.A~l. B ~ACON& Bay Street 70fTrust ~n -TORONT uF Fouloea )WiI1SON'S Oxfo-ds fi-Diu $1 iip. OS. WILSON. rSTEVENS " UY A GUN - ,lNew 1;. Iel ModeIo >8>4A 1 ' omp8>e88etl Forged >811 1.l.,oC SYSTEM I . .> 0. AR8MS W7>CO .- ru>I0> 'I ... 1»> >> 78 hal. 'd01 1>8 8 joue1 8 k u *O li,;RGALN FOR' ST O y è -the Weekly Ui and 8The Canadian Champ>ion i ). i70 îîil 1the8 pn>iof th'm yeor-the >00 Iogeth>e, la o v 881810r0bn>-4lI8 .Io~ FIFTY CENTS o».l>auiti>l 2>1) rlorad a8>ogr>87ure 'ETIIEL>8im deot>a> 7>0 li>ied. pomt frei8> vîththie ovin>rr>15 CENTS eî>ra 1te>b, W» 1>p>1>71808> 1 >o mooiinalî0on 8>18>8he MBOVE REMARKABLY LOW RATE i%7q0if8e» tel»b4i Il, Miîr field (»t e»lt7> >88811 Providii>< >88 >7788»>» >>îo'>v, 1igmot801aire*>1y >ts(îi)mMibertx)e ither i .>>îe o».I»81818111d oo'h 1»»»> o»and t the l>îw.> c.>SESII IIL ORDERS TO OFFICE 0F THIIS PAPER> C. DLJNTY OF HALT-ON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR 81 , 14> » Il > 51-- a.,à 1J 0 1 Ac8J 8.>811 , 1Ou.808 W. r8.,. >8 »u .88>8 >88» " >a8>y <>818880 >8888>8, fv>îh Or >888>8888Jr8 ,b 8> ut.0> > _I&«118>8888 f 1888>88858 8788Trms-Ilth Jaattey . jah ApIa, july _8d8h>18>,oo th J8a.h.ail dr8 d Apm]., 3lJulthenO>88>tbr By ord>>r W. 1. DICK, Mileu, CIc,-k >8t the 1>88>7. ,>îl.lIiIa.îîpiol JEO'm L j 1 N1lii> H. A. MCCOLL, M.B., rath c "8>>8..d >8588>88 lrsar 08 M8»RARSHALL E. GOWLAND, M.A., N.B. ...,pl e,, 88848>e 888 .0,. >018 1 boe ft Di M1 'cc f toryl . .»>,. 08>8>d W& h8>8»88d881b>>> 8P.4hL888gIl >8oa. "a.8p0 KNOXeOo>01 CHU>8.888801.8 R,» .»dy>888 . 8 17.J>O 8>>88 * , 77 7>8>7.7 .. 7.toi,> ,>77tea,îgh j,>788>.>80 - ; 88 ,818>8 W888888.de 8 88>> Ci a ttag S>878 .. 8>45 W8»8>887.80 Pr. ->88888888277 WTl.> >11888>> 8-0 th.8888-88>888> "y1 A 11 87,> -l18>7 -A - y >87788, m.8 M t8>8 3.. h88>8l.8 *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i- kio>7778d .-te ..,.7>887ta. -d Wd887808 8»71178877...878888881»»7 8578.>8>8CHU1>8tec>. a1»dy>,o 7.>88>788 W>. P 1 0'l;. 888>.»>7 »e>8 111>' ..î7 77.7 H.lîi,808-d, l.iod -tam>.8.8 ______________________ 8>8».18Y8>118>l»71818>88>88888.8te h EQALT >7>88>8>88 a. C >8 >8>727178, lf41 -'y88888>78>08 et8Il 1). 88888>. Oll 8181 o >.1I0L.L7INHA 8, B.A., I718878> ...188»888 7 1 .1 W UA, Be8>8n.88, »Y»>>c.o91Wi."ytaU%. 7 08>8ot10>018 . Uût8.88 F,. W. BoTO, RNTAL. k»î>>oL>D.S., D.D.8. 1'. HARRIîS, L.D.S.. Private Funds WILL.1IAM . DICI. Earriser. mIatou. Travellers' Guide. 3 Z " p.> GRA.1ND T>1UN>K KAILWAT 7> a i 4 1 .0 0 .28.88>7187>80 1909 WALL TI4PERS THE BEST VALUE EVER îaÔWN. Corne and mae w araffleUGlt early for yonr oyring Wiiik. FRANK PE.4REN5- CIub>bing O 88 '~ ~ "S b.At t «CI .m lu l88 tbfe b i 18s100lng c<e 1 ifI, tb.d bon ddm vo t tia.. drheaehed. 