TORONTO. ONT. Omo ritee Oo ilocitio i se"i- ý I l o mc -K ectent a il tuTLY O~,nt. grt ADMINISIRATORS SALE Valtiable Dus4 Fari On SAIURDAY, AUR. 31sf, 1907, IccnmAd A Ic.,c c GUELPH CENTRAL ý*FAIR---* T U ESQ0AY, WEDNESDAY and THN0R S 0A Y, sP t c ) er 87, 18, 9. eu Cri> $5000 ln Prixes 'î'Jfn ci J nesciaî &Thursihy ADOITIONAL HO MES EEKER5' EXCURSION5 .1. ii n th NýORTH-WEST Il il, ALG. 27 1Si 0,c' .SEP. l10 1 -Dc 0, SEP'. 24 I) %li, Ocr. 8 %Yîîî, OCT. 22 1c, et. i-d Excursions LOW SPECIAL RATES iist]2, I3,14,15, 1907 F'ronMILTON tb ra ti . cc MILTON, OOC). %a i _________________ Joint Deposit Accoun-ts are o ipecimi c%,emiee med lfor coosmmd THlE METROPOLITAN BANK. Mmeeeytclii le drp.aedevoroi. deawn by icc"cbador wWe. Pautcp6lriy vaahsl for facociea»Mi town recaderini. QMccc-dmcrdeccai*Jmdu a auaa F. * SaicffoetWadsad oimdrec oma en.. q SAVINGS OtPATMSc-lT» or cci e s aacanon banc .aidcf-ccddi-n ae pmna d mcpeccc FOUR u ma q. q- ym air - c wJv my )lbymmcL The Mletropolitan Bank CaeiPmNd Dc 8t1.i0« Oti. Suave Pcmd mcd UcddcdlPro fti 18111.21 - MILTON BIANSI-W. I. OLE ENTI. MaM.u TNE FAIER3 *AIK 0F CAmA. iccceamby Ao.tcc, ~ ,c AUTIIOfIZED CAPITAL. - * W. R. TRVEU, - - General Maager. À GENERAL BARRING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Y loaneci At iowest terucon oinnent wth connervtive Bankirq SAVINGS DEPARTMENT i, et conpounded 4 ticorol a year. One dollar opens an meent iii~~LLiNAA~fcltov W. V. cPAXTO&, Manager. 1 ~We have done our besito tiheoîovats Sboat Sommer Suitiig u jd Tro IV S proud of Our range aMdi èeanmst Mtfzllf *pasaed. Iiaderweariroc.Spee Colea"s O0~4Ms licandZ lIat.c Mowahaci i-ee LalNews. -4Mises Pemea Mr. sMd 118a5. & nome. aRot h e, o 4 vt ota v"rpleum Plcmimco yaeAlcI hy* . '.'. ML. Smithb sd lin Aec FusAePmnt blweei. MvlÎ. Débe. nPubli cSebo i mpeto iiIl MoturOtevanima freinbic Oaa tiOof 9two weebeîl neboba. FOR SAL-w. New Tnp Bttg es nmiy mud a choft tiooe-Go. Storey.t Mmc.Albeti Johnson sud chldre o, TornUe b ave retrced boute ate qmpudînR àcouple of weebo witb Mn Eco ccc..-Om licudai- W. N. Secuil e, revtmbd ~Oubcahetm cf sheat cff cet acrec. Tierty.efght busbte ta th ch. OIASCT TRIPLETS &turrtiy.Bobs' cnd *frug' ChemarTcbaeeoto m ifi pli naQmity I- a oythe Mcame49-13t TMmi P. C. Wllmott mumomacei ch, eoffaiternot of ber mieca iel Heiem A. Horrimon. of Milieu. tu SauelsE. Monctonu.NSB. Tht e eci ding inini taire place ai ber home cn September. Kncox Chmrch vili hbcreopemedo Socdav. Sept sd wobu che siorf Vaiog. etc. wou bave beucompilted. mrLltamiley.aicbad. cf Toronto,. ou aligAesclm at both thcuefmig and cli eeaimg service. <. Tccn i sD ?(«T cicacAn-Tho Peacock brotherofaiTrafaigar. woff ha tmied ceci Mondey onas ceharge as shucach te mare ecooirittcd atser chair treublaemi thc McDicfe brotheru mornenfmego. attegedi slcetiug mnd oumdmg IL Piesgen qutcb and cc.ita crelief fmom Dr. Sboepe Magie Olctrnc. Pleasenotc lemde alene for nie% and fie actcon ia positcuve ami certaim. Ichfat. paifmfm. proeter or bimd SpnodisAppeaer iamagi il*iiiuse. Lagnichei-capped gZaesJan le ranci & .t mcRed Ceoss Deug Stoe. CnicxzN cTPraum.--On Fridai- might foity chichaso ere 81101M frorn the fous in 9jaes8o9 5Ne nur eton Ai *M bf*OW»reklde itel,. mspi bmt il fi sopposad . Mai tbe dont lcefar frontMat e eue of their operaiome.that they tit Ma iedo mn oefetains, hMearnkMmaf bu mcTcronco. iiOomr eget iiMsa ooonIbncemed fetitece of zdoardWright ,corner ai vm" ad fleuec ra on Salt- de.A e.