Mrilo la oin Butcher opi Re-opeî i '1c 7- L.E ALLOÇ rCHER Fr t' i "'ut ilituTaIFS - SIPRS utttircea m 1u te tl,'t-OU.- t -- uuti- -icvs, "-"t"' - t- are elui -- t ttrfle the i ac r5y Low Rate 3UflVïio- Trip Pacifie, Coast î.10 ;~ a,.. - ~ te i t.t u billu~ ru 'rf '::tti. eîW" iaeilhbuilin.b« , t, ît ,, ttussaeipitstnieab. pea" Itegalar SI.00ahui 1o«'75. Quality ABOVE AU. ELSE. it 0 ollliltlv--amOla5Y lirai all lj'tugm. .à1R ht.eis(lalail dru , sts&gonds t , t t riîutituu. That ije ahy the uruga you * ~... ur-a'ipiuussansi -,Our Oa> prirate )l ave tillail here, neyer dappoint t w %ay. Worth a gon deal ta you, tl:i.1-IiiiOp rltiresgîtasantre ererything was tud ,j Vuio llîsey adlyreturnesiifnt -a uîsllsud We u.nt any r.cIaL1-u trY loti>ri ous-conldoe LUCA CASH GROC Mi R 90iT0--"Smali Proffus ad Q.i FOR! 30 b O ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~iç 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 4 4 4 DA) Beginning Saturday, May 8th, M Mosîday, Juste 7tiî. at 9 rt'ciock the followttog conduititons Guess How Many Bet are in th e Jar in Window Aitl i 101 i AR'S cortît of godtur at vs J pat f'us tn rîther ras-h orterasir s 'Os i. andu the prrut usho gutesuet the forrec 'uti luwfieawared ulfirst pruar. TIirN Prizes wiIl be liv 1t tprias -A itatjtiftii f17pis>-e set Diskhe joz - Dua.tîuer Plate.- autdlj do>. 'i ' iittutdoen Cupu ansi Sautters iu ti. -ersu.ttuare tirut for any -one tut titi-l rif u1t' levuide the wamour. >tter Prep NUNLUDeue & imentyos.ît T o,10l for 25i, -SaIelso 10e. lb. HIQUINBOTjfl»M DRUO CO. sq Local News. Min. J. 8. nd Mien FloraecDearaa hase arrisai nI Tarouaso fCua Ptustdn >IER Y oaies r. B nqat. uautDl iltIo. Mehdialcorcncr.Dt lck Retas-sm. suad partelean ent aek. .aet n araher utC Mitionaporta ns- teaalb. Canadiaa Marahon Durby ruanai Turs, laIai un Satardai- lad. ( ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Sbuatne aut hagaut aperatins Ybsgaha a doauebricb daeitiag on Mit> St.. opposite Menurs. Stevsonata& 909, endietg rantn uandre. 1909 ening WasTt Lase-t!a Milton.rut-aMuudny, p.nî.,tndes- Mmi- 3rda tadi'sitrerwcth. Fiadur wittthe reardduonutsasug sae ai Mra. Lowe'a, Pis. Si.. Multonu. PaîiridBuaaaa efîru Fn-duti-e. Ofl t er tg lt foCr Pas> Wilia. warerlbu bas. ans there saeured :a gaad positon au irinroneut o_ uf tleadag dry gondsistoares outihai ri our pae M. E. Mitchell hua boutt a baIn ai Napauer ad tilMtonafIreîtutî saga yualusduy. basiag *peut Toui- rayonite taoad oC tba Miltonua h & Gasa Cflub, oftC chie hla naraemhrr. put î'us- trs fruin nuu Tise W.t.T.U. t ofthe tr opaion ibai il , stitit toone a'un ibte tia ta manirea o trube fr 'cits ruarr-t correct tucnt optonan.laMtona. air rIeofthu farttIhat maaay people. rapertailytheIb Youngc moe. a toubue la tbe leaiper. atre peupla lu opentahebu asaigu. and 6% rît cprenas cuafiere thut Localt Optiona.if aS iDiOlS c'it a psa nd subahitîrd t l pae. c wuaui rrrY ia apir ua(thie a. sais> ai $10.00. lhre-aClhabhaaadluap.