Owly. aiy m Ot 111 the way l- blied, luste It th1 a thous. 1- i I dooir. 'lt > aone too a tchl. k ihe I . d e ro i b tit . Adl 'r / ftz ami kne-i 1 P a. ing enr:,u bereh te boy thehgs . îthe tji m. W seuaeno il idared bt . T h a . 4e t i. .\.. 1 : |'te aYirgf lth vlal r go Magazme ha al» hat " La ilu-- bhinese sat. -a Youladng bligh (Thde bup he j n ion he dem hui idr thansend han ins wase- at er. " or. ift WR fait mad mMin eon th0a me es w 0 themmetgalant entile. Bs --L-,IIIsmeidMbue 80tly, nd Your l"b Stoode grUNweqe " Savings sM -n .d ,he ccoun w---globae d--m-om I- - ad b.e- A c u t1No doux bto ada nght. b=gu 0 out be? t bandthnaumeg it sed h de e,- nMy tva am - abouldtitne m Lit twas mceot M se ei, My e U n e nandMedied âmgfoi MM V pe. -fer 15 ~ergos now. and y rued onte adste... 'm e"t e d MrintNud vu ffole.a es••kau•lem - p-et> steps iand ftng myself aains= tet dIrI e he te on* Mwei a v hâtify ddisp 41"MliWwmve.ne uledcatrrb dor Fn o adunbol'd It, BU g in e Il in4% get yM N Et* En ftŠ i» mt, a~. Ig . in itd it ; .n e .wsy before me. lTie Belgian aud9 tigre Mry= and twisted îb'eam41iflysa m e a3u0im a4b n eesirSold stond theeword in hand, and DetehI Of U sOund My bleeding ar m ='I"d li 1t11 ereTakeesal :rd was itting on a Coacb at thle Oie q lsBgâgi.1Iw«m dwolldelt am ag ngYn o o iones'Patn Of the room.natonishement at see l v:"ndmthe wrd obeForaattimme I maDno anbutes ineg me. BIersonin recoliled: Detebanfl volent for 1IWwas faint, spent and Vu.. roundedtheesarofthe l Anteig umped to hiesword. 1Iirutiedamadly ry. A"nd!iot Wildest Rupert Be erled:.•"IEe-ws hut by DW râbtm 1 avert a at the Belgian.LHe gave uway befoelwasIget at rifthe mete. y e "n, op, Raupegti ple ile d D«eard, but I prayIthatoe wound, 9 me, and 1 drove fblm up agtainst Ithelans i idbotter defend the marrawe 1 MW biblboit ~ la its diiont Do bt -aelid.TIR Wall lie wsno worinman, thàougb door at the top of the mresotaha e eaWam on. b - e wsk'asbutk foo"said Rupett- •nty et he fougt bravely. and in a moment Ih, etac othe room. 1 dabffl ow. arebd log sigi. efoinr a tnedi, sn Slay ou the fioor before me 1 tur- Y"UP the E"stesuad stO eMed that Inhmen l 1b.IknwÊiar OM "And~iltatt?' .aDetchard wa. not there Faithful t. ilI stouning '•noue- but theve wu..nY.uPle, which "I«l Uiaitl Our lUt&.1IWashnd eP isordero.,he thad nut riseked a âght Wbtatwas lthe sound? AgnalewouM BSbOb haningwheEl 1 hand yoe on II >Idgewith a tvoisr l·aofio e wit b me, but had rUSbed stra igh§t toenIeOMOne fer the Place and Mth timeILSe 0offi leMtu Wherelit WUM a&*sizt thedoonr ofthe klag's room,. opened Ir E æ M nerrylangh i, Ih e h&s e qi woonaal Id IfmIeasbewe lwort mw and Ilamwed It behind hin, Even 130gb of 7young1 Rupert Hentsaul d wi t pr h o ,ld ud it ndi hES meoa le-On t me -- enowlbe was at his work lsie o l% rely believe that a MMsane an«row it up after crie&heanoo-duget horse," I erled., - On this An ul e ol aekled the wo, langÈ. Yet the laugh tondme good start Of me. I Pmt forth ainty & htu lae» .aRdof a'atue:te C O UN T" F H AL.TON ^t"rehewold Myeatmmeenhdno cmeesrthe enanig trnthan pesedon "eerea dya"aa epontngtode, or1h adsen e t aaaan dtahea LOC A LCOUR TS C ALE N DA R te';°° dn,' '""°oa r ete. A"" tde "larc'k'°°ckhall, b• M.b"a'h.Un. oti4. i of 1koingwloyotp pl dtanheoland b FOR 1980 .