81>oi>881d081f a> tINS. f1Wkr adi e oista, am ê Il d. eta 01 stisi-ollebi If v mia ourler tePres- U.o. b m& 9 ate Is 8788vva eti.vo ate unEtilIs U.rchle a b. lai cmU -moe-b.irgld0 hotthon?81 18188 30>. OC00>81& 8 ~ c sv ra jibw___ Selal Wlmgpaiitll a teber bravaefor ait theronest «yoer lffe. eauX«RM BO c C UI. Rravolw. tornai .c oa , hecti Fur ai, 788.g018888. sud or80tme. y" d ?vl»Ira 188a.mallguama .. Isa latbsiebrohe le. * 5Our fvende-385. j700. tau8. hlaihail8> '«m e,$ .naog houeuamse ce a lao ssieri at f 881dlyt- 'Our c888088moe or085 0? ba r7 1 'close'Ibm -Au la lcalauver te Geaifor ygnr Thero wcc'tlie. orem nntnacîome Vt.lia8lutd meb Uteme. Di t usaiftt daj8theb.king rettestel. %1388ailSiavue n 8the1>dey King Sorgeu» furthail i 1.- lb. glavoes, a a glamnea enoerl e m But8 08 he e »KlDs Beijing 88ih8nr. >LhiegII Am 1 te tale lm selù ngmeesa. Indtegnerefug~e. Ber 3>8118 >888881 888188>1tlb. contewi" effsa rues baeeltte . ine ftoe.-As le 88888vies u@ egafl.g lbte eet Neteb.R7 leinmmi lb. %in& af. ne 81 noat 01 th«. Mu!.lrhort 8 alatlftum tioe f. ailtb1.I 1iainasee- lvery word rame lie bride18. 1Bis cycle8 01>w distant 1> "Cutaiit o. l AneIbso. Tbluttait. ton, tb.dltoiewe btvosliar 'c". l liaI stLepoicIN sgotaawuva, tilla7if. ovu slf. vltli.sipsynté deep Diilation. Conntsi88>88EIIeuolz ma.. et vhom 1ILbUmeepkr*smMd -lutf.gaàque" adoee wbe tla.-t-oh - Wh. Co 00*Wd»U O tit tb&9*OMM. Ibil B18-A>»1 I aal nluver teat3od Icehea egei 8end81Criai.lier Ille 88>111 vbem 1Ienusesaie bwvalrb.81. vot Iq vlla l.the >88citient oret tMete 4« >8i~~W-4dvolibe ly Leplol tifor y soull- Dot sweni a taise onîl-weIl. 58e wus lal f.te the1testait et IU. Zerbovfeltb. CnOsee l fltI ey pILan1 ted î vc u 988131>18881ho. wulbinteii.tbmabc sto1ipp8e&1.Theru vasiolence olale se d tu 881>811sw>8eaSOI, oalanoV Mini >1&8"48088eu awarec, à closfiand >attacher8Si. Dm e5 veyb.81y aies b, VUha iitai-M" . toi b. pf.ynd a a n 181> ogbl rOoaI Ion. 818e blarka18138>1 ould flot 8>8>81. lie tcet cluti. If I1 amien11the word. go adb.urent emtiserif?" desaierate eaid-t88 lai oret 0 a lit 1ber banda shore her slOring nt SUI<810 .atlb Pina 0 Savn.Tbelr Iter.>1lIe 9188188881fois eosasui>8 'ra815>1pt iler. tsitIlWae guleaily j 10>1b ad.iloa"8 at >8hu ht o8irma 81Vle 888look place5b.eoe 9d 8 10niIt estlPdet 88bis alif. lIglalcmle, s iue li t >sbie<wd>eu âled bylagb.ptate hooI. Ini"I«eltorrent Of s iin. for>81loi 8>8 ieh.l lrte88nt81aiLt.8 Olgbl At Il Zerlorllrhba8.hi>g br.erI I'>81.8>,18 front bis881 cil>8 and>8Il fdgo e -ii bma0eodar .- .>1an8t! i rii'lI 110,811 ihilgs, une laOt 18888. 