A I t - ti W l ~ - ' - .-f~.½ J'.Ç.Who1 eenaea~ ie. Oeiiei DR TO ONT:.. fmti o us linS at eu- by UILLJLII~~a.,, pi~acesOîefisdeîgaisat <Taus KNO cgirls b e.7.cd ey O s i. C oliotS la r e a a io a i ' L iioii , ù i'a rine~~ vr or s~ rsea iiaa ie, e'kLowe.faa thaa M. a e a p ipsehr ' -Vt nt i 0 :i wXO h nr h:ehv exertSeRehga of f a a-!r.'à t 0 Af a, Ccir - o anae .DAMEMUp the tme~~to sleot nsestthmgsho aa~silt ha ath..Rad Cba Drisd pas apia ca Sp Wait0' o ohl ou ynaerayfrteo Io~o a iiag a tiafd hat fahirisa.its We invie you O rhrur tock 'oi90 toiNovs theia. e hrema f ~ ~ ~ ~ s lec 'l, fll Fo ' a Std ck Cc. sul h avaet ifShase m ûrr la0~ c h r h S s ay S h o h o tjn eý at e s ent th e tA g r i h'l) g Soare.c tCm ne nd holdn te ,am ca' lobehis e.asB G re ' f -lah5assa M cCie6 D O L S W o h v î tîtfî i o To Cse l t at loe t prics . e SorU .1i 7 a ea ofti .ipiid Css ug a llnd Oyt hrSer tday e n t0h F ey ' DAaEr M .tlatitahistasShit. titis. Fard. cilet t çers. xiefo f eobela e-f 15f TOY BOOKS The bootiv avotm n 'ori aIlse agosin 5c. up. Bi ~ ccii cf C.ilct, Sao no rc tî hs issardstC. tht chair-basanou fdtoui * - FANCY GOODS~~son TD15t thele ninat tnihbl ki. lhe tar o kucandidtefrd tnsr as thet. ' iCaiîla at ths afcGh, h Hacur, Milfots, tiresrihai fhrrt te sotsitohotrosSoo et :I; ;.Il Iut ve te Ra O nr, A trin o nA Finl. a dolîca fcr . t. i ce hla liagacti leffea ofWtha.s' Ibsacîku rrde r geAoîitiîî macsthAl o ' N._ ___ __ __aloi__ ___ ___,_ _1,atiraa iippty R.M. tcsc.Daosl&Scgcîî tfcysdsîoay 'à. l 11 1lV .,t ppdis ane. ot t fOr Chrio t a s or c ra aoi h sle i hr s t mas -N os' O UI fhLloapruPactis.g. etbîgectiIcIigg dfscpptara'ï F(00-ha. (1rfsfgt tiat s. k Tago ataeC ians Lan t h l& hoee'nf ucîdetli f ttct hasith r eam M,"to bcgivn o oAac alïoho Ffo,,sft or hct. frîlfî cra ," "a d y s intv ft *r eeg sp rn e s Chrvtc'1 .h ftO tEfiffcho n eTI oi i.w l e i ngta ftw ea s k fHa l o T u a ,D c . 2ar d acff o f i à - W h v e a ) e i t i t i l n e V r C M p e t , it J W e t r i e s r n t f i st t it î s t , a o , M .h , k s , , Ou MegO f t t a O c - c i 1 o t o t TOY B OK S The bst asort ent fr al agBec5û. O ,t cutinDoftrait fSh e le c ,, asOhat C1aaWItssg oAIRThea enr- tulo at b asbtcvv e b h car tsfgIortivvir. cvpfftts. 'àa - 'h CM e t O p O l i t a n B ath e n e k . u t a L o c a l N e w s .o g t h u ti n S le o a r h e f i as r a h el s ch l r e r p r andt ,e . il coo arI.fff tepvstRi. rO ou al&S ngo rxe.ad m n eOf of Messrs.ifot,.eve Sfoic o.