssïi~ mi yeare Pi etbccte. f cap, 1'iicea. oAc îste f Hmuilti on, optt the bot y ion c, n. Bert iet t iGaelpb, vIa ted Mil. ton ra son uaeay Dî M. C=t ofcT'eoafo, Pld tgf c c faeci stYaatday. (0 K WO- lgbeat mutfcaý prnce paf d ýÈk 'r' ý taâi.-O. B. Gatolay, Butcbci _W. 0A, Lawrence "W the tare foi the KP!Plt etthe l b.sieau Tam%- 'A~e l5i BJcees, cf Biacettrd. aent T9ueodn ltonfutetthe home o ic - 1ýride Mia. Chu., Joaetad dacgt r. Mufil t,,I B.pettthe holIday wfth îNS frcado luToronto. jaat sirealA ca*lca csent m,t P terdt, cf Bowtge, cama te ' -- tl<ne o aaîatatteand the funeri cf bc.ccte.8Wmt utet C. B. und A.C. Satadistft ou' priday top c aid and labtetcbleg ce. in oýta Aigoaqelnarkct. &B, m i, ,a>filie ifttehei, cf Guelph, came fauao to oa c Moeleyt.a ttend the $~ fsaoicte Clofte Win, Billot. iarsco . W O nc& aurabe hoasci Ia tOwe fcrî0acte au t iflec alctocfaim piepeities. Ap- p~ tl~e moat _-Th ab1e frfflh ni t f th.ee,810 IetonTîle. o-Ld. on " "-4~. 1.0 bi o'oo wnle. i t h iIQdtd hf d u of0.0boa;.ad a Und WCa. -ad$.0 bte fotbli 9far .0ab1 a t "BTIL T1âLYM "-T a sbal deîf b cf King BOyd a4 I. radw blyfroc m tWeakl Dt.; y Pu" daltýwcabout bal Ilas-balt sat1; awuc olra: ccwl a thé au noil0r rua 0t~~maa ff'buaact baccmcvd ptetc41y-u dcubf tbrcgbcctua~icgfc tu saab amater ào ~ t octfrlu ti. tcwa. Stoux H scoLva-OnBctirdfcy a yOCcu monaWhoboitcdwurhod Awcbail lut wltr begau vWril t'-Roberf mac*tiame bitas. On Mun- o1id fatl lm cc.,.d ocOr!hies lep wa 2brebiS botarecutbhebktedC'atheoui:l À Miltoa aurgeccnred lbthefîcctur 1 blchas co mpouad OacFbThe 9b rto, ageut br a ofono. lt ste>ft accu thecman acs taboteea'FOrcutOý bospitl. i.abre ho wil bave te citcy for aixa veeo o r MOTO, Amotion soleo c hoeebotd fcrnftyre cf tMia. Stephen Mcccy. Petit Streef. Miltoa, ce Batordar. Mpy ctb. Salie te commicrocf aito'ctctb.-Geo. Aqý- drew. Auciceer. John Dicbfe, cf %Wcctte. asait the bare taialeg ocese4y clontde hIomeo faime gowwed 1by 'FIsca.Gaibrct. fio aroafhomo yoaterdaL, cf toi califa at the Champion office toema quitqalfs about the Milton Hoitîtic i BocletY. Asoc momber cf the tcBard aIt Trade he fa romotaibo e tbfobmollt cf a borti turfoclcloy Choie. ieSay§ Waatoe latb iom an ied s;eteelot 057,00c au watcivctha. the aatet f a tabou ftcm the Humber tivrt ad 51if. e& Mia s cbfe wo uab t tCcamete Me Iouvt hlM, BSba onbau ieatc ta ber hoccoeotfer mathuby tboc- matlam. oeedauaocfice uextt doot te r, Me- Iot,.Coynanad bridageo ar a srecl- t11, Ofic ourc c titfi l;p.m.uSpoclal à,geg mouadaefoi forecce. tf 'Facte TcF ulac i--Cu a l rloida pr oicliCosableo George Brodp came bore te fcbe LOU Lareuc o t B1rcmptaa for tfilfofr borctiug a ste laf. th ovunaud steallucq zgpei ffio %beoa Whle bore Mr. Broddp made coqaîresanad tocated 17 Pai», vblch hc ou feo om people warbobcdboaigt Chees fromt Lawrencocf atauaverageocf ýla pair. esa thonao ifthtioir vatap. n'l'e poicbaois are Dacf kl o as0 1e y agsi . Accerilig tooà Torento pare Lareore vaiicArted be Bridcl.' li Io faIucorrect, o aruecaptated bychidL.Coatble Capsasl, as iepclec a the Champic> fat arootg. M ae md mot he s0 eî tho ueighborhoocl ef fhe brick vorba. ,Axz Yàu N teaTia?