Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 1907, p. 3

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~e store Closes 630 P. foi, t le ces to PMl VOU offer- N I v.noaec o ff$t.. NOiî(e<, to creclter, IOMESEEIERS« OIRTII-WEST a IL ESDAYS JLN AUGLST*' SEPT. UKy LO lORATES HIJMESEEKER3' EXCURSION3 ";0RTHWEST I" i i il (ji -7 si j, - LIJW SPECIAL RATES ss 11, 1907 irom Ml11% o S.'o i. $17. VIu 'o..o e rt , ruut FAMLABORERS ANR T YPE W RiTEri BARGAINS N 9-4 ersa4.1t~ iNe4EL-T iîiWDER AND FLY lAZS PI liRE Pi R I8 GREEN-tbe ohrv Iet HI.II'S IIEALTH SALIM, 25c' L-CALLANLOKOEOUSTC Ysa oct rous siblep!capa. 10 PER CENT. BACK TO '«,u. BAN TIPLETS ýurey-Boa& aed N' Chmin Tua.oocginbig PiQul, a teay am1e. 44-13t The Roylpainrie fGueph ___________________________ hirh hue headon e a.. etGeei New Profit Sharing System 1b- a ae l&mnt eXon wbhrs.atahe ae e.W tefGro.Scer lias emos h, mpyhm.plut dos, Wp ehavre ifauuguroje, a irsunineew cottarnof ProfitSharing lajOur 14017P. Herraftpr slessh h e jfofret t. ers tonbcoi wel ou pc xi. rof t tottn rt' ti tuote uer tsrroîio (oet sn or 50sinotil. I orh feti Bpptonhe.e clido$6.0 pur it o iormre t. ive coul irs hu4er u (oI0sA onei adsp sabu l. Te uoay bas made good Roule dumagedi hf :it.Brmto Bnns Pilou get quiet. And crtrain relief HIGGINBOTHÂAM DRUG00C. frm M.tiou.MgieulinPce.. MILTON, ONT. 1 theg. paiful pi uig rbln .1atitappear like magie by on m PereY Robineson t'fToronto, attrodcd ch rlYoug Brtun,'clehratioe thett.on Sturday and cte Bnriiegon is tbe Iodin e. f. Local New s. stnnion, ohi amtmu n rk A B USiNESS CHA NGE Haormittwere plicme nl os, Umia.Vers MoDomefi tlauiending bert imfo.etrteutre olh tà fien, miosedtin Ir/ta tih hau. a.emaslaslxy .amad ho aatint itoria arb~~ or badfulitnlu et.rrlg bn nM Thon tiiJauseîî i qsetiga ,clrtsor moreeg Iciie. Magstrate Jrifn -S Y.ýTEMA TIC S.4 VIAe6Mii rda a aprehSound. set him tu oi for lieu o miott. H. A iianiun ofTornoju-Eddie Pigot -te xxxe oa outh th liono. vixotri J. P. Rope, la.m wek. big Nire"'an soifli tiiter upre Bgin nom opr,pa-t iorebth ey sifppàrtunity by deposiiig Mrs. A. H. Bart, of Edrn M,11tlî t ritr osa De ýcfor .uht1h ^.or vine vt c'txi.g atthe homne of lier son, .V' . Drt i lt lee tht lieoxcl. s art be Mfropoliart Bnk Inthe Svt xii l£at.a omeita citelaiseon tienoneerihi.A tuent$Il.OOor ujrcards opens on .ucuit. lItecest ise eiowed Re. W 1D. tio, of oMount Porest>pertrior ixDe. lilrha. remortuhir (ro d l i tposis,aosd toopouuunded ftar lims ua pear. No la olitttng aitcehttme ofrhiscousinjas. facilxepreone, aduni on tftîhîm. deit lucsideaai.iCarwright. -If> t0 e'ey Ooeiand pouuxn-umiiu. Wit dawal.KNoxtîcicu TterrmiihbeoSin. tooghq itui. fuooadti mmtcpare the .îoal~,if ' .