th' uuinruuei hrgbthNsarRad O.Y.f S und mafor iu orum lnd, uiiduil s theeu l l1 utfils reuct 'u ut0 1sd "Y. i, dmd Setlark. .nt'luI i"trutlert n <a lwtud5 13i 1 M Id n le iu- S tme dnte eusi ql. oncz ra, t ttuse alr usasimmoeeroe - Oleu' bae 1u7 lu.T'bae laI sale Ie etherClarlu mli tutttr t- su1,hs ealges lsuutb al*J utý..sI e~l tutu! t stutuettuetutu etudth' abur îlîm 'satb utetPR ISgW1121 tad" nt he Be' w» rent "alO-f ________the_____ t . I huclvt ul Puia t ui tuna. uteut ugeuous aIdhesad«ha 5«5 toui bpcs t-e beartaidb uptrhi= 1. I .EMCDi teEton uE of uu t The reauiuaîitufr 1sa Teuaubadasu' [t slig.'uc u uetee - i rsata lngs -da %l,u .,t, Ju n aletm. u h' ttseat uhu esss luuseee sd tu stegsîtuus e to st-5Th e w - tu,',. untu't iun -i, rtt'ut t u au tt esurue .c M 1 ,esas h'W m rs -lue ie 5moi, A em 10 * ut,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r l-utu'ttr. retuetuttrt ut ttuut bley stutaktag duWu of t uluaeeee aid-audS l- ids d 1u1 yîsauamu asuebu oo Il tt.i 1. t'hu.u,'tiit tetua tu att pantingus t ete su. y s saut Il ai Fuusi ul Be t l itig oornDL T ut 14a To ron"ie u-DY, e ttlt u a suuhapiuto t e hert t etulu sic s bu te bsat!ice "e veat - satassl us.s ye si m d ig- 'u,-u, heeee t ît n ine i t uu. k-r igto h, attet b eand s el *W Di t in o u e t t Euoe' " E . Dli fse FMfl EZ u s v t"' tt ',,Th e nu mnatiuo ns for utte or -hee tl -f -I ut ' tfatbles, ttue'fuu eutsttuthe sk esu e le.s 1 ~t't-tt~ e teatut lbte- tltttuitet-tad ett antd sud o sut igts tateIut We uu r Ntit b e l ut 5a il'.,, londa *t v t--u',' tL t ueThs l,u ae tht tudthen 'le tuv a are tututttu the e. s l'tsule tagienu s Th. salei folu e i ron1151 ye b tu' W&u tttM tt1,M tutt tt anigtht't't ettart tet't' at-se ftiatt 'i"ver ', -t- -Cm Pneed ru stoaue of asd aw illebsu alesI 'lmantoutth ila e lctu utuut e baht t ut i;t ori sFnt Sot ch t r pe uttu 5sî usîua t -M li lue ni Il '-'t'tuet'tut gi hotcar l. - ebuott-t e b t ut-ltt p eee f u u eubabtte u , pe lsuli AI ut 'lu' t heJ I - In t tttt'tuttou fi ete asusprîltthBrtsh F , lusin a i tt-s ula " bada t iSfron tIl ,tu c-u u luttutbt - Ètt t l. tan ,,le tut u t , .rt. tt -','It'tt t' ,tt t il,,t. , T hte-ere t i, Fttuutr tId lf ese etussuis er.tamioledssjute tI. une t tîetutue tlrs ' u, tu,.,uottteu r' "' , "' t-,1. -- lJ u. th e t-d P I a I llI-ittiret Finalt' i'ctltut . lat ft h. - vts - tandt the 1,, -B ut.gI l.a, 1h v a pe f Dit ut'tt baetute cuiBt lit lua li il, lar O-uth tréil am -- dsc- ý,b - u.nitulr e &t-tat, Tedte. re t T anled t tB enhaldIRStad l'h. .u" mst.b madeutth teu'nd g loutadScheue ,lluact7ami wi rth- -U 'k Ti i- fPonttM tu ttu uett dostututet' jtutu tdutuop l t t-e ad w td utoroùfl tt-ltrte ts-utttietdotu' tttututttuuttu het te ttttetteti:%e tauetuaettuetuutruutuaneiut-aeIl- th ueituhttu uu t, ,ult.. .tuîu ttt - tyuîss tt t t eas itdî ut'ltuteeuttt Iluttutgtl te foeraulattustahettlacefOutthett-aaeîce hcad l- O htu'oiu ut tt ttehtuu se eit t-u'tttlIe ear tf lu tt- k 't lt, tt1tottuut~.ute 1- nh ut uttu tu t te intae morettu t ensietutd e tIr ,fbcfc e - ,,ig, tthe -e , tes- he mue-tu tlet utr e tabcel tutu ttutu t -e ubtutt fr - uuttnn uit allai ,Brl> t I,, , ,, m the otu ferse bis leid» a-ndtthBe wu- l, j ptlail ll1-ut'guu'l.