-Moup oop' Whocufoer arthdltaagrooble peraopa odo;s havne f ileal .vo0.fbiclg thopt egt Liyoa arfi li t. c Igei bofbcm'a Dru gStore YeDcocu testac0 simplo, barmtaa cote. tIo is ocau '*Dainfy 'Folblt" and Ioa poclfvely gapi. ahroc iaqired. Oelit i er ROUe AT R.tAc-W j. crash, cl- letoofieealuâost Buîilfgo. ucD' arthea île acaci, w. 1oe. jW, rea-fdiug t4itiuerai fer. o«d« affeth bocf the montof tbe cetboru hbb, u id bal' becu manh 1q gagellua&cd efrothey a datb of thei esteeod tibuie W ébay pbS p=rape Mi.aid Mi. W. aa uW. Fiaf The nears cf the dasof tMir.,Rf ch- r; ne aaheaa*flot bMhaid sDafubepaerdayciaang wascaa ruher.di m. e làviuP e%'cb gtestObct ber itei frieads, Bbc Bicru cfOoelffa T l edi- fl l wont#bea lit éuiY luit acfcday arîfh c faopic htffi ead Ir Juue" ett4arbid'hdevelpd fte pneumonie, Mro.Jatflplier tahor etttipeai.=bo Mf elefai a il ath fht lfhoimaldet Damee vatsuema tapbeeu. Bbc mismac r91 nFfôt Ulv in l vabora t laattiabp, Noitb York, and il t le a bh, ua *0-e gya4ptuedcame ;ta Mltontcu erlt bothsbaed cad MifîaRfa es bcd tWll of hem cleliicrom Westtuila1e00. Bbc in (font, W aistr iIloge Tocof. crivcelby beri babaad. file009, Edîtor . Ptentir, di lb. oalviiie Moibeit L.. of Camiabi if f e. ced ROY. tteccd au BI . Mané, c lb.Bar th Mtioplttu Sanb. Toronto. and Refagl and'Aefarrh fa the Caafen cao daeghfei. Ml - dftb, aWho lua achat Pica uacIafos ilp teNothor a D. etr' Maptali.Balti moto. tual aiiab 1~ pipabbdMil.tet "g_ fuarat vili icave cf 7 05 . ia. oueBtîdy for Ifefttebi. Thor 135. wriibc arvilcf Mr N. Buitlaco boume B. W. Btpd. batilafet. of 'Toronto, to.moiroeviuag af B oçloeb. ced bis friand, Mi. Baldwa, apeaf Tues- dcp tront nobleAt the pifoior 0 f tha %ilico Pluh & lme Cub vfi tvc re f 8MARRIED. ta, Mltfon mombai. ThOy bad POCT Maea-Wiias--Af Baitinetca. ce Wed. sport, ueDeix Mi tf.hi R]Fea'Dr. WII. TOGeTO fLufci-t~e damcfc iaclf bitnac AZZIfac Wlhfua te atatGo "Boul bltbaaeg Mftfoa Ch». If. banacetfHamilton. amateretcfilbride fomoiriv, fiday 1MGregor-SBheib-Af c oldaoc eavatog. cer tho e auitameaf cf91Mi brid,, aretsCu.îafifna. 'Trafagar, ou B. Da't Blclai ad the auspices cf the Wcdo dcp Ma cîf. eic. bpth, Bpvcrfh Languit, e Po atChoy, 1 eiraser Vi TOH ail. Toront., si.aof cfthe bride.a, DoLA P .-'be Wi noce-a.Rilt"dby Roi. %.V. b Macchy, et braffea la Milltonoun'taeada. A fLo Mil lc.Ethel Bbrb ad tlarisi Me- citlaensui"W Pai"monitoidea houe. Grg t.làcf Trafalgar., aia h. Kiag'$sPita!, cfntFIorcatc. cclS iee mome ou entevh«ui. bat msoy re- DIED. mafipucd ta home le Uefetalaif sîtcra1, who voie BMeregis. - Mots-At Loàv'lloe. 0ou Bcfcrday. May Lav T it 01 sfcfthe mee.ca a2,t, lpiO, Bmitb P. More, ifa bista cf theMltoa Lava '%soutealolb reaîtcla eai eit cf homeonceT»Wacspofinubeth Rogab-At tlchîille, ou idur, Mauy 1mralag and afternuccu pactlcng ce 2e, :pce, Kathaîfue, arîfe eof B. J f bci coursin >luVctoria Païrt, -M. Regicu Court.of , et ta iMtropoitan Banb, Stewart-Af Biampton. ou