banK raumanpromu a e Mlsa;btS.etre n t hor ant tliaSses ayur a bl a tan olle. Hevarau bar «.tlaSe4pa.the a 18m ua Le lieag Bisa rbd. bf hniapru odihe elg sv e niheB»b ats halltletlhmle bt d Soma or am leaM Iltonn ootsmothincmgoaaà lmsagli-e9-dTsoita a t a tha Pope.limiaehaddusé bmutas.mistcadttiseIlistaà islgomn*"hM-t1111110 - ot ahlog a dliilgciuaga t iba Vraijuordaa mi MAni atmWtm et gocd0sIlas 9Npaaowlo hoprit o'ln lnlate senrbiM s ablralsthaesMt" aSe&, &W t ledPtlie M » mD"aiu aeU' emes li Pn ebsef ot. l am n lue or fiso l d»sis fir s SM o t MMaW trifauourtbocm b (meW ro.Mu bt&o.ire caqlebitgosuff btdmUlire. l&es1- 2 oicbelumnlgnd toi. l;rtmizl:le;toou aetamackops» o teublbi1aiWsm 6oDnt h deleeed eus esaiaSsmt mteur miaiothhW" t IÎMasuiai :.Saego Mtrat * opur Prtsos sp~lo on at Dpam.Sam eaty s iseloAi yleste ie shomueBzTea s omw sirlit Su ld e t4aceorea Hmlglird MD5du1»As mmAti e thoe.n m.Sont prssent 7i a arin e mlt oul aSsuo ft., aigssrdopotilnp -mars d lae 001 autth &Imltel Sa st.sstsg e nM;ý os romL. tisellosto, ahierqsave ut - s s.a.routas, ltoussé Saisooamnih s hoe im<nne.Fr -um MYiers-htbld bbleos N y amou asgs barirthhsîS hie, auS S soioetl 51<0signef advanced ass. iBs îhrsooeves cit htotl a d lbrovit st u nbis baudl.ho ami la tb Heclis gs r cit nihoaouba n to. col aidmssre So Fromtlubat hia.soth ord botihe, ho oni Sa las h duerast rrolowhi tod bar ilttlMontsisssMostîMslr otrils irnt h ue hnh taiS osto m tihoae 1 oarerify PFerroviase masud s. Thaitas uhaldoze eatourt of oi, ei asoa ia I qot o d Pim.t lletremaed ioday mY daghesog etoierels asil urs eil com li c edulIf cln ocoor yte«yWW hemthstsbnr sc. eeonmtlljhfl ase si emdumerhae wIolie »uolad Z. 51 Mlii oaiIt ea» tlia. for imitatios. e, iscroosstr nradO eteai".it it aoMeee ..levonrr hs us' odimg aici auts o t I -S msfblpemm itbe Sepiser «RdiMdi68aa. speomre tsirttsidsr il en idrte. .trootlher odd bait flaorsr s Ss lg. fl o ilmt C lialislsstugha £ igay lo li.hses$ýronstalroo h ouricot] sot. smg oparso e sc of. gsgoin# oth w sotset t -paamla s t .5.sil 1îid.'r frfauteduis?.tome isiaimisios pediouet, shae mapl m alasn s seesemeraseul tad aS &Wsnte doIl s onr ori nasaserai e siole hinbol-entere on"ces'Dr. Grmuol'oeoWoma mn otras' SporsoioCam"&d. peulée in11.milthieo iti.8 gecett a rn n ni oue itoli bit&ars isinte itediieaopom iae st U * by W. J. Taylor. Wsoussol. Onte.,te rspidersr11l.1r lahce snaàsin aprier m scris,.i9doon dscilbsiageron otn atttheontchai lbi y.saler i. by ivl in s mm Signe sed cmrieus traumaleds oand For a fées dalm uho a o SS abatu outer n ae Spteor s um te aos ,baae r & os h rttinosi 0 h l'.shng asd bâtigame banesugeap tr juroSnos f W < ti