-It otutulatuOtufla tut -1i -1'Illtnd htc tut-rli pct-uh. t .rta irri attotut't t het- urat-e eau aItu -ute e,- - t ute. utm »ffet a r eet a ut- ne t nttîs heu tie il 1tAlll tututur .hi h-uctt ýtOutusutt-ftthe t egatafertmtr.lunt 1-til r.. f i -' lil l h ,Iý',th. toit-It tluthlleareutyl euuI luanetd -r t, -ýt m n hl ndk i 11 I g ' ut tu .e § aut ttc atht- s et ut ani e sue 'B eunctr,, u t satll'erutuute ulusté Il'tl' s o r k ta t-tse ;,c On "', AI. ,i p, taI ,« uut ts r'au s s t e e ts bres u mutulee ethece u kîtutuhu-ro.dsute ceah fthe a 11, utîttheu1tut.t.-Ia- duttagaarecetulirN SP tutuHO' b.uthetfteI l l- tal t e lok or uthe man let eue W.,ttI tauu'e t.uitt1 itutdyubaety u la ut ttumt t e'Nt tu tu" Jt.s utisll nuetu s Il. jestuts he etnt tt eresuaa tlasst f ver>' Day a Ds'Dy ,,e ny goinR tuhrfgh the. world mano.d tberes O »eMm kQov geOe"SloO wby aybody eiouMIO't liv, sMd dSu pw M The griat majoriy of Pompe Aveb&" o ome Y ll ne ggu-piw"u~nd tua is their sjor- WU the cou an- WO'V*th e in merchandisingcO"dtliO in n ilto thi em eoajsdobyth beut of gooda and pauy cztremOiY modefate P prucem Ladies' 811k and- Lace Blouses9. - tas tunly34 antd 36. Thuis loi cf thliây beautiful blous c ctprises thte hutiet iehujing ouses Usaiire luave ev-er had the pleamiie tus peu. They are traveilees' saispLes, itaug ilueir app(5ftear tussoe wmud juauge tIsait tey haut just becit finisheu by a tyulendlul dreet- tr nu tire aluke. Tluey'esplendid, and Uthesemof il ail le Usai me t-ail smilUsem ea bg f 81.00 aud 01.50 on every blouse, jus1 Use mme sa houg yu were iusing ihenu the- ahoiesele yoaeslf'--t-oi a litile chesper. White and BIac-k, Tuffrila tub,- Inuits Alitucer ilAm- andl Net, Cail and se tIent, utsuy sites 34 andl 36. Men'aSBpring Rats shw nail tite urctuailing styles, iuoth lu soatfand etifi hale. Th iut utei iis meueutt lu'e e.xtencne. lie bard ts imte b liran ad the malter' tihe uais wireclil and atuthe of tht liatInlt iue*ving a hatiut leistuot as ms-b the pritce orthe . nateriai, hutit i ithie kt tht-hluethat is iiturwtant. (tout-ibats are matie hy gond mnabers. t Siff Hat, ct-rrecet Antcriu'ufl aud Engiestyles, black sud faim uluadea, qeusial 62.M.ii t. Soiutt Htl, ttitnîlumlele aiseulrl seiettd range of lutsts tyles, in cuioss laekl, itrwt, 'ccv seul ftir.................... ....."'-"'"""" itt. 2.00 anti 2.50 ectî. Japallese Mattings. Pure Maple Syrtip :ý5-. <1t. 'tut tut etrew tt uruts, cites-k and tie tht'tu-tt et etetit t tu te't'c ttt-t 27-t. lîu,',d lis-pse d. s-utlut'u,'t t'tu't Ittetus, 2 antu mut,', ltt-,k 'attu Ilittra tteret ;i ,s ' t . v 1. t uutt CHARACTER IN WALKING. L O g l ..u u i u tTCinose acrt ortillseus,, - t-'rauuu lu h, i,,T rscts us-eh A-, teadut e D*ab5d li - t tueuuueu fte r l t 1 ar it % Ofsutida it- e ; tl' lIgt'tlIl tutt-ý t'att by Osas . Gaut ,Itt ltit- t s Itu etul us chactdIMIut iI -ts-tlu failli'Etttttt Mi tt\il t dutatatht utert."stut the guet tut uts,, ,~te uu u u aittt-u liuueetticauns tf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,,wu, uuteer "l.oir dol eto tet.ttst,-tle ohttedtlacaett si ,,,, , . I i.