Ib Wig .fe hons. l'c," ftic Uear sa-, nuo, 1~~ Weo th ie M iheaowan lh. 1» oog la b. am s he be.m e . o hca Aa ll l. 0 VIS sa becia ti,,, g a i,, lott c ccdd obat b aoc. ologe Anau-ai bm i lmoa a h aIlta lcoh cd lact o. aaag he rch lke ral c coe lhe plce, Tcc1c. cWealdoothahcechiera o l l.,ilhroseCaaa l laI.TaaMy a gr méo ut Se ororad lo ,aet c veu-lm inas*t S S b. e u a e p Sal cf1a I ad cb.otM" um ami id.roua1a .ela1h l kta lae i nspreInUTE ,.,a me l o a 0 . lc ca, c..lgbiia ce laaala c D aclo a m I a q e ala O a u o.e I a e l a g Ih al m m = aieW l . R atfis - 0 1 le baeapae M= et. -buth.ooi iat h.tl iil<ilUth ib f olle ~~ l te ufrtlhc H »r h o aelle, eV a I I Cttm mfOm 1 E *".~b SO e s l ,an An il'a. iau .bf , aa..hW. t. b t cI rpmerienlJ e nos.cr.Wgae I yiic~~:,af aad aa h oyupcIe ha a fi on oit 90thbL., Vbîà t an fLo aic. OieIîîIJ P I L L . i e e». lba.ugSa £ o lets'o a "" le b te est. cia b iaT. an à M mitau c IWOImg OfBâu malS I ouba ha ofhFoetaà,ce h.tesigig h o o b >f or elae&@, o lbclai cd h.,licShow'SCc e lai."dc c.eha . bag nl mchI VS - >hIia A It it a boeî ba ani ua h Ienolanu oamillho-- -aanio eTb ei.cîd îooi.et ccThe rom o o O r. eTmi.laj>,3l oa.e in l i îcl ocat i lie iod he-ar afaord1 Tr woleàsyaeu. aa aid Ierabe y l icai i a lapucciDessin%- pl, aa ie hmoupll 51.B008ibg aea.Nul'1L 0 lahghfasusf r - îA -î h t , cmil clfi. a l'emos Ierla-if Miniamplecc.on aoiil lIce e coT b l ca t M Mcoata to à OC.oa aa k APfeferAa chie bI te tîleg s a" cd a hcOaven iail'ceoeaeoas Il ni Étais uni" £Yt a af May Ic Pari&,* ewC 1, hvniic upc hl Db 4Bdcd iI haabcaloumaahlc iu 1 and1iiia aly ofcthenppcctie bruits. ool MfacMM cteqote ba i>o I oi ,bPg i tIl~ D > ~ a ~ I* Ul oeVt T"lcclul oa 31cic e o rwga H érons newih fnd of a g aial icdu caac iiicoi jaao, e» 8. ate PI1llIIabr.r.al-l Kil.e C f- llo. bc1aà1de . ah. loto %*hors ll ol ceicl odf w eIN yon-î 2iang On 11 YoOcmdobarTronblan]air afacain the eILQh. Va a OSlIet 0 alliéeste bel ua bu woIpIn d tI l an iT. 0 1 cad o iîir p l c e c ii c , cith ea c m at a k a î d e c o î y cia o, .licstoac k c e . f f l a d l . m c a e y à-po r t io n , Ite uu a c k ' i b a l 4 Yf pc m a i T a a o h. a ie c l h e h e y O îa eZce lliohthe. "C a o fia e, y apoaaa o frccè m iO . e a e S lmal h a . I l g o e « Mot . 1r » 1 i m g oIc, aîega-c iî ifycc hol. ouhtetrbah..'aFoaed c cc m0 cclicboaw e wa »eleace "vacu abe aiPte Pthe co@" dem bir c@W ou P &ter oï. de --Voé -----ThaccachMr slo me. hvo o eylawu c lonobt cf k o c k!clt.c m«PaiWrenilgt«o gla ý IN FVE M NUTE . ctelh usc lo uaeiccau bd nc.be . t a c it im. o ahéeea .bcly abrlac. aM= onuic iil.hoaclllccI aliebH iaald'o ccong. h.ieae tic. .pwonldomaco oî - teaofauet. oro B" M.ro=al ih. ia- a.I>ula -îî ui i~ioccaccai u rg5 cau cUl ~ ~ aicou.lictoe 1k, hced a 1,iD"o andaeoo iWhk-b u.îenph showa "y 48 -ii .iciccy.acctt. cihm c ea cl a tý atentog ofdte Cen tu- ac ecîc Ie cra tacclla ienth ai. my cDuapaiU e Il ilIndiestin Dypepse, Gla.mml lc baah.engae.mauecoit hac dia m h.ly. hTc 11.0 dilo,>mooou Be i ,fi , l c *c1tar o icthrc fi de s h emotteIl raIS a c a ially I., H tc"F M: g -aa.I o ico .t .u ia c. i lsk i- y ur to1ic .o uble eal. cI fourai! nuee il ty int - tc lef y à ecmpl lajy a lilIu m of ba ieccbh cce D a ca.tTb a candu citil iiitîci %,or îagha c acstSet bo ltsamon peocct 1.Ldpllàa.mao9.me hlOMcMcM acj Tat*ego &IMMIIça.BaU0&- ilîc,,l lii..