LOIM PMtt54 fo.sa Lt,,6t4 ita. e1._ to.Lu5> fortureeîfan 4 p t*tiotTb@ pg t it'. , _futa a yety atLtt j'soifPtôuar .itLu tLt,,at, IL lftrui 'S7..ua, Cpttl« 0ero- fHoe.y UitaMtîtlg .,, Ai corail traby wrttung gu"rTe 9Lvn end u'age u*3ret,nu, '0î n b.. ptottî, wbettout~,a Lor Chtk.t,.Nittrtty iLtwotLceua pi ot lO b atu 0*rw an , eit ltu b s Voar Yu Wff ilhr aya tat Long am Mr, . (lit* un fouooti Y* llV Dyeplqst W,- floot ~d euutte Juutains So n 09bav'.dyhuitet ..s.W7 itnaW-Mtttsa pand IMr t),yortumali-tt ,pruperty dtgçtit. 0and C. Cornrl i'30ert ttbauhrau itte nutrttonusametitheifood Wlit Wh rOu tàttot te Xe ~a et PLoir, mut b. utlsl£Od oou ttobed, and lm-t Mittn v.. Ltd go paerhalbuf or Wutetrytttiud wiltt lo1w. si fdtrtottaut .. p-., Witttiit b.. T'oitecondttiontt ty n pt lbottpaoilI sonttrnetsa plant îSrIudy ££tar the l lt fi ltt I ricame tttd. OroS PotCubuai. ansd te onotruottuo ut Aty otoptcaâ at£ýOt, tactdnit a it Mat¶t5tUlW #'tatorî jfbruoou t b. tulrntu .ttpdgesttuu, ao u b.orom~p Il Wttt <îrtb.'r t111iota BW Cony comai by 'os 1g it..u. na tlt,.aou tat- (nlsrWorktîg captalt là gurigttfie futrotaitt tnourpotte, oLhiBLIfO LItL> î* ott . Lrur itt utportermuatot~or# ttg u gofs tlitronLtg.nlt unt'oy t ote ur10 tu tua cu rant Cacdgln ut mord L aula petiftt 'banttitpuise'r ute, t'lo ttrt. maale ttttandtrajoilmtu oratguerattaendretrethe stonfaoobta pertuot Jung Wit Ltht, etataou etty out itttuna curs by b idos p-ity Canaodtolu Kotg Lb ~eyu i .battu, bachtottîitecoud,F or thto peuple tit Ueo utltut if 0%ins ota Ltrraoue May etate 0nIlta sogrs, moue end parer un-t b. goLitauotrau int ra rialuti Mrtritotth ie bouleu.Ilcuîres olu and Li W tte vwff-midt4 of u taetint etokeu ad oti lgu rvsc Cou, Puige CRt'., tLuthLb. inO ittthie dotu idt volt Iuguf emi Wh eeincýtriratt»W pruduttgDrus Co, failut* .t,-ofor 5u ce.ta ai ut t ot ut taouît t,me,wouf witeâtt.large box, eud «torangeau ILl tu r Of tL t b. .he0edîof gLugitave in. munit,'ouait, crossa luaver tir, itndre miltton buitut,,audjftnt if W0utld nt b rori hot long oruitug hilare Canda Lu prouth ducin 5 aveu moresWient ton ti d lireo Unit. UStai.sWb.t, t t, ttamb.ted bu thtity oto u uegitborital o tuit tu pruduit uneWIVlits oover e it undrcl U ( yçgO, mliîinnitoetu, Lt Wttt b. e.u inLtteit dtttu0Cauud i'til ieterru i t o n CURES CATARRHf, ASTHMAI t AuRéglaitMoifiluofte Latin o urup. ,Crouop, C«efu d 4 - d te Wuodo, âldatnîmuitlyn, "up tLuanmr " ei.Suomi a eomadd Op abla tunthueaAtert' 1ttlngtottlbtt itoDrus C, o- 63041oathlb.domuent ut lantd tiot baubout,'-'- sLecodetutrrots," tIlE tootdenlall,,YTuonto muit enatLityij inengi Fîai, tr titi rttanutatton uftht.net. bigmitItitg ý tuttwodlWip ent. urrutulersfît Vit tI P& rl tit L it>' W olf a ve ou; î lu. oWt ficue t llWtt,,l ir 11'ttr'09t Ou t'Pi uilrt l i aexceptton,, ar.itLuoled wtthtite th,. ", tstt91, ,'i'orItti.