al hîe rilmPa k xotl t1 tlit l itte s oots & Cushiion' o c-:ii (Calf end P49 t jsi fortable fil 1 D SEOE THE" ta the Demral 1,ri1 luPaticulir.wa St, at cr2Ov01a- o - ocita ilhOAsa '-n t lW cinlas 'tL-ctg Loeep iil ot n t es Ila st' pli,- it 1-trrotcheba e1ce 31,aper cent osto. ut lln o oSBots,'I$3 ,2 ., .."t, t Ils, a i jltiu 1 -ltn'lJtof nT at i'tabe f. o Aend t to oî u s .ni nd thora. 10'. e oni vt h- ni-OeDDNO ail nt -t t h, il, ,b r Seîe-u n iettatue .1- i'.l Y .tIl, -et boy . W. angi nAb todr.t'opo-cîlt i R otMonliBoos and.tonihs .1 .irtatotMckantdoiteholle *- - lOott. u , tt_ eIII , 0tf oh, cds~ ~ ~~1.e anduO~ adYot t.ofc-octs, Wtt-.CUIScer i. o . l , I .,s i oe> r pn n a n noot.-.tlttdt t.lo R»omi- a, ý o n ilf S oth, t' .1 ailbnd. 1-it oalo. ingto e (. os'. t t loc cfliclu . Esuilt it . . 1te o s aluei ton iltnts ouu J t tant co -cgou asai hi pot cent cheaper tdue t 'otet tPDiso rse Caltra t ,noCrai sttok, but utsult t. .'"t oent . t--n. bar.u'et -t-I- chalnt-IhfPottesg i.. iron-tt .- O a oir t I todat t .-oc rhnds di ,.jscti thanîtitillea io- Ma)~nt n-lt 1-wtk) VOLUU No. 51 lePo P a" - ~ -o>. W~ ~ 'n ~ su auo. oo~ ~ ~ boutwlt lbbegecf ewth"l irnunr- Ii. Oi 0I't oueouoaw u Ped ~ fleelieId.0 hioi thav oee~ e ui, Ümt me.bêla5 Mlé ello ormua, 40oi. 1 ai1 Ibot lre@ me* wl i a e t O t l b » ~ O Uy - c o t a it. g a gsc-le s . r at eo oi b "ut ' . ? 'un loh1 ftuouimw ont et tai, ta, rt ilout ts, oui I Etîo othte am MW as bn a.iatOd ot blhr - COt£0, o fo te tir m- Wb" LOCALnCOURTS C30M -Ilsau teiutht..lîgeîît toussa ~-P Oft o-- 11075E~ i bol gobi*5ilal ou o cu ou a le_ _b o u u t U uooeu h at o- M d a u m a r h l " . . 8 M 1 uu o D s , o W R W A N T iU r ville ehouttut"ou hsbPleult e lU' 0tais d30iygaculol 'tuin Oe.a it l4 1111% netpr o aent.rA "oul. llo ir Errl lm m Te d y t Y u " sa t he t i 1.OM Po h m "CU~ ireutet ~Han nresu mm M la obmut oe u 5i lu . J.> &a*- la a mm:rzanwt Que. V sason -Wtb, te e f2te ol . eedl tâh.-s M im t M 1 dac*-ai . a M = lOââàt pltO b m "Be n ro be. large b rs ouis so t muth bo etï70i t Tu- soctL14 w Y .i o , d iesth s a" Who , bettb ttât a le te c leka s Daleai ougtbls y h el t ls eae ut Meuaneeêeu... ictushoue hat uttheume.ou Klt ou a eoa ~ * i i lu e c Ub..1tr 'll e otc sr j am " z -"6 B U f autW « etare te m ouY e r,. Yeu ayeu , i* d f r o hl oud dueum. 010111. s ho mot.dete dnc 1is 7 - »gMtilleie u w malbb 11181 r ! ta nuage- buetoltasaocyd aa uai ro lu.> or m~a bmaq bbo bPIh ' "Yve ~ ei octYh the ssi l l HOum l d f tiosa N ol a, thu w "m 'M a bare«f 0 eutooei ulis el BionerW.I.DCK MDI., lu 0eouutolutio on-'ou? b e y frt ____TPougillatheco utherabl C I m * cf l b Pcou b u A u ronu n hla illislw P on t r u h a va teIll h â e à oto mu,.ias a a b « fa tigbo b o- _ _ _ _ _ _ _Su * a La h.ere . el11 io » bol A uWp c a:t b ou R al]oa j" u. iY jl-êtW W N i* ulbuO a uelit "9«b& easor* lt 11 e .