Th -tt eta ~B-t t Thc eeh bet Ld utl ~I7rMU* tOdtA wlh dtOtBttfl' wh Ect o - ieseoithr 4 Th lutt sf t al t teto ". ctottt htot )~weu-P - PdV d*ueD issetht hY u uo site la della Land vu& tht tes TheW n he wr te hagzoes deuetei tra nm goetei eometingCancroe teot hyt o h. awPii r.-ùteri rendt. an. c afiht d te c . . Pttot. d ays usoh . s thtctgh tht dtp W tt B .. b t u tos fak-t ha 11W tt W Cte td icaO tt o ns aF22,2 0000920' A t ie ue h tso .aei t e teNt hete 'B t th e tte ti < ;t t ot h l d nt h ett- (mmtto.aeie t ig o.ttL-tenftuothtient s d ae dthtttth* l, o oonA. W e .W. etot ty i. atd t ig t ig ne l h o h t t e s t b di b o Piiet'sOttarios .îsotFriG ettnAd 00200't m ma"m"'tioa eo eaiesUWtal"mtd te ith klà dd:7IA .rtnm etWte Ofl. uastit h ettB repotand <ailis A. A. Mille. Se-liait lod Jet ofW eo Mtd 'tha t __ WMVUasmw.n temB rOtaBO1 <.ttta mRifle Asuetatiso. t. eaotpet* icoedt ua lamaDjeidnt heoeUW.. gott Aes octottttt e edho wacty r ,i suso Pth atec trne et a5 rom- jury ai fiitliot spordogseaintes and blee- l. Fin tttht mtui»ttu h- vlseMes t -- ec m le ate reg ner toew 'al stateut.t907. oeterdiodne rih ttstd ltt. The.epiis tWly itllotit 'e D'mdsl Sceestl. oi. ood blond. t'havttutr thieeci in tatammbts bc MW T' reporAditt t1it frlo 97 fptmpies tnd tosptttttt and bitefI htth. Wtn .MCctylteta o The "mot, Andantetetccumtdthnsolai teot o h w« onolatadrd. treegth andtepOty hsoeut Mo. J. C. Fotd m.ed. ottoded hl tties thtesotoeiectof' Adtotphe omi vilethe a ne bc Mr. Swackhamf.tdistuttht Atdttete Te- Roltlatd, et S. joe,a, Vet.. u leho P te ugy i.etîtte, os. a. rend. hc doitedt.- sept ..P-'eotre 10aeuBesttfvu fonht.aHe md bc ctame I faotht decm« Cteoeii. fioeegeneraosveillssons.and 1 eaity fil.Hihaeeut M.J C.Ford pudent sad ttd gmous t bhut 1woodn e - D b tî bsiess u t heMtrdsl ht tehf th nn eoto to tr igcm is- donty wooth mua ttoh. Iut' ttie Ptisheîue haîsGeîovsg baustin torihunfuo. fa.lad sme 1 htdl caaata t0,u Mr, J C.Fod moemi. s d edtdhtahsad bge tto rfrom id hhe attmuni out tiiug tht tug, leho M. Smitiih, th.t th. tiOdreort on fint- getosu. wI&malilleg as teptdty ls1dd t ipt h vie ffr eo toe ieh d.ipted.- t.teetd. hte i tt Omt umpto wlowtleosma. Saw ittCoedy in gable; r bega te eurilottq erfaebhsidiio oitffmv tue emg. Mr. i'atthetoet iuvd.oo.oed l'y it.isg Luitît pes me. DOsrtlands ait l6ha ii iertastethtiL Mbja. o t thîon cuatil tdsdotic eostti me hut t dtd net gaun-t. ttt. soIt bth hlidm. tid<'a te t met C2l ehîte.iaeet t L) hcle e ist blii.tesetYtti ttbpmotd; tgdoateaiuoef tesitutst * s.~ eG aut Cat t Theo.i,iit il tîjîtîe. asoitet sace. Ht strontgly tdoittd 1anto1 dGbo rCa uo 'ietouiicilt0tac2td a 1 Y, P M.(. l'y Dr. Wlltms ' P in lt t . ked e telokth5dtitefebuggy.o "litse W,deî.ini..the chair. dd.