- doyrcerain e <ox thoiehatiftfur.e' t'foktititrsde oet(hiî soor y tilli.fellom. RemýR uFd soli ter noticer. Hi -tumou andiRouge arc ysitian d Pli pixR oi, Mm l .Hontunidauntoo A.t*hl<o lie , copce a xiu,ret tlerncr orooo joecto. se oxuîxsgr t 1 tampttelxoîile ou tietinruday eveutg 51ii.fi.s e T 'iisanavcilF I altuoni. attysitYU MILTON BRANCH--W. O. CLEMENTS, Manager. lion lusitigt i sa Alb;r+ ernta lotn. et xxforthee big ltsofîrotrs Dlleoîaiheemref tc ct,', ,. Si5g 'ttd "Ctcreory Cbrmtg'ro. lThve Nrc ee îeeuiictx eîevDrMcRl)i.itx toi Tan.4ey. titreecxecrie itghtîulo Octetr. e'Pur srondti en .gîx, l'es I iio] teu.rt ciofothe owe dm I inisîîed d 'e fot.ome en e ifrtxxei ca mentwor rtlottc' .aheor oHe r oi~t ofrot' 111E FAIIMER5 BANK 0F CANADA. (u, V:tcîdhoo re t-A- f - O h...,aicricon fo a etntrtd.i tio Gresi roosi s,,MoMne( diatt .-siono Brittin andf ttecrontinent.tieter t homer Itîo tir fb it AUTP5R zE CAPTAL eueoe.n Meitîcteosl . lp. Ceuitcii-Nec.A ' A Ititteh Siri', ghe htiohot sf Niai, ni AIYL.ofNaesgseys Presohpeiîao te bugge' ttand ioelO'ot lto Ct rt x1, %ilcisesublsiemwoetip on wote otietell anri od moi voeght.11 tibvttictng. Aagntt i5th a itiSh - riei ttite aed h.t ix rght W. R. TRAVERS, - -Gener.i Manager. r>clektP.M. cied, MioiJes. o o lttie (ii Ed Pand retnrrd lest oret irout frontIirish'. t')"M Robbe',eng mo Aiemerwherh cb eoplerting admgiio tt hecoex.iorco hoe pr-iaouerii Not& Ci,hofur enlnt eornn A GLNHOAL ShillING BUiSINESS TRANSACTED, thbee pan eeehu. e'SHc isteodu gog Mu.(eritie Hl.ttxîrfhe. theb t. tr tiPuu thfi el. Petoo on rruýi otI ttretot et Park M 1it trire, i iIcx( 't.ireiIiBHoihiîg. CoT oCturi.-B direction ofStree Chiteîthth3moandbeocal he Warleun teuatiyrouuiihobaseen leather, rtunitteox teuhc' homeron aumomoedtaotsetuToudy hrsSpt. 'm, ord i"crPseif e, ' recierla the goodrmade-a .il cinsmup for tt1itituch,e po o t itrie tel. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ils ttrd reatlig. troudîthe arc o> snging. ('Onrelt The ce, W. Casoueaund Mi. .Caouo. cengagmentsacteptr! j.t.in,-tttt'n tie ittcI.II s i]tt «TtoTrnto.rcrsiiuebIra adhiMm.M.Tro ,ti txrtx tiThora- 1 ieo tS. -Bulot. Me. Caupectheti doeveotuoJamesnTocuriI Sc..eot O tot CPAenN sbaI, lerneinth, MeibtituChoroti cugagedtonobis.ifous. Dca, Belu itoist W. D. 'A TN Manager. on udait nntseg. hons,. Nesen. in anicoading graionsin Pstrs ' îlt huDeulitfoget bt haro le au énitei y i, sou. j - hcutiotrtrd meetngof ihaliafisonJames. Jr.,uud JamesRouir. Mr. Turc- Proît, ti'rity oo Prdoo'. Aog. oerti huli mau inthe loft. Aiter tofstu otff t at 8 1. i.n thttoeohoul.The ourleod he gitiou therck lhiftr togo dooo tueorgoteeofurtecpoeofsmpîog lhoteoriiioocoiîof b heaider. bith out\ h~î KY'. omethihtro.esit itelpitai e toiotadeus wked fotr htmon olantofhuc - nuitiet Psleil prrtup ge. st oersr. Hl ta o ssisttats tia Me. and Mm. M. E. Porhe and thir ltbutao tolooe tces eheot tloust ourtornetoni Tuesdu yeeoh.g fron t ti id. thcliftere cen tîi ad Me. an outteg. eear Oria. Thcp hlidfine .TsieuwsheIiese getest ta rt1heflour. Ct. ut, ti,' cities Ittcineto nbalai o em5htug ie Lotte Couohctttug. Ou, huthnti .0nîhxg t rut.oHe.f.hed (J') i t1ot.iv oIet rîiui-Ge(i ode, ielsh