-sot, the dooer the sight 1 sews, thisl: The PEst 21 My GOd, the do-,rbhadnt b.,'lekened hMspanI1did, I rU@hed at im. Fer àa ng? nthe - -- - kig soodin he ornr o t e rom."Peed! They hadl gone tothe lbank! Ah, lme hard lu tiA hew Il o he manutatowaver. Thon he And when I heard that the king Wasalr tfe Place or sIl. Mar May Ju.]eisit ii a. rke-y isckesh cud oTheY bhadnot foendîtme! They bhad tMýt hallkene e btidi.Be hId hond his hmrselunand absood aiting atire 1strove tocry"Hlurmh!" but tejs -- nothing His ettered hands oleelbynon, back tMTarlenhem with or it a"li bigan te botMomefl flot Me. on I went In My folly. 1 Coul o paadIli yha rda 1s4esy pInldw, ndb tws e news Of the king's death-and lias neelOngto hmarhim linw.tter, the brile, and I struckat imn. bock in Fritz's arme and closed my they, broke Georgetown warine 92i laughing horribly in halftmad delirum. Mine. Welllit would e true before 'H wtede oe hshr? dpridadthrusit at me. I fell eeadIgoaeadte. lest t a heavmea L) Dtchard and the doctorwretgthe aot fther. Was not Rupert laughe. wasat therifipemadho, onesgta tu back-e pace andreshed ln at him.Fritzshould do me wrong langhis door of M1 surnagen m9 lainthe middle of the vroom.and the doc- trumhmumr, saw me, but I emuld not MR&eh ain, A"nd thtie I yefched Iefacetboughts, 1 opened my eyes and tried ydend" ----tar had dung himself on te murderer, FPor iamomtent 1 ingt nmmre hbim.-adlaid his chee Open and dadto ayrrh"Y aan utIcud oth aA Al asao w Pnn.Mtn Arthur aHnaler. oohkts:l pining his bande to his sides for un againsft the docor. Thea 1stalted up "HellOi Who's here?" hie erldIn b eture he Confldtrikae Me. He tv sud bI rytired and net, drte dw g a r-er, ambeHye, Instant. Then Datchard wrenebed him- art agai, for Rupert criated ierafi.-«tarte na a a dt a1e t the âerenesnv Fritz to get the warmt eociseanp t lthse lanIl nessMensons f th, P rt Mttig, with or withon ury l4t self free fromn the feeble gIp and au 1 F or a momeint 1 befieve fie itooki me a otherwigée 1 think e shu yee gi n n n one nd ienemer on '7-'th nteed dovehis wor thrughtheWell, the bridge Io terel Comn@ for thhIN.I 1dflMygay I soim vie l adme. Ià" an nMy wn osep tSp' etteeu , n. r et adZ - th' octob el e r.and .oalften at other tapiressman, over fitlAnd la GoIDname jet eme enough ta tend enfer to the thought, ý eEpwetig him to ideCH PE XXta hd n anar A pil,4thJulyand Trd ctoer. turned on me, crings: riE.bg g igg eAu so ewoulMhave dn, odrt uludrtn-big n P d thad t osbe. We were sword to sword. By bles- If It were a lthree cornrered gght 1iniemeyou here, man, or osunwould 4avedied, but at lof what had Occurred ln solie order W. i.Uiß E ton, ed chance neither he nor Berson-inhad Sighlt yet fbear My Part, 1turndM the AUd1110saying he gained the bn. tem tteecm hu rmcsl fZnai snewt h Clrkofth Pac.been wearing their revolvers. I found kW ID ins helorand)looked out, 1aMd hold of the tpbt I h o a out f M rytoe e mdoldthegr Ri DIA ti a HAP=TR IX. hand, e oadnd tmyt d on aaraavh er i thaba&s fnt nIght by reat ng bly what I utnage hard by the door. teady to thir handi. R moment I could see noth. or "l me trough the hert as 1 wasFu svnTrehimfih m.d abn h tr odb or h PUu .