LJf NTY )f- AtT LOC AL COU RTS CA LE NDA R -à A hus- i n m ,1 ,t f _ hm..nd t.h 7 . q-Dogls ak 1- RSH il. I-E.ANGOWL AD MA. MB. n r B.A ' °, P . i .HPl -- -d -- - .,.. FAbN EADth.OAT. Om fi. A li t uNA, th lat-F ia f a ld(*( Sthget ef(g B.A., --i-.qLAP..P rr. a RE 'sad . ý-N,*iL .bI, -1P. t ' p0 m u 1 n eta ·u .-Ye s ..nd thda Hdy of \\ u r I Di E, T ra velile rs' G uide. ýtnty CrownAttorney - -at Hue atn n I PAl1Fit R AILW AY \ CHISHOLM, am. 8.osp.m a-, r. alc.,NotaryPlih ' 1 GN W .s. a o et r.t-. om LL1".1IOTT, 46.A. 48 a . rr r N ta Publec. Mony t- ¯¯ M, ïFast «Ir-eat Meiirs GRAND 'TRUNK RAILWAY xb*a-h atr.Min sit , mi to. ( &N W. DIvsio.) --¯.G"o ND, . GOING SOUTH. \ . OYD, a il M .4:p m. ro.1S a.m. 8-35 P.m 1LuLD.S., D.D.S. .1a1.l, Win vist mus..n o0 Ile. Pr ivate Funds 1 e farm peurity at 5 per j e aiale yearly or half- ea. W11-.LIAM . DI K 'With Ch amil-- Daily Globe ..... ...... $.ð b"99of Mailà and Em ie Tr 't ...... - -,to Dro .Ac. ILTON, ONT.1 N1. 1 litth r isa le ton - mow knwn1 .n IIL, latarrh 'bem ýO t. 1 Hal. i ucos r -àe 4800àmm neLatd'soThe re *m but a no- The utfset of hemnWho caned re ad Sthe Vlue T ahe ie f AaronNornian," Iwent on the' .tn s e ie ob a nee io; adtis," she indicated her tarrb. lm m 0enetook the 4-eltet mdcali CHLAPTER XI. . fionstitutt toileau» ESISSI Who would gal n the NIttoa1 ,,,dSAreu o,,,,,d,,,rthe eonetin DONT k.ow what.youcure .,an e te-rmeerr.mean," said Beeeot.SI poh tb - Tben oseday Déborah, wMie ecnenaaer lebhe 1 4 6 out tile cell~ aud a Pee o f a- saemnoo t a r p S si = Wà« Nes ML au s »M.r upbete ean d d teauger '*o fer.asemuel twen hade shpped devra btbiailby is Rein m ou.als. i r en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % dbu d"i's W bs mye osesdtoamwe ae M » &ete bt&ve hejed. Bt rt "Nan waysnot your husand, a enie •r. adhi decrp. "Biva orap! MWhgpr Mnda am t brde elss t er am"ny , t ' ' hena- Ihage with ou.sa.n Imu l e IU h o D@ N * the yob «a nOenam enlle t u mt e n e " A a o N r- l à Il t i --eepl - r b.g.-.~ .o se,d. - a " n mn"a M - y o-it.. t.e..s"oAn, . srd 1th a a hetetnd er ar ,or . le .Ys t, t ....soII.,me , Ut»i t a M s y i cpt.n a r ,,,n. e, s , e oeul nthe smer main Tereoep." e daled" te lawye.lrat m he -e p t la tasqut stldbt his I u " - attay l to seT onra l t o ngm icesd e o et e I t amll hi autia etea myw@owt ly r W ##oklie panoftht otU" b e ' tbua falle nohnd o b e dser<oin_ betres tof a mamionlset0 ot. fal »" »Il 0 -" "Pt' mbea'.""oo .°0"rorma"'vis" Ratroer re.°e"' , 'b"ndha sra v e agg t idow bâai @t ." RIEbb h on 80- buntmiofUthe %monvaual-à.eq ue t oVb carr ed.t. the mut m .osn er OUIA ut h o he is o ty?' «i1ngh that dw s acptabl eM tbe "Oh, Pau," saidatlva, ln asmay. nadamu,* rý and tdi to ylvi IIIIIeII1 pwe a t h. t qu elthi deighful irlwasall his Mus N@" a " lm ey h l"80 I hety read thite theer. and the "Who ei Syour askeMrs.Kri ea deta, alŠ gie mta ly.d g Mniati ," sarI d r. m wth ut vin a mthe e e "d 1ndy s r eal nme