- andsitsideofe toblige eehoiho- titn cy bantdtandiitati out a m Mrt.j toritpooftttl t d ttiun eastoehte, mytppetittongan te it hatsDot eiigite.t1dowest lhet,1o0l..iiol.iitttiltite app beaut doritsktsogi atlueitteheotufnoetuPo os epr fuhtommiud psoelisto,.e gd.1ttaststod thta felg reembotthatitt util id it' itetithes: tted h gu Tnionetion aiii lhwooaite Ioiteuithilla oChapsa. mou haetiesatitro- e.( illit. Vwtc tic hast hotiîhtoectehad. tnettitl the brut healtse1 evit bail. ?LISmith, that ohto iis couroiil -ht e ttsrposd satof Dry tisd bhttldettcal sav o ttei.tmedtht ;otesnItlsitt-joOOsOl tl, Mayt(Ah. ti %uneitagne tuoregarditea inurtable. c'gaerstha" oetoiehus aoll taîtel. bid « î...ei ioniilpootttets tee potyput. cîgit lir D. 3" ..m.-C.1relianddi ttatfly atiseathe ol meng tBStat and 1twoo taaannote otooltit Ni. lEcie tiod] .tiiit.ltle hy Mr. ehotiareotito t llas my ottempletuio.etoettta stî F. l l,,,,l,.hat the eole iost re ad ot,,D. Wilinn,'ik l'ill art aeît.e oi, atofi u meft - l4.ticaîtîeil tilt.!Bd blodîsthletcausetofail ithintthre wa a nte t st ortaI mpt .%petlt peeeotl andilredthe tiid oacotdisisontthice attee. mcad alerte eopeetL.out. itootd t.ogtoi îoî,ttl ic.laiîlidi.ltet.ilOtos oît.eeragl. tteatset teut. siep lest blondtiou ciel mY tioa th rr;,,t ý,fthe anélig coodro edten n ace el. lseeOtismeo. gou. itteyetoctffetid ttd iteudache.B ', ,ii ,.oed.aee,,eitetl l'el-. orra tkeaeaditeteîilaimeunts losnitobaveeitettht toranoms .t utl ilslal1,1te ithit tel,tliftetbtitt ly wometsfolk 02e. D. Wîl. aotoiobs case. theslt aiee ast ,LrLItý un oei.aI ,.elitiititonsi ne-tu.Pnk plistae tht one e , ct te ddtteo teo iptIs.tts, I. Ca t andit W IeLt li.tq -Catteolcaeýtety gilsghîtuolheoset ofitltht 2r. M"I bout aha ase. t hoy adiitded NI r î.eeet,,laand toAîîth-tîIIIId tue do r iiled. Theeoige tht ipeto. thitiia th i d ieave aie cIMî1 tad 1 t,îî.elit" l ol-od. htitit. ond bit l',lad io tttoobus l.00B0.b' LýaIL.LI. brin ~~hetielth. teottth aneitidiv. eu r.;.B.22e.r, ' ,,,. la.iivy ecti.0onded îb% %I ,anttlhttpillm c e. iiatotceteiD. oM(.11andlt 'ndletidiet.. .î, tht te,i,t of thîe eîlî ymi!aitttîo ahbxor s. .iadtoble its'aoppe todPstIl .sieL-uýd,)- -d b looptol - ioe for02.5oitcomthtleliae Dr' at". advioed ipttiuiftihoope.- ( ~~~Miicint Co . Bt.iolt. 0.ot alte nhinsttelihe igit dueu.hdo Mr. ett: rouect tII, h ej ______lis ,te ngooc ieho haldIsbaveteeuai,îo î,,,î1 ,, licthe aio,. oeM.- letîat,,,, ae teoqaetâtîlîold bon blîboyau * ..hieotpeeetitt- pOR u at tdikieltatofalehion 'it ienlm th atoobie mmtt-whn URNNGOFTHEWOM spntaîie lir hi. aIdiotsu..uAhave t tea' 1-ueteris-iia oc t te"lt o lie diittity te m litle iiit,,, L.îetfioi otthei, ( t.os]. Mis lapi, Bttiatit te thePit tThe ,odiiu otlFtazer untîal'ilév NI ,,,L . cooîtloii h Ni,1 Talh tHietWife. la.