seotecolte aoamsoogSteossresgtoiSabrt.seg.afla t dr1tîuos and acrosios the mlâchant a hr ote ltstoray. Titis le a ettintSoti clesitedis. The rs-l SaheMg amalieu. A ae et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Tu aahnueohlipet tleamnlserbrscpeeets ttutr n molirSi ai t adged le the Wafnoofn alut. Roatraodut o01ittopHep:rl ai amme ofsueide ar eoraemeto tose.ersplasrdrdor iessem sniBraum 1,t.aaI.» atorustm iosT ose ae- m rtsd, csi thses,ite aast. r ol har a rs titsp lit tdrcu oa T.aitmit aton oairi rise - e-alr Iou(rah ai 1 ulor mtet"r marioseoaAillaasiere opot. Thiturbinsi a foslit haii beii foss. osr boimohbucsgl l.,t< 't'hsitacy of «TO. AI ep tes iub-. l'lourd AnormalCamp.. la tcainîm WORSE TItAN ONIO)NS h inte mSonly.Iftyo serasonitarrai At A@ soiad nest meymeikmat eOl m h ltrartiie5.ya sprciat eecestttre asd teresg sotosd obseresàa iors- te crtable blise leuotS arn S ar i em b an utaoo, lte n loiaf i. pom cesait, aio r" rstem ndint oo. i sos oS idspeetomea eintisy tetmarroa-lae Abylinte ic ho ont sflite U&s M pom& Mda lae i l -or eghase dieo. e O vtonee y ith par or rlay spm orte TosSa i llta aetattemmSd o -b . e ts sem hlte t S si77=an.aI utcà i.t ~ ~ ~ f tere04 sitp.tyumigiti n oreri ent.ors à,aofrvsengs iauoat h el S tahosehet.o es liluh it saenof Tir aitIabc mmPaiL soattre th at h OOllho AlSuT atod. ltlirsfltoletu le . d gaipîsi i a rbt eaa tis' otifoh.. Sce* ythbelmi0 oteroglos soosels uim aPPP I tlmmafeto à' Stteth ets sd.cre Itali au lmead as reurob r. Ith erfetommoit oreoe licousinbdt a aucinlsd r relirlua.S r Tesos e ti sitsoae tlestui Joei, O iandtubshr o a - ai e ir e sto. p aser p . carosurtallitve msssreps oso he rose yam hsad ett oi turnolinctt vtrau Se eat t es, ni mctSe e emn l.eeoi iea Wh o iaorar ary 0 hr Ifo ns hveaaleb<r asrlai ierl op- acty PWn raltetrurgin i e llfutirrs sendtti a evolort Bi o - o at d - c ad o.I --ratti e ,fhyit oasrdsg iinteee the si oo.ît auer gsflatlnan d uruasioes of Osslbtartheiaotheurvixtiatr o rtar aler opply te srongtli a ji'DSe ol Pto richearca-h euitoo n ssosyor mtalts mifsitrl. i sse lir ite sai ol 5hr oi-yir as smciy e freut e AsihyS iet, Mdsoitept qr n uE t "a lihom orrltet igeietîr ocacs- uoi, Easuy A5. resut baioxto i--saa etrohsia l,,ethe trisuf hsy ost, trsurdr et. Sieinet M2 turnage Mdile r at s rti t Malheu57r tad 1. laseorbrOe lseilta'Is litirotierfcrslrosi raco pea vier and tloesaee ee otorseste 'Tt<rtr<ilihare tgisesa àam-oly of lis oe - i'bo e at uliseloti-Mdheo au n s asegcattr.g b encaseon l otard off s doueeursold atteraits or god hsetieg triât aisy. bot fslnilîr- puise. Vhse lie l u m ei mi£M dd sjoh im peoomy t h tuegoraehe ratotrtauesthealsa r