-.""eotaliet&Ie ut.. t làte r trc UL &W b velit Oa agrah,- d t-m belsunas.' ,asAe y__lu._____._ àac"o h. dace £0 A".ai el Il ifya ia (,W ciuIl10.uil.1Tato uum usai by i l b H uhu uo tI I T U IN A M M Il . a . Ic o IlMB ,<e . ar a y a a e Th e bm oyin u spa t t n c r te. tholn uam $ Jm ou l o y." 1 - rT o t ar aud l " is m at-h cf nTaooo >tIA «ua. tomra. bé e oa& y u l sli&t u 1 a e,"hPsieilt isho r en moi lté "bra uos c e " o'tema b a v m oi AnoMMe . Asb1ote b lo t M oy *p Q-t gJ:ýý 7rý,ýqs1@_ItW" Pl a q i e Ug "Iv a ast roa nlbsv.n b Satrndt au. ad i tin M TroPt.Tb" à-o* til psu aý'Û'! a n s ofice youv . .ba. ulydl ala Ie uuou tas "Qf uhw ot ?" bat mPay.t o'î" oTur oa k$Im lcbs, îh -N ,es OP-wat desuasn1loàh.oui bey.u Befaathos. amino Ousa fth d tu etow f ~ t t O O t h . ' 7 h A M u O t O to s , s a T hi n s l sa d ehtr u so u i f r î t D U o ou ts ubo y ta Pa" " o u m ml a s i o r b u t e . . . Î l îe p u n e l a n m l o e u u Uasù 1 . o u b a . O u b a Ou ; , u a i d P " . « n . t h o t A a t, L L l oAm c ut ~. e i MîltBron rA M f h J. . i, o ols . l aits.I I u to o e. - O t a n.aa7» _ _Ran i tachai sa b A d lu ite, asrthanc e uuc 7la lb.." 'No dg babuIegus a MwPl bu eeO.uh tut.ati ttut tOtbo"M htlilt lu ourer W . . Dm i, 1 9tt A erne ta i t,"Pa l: on'"e ;~a i V« ou Pa ul M B u Y T l b t o g ClEOarkIt h. ea . A ed WII a «..or Pattaioa(_thoe-t.Lteuq.iphmtu U Asho lbla usi udth ot mme O ct u tco s r & a m w u A, . vis, î ciicc Oonne rtonad Icd Yser kda ! -Pr9- Il writ ferparu.,4. mes« rame.". llotim Puai ouaciieenwl w Canadian 0a0"* ., iol0, e. Sto e f Dtai Pca"en "BaitDM AShoM ab11Lot- ot vvstpl Lt bilNunsrls ado a"D'autiselleî" b actes Seabe @«& à a ula eet oa lbtain atha ahin I undl have haua shirt "'Ilman"alo5 acres) ld'il fos, %loé M nootiral* vluljouore'ne b"ubst mevE I H 78 1 A 10 RN N C O L o ao oThboy w u s ly u dsuari4g n m hd mi Qy ý tI lle ol.- oi reu t rDa i a 11 o i of o i o i bo ! N n a IL DM'Mk D it&t -1rabu cirii *k. aMn hIe MAINîu uaento eoe. tDoutrac@ o u lb r oe s"a Cuey'l oaes "T«onygelt njla 'ho uarD etuM Hnlan acclpod. b taDI kMr-ds00- Nehlub hiao 0 ttnho O Ctge. SudaetSooi qd laido. 1' scti sthav Bia as W. HboteLaMem uhos eta"So'. "e odPUamerl;'lI - làlDot.-a Truymvauto Cemo"t« de 1ork7 htuthe on t alya io lb hero * y"t M.Ptit.illait te Pond, t. ha hIiliIltjB'u,@ O a.wo.. thcytoeuytctu ILN 4 N aMue e lot vau t ut se t pe eo hl meî t hi c u od Ou. T. ppad C 0ce . Â. . N làES o roi t bi oe mioumerpst IouDt bu. . a l l b De.'mîI msli tanhoabthett G-dYl-Mait-.