î " ,Iosntaul t utublt reu -w- t à't tuuutuîrtt Aaues rmt ttA cordiatlinvitatit t-i bu tt urc 1us t el t'o e h iet- t u t-t O ofusue a etn) eut-tIue I k - 'batrtt as at--uu statuntt'utan 't'on,8 ,îttuttter tygrotitbtltesttataesytne tititl, 5 .oof-clsJtittoute tttatupa tedsud luit- tedlY l t' ""l" tuttut uttuga tue tu-etutu.hut acaduseu o. , rut e tuty. t-Batbelletand t outîantut- t, ".T-t 'a t-s -uut-attu A tut-ttu.a i ete .euer.un ukemPtt sad dis- The utuuug tutuoa st ota ut't.e irt j tillI tre t ow Il a Atnut ut - f ua ild 9 t,,.jr l »e t - Joh uai. saL l ti,, t-m utt. t-tthe la ruý t.v, amt-llte - ut t t tuet't,to r tt-l i cerJmirIU suaiolY Iloartttune cur. t Nionos.htu tt t t' dt t Ltitttu 1-u tt, ýhier u'IhfIrS O O AYS -0F DIZZINESS tuesforthetusa tute rie oatte'Ifl ut '"' tc uttu-Liat ool s(uctet C ou(I C u reT htueutt Biu ueotttuf.andehuteu-a m b'l ; e e tufot utle atue tl 1 K5 uhC u ete Uiu tahttes Iuitt-uteuttag. thle -tu -rteto huut- ILdt-t-u titnt tut Maet' MuttuaPetopse thetn,,a.ttuse.eul cst.Yus-uoo'er 11u ouu suttitus ttiu iets. RED CROSS ORUG STORE. lu cesîut, d t u t ito a- -etlu theurtuattutberorthe satne tatf t-utu t tue ut1. Uae- t.u be It ti, tutyeut j;tt t- th eut-tetu ttLI. 'bl.gIrl -itue tI I l i .h, ab d . a tut-t tuttut-s-, dnictut"tee tasheau t tuioi uu'.t ufi' tuueît'l"Puortualettattout ttt tuu -aIi I, ltfdalsaundi tt. b at 'tti t gr I . uu"uutttutttitt5--i ttttlit , kittti of ou rt 't- t - tuti ittitttt utuit"tuh tu tue, - tue_1? olt iolstuttesa "sUt t e aufiutututu attud the t tttrl \lltou. t - -I u~tt tuoto t- u oth tt glidwg sud tict tut fusltil--tel itlthenutticotlt-ledha Ilte.t Ili)(u"iufusukt-tut-erut s ttafveret-a us tutuu,,buuu,tIo uttttttcatut- 1 tiut uuoutuuthttsttelm ..tu eht . hu tglla wb u i bih s t e e-tattttu-t dw o tItututt ao bi,>i s-tuuttt iteulekrg mtîs-e t-t ut- .aerg tucseutird. uttu htsbc' utu' ' t h. - 1' Po-tuu T l,.t, Iaustuuueg'iyla Leausaa nd't tsametet- he aittsul, l.'tt te.1ktuttI uu.tet.taau ettA ue 'tut- uttuup orftt'b talU ee o ru s e'- ot at [btt e yt. ire - tr t tu tu' , lIf Ttc toasttuettusndt-t st " ettytoelu eouftut ie tuas Suu -tt it -tt uoettthei-tsRCtt't.uie Wt luC.- . PELES t-ritor Sa Ilagc ofuto' e .Thtl ie tu t (ti tut ,. ut'- tcc tt hThet-edae tatBfbulth.0tt e. ut'i o ingeott-"f Ith t-t-otastor - utsteutlinsut t .tt l ttuutte tf eata ebid es ltoe,-slea-ututtWho.auusbst e ugly trl I ber atur Pon* Y.Il ou i1111ý'Li, ;'..lIlte.uIVtaoongutatud,.tuuMt auWàreulutatSS tut t t utu lI î ttluu ht u. lt-t pui di'b e t tuta Ilteu n 8hlit-11atN 1:11 t 't tusr t u w r as att am y erl a Ara In. us e Nea Wt Eca Et te ba Cuea uh.. ., Iuautus Ab olm etu lelu lo hiTi-tut-t tIarei! tht t e--Ites dat leth abeitun o th ýou i .*tut 8uts ut risusua-,Imurle -lu - l 1 lus1 tt 1 t ls- l0 usitu -t uuts tt i.i- I uta t- tnt-' r liser. Fatt. it' ut ue.:,c tus-,t c'I l.