&tC u.,lf OObas f l. haIf IlcrsSoo ' fIff.,.vs 5.tiiovuak.aaand, uon. f esitt.,.etrecpd rîfft he re e eto iet fgues f.,,,an, Ota unirtStockofoCsristmaf Pescotge , uc eifocD r ho Yeah ates " gods.,c hae aargSani elN a- Maievfctmft.fRm fjr its mae ' g 0v lOt JeS, O il, ot 1v ttiOffOt ovnfc, itfvuot flppatfcig o li d ple s l.rcisap e W B seu'.e fo rc fdvcce set m agieocfccilscuse. y Orivccndseî' ion i)Sne ie . î M n a e .i e t s r to e c i Po o er l e h S o tl otff hie s rr a 0 f t lf, f e ýt u R e d r sst, 0 t o , re. o o e o s o h nc T . Hmi . J t , bI, I e c i n l"rit lui01 PortiJc. Pt'f, cho-Te omit fosTarrowIltth f lffff tuî, Mallse! A the ochike v t- o Mi, itt IHelcî,,,g it tîfu e n o ec 'IllIb', 211 . Ird . O veCEl Cli'flîerleIo o tare bc e c A flllirefh f . , o f ly - cn fff e s ir lef ao fî fathvoa f 's , aio Pulty Fod. ent es' Graulae ff-couicfcfff Sbasdccct-o,cando o c t f a g îf v e v l o ir C ffB l ocf c G r~il a ndf, e , f f f f , 0 E v t i ath I r m eti gv a i c ,, sf verf f t - i '1 1 1 ~1 II e ft o r e i n g t oI . r ecJti'tv e f F q ! r C '- c o c O c t i otshte0 , h f , . o a fr e p o rt s.f c , f- , ,. ts ,s l eLEî o S si l,, 5 hu n.îo c , Kfdpfr1)',ts vvcr c T,,ý oS,l, lOt s fleoooo .p fo. Foh eveîlo, ai e,,fc i fpts.otvfifftetIloflfblfv vfh afff 5 l o c ct o e t candssid ats E A t o -M le.K OcAdH1A Iu[T Oy - ro o b t S soohlf C p e lsfl- , o o1 sl c.f ri ,st,. rcr ilin oe ~~ eco,.,hOt,,ve ~1eolc ns If s Ili esvffef,îacciotov-tc ,er p l t n B a k o a e w s tf .501 t iti25 n isOL ethîî pot'so1itio.bu the I ,,cil] e,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t 01. ,. fî.I amlo. tl. oh ,,,, Ind Tb a'clffe ontI cl or loiîsc Ose kn-gon a T h lift i e r cph a r g esfb iO y f o,0 I ,f f tf e,, O t a f ,i le . ',s e I t .f î î s v~s, , \I I. \II I t, ,>C it, lI AIe s t ro ngv ofTJro ntoev o Bdc, So n, arl e ifcffe- e n o t i l i ao. y Fttp lov aev, . ,rh t'On, ,assn covnoogrovofc f-Iet asfac,,l,,sOvNuc nes-ffe f if O evOM'1$ fi Pr- NI r. :IIIi(IO MI,,l.cs 1.tr . Hfeil, o lf To p-ns, adtcaO,n.ivfee à%î cf pec. aoti Orkd tou tIcs1,o se t P1)ft- . i s a v hc v Ura c oas cfimfeonfofIfofegfffF.1 i ,îlof f , toefv p s e afv.u rdc at oo fc pie e t0 If i l gs si t a n e o t l,î1 -J o h nl its h.o-, A S the f oi I. o l ,,,m b soh , fi e e v l a p e r i nîo D .S h utîî're n S l W , ît,,-'tSons' tt'nelîofts Orala e il c o t urcri f e, f l m a fli fa d d s 'S a o f'cpv acsv. chv o nt l t It f orrl evo t s r epero rfa trfth F o fpofpatvl]oc o o y o r re fc n f k be g ru là %%pý(,; ,C n rj a ae. ByStae f C Tloîu , arcv, ,foicIx se coai nt.cccea.f-rialp11, 'a fi ~ ~ ~ ~ \ K N BU IN fî.plophe geSok. fIcii T he sonl d ccvof-î. sto ,1,, ccpîtîîv ho. cd E A .ft. Il. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Itimn P..VIR A et tfIfIfhl.te-OPr-,frC ,efo thrfcfO 'I mil-fO fl bcî ,f i5lll,,utteîffsdetoCsel- f Wtqcffftvft corftsoo sî ial gol îîto .S il b ev lîc t fc, i ti efl 1,0 e eret v eF,. p BANK___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ alcatonfrfingovff erOfof l l opyeng st, cthclff t iïOf ri of efffg ofvffffcff . v50 . is, Ccs vii i tOfvke br f o ngfrtc po. o ll 3r , f vcM , j,O A f 0 vs ,c 1 0, o of t e vo ,1,. Ff,, eoî. li Iy oiti g hlc ole sg1lî U Ilfyeos pv,.tse fseiaseau.ufeo . L 11, I lhtfIffffft1 cft fi. s l ot 1101.n , ce lnt,. tr ot t e fe c f eo f o f.ff 0UNT.