-Cua. 1 zCupi anti Saucera. *W ELETmkr tMui priai-t a sscond con- Plame, Oig an ad Vilîn. Piaos Taaod aad Reputred. Adiesa-arnit S.. Miltte.. MACKENZIE'S toi "let Pration>. Jbu1msbddèIi Meu faeln nlyrtt-i.- tu'1rtttg ta loaiy bit s nttly tomiîtg ana il 1-tu.s.,auf ."t- th tluutte annulid apring boseileaaiog. Ifs- tutu tibtu aýr1«t 1, %v- s tii' emsu teto any articles abicb yout t,1 uft ,tsar auudh. 1,tu 1 t i e s1uit îbsi-utatt".i-. tl-,.! t Ammogai, 1t> nad tIss. t ' ut e u'atoMauitnuur t. , . a. Para Om aa maphr. ut-utt. ut. tu..., ttus'u.î BlaiS. Gaar late.. t..t u. tIrs Fîruenrit. CarhlluAçud. '-it. t ,tatButa AaI. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a - >' k- uu.-a Sapalia. t ~ u'.1. tatkCastie Sep. t.. tutt . tutst~r~, Pure Benine. ti'saaTaut - -uFace 'feu N'a tsah>rs - Initial Statoqory 1veryflg Ô Ti,tht.tte ittti ue lut the biguegy af ti statioa- ryuaf ers-baiDtuas at te pubibtauu.iaab"tlgetsa the farm. ibruxr>ftaitirdStiatiucrsy of sue Satibanpape> at tisemarsapprussut fiutshtb, tutneami a at heu -W aala a prputar prie. u cotmi-> raasttONLV 2%PCENTS A BOX. --be. Il you bave cme mm ru - guessed y. n Win ..0ve pý,ýt.r bes. nr be wrong aittu liT Mi'ON GUARANTEED. 'i arur Acid, Ds-ugg iat Spring Medicines armoa nu eop5 aas blond parubier. Mdr Nynin BBlond Paifirr.tb. gi-ns auentile i-item r*»anaaer. Ni-nia Spriag Toue. i. traTauBittera Cuiepu s-rap ot Mouena serbas. Blaaindtee.=Pilsl-se ; 3aCa0ac.0>apilla HersPa Litte Lurer Pitla 3 Car 35cu. Pure Druge la. ig a b. lis..Chare JOsb.e. ismahas-. la te auisdoau hiiaofmc'a& R'. Xuam..nsait. mas mrt.out iMe. Sp ana»-dauliagi *aat At tbeaaaaai ao tr thae @ o. 09 oficela o tbe Lesce, of 0f b7uabsabtI5* - ce .iay ma.âmyBapOsaPre- aldet J .HAsejlot V icea ffM.Mina . Suainsis,.iai.M. Mla. vie: .ri a I,..Mima Bogea 4th cleps a. In .Barre. BecY.Mbes lancheAadrac re rc.. Mima Radi car. Brai MulsaP1rRaahagPiaa. sa.uist 1 Man;assistetaac.Mu Pe.r[ Raaeaa. Hoanute.--CaartHarahy NO. 4H. Cantadina Ordar, of Paa. cOlt hutd tbeir acai ehaittsparadae.nSaudai-. May qsh. ial. sai. Stegbea Cbarhi. The asutahara ill amalsetasmarh Presbtyerian Chuaralas atalmuko' baP. and parade ta S. Butauan'se CharIlCut serie t.o p.aTrha rauterorfaiSu St.e.phna'uCbrh the Rv br r.aNotea. wutt adrea te marherauftC he ordar uta Xioatsiona. Viiiagbrthera uel 0outrHarahi. M'Att accouas ulag tlb. aaderutga ed msa b. nttiad e. ar heora Mai- ia. ortbe aegavilbe piard inusther banda Cr ellatias.-J. H. Ptaaueh. ut LoAs Auen rat>Paîeaaa-Braaptoa contaubles arres> baya sad aes chle taller un the seata. Contablhe Harvey- arrauteda ngaag out l.tety andouer ofais s.à Vi-casalaed Ram, as tb. triai cmiueasd pe uty la arder ta ahîeld tîbea. On heingrrastei for perfasi- bu waaeaed. uuafcaada pt bisaaopt the riae. 0ana cutu aittad fCraIsna an abrougbt hefore Jaiga hicOibbont. wbalet hila goao auptded uaseateeuud raamaisd gaelaa. tb Baucetyath atal-cr aCeauaaithair perfari- oa hehaitr ut rirahalitih.e antalea hase Ihets badeafCal. Brasaptua la ae he ul- ltawutirubird by Loufra nad ilach tbare aperjrrs- NaouTta RAilotaadsag asrcns uig R. c. s-ritbarsuaesmaet netird hi- May 4tb ar tlb, ait> haplaurd tn uther basasforcoll~etion. i'apsaea my ha made su W. B. Peasheraloar. Singerosere. Millen., as j DIsuNTonFRaPuAiNnFtr.