~¯-'¯il- but my sudden rush in had cut off ne- ig o h gaeo aterne etp e g h oe oi friend.Rupert saw im and knew the latter explained clearly how it basp.dead. . EERY T HURSI)A Y .A. MCCULL, M.. esstaoIIIhem. .,we were man ta ndtorcetes eatght me fort:a in-r Mind, said 1, "but au 1 am thant the tueZwsu H hckdhsPened that the crywales I oadsarrans,.lThen they At ihe oe. or JIiaan srgo . O MMe man, sand we beglan to fighit, silently, o h rteeyes frlom the Other side be 1smihik I'll stay.ruh aad :,ngHeg oertt he da. taagmadasa hdI o n horsit .am 9t 2 ,adILo . tern]y and hard. Yet 1 remember Lit. O h rdge.But sonthe msmeegrew H ule own on me. mSIadleebut comt e ins deretadfuj raly be ato Ilt o o MAIN Sf., . . e, to door east f k of tte o t aeta temnwsm lear. and It Was a straân le. ne,h'"Thse-wmenere«tetdece"-hut, yet for just a moment he tome an drhad tu i afyb t eaniltlyèr - - - match with the sword-nay, and more, dg asi t lae0tte a n bgn hnhidnyth ra ell h r oI Tbi oreedad ul moment. ruinedOr o rioes hhadn bl lkilled TE-«o MsserARSHALL E. GOWLAND, A., .B. for be knew more tricks than 1-androIttstood a group of the duke's serv. of the eastle began to ring furiously, asietn thdfvoe hmTeuh oytro W-1a in advan• hthefredm ac gintt e ts. lTwo or fthreecarried the igbts a fnd a bsout reached us from "a g .apyedwom an, thoed I beli eve ap ed th To -I:WvasM iastof bassa N.,redth etric t wh- ich bad dazzled me; fthreeor four mt.At revoir, Rudolf Rassendyll P ., .fie, 1b , ee by a lgen- ) us HoL'Gabat n i ..MIvrMdns f bmthtgade h nrac oda hDne attachiment to the Duke of Strel- cus no Hareasa..pa Trono mveoiy- cob'sleadder And 1 saur a salle on beld Pike4 In reot. They ere b uddIed Rupert smiledEagain and ,:;"a enu, wth hie cheek streaming s.. sm ouiaesne aft-" mrl L.s Mto, ore lyocped hffcadh one ei h d eoete ;terfcswr i od.swayig withs an g aceed et hhado iin vrhiapn yo aierbar mth io a y -r -ar, wi, wu th selthenie Bee on the left arm. ie I should fllke a tu nwith you, bbu e efr hreys hdfolwe ll e l year,1.8tr pasm wa fir an tird nemyareac monh. 7 No glory do 1 takle for fthatcontest, ated .ar a-rnt a frig a $. t'O a little 1to0 hot,"saide. And b Ito meand he bowedn ra t h isrqus foePrstoRuiantontt. Am IA i 1--1-----1, 1believe thant the man would Jhave ameenmeu ok ad the aed1appre-diapRPare4 (rom aoreme. rembling fascinatibona d n dewav edHe was a Mpan of Strong passions, but ando tne J. M. BOYES mastered me and slain me and tdisle looaka man ho stoId JIn ,b, n la in.lnwithout thnking ofai.e hebin anscintioahie. s. it. ° C°d e ladan olhedrld was nrk L m edone his butcheers work. for he was Moile of the bridge. wored lunbn.l an 1r laid my hn t hbrp- in rangd e rt sy a aotuat h i geThetboth. Her was conn t ts coluta e a drhatât oma.1 Ti o 00f the most skillful swordsman 1 haveRpetHeutzau was ln his trouseras bO lrs a l l ané,m e t igb dongt wrkforI t ie nohg. We searidsemre xp na Gradute of Lng onegeGermany ever Met. but even as he pressed me and shirt. The white lnnwssandrunntny hle adeer tward the shelter struck fgeth .felsw . ..Mg a e ws otlnginfndngtatsh oada e led •h ry y . smmo asie, a p bard the half mand, wasted, oa reill' lithe blood, but hss. boatps fthe IU For once B.per Hent- pa h æ n g e ia nte rnesFai.Rne-Se hr aam Terlernof muwsadte a ueinith rea re leae hg ua.gldm ha e a Lous ituer not 1sau had dse1 thund am r s M h. dgnadelapped bhi.hels e aed desperateeshe stood at nothing boldly and by she pace e .ea i aBout P- e.. t hshiein:toured at all or merely seratched. nd ial oss n oea t wich migtive or keep fur her her And when -ednr-a .t.sCousin Rudoilf CouieRudolf!l'hrere be stood. bolding lte bridge a ate n, a g