t Co ot a IlN o;V . M gi 11L ( NT. IL hl N TOr sthiMesW YOL UME tiï;,î natiom t'Iry «I with N &bout br»cb mt ou tbe .1 tr., an b ailtio an COd st4.Toledo. O, rf C tly h o rbl e n i n a l "«Iany.obliin e r.KNra a tvN Dftreggistsu ol. O. 1 y pon thé blod and, o. Pies 7S i eenta per a a.r on-.I =B e, rpidPaul, who A 9n nuhlaver to b ave not seen her since II 1waited for a lutter relohr about the >gooch, .u "Epfain ta Aaron how ehe mmd binas been asking the brooch!" said bl amner. 1"I don't &Ibeut It. Let un tatk 1 g la talk o orQurself," .bateesting subject," repli,ýt ma an Paul opened hWs garret deamartff, "you kg>ow ail don't ,know why yuar. enn.the market." shdadturned sharply. R You Mean?" he asked InL a rq quiet tone. 1Know what 1 do mean," said to youn remembernéhat work- olth the bag of tools who la the rond when we last co, !Md Ray, staring, "I never ktores of that las. NWhy Y' 1 be aske me vbo you were yjou lived. itsinms you pmase money." BVary pro"bbe,", said Hiay " oe Ment people money, Ipl has a debt agalest me and name." t," replied Paul, "but the la that he told mýe tetk. Yiedyu a man on the mar does it men? I never heard 0 before" ,» aid Ray, proceeding calt- bu somnewhat steep ataire. " 14e market Imeans one who Marry and le eligible fur any 10 Contes alongi with a Muffi- was quicker sighted than2 he moàient they arrIved at lu of the staire and were. Berge linothe street he sawv îr. "-Do you know If an It name lires here, guýnoc' bo, holding out the bufr Cul- e hs surprise, saw, is own rt, boy. There may be un Mid he skimmed through the- n't »ell thé brooeh, but seudl Ms Paut, pussIed. "Your ta -mMother " He paused and, dibs bar. "Got a fora?*" he roduced one and a stumpy Uktm tematurials Heetat 07, saying the brouch wouldJ 1 Mn the morrow. When th, Iway with the answer l'u: bgveant pocket and took out Io 0«&e "I've a good miD-l nw," he said aloud. Out?" asked Hay, who was the door. "*No bad nie w, 1 To be continued. 'rE OU A HORSE ? ent to keep luhm n sa bim suffer pain. Rob 1o --it is rmn l for cm oriternal ue- ncui 1colic, Nerv hue is a era. every good ,raim:ny. Mab e qeaviline Iecause t keep I and reduces thie vteli ffrmers, stockmen-A. a should buy, Nemm a avaluable it is. Gfo t. 25C. per t-. al #me'@ Maide. BM, Ye«," said en empw. "There are more f them l nitel ifC!lfa, FlorI pi, lgpt, and as you pas indoors of a morning or Swhat do you see? Maulsb le teds ln evening shirti, $Mr with patent alcohol Ubg cOats and puttIng fresh bi.The average well te becouple that can afford hirand nommer resorta- amaid, but not with a &Bdve anbis duties ocem- prhusaday, 'and a maHA &igh tlift just aa go the average tfndy's an's maidawel-maid to to the husband. Bile dutisk ,They are, You gn esy, and thely draw st gamu tip." ing. acounfs, or in deposturo OIn the 1 aswithdrwijng money. 