Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 1908, p. 3

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y tne& hme. th A J. îî.ttrf arrabrr yncc Ildo'.r.ses for *MSo I tno, p m la se e Bar;er Air bat .. (' ibrti-IStreet loocc l.ONil)l WC. A rencrfcf LEARN 4DRESSA.Iý IN A WEEKL knc n.b n-b B..d09f, . s-ý ... ..... .0 MWESTERN CANADA r% 1c4 TUE WESTi r ir.t 1-a 1) aR oA E R Free Books MADrîi iE'. -iia.u rLP-lMiCARa fa :12Zlil l $1.00 SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE - TORONTOi And Return An EveryinUay ran r i . " r .. - br op . %UJ I. V. the lln1c r a cong o1aNWIN"S a am. chaps. OurCRUA t'dm a lighlu fragaint anud lhîoup1.EîEOîjing ye? A lutth ecrly 1ut wm "q ou ltîo Lwtisai w. an1 arr! rh4Iy aach É FuifuIIIUPaiIab, lpU Un acAmi, Cagc GIIfiet's Ly, ChIouIdO ZENOLEIN ai a i dl i lairafor nIant anal kr.a trail &a ilE . am sarrdy oIlrMarr! lanhrîv. 6IFFlTll'S NENTMILLINIMENT a car rracEo.riglci 10 1fr. (at. An racel- mit hfl r 'in.of ail tintad r aa ~ria AC - r.Iel uiroî, air. Trv s igginbotham ,gc. RI.GlJhîs MILTON, 0"!. * o flrst Sep Tomérds Idepedeme SS Open an Account ithe Scrns *x ana aet Te. « 1,0 ap, 0 Depasanent of- S ai Ocbullc. inntai. 4 tmg Ilc r= la uawn METROPOJJTAN âau l OS ?brd'0 ama Prd cmme s. b nalU"IJdiaid Profl tS.Ml..U» m .&pte» ap 0W , 1 NmoDe aan~"b~lal aavla Caucc-The sc*j.c for Sab- la lenc.lad - didn isebiu Ia d o bth V i vI I"mperwamam.- draaaia . -u. f alcaiby de c. i.Mcba di pcab Frankb1. Baber, of Gergetown. jec. MILTON BRANH-W. 6. CLiMTS, 111l. Trt .[otd ctWi _______________________ n___ Dr. T. T. Mia. danci, cf Ocbci __________ vlib.mlXb. »wRayalilote, 1on AGbuipb mac va fn lcat 021fr pur. clalcg a ttI le *fre.vala."far -E FÀRMER5 BANK OF CAM =UAMn I.'dacLt loua .. vinaOanpbli1llfronttheC.P. IL ^UAU nIas LEDCAPITAL. 0000 ba,. aicaidyrUgena1cbalstamlcg gan.ad Ib- Ofci 15.R«clann nD do W. R. TRA VER£. -Geeal ana9ep. 80Ji. mao nia. cngc.bcml ______ anc bis bomber adla!n«g mi bauma ta 19. BEcanc-mn a-09c Htamltoc. 4 lLRIl. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED). wb vllcousin» sidonaccMWial. t trns, ngstÀnjDEUWAnc-Di.acalla Uvla ti l .1 frai.rraî~irilwith roncervatire Bmnfrng lae l la ag etIaIIb.'Manal d.ai eld.. i Wa.Marb'& 4tfrC0c19013101c. [%arr Tranisactioni SlrIctly CoIieuiIai. Tmftgm. CidviIhu ftO Il - - Ralen Taaclea' Asociation vi SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Apl . cý 14 rlrr:lvr r O ne ordollar open@ an accuai. .1c«'vils tase inla siltlb.procecal S. R. SUR7, Jg& nw Jeigooy Ofliancaffieldltb.- S. R SART. KnageW.iceon ani lb. CugaaiPao C. a 6a0< «mu f #jmlSAo.fo. tan yaica TeSpy caderlaailc clnploy ___________________ fty bandecor mr etoignx 'b. uern Ontario Gocnd RRad acccvliout . ai lit., Ccrn Pure Vrugs Adalald=r Sne mmn- and Chemicals BRING ýo1jr Famnily Recipen for pur asprsng usedi- £kim Qn. cul iner.M Ycau are clwayc aur of a saqusie Obcat:Nndkai. cf ae.I,a- Mat@. . (a T. Olî rags are the Beat that rnoney eau pu e l fit hom et r gclab te Id vc JEE.E pr.h oale.. a; he te-lot.