- toc tu eut rot Is etigut Pdeat-tiser .ei -ttut stc- stduabe el -fi~t-, eutt use [t'tiu e u 'tttund t ns , t nt. eelt.t'tt tt. III, Ilitutt .uttt ' te ids ipe n of ios fonce.u.pi. us t- ges tIrsonathtutgu.t tu luteortut ,ai. 1eetol' 'iePatretue wctt-sofuhsc ulauret-tutav ut aaouttteuetttuf Bomeot'stuat't.u1-1-uetut- b ,uu te att-IOute etutCst-a bush ttkJ1~tu u -utdetcut oît-t .;ututhe r pi t entuolIsa i tait. h. A m ptlAtat Ive ctie tgiuuîuttAt aslgttîu't filuttg erltul'tuedtskbslus t-gu lules hng lflrY our . tob tr Ite . fu retult'eptslrscuu'S s Ilstaat ota., ut uctu. ut- sbleit B me e d, t bte utu..e.'uit.iuutttit-t ttctuute.tuu ' ai i, ouest a'uu ,ptt d s rhroeglt t1i -,. .tt F utu,'oo ut guug f " a r Y ,, , astssipsaby.Pl us-,. .uuîî~ lu fu. cutsaut, fcfolehute- i e-lttttu 1uac -t utt e~ lth Io tti-s îufu-tat-ue. buti- R S eo n 't t u ue 't utt,- u-u-ed fut u ts- aàt -stt t h e ut-tcds "iuud htt, i tu uu atutoî te lluts. igser, Aboutshu nieas l uui tlais TO tu tu.ts-tttuu .ts-ttttttutc ttttt-tttuttutt thVe rmuyA ch eas. htts tireeet-utsaeldt-hotu1ut-t-atuch ut e h au-I acbailuc 'bs I,175 It-sat s- bues e but-a suOtsf ajo a sasat BE RtSEA D I S bse s-ut bitts etue t ril Gu veltu 4.tu l , ile ae ue dosth ue.tttI"tt-d s ycp n okte lat 1t her l c idesitAot, Tlus Ction, gles ue iftI ut ltt 'pu- osrittâ tw et tlesitendtit.utto. stut itl eecd la by ilut eterepiaiuteuuIf ».ulthtst A tra tiv tau Utttt e l u n ateseauset aI l ut stoei775 bi llu aa b w oi yusssy hi g In fl u t o t usuceer- The urm ttttttonla txprs5nteta s "8.8p"Tuîs Nationl î Rit uit-,ltcu-feci parut taîtul use s-an 1: iltbt , Il 1 Ilfilt-u ff e s , i tme t rt c I e ea s.uas cue utru-t Ktt g uS 4 r W , W . F essesoron o. lo'at 9 11tua M en. ber 5 al s ya g st c - es b . U i s s t . tod o --et p osolubtu n. C ste s uda a e th , %h o,ý tee t e d N Je s e y Q Mt-b s, qu ar te h t- tîtieti frembobcjots1 sel ct ut a'dusincteautntauc ,hthut-a a- pFox l usdiees.. deroi ta tl"Il i tî c a . s - th - .d lng as m a on M d uu. su-k b otetuetbeditut tetatt8eut -ut, Te lre u- tue ulus u.t t ics yuethe -er u .lt-luh. uBat ~ lhBsts7 ~ ttt reu u sr asosu IvMr ls luesutelonebrosaBO t ttel I, uoaqeul ss t-et-tt ustutuuttuuutttetst-a titnutit het- IArt otd utt o-utende titshluaodces. ndbas tueltutu . ia Apral, asutusu d eosi, e llnbkn Iillasdycd uteut -u-outos tt utct ch t-t a butlticta statu n n Mer a r s t bt pl ns in Eizptet l, uJ. tFor au aewsselat" aauuss Ile c iwe Il, tgseltfesto autrttlahiIlutile years nitedaStmtesisoUsetsmvntIsimater, ut ttt.,t aca utltt, -tescst t utusiileteIut-otumirr ottIîl a i77t5 ut i have l a s e uls .I~ ~ ~ bl tpesslsra le I el t-t ilt-tuttee tusttitthf vinase yetseonanla l d aeus auseO san whi hta~ a sibunlas Ast utusasheret. ututulet Bets 1tuteal, .u'hally adwsaaden i kptt ed esatelie. andspug t w ethiitttu,,. aIigl nellucuaqag duge.uhuaI. usu tu e bgt. o ruit t e 'htUnited Sttes and Can. te huu r t pteh I aeinsip 9on: -C iedlct Siudab'sueusasc lu usailue,, sut ue ksuttetIs adt'.sleasu- ttNtelu seamtu it om t-lue t e CBrtsh yaitp-sd Ba~unker t, s. ud ne -iet~ adi eslas l~ iabIe Is Liait on the wholauuestion, whi.hh«i17 us75.