4beIl, Bamese Ile asi nai Imm ndwsja mmia bon" cla00 k "narie" PRIVACV--insfrination as to savings > lmsi, e loiet aim-se de ab whe bu mmsa a ie in one haul mm a t oill se amta rat, od b*be tuW ag lna u h"i accountsIII is confined to trusted mn t ftnssp m s nIl Co. Oln kum elferks, pietiged to secrecy. ýýa mB« be re"Beuna ne , m n W ýtlead1é o à my i in 4 W"in - -« or lim ther 11 bu aDeo 199118:. - fm -da . Thin th"Wyl, a Vo "Pu 1.m te deva a.m t .ar... n--~~~~~~~~~~ tha iw e 1 .W ZER t, Milton. e * en hauled were al itu n cang litng sir, onl bue M .» Me a8 pen. 1u e'"2"-n*re il. lm nis . **otn si' seW GMu «« sas aa fir,.. enb hentwa a OMNM vael 0111,and ab sel -a t adV bu "Obebngd" sl et n w ih es n M, atsa then talednths gro Mr.1I, 0 u@W iafo min.et 1a "G0o theansk fes au t t L a e " ; th . D m k -r é ai 17 17 a a ahmba s e4 h e m i 1 a* T m w i " l 's wa t I o ei ca a m a o n b a.» einC Ai Lu COU. R«t TS C Ai Le EW. Nu DAm RMd , e at eco" o nha eh t gg eigb eb t i t, ea ahlei well e-Pm shol not farmt tn yur th Oyar "Il, , ,e "Balsa HATR V no sam cause - -- ---s ----a --w te getbekna s& a ebe eddØ er t YI Ad raiedh en ULa in otg n the .il ntu -i hga () HA- O M blé to Ire. Birt Rif yo amke m'u Gwnesre ho foi th ml ow 0 «M 11UW 18 1 el a" a p O ,E i i , a d u t e g t he me o f M yn fo- ades.t f w d ysyu h s b. h e LO A COUkT CA EN A W= li ef oal bre. eaug awes mm airtau, sh'adaPm malhn h e ofra a t nn w ee lh se 0 f slate certinl i t a isl' tigt to ma, - tbges oua .h M» r a u e Mw. n hiOU. ar $&t "n ot . all th aahr na th ue in O Md re àrso thge à aggig s fom fs 1poetv tonlti Or->m.vn o : Arh1 Hilmert «A t'te" = i t W Io l wbl kee e fom yo. Oe n e in e loganontteot E t dr tha a cntpain fo the a a e"ton: 4a J MNaa - . m. Faser.GaveMin yvia a$ æghistte delila aveiitendd toWeOU llibt aba-uqured.But teiedtrren aelltyFo.ur 0 8 01on11 of ouOPh m be nnaM aigcm v r s E ve "Fod e t uo ge-in bu tauiw adite tha be piku- PaarT el. sauwith vio.- l a &lm a on, wh rwtosJa.9hd n h n o traw fotl am s e wok adyoleivni o 0p s ll 'à , a o t J r .7 h A rH a d N b O t b r tnd som Mf4 0n Aa an at Im m e t eu akt h all bhoit ri t n o er a a l n s i y t fieiW-the IuIraIttes p a erdfrtedsatho ub d a es tat 80 u.4B eO IFdisott 0= popYULr ith teilpgbMD. P thedi bling, ~ ~ ~ ~ I the hono ofhe « PMU byr. tea rn But AIou tserjJ'urouApit taJuy nd th ot1..1 e n is t gaa , is s aae he W it ashv r I ai s b f d Me , sp cor a t ethwre e th nufaette Ther m t tm *J non 1r re W. te. tiK H a e lm sa h ubli = _e fore Ob.n eas, "rn e-nà Fm sayu so aman mes Ou st g for an very eton bU as li r i- "nturi-yo- of W& -- a" cek d h a. g'* •••' •i"•gh"" -•" as adI on1ndrsan ,ma? re»-nd e •ltiwrkad a-m ourë civilizati o ad ha ppi es t h ar.k 9m i efà mf e a a abo ed t r duc ha wo uldA bring et te n t h e famer . Both fa nu W ,i c b1g«*" ste wM mi pa tai h t li e h s ,d a . S - wi o d m r y y u a d g w ,hm n t e a h He madu Ieer l a - 71ow in co d e with re ol E D CA " . ba d4 i auy be= " pWb- -P 11- ther 1aid -ho heoi .. MId lourd sy tempt for e he- - re ed y the edi or' 0 11rc e1. w h e n b t a se le 1 a e g m ; u , g a r g n g n e u » tu bm n oe s f Q nn y o k e l a l h e c we e as lo w r t h a hig hm h ae t r re nW p ay e Mdtl hWm amy "I " netBy v a the fal ly . "Ate n u c e e n g tt a h a e a - frentis eyn o NIo -. W- pl -I s=rthur H hum assu y ahr andg p o itu onke and x tt nhhe rt, e. fhtt e p le or the . 4 H J bfN.