of dmy ifate mre .r w$She isbthed 1 auh ter e Ir. Nor- i astebee a.ate in" t hstree t y who yhad be araßetwoIngan cow est handI t e u , enubu "I.j f m tei ufr t ena n e,"a mit e Pa rna . sidPlc quickl, ateee n elthe- rtl *n Mr. Bet I n'e e h t Jan d rdebl ." P s tewlln forten h is ock et, " s t auithei rs o ," toesrolate d ! E frwnng. "ta fter a o u a :heru gagýed it atosrry ame 1Iv at a i ui neetd wth te p wnin ofthe brooi » t a e ?ae d gyi& -t MMW D& a ai n ten d ia is Nrand a , l ouerthe fortiueghtte b l a e sa b utfr u h a o fo n so an yar an holdsdely m sche e Madte ewl rvlfratm enotadn n em to take tn t rieeback gth al: thefrouifot o ead nt stat p gan wenth booc i ued "Tor am " ah adrlusquo th "That's uery w as of you Gve Hay ornte r n e ým ratte , e Yne sdwysa ercman- AUn conetio« tly as tel e cr=9 ime."A irtldirPau.l "u r ate'srelna el ie nbit. O" cnrse ifa you «mee "Btof thril etshonu tbe' troub e d n, ithe more tlaghe na ad "Ith is trage !Im co wgratutyu "w a SSS I '- ms 10 E u OW." i m you rae ndn'ttm ellsi ht ye P or. a recontbl. e riO ithu omn ner. Id er yu.1wl e onU da ig hsMUR. r.H rd t st l y ou d. w enhM r iesw t o coe Y o isla h l iea 1e me t ael tffyou r .th hai o' It e e losing..a rich ani eruinloe, to ok nt."mm ylvIa- ok e === M1; Deborah le r Catain HM awkoe o ny ourte s ho de r es he oreplied , aissing r n te uir. kirthe elderiwoman "^°' ' ""' UZ ' a-"" e b't o e •d 110 tha a i n H y r i -,, halland-th nks f r the w r tt " *' ' o"' t, e ° "" e '"°' m" a n te s emoni. ' e ye t e l an be Hurd, raimptheraeprdsed "I realyocang ,,Whatmermay appn yu WJh away do'tse m wy.Ihae ottoete ondetha t his ows All ofv e en. Pulh» ave me uto stn y syoau. AN , D e. 1 ew P i holy o tat ok iecre-'y al eedenc e abt yer the wath theour ad hemstryoui te tpated. ard wenl t awayS o ram alslo. el ws wrt nrg Ilmehnt i for uhe o n an, t «I o ae fo syi ,t.H verdict t the in ues ngl ewilua te opnbrdh nobtedey"Mr. touhaveathe b Il wu@prin ted, and SPa l ire- ervuldely. e dce lltn l)I re hepoet.1uneaad ,. Um rder agaIns oepro rpr eulKil l aonNorm-uy! fan, urne o wynnisseet«BUtouare lvi a wasthe o frted, and Paul w thspi,, ilem y ag n a okngs um ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ re u811us 1hve had goo&td. reWanto chaneith Byok lvia ou t thei a rly m u ar.ptigteudihdlte nhs ... e ilyurlusbndridugher HurdI who astc lind toU« mh ie d i llean e xhibAit trrr a te img e. ebra wite s.t p fakt, etround to sePs n his I t not uDN Ids. m ugher th@ - H Dg &M SI&itr e ig *«h o teMboM han d te eonhapy r ýeve SI of deght thatt hoeraiyoung mis-ie st azà au- d he lg a d a atyhteriofuwmue o w n MlMit t o sl k O m d ete ctive , dr ad e . w atd ev ei m g t e, had tr ess w oul e nb e n a a l a en C ac er am e o fB. b t tH e as rstop ed n m ewl .s e ad e exan eagly. . 01» tob u rpet Tei-t nt e ause of h. myster i. iou n n njytepet ion oFwf hon r t a a saout y u e G od he 'lvens, mada'cd a ex. - « P** tragk'death. ButPaul-sahd otut"uf abe man. Knoingnthat se would"o , h: f c turnin wht. "Wha pie w h ih b et t . 