eigàrti5Jithe. aed ai miofrcet o totautfp. itsruhNelou. oseaofle- bu n. Ou ijGodGns mal.moute etl .rce . oent eieit of Nilton. d wa (e,.t Stxiiitîcîclo,ýIglît Po-ires, If yoi have not Johe Wilsou. of Wnnipeg, Mo. ntrted 0e Mil Iuuude rilo'Hi letilt>tit xvitfîre ilîr c-t' j cii py oemeIp of Ztmu,,n.,erieed herecdeottt'utie a.cbiRmd crur'tacs itit ttî'to eac itini-r tif ours. titres, em xlotsHato frejn'Heusc etgttiture. Ge _____________________________________ t ch ccpio oltheStiritof liendeeson celi atddvrithlah.vmnt. Oie. This store nlacviei toche ist Deetforcu hc olcof hoceott tauoohie ohoe. and the prics are ioetr of te Au'tuh u ol reht.na('oce in sud lotketi ,te spettul BAKER. funitue of dwar Wriht, orner of pores ad isdgc for ponreml ,Repaie. ileeanTomsu Nrceto. on Satue. iegc'erpsceaîtlydonc.-Vauutel ttoc uer. Asg. uith ai 1.30oP. m. attaep. te- store. _____________________________________________ oidieg saoe epure herd blact Npanosh towl. Te feamiluieI atnoire.antd Jsseu SOTinonrîDueireeri..Afer, tht nsalc mil sfourd as piendid cotsail u isosu setedî,g over te puol e fo uraisa. mihtg aelyuhtcg te that moboitho (tromaui sinaloiment, JamesL 41 Ki4 J> isse. atm ants.-Geo. Aedteur, Aeot. Ohorrecesi pui tiutre'ndet on Wcd- nsedap ofai si on.pisiog Oap a AMvro, Wnnnî,.-Two of Mil- bishoen(eSeatort.ettere h.ha.s e to' as oua oeung =lcre sdfor th gaas3Yat. gotag te !41 Ihe Celebrated Cothiqg flouse tuto t i uslM hnteue.pr.Iory ee ws, 66 Ycot. 4 a Tucrcmone con pcrformed Aut(he anti odaysoid. lcHe rs =flteOh no hceothcetie pareet,M.ead taonsuip otEquelltg. HalioCo., and Mrs. C. H. Bnettng. ty op e. W. M. csame to Morris3 eans ago coiten te 4 W~e have tloti lc tr beut to secure the oewest and m ao nxCherotchu bocaeta( osght asensaionaarefemn. 0S5ilot 1h. rlaibtone 5 fchrhe, ros ro alosi Lked . cret! hy thtinPJu. iHcuder- 4ittsimrSiiitiipii and Trouaerings. We a btu u mMactsay ane. M a s n . ,Sboetrceti'noaion aume * iiof Our range Iîîxd guarantee Our vaines oneur- endieg teir vmeti«se. Capain aed mon MIA Caroline Brotise. of Mori,. 1. Claimesailit t i a. M.. par C. P. 5h. andt he non montinonali uaor an i *î'tov;ed. R.. tor Moutoha on Adoptes! daeghtsrvane. lb, Tc euh. 6 A gartionlpftp Ant i ocel aie concert. JOe t tt.ynutlcoc* a.s amaofoindex. nndcr ttc Anspceof OumptelIîile t.treyan t In V. e.te.ied lai ~ sunme citeen, n.iet. cii t teti a Cap. 1t' vhSsccoli beu. M~e cW"a Prii- 1$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tin' Unewasdo- seuarcetyfos e cietyosiu W edol .et amp-tarie. in religion asti a Liherni in poil 0ooitol elh aiesgaeU i ou. BeCOD- s.Milton m A e.snti&V)eaciim a hrailheeta Jeu. 0 qdpej ide.,t.t' cel. NirgaWui. Si ea A 4sou. p =0,scIss.e aidPi-ci- Sppe acreetiSboTtra.O. c tamw nronidenio et t aÉ12, noi i.Ntue 00-0 $,200 0 in hall fonn65tas 7.3u P. cM.. .terp. qt lino.,antis trotte, antimm«ciicron o a ect.LOit Pgnth enssgtthetominei t ifsite, CO. Th te,- Cacitita. Teonii li., j H.iuehOral tutplaces an prtday 51 terainta t ~ Loossu O~~.ttfoumî rangcetfi%"u Othe elante, Contralto. Breeltvile. nesa tsaimcnte ]Brams eomtery.