%t Cas no(1 cam tu i stae ,...tplet 1 I .ý 1 bt 1...ý _ - .1 ,bf La ber, Itlink e wll ave Incs.oe tlel,0 [le i lhtibavei o neIla, 1,,M I_ 1lcl.ted forll.thelietîdesuolttses, oretaotd M. u.1.022,Lllr io andeuthtat laie. Ltaboultut.Tt LI. oîtaoil eîei u .mdl. hePul-MatL.i h y, ~ t,,l î h 00ly. Ten begewiltier t. ileehlbrî i.t,oth.'t asitetii'i't .%I 1ltoi,, ililisitht eoitorta iort. eî Ati 1iamte tttainly oeth60eopniontLititheli tiloti tbesticethlee occ ttl Ouf1ý te. tti,.oit, i1l,>eye laplsi ietat u mtPetiiltltee oit11eY bh11tILieoîeusiiotfurîlis-eoctudmi tar Isiietucionet'the 'l oatieilt, thatton gowiesandbts.t" 4lie iheluc tL et eisII ,theudy af Aga ceoansuiet. flisc itery itep. 'Show Met"Preset .aillii t riI dti . ,o.s lut- -hi,', il es etp asothrsnotei. ao,.t.hooii itie,lo eiio.t'l .i"AndMt.Lamert 1 muettaytfur- li..Ioilllo.a.ilhitiloIt riiil t -1therotoosfitirse sil ate omare Tiatin sichat Rgeao. ull dein ai) l M.Itt.,,îîlî and _l L, îîtetelso ecpteooPtt." forma of datarrh atdtTroublieet I e.,t1f th-e SiluaitilO tlence. M. Lamberot grees, drig Tic Beutittg Orgose. 'l - rs odh a"t lta Imile a outragethe i.. aI b'i -11 I.i l a... 1 'Ir I i 1, î,îîcî ai tttlatepe yardtgeied on you .uil.J,lî. ame. fI*.C el Ihliedgý e svlttllytti ýl y.Yeu baeo coeratotandstal- ttheo heutuistslti ttcthitl'ieee-1 il liei..iiit.. -a-,ieoîýloweyotreuîrueututtdetoaryeiroseola..,roie s.afetioft tee 2.iltîl.îî iielliti.ieidui aftpoutttoet. Do ytemaile tist We iordaiieflculfltndone.ilgtîenhotsatl.llItoa l l. L'LI ae living byotiti.tteatsel" Ci,. us %esand wilitteeudlthe moseOy ns.e.t -, NoPdueeweIl am. t ecmî N 11 i.)tiohtî1îporepain forlhe Do yoa ilowtha t 1am c.oog"e ai, luiioicse,.1,tlu tal 2. $1lt0oamottiiatd ousarc iellbettitly .aA2Oo9 thonei svihtlg ttet i speditt 112-M? 'a yau ditiftst- Vîe oîtplforatht sel eae CANADA'S FUTURE CITIZEN&. 'a ettioIetteu lie ptitet5m-o 'ou i2aim l'y ailtîeî and iAls ______laitaît. lte.lnith' eite P l0Me .22015 ho oe dairuto ini t hith de d Chate,,Stteuld .8I. e- ce. ltoir. . t-i.etihooeis tio cléolue. li.ii.tcii.i. i..i doi.Isoiiiler ttougi.itou..eathott. Djesaitodz te lillefilitu ee ffetlofl oefae.the Youhae hepeocitteetit11halts.m slet il tlice eold flt eint t tt11 til'1:eltdudî eFaviepele m n1àPre ondeiFit4piiilorts. tTht i . .' l or -iilii . liCe Je lo si oeualo. NMes1I itond islaitutirpesliiit' it a lîtrubiile. ptiid. ii a-elo o u i the ltititetotshellait et the telte. i 5111mat- roTh 1î einotre aiotý, Nliarbhal plLst-. .1 . i tY -u tluit-t-,affaitre ansuit as tl oett." PF WIXl,ot.t.e Hî.eied avt t Iil" tl1pt,,1ilu oudte tu ut Thoe teB sdetitesttf. te auit oeA -i-il t ire l uue n., ilblt.. tias..bii l tue tatntviith itdpt a lts. Ltm. t andeel ille iteoîerd i lfi-Lîte. Hiioaitiiîitî.iîeli.nueL. L'Iut .t shoatthlattaorloul andlet lllîlptheioIie Mî i Monkîh fleedoit ets mtfl,tist iitt hi iîiiie1etîîiî.tc 11.o1. tt tdttAliitit imeCatpotitepyatttUtf1t e.