tdeeiosshai rl i aaetlordsouse flî otlelom solta.t i- usestaui frtirchi by Captalu Gray, a susther.liatsomnid ha THEo'lcasOY .tai.rrqarre. VoforcernifhI asd fise, gire as aholst*asudcentuplâ te aire toi ite oo.o-ptgsoro <ami Scal ei lleur, sbs lias eosigola sti ort a ellsbr. slop liesoutop. bars }tgginohioDrus Co avasera on, orltuat aeteliclitai ut'ienttiir Hultdsonu Boy tee uhlty.oeeo ele. Ohallt cm spý H ES A U a aeios nd frustrsi raehoilye usanecroermade litOuMr-mt,aahe litsycitadrsierd tceorcrer wtira As esprfeus e tsotieg mses. Sot ai dstiam rasttsmredhai adockl. EVIBE SHOWN. radite 0<oc sysueso oih lia.Hati- Jtabit hlaho heey gase a goacastes tur th total îjs, lesugiliot time glvea culghtl te hbis 11 that 11111e 0is ms't tryng ta itloui s. licrPria a per bion, aiailcertcoosvico nreledîthe ooi irtrîfr s. Ssss'ors.r Wiugrolihoitscsmo ýr . opiniuonsa ecuepestbog Saheommeedlmtlli lreadYt BuotÀldoastseosit durais,,foosrd i isra hiis nticreels esr naigaton ofthon caars. GapWDta uimuttb.t A eeisîaly Sld laOau VtEntumiat oSid. Th it en a ina bodirarrd ad. Itero da ete trtat is hllu f aihe ..N,-sf ed t h e jssag rsote À Pesisenty Ged agute. Tra", usoisse. Iil <oir Vî,ri a o-orerd <bt as orrupipen uiboilteHuslon Boy route a u pssible ont- somauDll. "Uiebisla la ishep.'5 Corne ando1311ma1,te raiwgêtenItî i.ipuoiiitOlasar ur - , e :i lietIreSeaatuae euttemiçusol esrrdrnuai-r lie ueot le a trrr dicstt11 atsrrr tir let lac aie reatralCaaiena st , era eatirsoy".nr , ir sdajm isr aluyýocasit Heprenteer S-cc talirt amdine an interies gises dhatesghle Quoind mlattiS. ely for your gprig vol. eV, onitrsrc tri rips o tIfa hnils esty, arugttaally srrestri ai irc -aeploit, ithuaeorasrdituorr ucsuos short sloryay 540t.s hal iseons" asulAe e sue I sara., esaaraurt trsog o t anenr a peuor oathiaitrobhorit ssd ir a botieg gitaulcosic a siiyl i tma p! eto Sos aiht aussids Yeuo ndysur f atsroiemnbrbuti as sbs blifo e toi orre&empeod alomly dssth tpecilml»Italp? ht b ssl ni seBo - tae..ruftaii0edtrl r.ot lioi roiai Uourotacg lrtsatuotuci. t i strs e aGsoeiiy peski.-V <te . 11rr a tle- i t e bu hosoat ris tra itm mr- ed &- UPm4- M il W o ,ait.gTi-'ur o t.e h. iW'sonà, in b hemmaÎar-la abr f vlcfie' utvteAttelngâbh s fs»wetoltai FRANtrtAna toc iliteuioang tetfast ml t,luusa ndtrrrog daterh fûte trguiddeshlal roi oi uaruî ol hlso gate-nispps 0 7 S s c a lhle ru îgsrîs "lM ntaiHal opkins-iar r a s eitotira usje athealuast]. tellsgod sport. rotai 00 ta r-middle aI Joly titaeSensd 0 et i. -pa rigatopieMte. ai iýxdotse aIs Wlliauing , g a ipronnuse. a- desttr itali t prsidsd tir e hirbmdu e r, c shon it itas Ion oalet ilc.,thistl.ucoplesrt. A frmun e te Oipresottlie oaestu bhodoruetasetaiasa<tiirinal absoiut glotasoftheBayhoulorttsstrata 'huert iarinlurptia -Cr rAllitebasigol. broa oi osa is. hr. a l l i1 t ne rouetiasar e.iaaad cit ima. ùvensuilMarge Nees te. ofti.s a "Io eurvidestanid<u bus ueel ituSposce» u aI nttriatlt e oeis agged lin"lm& rat ho, a our,ar.iaardret NirLeiregf.