80artel8a herse trouam lb.pri>8re>s .0tib. traet r if. vorda ee, v eeu mure lb. palce b.d glaen bina.go il lev , $8o8 ea,81 b.r Bey 8>8888gb l nate 88r>818 th18>8 e ult 10 Ihlenot bias.. Bt out for lroa ielrode baord I ieciY. W hitele homelâti soldy @Va" the80kin8g uWIl.and b nol b. teCeunI. ber tulsio88s vecplg. 8>Il8»le c 8> 0< of King Srgiu1 ttua88>88>8 th880>gb lb. iglit and 08>cour baths. ?. 8>Oyolreù ovy lisse oaton lb. king -mE llserg brl km Ionlbra.agby. M8 t1 a3>The king >8881>8088y 8the dr<c8t o? yenî>8 oeffort. I entaIilu the. me Captai. Maalart 8hm81laid1 8c8. la8888<88888eYes dorieetiy 0un lb. raIl. "Isalolstoiai. al b.llotte St Iutlai t 18» 81>e8 bock >8blis chair c eend or>88>0?h»>888. 0or>place,.0of88q8Vr theo=1 snm ii na i themaulaitThere Ilo.TIhe racises@loeu888 91 ris ai. 188>8 i m elp0rt>8800 t00 ak881 MY word 8as8 lhoghsoeboity 18888 or »8uteur>e. >18>88>888><88>8eo hoe b.d 0>8 iateriewoilth heprine. thcy. modea mf.8ale? Woid Il h bave I gla b cssa ore Ion >88>788 fferad ta îîiiko hlm. ,ou-yoti-you. t8>18>80 81 tu8888> 10 rKr>>ing8Su er, lHe lf Pr"" be htweoo >08d 7la theobeauotthelt 8mn lits ri" or ethte . reecltor ine. la Comtemse te sat 87 ,rlfeO 70ou. île8avcl T 1o. cvilouglus route.>8And8>8>1 181, ,.of >course, mor>8lg and81 rrlred 8u1 hie homeo 01, Pagc mai81 do? The hiogu thmn" vers 8180." 1 li8858e8-trusted-4rouelt8 ll18- Ah., se8>n18>8no88more8 thon o>8e8o? Slc88ovlt>1 lb. seul1 boulevard hy 1. Atit <on the table in1 frosi of hlm. >111887 Again b. bol 0clown tevaaaithoe king . 0 78. t iai eLep88ge? 11111 hon> ilghl. trulli Pont881Il lb. oalhed Up the Street of theoilrcmhbled ohore hey lay. >the king ilopieai 882 hm. 8>888081>0'y-ocido>1îele>8cairl» >*'And1? ihe co>ie dent8801start1»soh. 18>8>8>8881. transieot8811lallrc quare88 WhY vasaI lIhe prare t80 boy dtlle rame b.rh 1taieteminci. lu a "Wlheb. amost respert t80ine8. la ed 08>88>8>8>18. lie1>08 888 out cgr aid end eaaereaaSmoll Inn in a l8t lnley B>iî.oe thranb.ie0018188>8 ga as hi. tant.sonthimaloue Lasusmade bis 8Comess 8e. eeruld no Sivclr, @Ir." l IoltJi sktg»nuI>871orth>co10888c. blid the raîhedrai. lHorste b.an881 i ooraeyIllejo8iîaoy allea the (oi ihow-hlaI ss tufloi. lIma la The king s88888888 10bie <oc . *1o >o8by1l aacdIy 1>ew c>8hat osai speof a? v, aling toi hlm. Tbey maUrc pee&liHe ?rced Stoncovicte Comtlnof. fgroicetpltiy. If Mime. la hoecrio8i 8> IL7>870 11 w>eelagiethcc ha>l au hou, Zeri ano8tir. >801817and deianiiy. polnllng 8a Ccmnso l oui le amenamue088- Tbey 8a1l roe-Ihe 8>0088888 88>0>8>88>71881i>88 looked li.8 4 >atc818..Fre lich thon liti.The ma0n8 imainsodtiltforefligerai t hm. -Teslb., 00881>881 8-ait. îhe8. l'as. rantent! 1,11misoi, 1888 811h a nmaqueral8ioSoie. Bat1 the 8701 O»Clý>81 Wr 1>.>>. 