tomt s ta nd& apower over the duke. As I say, hoaand saw t .se .C....et.D iectr lti elP You. Cousin Rudolf:- And, ;against themt and daring gihemnto Comle Sewould not. UDwounded and vigor .d ac. i odw h e °kadgv o.smlaeul edte Anyspnae atcin u achir n ishads heon o, ather, bildding them and Black Ou*, he gained on me at every @tep; aveue, ridIng au though e rodeIl g Antoinette found herself entanigled an ••Aye, heoh = WmVHoehrO..ce could but justIlift It from the ground Mlthael to im, and they, having ne but, forgetting everything lin the world hspla0e'n inig sh bwn is audacious scheme.Cunwilling to n not eumsidered an n as arrua Pastor and hold it uselessly before blm), he flrtrons, cowered befrne the desperate except him and my thirt forhsblfr awuhrews htgaeln fuado im. bouend to hleu by the lbetebard ly "n*W. came toward us. Hlope camne to me. Mall and dare Dnot attack him. They 1 pressd n, and soon the deep shades cheek.Lafischaiý9neo shame and hope, Se yet physician Ign scener 6.ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11A . an 7p- '-Come ou!"1 cried. "Come on! whispered teOone another. and I, the Of te, 15ft Of Zenda engulfed us n c agi hetr dto ae l wudntb adcynrathsb -wthhsh' Trana..nc sero a IL anie la atleasp nm. Drivefit against his legs!" -badalmosrt rank 1 saw My friend Jo- bot, pursued and puraner. hOnd. a t etegoo th ae this dng ur met de h; ece hee."ies ed" uen w aCla-as ~~~ridyaà .pm " Detchard replied with a Savage 11a90 leaning against the portalof the It was 3 o'clock Dote, and day a t wlo e iallndeorbe wslt erbf wannihe hd wite.te ome meetsn i n 'tModavrtemnaha:1m hrut.Heal bt adme. dqç>.e d tanching Withe a handkter.. dawing. I Wallon a long, straight fo u lb.Tu h hte h ie sesn o1ai yt o n g, a M"nday ~~~~or + iusa' "om o!Coeon. Mau'" I Criedt. elffotthe bood which flowed fromata essavenue, and a hundred yards foOrece s dwg raceul ra were isge ygo r a eln.o odst KNeX CHtn's "om uad shartethe fun!" " ad la bel cheetnheand an Young Rupertbin care leBs, handsome, debonair, viteed nd easy reby fpity d o t know, I, he ut soo.dn ht . ~~~n_ ýv m MIl.-mK er And the kIng langhed gleefully and IVMarvelousz chance 1 wau master. waving In the fresh, breeze. I was coqee.Ad'fun0ysod.hr ls h evdu el.We ednri n an 7 .m ameonpusinghischar bfor hi.1T0 cravenue would oppose me no Moo r ry and pantintg. He looked over his oae. K h ron n eldt edukie Pwent toZenda selleaccomlpa-dlle. And il u a "I.- t ,ep ldge r ha m- With an oathe Detchard skipped baebtitéthey dared attack Rupert.1Ibhad shoulder and waved his ha nd agin to gtlordeatr i u Fizso eh.mand ber e fr the first time carried him Pr ,rt Wedu.»day, al.7.3u p rM. and before 1 knew what te was doins totaraiemy. revolver tosend be mhi W cigme.poed hw F is tarde anlled dow, b d ritz steo aneph fl esueo bead ad i mte .wud atneday tfehd turned his sword against fthe king to 11114account Withe hie oins on his ehdtepc fm.wsfred o o e i b and n elt. p tineteadrao, ets n a oce it o ps oefo T-z hadrues nthe -.codWed lHe made oeefierce cut at the king.tiedt· go did not go much as Iknow Pamse forreamtL A moment Iater Eu- me. And indeýeJ. Ilfet wstime for theSion for the unfortunate king From duke and we n "R nhAtÉ 4.Ju p.RM· and Ithe ]ing. Witth a pigeons cry, drop. hEIwas there. I did nothing-why, Port turned sharply to the right and wouund thant Illetchard thad given MIthistmeShe was With' us, yet fromt and dress A .arr aGAE0URH Ped wher e heStood. The atout ruffian I dyknw 8othsdey. 