-Yuterday. ni Taruato. Mr. Juaticea Mehinhu gars f agaa t for plautsff Car saiassaoul ta liasaut McGibhau ru. Leuarasse usai ut rlu.>er. as lb. auisualaetrui. The f aimeatSais-a'The sautitie aahdfCr aa siaed by hMr. ligKuay. aha hud bear.inan drug aurea nd bi pausadi.isprimari- exanatatl. bal gant àa leraaei heaist and draggsst. 'Lb. mfadants arr hiable Car having shruagh au "aatout erapoandeus--a lit. oau ut the Poiaona anaaed lauaheal' aie A ofth ib 5ct b.a a d1ector, chut wucatbrin. aaaaetparauaatlymana- ingg saboabp Pbasmaaretit Sa - niet-rv. itvhrrduautia 4 Q.B.D.atP. 6sqi. t as..,hedamageat*2155. ha. log @St vle sothe $is vaid lbheterlaary. These attt ha fadgmefrasaile authute natal gl sapla uarscouta Therear.screr 2so u cpes> f hdu Tesnt ltsa Pouad;u umetas40 corasepurad. sb.eoaueaer reatrves Ian e as l. tuceut01es > aaltb 0aàinta a rap. 'fLN»' araLCag uther hearge u erruaicist and munrtbalta Taoutes Piaa-Te.eday vaa ega.- lag day at lb. praerse u1tahe Milton Piltsuad Oaa. Ctub. lb. Culoriag acahn alleeupremat:tDr. Hacitanad H. saurv.auci. at ; tR. O. Dan.,o aud M. B. MsluhetiL Tareuse: jaigu lMcGibaa Brampon; W. A. L.arence. J. T. liaann nad Aschrites l,. Mit- tuan naMarrai- Craicari.Caapbelt- aill. Thon er are uo £nget. tir. Laa- au.. uoflriapliesandi'Mr. Slggr. uf ioma.Tboagb atisa geather c'a.Oea Casasable maa SJsetras caMr. .abe Pra.JdaSle;Pla.,W. A. Lac- Meus. Lciteai Ileaai Cuctosi DicMe. Dichrue. Madooaltend Jaili Mcglbhaa. Il ce. dasidilatastunes buaau adiltlam cluocs n . mcat Ose.. $y haie oadatioa Cor lads- ramsis. sad la Prenat Me.-Ciiaba cvlOs a radin ma ragaic taat i, ae-aa Fera m a haI ueSUlaiai 1 y7M pnraahiaee."Wh la "siDue- guises. ClIju. Wibluh ai parbaeaof t.e. or aucepi s-nnauti triaou Moe.tutameugunge-J. P.Lalty. matiernBlsin*.0--,ct-- Oas sabp a au gZZamC c ahe. M 'bai h G ie. aa ae. rrn2 m jnIauaRaa. >W. 11mlasa, rb ýbý(ar DAae.s. Jbhoandam IL aagtae W. N. .. ut rif~5j y t1 a"5r.AMati.Officies -garu .1,01.1 ai tiaoflgt-Hoc. Pr.... Dr. Usnaaa aana.-fta sutlct Mela ula. M.P.P.. Geos'.îýau Pros.. 498d iCa.là me Seanada» Canada 1). ilOsblio. Milton: Vie Pr,.. W. Gaisf blal.Bgsa' a -M LaaeiN. MeKay, Georgeluto;ites'y-Teeaa. 8iaa.4~psia A Mua.. ltene.fBd. Ryder. Actua: Patrosns. Net] Patier. han est Caa Sera.apaMaebma. Autant, Oam Mrtibua. Gerfes. Nue , bbu aUOa t Lini untig. IH. P. Waaner. Milton. Ait AU sbvneo.% ttais hMWa Uaptahattosier am are tgrouble d-Uffl e-& m. sMnach. aqa1q. ln g.ttlaggetaa beansucr Cfte bih PasaM$aM bsaaumeetthe msaisbmutai they bave ta pur. ilsas deriild sueumi Umm "barrer lisg,~,, tat ut. Ryder. usf Ast.and W. N. go tiu& »d asme ami t as l t MKay.otGeasownsrga.luadjuud.a b mmichsn he esanouMr $ta " g 50Breaaitsaa uta day tutontultuiti tt mat itaeadeeaaoai ara o,, as eaaaaitieanad repust as ite aras hava th auco anmdcun hormeeting oftLage. us u abat buaber, et Iba pracia. tisoan l n ltl Mid tha tteCcate. tie utf Georege- gho ceU oaa prodits aproper evo~iaisaga, ha. eigiied ta pit r Asst.w attang tois ffcaaont. The Heratd tai-cGerurgetturaatIl lIN PAaaaLL. a Psaa.