- tuttt,t eusin.t1, pinice ut Oratorio , a Aditin Lt ti porLt 'rt,oi tt'tttg ttilt autttfliei uti 114OUI Cuibru. mii, te locations beini aI ot, ta Lu uttlr"wt it.wî oitflolj n8 Cathinesuo. boruttt. Weltot,'dand ofut et£î riî u-llMt Yt,'t,LtL Ksonurs. '< tb ty mtilet peat ont, pwion h fiiwfuP ui sida lb. pruovteuIita ute ut randon, oiît, 4wnuii. r,.tt e rlLrns't. qup oI. Manitoba, "0rttuttot Att u îytc ttt ________aginîîtett, sguelit tttrititttftoult 111trt"tpLf tlt,'ts,rii ttî t ttir tttt .1 nrortu Tl IRNES Il SOCIETY tutil fit,. uîIlittî L 'lordo ,rtu t e mul ____11.0010t oft filet 1t0Liur'It ttv,it l it't.'t,( Ol utllitt. tItl i t oti uttk',ttr. te, Aloil ts WuumnWIit Fmaseutlg luit .jtî ys tr, Ot ttfgyift Oltttrirît'u etî an'i Attrad tAttngldn, t.titti (uptn, du* Il Voit tarets Watoni Wttuit , îtt.. . va siugsive, a .ritary inir, dountutefot isrir,a %i. ra oîrîti.-"ietsiaa a îpotttnd der jouetmoatop yurtmit! 4 0W taI ,. ru't1lLlowl,1nt mt tîflit,e .' eau1 itve Juis ouurinrtand raptivtr n ior ni T' priertudore ttnt litos lasgaiblnd ( blitrttntty colitertram0it,.1wors, fod Litil pt itur nabottilt re and qutii>'.lygaa,. lrnwtiU on tgil'î rotçoJ LLut.o ta lLeiutitaom Drugsi 'aI. n Te04l tîretWoitr tLit uety dayliuj gecblide11ofutPot r u ar inra, oin, bilan Sage- Use itudo titt otoit.,ttnd , tm tout... otts ur iclp wiILb. trotunt"uit" flot beauLl u, sathnet, tttuooJowt bavitnon ,r. Ltyour ninr os tallong onttPariuian > te LuRnuss'fai: otatt ta lta.e Mit Sa 'a wîit top if, fanditu(ra u fLu uetstutitn te Lt ut flir iftuthit,, tarltiîan Sage paie. Wolf mokit Lgtuw tn tea'tty, if bu~iava dandrntt tIttlqtttrkty rwoeeIttI er oettan trtîtay vantit a aistgienaiîge t, nord, ountug in aOCet. Lt ai îtaidlte. If proeanto binr igttu Lrntng gray, mmore ot n or rl ,msa te u*pLtain tiug elamunttnsttyanti OnI09;ttl M n" oi90, 1*10e td*J.'CieoîngtoOnitty nieatc.ot, 9.te Wedt. idteIelfit air oru, uty useL ~uo Mi wnloi, brudin te lame tai'. lliggla biem lrug Ca.or direc.t aitt Lire. ir'eî ter tut audjtour peruunt; chrgs pqm trua inte iud a tdty itrt. F 0,1. Otti. Ca, 'Te commtuuion appuiteti 0v the t' -~~ Goberai Auemty t. i'a,ntîtver rtluug.r ptopuud in, Queen'o Utrer*tt'9 ou Word Paia eiotluttta out(lit. mttt. LiLttitas toomtmtetied te adoption dattoycaniba* o tw Prnby«l oethlie report ln tavut utfte iopOratutt dety catbal utLt., Prutyt. 