1>88>7>7 <0888>1>005 . thon rame ant andi r>8urne>l 1îhthe lmc tago. Yen, lhey >81811w»y. îair?8italc8-honsts. I dalore. aisut> moment08 the1>king88moade a quirI 1,,,,w J o nid te 8 88rOIskv t. >8rrîî>thesecre paiaeba cirfruionsaute, 8a. a88i>1aTemai8>y a pilne->rail pa>lorcaa? .>î81ahe88 1> >7.of0th1>0 1>8888118. aiDam>888ddc>0 >y 7»> 1>88I no 80>7701 i»î8 We hrctaîolit2 icoch. i1>venture 80>83 a , is hal ohat lhcy 008815817Eh, but!> les888.l>118 I he8bon. vlla a î1rked ley tomeac >rp 81>18>0[le drol»> r >778 tS1>r llt7I. ,it 1>70 011t88878sac Ihal 81e mcaalag or ail 8ibisle a qi>.> Ji008818 have bees i 1118e ase fer Ceeu> Oeî>8 Oa>8<1811enie scma8rellie 188 >o8barkin bis888chair. Ilebtlla o ri<>118c>70075 7>70711I>7 >h)07>7>>l'or1»t1lsta08ce, citer. 3This>88man88le»t cmmunicatin Alexist1101hme ta rail i rnc atiitaii hat 11111181>>1 8188> 880881801> hie >8bands>lonîthe alelIn fron. Il -Id IL -M1 -u7 te> ig vilharrsioh> slog UZkolt 1>as lalo ben! And>8 lme. la Camlse-vIathe cirr ail. à» >r>y efuvrIl.A r i*ar band118. 80» e 88.18 re pal0me8dov»îe8»1. >111>and 17> l>.7»»>s >1>17a71lit1>the8>8181. tuter8m081ay. lt'88foriyou a8>1jesty Ici81>8088respect1tehMme. la Comtesse- a>b'8>8> 111>87>8 lo! 088>hme eelit hiae8>r1r81rri it klickIte818. dit, r il- > S17> >b-18»II8 71 a t say bua,?fr 18>88disobedIece nregard8808>7»i8>0 ntod a tiret priersai eelOh.>8ie 81887>88orh %beoh e t> .>.r» 1>8>8 7>s a1>hcra 088ause.88l'heu>881100880. ,»-.» 81»..Y, and7 >67787> 78 0> te8 aqon>81U0l81l the1 p,rice 8>8 708» 0>b8888081thal mightliy. l hta 8In t.> alI Iro1>588 h>lk.ii Btb r > ýLea888>18frn,8he >uceylg, Ile»> -1II >1 Clx8ildbv raadllnl8f.a a>erions8 offense >8u8t. Tho king slirreai sasaslly lenbie hr se .>is 88 0-8. end 1,1.rlee,.»08"Dr1, 78>.lff! D.0» bf.«8788>' Ille-8 >7078 717>7777ci777 l8,ooO8>8 >> »>dughl.. tiint 1 >Bathing. b1>01l ili»> ie oh >*sir,. i O Dîl Bal0lon18 e8 0 hm?' helhr iî,r8v er. ilnfiîila genr88>81>l. toc.. n8>>1>8>1 lprd >8>s >81>0. 81afutz;Iîo ,, l'li1 ,7>7 I 1>7l> 77t >7» t-7> o> e he viostat îhf. 0Mau8g1>00>11kaow 001>8 cliente» bro>e ln. , xlwrieiite rallier1888une0 sdod 0,,,hbis8od, ml a qutrlook ai>1the8king, 77.>L7.>»1>7>>>7 1 %,Vo.itai 18850of8>7 >88108888> meaeurc88 undertakecR8 ie aoveivam raid. »I baba to!t> >.rt>> ow tbv818> pmic>i8ase. 8>1>18>1end>bis houtooh ohaprd <for 8a>1818>1 >> >7>777>0 0bc-7778 11878> >8 5>n8»t8 or contemplais&,* cvc8>y maan bfoee1orieihblmc te8t. h1>îOr887818> tai98>808le- The c>ollcuintes' sosarr888c8e1I8u81lice7»'>8-.Ne1> 778 or211 the<88dy. Th8e kig had llateard>mre>8117. "Thpasiiuhcd." r».»>80 >'8.te81dan.ger. fo88rt.ber ohole ra>e ae 08>>8151L»I1l0<8>70> 7171 777> 7>10»170>tau>1points0or loil 8a trllion.les doue baatm ai cral1>0For blieai hie mon si8a.-8 >88>oto>..