-Enneis POnt. JnlY SShirts and Stiritc bru uet nittei n taemarkt. Prices EiBgand tuet. ou0 aegs.n ond at. ISt. ~~~~5 averals ,10-sti .rth iof gna. riL ha iaanti t0"fr 1Win mli oie.. no Prm"mmli. Otc'Oj. sto. 75c. Osia. paie. nls monte. 1. «dm ciL .- i e09 Dr Soupa Bueesuion 1 lieosane i diséIio au ar tid* cdiy Is e Luhar uco""oncilairh i1i»tS. ls Hoirbi ryn'ti 0cmbat> Otuil (h. e "ity Metua 15 a sthe lz. or eKtlnt ame ls Mena Matas mor ,e cias mases. clss.me u a . oisetlua mu ym pstset sdsemr selm.. h. nom ath sxth elsunc an tlntith e t stmsifati usutthes.fmsaer0 r aitusu- tireeey nbaispiemdlacre shociog--Miii. Failos. T=ULULIIN APH O ptu A ors'ndS' oueaPrim .90 ise esa S a $3 00enla M.R TO S i L ,uuncijaEao= caioeu. Pixeet rang. fient ~ ou te Sai ou." *e app"slse juer traie anti vSJdeu - bud te Ousse FM. MI. FOOO NUM lts 25C. BOL .Osieigguh5intIrc TA 1C[7%1 i50sDEROS at 10, 15, 2.-2-. he ad hee -à-ew guuunluuauue soa i rices ut uo ma tQuick selling! es. 10o and 12je Muslin Embroider. Silkineail colors ...........'.. c Evet : les ........3ie and 5c yd. Crotehet Cotton .................5c Tweed Drees8 Goods ......1.. 5e Berlin, Zephys and Andaiusianý l2je Piot for ............. lie. Woola ................Se o 15e WcMierettes for ........ 12j and 15e Mualins ..... cet&10c. Childrens Straw Hats. i.S5c Blaek Çfion Hose.. ...... C r ir 15e Flannelettes for 1..... 0e yd. Ladies' Straw Hats .......25c. 25o Taà ose for ....... tp SDress Goods! Deteods Stock up for the tail and winter durlng this soie. ' -~- Big Price Reductions ln ail our rss Goods. to Lo.i'ly Costumie f.oe glis t in e n a rjass. 75,Lutes rr . . . X e,' l 9& 5fk War;t Il,,ii-ie i. f,, q sutnsIIIEoIirîîoro. Urpe de(J@Chenr. Iý.treo 6h'.Toreti Sînlingoaf.4MIvt andt i 'onterro G&i l ack set('ohinerro for... 45e' vi 1Si ôllllt-- FaI u i(tiigm BrewIodIt ls, Vx Chv-aîo ('lic iFh Orr a n(o d umi. res, 40e vtl vieto, Twere. s, l'.i k 'rgeos ,,.' ALL REDUiCED IN PRICE. I veryhn cornes under the eVain ilammer. 'ft rN-5-A great opportunity to obtajo choice firot qnxlity dresss-coods and suitingmat BAII1AIN l»1M(1 >-x f4# The sole reason is thiet we are oelling out the stock and going ott'f business.Ot S Ladies' Raim Coats I42r&Xii 04,rc ele jai S5i> lion iîo for $4. $ if% xtx, Xii(I,,ofr7'li. Iîi bl'xlî. 5500siyitî oril(',oto !. 75 Jodl es fît Kid (Ilot-em. p:7,jr.' for 'c $80 tle wtdCat 63. a 'iký i T iiig Ifîr lik d. 3I0,.S4 elied lc if, 4 111.00 Feeliionitlîle UTweed se. 20c' i'hilck T 'cd 'frPi. e . 4 W io, 1eiii. , f e.00 Cioiý for 82.50. 51. 