(3eo.E G.,le sui -neof lise li1gI , îl,ees15olen'ny ino il, d efo ,fIfoeotf cfc y ppar ,1, -,I .f, tie lo qeclffy 0,fiolte, e,, fcf1t, ton, for ahandsom cînolr Rîfo. F ,ofv ofc O l d lîg i t leefo j00e cgtia r n tc h t h cotn n X l- rs nts ,or î,îc l o,,,ct,,ct- Otdvstol 1 5,of N11ff 0f flbyr llopffuincpaltfn hfe f vettc nfrIct' f lvsrpoto illpos rs,~ anTiusc tcenng - ipyD neî,-t ait codIeefîlvoî r cdiIbl.teavu, avîi Rvt eOsfufvfI Cig ,ooe fi bolgO's f oftvo- f hc atte r p Dr s - a in . cp'vt sdcct Icld Ovîvg olîri ,e u th a ie ce ofl . tI f oip sfflhc P et , . 23 N feh o ,,v c ilvo lc s, rehfsfr e , - ,O troc, e . c 0fffe - c l s, e - B A K F H A 1L T O N MJae Glrt fPichertif CrI ,P"'Il fa I te I ir i, f n . i ,,,tooctthto IfftO feeAOc -- 1 la iiii ir.Biih i gtn vs ubl e ntfftOlO ha d. lo Ifsf o,, g., , .111ma ti ,o naiood o bl oeO trc ntrtinoli l ý- stppn , Ienlo tc esf o soffvt ,, lvtpa c- AScdag.to ý.fo h eooF. 9e t Thvvl,,ogfsageshfIff tfafouesfs pao seft e oforl 'ho an b a n"1' gvt ers~ ~~ and[ Lefecv a A,.off -fic C,. "5 ooot ,ote . J an F ,fO1ffOand ,boiih eo l sî,tit d fî l ce îlft 1111, ' - ________________________________________________ octrc pef t S'f e te A te ErlîF.i nieho ot ent0 If HV VO CTsR I l h I h a s l t ta ndfSno t chfai rsf5 5, b i I h soîîliO ,-,v o . P.A2iuoot500t,000îîc olO îat f0 I l o,Id r 5 1i"tC ,s- BsîoSos ad sBlcnU es ti.iO sh og thiMr.pafd Mstic R. EH ll. offog odr ,hy aIV 1 ,51 elu0 oo t an D d e urantf es c l Ir0I,-v osetoe rsigcse ti trcosn u :>0,0000 daitfhrclfghihsfcosttiihotboPcfnovt oloohvtitcohFivaot. Set OrfvLISeMf i IIlîîb1-iît ogst ayt atb l , ale tfe, It hrct fid s rnt a ladt hO el s e to co fhtfsos tffe, thltf f0 v aoaîg nfef ooc,5g,,fncoff t, t c - illbLlrfcN Oiit (l h tc, F - st li lu csP h o hIv y cl tO ft e n Id c ,cov a i,o,,d Id rro 0.k- ve . f d 111 OMe iit'd-C' thi1 1Sto reeet M Chioo tirîhadcou ba itbe ft. stc r,111 cS ne Il v eoNf d , L ,Ig eog roc MIv oS.,.r c r st o g u I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tai n areff- oi: llîitî fi , tlîe IIIFOin nieo ho- bolî ,h Iravfv f os ltijO to foi O i o cf I itg f h ofî s i le o l rus t vo 0gWif 10 FII1 .F ( OD 11 11 f 1 ie oter11 1, o s asi a e an fot t ie loîFv oIcînt : ^loy Lh eI o~ Sv. lf - Si Oh.e 0F It le o irs a d co t A. esfsocr t t sf 'o I g iiO S ad te oi t cp t y o ModtenSt. oll u ppv"I- OCl " h e "pv Ifo. . e o lf l t,oanr i c li ll - 0 - c sf 1 , P F 11 iîe îr .o t oorIl l c lar t aSaFre ehr o hffceotoeIIccl t t H c r, c f , iN if t he î c e icfI,,a, alapge Pso iCîysîofr cded faoi.and e, fOr g nd o i l HIîvc-aFIv tao, onsaieocas. LooSongThs(HiOOlkiOr)landl' rffi