t er oper h oter net to mre ite o Fri They coyelr tie. and la 01. (Wr. a 2.00eres> ndepartmn flot goca t.f ise pr el rs4ciln c to ithr dent tole eeoe ofthel et1 ghot &D he di rmt ret sy te a. tme i prsiflet of etreu 01l rie deeeaisîg J» aridly and fi"etrj 0TOtflr tberetr. le rie hoth sn prstecuarg hi@ and i proydis falr roes fthe ams wiileer lent. lMr. .micber ef man, ,sessei a hifh de- efi o ste ttsfi al ovn e ln aie te tuier d rovih allas to e ison ter rée - "'&de ori T OF THE til Ia iOrj ee e l-p t io ofce e --e lebratile. l-La Ver(Oo "-cy 881ah *.d tbeon.> I uý «Pee eel esut t ensliao oef ot t f ti(d(of it Chl,ýn , T -t, -q anmd the Il' Cpe Di- hé-t.r, bv tt-.lut th- tUe begteeîi,g (ttt p .p.t t,' If5 et t. Veçh (Utie eih a., etre the eblsts(v ý ateristof t t.r of the * -t' teret l .I a bouti- !l I-St thon j t'. tg lta( t.. lt eejoy. etnd Ce. 'f inorme- ,Ie Uni t tan enrly a .red and tgeercil eve tht ..d deeth t tptter t .ty beicO (bey will( alible ea reoted te e t i of cSrse abrise If n Vomm 4 le. ,EvCh7 1>à,ulrr of Chuh5 oAstbu ~lFIDIdI sholild ati > oP.l1 s SAVMtGS ACCOUNT for tIbIW-. Trust FurM We speulaly invite this CL O AccOUfun and psy hlghest currmlt iittc.p.W NEAetMitn I 't. 't- t -JNTY0f" -tALTON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR t - FORe -09s ---t--l-thte i NItese., * (rim . t.eiI~6 14 te,1 1 s tJ't-t ietIUtcttStittting§, ieber'. estmot u iBer ttt . W. . BICILi. uts., Cîele o he in.a ('iaiiiatt (Chamipioni j 5t.MICA.I EVEY rIRlly MRNII; H A. MCOu, M.1t., tis'..'- - t-t,. C tet t lRiiiALL E. COWLÂND, R., IL.. t.tSt ", .. * e-W Wh. 1t -11e1. ouI he e . Me«elSma DrADouglas Lake Aef tienceeeîI hu ch Di e uT p . , litce It .(eer (o t~? d r seKNOXci. -'. e 14.1t W W 11e.uue T ltueo ...itt.e tertet C e, eÀ eàc rilr a cl p . y OC~5u0 t ..II'tettttt ci.tttt . .d ett'Oe Mdimac nnul -tom B= ti tonem ,NA tee tCIICe RULvedcnoe -c.eue.,rM.A.. SiW£ se %..lciuid- tt teiupu 1' . W ...l.i.igT, B.A., Iitt e.iuims.Oii' XE . . iJIC, 1-5RTraveler;5 eGuid e.T 1 msniros. tSes. e5 t1 . -î u -c - te~5 tee , tte tOeen~Oi' M ts . ',,"In PinirII itcoipr D m. A t-t'.'.7=eOin eeu' iA R N ...,.." E.X. ov tts.Cc.tam.1- UBi i 8 euhnie.Fer na mni ess srfc Xun lentboimde.ouell w Ose _1ve10ci 1Oeuii I 1a Batàeoue le bu BTesHll e.ininoenlisgtit rv i . ge ioz" t 7e. 57 i17. p>qlieoee ~ AnG - a ~ vOitla aUc"nid o. "e Il Bonme s i s ma teus tck. ni t >iou o arani_«MOle " e k e Iail oeterf oeio setelci sofvMr Od bornS-e. e efir . -Sutuien.. we t or a et ulgt(t obed eesho t teba.»Pa lirer bteix p boum a, masubIs MtlieSebouosisli's 90 les t eu. ies .'" ~mnet Ehr, N e. ms~ ~ n O S t e'g sa n- ii" aiiPo.diiinhs *mi BoyS .M Wel Nl. tu t U Mcf ioka 91 mLo malt e rn ii sai tsut If.osily teho iceà mme . b% fim a rnge ou ai thit u oeffucu keveiiced eeU ts-kb e vu i oro." lo@ta en CIeIteén W A fs vi~ il.ymecoeee UOIIU e e t êsl. I nsgld te no iste eirry ieigaxw *l e rt lu"Obs recru te dm1> au-th a o ser ainéa" à-nia id Pée, a e a i i ld Vfie es. WioSevgoeresntta it H a t ie teevOsi . j Obe r s e là"r " omai O5Oi e 'Osa, any lteL- ee e rt. 