ý" ". -. r rll to e »tPs 12- o e n M» - miuesbe is W hid, IW k m st stayn wi t i o vr scesse e t rn ah al fa il lie whic onet of - dndw on l eiSli oadhrfe wt ed gs ete rmhsmte.P he wfan mo h The Bure. un REPe euN --8." %"yrar. Olt O ARHAL .GWAD ,a.Btteessu.aewsaeiet n e" aint roly. Wo krne u menleer qited was wten saer law sa o rt fo can uh ol th em Th e me l n e-H n r G a lua -n. Sive r j 1eal hav aske nm telt ait bu, fm z nfa b B y 0 t b U B . 8 " y v o e e " M e e e i a bu wor ih w t ud gI t e b ie rt. Afo r a i b , n a th me...s...h-P..nsi tl 1, 0r. BMdot j" ' A« Ulmk bu bar bo t "Io ca'tsay Bthut seery dyter enc n ecitine o h b- fpaiaseal.ul ti te ina r on lori y wiebd, a shamt I h m - thu mese a ai te gass goesw tocu adpasalh ad f tel oueho Mng" toar e their ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I, due.t minti .- - -oi e4 w a pm ffa t.22-h oa epnt h ps epn7a ane. Debnra toe miltie, aasy oftn h tpa ins w te afnlcertin ofn his on' t pa Tlyi he Sufragtts ci. dà orée ce t , WJB 61 ecidhsag i ev h hrh he becMs e.tpoeddt x e any means a omentous. - M «èt'llmlb-mtls yumylce reàtImygt taanwe eataf, etdte ilpssoaey "Ie broh, r my d hea bi roer. Pau - dit fic d ch Arge aire ohae h P c Lst - l't fai praye trn theer " ell wel, said Aaron abr do ntiles t, I e v w ebllh yo wold mr co nhrsraey nwitn."l1h byth ufraete aans a - - eofhi-utpryhedo ndau pty letfhrhagternisad koai ta yurfther boughtit l that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sg quetio thes chidre hav tida.a . s H teee u ishn n okg own I wisheIcl." ut the our at hrwstaenghe adpg TO R t E th-- e hon. o hr " '"" I'l""'""' rn • 4b "' a h rahb hne A lW elih att.end Parh men or pubH tu- a"relu 'an br & gaa, he- bnpue itsa contnts aud e"Oh nver. m @in d he m oe . an mus wbal s p y togt pas unoch e wntas beI ý tc r «nepraites the r t4c eIl.% w ,! r t. ( 1 . DIK = « $ dgà w I i fe -« denly --- a cry of adtedil nay a, th a ho ,rne MI lanxdous to mke n bue seeth fliy ofm o tha oU fir vainze to rsn wapi lea e t sandy et thn Pa anu e g* v hBr 1 deuilt nameaan andu a lean 1an "Ohd th pl"adeaai ats et aks n nyd ot o btrfmbe the pawnbrokert sayin là country ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vi it the cov£inta*h rh Mndras prsthrtenm happm efllacdon rdnthsBy Tepac a& tore poB oao htyumyko htIfe.Il h tu iscasis ha soul brod ya harmony ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mmm ofm theai fami usisir 1s col for FOUrPs and goaa sib.sal, te afit utermny o.eayadi asv7tna-sekt m ahrmyefadsa eb isae ht h iefo eem .thewe a it a ttiely otha - xc m asysIse en o SW ...e4 . "sI tob s t *M thi bisonut ba.l are egae. I heoc forad ormr n thd noeun out whden soor et-. thar be al- arguCAL loyal ac wu w.w mile tcEon Miitr s eeduo R ryu ihu ann h sgtetabs, raeIsalrna a ihyu al" e h a b d gi Suffr etne bo eav been ý i rha p o etrsaytriw 1am p te Paul; ferstt 40 me and held Sy sm oor. y lite 'ersiahrey n h adavie btjr- o ndtohéir oha' sourtceyfterIwo isnktote pl ttb f h ,ryglvd ad ns cvr fhe al a s ncatdash hs atd opa ac h mny..u f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P he preen ag-aton à* at av rO ho Ia Myr ifan. Obtrplia raelwa poad l. e eesMntg, sec mbu hewl ha e deBedl pub. a u no d wha yor th r al s e-t, t&, er in as to h t an bari 3 . et ntesah f "ot eomlêu Jel d th111 gia g-ru eu0 eet=|"a ou ejeaogs aer" lvlie piinbseba.g e r and and insit onuis godearn it. I a h ad t was the n e ithhi r tY THSS"A gestly, and