0 0 t à a-t as. utbwell have u nÛbb w oter. " rePdab is engge,,"sabd thL. 11 . y ,if al e %I K l' ha" te r- tht he rolo tcae Ma thou ght ad thrl wua ilence ts on b iveut d fro 1 m" mm IIearrs, she told , dh he n.te o y rdsutcan: ý ssag cay" for all eyosearndionciaab vening V1a7fewminuteBarlTaseytat hywudb a-oea,'oyu aeto wait.a Mr.OuPaulna9thdown am1 co r .ea Nobr-ac the identh it he asa i n' P.dnS u des ed t e a w r I no red t th sa e t asthe young B ee 0 9!thayrea . e w s h mk ng no So th e r qe rs tons h be n t a se .1tt o à" bout the leol a M .poet of th W . W Wà ' is o p e a d t a h a n r o l e P u o k d d w t t e b a , w o n t f thl' s o f the mo, " n e na Mr.h eefted. 1d teoriesra eda nd cou, .d . w , M to , uifima e cetSU, « lef t or th . » on tinen ut. ert, f * * n. "- u.o do iyou r know my it o mra te -i t1 r and conS i scusranetet ury an a. dte the » Mer h, e Moe c us.a red h l a s dd a n ayerha e ask rbed "I n ver sa you s li a een a m Ie d arteds ole d to br wing f th v rdi cp th rouh ather afe s elow and may w th eor an ry thi N rng was b tu frihttefoM. s bal*. haby uut frSi. hNortua utas na.d I a e d0ict âmedlyM .H r . le ful u d e or ze er os t qe a g etin. es ate o ic ran g e d. "P m f r U e., b au O theand wB. ee to allt e ur- idt o e L ,k Is g : a her .I to :s ow la a pi us Atnown.V&gaa i the ran e erl e m ns -m tena dfoeruh n l ay lfl" then deat Ofdeu.andtvo plac lueve tre t a wki ghehnasi'tr- w hat void - and wer.to cluson tat ouldbe rrivd at pa e tht M s yvai h d aug hs tet erty. He foud cnonre oI hsfye mu e -uafm Iltlr. 'lnd t uli v on:uand t ia r lur. ureI a ar Of cure t he ptapterribtookimup "the o yLate "Tes teee et" th e cca e . rt oedt ofthe girl's birthand oeu]r-t,- w el ihthiagiy Hm t1Rd a a a yr ". hr mattr an ased wat he plic -wht's that. soute De ora. lsyte.ma vrige oeUrman ta o aom e n'TOUas g av me tbo turlolnIt."f o rei e tu oeasIag "Iand i ema cld wer dovinto ph rem it.o brta l mle w yi odhrmt.%. id omni henm • oa1grl. -h oyu epd-si a l, e, m i rare 1s th ele a ist rts borhood and in the metropolis of thes o, and-t araerboergay en.leen jor c on. I uhlig eled. to you :, str bg e a d a otapcen l wo rld. "Wha ete s ilokatio. n i ertracted und@r his alie bu. He had Mar y. wdue l do ulgt hl oo t"kh b y 5., 'IthIii s ymat Bing to lgt n d." e utc. on te,"same -T ee' n-ee1t hotboa i ted dt.n a er h a s descri- -1 t al d myshpelfla' It, lsi a ta)sitLtt h, d l Milwy. tpa . t wt w r an ur y rahad donremteir dty. ul dodxere st ac t hoSMrUI nd whre.heca ermanthe at uhan-ougt an n e aeg r a i a h ie as s manwer co mited o te reand ing n gue a quiet eaistyaschirchaand Passi, hav Meide'scoltd the 'o. AT he ue- mri åba y frm h urn e al e ve o e wthar t "Good day," and ftthe rom . ub et earched. found ee Bryth in i alorde r aendent se la romiing ls , i s h er it do ar fkell Ithe vdauher left