-ii.Lly lîust ise shiolil' tu.. Olt ae t~2 taltep? Whatt Ithe B iePeLtl eit tek.- îthe îtu.Aîa tti jettaetîLi- lit ior-i, are you a it-oae abott ey- fils Tie iol it tlt F.o, do ilitlilitît ivilie.etiotit- people soy? l a iM lty barbeonels the way *Iil I.îîdott. iiehî tll 000r si.d l'toi i i atî yudiaoh tmy ep ott atte I 50k noter ewtottlitîtugeto Car oinall erye t.iA lîci, eîîîîî ilii et eî bard ait l[tiidal beeplig thé hottsela o. ltte tIle ite added îefsotiir .iatît, i, 1'. XPe, te oe. And 20e tiou ustameoteeut "A tonceiii lilttte t Aist til t eii.ta ltinlu ào otiittty, rn e .satron e" amsM, Mlii.eIL. Ii.ih, tu ti tat h1 ttOtn.21" icoldlie ij 1dldaoit ltbis aba,-Th, flé.cist lite iihtt alie And Labet roalitdil wsm.ail ateliittfrotitt i tîe luit iio.tly teIosli li, eîî.uil.dreouand esdhgunauraigthe ti laly ell 3 i it ieed the-ie bis ale eliiea -',sotithto12 P-t wvellnghastp oetbit hed.-Bohotlt lelt att ie tdtoleloait lailVoustîîat eiî1ttiisa tta Llpply Mauzieto. __________made22ut l1iio oad rthant li ifi, ]lolttîii.icitlao MortalMaulei hta îit .a ielter air Lotittettatited. Fit- Gi tte Muiit. a? ol e fn hot ie that het-alleth«, lIt. Miiiîiîet trli.leuil oailI itulde Cet. tIoidstheliil iltihue tCItIi L.1nd i s lt'arge ceci.- ahtufl, t ieeitithrouhth le foerecasilY eeno., reîatti t to loea ie attitIti tLofilialat.iiao itilIillî.te îoellDcetiient. audwll isitl ofîteci@là1bisselsuîand.more t . t t f y ., i t h Ii e p t id o a a i e o l . i. A ate i î î u it t o of a e t , t I u . ý T i c h i l A li h , l i l i p d t î .pceltiaottaîetatole diîpltt t a' iliauill gotr issuel )@egrbstiue i u ,,t,,.thetitlsiidtaimen lliotave ,,hstl.tooooPtati teîLe lt lt ear. hluitri BtI b"Ilbroghttopund-irthemult U]- e att eml' ire utoa a a i n. T h tee tddtýtlk,,,T etpdd list etueo lae duMter otihee 00 dnLILýtril'Ilerlan .. ,lk hicl'e loeittit. tii titi le nul uaui1 il ii iat tuiolltIifttOo.iiPle l'ynyo teriel h -t. 11-t-li - -o i 'louiet 1oot-ple p ait u le Nothtiot Tlncehaoatie ut eO ttuts. atimttt ete teeti. lu, A uipotot quuhtfoi tht poapîti %%eut. ,.hatltmBihaj.rtitaîsti 1, ,awle ato ot ih0ughtat tbut -J J.rge "regatd gr.zr em inth Nrtse t-te a ter geprtnt quetion e-etihesPOP s' intee trt]pae - ie t- Wanbomp rt dtyt nl guaia ur ntioa ntttos u .%dtitiioti est moret lis o a ,nttty ThUg te -.1:"r l'».Fans Stop That CoId se".ta .t n tt Itete . 2 ouht'1- I ttt, the Pluittm, iieptrtintae. of Fîuo sitete, Cli tîae heti ni d - lagcyte- Bttu i l t b ..