A-atn aC01 eletch at ata VIEai nuatier offM akdsodn ten, b lai wa lkedM awa tetrApidy A ba p ad falw il wearin 1itsn hena le Ilons Mo the Sufaltlenu --.lITÔNOT -- - -t ond s@ er nd dm b at Fo"ultyae teeda eea t he t h&" h w w o ay Pa t ne proi ct ,The fiania r ee t ofl tid 'ub »ww L0 E" ubgu B.A. o n i u eeta d rne elem des laaJaou ube Md?" neia hisit B&Ad o ed foni mytb for rril iq t crease ofd Bia lylis eh o be ,ea isI ofr sam ti, ai aa len ud yo vr m ah sr b n am d w I o n' ee o tote bru b mgante. P4 ia e nthe aco pae t hey alrc ;ýp -1 e rý P. à)C ci..at 0, u an d . e D ou h o Debeinh At$cbhd" e , wu mm vuo e aned m ae &r- o "Ita w oir e t wy T erd ra nthingine Mleer to , an od aniner Te ofn 59.74ra elereG ide- g..-...g1 -Br nr Beoo une.4 o.. e rviv, utwhnb..utt lv.mta. a ah hik ouar .o hrdup touh 'm xpabâNrmn'aftnt i ws ee e (lhe tW mTth The toal7. HIt. 0 ie t gar 'foi 'pages .et lamenetthiaohtion.Wem i s ost elowgvevt enimn a aliny taneibtehepwnroe the.ten ronth. $s a ise -eulg -h .c l .oAd r-alablh hsh a . -'ak y u inu ucae so M h v 4 ~~~ ~I - hag beciheJfRC EEOM o. . .am 5.. m.il. 41 le I , yot ira beerda & eak WM Or*UONfie - tl i u vr fet sonce Annd ad decrpto ofean. . ac, n theeu egin 1.l m toâ t e au" as , a ruloney to 1a atlr W04- ofMOro ylmb u ? ali-sret Blew" 1 4 Tor et i a a t a a t e gg sbb d q arl op P a fldi nt t e Med to this n 'ang Uèb ublic "et 1U >talin --sunav- «Bb bert the ("M -b t h- s. « M t « P" brasl hall M a b ieng i th t-tangsby T hen at se mthec a mo teaid. h~~~~~~~~~ falli esale uec ma"t month. z .W IË r .Å, ee mam.g.e..Mng t Wet a 111118 ai Wu .m .» .h HeýI hadou teeed wo ltth. ro - o dituere io colrodtd Din oe ie isr- G A DT.N AI a = 4 gaMa -i no 1o lNo ho la tanu wof--ehr• at sa tig, ththrf-e,0e ut 01 h pendasImitui èe ai au --ff --- -- soN orrmaile p e t e od ba WM êOimad 4n jou ne exe thé shop 1an' edrtad W dsFOU est , " out fther oWp- ble to PLb Wjrks Ra" là -'t Il es set 1t Ma Pst Iit asl L yhu1 c W dm m- *b ouet caniie bo, pe'raps ite . Ds t b R a ilwm a y lM o o re a c r i m i . D r a n .( f ) J o r m i o k A F C L ,1 a c i w d t arl s t h e g i r p a l m t e y "Ig "AUi n i Mt b --Aao -bupj -- - sale t was aggner thaglt be la ig Run ion y o Cnadn. Il ut L.D .a "amrk a" laM 13oly AM esntt allm "Alk ofll bas ert 1 & ! Ce.s akile for the, lan ofs thI endayL Buor hc a s m t w a t e mda o s. dr a t avever rser t qu estniong f old fie iIIé mM@tew d o ot9 h as ol pnu tUd h bln 0 ZFl« i o e t he r d oth er eau * y la Illn om* gtod farmsb hac.Au1a. TO R E . ~ ayo ,atIs if,-ontmntse eu Intres payab«lmut t ,11 attnd Pid: a nadaen WrpuleItLLIAMhPue Onoe m t in 8v1r way. butcl herv r faa AdteM wytos hthu .i i a cd er en a suengtin us the hate th tt te o n fr o vrya provincei h p mp t- o t&: r fo& 1 ti yfocrl i m1 brne ann loo ntin waswihhn.t , the a l d spaken.i the ý reunion ud Od &iy aot bare been reeere from thet bifuitbot@dte ro m . th le s i l atý Col ln od Obbsedu ý" a I M Y LTMAIES, emfrom idiges. toet death. Il qd, and the little it good ; the child is ftegtand the 8 la eering for i t iahlscure ln. *0 thecild aleep on. colic Ied and mght, 's Owsi T" ab. anred bel, The wgil ASa*ie Account i bèU fimend. CONVENMNCER--No formality in OPene --j . it e i w