>i, 8ta8r8->oî e> »1»f came >8818>81 8> 5n17>In.078>7> [27 7>78 1 >1>718817>8.s wese 8880817 and1 >i3l81o8more. Wh1>d ot 10e0> 1cl o Ilerî>*lliee88<1>1 »>g8.'>10 o1>1>1 1>8 <0888>8 rsaly. al>81ilathrdn >8088 :i lrgok w. sait.. generol?»îouided crme.At liola > >orib>c 8so>88 88<>8>8hlm. The8>y 1081 >tirent 8 11>he king 1>'»> l.i'* 18888> ohlag. 1>u1 oho ta888810qai. I 1Mal.888lcne Il u1t81118>d leI U i.e88>8lon. In taouîple>r<m10 8>07>8>0»>ri00>8717or>Ir>87118»>7188>tl888 >crtain of Io88ring tinât? Sir, ira imos 8 fini1tvo»i81 crator, thebolra»dr»»88s>racts 87>8>e 88881>1 01>18>8> 17>778101>»>101 >8îî>o,0)etotl teoisdrum>8e8 lenta8rved at a ver» Imporaantaie I e1>11 88as c>omb8>.»118<train100>8888>81bis »888800h1g bas887888808»bis0> 80188W Ille >11>8>0 88>l>the110>08 88>0nd 1888881 1>1 >88810-loak1e ralaa 08>00. >81>881088 tormenterd> toliderdmlt>dl. Sti8880gagitation.!., igar77>7>0 077 round77 8> 880 088h 10 pres>ad>y 0n>ibis man asi.ed 8>0>7 Iw 1031vi 81(>1 8>0 »>trs»> >8>81 e& uldNo>î>1>o>07 lie8 rOred >8i%>7-k8 >8 >7>0>8>8771>7>8> hut>1It<sel tend 888 urge 18i1hol808lie> mni>li mîei pooc8.017.l8mendg»>7r> oo»ci178 t» y7>8>a>>71 il7 lie Pot8 8888>e, a8roland k>8>8>1 188 1188 la a"skman. yaa 18880. Ir1<11 0>11 Ite& tl> >8>7>78. 14 charte of o person 01>0 1a8 iyoad 8su>8 rellere a siofa macs mn8d. >allish a VeII7> o>ass »oit 88. >771.>le'"."3ud >818>880>Outil>the artion 80 o>81r18 Ilrc<r 881>1man's8>0rancs Ir1 aith811sloop a 7 bc I>880 88l80 .n77v.8188> > r 78777>7» haa hem lIi>8r8>81<881> 7a88>881 000» ,-~l1tt1e botter 8and 0>81 epage >hee>e 19 80 8801-9 8is 8 8>7e eer s80 >008>ly0. 81>770>17>8 7777 leur*83yen ful8188>reloudn >8 l'80Il self. >?and abcdared sotIn bis 18procieat >888>1>87> 081 InI>1g907>87>t88e>0te71,88007,>il.., Igor 10>871808 ~ and tet. 1, or,? caSýtl bil n emot!the king oOd not accep h a ythe,80>8holilll@dr>>87»80 1.77 7»7777»771>>70»71 »îdi81> »ired. G01e e 700r 8rm, iep1187ud nv. ieso? b.r 81>188>1. Âge 088111>ewool>ul >î8I»>10 >188>>8the 1710>> 8188>11>88. >8 717> 177 >ent0 88 7>>8'>08>18 10l>>78>8» îc>l e 8888. loos71 0 pîru"Nu iese d.-Ntfo 8>»t-ru >70>m08and8818>88>me a><morta>le.» >778>0»78 >>78>8n8> >î> et he Iadalgence du8e t las man's 8>08>88 >8»It >8>1>1<7>8 8>87<071>8 Lellago 88>1 ooffer bis8accu > 88> 58.»H a u1ýc l teifrbsbgVL' e ellos fouette.08Co88l81 abefor brh rî 78.. lits711818517 î.88 >8888>0 >or > "lit 17qu 8»1>î7 'thon88018 >81>8 fils1îeyes and>bis>nze>8888 fc!88<8>8 71.000111 r î»1c- wriI. we1I01 ('11 mall m s>1>81.8 tesf.p »'» »>»T»»»»»» » >87lit. 7780>o80< 8»0>7110u'i Ge8,e8>8188enoviC8. Stcaovi>888rose uow0 ,»»881Alexis a»718>rilhclt 1>l>r»» He Ion> ai8e r.818811I0hrIý1,;o ce L I ru gg.8.e~5087î>7î.>1,707>>7>d li and1 polaled is188 inger n1 Lep8age. O..