iorofllo. t -~ - l t -tel. itu b.0.d mngj ' HOM[~T[1. ell.. eltt 8 ~ .r t i., S tu*kit% I 0 , 21 1. U, Il ediiF t- - i b....l- I L> ON SA4LE EC.Featherstofle 1 Ici P19010 iO SupplieS t.. ,-i. l t .ILt Mute cA> /ya t ae eot NT tjtttgig . tgd.nesu ff I tei ili5t e. I -bonght har bgthlae»Yf l 1'.- pr ceac tt 4t cet gtto ' WOsî th mmd th.origina .- 'f-tthe h ooî "wb a~ifU., Webasa t bt4k ag o ' y I O W - M off lt n gg0 otiBu c?4 gn ott d tttg tyrt.p, and sillet' a nedofmjyui -l b5 #08 .Ato0 Leht WltU~au !L'mtflf1gg W 795,o-p- m etIrttfprat- o pr ntd Ottot inir » i -%aaj ou1 n 0 - PP1Y r, f proIth r .. -nst-' D'ste_ s othes u 0&3,a md nw sa am< - f aà knd-buti. mm ur ocl WS. U IiSU tu 1 i Weae nt;nlt t.,yttr and .t Umsdg d~mmmeoepgîcs. -' t- t If ,<P l, . o ep~. W¶ « bitî as, t es . hn 'd'Jtg . t Pl- le O lfidIm f ltO'r-h.,t. Mift Ibmsp in PuionEsghl-g1 1%.t O Ii ibm Y" 1 ggth.ole lierde Co. au,% GI'w. 's '- big MILTON bONT. : - STATION- eRs VOrd suACd Ut vuoy00 b and rats. lolN e s i.,t2 . jjs Io 1rç5 the e g .ft u Égdd rng I u r 'lot aOdnDru C., g syT m ,c SAVIQ 'n1 ifpmt ., ct=#yilrn0on:or ol on grgtt t h . G u e & 0am retio n 1 , l u t o (-Penn antAccoant in thelm bt O Rts itc e u i 'l .ou Ttt . a d 'ceO Du e £rad, I N A C N i 7 1 iJ E I T N * 1~o reY 8 w elo k s e, 0» nd arnoe t o ux: The _____________________ COSton md( earit. H Adi b. ile. i t ean it o Tuy uvnu lieg lire. ~ TO.McPheroa n k co:7e-cilop. 3T2,bdo.noty a a ' ' i o d m îu- G ib o i n , u t ib . o D udeo R tueoim "it s Tust of lbh i'«otiw imiesbm Me b fC. . irl..'.ofK.B.mRsoitgn au "Y .r. Nîng Pul s t d-u he off. MITO O AN H - - LE EN S.Mo ag r. Oftotr. au i t ig oh at bome. r t icstt C. omoaein. egr Mis fnu d iuo..nfur ~nloked D % a". "MetMiWbcercote n Deu. hlsats Caqnd Gsod, Picles o , et to' hal 0 l-.dy la houp. ml t k,î~ ip~~dib~sb e --a--a---heî pIcn.the graPludO tlt lion e ttt ..eTh S: Ld .. o oie t prof T dtib e a Vi R e d C r o s s. D r u giSt o r e g 4 tr . nptoefgvîg uekoramnd te oerabviclatter otoýj ~ tt- to k rt i ti Oprotegeomom ofttr cueodm e tat tend. buti L t i o l a g n b b a i l o s u p î o t j m l d r g 2tt r e =t o f e . r o a d o 4 ooo f hee . ptoa dcir hj aedetm o a vision * ~~Csiw nie BePre 86 s P eopi ta or truotel .bop.ilr g hoenty tuh j stti g th, oiveoE Drs~o mm tEv pcin oo fth e," Ders o e t ....>ten w geti o tb3 cainilit toid ooy t hoe md cd foje ors. * cas wg SudT. Slm Co.. Iloed-PentnreeS on th t-t~~~~ tht ttglt ce".oor jga Nynlin B0ad lite w pr,.ielilg mi 4r io C vfi, th e r oet gi g q iki con and etomesrvutot oave t- lfdw'.kos% ) h apoigeoonnsofar jomr htthy taf Alwmys mliei.wés t~~~a pietuk,- A1cà Boum Rt.. cite oew ~ uigth aetpuc -tu taen agînDte ibm pasuild4 "mBu o a e fierdîgt sTeure1o , td. - i n SI. d u b ulam bd aI iebmtestoro ocoudteeady Eb t ba ot dis t~e