25Liorgc Sîltît,. QniIte for (I5v. X,,,hroide 9fl111t, d- .', if% ~ Redced rice in a Lins j tixi Iloi, 'tl t r,%Y titi 002'for v - ue rcs naltns Si.iir 1. irn, i, 'îith r s i24- f1r 1 i This >'our Oppoétunit-y! il itEverything Reduced in Price. No Reserve. Must be sold. f onfordl Shiriîngs fîr 1lIS %'.I 'iiio,,x uîn.hî ' Ciaav-1.f 1 1 Wall1Papers 'if là HeaîvChock Sliitrting, Ifc fr 15cij tt i'i; xrrof.,r 15c vdi I. Wall ojo.im f ' 'f S Heav' Ciottiiaodep, 25tfur ' l* itil-is ad l-l, (tutti75v. 1,5e Plapîrre fi ý.ivf% (nit,,.. hlRlboilcliiiînk '-,Oc i 9 20 25 % ai P . ,f,, ffte if% 5 woepiqg Clearaqce of READY-MADE CLOTJIIfI and Neq's Goêds ! Ott M.ens Sere'4ii.fur 84 --d) NîIîn' $1(m)ti>i, rc. -ix.,7( i's Ifasof- ,.fft Nln' $9no300vrgediti o it, $Ce IN) iitevtitt.i ..W)î( focS'-, 'il -Capjiofi!.;.if% %In* 'rn S10(.0 ille-i vrgaii'f'o,.,#,l Soii et . lv 2 (N11 Fe dura :tîtî l If loate fie Men mS mir Sýirt<Ltr ',i e, Oft ià Millinery at Elalf Price Pje u omk ac eiig 'f e O0 PPli-iceI\s C't"'I H .lI1 ,oSte Q ueili i ii ff fi OSTRICII F i.iTIFIIu QWI II k iffce W I "t. ij ALL AT lIALF PRIC E.i.ff% SEverything Reîluced HnIrc. tollinrake & Sm, ~, Retiring frorn Business.TMO . 'îl Sa le!-41 ring out our 'les of goodse' 3,11 lnes. he mean-I f inder the 'fi Qi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi <i t' th ut MESSRS. JEROME & 11OUSTON I iiingi. i int. tti' tii i tiii iare ttlo%% i Massey-hseris Farm Implementn, American ahei Threshing Oulftitu, Braitford Wiedmiiis. Chathami Scales andi Incabators, Grey Vehicies, Cream Separatosr, Veriiy Piows, Bain Wagens, &c. Oic,, o fîtl inj.j.1Yr f . andîoi ii ' tc Ilîittxxt.t. i and t îiîg ('»Il at h ' .SaI 11 WOOL I WOOL 1 Iligliest price paid for W ool tet our W reroons. GET THE BEST By going to thé- West End Grocery Store for yoîîr souries, UP-le-Daie Celecienery and Highest Grade Amn. 011. mai14. ~and that ie wliat se claiîîî for Goid *ImiJ uMUIL Seal and Cook 's Pride Flour. G. A. GRIFFITH. .«00'Farmers' Oroccry. 10 0111 WANTED-Te vert la IIouey to:Loge, ftugd4u st"sshueairy. _ kIs~.uu5fonlWs. #elY . o:n on frs cl."f<eYme ootfudtt5 pr cent. Appty te RUL E. W4NDN.A.. .L Tea. . Trafalgar. u.e.~as.O. 7-4t aigr Peî1. O. a.â , Foirm for sale. pL lW à LÉO W The « etreothe Esete of teilise Ctristeptce P. Prceeuoef eale tte Boutthuait oet ui NeriFoue in the Siatit C4eon. Ecqen. esataing Mutes oliailotfSu the Snoaurs d I DR.H Rose il »*.. . Z S,îa tia ,r ia eiiugne 50c. Bxfer 35e.,-lr 3 for $100, DR. 4CRDIS Little Liv4,. Pellets Ai iirceY orgv e , lî r, tî0ects PieS tma , dI. vik IOradtschr, iiliîoued i I Regelar 25c Box fer 4 ,eor 3 for 25r.' The Red Cro DIrug 5tore MILTON, ONT. ERD'S ~'a fers Hoadquartor3_foi limiebalfont . .me . so to son Rahhcr Balus foti-.-. itoton Bouot>l@ torcu. Ai..Sot, l.. ttouchu iMttt ... ... 0C ion u i And sevrarsother Seou STAINEBY oisif him11=17h= ". ttin i th tcplace te bare p.ur Plsetnu E. C. FEATH-E.RSTrOIr hidi! c Osde tl k sof 0<PUST iCA RDsh,.1 rMILTON 75 it S5 St 51te5 ailthe store. Bg laugbter ln pricea Any day we may dispose of the entire stock. time we are slaughtering prices and everything coq' price hatchet wbether it's advel-tised or not. i 1 '1 1

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