i~a 6.30 . R E 'r', al arà u i aenI îd FValM tj ~eîî, 0c. J la th um~ HF. R.~ ~ C LE.FYITFE t t . t 1 î-uThod D - B-akft a n 4pç i j :t;ît T:iietF ! ;1:'J' OUE EXI iiih -qjiINl.i IME. - .L. HEMSIBE PACIFIe E MEN Labor qtTED kRNTICKET le Co 3. Mb ,. s-1e -CANAWIN NATIMN rEo. BR piNG, L cHlLDREN wwmseoYIo , Î"ipu e~ I -t-eotugus mhool supplies for ap nei> i t-rla ke beat.Now, ve are re b" iScreiehandm Bo, tc.t that we bave overs eown. AIl §à is, ai g vsriety. AUl tht it~iîguî. Ail the beat values,. PA R ENTS, send your cbîldren tu, theoi ol books and suppfies.. t-- 1lease tOem, and what is more, yéUw @y Viii go furfiber bere tiba ii to picase parente. cljdron and tea.4. Your cbildren are sure to get S thîe teacliers warit tOem to, if they get: rn froinaus. PAt et11- 2 lie Siaas b,"7, 8 anîd 10c. lot, aIl colore, (.-. t'.vene triaile tep. lteîîtla ram 5c ep. hicîtool Bagtl. si îe l'etîilr. Iltt, 3 for'le. l'mit Siltpa ohLii&e REMfM8ER, witttt outadtr itre, evtry sualemer, old or Young, gels verv loveal pries.. Sand your ciildren here. île il La glad lai servetem. reMetropolitan Bank LoalNews. lakies our AVIGS ANK ccont. John T. Hanna.et lait fort Credit Furka Iniie~ our AVIGS BNI(Accont. yeaterday moratsg. Millo P bie scbol tll open o inerest Allowed from date of deposit. Wedb a beSet. si apples 1ta Hates agata. $1,.0,000) TeBastte rtbr rtpedttg their vacation ln Msoka. e (. 'iîvided Profils..e........ . 1,277404.49 JohtEtrbrek did on NMeaday at jack Diotare.oeHailtonsin Mil- tut. I t sarh on his acation. fl~D OFFICE, TORONTO. IA 'h1vlaes. bore,. a tretstille, Maprantd bMm. F. H. Dieso. of T. inste. lintwttor ,Saaday. 01 ank lsess conduct.d wth Promptuuas and Saltisaction. Th ako amlo ilopna Miacors, Wilinsontaeahecrtad the ulsBLIANCII - -W. B. CLEMENISI manago.r. app atgephr Mr. and Mra. J. W.Beursrtton bMon- daY as for Muakoka. charets hey il WHEIRTec~r f ussThe ragrasce of Whte Swan CatIe es altwoweks ta de enirel tu r, pr bladin a ad d Mmr. J. A., P,a.ter vttted Ilt, tadttattttyt.t pr.of tMUSICg edMabrs. Mritgot. larde.trott ki yi ad i . 1r.a.heg. Ilanocalff v a r u get a Satrdav tét Moadayt moesatttly.ag. rher fragraneanei ad Mr a r. Ba. Caaettoved ierrmati hta nWhea Swan. Gaaratt-fronaaari att.Milîttn and have tatett et Nitta tord ptre Moha & jata. l In. airb. thaïi es&tton aMil St. t,ýt tins. oSli by Galbraith & < aiCo. tt. tDtdr wafttocat ar.aIm:tri dat Temara ta ttat i r .Atpt. Lee gui met Wate ~ oit0 STORE TO LET OR FOR SALE Sm Avfo Latrrest gthotuWla Niagara Faltltsad Baffai. te Britktstre oaMaa Sa.. Mlton.For The B.ttîrgt.ta Gazette lat the[ lotthat patttiatsapply t. Wlar & C-t ahait-lattty. Mhl,Itoa t t EHttltaarake. datrod ira. S daes the Streeta. Bettiatar. &tc tvile