1Ibhadkil. was lent from My saght, ws broken furth afresh, anid my blood whaft shbe told me 1 know fthat abe Stijl came. And ga una man a e a "Er Reector. turned to face me agfal. But his own Led emnstat1y htn tad Ithought all was over "adlandeep 'm-as stahut eg[f un d I(as woMen wli vdMcaladteeadh wet ai a .Mu am ndi . b and had prepared ghis destruction, for a er by luce rther than skkil-per, Vesation san& on the grouind, but 1 -Theii give me theLire, o l I id trusted toIn his life. If not his par- story, sent P a e our m. In laturning he trod in the pool of blood i ws t at, M Tiain s, s Sup again dIrecrtly, for a scram staggerinug to my fer ndtroig donfo h ig sterwr oradte h .11 an.14\ nda'"2mlemoYf , ongetietatfloWed from the dead physician. M an Wan. I did nOt reRah beingnrang thrOUgh the fOreBtA a woan'a "s a ir aif e Am lthe utreu.::t!aof M,, her assistance. His triumph ashe (did 111Plue. An arro ra ng..rice.59pm. ie slipped;e felL Like a dort J0o"J fga crowdEianat him-perhaps e am Ptin orhthuas f y raecarrIeJnm, oLa rin wberle the nt desire. for she loathed is riinw nunifeared th< bi.a 0 T ANDREw-s Rlit c wa9sLuponriim. I caughet him by the itof tat.Butstrenger than eilther stregh, I ranuon to the placewhere borIe ,tOod.':ned then i1fell pr:>ue tIe.and loathed yet more Cercely %w11. old, fiefous "er I kl û. 1 yATHER elte esCAlaAocve 1or Mserestraiing fggtiff ng a tn tre oto m itgagg, sd n Ad, F , '.\ l- jknop I'a - ,n would be the priee o ariz hut wit. Wl na Maàday -or every m-onth at 1l drove my blade through hie neck, and esity and a frasciination whfeh held wfith his cousin. Princ-Iessglavia. .ergt l to t an - mL _ ith a stIlied Curse he fell acrSulehe peilbond, watching for the out- At Zenda a new force cm in o p11, al a T ravellers' Guide. lt> dy f hil'ucte.-•of the agone. the d r fyong-Rupert le"ownIfl,.v arrit..rsol • 'a4 the king deuid? It was my B beyu o!Mcal I o agtbyhbatprhapsL' i:lzta come AN 1,a1 A,;thought. 1 rushed to where he lay StaD, comte Onu"erfledRupert.OUCannot bu y ourau ba.s It was enghe for him that esaM AN\ l AC'IFI(' RA ILWAy A t see si e eedafr ho adanced aà stp,Ithe gruop belongd to anoiherma an tht:2 fahngsg ýicriCT il J, filbehadl a lgreat gash a stefr.a back a Bitde before hn.fn , whie, pure and haed im. For lma niasee 0) h o deat of 1 arristr sonn m i n im.2 ý JpL. m. 0ag) headl. and be lay stfl ina a buddled answSe t i ants toume in n tiiu 8 R y l H ue. be ur l n 1 ilbtenb. 1 i l ' dertuate rii-p.U-m. il n.. nmass on the nour. 1 dropped ou My wild mcr f a wu-an: adth e . adthe scene whleh - 1111; Wm. . adagadt My ed, he es di- hold under any other name. had wtnessed in the duke a rienm wIIr a.m pm .2 p.m. S3 y p.m. di" ashonted Rupert, "I treek ut one of manry. Itupert's propeo:L-- 3.W 17,i l h ifrijkdbn foin d mofwith gellehad or course bee Of a ...m Phantl. Tnen ho Vent on: There is no othecr flour in '"°n. nowysupiehrwh Fael "l. o.wth your welic aterri-m 1 related them. She had herself Por,, nconnectic GRAND TRUK RAILWA mota.no! Down we mem, ICanada upon Which half SOe ihe gis Rupert even whets o ao 1 Shte wascesiling on me to del i 6he r GOIN SOUTH. 