¼imt ah tomi -hutbsba s 510718 FARMENS COMINO. eteuld b. idle foe ai lenrt sWtt lai.aois te&trisrres.y rieo etat oth.vii1ssii motait oftheitermefor bain f dp Etrnlilp [ r iciocgritsli use staorcr-,Jobs lrisg, WoorIan yomrs bragbt Agetoaltutal Espets Will Bpei Bs- ail onstructions Sej seia nat ..horlasiai,tdoIUyLryspare- srsol aeieii,-nenuîsriî oute IneCanada. maosloofnavigation vosli lue «le I SO I *iepsccdl y5I C, Soli- sudatttreverra asptanild ondto a n thecinritatiosIf thesCrâedSeptenbthopiteinrtter e ru.ilafîrof aIAn.oax!-.byfortlosihul iimailktacashsatube. Gavremuet. a mromnuaSentrt- Wsals.liot lis sOponssal bythis u rutisse. se ier utrrooeii - tuabmgCUlrit ruteroilàathesroteautlthe feuriez aso roi.'ae. l'or Oves itoijeVois. fruaruu Doinion. The objtrofthe vuiil Vhs bat barbr ho toeBoy la "Sat M-eseaocs eorau, Ta o r t, hu- es ts-taltdera saiepeedent report ityet Fort Chuschblfl, se tabwret SilAlhiHAlOS WITII ASTIIMA. weutretait«. If diuiurhud staiemoi paas elui gurlots i pl tsltbm tt a iTr - h tretasa uy-,î use bphoa aslacritaimot- o gricolteemoi Marters il a nsada. Fortethe tetels la n o h Aastliydîrr1n.îrî nsastieus lai u .o einhpartsiu o"r0. ict it l iiortspj sensreeost. Si. el bnlimeotes h geo r agit I urnlosrouaa tlsotlgsep ro iio nslssow' ra auiv e h. tiune& aunrspied 0, mile ot Janetr aybo y us, .jse o Brc rni len ed qan-itcr hal- a. Sieistoeeitesliso ug i .a oas risy el tis o shallas taperomit ite - sas&" rstahotooe hao sorrantg rire rarI lu -s . ocous. r=miatuu. oea .mta.thhyoa esnua th.. l'aef od àmaceis.n till Soitaouifusahatsemmtsanses su1 Uer marôaaaiiv h isarratar tasImmie tasos. easdae camoor ountrp ta the Pre.sIn rois inserith e Hudson Boy Ce. tl5ioooimi - ~ lPlEE cou dasornio(bariusn t si iab ueraircu a -seruecr. tlu.. suu- Aesosg tSos hsit ounaa i tu brs liesS oienio05 aoi.Sa uuaae lirahi er ntu . IDM5p t bin5 ta lasso ca t ali s totoi, pave, ses bicthJaittu lîs<ioic. tieaaaîrî lt to.e as--. toouulotouaui -sts i an Si Jonyinlai.. rser&aofab hotthSe aauolie. TEaepbi c stmereletsseuaiueint. laa5a. ilenirrarraiio iA tts5ma uoessteli.9tossas P*te ty Id <lie beerler lire cthelasul, Mr. aoss sunilt ns eounoi trip te sblyswitbsveryontriour seof marhas. ur .uieitîiriarra ,oîa re aot. rqa abosuff.,soi rd mii. rseotusa Jrrite Spies, Meton: c Brrr rt By fotRaln.