't e er aff0 rtt al" "lt Ble uts Ir atupo.ohtcntUtrre tetiseeie ti e s t igv loir liha e et ni ftiu"On adabepratelatc rien le ttc bepie0 & s er&Isi , 4" e rei11" so hetiend uesnîe (ea edee oe c Vs ay lctciu tc eteluc (* et f*e9s t "Au e ne..miaOasieg 1 t. ec'tte e t ase_1 Sn.41 t ou Tb slec e reuîeî oes aiier sel a not- gàb B M " 0I rPP Asndihe mber n tr lri ro jlouaies dri , --ie I e O s ltherse u le tWecof £1oue h Slflitte tl d t love é15 Oed mu hr de nts # dus5 1uotes tcjeelileereu. 1e ed ate teme. ues hichu t ~ "ps. iemud uil ell. OsnoeMrîr. en e g e ule c.. . kiv u M de sf 014 <ncf is, hi lu ie dot trMMulerugneifileS ovl. ti e kei egMid . "0 1Soi l rle pr vlteuns'. e'so r lopsit koigI fa ge aieS deston vhftetec in. traeene.u nl e Be fmie c..cii ue leli ni71 I lu ;-dhu57g aie«M beclecefanm*4n«er>t mr voi ne d miter o um>rMWelteflenatoikTtinc btrs- an 0seo1wàiedns f SUni OSte 00- if Pip e(' ..tst@ ebte s te rantt il @ bad mo ,U dte traire d dU * dr he et agereo s ets o ntise ceciO4PAI- " b t e bis otet,Om eiut Barrt wecl eer cdlor tch qici l- gm le >(@bg u sS aid .,uoji ùe f guseon, aicef e.ed s 5 ie sos ie tii tte-'r.teu rtlL aa 1 ue.. Wt ho muie du bl r oiswubsfloo"et tle nte ntsu runiî e c rber s lsie tesroioc. i M ie uneS geent e n, t e On /5 5 Os vis sud veity e i ee ll O s d l* ea" e itleralier .larg erne lof (ie sees ut 1 loe. ru t MIn Os n « mia b a mi@4 btOta Ite.Ieth eri pc:oi aelasu boird f et edol eo berent'iesrrend ises ete ci 150eba Ua.fotc lieb tdeh 150 4 delebn/sslaoM dotisbré;veu til tup r e tI lt Opl e iutut eeîei andîrr o (te e suet borse& Wo ule so. te here wii an Cu e a PeitUE L eIf»vielu Oue rd .sne à ooi. sc eiof ioves sbr ici ciepl ter tedi tar tlolu dYVl. noult ddlute t, nyhao r ouitelveis. -à . at t 4. t loudîdUyeeu t dse.ci" 1 esei.l bis ie.Woas b rta Oc MO 69O l nPUinb Or u aS GrI p iing ihMAOsd tbekteeier eue ilbt. WiA TbERI. ee bei te vit sîh der do lO eot. o '-mm A " no M s - ,ft wll d e lrte dlm aut ie Bundutoeud buil i sse ysee or hie . 'b a oe heore" . h lt ielt U ei - *(o amde, acoriip yo la-er suie, (h arue lad 15 mu et Ounet"r otaeut ee q hMuet,! teb. h leît.ci cmo.ir 'er" Bai010mw HodeIf ilWaer a le».i Wh b u iduit ' booms ue eb ILrbes aoeil c sbOlggIeeiteting te d o aersellOeer -kt né " I l " ii nuit hie m b r rl e o t t i'O i pe h! Os a diid de i ie i i nifiss i l et er tho eo re is, te Stq eIr b e' l h d vbhateomndenlhiid eol(y olm taeitbet.oir iendvse ti B ere tio brutal ier b Oses tritli OtlJ'15f.15 ir flutuOxfetouet t 5n' ientWinowsvd e(u bliahcic it at O bock- sierle l iet e' W 1g o n 10 te M Jugie, ttrr= tit ll le n ehat ytrd 8 te s chig iaet s itOm ovi fris eseleierk t luhle hledciue luehigir ~ n sldOn obes hei Buirsie eYei l s. dovu 'Lwtiethe $heop as vtbstebc sr stahee D ie.eip si n ie s su " à,**nOlumD vhlbe tuilits MOMbvucias d oende ed cri Oe rec hceier.,and %lgo ses;utt iascieç. "C5i't asllaite. nm irp a ison pe ete. nbrwon ho I - ' 't.