--be wholrooile Ioe. Ail orîr prepaaüens, as Tincturea, Floid Uztkaitî etc., arr mode acordling to Lb. Britishi Phemep and wlieu you get them here yon geL the mdi Make thia store your headquart.era. You aua- Raya ocl-olus. in tbraycit auyad.ladu. anma b va alcorul cala gomb.n yrcppiccy b .bNc l ia. l Ocbn oa. Asuimple.cale. pleai. eut. daiiablc c.c.p ayl a. et 15E WS. Plucer. ageal8,la. laibral detS la bic bann, an tlb.raiacol cd. c.a. Ciaib.cn, ansSudRY aigle. 71fr Ne. Thbo nne ecagbl ate.fronilb. nlrvancd ai lb.,. vaua lb igl d baincal" qciycil .The oaid ln denglaocd aigbco ried lin er bi.bal lene fil m. Flalfw vua acclaof lb. Crimain var. Me la nrvlcadIbytbiasdacgblcra.WSilim- aon. WhoaIl îcoalWl imi. mem.Dantel Denahniancd 5Mm Aber Pao. bahS of lb. Olarbaan n.ibbbd. A Vel saceiBlalmeting ar lbe Weoaaaalaufitiae vu ibl inlatlb.R.t T. nf T. banl an Tol Mai. cflb. Ulm IDr.) aaineu Gorgeown.Priai-. dent fer the canay. piaaldad athl.eel. fitg. Tbe.meinlg va apced by an lntrame lo aaby bUlai i>war. Infinis- ed 1 aceidue.i1*0 Toitlo arey aida of8prtcg- by Mm. anal Mt-- la. Mac. M nBbclievcrlbf. aif(Scilpb flb.e grec aar7aarcddrca nn ilakl «a u f beicfnmaly banal.' aYng aaab alrcsne anshccbair.,acnabine. reml andl diaSdcci e, lalllae wu el bapprecoil anal nul aivays bave c uniaca, la bMilaon. Tb. FcR*iSAcaaiCnertt f 1 BeltiinaMdcc Crele nil i b e ïdin Lectaec-ecmaifthb Mobadial Cirbon TZ".Mrà 2teti8 P. aBk DutoS. cf Torono. c aanleil politi nf Owen A. 8m11.y. SevailimWvfectnite viii b. lntrcdcead IblnYear. Tb.aitan- sert@ amn daacrivlg ni Patoialle-.The rycnng ladies proena in arai.enfe ir- lalamsent Ibat bath sommets sanicacmu"& fiat yma ilndcemensa comnrbl- ilIa aagncacle. Admii o. IALacmaci RooAu-Superfutccdeci aI RoaidWllcn n l abcg Oeraitb.eicnlay wllb a Van la mabing cait, lie Onfrajie a cr acyl. oc alurday Iam ccccyRaddc.wlla clî la Oakinf and lae arc. lb.henW ea vîlb a gatmay o is r hia oaleadcn arcmiga.Heafilytat bal lnc ie ban tat l iaaitien t10tlb. crbe. >nle ccV Ibalil la dcficalY adcplnd lb. pie arc Alinlg t icalce. dehaItol lbd. ymc ocnb. made la vnrb amcclb- caaHM el,,arttac ilioppoitionvini dlnappar. Mimmdciv C a taf c a-Lat Sadar ana mb.laceydaylanlbhteicia van olmltby a lymou.CB g.alygmld& A.,cf Lian. 'Nt. ga "lead l tamrid-MMiial ilb thbnaisain n aan*"adainala voil .MW te mWn tila mbja.MMb disimue ve vrt >crcncd *Wa 'aa~ in belaalfof alalani bmnalu.Ovcg la lb. aryccafaccibma uchat tes nosmflc ai vama Iau - eUS b. on ldallcamd petsaobl i m.ullaIL Wmbo011ccP b alppadTab ~,bm mnmyr ln 1i020WIn ait.. Fay InI amltb amahi eie..qaacom a afi "a 1,Lo"m fc" Drsae -MEET ME AT MACKENZIESa John 3&.XaCK le, and RED (1to.