yot u r s, tis c e f vt iîcrbetîfvs bon i, A s t e s- r , f p o ce-f ao~ c er lh e t m ccil bl u , , tvc O G L ai, rage an "ebcT N o y ' R a y n a d v r o t foo ct Stat hîd t i )I I pe e.fics S l ' Mo s teat cod c, os a,,srkîfo at yan oi ,,lin tIcsscaîîsgel , Mt. Ccîue Idonhet CThus foI ntr. A. O g Itot .Ifft ainOstîoI b un, t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t [Iont.Ttcooa c tcfv1 ~f~fcDeht -elettair [1,c kn1Pr l-hePsa mjriy tHW thc o. otU M c" . 1150 0Ro55 tOi -firiaf1f\ffI~t~ ~ î it 7110 51f l s 150f1.s o el eh OIlOOt SaostrtrP tiivîsaid cataei9t-hact toîct 1,51 Aia', Ifier catcatipcipaol 10 te'-Ff-ofsf it tteIah ofîra e ius rg tro s t tlara t- TSsik pi, tc. 15 - cvti b e St E nso O s st H Ivtc a a " PI'c a n Mvac. C a n f Ltr t i .ed et i e m, InRh ,rc icf C lp. k iae etig bItv1 h p o S .afsl s ths paria o - Ine m lC alf ta tari ci t h o ta nd b a s t l u a _l pîsOsO aid, Ob, v s 'ojiue iiifa T tlinp,, inf Hytur otot o roflSO xs Coi It si ta ire Osslia t irs Arnist -ae -~~~~~~~~~~ f 1)riii Afian tO dci-aiirIatofasisIt,1S oUi~~uve me ilpoe fros RO hit 1.25. Aito lpl',i selo hion en-t NOT,, ilRlI fîI isolial tuite ihvdaai Sbqr I c v rrotb toitiicl scat AI ti oggaf ahit 1. r ir i g-aip clv. 50roJok, O tu the ony lîes ovecarry ita fu niahin a foal est e cfnd'D r cataOO r top ve nait, htii, olk lo d pr-stiale . fi mtl ta, riiit rv, i vv ,lalia. - oj 0 aprachi m ati pip p saceth pitaice cila- eloi ,S r t ni f i e l a sim p luar t v citflgA ftoo ita a S p tSfihe r ss. ~ t e s XX ol oqîes, Lin d G ovo , } eaoy - .nd ni tai. ofT is c , a îoigh Ct" . Cggo h m tcs i r î g - H ritcs 0aci u- i StitIt b a 1, ta1 ai ; ic u t a f s 't th cste O v itA l ex r ta , fgl d e ' i I xcIado i ngih i t it o d r - fiianA enacky puhi 'th t-a Si fi'0 ai pwd., riestiicb oa t l si 0fiI1 a in ad a cI d o l r rd i tha nd n e t ý d C 's ýd n e t e h 1 1 o rAIL u iie rn c > a rte a C t a f bvc, - L rIl -I'aia . t5 - alt r o o s at - 1 - 1 fit h kI t i t, d a fiti a n "as d ' aI ,stcsht,.hscitce s an ____________t ee rs ye r. Store Fl d ihit uiai i Cas 'ý bLRý a -ifSg l Mst ci b hi g C URcFs ,1 -0n T esay l,,_,uivr Ciea ,On a ecidai Smo ih i ti t is adav fteea ai Cv e i n t r a i s B a t s i o i M IT s ' a c e a i S a ts r ,Od o S a I b s " -- _ _ - _ _ -c ftsprpnc.e l ft th Ocid lar irolt ,u k lu e uttSoaLiraH AEi5U C A FA R Footte meanardf tta aharg1ci tetec diaefioî hii a R erjaloescstatpi.astistra hc,~~FU NS E S D L U AO05t, Shaid il COùte 1 0 des Trhru tai. Br a aptaptoadGe S ea, f c a Cu re. ing to b upside oý, EndT.ol 109SeCiledpefl'anSal bItit, tN.rY. vis ao n trott bc pisir t-ti - h roro '1siia fr0 t fa r piS t ho ug ti f3-ub v ..rh fe sv \'(tO.aL0aaa'Ilfoi -n -asraet ilwIlt-L amaaion la The at. iii0îpin FOR asgeks we hasi. nr bmagnîfleent assou.lt f k We want yoi to seo os1 welcome to our store. FURS 1FI Ncýýthtigimaro1e orci hoîsdsome pîresaît ltai somiti Ouassortiet s largcandvalu, j Ladis'.For Cciias s'tcd sios, lat pu Pa RffaS i he popuaafr cîî. ric.t FrCepritsMof s ta. Grn WeBicski Copts orchd.e. HANDKERCHII SLadlies' Rcady Tailoî jBlouses and SOc chom 1t-s -Oiocrss ,0,shoîrîran ......... ckt... ...t........r..f.s inOCtftsfotc Twreds ccOiStOsfs..