-ut ' mstt oI t ectO ii eeciilI .11tetitua. -Ph, -W -tit ht. N e Ztland Odltc. ietiice h. u,# .ite ý 1-t th. The m oiîîtewZaialatettot hotiit.iOeut -h.stTtuB1tO-.1.. lthit sutet a ilote Bt &rit itdin ttha e it-=--lý4dî lotit Tht robihu a mo BItrdS aitd BeD eteu - o ,tthumtigitat te seti -eî ted hissai. Th attvethon .l ieth e b , si- Y, i'ltaîi est ot rt f oI ilera. Therelo t ceett..tstft t ets 48uttcc tetepilat siel'tue nt ua aleu am Tiu andm"teteotie positttSlsBiW ntuavebetdemsfer Nos Zeandti stiat the itegarsu asit thte rnîther hyttebut have daue fut Austriot ittu maevetetta. RED CROSS DRUS STORE. The Ntubof the Thtcg. "MBBien e te=t" atdtbty tete- mettie a grl.unid e tinia Von lOutnie eoy. :007i Ut=utbMaecnty, of Mbitate Ver Md Isuitthe fate 0frijrii e em ttlorî l bisn. 0f bis en ut ttteU,ue et the gotm t rte eit %teet aita se Set t th tsh tf Olt-ty ue astoo er rde Doble tih ttor-the au ins oyil t e tuot na ivigbha St dtlecd te eto.q. ieBBplflg tbogi tht e etol hgg Ifuod ted obtitte froutetfin, as Wbmà " à eft oenedonbyOre bMttr elctoBiotb lth sm u s ba ees la ids etuett bufu.ted tleseuf Otng bewusfounit mat btt t e e e fe m ent P t-- slg tutdeedd10 ticdltitag th Pian a a h . * hm. mw unes estiothe vilage. -'TCho ely ___________ ie adii estoooed so tbuuteu tht TDEY ALL FAILD. rae liu Sois." Baye uhie 'lgapieo rnftgB12t-c pta thtnatuit t tat jaetitic Othco &Y. Oum om s and ves eraot. hos ttit e-Beweoeeta "Mot. t-» tbout. andt dteh semt-tulti t itoUV y.~t -japamu crtuictser. <l g -ltat r oeted tht eSi.tuIoatu . 'e - 1 LI.- 1011& 1t~ ht -t i iet etBtSV. te ItitihI B oImbo ue hmth leuieéN tori re- le eo- tbu et iCo dc.jutas. tobet ias e lae it u to ess e lu et ib= à O untit tinott Mle e-ptthtInn0chu"MMy fer fititesB.ibn a uit 'zle I 8~,titOtbut mtl cite e ttt0ost fialt eel Soffbelde Poteuf t bt-o band ltin tesMettitu et feur Ts setinthet et taitudanele barle Of it.eetic iltto agasa ted eietgtlat t uttieugnoe tB Indt ie ieboot Bt6sd80etb"t tham liephit te ageeut-e- poite ms mosas tttecd«arboue Bt»uilueu tegoromne etla11eti mi. poiti ead teoit hoiBit ilit lu m.t»edua Me tal but thii s- BthaiiivBtDent bi 25 t tBoiBte esbt hau twitliga ofgîte ior teioi sTheot W thlO tuts lop ntg pPO ly mr teliveutht e tt tho riea toitttle oUL M4a uthtilm a t-iI theg di iey B tO5ete gondteeah Or tste pei 'ita stiit aitttsono ler augisaà wI.aml ic lutteChmgtet pbS and wa ret ihoit erne tsst optome estl edo Bit ith tbande 1.1 s ev ei iiOlOti W siellistotheaiet 000t tto oerttcal lt-n ct nl lae oothiletatas tego",ad ption teCs i ei inutatiniB' hit.