*tba . u.,m.- i lu- ekihegesusPuas b lai Spamsh foo. lb. lor ltr a aimaiu eo. and tbl is i tha&rd a epiemlAddCehà- Jsulcmc-Oe PtldqY. j me. caummd aidcmd aat 4 huedmapmudsmt effer08 tfe UV* h -od moie, un leoit ; e= = iolh h team nv mut rnmth = «»dr'md .Cmrey' Umuing Tu. a. vet-49-13t cf rfemm f n,, Cha. o eh % & Su, grcec, ovinhbc srry kte ustret. aso nuaccumenofthea p3or hualtb nf the jmmf ntmembar of the brucherh ot The parehuer n T ' XMcPbemn. ai Wet.I land. The Talc ofa.bicftenaon 'tPe vpnoery bigcly Mr. aPbeecon ta s a buicus moc and seaàcltfca. He Là hem mcd ai Wetlaifoi tontgy et. ad mmr,,McPhe en dahfidmac 1 ui rernovo e iflitsfrnmedlmtey. r.' Gcccc ENTERTmNUEjceevTO bh oltd i. uondothe ausies,althe L~Adf ld o theOmmrb!Prcbceriam chweh as NTuday.lipttemermoth A fre ima f M lf e icmiihfumin.pby tMa fol- Of usez -Mi Kmalrie logettmcle if ionict. Torontoi; Min Som Lewis, ct opraco, Milton;c: iuetha hei. mte. a.Mitnn Ceeil Enri, hartS... Miltom; S. Pare. tnr. Miltnm Mu» Quer. ,erlits. dueti Meure. Parr tend Srt ; en oecdos nc, ithe mphs. Ad- Hcdese rbc, o milc n ig i ngcas mc c Tescs.redRrfrot6tp. tca.e mc Xp.m 25tnd i %cleeinateanh nervice.ei b ce .cdoul paycSepht e naRemed btMcenziDe. BA.. of aeim. ndmb .Dr.. Rbbe ay . M.' Spca ccgollr.ostCracle servcice.utbM pcriecibp cai r ociest fnri-tues he.b twieec Drisoruckad MeCimmn au beem dissoleait and Dr. Mowbrmy limbu bia place. Dr. Msmhimp grmdoae lfrcmt the icecini eu mm ad bacdemctd hic cim nemga. y setncrnrim toeictaly B.cfHe te ff=a. acf sm in lco Etyair. cfh ibm Iciiin Hnepicmi.Tmeé 0. i maas nibe cmelicai ciel of tMa 'r. & N. 0. Ry. He sein bmmmau acqiition p~rofunsiomal and cocial circes. De. Buckb ogn tbe Bae, partmrblp oich m&H the i. igur chai bas cbaracteriatd him pvctiee àdntlng ibm puc e -oimn. 10 GIRLS WANTED-Te vert fa btltelmg depanlenig"hu aiey. tÇOM ed oaaistart. PluwacaiMW bulhy cnrremdfmga. Aly tk CAMPRUmc.LI[i.ImCiiHccIccY-There ou a targe gtboilg ci Campelvii. yecteadai- for hai vilogecscivle hohnday celebraioadsiedlalt the cvtcamg for the pe-aiv concert, ohichoaa a gset meeoe.Eddie Pignit. *theaUtileMac witteb i g fasm mde ndecided bit amd fiiy jnmcilcd ci cbat had bue Rcai fbis remit imgimg. Roht. Ellott. berntns. caoglaIdahiecaaigond itYte. The vocaliséecctinsby tMaquartette of cbe Botte LarmeRiflen band ocreteta bat.amdamloao utthae mde ofithebaud lutinf. speeecheo vneremade by D. ttendeeeom. Id. P.. 1. W. Et118t0mm" Petr ayer.. Te asti-disappointe tue neormactnd«olth tMeaaslebeacloc ou Mahmmm.appraceaiM Cnl a match veni tb at of Mitou. Th*e1IL. tas beolsure ons band mmd reuly tk 1 Wtait mpstrast, tk prIve usci nmmpwcsof MyDr. Sbuopca oSie. tlleonm O n horu mh Ds't àatacoem e e ef tat in .. ý . Y M ld UmmeiFîk G. A. GRIFFITH. .S*'Farmers' Grocery. Canadian Poclflc EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO FOR THE EXHIBITION FIi n r0$1,N0 Lu Iatoe 85c. -HpwsvEu@"@Days 2t"p t D , Aîgîst 27, 29 anîd 81, inelurve.Sept. 3 aid 5. AUI TICETS 06>0 TO RETtJRl UNTIL Tu E8DAY SEPT. mn SPECAL TRAIN SER VICE Ami 6cr f e t yc OfficiaiPregnucmmnd Ttrne Table. 1%2«d tisemmps lins ..8& 10e lui»"ar0ostrw..a... . ........B..... M 15 ialèn or .........JeL d Ladis,' traw Hate........ . .25é. 250 l2Ro Wapots for .. .8e yd. Any Trumd EmHat........Si100 35 Dreàss <oods I Dress Idc S o p fer t isefa ad wbamr derlegfIi. sale. moum.-elg P'ie Roducilos la ail oam o sey etime Lengtho in choienoaiarialsc 75e Luetres for .... Oc.. 5eyd e ecosolenejCrepe <de Cbeîe, Lcote OcTedSitnefr 45 d lS a nd Cnohcn!%.61kBlekC oocnrofr..45 yd 8 04 Falit Sitinhc.--Breadclothe, 'enettanm,- Che- 60e DreunGoode and Lustres, 40e yd viotsc Tweeds, Plaide, Serges, &c. tuI REDIJCED IN i mCm. Ev*P>thiig cornes aider the,1 saA great opportcnoity to obtain choice fint qtxality dreus goodeansumitie SThe soie reason ie that we are selling ont tie stock aid going otnt of S Lades' Rais Cents Ladien' Kid Gloves 50e Pair. 42 in. 00 O Sdien' Kid OGiven for 75e pair . SATw 86-150 Rain Coodo for $4.7,5. i. 75 Ladiesc' Long Kid Ulovet, 81. 35 pcr. for 2 $f 8 00 Sty ie Tweed Co s 6 50.« 15e T rkicch Towelling for 10e yci. 3O 8-4 011.00 Foohionable Tweed Coat, 88.50. 20c Hîekabaet Towelling for 15e yd. 8-4 Noi' 05.0 eaa fr 2.0. 1.3 a rge White Quilts for 95c. Enibroi 12Ae Heavy Crash Toweling for 9c. ___ jReduced Prices lt ail LUnes Wide Butehero' Lineci, was 20c, for 15c. Stair Linen, with border, was 20e for 15e. This SEverything Reduced in Price. No Reserve. ffOxord Shirtinigs for 10e yd. C. tainc Mulin l0e yd. d. ciaune," 15e Oxford Shirtinus for î le yd. . AII.wool 2-ply Coipt for 5-k5e i lieavy Check Shirting, 18e for 15e yp. 20 cýHemp Carpts for 15e ycl. 1 2j, Heavy Cottonades, 25e for 22je yd. IinoOeucie, 2 yards wide, $1 cîuality 75c. 1 5cil Crimson and Red Tale Damasmk, .50e for L.inoleccmm. 4 yaedm wide, 82.25 quality 20C ai 3j 7je yd. for$1. 75. Lot c weiqg Clsaraqce of IEADY-MDE CLOTIXIO and lMen'n Serge Suite for $4.150. Mtenc'î$10.00 Overeoats for 87.00. %len'n SMen'n0$9.00 Serge and Tweecd uilts, 86.00m i t88.00 Overeooîcc for $5.,50. NMen'sc àjMain 0$10.00 Fine Serge and Twe(i e st $2.00 Fedoric and StiS Hlalcc for MentIl for 87.00. 8150. Boy-a'c ~ Milinry a Haf Prce! Prices Cut to make j OBTRCII FRATHERS, QUIILS, BIRDS, WIXt;i, 0jFLOWEPcS, ORNAMENTS, TRIMMINGS, ETC.- Sto< ALL AT UALF PRICE. veqhin RBuseins e. ollinrake & S DR. LORDIS Rose- afers t,! ata Neuralgit lcerou ý ,Palp -ti.n fIl 4t'H, 508. ou s fo 3 for $1.00. DR. m RD'S Little LtSý' Pellets A pureIy vegetale agar Mil focr Sfici c etc I.I, sicetH oiate, B=lo Cccci1oi t, Riguli 25o e:~ or 3 for 25c.,l The la 5tore rtl.g Goods! Bacscfrern cfi-c 8f b"s ard..St c c o fr ceiitm oftmbm POOTCARDN s' ifaf f 1m.Rearctcler J.Klti . tanc M RAY'8.McKAY'S. but one. Our aim-Good Goods, New Goods, Right Prices. If yoî have not cleait with us betbre, start 00w; it wiii pay 3cci Vo be a ciateomer of ors. rIGIROCERIS. BAKERS.J ma MJA 1 M Deum lot 90. CW Re afflowed dry 7fi' e m e a n - 114er the ' ýick selling! ing Reduccd!' 4 1o Home. ........l-1epr. op for......... 15e pr. q% bieaHome for 25ic ~oods! 0 foi lif 0àdSsetngf, -2d,. ff tîcacîecl f1ltc, - r ccý.. îtie .'s fcccc f*I iikt for- 50ci. ~ i rorp p or tu25c. . ff% fi Wa Sll PapersIfo o MONs OesT ; GET THE BEST By going to the West End Gr.ceri-store for your OSoogls, Up go mfiutlenuy ud Nighsst Grade Arn. 0O1. #,maII~ 'Cs qts asd that la what wo caini for G laI' ffl y 'ouqtsSeal and Cookhes Pride Flour. " -id UN 90il, R A -z-