kevar.. Wh.t haa bora teltr Milton. tbismt MADKENZIE'S "S chool Days, School Days, SDear Old Golden Rule Days," I WILL. SOON BE HERE oAnd ais usual we are ready with a completeI i supply of New Gooda. Thousands of niew, Spretty covored Scribblers and Exercise Books. Fýiu-ise Books Svrîii ullers Sut:î Work Books l>ui-I olders R 1111) rs SVhIool Bags Ilîk Ienîoveris Crayons Painting Sets Blotting Paper Drawing Sets Dictionaries Lead Pencils Pencil Boxes Pen Clips Note Books Examination Pads Drawing Books Pen Nibs Prawing Paper Slate Pencils Open End Scribblers IlIks, blk, red, blue, Etc., Et. .1 'ai co)mplete supply of the New Ontario Readers. \Vitli îvverv $I.OO worth of sehool supplieà purchased here. will sel! ail the-uew serjesoOtroReer at cost prices. tidopieÎ . MLLTOIi. OITRE se emm: ma bii, td et alla tr tholam=lcbte I= s et bis lesaam iu bienls hl sly. M. andmm.S. IL. Bs,. Mchd Iama lt et mons bir cutureefrotte abr. ip tle sWetld'e Prtouge.ats Varror. BC., and athar Poali CoMsainsts. Mose. Doms otmaoloud le Imwa.er Dotaioqend oi M. Bo» mi home se Saterday messlg. Pass a ee Ftessss-On Ssuray Thamea Edmeti Simpon ted George Gaie, bth aI Mibse, oppsead bora Police Maglisrat* iha. sbarged hp ConsaebheJablee tionst itb querrai. lieu. fightleg and matleg o.i fclacaa end blasehmees legeags as MalnSlit. Tbsy bath plaiedge.lty andiremaa13em the reagleire ,.asucatets, eua deys. Aita.srta.-Cashbave auamin.e aie aI oarge stth impaetty as the &tracts et Milles lataly. Tas acanon pondett whaunstralier ttasg les guaeleacollir coamsiealuy oeaut maoprîitiaaamWhocormple oflthe tas anecirbtt usae. Ilîinep ta tbs lucaieeutborttîsteorrt fis ramby. tawamd iitesasethar ta deal stth HAcitoNs tSesatar.-Tha appistmast aI Dr. Samuel Webster, aI N rrai. or thariff afthe Crasty ai Haltes eppetaoc ta th Ontarto a ilets e nSoterday Dr* Wster preseaaiai iestremiait te Jtdgs Goraes a Moaay. a sworc In y the Jugeanai etoce es surtt ilsta itias. The Sheriffeirong e prastr lu pablie businss im u doiaellithim ratiy t eairetaatt .cd pattarmes tcdllcs. sla epeatsd fith fltlaeaaasramenaubch.mais aent waeeoft h data lot holing tht "MaqueotEmpira.. Tberctrill haeràaerget ths eîrs einS.Jameras. Guelphi. test hesday. skIle fticSoadel dety tts ,partab mut bsetahaa by G. C. Rablasean. BA. and PRr. W. L Archer. MA. Ths lattar, il taexspatai. stît heaiet rot-circl torah e ssong. %V. G. INttt met I sllas oalertaaate acciet ans atarte os Thrtiay lest. He met standitng spita eluMeba sages. it.tdewa thte tara. mbatbhetrir acitoatvstapped. lbruwtrg htm out. Ho. collar bOn arhoteand iehata- ortt-rtleevralote bhra. Dr. Wet sot waa temmoari and rairrad ilte tratr. lista ofat i rtsi ll De pltaseeeta et e hs .mprortegassel aeau