-1.d0 nig0hr" i Jh T ra y . len st ut th Ie d . m r e a a i tersh l s011- tL cr[, dl. 1V. l ad" or tlaouea ubo' u ra " me e hasb Uc"-Ho &W w 12.b au ba ecu Oh, slipss. t . u o t c e yuaive PD, sLac s u lconu-rt hd o I b u t c abb o i h i . « , *m e M m c S cçvsioau ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft te IL 11110u t lc cr od r d t e d e v ud c le h s b y o. L i I bo i v ei & T u at ah he c e l t os lp m th g b u a ao-dee- bout48"9 te Ton ma Âpb aau Hanbur otle mu; i. m js h. gev. lb te ewlaPlte BOL daIe haowlag cfi lbandlut ian, ios ou MePu . M»Pua 1ilato 1 7 0flb etBU cO sos c Mo.épelleg icoercon.teru W. uMnKc usu..SmJJ bra aann a te û likids01wo li sor & b«. " 0 d Aitr 4111 t 9*â* ,1 1 -Ocbilae t o.mcitco sa 1 » Dr. coa Waosuaaiu, t "tearev o. cf e "-s12. eal ai OPwh nom.O b, 4 eaay : 1 lIo kin'rtatio1. -He"Ilia aausi u oti.."toionubth a aeiv te mDD lb bmarh. Mr. Psa111b1 db mu w a i o ins b cstlojaola IsDamet tsMa P ortjea. etu r Saour mmm.Sans, liDi siar, u i amaval b tZ hall mm. £el1 th, l elmoe.a alb prviosaailgImpet mo& I.. a Uoae î asshuB Noam ae eW Z.hlm@o. Upd otl-adh it Lu roture t. scull &.W raAs m Bcyudlthe dmofarertb dy aoroI-t c, Loo~.,J eoono.ei, se A Ots.uaÀ. a n otai, tite 'vas, â band.D-but ifiii îr. rsc. laOcitilo ~ 13 p -aato T-... 7"' Io IiPen coa lbnet aach oai 7eo vly? M" al «lii Moisa. Put lleg ut lm bad heuth balmao!afam ufa- "o C. . 'tLîtîmort Dior E B«T ALU b atlaittd uttet.manr.' u lsiilahe tb. .. burussBoeharaciusi isudle F J O E a C O u i' b i& t DD b e u ed o n th, k aveff ussa hl" t 7 1". d i p I b b a e c m m lu a m o a d i e nu shor îï;il()b "a R&un'ba do bu ts, , tboyv Il làmc sud 7 ILVý DuoOWN bt. u1thaa mbulots.MniPuat r-l u ddn t oot sloaih reaklgofdcnzet fthe B L n ~ Z n o L o o c ,t T r y e l e s. G u d e.m a e a n g n e n ~M a' mi t u rve a r ueon t a d yMaDme h ng Un" mli-ad ta vsolag0f lb mnder" oit haracslop lý ".LN 1ý),Ncaumn "Ob w«* Yeu? crid Har boue. Trr am lie gve t. opahlà heutlp su h i'euh e w ILI. aur o» alhy t"t. volley taias sa ebe cun Il Il WA L "NO."NU Troy dtiblae-- lot asc O eî~ 2 e~ i a sîu e, - la e t .I is b u na ..a ' slltu eb b l- t adhi o g & t& a e ee u Pep à Yoêta a ie .s phoStuse "lra.tls brdmi go te th oblorptu th- m rula'.c a l tot h so a i . o u a 15 a e r le uumuev7nu. toseahi,c m ag e no ac oris Ofslbdnmny' forselI 8. onelleMecondW2 je uua aualdum.iutaslb summ-aî.Vcoulen steth d le isateBa Gîactbo«e-1,hobacoMr 's hd à.1- uedb, h drctcrh aleutbo hranh o faud 1.t si But It b a n y u cl t . p sv n dn 'lm t oIsa , tt e - e " Oh e ite u bnt ram, t ac t IL l eu ; u dy - ý. I. Zà1, 1Pa" C laitutsomslemete