abehind 1astaer te a ..1la enie o a led Mr s. b Krt âis r orman, as abeasu and h a se d Mr. Pasbas eis at lo T rua h sL.i.r.lr veriets a i qlli of mo g ney"sid known, Kie. onlysaAaearnor to after sunday inlind , o'spm .Te1rietot-. iutrm- a', nolt ee i, l the perDsilwich su on oreapaanerhrarig adthn Ddeavigo 8 y ere wnandcomt re." an aul .n ereýiadi aghe. sone U Bown.l mue bavehad go tenes, t c eyllevil 7via toutcaetfhe srthusband. tossed the ushiigand spatt o n i frb i rs Kru o f .or l1. a ryturuhe r.aa CHAPTEisX.naineand t ibi taoerckedandthe i e reDal ea Wel a tres in succ e t uckas enlrpped ita e ihinto h ie ktdu ho a i uL. -r of e tir Hud smvs o btdt i le d an fel atth eaohe'@ars so utlDeoahgewedenuh oo Qie epetbl ai ftruer." n t ehe 47 I O U m tt ilie Damd et T es wl hdtenr A nd the maiony at tend a lone onh er tbyo g Miea- C"se I @ O m'wa lyt ben' lord mayor sude I v tan h d iuýnI a x r lieft o egirl , w therby th e. h allThei NOrm dism asaed t huse, a th ua ain Wttintonas they ses la atbni efIa m n srvdt latra esso tThI e. aru h, othey theo ught thay t ar sdadbo ha e pein li'saet a t hemn.r-i u ow i. m see Jabs ashca e tMterht-paa"y a b tad hi o o been " Il Wh - ne Wel av aay d he t nogb q. er t ý ai SnonAa re evat ntil cth e . tra e our i"W l, . sa IBeecnovt, a , M re. u u g hr l b s i e erogeforoal y l rnis edcsitt ring r .I t e,,o haSlva"s I o hde a itth..eeything bein nym wlloeyuerf-orhy" onui .a·· un dtod rmth nw- tnhe ynne .yet t e ad h i eetn. P eir, d-a'. t,a s wiltaa--I uI l oretthe. as no ies e Y ung . Taywae. H: 1! tag t i n, tg.n. l a q I - ,kt to lot go terquasta is after all . ly, s o sad a lw asha or 's l scig Slviuda n tphessiondo ry o p- esPalO esIt's w tth wie , tkesKril <m u gter,1 o orea ad avn Bt had win es 11.d R 1t a deca el u rry,-f II etrt. Amoa'sMr ie n.B s 0 ly 'om. to gan, and don'tas ay reaLli l rai adr attad iu o1n. hado AhitedPand oi mrtisent, ad dplnot fuu ;,o y a g I Pash aifo te n tdinen th , n e tIa lspI H 'tos nd e ."Yeu ik ed Y ttaga t - SIu ,n1%-1> g t he moni and oul dicusied th juy e rl d'e t ineryP wolo R fOr», eer alee ks. anIddurgagr aneand loo Rked. as w id r at ay et.. Iadm." he s i e"fny hced el M .Bud *Wlf lav mr ei' ie get ea t, ateofbledattierass ets not'y.Pam tihee owald. o." Ndth u-I ,ý o tS i son bl . S Ir,, 1 K r al led i b .3ta, Plaetaimaesnorpnos un ."- e Mglisa t p de aly vsta t he G yne sret P u adhsdobsast ha h lreera tu m eettgti h i s n . s e s e I ud t h i y n r n ek o f a rma he p ano na sL N o - eU M a db e P u y l a h s ie Dt e o r h e d,11 I t b i n a m ue e s p tbed ,d w a s1 a i c arabo t gg t l s e " w n er s t a cu s y whren disposin" of dvthol usandd SI eu Edb searche doe a utdryand tanlaed prue the cneatio when Ilut he i. ll 7"d - u unet l year.u aon a s a a erev er i n e y, th n s au go am d erth ehe premises sheW e m et wantut" po e d at ao r-err t u dor opn ed. Tand au' , l ou n la , t a bly d:,"tb s cat 1L fa th maad ahwaorfesoalyds a t l@ ya Lthe dbiaugtz ry oal I n etthe"s Tm t aredappeare. 