expetatttd. - BilaglosGazette ira CHactEra iERTIos -Poestt Reti, whe ltes bats ompirYea bY ftht Miton Frtsei Brtik Ca.s iveIrais the strias. mes arrtied onlTus. day ttarasea ai tht e iraStation. Toronto. hy Dntttor Tîptat et.a a mr rnat chergiag dsmttoioranaout b hta rIte. On .t Mey. tt tealelgrd. Rais aa]the e ot ie coha anigalbet cabt.oi th. etIMîlttea sth the posa.presemahiy tar Esglesi. Ha ietari bsdestnaton torth sartb. tatrarand esi oc repatttg ta tatae wees rrastal. Het i 0a25 !e hts Pas. eoaetan. aid mes tas nbsck ta Muites forîtrtel. He ayt bisamtlatai btmata L Reai met bughithaltaPolitce Mgtaraîte tos ytstardap morsag ad .asrlemaei onbesdtag osar liall hie tacay ta hi. %vif-adagreuteg ta pey ber 63Pe utet iathtu ra. VItttTtsIRIAtees.The alrahr ne Fr1da ieecatefiti sotloork tavorable lorth cb toater t\,ttmatePark,' esiet tht Auaptcet oftht bai. Thora mat folk et a pstprttttst a tbatcthane ager dooieit-a9 goutbai and mat Traitbyea lrer st enîaceathet Incte as a et tthatr oetfthcpretadîsa' concertsa. Ths Carry Brae. Sehassia pL udidilotOa i plteres esi tha mustcaia alad raims greactîp ppreîatad. Sc sracombleraofseate ftalnshed bytht commttre arsmeina the Parreugb out thessae. The bad dCaray Bres. gtro eerthtersnerta ta-slght. tlb praos ta bsaliontifdoer and- etaei. Ther Ceylilre. lllabswan eseh san, ltai a moving pittrr anad thea hast atil pay samne aam mugie. Ne admis- mas fi, buaclecltion yl hac tahat et tht gâte. Al mill hae welcrme. wabttbttpaylsg Or set. CcMHEsst.atLLI.L-A grand gerdst party willhi eli thtliclamecf i-S Daria sChereh se Frday aattaset cn ed rsleg Aeg. eth.aedr ftl auspices etlI---Ad-îtibi. CeeZDsude flbc . P. C. A. A brzeal match le tmasea Maristes sd Catabsillla s be lldait4îP. lu. Meic hYthe bas- ofl.both Regt. LrnesRiB- tQuaat totion. isola amidslose bflesbles- RoeratasnaetWatatdsme. asti Car.y Brc,.. el Hamilon, Nia. Glaipe Bat> tain, ef iiten. eocaiil uL Mios br yov Isa. MassArcher,0aI Casiphal vilîs, Cern fa Bluman ti Lawrece et Meorrlelae. Toa aretroufesa t o'els.h. Raltoabsitt bouttb s0tmst Admiss 5cteta. hilditas acras. Ras. A. Blair. Fantet si Cbalrmas. agadil. mu btsagltfraiAsa jall as Batartisy ranng by Casethit1a, Attaseel. Hambos u m esultres laudiltee hot tToroneu llefaut' aga Fpart tras ye. o dleg chant ennuib ega, lh. marbae M M. GumIeid aI Aiti. sdit le nId gava etlefactl Sbumieg &gofaat Ieay, h. wuva Us hesb40o ashais mcWb@"o Mr Gambasý lie* lai aatah.pusmuethm et M aro SI Scnedwa cagh a sseb. buon ot md .f ehwt tbos , I& mil n. id Mta flaots Oniam.. oo t asi a s lb Umm as atmaL roag. Cligotebra it h . I wa ~ » - b 1% 1%9" t e g bui a W oglche LoactiP C e.= . eyMahe oras à e t taia. sabtewone . 