c o t Ii deWs rellfti lot g iig Oeint am à@ qeorN OUrtiedi ? - aneI thO- 1- t~ , elic. trdee maetiPaibae un#i Um i a tren a flr o stintitd Onage ePs nto utea des bisJi dis blé foIV.t-othan bte weae otfr4 yo ' loy t osatbCh. Put-nt C. T. V. en by t'. tr iesinpp g. gi r t y u moto lvetia L bm in b ' B ttel btd stet-tenim sg t o i h III IIIt t l rg a I -t b otir ' S h t e L s o W t t las as. ît G-,thîOtus m'Yo uA toso tn o t rk on leY iWmst'gouet 9 isaPbtrt. ît etu tetLood i ogthiebone o pdtï t nosbW fi g b . h W o t n u î ~ It p : o n a r .m t- B u ta . î o c e li lai. lig us« t-e sit ett sLotI n lRi,, ah @... iat beu I migr. e .0 ' Lonstoetre.urt l w en5 teesrastî 1 Lades ine thit e oît ?tii tor a oe y L arg s o jt rntp wipottce lla- tii oser8 t re mts. W .to enaalem ncind ntrt n i nt te . 8mid. Tbe roo ne ;e lt n 7ba W-G.UC .Ofe M ltrt*cad e oinc it VOi l ientIW t« to eneP iE ubPIDNEVs Wth. Chmt-$Lc Clornw t Ly on ndto ay ba heloiu is ë Cenes ace trts ndarlb ed o v a o lo o d b o ' î t n n w t't th les i cih e 'lao tl spesis -d Sîc b tu-dor (batp tladnt I IeLit Tît aretoe gfrt a 0 i tftjgodî toît' b i' Ladies' Lotte L ite Mul o T e te » o t O a.toy tl O tîbo Kand Tha l re s l i - n Tlttm O so u tef te. to 'le , ',e htooti a ol d t? ma ydîecee Batied e e . t ine tbe A of jtbog Rb ed C s m re H o ou be t nu bo nisot ct. . Ln o meifr 3flt e esC oai r-on KEE ttooedTHEto. -Iggt WEo0' ttta1ti lIRr, etye Dow stooot--rrdîg E tndbyaMlo rr a ety Miton lelai'tsgîtit. -r >esib aN ewth icD u mitretait ontî tofsein nd 11b at . -'LTera ns -i, LseT ra .r t IràA fllaat itto osO rtî o loat fo r sil 07 SiCA b Dog Hers P ha M, 14- b . F e in fej. T.ofo b C Lt ttt'e w o ,9On., Si ga -Therm'amt Ptt t * l-t di.' n lE, Wae t STYfl] f Me Wit-BEST VALUES,, Oqtani EIocI- 1 Vi bcktat qra l os n ci -àRbd C l OHsesuTabPRIfo on fo m o tad- 'O as>o ii fed b ne i _a I ls et6f-dk i,.1 BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR f-ton >tit oit osites. Fille !N atorst i rrtti $1li il uottttr t'etght.s 'EOLIGEt SHIjRTS-VWr are tito tttor range, ittlot-cv loreg t'lmi motfWen 90god(jut in le, IIATS à CAPS-mAthte titest oh greYt andI brrwtts Hat.t FANCY.'VESTS . -trrtp-t AND INFLUENCE . Mo'mibe el ho O--Mnruta wMu. JanUjO y 'bau b, Ibm Q lb. Ptaat Éio 1!4 %2le I b ~~~ru Vote w~it.0 SI ut "t -- efor FOR~m Rooflqg aoiIqRo Eavonsq~ngEtc.0 **- BARRONi A fu ligieof Grantevae L, 7 TInw BroomB, Bmushes, etc. Gasolîne and Coal iluaiways on hUûý' Agent Wind Mine. Md Gmoflne Fug rIe flmn ou i.utKag pue$, ha.asu b s f bo iess i8 regular trit' 't' 40le a], purpo.e, ijOP profit. But tlt titi, '9% Hle acros itttîi t leOof ti:;tra, t'r(t-, le deaL.i-ttU L? t'i cehance-, îiitt Iheýaist .5 n fi PBhgrl- , . * '25c .î tot ttri Miton. zi >Tlnsmith, <IL TON. BtS aUtent Ir. baOch -t at" cb-. x4m-is $ài Ems h L~