-oniberaires the "Ttcnid' s1b y netr der us sen i0fur mn *» d afn.luieu. n e v ap ysroet. la 0 , le ane BIIR oime bratust tcr er» te b t rcee tnd ccleevo I Gr t te te lNe frse tontidà &MxlcI. ad@peu hmln Hobou e'. Piihàt la, t he tcpmiMidhls tour, euans leiise ebsinuess% tee hcIte dre. ite su"- ri.' uilDt desiiuloo tit apnd 40W e rfei vr MIs truck oal t t -- f wes . t t u he i ser lere bciouuiy. bo t llem &" i hie ie Pesiona,e à n fi p f- ud t.t nsdh c e t h. outi - e lor S ie r bndeii ssci s te Pr@* Os twpm u iiuhIn yq o tm et kW Fni Sca 5108 wu aiMe (e e mCm avimm" stabt leirs udmen t rnd er e u trele t der ii t e Ict oo i t!ye n erc bleoilaiOiteeu0, vhlet vo litivti u~~na IbOeanue te erry passaieo. t taJp ereL .gee hs lls' B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o itmbetsanadatrsc ek p-yarprk s 005 sio edy.aedotedIefgtr of pt ier. ovi nn the u ; e tct l( e- Asfu e in e cbe*chiiboulalegi e ta 'nlIougdte 'e.e eoti esud sI teir tle etic. .'Mrneone se te900l i reelI et51 d in »t phvn ia ào 54 e.Tbet tud.te nonss ow we " cient e lnidgo o outl Pund V. gse V ~S M b u i ( a n o ns it m ut re- *- out '. i .e7 se b ieugaud teck id ne t h u re o o ure at ive c d v e 'oi e iewfir c ecce aife hiceptait@ontlc olt 'ndotIl MA4ipeu Hp~e i 1~ psa "o iam i~, ~ V otg sr'ceeteeeces u j... is eborman?,pho iglil b~ in(t filbg 5 e f. ief » Oet yest u l tet(eb ~ I ir. miai edebbiPc- i a etisi ls i rt u etb sthepeliir. t erd a0 tep ik susehl ti vttt(f i wo s M am udeGo epo i w adte hiam May ltitm urs.Se otc eire-u es ct ss ere.i de m e , andec yi 55f uh eccito cecuee e e na 15e i miula imiY wIne spoc . t i Thitseine e- l n diidud&scom'tu e derren disy andWriU I donrMyl cio ft, iy. "beijt eee domen.vl" t Peu (~te sr isef er- " ot ni.e __ vrl tdipsth AaronNorm.Ths eii rue es re tttteryes'.. IiEe u.e t' ~ ~ ~ ~ n mOI g sie "bous. te u itit. inI " (i s wuO sn vy cidp u r~iit t&sel lethsre r ornd fluorole .'ta e ilYSer t9re u D oora't'et oet c' a" o n bàà fav ii vetippug i ni01.'"5pii t i outeoty"Noma tes u r eut ho1e s tt otli airhe ee e fi e- i ii à a "epn ri e O? t edher roe livo,.'nPdR u"dry f0 t hc. ra tera ldyOeut s if e le Id bhe e Os s*M t.ibsut'. s i d o'.utid bi90 oi a o « ta » a t u c i e y r r e . OMu oa - s e e '1 aos ienl ua' m enus pu e t i e rrl s t tl ui l i e h i l F .p rf l s diat. ie rs if wune ere e raniw » Par l eI- A i e ei 5 1 1 101101mpinnint 7 t ire ' o n hu lm fa rsdIad,dt he P onv sebmooreeteil i e e sony mectie rti r i e. sdme- coe tr mef;bie*«*t-Be1 . B pt eu . I ty on erlu foer aCL l'as uet... $Id>5rhlag boole Osfer emti pren1 a ui . eulk e mlcbu tr _ i "a Pl at.bsc t. e y sac. out i srer ise ord eeri e p eseey tit. w'the to u t altr t h Ie.." s eeyod" >0 tire bu gi séb ufi 010 f0.theireh À" en i r- » Ela i Bb n "i M Bmi ohfTielonhi baye Hé, h hehelhtt-ieh ne or s., bi la eeatr"~ eSt I r atuo'. see hi Oseutos t b~o, b'otm a trVStPoa dnse --n i i eO'stu Buogry. t te pt elrspcrmetetkYungi iliMo Iu. etu artnIft bnisCr h e faute nitor ced. hbal- p be id. lvi odcefBte '0" i n te tc eurui ictlfeeee