&aie s arr, , a rrB ..a i a.tss renitieth, Ftroitaid iresAnt Hope. Mareptiili, rtcraitraI tlis sppluesanmd goo a ul u s ltand g diA RMt.IAMLEdi She epms îtjse, aictraina. oBr us Souait (ribsuuhr i Agcrulur: Mr tosfur. lte British iit arl.itVs fusil. LOCaI SaleBiaa maWs d d For tire oanes cur lhlita.asrasre AlîCmes Nlgssee. aso Cei As.. Jahnte Itrheslit Dabbui. (ene o rus siuild b. in luroitios ony b uintseiiW thou thot shoppiog hees la sais. il,. bituresagazini. hrof.onrugtis. ycnui-tnstitsou For MILTOtN soi sdjsalslug If Vp a oits sur sari for asliies 5'05 -nt-aa lilius h-ut 4 -ul tr alofio! tse .grirtttarsl Coloege. lFcontIfMontrei the uttlitais vero- rlotostrrssuterepresant ruatueottrli lisrtuer. 'fi, A.M.t furn- c( aludd te gea - aruiýttru1dsine leogosTuetProS e M nus-. ristcgti. rI cli pcIuovd ta Fort Cittosiili ihctran tar e 0- rr nosaînrsuen wRctecs Narth rrrirn, o! i- rWuai- tcM ar r tons scrîSur. NS'Mr Herr- osd tsitue'diahocgsSte gcsolaeport sCo aoîO oîs oic reotesi If ose place me article bslote Tit 1eThr iiruar nrdI lorr.nai bNemoursa bleohanu oru-ilam auraîlcasul tesîrood astosn .seýtee. Mcr.Jsltre fosrly, et hbenr essg.Thon essslsg tSe Boy Nererle&" etlerinsosr as..orncous r ni-on i K aupot it o rnsg the are- r rr e-ustspiftrtia rr 'est qtdlasd, Md ir Polt 'Cîrng. thse s oua -lie eouloi tukiet tte Unsa aot.esp tate. igli.sumla r otuf . -ne rar inrritif the tRrerr.Ja-aneN-1rarnsa rfraoerio s r nrsipîrtril o:isdig supplie@ si Fort Critgim s gg Whiui te sisassin Mote liesma uaphoie ll o trilsmort is m e e t un, andtracîaateul by isisege tt.oias.'iulafr hitacu o sclucvtig thepro-ritooil Boat Cansdien Arstiiiss. sdiirloaeeteoPe rwseero tomre n dmit, farmiersoeru e er "aesener. sali. So ifpyouoy ep wselly amefisi ilo r-ati tue hersas' aof rhe ar %,o au-i- <rai Isiuua C. M.Burto. thli milr nlionu- ad rusai St u asrts otlac sito *cece ai os egards frustl prosusg firtha etaS punIt litsly libass. hereshsiopping tr:r2 nt<,horacff t rombesr u. Th-a -esa r eru-rnaa .rss l'a n- oSee aatra1î-s r-rtsacihhoe br pr~ieor o ie russentses. Htgl paireus for ail sslrcu aet h ip aririri-I-r '.Icri.lontwinchrsaheai.Iau 1at 50astr-rraees)nale.naire-a i too fisai o hisorie raii-pormaa earrnl utaschor ima uiloi a oit. a"s"fersasistedoueinetheeuoe. rl., o-- rrniirr I,arnrt nolelulacor. aieou r s esioitf r lo--trr pe-i nat.rrro eicHudsonsBsypCoi.un ad is stivr gaussaasn isrTeasaudemeursiferrtooc. E. MARCHAND, l .ia r ar, nurrsarr-l sohitaratisa h.iepopeyoftssp trosp al 'ai C latihneolt at o r driurri oupoot wcdl Dsepstocki.0 i v-r the Vai olassseistaodrmg the AIOTHERS, HERE TTV S!r Aurin ofaI Wlitesniic The lsmtane. iiily ant<re rra" oerrai pYea, Onr socklascomploeslaoevenp . BI LO orra n as tigrsntdclrsof vraoarr i.r- Bath Mric otuemed bis cite sec dspatt.seaciug aeewlst tantair a ias tte. Mrsitter ofFir- Alreu aedaacu arsorsosiog tesatoreatierr)theati r nrai I a r'to aînbe Fmor P t. ehorfe s. o aurlsties shirt sues loose onsacrd ur tirasîinseltAs.aardora<etaont, fthhe ularuland 1isgstsitaiainrc-n~nr tcesabticeamîra. i 5 aWaulat.