Î Sfii our Dî'ess Goods Wr chowv t t isîrtt ffe. Ois la New Te rU Deos Eftf te .2 -New Vrccîscc Cltoh..... ...5 Ne îs, Ooadcothku.Pcpf,a.Srgs, Pt Se,-~ u, FDor', t.i0c ce,tin S =XMA45 12O. t.lrcttrct. ainî.. orng Iýe IlPrt.-; Is-tile,,ftes,tnv,Ogtît.. 2o iFancy China j f CLAIf SETS., BRtAIf ,AND 131. ;I l LATI , v.JARS ,, .st, ffsfff tfff l, îv t,-f ,ffffftif storeî \\',. lî-solot, SHOLLIN RA< Farmers' lestificie Nlertiafs tptf.foelfOtogsffhIfi.lfff Fftff _' , 1, St till bSrScld ie- .octgtofv 1ontNeto cnd AppyrO. De'o s-fl asf1. rî t s1 ,lMr. hoe-55f0ton ýaI tn Il s,. the1, Otit f l'rAew, td ,oreet,,iDri cfjffartivfOt ocy cthe ffO, )lii, I 11. les" ccd ct can- fî. It ' SOittO, Och of idt-Clet, tin f.1 -f or S l l e-, Ad-sg AppithI OtD- ictl. ioofl,,, etcf2 -I 1 ..Add,tests S D, fvv c- o v'.r d - 1 - c. 11vJe,1,,t o f5h, e îet coo -Ies. Afldreseoo ho Mt. vcsfcg fîh.cd NMoccgo n otc'en"og lOteFaicst, Fruit fI ýe il 5v f n , ..l1pt,,gtcOf0f0 Hl. CAMPBELL, TOWN HALL, MILTON. foý t_ jý0 i itfcf 5i G, sidCa.a f., PILES. fi 5,jo lfind. cf,-efis, Ptti,,ld Pfft. PaZ c I, M N s.] o in ôf1,, 1 rke & SOn, MIý making preparations, and we are now ready withi of Christmas Goods specially for the Christmaas trade gooda. Whether buying or Iooking you are alwayî S Ladies' Cloth Jacket 'U RS ! i Tweerd Coata. this .îa.o' bo more appratîd for a styles. A fao atillft in s rck, Se igîin he way of Fus. I ar vaues as are the beat. aîcacad style.. .. Ladies' Neekweaî' a,88-0, $32-a0, $35-00. A fine display ia Boa-a. Stocka, au sctrt at 02.50aaptuaSii. Farv CaStors. af rrarr decrpfîoi tino. ci iopua aiprrre. Picaa t roa c. ap. .. .. . .. . . k 00. No cnr can have too înacy handdkrrcsiols. Ouf E stock of handkerchiefia compisesa aa coAlisevatiet ý F of Men'âa Ladier'anda ChilAven's handlaerchiiof La~dies' heitiVhed Linon, Lace and F.affîaid-t, von and StilkHandIrervhirla Wu have a'il stYles and ced M'en*s Ready-to-wcar iSkirts. Clothing anid Fuirnishiîsg rio utrefrocs Wr crry igh ofrasqcisty gavrefacinRraÉ .$s , .0 t i ou Taitinid Claahiag for tmrn and kccî Our cas mdarvr-es rt"" .ilargad styles avre aadvaod, $2.. ino$6 e TiiadasergerSais, neiiit sfylei. %plendidita red and fiishe .........Cf v to *i3. Fine Chaciotsanad BarO vivoccts. elviishtalf D ept. durable clotfia. raicr ut o...:5-t Spliadfd values in MinsFurCoat, t evcpffialtv Gloses, Naîkisear, Mufflers, Bracea, Uiabrifll 'Seftu$,50 iyd. il-.ass illillury ifs and Svit- id NEOucvMilicsvp su cotrd fo ts if and aritieceillence. fiseeh.rTv,f ffo1 lit 0fN 75c, t$accand i.ct vs:redccr.f-aff reuf.cflff Auaexceflint cppceuicty t Ochvoha cFoîl fHfoi GROCERIES- Chosor japac Trc, pst fb0.... 