o ste clr o se(iisy tC eee e t y' 0 s ais pmiepla tncii ud utMr asent aill qjee h. lgp sdi umouedGrSouirmly. gra d etblehtts oeoi nu rpste t- r ieiOdNe eeS or e tn u ou o&.a u e t Med"hu cel les miiniis heeu" r"nterlf die e i mp fsOedu Dot blot o s oe te c-unre s toc s a Wteil(tsf o."te liedau ointes. ' b u u eiiee e israni mhai l rru M le é a &M d Hep alon Ma . " Wan557e ed P suni af. 1111 1 EiW Ot tdasmehns sui cble ee t e su&11derbie .e s eeidu el]sroiet 10c ss' terblder tor aeohiB nf.ebln emtom Cs o rtna" r Ii. iav la .g cmthtlem i r ieCeYe ay Whe ia d el ti ole rnac tios erg tt ae r. t"ced e f . is t al Tnnn iY _ od eueh.-soi, Wou Mm i eeS s m"t ol u eyogaie&bout csh; fnhid ni ai y l -aS Ont t e r I I t ecl atr naiset oeei ttspa esui c Lvee ibet h ga 'h'. eeldo te ieection the 'li s & f t fl 1 5 e vifn ts b et fr.pâm. ifseio Wtp paeee s, nicii Yha " -' s u Pe ""cod'"T 'Pl I." Betun e iex ur nd ».tUe l uec t e smtth ar cerO oeung y (ce. -"Auci i oT us a a .nluperbsanonolf te nic r m i *-nOu nsm. tel. nd lsl.m ifn lhairyie m tetth l t e ee rai, e u hleer miiet lst 0 e oe j . o @Pb- nn. unit I ut usain i Osa.I'nia5f <bina hi di u d a e taoe - r - n iaFi".vis i ai bceits p oe . i a r-th e larst andsib Iluy lasy enuile1 i t ite myteruy peer san1ruif t Sttsol dim teln Hp useal."i'ur ucevAtlaI n m t O- udPacautse. bo ietFeiles a eie d a led ti staris erand viet-freel tii.M tu '. Sb trnisBseO olsdteba ma nui ta bue m t combnP BU fTeL. 1u h" àf rueshol. Ianefwoner erM ý hn g aci htewt tbBO lvs*Coleeli hp f eou s oi bles"ol u d i vehinule, Inibuso « -bm ldOWfl on okr bunmeeiis c& 1 eereouhte bdes, piseesbu rethettîcu gn byan ue ti O Y stb em slu ninsdn f ulg i "f i ly BaOssR" n t bockmp an.do unipluiras b e u ve ry t. a l r egel c.i e i leut s gil t tee'tt-rtemiim e hl . OjeluAnd ààenit ani Bete lnntaVS f tk n W ot i d 1015550"»-15 ts b odu(s t 5 Urclietsl ieoet 'er lu ey s tfIsfece t - 5t.t noeu bu50 8 ct I tr.la rM se un- vonc unton bofv &v".WY es t ec &"$il aert F. deuay. iind serulily. btrtutt wt hryaet hef sati eruy(eîeree 0( 9 b bt F.i e S i u Mi a i b i e r . ::al o u . H o a v f i ic f s d B '. e c a o u t e c s b utRire he n e r . "Co'su d m t s w O U t-i ek c u f r t ie t e ' t s e tr . a n d lu lei ni sie tn hn5v itef NoRi prentsmieirifl ime ccotuf t tecc h ttbteuO svmne. ivsecbtittg m ni Doniotb iic tiee 511 Un.satom i i uia 0le tIci, In i d b oto i iondon.ru hu s timatr B oi o n a 5 ir M r i n d . d b S lJ e ng " r ae tte r thilM - a l d r et5 'e t e Mpa bl Ye n e i luotby t 5e wt c m elee rm nmsiuf uc eta li.la wsee7tt rti t 7 N M s ud aWbr« -tui ue s plu aa e cor Ohc i c ef i'. s doibe uesppfete o causeiniuhie diertici *'ouli'. te t ue of o e a * on er liter oi '.,I M b n a, tebe us anim t & baicumiio sftM e teiiet.e a d n u usn s . e t st ay " pect d a l si "dPB On ls, l an rid-pu l. "ie u osi bo flfan teck Myai gitla ieviSe Hemomi pn *round ie adWon ei is ennte uthe bPaul.