-ts DWOrW« 011 t 22X: 10 Lb . f 0, Ta routi)Rfo the î0P. Rt. md r.. Bca- &an dveu. Cdtbelmblnec r. Icraca. n cr Rcb..td A. uoo, lb. leabam bu ocnac.ccdMrtevu tanalb.prnipal Son ahlcn. W a = Irba ap el*lb.ai "0inoliai ava tc aafb. abant- la ttwarfitatrcLnAitrdacaab.nottil ai iGb b.main la e*.vam dmclcn h Mnd bqrdà almn a lu Rtiloalta.ma goabadfranddmla.ib làtabalbutvan au tan laue. funaMd narawly eapad be.-1 acceal cf &bont tirly milan an foer. An cagan na oeng nuthenlb.oaal foio.bvntalof c Proectioov cr e Ubnlcacf Ier. » inrcfrby tlb. Il pamege Siesd Amog va. e ble.Theopnainger train goal an àau~ aborl dicianai. urbon itt aicpoal. Aila la clrang=belgPet oSnlb.e aiarooy 1111 beraefe ubllng ateaefr. Tbe. db. enhins vu lbon&boutc»vaia cafra off es iac. The.veitlwvan Iat Cb*.IUSAmtnrmet bic deatS an i mma. "tboalTe oVar or teni evican reogIaanct~ a beSai. Polce Magstra*Daa Wuhacounîeccm peed. It la ltbelth, Ibm Nwonn Nben.ta etlani b&W ta. et îb.apeingai*Misbw@e. a Remombor t l bclnn bo Stommàbth digetio i lny ln .n= . a amanglbier i.aim aak lomde h cerai vitS Dr. banp1. Rectomca. andaluaiai boa iniiey bua itS thi agalc rtan . Weà frtaM Klecey a asine.mnia. b. nnamlfraidvllb tbo Ilcalorative. nb.io Mai01 pMonI.c M~ piLaia. orgleay mo al sas. ownt drq ithe almmfr. lar eiclatheb. Maint or Kldaayc.Tbal Po in rong. Gotb.oummni am alil. macla. tieng"ba. lba «"k.b ada.e airyca vtb Dr..Sbanc Raioia endî jet cli. Amcicpoielgltlad ulE aiesh ly tell.-Redl Cm iDng Stre.. Wacar-AI blbsaitnib nI illoin.re. idecte, Mitn. ont..onn Wedcaiday. MarrAsikch, slthe lb. aleociH. P. Wcnser, ai a danglilc. Huacd-Dlann-At Torocto. on biref lotS, by Roi. S. Clanis. Georige. Habmad la Accis 8. lo. Bel-Alln-M Bwarigt» ien. u*tnai tMarob calb. by Roc. C. L. Mirclca Mb. Prance amlbila Alton. la WS. H. Bail. batb cf Sorlnttes. FAltibn-Alen-At therombcicof tlb.Al t bridontailr. B rie Iro ? dey. laaeb' . (bnne .Il: . eleg dangblerof Gerge AlOIlita John J. Allb, of SwiftVCrrent,. Baafr Bicorlae11cm on Mondcy. Mar tàtb,î.lfinU ber. of Nrlan. i ri ..Alie Ban er.pear. r (UerAt a~ia. fi rider. MarciB c~biqa.CSlenhcrR. Piaba. la à ui-Af Bra nla, aMrb 1îtb 9. am Rgllabl Macaellceave iO0it Chba. Gk ffld 06 ag il. - heau. is MOT .10lc ma.gcvyn. an alar.- b. bdey, 1 te u.Ib of r 1.aiam.7 y , e.-AIn l.aa.Mef i .~ cRjaagiPannfmaaa.t JIJà.UI.11U P5laIb.c3 P bi n4~r.a leawilal! paustàompn w. a iman ut. te a a CcUl.van seIla No. 1i iaiBt Stlcaa Ltnrdy -fleca mu g u.b.rathebe lacrpiian Puauniai aiP. c. Mhiiey by dgccaWaimf tlb. T. P. F. " .nacd clcerci reng t 1r uadoparlare anaer elevea yecrs Mr. MoK aorbmaclat cf ecellent teblannuansa abic crerlil. île il nas Whowuiiaalacecîca uinapurint djilgm.b. fietle 1e laba ai the gi Who bmice laWardc pawn abr. idon acaiber accain. iagbaadol. antreal twn armed haaan-brcaloîra bbrborne taei. Arnca lb.efora, i la ala nldy remembereal for bra onalai ance lairnrIc 1fr theday maclb off. Rle Infallnni la fric cen hocle nirr t.