1 Ibeliev ermy Twould have o oney is pe t t rain botteof themr. On tilenight. a, visitel I rras T- rIyar IL ne 41; p m 10.25 a.m. S .35las » ho spokre aie new thinom nue efc p rt -u t hue. Rupert when she had gone to her fthe StuckExc .5 thfeearm à adistant $ asny gorom agibving furnished imiself with ia tuo end a valu a" n k-un-rom se Oah- think for a moment what d'°i, aehsene. lereres ter carfui o 0 eo EAreor e«dthe château. 1Mybartnlep. hd brought the dulie, and ther 1e iehuculd not d PENTAL.EOREth ymn Deb tmast h e dark lroom wilie she screamed tetoo the mE diwanh.ate osentk:me. The Men bhadfoughlt. and IRupert. barlug blehadl The eotinued, but filmeyourthousehold.jwounaded fis master with a morts al aen B. Gtto@a).e o eed It. Thir attention blow. bhadon the servant rushing in ceved fwh d.1 sarar n a a~cftmn by what now happ scpd hone h wnOW. as 1 barsCe uchape .ro o - e ak eyes •rhe renp o serv-descrIbed. The dukes blond. spurting bae hns T. T.1 ut H ind iLaspuet ye a :ý rutc mre Lin s ~~~~ra itan" a she tnaed an'm atul dfortob h ue a r edlotnchs Yougsmit T . ian 'o.gI l y ai s perthe rt . at oatet e nef*- u nd.upand Dth u w h usie d t eca ea t ast en TuTeIsrest pay y oý r h l. Ae oba &do. "wu I a @ Inos at src a t i nry.TeOghvie dieda ndtihael h earinwg ager ta s i r u wil b Lm de hi and iledrue- a nd rEILFhead, auntsre hco e r h towe cu ilen go e N e il s I wip c.- d wntohe r -ahib eahe . B b - "b*umud c ha g g , a m m rk arbnuve y (t m e s htheohd flmn o ftse no d 1 eshe mit ,wh n a et.-. ramcold heeuasa oud ratl yspeâle, a s d 8til bd rtd ut f y mbsh . d Yo ngsmth - o t e o tsd . n w h s u d m0 b g i g@ n t ekleape O 1da te up e i dn o tth oa . Nelli eY WithChamon- o wbidg wasbein on.een in « gaa uti@W in frothe bmaker ot henumer. the ksame morMielt fu n y res. N soe Private Ftdlate017.tmrang ohomeisera for. ondthe e nle re hadrachthne is eectd)n DailJanin oan n myside f-thimf) .,s,'ete er111 31 a ally ur c e y ous t oi avec tenedindue atme ad Doaftaa andbis i ce...........$ 4 .25 sho, u be cau rh n ts, R a « s is a ... . et a oue a m t by thed . d h s w a ell e s e tlibelc M ail nd E pire .... .25ntham bit&yeAnd d.as a ile e as t eireesto theteseasat ae .e a ide Vee o by or ET di sudoen t- e ea a rlogb Itudarling paky pGob l...... g.75 my od enand lpa... a iro âLTh li a ue. pta n boa rogefrw ard you be I In Th de flspb MiierRptloothna in he mnt , NelHeý--N6 F No. 27 o2 be ggg IUf0 anMU as they eannot ycno gprt ionofthe ear. teer du âtà1r =w "WYto curé deafnes efnu 1 ;ttoal remedies, remediéa 4 ty an indemed cou- med coxF. M neous lining of the g of the When this tube is a tube 1. A rumbhing sourd or .sounid Gr , an wen it ý> en. it is en- 6saib 1the reuht. .and -suit, and ol Datiýýon ta.n be taken Metaken restored to us normal 8 normal gWil l t deýtl-nd lestroyedt a ont of te 0 arem ue e cause d Dof the mucou ur. > Us sur. o Hundred 1D.r, Dollars Deatness tb u.eb san b yta bot be. ued by ha Hal e d fur circea . .s free. 1 nY & CO., 'I oiho, 0. edo. 0. ts, 75c. ly Pill ter n, .consti- and he had re ébrnsure of the haf past'2Satw of t there. I I:sem:: Sapt. :1md snpti er till an.1 rhi n, t toe aren e , !,. thear of uan:Iml , I Adered what 1 às b- îted snæf-,w, u9der Brese wblie there't fe|.It r of the htau 80 ltes it resist.-l ihim" fentzau w fteib,- e t of them in a.1, d %h me to wA f_ la Pom. :uli; a the tr vbh MIUgh his.oo a enth, -a 1 1,'a: 1 onl fl»ewr a Opped t ine A a) t the1 i er1 ateaped off. le sked 'I S:q2t, but le ne 1l pu ý