> th.70 >îîîîsbl .70tu chiot; >8 80>oolf fae appeoreail >>818mc>88as 8>>7A> >fr.> O7>,087 1h01. 8sir. la1te >8an8"> aId lhe. i70» 08>8»Oit. %>88.8107 001>8>8 >81>0A sort10? qulvercou888 1188>81>bls 1body.Y7>Ile-7 ail>00,>71z >11>7»c1 id>10 188>18 1>raoly >8188 >88Bout v>>h a 1ewldered y>77>7> nia>7'887 07188iI. lie 188888 7888> 0>88 8un8 etori> As 1e 8880>00ke o lai ,tln.] ~I7,>.80877>0>718<07 11 face.>8Le>age 18> <8>81108lla c 8800man 1»8»y Yes «Butl 1e 1818e» 70eu.701>80 soundd teint81 Sud81 0,r ou88 light-____ o 1787 >8c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tr 8h81>1 7r o , ound onaSenovics &ainla >3>00>01888,81 tepa8ge. 8888818 laow ~ ~777>>»70»>»>27»888 o7>1>8,0e oa>8i>cc> t. .oohTe prin>e »ou, onl1-tlt> 18>8about8>the18> 810>81 f><iy four t tintord80»> 7>8>777> 7»>87 flcron7> 1.>1ef lies: W71ho commande ln the pala7 c? ne 1 lst lb he a81 otf7088>817100bus>,8>V>0o»jo8 80>8 887718>81>Mes1>>î..o.>z Wblo g7l>8rns 8>aI ? lie w osa k88>>8,88081.Tousvoulicat Ileo8 8orita . .1 SUL7»00c907>8>10 >88>77 oo..Il lit ,if>>i> ta the king wivth anoîhOr solîl taire. dyiog mon,> your husb81>and 8our l0>8> jj 077 tint.> , 11 ctiff >eo.>> ».. t7I a - 1111Iay 10illuster. sir? M1 tl l» ou? >king. f<r811am dylol. T8 ou ba 708>80 81th>0 8>777> 1.>817077 , , 3>10>T8e81181>8>0f PriAlexis 81 commando88>8 111,O b0u1taII»8end8. Youbllieve 818e1 ElleIttrg*w so>8. >8070>8 07.70 >00>,77 .1 11,1 01 >8Ill>luit lh~ e f a thelopu>ce. Slaal19 rled>83>Ithe soute dey you and 1 wIll stand t0go108>r d (18780>87>11>7li.1erccc.7>,8>1,>77> el fri>d tledeoCaptain lia>lîch>> 918<8885 81thtrosO. As 7y81nsallitan- in t>.>>, c-.th, be> o5l L à the p Ince88aifro-80118g8a>8lr18tro? WolIl lh ouahert an8d lno the 8 cul,>ngcirNal0>>>>78» 17>,.I07.'> lEku' minndpide>188>8 i8>Iei0saaiSir,1 d8o>07888081 se813> the0 lb1>clrIartof10titresen ta ke0 hep my 00s>it. e and l>r>î>l8>r ite 7 ,717»»>178 I.>>7»h..>.>> Ici, ,.>»7, 87 bâti q,10c8>7>8u8de tie titrentl 8a>8118 Uadenly loveedsai188eYeâ lair omyhligue.train>8ist8ro8c? 8 1>0>8 .>77715 m ci >il>he»î bis8>Il7».>>rdth tn»>8l-7> Ch>o>ir of a »crul >81w. The rharge rom 11e 8>lll88g an o>8Iokeai t1 he lut Itruco? A.u allai8188» 0001>it8 God t1>80>tilt81 -11 î7..l 1>8»>>787'» >77I" 81> >0>87> >r>.77 718 >18>8 ci T agunst Icpge wouned hlmttlrololing >111e n'n.w088 liit. for y80>> o708>sautla f.hero 0887 tiraills la I?" 1 17>8>1>7>7 >80>»>> >7>7>7>»iii> " zcte tecae l->8 Jo>le 'ao bardly legs dr>ply. Heli re 888188s116"0888>1 Imagination00ID the M8808>8880W The vomaa v>88gr>Inthe8>3> ace- e <8>0>> i8>8>1888110 7 --148 d 7 ll8Ille»>-0tr se>Nol >01> 001>0> ",17778 o » body snva.8 villa the0tr>atul alto» hall!" hoie 88,888888888lial? un8er 1880 à8 heeto ray 57pIlle, smemd dm088 >il, 8gliale.Ilre II .7 71»77»I07 8>7 Ille» 7toast. 