- ytn"ustoahavesbeen n ,siug su. bs s us ete t t tI oa urmet cieurts c a annnwiuuay Wtauset- .szd-. ~ ' ra _________________________________________I Is he Unisd t-c ite ois tra utuila tle pns.l i e5i al..sud ve s t l a rsutsion e t-Il- eutsl b hecoonesettua i ________________ 1 psiio5 hl.h osc n minscete ftah aelsaetuit-u a1 s.77u5, trv ('arpets. tl t-psetry ca-utqi---. s.ts-tcai 75Ct- tu lon extended it mur store. fias-or, gffll thiisk qutuIt ':, le'r uturutul td55tl, 35et. biti t ubt ttheuts-iluts-t ut' itîrculutht-t re lut-tue e.-1. t Root S(eîlut !t!tutttttuth Lontgs-Pet,' Nitttttts't lneitt eitut, Ma'l1e-tIl, t.'ituts eu,u tt)qtesl luip1vIl Gladioli Biîllis. A uuutttu,'e tas pJuut-t tt i ut or -tue'lu 't-ic )(t) u'utts-' itt ltui ,1114 ttti'u 'ctt tttl stet' tartCau]t tutu lotus WALL PAPER.",. Wiitîi 3oui tresrettdy tut dowallj aper t,ý, e uare roi to shîow yon tht largetut Mcli Paper stock in tocsn and guarantee ot to be outdone in prit-e. LACE CURTAINS Wei.,re noted for -aluîein Las- u(trtatta goodo,. yeur ire have a large conignînent t-ires-i froîn Nottittghi Engiand, enabracing all quaîtties antd prIcs-e frsi-10cIs. pair up ho amy price youî îsi iî h go. Nottnghamn Lace, Tapeutry, Madras Musljîto, tc emhrosdt-red, in reaily ioveiy goods. MILLINERY Our Mima Hutchings spelît Monday and Tîsday t-f1 week att.ending the summer optîlilgu of the whoiesale t iinmry boumes of Toronto, and bas seetured a beaiîtifui ahg ing of ail that je bright and new in the milinery tru etitable to the advanced saton, Seothtbtîzî ariy beî tbey are picked over. That bargain lot of Table Lintît 60 incbes wide, p linon, ah 35o. per yd., je goingliîkt 9110w inApril. It ila higgcst anap ini Table Lut-en ever sbown lu town, Another enap going just atou is a htavy douibls-f inbcached Sbeeting ah 25c. per yd. oe ady will min, per this l- ude, fors- ture the flid Od wd »age tPleasane g Apply o ~ Ogli . -,, For beric. 1, I C.luth<" 1-'t 13, Ethult N ts ta"P NOTICE. sd t-bal re -t utti. i. ilCL FNEt N t Chas. J. Wester EYIESIONT SPECIAuST N'otre to Crediton tut-tuuuu-tu tue tilt, .1 u.u eut' ..t .." tNi . t . I IELutLjtlI(.HtI 1H, % tii. e Public Hal W i u,1 h t-ttut't-t a 'o HOMEEKrU do t i t tutu, VEUY LOW RiATESttuttu r,.s uts -tt 11 b. - tt t '~5I '~ ' SINGLE FARI Te TOIRONTO) ANI) RETtRfi stm usen t --uttu.ttux Ru & C. M. BuUilg IIOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS, 10 the NORTHIW HAV Plow a cmplet. stock of Pawnilum, , NIt»Lti iditu- ~ .. t-0bs llacsing Tabi.s"«, u, ~~u'ua-te u.usBcepu Dîner, ()ocules,'- Parloranguies, Bedroom * dilna U t d BilIutileIWi>flBSd"u Pfi ..d laud. Cuxlu r oies Olîclo Lino! Mldlg, a"soother lins,55as - Ltuuzdt l&Ü t-dA PICTRE FRAMWNG A SPEMILTY. iemaet esuetus08t DRUG Everythinu f oi can 4, ltU 1 l , ,. , uDtot it s, [ RUBH 1 'tursil t A COMMOIý Good i The Metri jMILTON BR!NH TPE FARMER51 W. R. TP/O t SAVINGS T 0. McI>ii 5ioked Weats, SUREE B-L' Farîn Prod' Out ofi Cou we wottid Lt [NO. M. MA5 ý7h 'IL A GLNI wýl