@ god iisS of aI agreal mny Japon la icilerincfo Ira c ry mavri lanf caa oey alricgecy. Daring tha lat farlaighl aine la-easy fallurîc ofbaci. nad Impoiratancmmerialin- giluaenaebare nc reprtrld. Imports have eaceedad experts VerY 9gatairdur. In tbe pacl rear. Yoîc will find thi inoat demirable goodi We clîoos. only ionaible gooda, and m and mir BInall profit- g-3isAII our prier: nu îroîundertandinf Gaibrai Spent Eigteen Dollars o nyfia and au a reltail a rrd ai 7,r, ioaî chral aad loag aroble. ea» cale a ntcIdîffielon aanad bacnte"c bcil Praelirally laid Ibat I aid nel gaI veil. 1I feal icdian f ---- and it did meIna imucb god Ibar 1lcou tmcd ilI ase anart I had tacaa $18.00 Wrthl, nlbIba theralt aa am eDon ae incMau pbyýaoilIy f hav. gcaiGd hiclyBa. Iroucala lt la vilb l.thereetca onficie bat 1 reiorncrl Pai eaia s iraI Ynarl traly. C. A I<E4M balalanai, Que., Sept ., 07. Poi cure saail Ibroal ich-t ', af li stock of ad etolatrubls andfoierranwd trecflb aralnd itliiWlt Mn-do.a P- __ ngs andTi a.At cil drcwit, 5orc and $1.00, irare nhowînj lT. A. Bioco.i, Linilid, Toroalogrysan Osîr collection, anîd prie. Prîces woo]len nmarket. Th'eay range frc, ¶ .~A vcry apecial Chas. J. Western to $7.Hîî per pair. EYESIONT SPECIAL1ST- OF Tosorni'u H T %er Will Viait ItilLon rrery six ocanka lat andl aoay hle raniroltl at thlirE- 8shap ginbolham Drng ('rE. 'r Srore. I-ira Frrr Fr-Il Chrinl: 5CARLET FEVERI . Shrtas Csfl x WA Tanc SKIRTS. iie department e.wîth tlir' qk QuaIity, ,Style y quîok-aelling, lar and f aý1 i1 we rely upon th trinîc mrenît !1% ï-sharing metho Win us trade. fft es are in plain a. '[livea r.f new Spring UL Overcodt- rouseri s Etn plete. rX tgall thenew goin bromi,'ý was neyer fieL bsuinqualit iare reaaonabl, anidering-th range of Trois* front $.50O Y. are ic receipt eti caa l lEirid assnd Cali@. iWn a hOIE ll~In. o. ps, by thelrFtic A vEE-1--l ars, Tus, In ie aIlb apeclatSoala î r FOR SPRINGf OUR VAL.UE la via lan tbe falre fcalta aa tbe recalallaa os Le by t he P-voinca ltccrafiHeci lb are prrnted s an l du mlcacdeialandiag regcrairg temaOW,,w? ou u tiean of ibicatesMay arise p. 4. 8 «7pbyaai.W»or naiia ho àA, --lHave You i :aMl = M ho.t. th Mother's 1 mm$ o .arirMcMW aM lf not, îry a lbat and hi inchftrtm adthat itii tthe hi or MUTB. OR BA"E 81 P. M.eJ d,!?Ž KAbe W-" f Reinmr iha ri foelctrt ligbt an E. C. lderwealî Milton. $anday. Fortaaolr.raillt bcd br.a pion-I ;t im Kainrg A' Dm the boaci. Aa'.ryrrr amnd acanAi hau a pao. Order a.Picbr,àaid Hene In". ve rectran Uw lîber Il, I 1~ ~oll ' I i - I 4, Il CRS 74*W M- mm * a MW bmw le ow tes sbm 1 a tbe d" of eu AL malu«. *e 4-» & nh bb i9m 1 ÜE e& Go mm éreddles. ln Me. =mm& ow t et ti 1 wuVil mvjr M» ý 4 U 1

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