- one aliment that Inn rareap. s--litait liient nergaiaiis1nlaifrlea othr cerofSour e aYs &"C1 Vsrgumt eloias Jutlfn lua o ltehaî ns b NT E LSH ometiasi tie a hestrutif it' e parieru harue Perrnslire 1,- pemnesnt iat laon ith tosnîitaocy NIiS bu h o o bd @mda b fot TIORS itTU PEI. saou indgstionaaoro esrohe r sesin i oho .Astit n Ifn m ,slcPrinIsesls u. reeervud for Élie. Popsesebly. blglit andi h loinais. sile lo acoe. h aluyo a teors.dile u eîuo r cantshc e coât " ., sol the rrr lice ar-u ne ]i tTue lPrieurof ai hosPt m d prsu @ampleo est out.e.. Vcte S otrseeI.nuL S.m g ,h afo,'- ý%atnei ruet. crru ais ib ricm a oaot o a d a-nd omtreet be rril - n .<i a ilrfi M n a laeri abtgrrhoie r ub ati Rec -sr.i Bton i ir1t e tits et rcivsDeBt. tos Partiules fieainorai oo,.a.ntiefunofPtavoue arhdatgetecase aoscr. Aaits o. Mesrtn.rWra tenttro car cu es b oal STONE a Esscas.eON ileSa bhua F t, "oh lieesal ctice'ivsafsgurotralihnts asontuornuel uts e are 0 ru stisnuroota ca- Walfecn & WcrlnPoIbarStetWIVheM.altb t <uic ohl n I'; Polffsito trsiliror Gt e l arsige 2c.a-u s rtccarretile huais tronrthr se e lwit r t - t i uttrain Bag- itc m u u<b (40 a«) os hIi- ol olle f rosi yosardoeaerrr t Citsatmi laorprererrtasar lsed s- Qsehloa soiA oieli bas ne Isaonnure. 7 -0.. - OSeeneo. B muas r ~~~~~~~Belle Isle Park. but o ursaspreeulsr aiossul ear Minc laSemoiellog adaiorapp M.oi wftomfGa. Del r eole.ycte u lrtrak pfi-catiit n oraud aonen so ene farîac wîhFod oiw i-ur tac Ibti on.<icieduir muas 'btm ou h Rf hre oins remae b fsig ht ie rpau. or notearteiaGo tesi5fMaites mne yU ~ sitc-etirenpîu ogehe i s hie ea M rne s tlial' irssit tli oteatsei lej oud teM rtaed makinHan tgdntucIble joii.;ForetBVay are Me l'oiert..afr to lgehoSdiais J<ni r prannlyîrdb. ra asgalTr achs5in, ugb hooli h o R otioe suml ..Vola$-kl Wrighr.2onyflt1riuseidwccy viiiuiflot voiilleradlossonp A. a loru ~ ea . he in tierboout eronsiu ota t ie ugl r nli ssa Il ale î ruada td t Ùrtmfrom dur u «tut Puleaoae o h TIeSrlRuIsjFr Ptor sda Hcs5 ta .tr aai. f tle Ui erisngt 'A nwrt loiu Fu as bs orsbocon uc rdagts iirf urie2and tre osoltmpttarle vr s. ta. ic sv saal pouamatit 51ot posi more miint. It flUclownoons tho CaWs Cte leu«" Ili Ire. hast î ttheotareuryetordusgênuphus cadeshie 1lot ssm yst lam gju . c s t e o l î,adt h vn i h aier- to m e " y ls e riSat e f r t - o h o . e o u oeta« u e à t 1 L t t ihFue ons oisran okteS(it bu teiaohu Integ"ietn i h on. n -oparp:wým re -hrs Jo nt re- d b f sngt e te l ralai. remni-toin.