-Y.ged&a a e a _fasttesta. Cuahutitte PlicerMagitrate itar.r levere Brthes>. Torontaill tie'sd su bern tb. charges preeerreai gaait> r a asiut,(issus tauuuý as uitolu aiaea 5rfait.of uallae. in. * bon uta ie taoup, if ytat uuttutint it» 1,!,5 pressaos aIaupeetir Orr ttsaitd autas_____________ elgbt eu. of aMe., The prousaitaa. ibm*s deeutcustisas the aiut bataiged T nd r W nt ca man araaadChipa ua s làd rs nti bâtiame ss. ikhb bibi. laaid bu -na hotdiag il aaga Cafr bh anie o t,.rtes h ,,, lisder.awhuc'iabed il tsute, prupert y, -,aueuu-bsst o.ttuth'_ aceuiaesihrasaeuuagshi auaueroutMilton for tisusa tu". WtirigahutbameutathutIbs . l. . ful. l ai ur, tut , sutts. rt. apt. t Whe li a t a dIouste . M iantths aaduuutgsuduntuu1 thth.ubsuu P. jant appeed fur the peutuerutturu y f ay aa T. J. Btanafure th. detasse - JAS. WV 5t.ut Saanui. i Chaurusun Sueets auud litts YATE-S' SHOE STORE ai srne o ulrr ospetirsucîuîbiruutuihu'teoeAiAthý,uewtu. MI ON IN QUALOTY ar m usibepru. v ire vethe ssputatiaarf ib nga tçtýreibmcu Cern. AitWho aasî atwayastart fo uisoreus. Rhpalrlmg a Spolally. Opposite the PaI Office. WILL VOUR OLD MACHINE GO THROUGH THE HARVEST ? We eao uupply a ira 5. C, & trottouI tt WILLMOTT BINOIIRS ARE FUIIS IIUARANTI'I- and tta ntendiog pua rc-rs as sas'y rr aioè, and get one of thte beat snatuhimruusade 9UWw"Ai New Prices The 0. R. Wil1nmott Co., Limited, MILTON, ONT. 600D PAl NTSHOIWS GOODJAS5TE AND,,FTEN. PROSPERITY WC SELîL TH[I I ... Ta etry àurtains, Osumdian Floor Oil~ i widtbs, ait95e> lbasq. LinoleUme, ai widlths. * VISIT 7OUR, SHOW-J :Galbraith, & Cc ý ~/'RP~SHI>WING miur nqte Fl"aîuy \trsttt't is t entits;tîu n o t ljik.e. 'l'besyate thep îitlportng borugs. We res-e-owitg tithe iewsti th e ooigsbrownqî r-tu t rnefouS8.00 to$25.00. ~ SHI1RTS g Prices ramge f rosa 75c te i Nice Sui ts liait correct shapes. ts-u Yut tra iuat's tut'ifuir fthuu- ti 50 duuu m S p lpany fil INGS! W. Bew5' Son5, Fumésai ilon TOE FARMER5 DANK CANADA. 'Ui tbttu ilt-ii-r'. CAuIr Tut AL. u'u'ts f'u t "ut jtuf tutt tutu.f i nia't i> O i SAVINGS DE t i t utu t i tt41 tu rd MILTON I F. K. Uunter, PA RZ ENT BRA C H A. C. IDEA>tî~ t' uIt itit FRAMED PIOT l"aiuuy Wuurk I3uuskt'tfrit> f If itl Papi-rtittand ttu os' 1uut-u iug. Chfildreii'sU Jurdeti Sets fruil 1I iiuiuuuuuuii u iniitg stt iuu5ttt tu f FK. IIINTER, Photographe Machlnery R tuf all kida rouiptly atteinde SCREW FACTORY, MACHIP AieAil Kiqds of ELEC \urket, itier, asndl C.pper 0 AiT FAIR PuICI:. SATISFACTION GUAR P. L. Roheri-son Mi - g. LES titi!.' i. >2-'.' t Statloner. pa irs HOP PLATIOG1 I ~ NMILTC MWsi igau it. ' h. - 't ~b. ri h - sr 09 b ia i- M.'etre Ds liale-31 ae5v 5s tttuisîut ut uswllbave t 4dsuedibgaok4 P ROGRESSIVE yet cor«ýervative manage- ment bas produced a safe, sure bank for fariner, merchant and laborer ir. The Metropolitan Tamoe saie DrB fta and Moocy notes 7 D5flK Orders Bougbt MILTON BRICN""Wu B. CLEMENTS, Manager. 1 ,-Tl ý ýléý ýYj 1 :AR ]K DN,