îiiii, c-Chcf ca di 0( pi Inlre a--re,.n . Id 1hjld oattnon t. ba'...tiomàtF 10 "6 U O m b faOi d- fvIinfv r ic éticz ic Aire. 1 a Ihgonde sotteai c c hloiîsl ufbal h . relbhaa> Thin x Taiba îqo De auticcd .casovieilcseofui]ec nter. aDenoli ot. alBneteeeyCadli . maiJe i cO cco aag= Rheutl0 ccc.oy a Batholdvileeof m aentr- c km. eond oAL,.m r.m Zveo-Bah 'WMCca W mwmu lse.l ««c mtâ » :al ,oa..fr rto ubCa-c. n i ta or aei thefa-cca t aecimtllme,ê ACrià.I- 1 I f lVii Orc.0e tilamf alc , c cc w e o har th o a - t ea oum in l. ha .df» 4. Iivlbal t « oc b d hoSalaDIOS M OS.ow od n o Sed m u f Our(-,l t lhhucalna bm - bed. -" n . a s h îiean-, cco bo. .e-hnoocclcoaacece lafacaBhHy AEci dOeIttih.atcMM 1eu.ia MrIa %%l amtt rd., ctd Th hto aha a w ew juéatT tm rai w o_ r otceaIlO l u « m ne t cads-Mm lb '" i iiiv iuc2ioacia~a ndllhccfu l ll al, ya . 1d la ,cioi. el- 010k S ben a thdl" agmalc eu cuI.. Pol.., B fidrtbir. gpjý n bir fs.t-cd.c b cet Aa- or han deicieci aucaco caiao -cc i hier co frl odad tw U m»tâ becho o us bliu. o h ýv dig lor frth Slr. foa l acbualelne cl bc ol. a oaPila abl vuSa um&* lu v i Mn 1 coon. ailaindq l1 Iea.lteef leh . alceiîa o n efly. L c r u dcee t um roblh. d ,. - P ru e . ol Wmen Éb a 1 . mvc t .r h > m ic eh o atl anoir p cdldiffleCar. tm aI F .o l'- aafond iathe ý e . a tum sé rég h .o,. of# M L i e ur a eb t Your m arotunli ndla fciaiylielie,1 tueu na wi znq oit PoIo1lsc IZI i EBCce. If Von, al.>.KDo-.ei %mfwIo-euandomnotéIlla kit.aaa oteie*Out, Uc parle ha riit min M ahd i1Purtey h eta o e taw. * Ai1un ,t .I. e. reul aspf ba u troulaedta.Sal jPi atis ortie * h W a 1oifO M t a a> bit u M F lo urau alecouar.n1ex bouelec toîce, alclope Vbl.bem or op. Oorq,? 1 RA f' fond treah importatifnsOcm. b1. leao fka, re of tnsoireynd re ,lufltpr v nircoule h fa, ÉbatIl, Je gîcca ed.ofi-'k FOR CAS saifc o yi mh akig.al een - cmrl iesntt l Jivl-vt Y - Iole "e-d l ý'ndjgestod f-di Jeu ~heobsiai«nueof yl.s" aller ccccpiycWbat di lb. docte. aaysvatiocs. &Digtra 0. Oaho Tl th'iýo h y 'an go, ré sahc oeid ato"il, s ftok a g h maI1N , o b ge n p oer elt h . -uk PoebUz il acl i , T it r a ly won bé uet a L O R . t h e e lei aliO d e ma i n t h , m n a e t Z i a t mmut e i . ' h 7 p t " i i - -- i. c c of i e ca d o c! e dpa Co m m c m aile a nd-c e e d e a n e e. l a t in t e r da ba. nte mta , e e " b s loi'S e e n f r D . B W valii. it a#yc arcoO"f Poîcay. ahcy t prcc ent e okn ieu .- abshowa liso v la hli .Mraxl o m ba o 1110111109jo liii - ,î.eccleutIigayeccMceInoaboutolicalitheten ai a aoccnglarduclfilaaaave.M[aooatca baI A cii rlaic .g e f raenff mntOk of cotO.eaheortceat ue.PaU p baiai; ie T %-l. alon le Do«Cire W ýly I l-. St ionmu>l ortlm cotinu a h the itaI iet1 floe lie sffre mretile l amBu I so e um o r.aIls, aa- aca pondoca, onl eiea ndter dme e rignmbe 4 n n]ts ibal.uDU'hn tt h rs W Ut ua ' a ' o o d . P e r r w n e p u t s t o t a y é il d l a i s e n t I f e & W a O u f o p i = k e np lat ac ee *la ctI cln o The ol Tsteess iquur, rugPainandsickftg bada drectacton Dgg""ad lioes, ve-t ar muas Srgo a nd ob a S C r e . n m t r u b le Ét nt eli e ed r o n th e ell . a b ox , o r olo h m t ain Z â m B ek e .,- - - - - - an mSJ &of Pri. Fmcat ilmw Pciii..,~ a- , - -- c il chyle- iic.gi - ~~~~~~~0e, I--I iii i cccl SI il t' "-«4 loue Id to iiake oods L$ONi VERS IVER -le ah. enna lie'I. I«iI ~5 TED ýLE 'àî> U#E