- uoh, s Rt-t. f'snrt ii fthie tr îoc-te idS ls: bdferlulaittluivna1 seh u ftwP tnt- e t- "U pin Mollne aqni hi e " cil er. "I sret(s opn t hdye e fetar ie uav e ufbotter tir eg e a mva 0f n ulil is nfer ie staor unet u ý. M peu wlt 9 î I uso 10. p"fiilea t Clf.ki en.etin lh ie roger e %laitj eu tc tîe. I estoi rvantandSel- e- m, - SOn-OM y ati te lv a i ldecSti if m e 01or'-b ta cm ga u g 11 ef âtosli ad e a i Donel îu iu and. iauf'11ben. ei n CampI-ý r. b i eliOsashand"nefusein." nid Rusas. ibS (t 7îîgayii say'. îr."I sthart.c.opare bam T o f ni » se u i lb no tu hlluBat é M ffl eu *9lou mi .» d ",Main e vep le rt t 17 itr Imo D b e e t roono ul Hamiil t en w»ts ow nini m e ea " I d ir e t «U PMe.eri leunab"to»e mp an 0,ms, sud ol pi.an avn ery etcsO and, eoîeOifl'lmt pea.'. ugir ortoederg crim teuiB ee Iet Kp ego~5 uto4"mada Sn"Ms0«sockam.T h 'piut " -wh d " O pjoL7? uj e.d mssoPabuse tend r sd Boti hart c'&t dos. moe io i t à leu 0" ingi . a ib u - if . 4 . " -o rw ie st eer . '.' ébcn td ti s Ih thir f t wi hl t of i' a - - Ber, P.t= , K.u anaBeff MUPsae'ah flah. orta ( tov, Br oc"t e nilue . he e d tciiL Par ue edernm. he 50les ws lm aede. B a Berejaryn &ut lie anplsie ie ingo ho aus tel ni rer s weeihlilntIs&Jout ouai eublpei.suerum th -Not éw On 50h hny M. lm - a ".urt u rI emm- WonL then 55OI Au'e yIe sqtop lep eut t barrertadIfSSUp-eherf erti. me," sald uilent gouet witb tb nooseBoMspuenMW et10t14 ubecnotait théu eteSud gussai Il&buyedshMonarassbis MnterUbutffloteForg uteftift4ft ofvigioouradj, A@&Mag, e enuipe tu uàie-t o- a irbic sidte mena elu i ire tpir 'ti tcio Cr7bu t e en ef tu 'CSudle .A£.0,etf - fâ& Pe t uwbt«kte&lon Cln glba t wls Baal Pupl, Pul d m s.rtlott hi lt tit"e bo u-!an Th iek rfoga b t lo u ebul- 'Thorabl a".Hou dm5jU ba VO " mmbcy n e . lya ~,hosaidbock s," igeA ar. iii l- 5oiton ie. Ail cigic VSba r a eK« c apU' - ub W nlneU ,ate u.te« 1 l - m cingIut e . e mportan ouce D l it onb o& 1cittpiYetu ge (e c l p tâ oe t wu h aier Igwlajw ,t lU efi riisx e fl e at h- - ,bu t f I ni es gom air. Mn ioth e du 5P 0 OU ThseeWolf r ' nd m n t ut f M p phe 010, ur: m maid.eto au" (treuitetOhheitecci_',pM5Nouadiu this time il rai 01,110e, tuo odIo(e 0 th nl o- e c. Wtuoer 'Upin.r- siaIm n u "O IOe i.Pe n ui àid à-* tà wri " mêm'lq -'hvd OW M tr r uT tOUmptcau ni@ O s ome rdaptirMlrkt. ock R inl Oi en. i UEW eea- bc w alok tIé "bucln kOpe Icu ou t n l ie Os OU isict f. "f 09~pishun Io U .Mdr - a- I* ftwim& aw ut l sie ;;; ot Poderthonq kai f hejui ma vici Iuo (aL ou (usons.th latin . M - risU%" -j beleve tert *onoir lmW. uH*ipn ut oln g * pcilr wtt-thod -i a S"* enMdlS nefoevet voule wermm ma&ifibd ar 11t80Berbardmlio ire.lluns lubligni troules eh cauhllie suez ni«eyllu the0pf. A h tt .,~ bv. n.wn F $ybr$ALt I, ,buorl in a t É ~tte1 (Icdth.i nt1- i. But. le ehi.,t 1i I *1 s' Bf; - Ueo ly iet te- 1 ne. .t '- t teltLeî.L .. loe 't' t'1. ilie t '1 )e et.. 3 - le.,- L.,- t mli,., t- vt tIC --. Dt.elt tOt ut - t Il u . fis et t. ibetît -,"t't tie tt cb-t tat i O pet'. .t f f-,. .î elteit'. it t el MeicH i o enie i ltbtxt '.. . Co"( Bct.k t ..h~. -tek-. 1