alai o'cDb j 211eMa%»daned m bey à -k« uaitit oantsdIa t hm m s t b IS ongai " b ua Mn.. Idey ele"itla Io 8ueel 1 tu levétoisiflm te tellurbsn xha-naâ. lu M. u - h ét n 'at« u le l*àm a m a &U m id e e iv t s cm eu'. it.thlYmI7 r aot ol ài-lyPub cver ied te bro b An PIDAd tu'As 7-M Mb-d ot b..là. ...». srLauIlutltomeb doueas bu d.teue MA dteoi ald î,ý ashT HE Bf T VA U E ba »tu tedo ith he ardr.. lle la u W a 'i' Il'Allre l th buu,« r atel latal ouel mis ,ý, sm."e "Votté. rooafln ae Il l .» Vi e-dw.wotdt o t trwb l. oce lf heM Pa ITA isE' I HO N a.b u ote mS,»-a et d e oral *rmOitmc. # eh» bahn e s',ýt4 u lsi t-di«wl e Ký.d ur -cas Mr.Pub til«TA,. AsS=, "mPru ti led uteà a BaQieR ace rl nuu ontks e t-'L e 5U i Mr-ctnn beMdBud obie. Ih. ePS50 is e O tiâttl. Krl rue. lentt- eist.h,&. «Ira 11-Wel.*ulhd q ww tk « a 11 1am & n ek e a al e a etruh Hmyn . e ' v . Z» lJtîttI. tv- bauthcriis wereoc,"t n elayth asee nopivlnn T- tien.uiu acineaihotdtso lmi t1h.el-th. Ttuc Msui bo ios wo, doe. ted i ll cictteadeisni,,ý.s,, fenn or 1ethe.laid, oy. e othe n i Gein or.n ai ti 1h cttoun ccd tO-att- Wbtbn ho atm Olintletî faurl tha htt.iletdd 0.- sd. trulli io Bay b, .- puubcolie . t! A îott- ffsate teut b 'owd iobe tk rolia. Te prrvrct ioo, o Ise rcny odv0ecr1 ic, ton,î oene cisso-tIt ooît Aoc.,. ln "oitco Io-0, bern; O-td t,[.,dooght be o-"o.t tuno "' teotkn lo itn,to 'toi "u » flou toncly auaens to in a Ilis toliîy lont. :Wu Pabath ët m.e îlot o i. iertiive.tottiio itoblo-jg OINU0t "antd OiOiebtnoliy cotte ora bie n. or m ac 1,-àtt Bob-ý. mlatut sgeouY. aCtI gsttlts te bietbs o- eId Ma"u O! thh bgay lOot, Isu lau te Cbacesy ]t, O utchro te'tiby Tnty pthbe ,Za a l. olt e I ID co icoho îippm. t 1 o. t ubs ISlathoet,înees.eo. Tho,, defos edoto picunieashb_ taOcnOyear ait.. 1 t~ M i a Oirleinoiiblu . 6. "au ob-e o-cou hon, cet h. :tai bo. Bct-te noli Il a Wrrantcouenui I t a.hlala a ncoet- QOee'adtbý uoIt dl,,i tI.nucoc, bnus. dii ittiotto uttShie. oa lOuer obtib 1 Bnbti. leaiite-t.teIo to 1hâmad e g',4tu_ f Id hai ta-nod aunc , Mectai uitb iii-. lentîl tub uRd Otgoî t-oItlý usashe he cabe ettot_ Itnd oieansod îlot- dl- acre tbat b. noc,lg_ The Ioyo ie th ,.tpI-o,- tKril,t. a]*,Wittc- Il, -tbn cynoetor ito aý 1brtbn eofî--l t on ibe, ,«,ts I1 ecso o tIýj bit.. ted ibla lcotte- s9 te c boaOs.0hi1,. hueandioti i, t-.tle Pd. . t-.' r- ,, oi, W',od- 'tlics 1,1111 t- et aboitto '. ., acdeai tIva %o reet Ir,. sunilone '-on ,t ladt c., ele t te-t-of nom, tei te.1.1ut bohly Mm KriEtllt WiL hoi oe OIuoti MiOda Wba iinrc tel -Walliait cm <ho h1 'bru Id or 1ai uetaito-tto don tssaouoat o JÎida. i'wa ei clure 10e aIVbf or n 'to tou1 r. a9 0.,. yr i.$t, i