15 vcc are asoovît cf ofgffit 2 lb accpBiscuits.. ..a25 v-ypch.cv ancdfiolfîtc Fvruft Date.%, Nota Oranges A ful orf ict f (Christi and Candi- FaPccpCalas. 'etF.,Chffstoa. cill. e Wrevishowc g actsrsfedaýoctfcfvc..f Fan iChfiasostabir fcv Chitistmasu priaesi, a eyran nll r V cld.SPDON-'rRAYiS. BON-BODfISHfPO St lAUA> 'TiSR PL.ATES, PRtji'P ItAUCPRO. tIALAD Ilff fAl, ooi edures , hrsms ods s o godsno inntone hre o-how Non.ct t f f itu, OE & SON,- MILTON~ CHRISTMAS PRISE NTý HED C8055 ORUO STORE SEE OUR PRICES: Tif.fvlfeg fCa-'. 413f 5ffoht fePeov Ofltece 1 Mflftafy B, ,tt2 f010tu 5o.SsfefingSct, in Ptfe O ltocte to to 2ce FPcyCase uvPfffst 2 "Ilsf. Potrf ioîso clv 4 "o F-tYfCtfîlv.tff 5o. t Sf'.,ao, cot. .1,2f0 ic 6 of0plaques Uf 2 t'te . etIf t5.ffP cP Po.c,- ' efirI Orfa Mi t ... te Nice0tDo Stand Mi cfOot Sots.. 7f t ses aoOby's Toe ,ts I.lo or o te e2-.0 0 o u. and Cen SSt f1 tfff Boies f,e Peu CacO AlSeos 24-if C-1tB'e60 Sefe S,ýLrvCfrtic 0, slfcvcg CfPs 2cfteffj ,flso c varivîy cf Xîtînas crds, \,cc5 l'ff'f f(f fit fet, XMAS WELÇOMlNE IWW ivOtfffi- voffftf tfor -tjo Wl. Ie0 plreffftie tff a.ow tsar g o. V lIif\,- tlfff. a , , Red Cross Drug 'Store MILTON, -ONT. e re rendy. Ia n p th o 011nfft 50f San a C ausal'IIthe'boys and gir]o. S Weove prepared for aill Iftlom lanfd le tieadq arters old boys and girls as ovoîl. Coi lie$wnt. happy crowds and spend a wlîile lookfng 01sf lqtDf'Ii Wo p'totila happy welcome. You don't need to buly fîrfoso yon wovi flOuS TOYýS DAMES. Fancy BoodS Chrisimas Cards, Toy Do cifor Ttinst, fi0itc, licir lira f flair frumlifl, de,, ccvcr -aoce Thiffinei Ofilit flff5, fIS. wOk (otI Beiatifclfn f fr e 5r licrina (a ctiltffffi ffNid oafeffthrki. Pif. Flin,-fs. Ebonvt,ad thrlandCafciidrr. fkicir f.£ ,r)f fi 'sî,Tff , Sfsrrleok Iffî.t,s. kisfî, file. 1PestCar(f týtffr,r f.ff c g chiia TfffffChrIst. Crefciaoe, Pt-corsfrocs 25c cp. aprricfty. ft'cf Bisquef-.'I' . fAtoiletsir ChicOts, DrieCas, 36 cclrff 00 1 1icîfi f oc Oathri, ,-vDoemîs, ',c. aso for Cia, c . A N' lsou fi Pretif le. UP- P. recs01.fOP. acff Othe, t.f5' , A bsc' , icat ask itoorcfi.ift 1 AI1f stosfsIfO.Evrîhicngctsfft s 1 5, ne. [foinfth.Gcccftl ithsss Ist'.0 -0k ,rk. Châtelfaifinr Poissa Itîf 1,1 PHQTOGRAPHY f STATI 'ONERY tOar 4îlot ttff faSfffi bics ,aknceo5"'0 N'Or b 1cm hiï cesee a i lfaf f-fri octhossa s lasr cfîtphîfo atu at niglt tariniasof NotePajsîafEstr f acîf Sov i me. 91 iif s, afl prit a, cf cpt-ifats finet Wr oppptofiafo our o feea offtimos. A Merry EbtiatisasLon aill E. C. FEATHERSTONE,, cORPE~SA1~ I¶LO ,1 .c l M -29 Jy fiEA b i ~ ci Sds iDICK lý N ;lýý,