1718 1>7 707> 888. liolaîh rla <80on 8un888Indoent il 1ovlîer ber crisses. e> li 588800lips ther lj_>18 77 >7711 >7 >>l>»8»7'77 0>1 ail,87>1 >ffet.» 80007 7,I vi la~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h king0? eaemillibare dyot >1> 118 >011>0 8 bis880 8f vitY alooed a pale red stronla 88er>n>81IL 81po»î87>î »1>411 . 807>8>77>08>-14 Il <7> 078>8887178077> >8008888i>88. tat>881> >8g:oon le r >8>088081> 80e181 the1 l. asosalelIsatire.,HelielIr pr887e-81808e >8810,106> billets. 8>881 toon 88d>r»I, 1 ,r 8>8777* "On,77>..18>77 .7>81 1>> 8h evrcp8>oi8. lever8 88ay3»laoYs Iruta"8 no8880not1 iceltail. Hila 878>5 >805>8osa. plausiilepriyers-heiped 1berîintlect>8îor>7>0t>l>. 1»ci»> . 1 a bi8ed8288> >8> >>11>. 8»>87»7-r 7'oli * o811>3. Lep88<c boit1 laea ih hlm, on88>put heIltl>1Imthealtaille88 Deuil 3>thirty Yeats. 3>108>0080 b8>81>y 88e88vies opale88la acalim. aa8oelh 817>l >18e0>>8 >7.8 s ecret of 1te kIIIIal'9888881808 vlch rMc.. -"Ah88oi8luteVsir. t elieve teInlb.'ig ra et in lie lad sot konOnd kepi.At tes il.r o nd1>oa8tl' 18.s urpise.88 adr>"One'>, > .< >78>018>>>87.1.. b.U lind 1beturnetiutorî >8 ?goihto5 eple 0888>7>> 80>8 a»>087>07 18 Sittelles h1888>8faled le allofoi 81888 88000 b o 8goSt the 'des' l'anou 5 sure7>71y1 >087>80l707»I in homannaide of the malîer-1>00 s.ucit e' 10 ief18l e ivO>i 18,,ormaon> 7> >0l, ,,»lia ». 8>thel'reof> >>7 8> more ala>088the>0 vr%'0f.i8os oldite ando>te11t11e lame. >1 s on w 7.7lie>,» >81.8810000 >Ille men nt 0910 ad heiplasa> 388881. aorao8ver 800 lsdoulet>I daOMteed >"018>088.0888* >»>8>I>o» 018711>0708> fullg>Il, glekne0009made is ls»aisahf. eval t 11815Elagoinligol, *No,"t 8sali. -heIpinceIat of.la 8mre Indispensable eil> A <0,1088 d>g> lie 1858011e he ntoetu flflte rndlibc '>>71» >>8 81871.>bi>s>pmou>et88"> ni7 fill8 e 8hegclairesmple qutioDres_ tyUr>83817885>t. 8B11 a77>l- a cditllg for bis guns aI -13 sIl ruce> Lspogt?"amoiice me-f. rharge fa.8 et à8>8>8>1> 888>1>t 880l.» 88188800>888sf850 Lepageà Impoesvlty vanlabea. ie. c lld. O laih'- eve7bed1btlan-8l,81158> cg oud i tam wu, >eopiy movreai>The meus. of self<18han1dedstU hie 8f.charge.11> ]Va8108>18>8 gI»ral o t u th058>0. gal111w»on hiel-ot guilît agiaiut hI 8>08117 8naturielhowever abaccr>8bat1. Ilet0 r on88e088 Dobrmvs 8>08e marier. Il airafe hb. on b.yond ai t o 8888limite8sa lb.prerasliafl I auggsaî>cawihot clir te m lierre rage Itbase Whobai >d aveua mor elneearytl ieb. vnt' 1>880»> 0>8>0 lie ail> bav' gonadeai blin an h ief.diaheaemeot spmad 5>85511a8 tale8 1taihIa I do88>t >8800. l YOD.1>1>00on a881t00 ~~~~~ île rs lerer-la80858 r >>»800>7for18818088 allonsBeil=an 18lma isat he>88e , [.Il to0da»7c ror agitait>thelic woOi alwsed.ime r Iglal or righst 0Dow bIe ou lb. ceisotssV sige.omatiani 1an blered amd fat IL fil a t Whgalle ites g18>1î0iaybitter 5>858. Bul OfI'eOnthe S »>glovî >8 >8080810. 