-oretiuh tetIBnyepasi» the Chalt Mc Band iette tabit Duttut ta agbiratt"ul ed-ic son t ptlt tiulasdptaoeet erIte- thi-oatef0 l'ytheitomeOfislotoph hius teas eettareesedPoit ion, su t it t iey tevl oe t engePettle ol grehfuit rthet ejhaBteeingi et sutn Maztt0itne soschi Wh, ah o lttMe Te cagie mm!nemond- titut atunhes t $t rsn ot Ihot id sd otieit ee hymAinthing aishebeee to g e er fryP tio i la ontueou ptSeiitotlehe hIlîlttd or Ht btheWtObte but t hie bilm e on20 a copat ieSin atst t geydBte euni tU8tttgt. e oeing ht- ha Bupottept»ad tun pet s ts. od s thepbinet ofteln ut wh tmauhebenitib pct-e ootu etd oeto t âtonBIBotiontthuns ia te is? Ble roi areitit B alltiostepthei a e it osubtliet eutectI9 te elhsit.uetai tinlo wht ee toet go ult-sih Tuearsut osteIglthatebinthetforloft t tbne ete la nite riuarhm fuie led i er.H og otoilu hl@ huand teenotm tp ait Cct ie lnI,1 r1H iteh 'tubngi@ h1 otio t t oit gloe iltatee hlgtt. apoed 1uh i teroot selets gsbotsantlebteOr orpotienrea et eotghe fuittItt- te e o t izeas ttil las tht ..ltmeit e serPOS ea @tro. us- uoatl o laettere tBlt et aofthet oer Biseboet vhs wbaast g fedu-h pude toiteai ubtanetieu.lbutreportile au onte ftumdernlstl utit Bt ailn tbltbte andii eot vlutemi ooraly sal teto thenon sr voflà .htoanhe toaste te bapendteeaed B hslt eesbbig o age n lbait puhé abut tittttlttedaato pee»dtri lYtt 1toht21sBol hetduhaves fiet and r etgsb Ctiem bains ereotld t vunt 1 euudu mtî oetflaeta t pm Plunoosi a elt&u poitmetk et fie Amuofea budt faou- eloeith ort, vatarenoua srate coco a prtuh uts e fn dstinet te duandboit" ud, u ovrl mdnot tiuece lu. t es i ouat nns aeu ti astos yeha be et hrotif Do tieeshs tuy t-ht asuetmt our r Iuw t ie i tilit .tdy -W t to piun wis etua eudaituis.O tSt ATei. Dr C.M.tamou n,@ prcidn fte Aot obar tfr 'aiumsstih3aons.u«BaMa ug A tva Prs n o negh z '1 mtio btrea ome wi h qusinw bdban D e os li UItIuRcaaj i ' A t . For S l ti. tb AI 1 .I 1. i lml Sef e se,iot, lot aiae t". ,,', ,k wiohi.,, StitpeulWorated gSuitimngti b<lie eubueDow ~r e 1IAOyr. Y.tec itiIent tm 8"el ote ud.vey elli lltpUt Yot viifinl ha ou mtat eeimled s i t e SU tuu, IMtie e - sm lt iv ouODmtth rbuemg t c4ewttbtlional o*ii ei Womente Frenchi Kid L-9 Gcstbotien in , ptoefOO tting, 1llet Mdiitant ohuitie pihow ttngt, Per paie 02.wittaPe30. i&,60,75, Wtmeit'c LiseoTbosàd Glo0t, tbw Itiih ih ngut, S an ar2pairrtit O,air.- %%ouuttn, 14Pue 1,istetwk, teinetan GlWteot eltt>s ItitEtij 01.00eu 0.2 r Jltl Wonged'B Shoot Glott,selet lengili, tan, bisek, white, guoi it htieeîî-i 25c,3,4, 50 ai.bitakhite--aon*ittthailem. 3n i iot. Womettt Kid (ilotoF. riot tonglte ,tait, greY,î $1.25 pair. Ladies' H[ose sou. Ceabtitote Hote 3&-, 3 pairs for $1.00. taaaiflo' Fine Cothruee Hme, biset atd tan, veey fine quatîty, juiet lhe gagne 0as11'11 t l1«tn tu' infiiut5fo(tlpaie, epeingit , tiiPuter .eeo', l, m 9' "'for 35C peir' te 3 pairs fuie White Lawn Blouses. Whuite LesitBloutem, 811 cize.32 ta 42, ati letitîtdent uboits WOfpatteenan t 0 eC. uîu.slly eh sith htet îbouequater leees ianduopent doclutht' bath. Th et new blouîse s e bate un abolit 15 diffteettl"-%ce ue t tiiPtes yîii li1u j,àIfruit $1.2i5 t. 83.25 tsanatdmo beatutitit. oietîl uteev piet out tee ortliCe ilO B4"ç-room Sets. astortieent tif Be.