1utQçu'u trom te PteuOytertun mtsinetiaion gaurage ltind nli te Citîrct. Thoit ttlogtout taoulîy, hi' SounLthiraiever. wilroanotider chutait centrut, - -'--- - ~--------- ------'--------'-'---' I ey 2b thé NÀ abDeofellai<8 jm LdO.vIitoLt o wLctrt tor oyu ttaorto TUE POJKER. L*Pdly CitîgoggBi mue. u.Dern of th 1980-1yMoio nou.. As figefoet, ertltnîu n.u*o ire ol goin Uai01t it,îtitOl o a1lIt'tt, WR)tâ Lr.t ttttkr womm n tt'me ut erre. @fil& ti Wei LUtWouily 10 te tuottttflg SC ku,L tfi.lo upétj.Uoueeoe aWI f «D« jMOI biean Lu ttttri tttrunttLtw îutCi te. an ntttoprtutttt'e Doto ia tt Wrest 0t ie mettttqb U lttnpige, au iWmtold nu > Lgotttisdaux, filai wnoi a rttttu mout. tl il eat u u o &tett. ,wtte vout. tnter, T' ritéwitlttff,t, tntvit'0ut itie nge utftrot, alla wooo tet, îttffler »Smie 1>7 Signatl ptmof inEeutWl tttt t'ouger'and o ut tot Oi'tttto Wny, tttoin't, db# o. thLteorty aigrt, et u ttt ,tet wu bute Dttttt D oad, 'ne pukîr hasit'rdty, Ltftetait Chungea tLrouuk tae murstg t..delu tlttw tt lane, d LLuett lla 0 ,ortof oud tit 9lte orttWtom go nott. t£lu si tu tit titittttlWtit1uttileon t to oure. tpett tronth ie droit ttttttttri Soutert sudjt tote tu ID eî rp LtoL l'b Sultty notabeitte Leipt nLttttsproe. meut ba eau0910 Umkie Stit ne uof u ou wttitàa LfOt«d otum£,oit evitt euthe £,trot, poker ltino t the ttaiude tn a t.ow "tOt t th iquie. ithomtmte!t joflatt tha rue i Ort. 'J'ho orna letff Mpoker Je Dot oitetai atil,0out attno, 0u0,aputttrt aîttutueruittteltto 'te ut, ttttt'tot btiatunrtt tttntle and tuttioi; eritrtotuouttwe, t t. 10 Indign go perorotort-oteaog ttoe, ButcherShopt C- LESGALLOWAY BUTC T-ER Dealer in ýeh and Sait Monte, Frceb Fili, Poultry, Sauagei, .Etc. bie(rotu.bruuThtetIgua 1peotatty. orse aud Ct.ottHdou, Uiteer tttu utd 'O'015t. ttngt tt.tttgitcut l'tte,m ( or .iutotfit. wtl pius te wa Svetybeat vl. ho W àa ycr wcekllu. ~àp <* P5w.) OU nar net latio Ch.,yotn té "Yr tarmo., pordemar y uvtn you bucy>our himm p sth- ~ ~ ~ ~ n auitO at fine itavôrpid( A w~ hie nu lu an>' ~ttita. voutty iuamong, critienl elote"tt. Tit buýé "ad a. ae n ilit anit -puro, Wth a very'iý tor imes tt m ý u e *.0 cittttittg iiuvor thltl"~ogLi"e vaeofct 9 of Of ii *btttîconnomsagrs.l, f sîd Lu r zt~ tempt yens t.uLt>'a. igé qo Vownî tauele IPt yct a T. rther, ite Cgari 1f' t do re Prim àa ure nuf th' ~or t"o'NeSI- uali yVrala, - n t o o th mt1ga Iot09 uOeiti t. an p t.abe r 01ht S inn Io"0 it ua7 Lte dottoclieit t, Met10nium oue amo.baavqr ft. aeueitd euLt >radinge .Itvt.1rad0, 19 mLans." 