Satuîday, BficatuîSvllle, vu a viter. Mabis ,Mh. 1:. o he BSteart, inbits 'rbeeRaitvap C âmlnalbasic bocdereal 75fh peai. tpaBe ho ,tolepo Kt.the the t lion ~ I cb ei pOifte. do'iaflgr nuec cf if. A BOmtbo-At Hamiltoa, Tuesday. May vctcbmau arlîfb c lti fiot 1a. im. 4th. epc, MarilacTuruer, vife cf the te 7 -s.n lal. !)av e& Dtp and tate, Rer. Arthur BSaffbec. Shie & Milmor trvie î au ait:- tec-Af bis yetfldouca. oilfcgtcu. ou 1loof isix arcas fethbé railof thugi' Tbhaiady. Meayclh, ic, Rev. Wmn. 1 sdiagi._________ Pecb, lan bis I5id peai. Mgsrti'Ccofis Cllotm-Oa Bapday. May i:%th, :910. MoglsrcfSsPeleg Howandl, yugeit Sma cf the Aflfred fleur bueo siga a mudaid tata Keeueth Chiahots.. Brampton, ta jaliloatil oesf WaOudy. phea it ln Bicobae-Af Toroato, ou Moudcy, May 1upoted that h. yffg man Risobroob. îtb. Ponuy. boîed vile of Jcacpth ttlopair WttyviibavWatl eugh toa fpf.er Joyce, cf Oahville, lu bier 734 ypeet. aga cf-hies. Blitlf aPrilds, Maib.oîh. ?aet Oan aAy hlfCatbeChap. b1rciec, 4blFiBc GeogeBrea u itlo ~ soait- h sîo Bla. Btepho, in~ oued ý a ds. _ = befré fr ice, Diu loetbarlfeR EmmBa. pgn,e ba Glaeaa, Me fW"add u itveaceofMRiarBt..o 5tingayin ba "àa toilteais0o0 bos oupt.cdi îe geltu Fi.c i.uielti . iaei ovtnly Agnsfr.th_ Deeri gHWreter,(0 eti~WAg W 5 # k Doublée set and Dot, f eiaranteed to give sg G,4' lB ÂITH &, COJÏ We are s;hÔývrng pecial linos of Men's I MnsTalforedS Me'$ Fancy Wrsted Suita, i the newet m lieh innabequality of inaterial, in fan brown toues ent in the étylish, tbree buti made and on~t to yonr order, from, .......$fi Meën's Rail, Coi Mfade from fine Twill materalB, lu rfch fawu shaded, made te, feston close te the tht military collers, also in the Chesterfield e ....$500 to Buy Your Shirts HE Ail the best makers' shirts are st9cked 1 A nce lice faney patterns a 31. 'aei Oter lices ot facvgrades at 3.S NY ihings. )f England ,reys, olive' ýto $25,00 grey Twill with neat ,fron ., 2,00 each. 115. 1.23 eaA, Liti'n Hais ait 0' andl 75c. rail. Fine traw Hâaa 50, 773e, 1,0,1.2,1 .5I0, 20 fu)md 'Fle tancous Pif oel Hat, aIl acres and slalmrscinsto, k, at2.50.a, -W. BEW~'SSS LU A -SYI ýl L-U Ci CASH GROCE - OUR rMO-l:"Sali i Profits and Qslck. 1 WE WANT YOU to deal with as t timneg give yen the best possible"i uioney. The followiug list vill giveeyou mnoney you eau save by dealing with us. Ex-tra Specials for Saturdael Just toiget everybody nsiug "Wou vo vil1 oeil p cartoon contai uitg t6 calies more than cartoons sold to auy one prioe. 4 Ibs. Pieaf Selectidlitaisico fur ...... - 4 Ibo, t)cd l'runes fer --........ 3 Ibo. Gotd levaporatd Peachvs fori A )Ibn. o.dCook utifg Figo fur.. 2regular Pc. pkgs. Cti )Parlor Illaiclle ftir.i fodngima Syîcp, mode t roîn puteef<-nc i lb.,îeti........... 'Mess os"lf, akicg 'owder,gcrfet satistciût, liii. tic for-.. "Star,, Branid HoccetaMe A mfn'a, 3Pire AMI VABER5 AofD C'AP1'AFMAID'CI...... '*AVINGS, ÙEP,4à?-jVE $ 1,000o 0pie a ewtouof.toest i piheot,.r fl115 ) ONEY 0D oi 'at tii pa for yoiir dea of tite 01lite avril, coi- A ,,jiîrridid MILTpj 'i k1 lýyal's R4