1 Wnbe l s11vuw n Air rm <b gter. I mx he w Of o.r ththe had sleftkbhind hem y S lette Th len h, that t e cri.. o e fte h ban-sloe.and Pulstarrted and e orw ard he atit ud ",. - 1-1 t ta bu 1 a ü suche andooseatest ame t th p ol bcoirc e "htat lled o m the ebr àand e thued rrffortiut e nnof Art ntI asjUitmea bo u tn Tryfr ahsedd atiw ert ae -- ,,dr Me r .t Jable, pac a rwen o t eati ng - 1 W e a i sit u W argb r o e As te r nla or ma u"w thot successK l. *he ,you, yi e lkn a nxio al Pu s "80 m e Io Ils e o m a he w b r oo , w h e r e a h e o u n d t h e l iovter s s e t - i l vi et e d . ht e s a w hat P a u h a n b T he a l s p d ort r a it@ d e a l a sth i n g a n y a h em t lah a o m e rt o li g n I s a ih a lt y ii»e u m e n t , -l y o rd t t ed~~rcte ond absfanea&teiwnd w.Nyeia laiten asrmur- - . a. anetonw ithyKrill." and Smly l, ..."; tstaor ied31 aM _ wg uas n dl' embrceAnd ehecaed v er sDig o ndt. b nw out. a dy O -utO v . ov .i Bcrl "Iteetilsatedanlo gt lt ouJdtrthe pLi sset o I :., li- , t ti tr hP the guic dg h anlq e et ha d plic wh wou ldhaern hr, bandAs *al nd à scraaitvll se » i p o pa per. , "Looa t talt," he "Wh1,ich of cour tmeaas 11ud bere and aury ng andokteidaeut hisB o e atde. t c t uh. Cer a nd m al etmand aid, "lh.and yunwgeselahat tn cra tuaeznear"ses. te les t a big h se veradi eora h icout.ld'Ilchpro.tshe R ler . P . K. IDM -ae. okcBaeckD w red yvi." tre eulbo" a " oka- ,ha t t e o faceu anshm e m an s t A a wr- ads nt aaldanL a s h en, d emia C.oB.:" away eKr i1,4 arrlear o Pash ll'anhrd oe t he pIlaindthshd.1 i, r f aerhasmad mao Rikedhpy oiknowtuthatgrahe.asd Iga rabust he wasot a rlt Ie, qem ettd theor.le, Md P Remeindi per. " e dfortune." yýhe sflupet mbrr . It ndd freb that Pu as t-b hr usan' dn aderhuand w t he es. tBut so l my prisio er bievth rer.en t uxdlpm agou his cheek: .1 on btuen Moutroftr, =ihe was be gnr=to ety, t t ch yvapeidestMA SSY e-tr.Kubls or weak eso r.doss-Al w aind ho mee prted h ls-- a oTI is l eu 13 he dr. 1:.t 1t»eren Egeg Ar i in sOkof mheIRfa id oaehe ad &ir h gnd ae, rw i dDly "en red &fiealBu nd newe. e'al- e.Te ri eN o mmon en leftlhu"Ld q deth pand sws feva ou s th gr net t oto ge an brearly adthladed esv "Wbo ell, what?"ankd Pl, seing he a da a n l edtr peh Iknws lPu escape ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pu franwyd sretan fom, Rv.W E SevloaftyOn.:lahiiae"tht.r Kalla ikmoe t andk. the hosthrhtaeyhd'tb e an ".t h . ' iBI1 e t ed fir e em bUd M teillingand syo u' l :fo," said1' , , .. a tg i er UTs" td .Od w a m ost do"-And e h is tese"bte $ aM ies ut il Deeo a n, Idopp ortnt e qileadrcondctbe pa ti tof t es, . n o ie. - l t . iw-t1 hs I <n t "W en," said r. Ptheraeng an --"he Musatsee oldAnd th M a ttn y&9 o er You .. i tre mi.