'it lieÈ~ii iLte thi£rzadle ver te rty 1tttttt 01u aicul.tttr boutt ilb. tiave t.ay Lu woodotn ptugttt au trot, lu ,ai alLer a ttme tlb. or reuer r 'y04tae ruaIo" tl etuite aa r, 4t Is fo*tr WIt58a age p, pltorni on Wi .mun îtoit vitm I aao In poitiu onin00utihit tgourail î0a4 L itle l 'fileoral it ou st witout 'b itansttgbovu Tu pte teatuthoro~u1t ofgetiteui wuo otatubc i iéd Lb fien su of attrt iugeirudslvub'it e t.teaLv Fgt rutt.1C4»"r it mqthiierait roe mitié'oi CeiTh Ottoint.otur dotn, butILm.aspvoge anduihe grain Wo le vintt. hé Ce ar L wii. tn il puout, i unL og dlsor wtul . lan-itoT h Wiunlog. y Lb gtouitom inir Ou.in onaprlvund mtt itaoThote R'mde eanti anr 0 ra buiiat It WasseaadostIe" uo aItuy oeitieu a. it rot idut. al ebu t t Pol ttin timouglas it et au.avisd tntset et aettmleot, f u elguif P otbur. "rb. al ii Ob. set on 01butIn wand umj a tte , brw as atuuiof tér malCeuîr Wami, busten irulongit ot ata ws L apps datg.e a ilu untîtLte uinti iron " Tht e Iles r4ijedi Lap nfumbitei ý;t~rnfmauy ofiLnit ore >qIt u SIO ot t,$0. 0 plaina. iî te ordlty ati arn epa- Ins oz*owrste agèty utea nd wve Ole rirnap %h flRivot, two-heuld ce. ortb.d t.u a . Bitoup e raîne4;, teit, antiIn t alana bouïe. Lb. wool vu apuail tute yaru anti 'vea Int. ttotil fot (attyuo In summar te taran t ocktirail ' bd unth liaprairie#, Lbth rn pa1Ly bain% o t olatit 14 mn A. to In L 0 outuma a guetal rouidu.p touk Place, &Uohlié animai@ bols wit, l. nflai>'tuLLn lu lotuler Wou e Ilyallat, eh fomeriendlug ot tot iays on Lb. proIi« vb.re ealt ot tandi â b.t3 s f n% t .y fhe.ir tockWou ÎremderingL t itousng 'laien 0pare'W , PraiialîY gpeaL pLitre afimeaito coumuns pon tîti att it lai aqÊI -Onehllon tidlt.iouai letaf+e,..,. 0" andtinl obit uaj red ,wiL teatf Eue M helt for tiH this attu "Ai#, t tie rg6i g oia. iU"s'4r nue.ritis8 .: ~itetOuîw o'sut nv it iigt lit ntrit. tir erre h Ojifnits1fll ,tlf'a ,ittîiti nt n 50 lwolof a#0oflouoem.Ii poi'eitto'tîhsti tn. tiLt$>m'.s Fa,,it semai.t imaO s'ut'ept itiaei t rare tb ,( tartitn oi 0o ot, lt,eitt.t.t." l'iq a eu fr' I i bu tit.' "arO,, W L~uit,7'rit.4r's~i't~tLr sLtfi* o No &As(ed tQ P às 'Thés Store. In search of any single footwear reqeýiite, Io it the fade of fa$hion thét yo e er? No need. to go further. leait the etandby of the men engageol in'the rongh-ý' est work that yen wieh ? We haire it. 0cr stock ý s tevery large-.every ind atnd size, Priceea from p Ioittheestroing, buit neat, âleiW. 4al qol«, ooi s Thoy are hier4.bë,sroI o~ CA4LL WMIEN IT I EIU~TAAT r etr K. T, Graîmi W. atoet ci o' Oak wti t bot ini 41ec net. lot "i lIec 'Fe'Ha. Hiavi rom' Firet Moi gage pcrcbame'. 5 te- Offic4e--17 BAT Pen tcnchtýbel.. cojn band DIVu )1IU cif jtit' YST, Ke l Suite J ',k t0. t LOC U'1 S Jý -d1., Lev.sy cotrt I ÏVEtaituTHL VAIN i con.. u Coa .. O iots-a Oer ta 0 aine.tg Beait Juuu. W &Ai Jr. . E "t "I