7 mll isit t te in marga ib e tehe ai bs aaser mileArIe 0, sii ,A aiaemCcMal as mle f k sit; aa of a mwaonsd atrtalu n B y rt aattram._ -- '- . mor a A t s s e e sata r c y s p a e o r e t op a r a *. b . .,ute 1h a a a t aidi l haimtwmlie. b. asae tA.. Sttr iiae t the MdBAlat fié erebtpsdtow hat aa tal mpoe!Jasbare tblritaae. oot astento.b ta Actoior a pmat h Sppi h as thaT tuos.ter gta slaand g masb-eidat& tr bt et chaupoor atta crMeae LEanae Cpai I.GI.L Gssgsaama rge3arTheycorias a-t s .mart h mwlpark Getramtowntb ~ U T th0,2rd av bin oamd t amatahbe lsp. Mila.li.e0 prarlasa am2enaad aplsaad baHtrame _ id_______ trikbo hcaaatahdbe rebaifor M.I. A. C. boese Sattrda,. et 3.3tt. saraithoneay useally peu tote ÀAPoser.- praîrelsenaleastnd ast thtesatch Xe-htar hamylasE trc f rýeeept oU biltuit.eilI play ArosaietAcîtn artt ttrtSr-l u erratad tha lal.eeilinof Saterdey. The gam taepected ta be Herttottual Soity tehan aureda i e uaettbatheeitam aandnodoeanorm. ftr thetibent képt tes. endbueard tu sle StPti îngs. Ihese a berao l totas lotUage e si. Milles. Wtli the aeciety pîere tait et. below thit regîîlar valuai fAaastelmotiagaifhe rrtieiofhfietinH.e.l.lmea osaelu grt the, he BlqFor erasues was bfi atdai t*the riebenra rt gbbrrs'abtokoat ad triiiîied tvd tailored ani artel McGibbouta lst aightutedisposeaifttttS are ttcstg lasse? sye.Ircsrtg r prlesandM oush ra prost. J Lt. o t tirra.. A.fil. t. &c. luoc tohsPmbdste tr S1e. NNOW IS 1TUE liME TO Rytier. Millen andiA.I. Nodier, Atrt Olnd. SUIT MADlE, BELl Geosrgetown bai ej0rite boe- Walber--la Naltra.ouea Steriay. Aoc. .aulemetmaise,,,Mtltad Gueliph i t. ggJase a GrbaIt. relit of the iEASON R ce Mitre, Irtetatta pis y ovrtthea latr Wtltam Wallaer,. tabar 11h rent. -gam. proetsa by Mltrs. aad rlitaed tblat the rsaetive ahaaldbvbéerltaFIShle Trafalgar.n dea sayeî coeesltodl. Thoreaisae a dmsptterrene Aegeat aîtb. tqotg. Mat. stitard Ftab, ettewsasi Guelph ate mhtob et te ber 8Sarei rt. ta Ce wa fo thesaaasauh.rStraw asi whtob asexhbtioneaand th. rielt, Lt.tteyut, 1.tttdttibttaO7 t-tahta¶pr lesoe arm it e. itamas htht riait . __________________à__i. couveronstheacraasi thai thoeehteiLm pro blCaliasi hadmmiaterrte a -or balle. rai.i ta on'st dtmantae.thsrtrac te appraltlfont hta decision. r.gh. or I mtrog. Thetaorsioýratiaasas ehl The îo, rty et pre.eeoo.etebh W . B W er aa erroct oIthe paratrtbA t. C'ha ,hem.,akhohpaZZdf1,,zltrg .t1a.d by thesEatariel.tteornMa ,st>11,on, Foi>eteîr l irtoer a lst artek. lThtetollie.a pplyto f. Camptbell. Merchant TaIIorai *andi Mdoedby N. Kvdrr.