-g ' o *&yt di'lr a ughtoi e r, as :i undrsta- ýn ' the orin i u o 10gbeth and e ofekg ime.M r.ald ri sthey gtts gb alra beau . Brew veAm«st lav e adt at m l ade s. Te eler a ftwil l runs. luthat ca ,tis a "yo ie Pat no tee u tema" h o gi db l Dur f ter tbnt s N.B., I seratOuilef tate e o ur *'We"aman over dtyasu, bu h looked name l T gir lasn ting "i ïL - :' Pme au lyughed, bedd nottchng te 111ata eWba var . oU r auo bshe godeyhbais nyongeiirovn o e r e sh o mlex. "Ps 1: cId uIoo ,tunig e -oý somitron- stavse inameemnlan»4anAI' b¢tas asasererna a a com e yef be r t- . lond psi, ut s ,whe. 1 hd= a. in ir oIhe i . srrte Oralsead ar tohadbtPad l t» d ReI. *0sa. » M.-i N. B "Ia r fans, wth a ra. ddobue ees nda Th'lfl e d an sho k had an eit t qt o r mote rd a.4KfnitI«à «t,% 492 Pb e s e s ageni tile cnseth ai t herau' ipedn'moh. er ai lrsuked in hi chek - or , M Mr. Pâles et lie exitencea and h' puthtea ftatS is he olyaus f« dft noeoftetun aesl , okre v ..ser a , Mrkale n utg aliand entihan essein a rful bowslck i ,- iecetnct-d r - the cele.I prolts e lea very rt. 1ISI M M MUl"P tett I a ilWt a l : tw ottls of ul eti erywa. s haNrmohte ai i money I,,w Ki, t It, of -ari douetheenn as Do' m alransn Q » UPb Slb4 dÉY vst e e am s 11I aulSedsr ouble as s ht lee co uisall maI ei ;Uq - uir e I **n ipoig "f ivat s , at g b .t f 0 gela . ÈSM;s a amd vabinowi . Dueat e ad,gbain gmse, we a,--,-,P. au ngns;,,!gd, 1 ,.sl1 d and, au18 N, ÇM ltdà graveebd orbe lu.r a d e tiaiedfr ial buthecovdenstionwuthaey. n chrch. ati, i:s !epthlnthee ara1 k u o ye r a ron wp. à B ess e r in b sium Ii M U * uAb " l A t e r mte w n i a O Or- wa te gr o end banePseher, w e -og 4 t &l 11 *ldthe rin lpai inn ', a mll mtv r ma ,An as dei r e oly ds ylro w n i n I ello m t td ylvi setu he mm-antbld, ap u ty pen li u I le 1It he ut,-. k ýirt I r lthe saadmedi t teabesaI etha 'rilow Terewa te smeboh t cmeint De he yaront. iay "We wg g . one a g tel b a Yt ttb be,0 a au ubn' oe n aulho « na n dsd afr,,%pad aftr sch p ur.lOf rLe ur ,, ea 10" t bina tabeS e rctuthe or airl-wasIIIIHresh, youterthw--il eatht1 foru ailitdIIughterd raimentsl'-orslchildir Mr J aba irnt tlesriteta elgn olrUad cbin, ybndmypit" o e wt.o SallethMr.oNogmesnaan-al e exell-ur.he aen.,acis for SOIvia,- erled by.all medicyt nota odn-aa lsoin aul stlthengrin attil dor. he ent awui ayes & brIgh an erer, a" bis reative e act A «elL.UUMawyed. wisd yn thel eorSiletofhemad em. s edic - ne10Co. 1-1 in bs etlo potah, ONTO IN E N n M a'. A, uh H 1e.0k il; -Ir ad - o tate Pma hr Tla 1. i M 'ris et$ ity \r hItr.it "bht tir ku Ont WALL -r %pm ork. NPEA REN, , Z t mezz t You See ihose 12.00 Welches ? ouat the the J'opular a earung for rm or skip, e 1:for good4 iI t ime to e a d fbever- J'r nport. !esum of nabill .alin- beverages~ the stcatie- fi), noa w neg was s,,t iae t te fthe bill of the fthe Geota ,es where rl uira dib- ihN GN. CET sol l hm JI iON Il & CO. bra - c S A V INGS AccOUNT la the best investment for Iie funds. It offers absolute 'safety, and pays interest four tirnes a year..'A WANZIIIRA-elt, Mlton Ti. ,