-r Oclt 0-" M nom 1 vit TO le-of Lan Of tbouid ýounty tom 1 et tb- h.ur of 1 ùiiztb lhý Town of Mii JIm b. »ýý'%àry for qhe, 0" syr. and GUMUrA N SAS"GAWEYA. TOWNOMP 09 N ELâoN. Iwil. 111011*1 &T.JL à Bar. Pt. B a 29 E Pppe.. Lewis, 96 jff Au et the abý la"s a» Pulue& Tro AL COURTS IMPORTANT -NOI aaoesndtotlybsyn Lrose ai Boo ts ed l aeabot isegsi. oa 0u' moe od Ssme qoilw. fsako<srt a larg Bootsand Sb.oos of1ai ble d tbem abirnit 20 olbr Stores ssii thems. .. 4 PATENT LEATIJEIt SIOES 0F ALL W. oel etshoot tso.thlrdothe prie ihbat others seiJ ',W. smii more Leatlirasd Rabbiear oe a. tons. We have daoase te se dose itie pireo i ohms ailihsiorsslntheslryhbave.Wsiallie j roui. cheaper thon sa ei lieui. For ibis osre roq eosspeiitors haie ne. Vos sloold liysoros jsdge. , bos vaisae. RJM1ýeMDE CLBTIING 0F ALL We mal at alasstleo-thirds shat cher stores ssli fsr 1- e Wabave lientsStore lu suir prelsîtlocation for st, e good a lasl etaelaotheraoto. Pire parsa 40 .oIdi lie snid ave epr thon se 4esselliog. 8rllev~ osr pisSa o 5toas per senLt. tsrsaedoir saler folleso.tlild oyer tbepeevuos pr. ho our serr profits. outil nos sie arr mot sarryiog os ail regolor 'Ios moret timo 0psyrosL .Tonbwmlsn sossersthat trade. tushayo deeidui0Oslmeveraistea im es ai coà toseAt oos. Wau slsy sdi ap$esle thesam,, 'sd their trad eter isbafigoodg «th'll sib~h 1doa' slalom go do anphiogfore ar s fr 'a it dose Io ailvesllma ouho= ma sé theSe yr arteeý But se dego adei su or tusssasm in a traigh t1 ii ie dsoite gohasethm au ii s e are sslltog g-d'ii a mamyoloodo faphuiooo i tirdroaob 'ta1>511.1 assa maçmepecSt~ êdoi. ot ry os fOrsi GROCERI ES. We havon oi o «Moar sCeespletc Storck. We selg oa eS go ras. ik Sor., 2.,th..trg$i. tir1h. B.g Proit JMase. Par dli:k. i-..Quarts 73r , , gai. que.q am Sb.mmatte. sach. Costrori and Surpris M e ," i. . MPaila t3o. Basanti" husjB S mj agc. o M'ecrry neyrerai ailier Ll Sm Otth..ise alle taoge sîwthosi saurs. TEPEOPLES, 81 John aressooulis. Â gbod gênraimhes is ampaign for Wh 10555ýý lihv h .oun, q . F4 , u2m s 2.64- u.ts w I1s11 ta ia lu.6 i 1, heapr Ote iau Ve ai.." aiai tha.ia i5ter-qed- ea foElt ,eau i n- a us Z is br. thei ttro bsn fasu MII liii net. ISsu - 04e. Mcci r n - osa.- rama ta ~ds utI ta-- -n uta loews. Rotes WsI bar ht w D. i I~~ùAG. os- - -- - <ce rwm~î. pari T As I I île t - (b t-: oe$de. i l Ny ploS in yotlf care relative, f riesi 0io, abostl st oncee hodi WoSmlSitesritil ruua kMILI ON. 1 1 i ji