-etctdrd itt-A. C. Nodier. thet ttaganesr pleyei be TENDERS FORi BOUSE of REFUOE wers Guelph atd(Georgetotnaee, topityrHaorrea tltfgracaiEtrnr otangetohe t. Hnap Cetaaru taaLonuyotgtrad Lvdwthetttto ttaoteetember Otteltoaai fur5the , atettis2 theterarette.tatht matter, tooofaiectk aeiint tthe )oiat TE FA -Carrli SolHoea t re.ci thea tie% of l a ____ 1Gants lobsieplan or tht 4th Stt etsd an Notice . tateraiil.tibta Ci Guelpht.Rialateaey.atBramtonPîc lasanaid m fi sas deiotiai htht etalespeobcattoar t-a b. sera ai the plaet tlth eertitea prettlrotth.hago..abusines ofoIE F. Ea. aReeoflMilton, SIAIL AiUt-bOUflITS ar ýternaMiltonanadGuelpheostht oilsfier Tu". deyAcgeats at -l ojei alslaoa gri t oetotSay tesirtaote-ae 'hy thaeMiitot)end Gaelphtmaaemeat. 'Vtceteer,trd et t,1,le i lThonspriset aarsaDat ailfpleasad VtM. FANTON. Ulrrit I LAR lo o.,UI.D ofhat Georgtamsae"tno erettatoittrj-t Ctofal Htîoa LUCAS' CASH GROCERY OUR NM: t Suffl Poits and Quiet Reterasa Med may corne and men mai go but lime goes ou forever. Bu1î<he meantime Mrnaineas eustoîîaeîtaare being added t0 our list andoatili there ie rooni for more, an corne aiong and heip to keep us bussv. We like t work. t'he following list is a tw of our Satur- day Specials: Freait Pactled Loltaem ,per tia ................. . choie sout Picklea, per imperial ît .......1c lupole mud, tmw,aeeeor Repiterrv Tomn.. 10c. plan« vM292eL Bmcail, regular 13e lit........... 10oc. $Étusla3? oe4y w. vil! ga'e3 Ibfta.et lier a-err te iado Caon40c. Black e for.................01.0 .fo are nol slied wit itIlallter vou trY il b;rlng l b* = and gel your tnoney itsck. _8wiaT viii gavai for cash ouiy. 20 its BRd- :oIsubat lbuulaled Sagar for ....... 1.00 0 tGu pyofcvi oud ts and Cooked Hem aloraye u= t msnobsprias.. Wbny"o8o MnIng ruit Jars give e aCali. V6 Rihss ric for gond Freali Eggs. d tît- rec-o -tr% -ourt-lvîena] us tidtttrr t nîttltegt in ai eiors and biacke,- aand 124e Prinfe pgharn for 9e yd.i. White Embroider- ............... ... 125 value for .. 89c. ,25 valuie fer $1.49~ B&Shoes ~ale Prices ICE OROCERIES 1Eggtt iote. Om pany ff I goarl ha c i i .r Ali; tM l . 2 4.1 IVI-: tîîîI 1 lats SONS fen's Iurnltiher% 1 OF CANADA. 1 >i,,- . - - Ir Itit-tit. 1- -- ' s. tt MILTON "ANCH WC. McBRIDE.Mjtat WANTD Your P DeveloPlng end Finis .liSO te Leaffluugstore fur Pitcture Poal Uuniter's PJI MAIN STREI MACHINER, oft&Hai kîtls proîth SCREW FACTORY' lu Ai Kiidaof Nickel. Sua raR»4 AT FAIW, SA TISFACTIOR0 P. L. RobertsonI MILT-oI C AI N . \\( )tograph y for Aumateur4ý. rttlltg 1. t to Studio MILTON REPAIRS enîied tut at thu- CHINE SHOP ECTROPLATIODI tARANTt110. Co., Liiuiel. )NT. Gralag etiCoo 9ambpla OscR OPa ai th petattg poa,- i Neyer DliI Yoer Boit.- r. tacta ltb e rne. KXi. - asrttba tern.s. t -that bpet. Gai Ibe batt-ittF. Suile nuade 10 order troui $1 lu) p. Pants froîîî $4.50îl îp. tEVERYTNINO 6UARANTEEO A PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE Il