-eeotSeto te shoew el uspnaasdptn.d îu.basent 1 l.ei ed. sotie sitti gitanduolouiSthOuBiebt11atore giod liherat ojotul, 10 piee set t t 83 25 et-uIé. Jelly Powder bc. Package. Inu te GuotetO epotmneut se vet a tit.gain fer peu. Jelly Posiier Flavore-.îriiig--, lemiuuti.raspitey, tessloeey. cherry and lpistiapple, oqîtal quiîtosandl qaitiii u t-e-m-uu lu t 10lww e, and iutttnîly 5c. ipepackage. Tht imiatioetiu rus Otforthelie ot btit ot ilis of lienant earetitt.WL PPR itho fce t ho msteoe omnttef teci ILar, Tie ritish ait Continetatl i-tes A P m'gratiu in oig. wie ttI ote th. U.uit hlt le Itooftto. titot iotflflan l aitctofeDIII eoert use th otele fot thte stî lme tost >ee. When you are reeidy to do walpapering, ve ir îe reîu]Y to show you the largest Wall Paper stotk un uowî ioîil niîli guarantet not to ie outlldons in prie. *BPEERLESSei WOEN WtRE FE ICE -mitotitt.t-& ce Oe-m_ a tetu St . tIte i tuOe hetse. toeit. nuonjh n ecu tltae t baj t Y.tLi tt li «tUim Te lua.ciorict. . uoh-Ilo' tui t ateu he ost eAustacuttve Thlnu ina fou,... mU itspemt PM 1s LACE CURTAINS ilI England, embracing aIl qitalities and pricet froinu4e- k.Per pair up to any price you wiah to go. Nottingham Lace, Tipeetry, Madras Muselitîs.Swist- embroidered, in really lovely goode. MILLINERY week attendng the ucmer openinge f the wholeeale mil- linery hotte.. of Toronto, and ha.u eonred a beautful show- ing of aU that i. bright andi new in the milliery trade, suitable to the advaned season. See theni eauly befori, they are pioked over. That bargain lot f Table Linen 60 lachea wide, pure linn, at 3fo. per yd., je gOing like anow in April. It le the in Table Linon ever ahown in town. ÂAthr snap ging juat now ia a heavy double-fold nb1eabM ed eig at 25. per yd. haine y t 'aller t 0 d 1id i. 1 a l e,,, Chas. J. *estern ENESIGHNI IAIISI THE PtiB IHLAi 1H ar wRAf) oi i tilt pu t Sa oI -Trip Ecsi o"! )ATt-h tI set t 29 , H, , i -o XCURSIONS te NORTHWESI For ' -' t iti l uth s ,ii iv agu0 ARE iCt %att EcW 1, l e VfiNAY N II SINC Te TORO HOM E tîM N TC lit . t. latt M leutiili Cetu , ', n1à. ~tosi.l ta it h tt pu,sed EeooFotoo. Ltteioîl ill Ouitees of siiq.. it gt a nd j i Pi îote miLi. tiwt tiI1 t' In talietse ;~ uta- p toi oeedy flot relu, 1. la dau*theestt l t Foite tee. eA cIlt ett1 h , S.t.thu Itoth Ilit , I o kettit -f îo.tttt. Wr tk tiI et re ltitp te ool d ig $eoot ) Ie THE METF FAIIMERS Bt MILNORA RNCý TOE FRE W. R, TRA VL] À E eri li% SAVINGý TO0.Mcl> 5nioked meati - Farta Prodîîî- Jno.M.M Red Ci Spréng Tonii Beef 1lu il Nytls - i 't aPû i lro Ki . L AIl thesie tliI obirinable. JNO.: I-Red Orom I)rul d we cm