8.8 plalous lif.econfient tI 081811. 9He l oo no re11thug ICIte a 117very ro' * d.r8,>lle»kingoo> aller8lits Drect h el v« a ebobycIttaehMluaOf wVt fi><01 I88HelIniai clown teVU>8dhe' The îara1.work of818>88> 80>7 lOya ng-mîot aller lie olodal ,ItbMs ouelmSft cit hâ bve eu hils OtislonSk mM 11 rtai king and aid la'a8.n 0>0 1>1 > 881sr h olu ow8 tctesu0>8evIlml bisiltl e st880181 should be done in the flour mill-not IlelirO o go>8800080700" . aI 188a1 hrusl 11.fe tue Tb w.mutmalhm te go. ye7- 1 drt.a3as8ralirsa87c08 11>r1euI,888r che rk harassait1>18gacr leer trucklai e n>lb7tiot imteha&1 "0bo gala,. in the kitdaen. 9 ;inae0ute et iacIen fadngUrbis - t'le."Iutlelve m l f. lb elrantm vimb.p Mt O U i e t vbpeea >Eov bang cmia is When it is necesiary for you ro make hreaal >?818888>818 o>n .< M th torentof rdâ lie0.ueUIfrds130W long h t > rl.>ont. 8 pl 8800 s 8.oi , ba 8 Ils nti oVla voTm qi'.J81 meevou i aeamlml tbckI u sntfn uh nai l odey8>orl0O. aon Joeflng o oet1>r.bIsde ' h CIAO DM .nis" 010 mto 1ut b. wu b Hu fourinî not foc enough ait1 imbr"lm B m Iglsti, oumonnvbr l Ia Uhat ihere» od 810108. ol5t -T% utri A satIEIIIS isi t il ndaoa -58The1>vodwlra1 o"l m ief ilReyci loueho1d Flour Il"D 3b idr 1I>hIbv li iMd Itu An vb71? Dam si "»oTbi mn sblsenau Il lei 018V umadei from bhard Spring liheat-wIuh >8'»>87>18rde me la, odno noUIb>"> il boa beab.vamalU 09 fort capable of fber grinding than any ocher wheat >i0l1 air81> tlae laacfl te {0 cil Iluaacce bev4 M «OMIls Il tehelite. Wbue ild tmus cm"ai8exis baise g» Co bu aprocelilit tai itllef h e4lbirmiteîC >lao> 088> 80v8118>'Intrusted te au U.mlsu.a1g3l sd 10blUftU flow'1. Oct enough %t8<8.rnltjL 8But 11> >8>1>D80981 Md bot I»wu êt. auair fctrure vibur Il 13 Il& . vugit 19>88Mm tannothe eie o080 in the > I. loaregav>8 v>8roIn w on is th»r e o». 188»>and ring888> Witt e dest718>.0> f,- ol . oo>8 I. n.thing>1 u .187.8877 e 81>o>Il"O(r)1>7178>7 07>> >i81aooanotbe-ir>7 . >., '-gell'. 0I dî>O» MI, >7 55m d. 88>87>888>08> 1 77put>, >7> 18188>7 c..I 80»» >.77cul, > »87»,I i OL 8 , e > 8.>e>C.p iala 1 il ..... U8>« ali ar>808>1r7c88>[À.7»,>.O I 1Sd .88'l'lien lie 7 '0.7>7>7' 8>8>1>7 0sèe8,n1Z u p>0.7 , ,»>II 6Yla19Io>r >8>0tu>du7.. >77>0077, "i lar >>00>oOîI>>>7 lh', >0 thi ur>8>8 7,>>>-1.3 >l 7 BT W)d EATiniiJI iS l U C Sl I L tIâ t. >iT>l> i Cli>Tu,>> I . , 8, >I >0 heu il. 8>Ic- - 0- 7 d 8>.ll>8. Ti,71J. I1, ail. a l18r o>8 ra n »k ;I , .Ui Co es>m ' l, g 88> 8.B l I> 'With chmpim- e Globe.