Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 1906, p. 2

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0055 O' ,,~ I The Canadian Chamnpion sty f]so aoi nuris woh ma01l, opssen CttnRo C OIv"D te any peson o on s.- Cossssd UtoSius TasSa u0d 630 .M MILTON. Des. 6. 10051. ,Ms. C, kpsosond rnd oth. duaYour D tl tiDD C oo Y OoHOO35555 ss ;hg5essot sd.b dp 5 t , SSe50 Cas cure your Cnui, C!, ~ OU I It i est.at. tht th farers f 0Ms.Conl o so'd, soSded by Mr.flSIl bt Canda illpa $ýoo a earlýsNer, batthereort asred, c aop-' aen p« no qution about tht bu incsnais otiest o06osMr. Fisld.osg'o ed cri ssd. an got i e sohlèafldO UL ' S O nwtnssff tSOns Sss Uhdr heol h Sit mvdsIcodd LT5ýft f, l .i aidthesofhavimghi renP55f0i fb OdOtSOsongsOtb015Ford, s hot Os lerk rnte0 . mmk55 ~ ~ betestlio ssssoot. o sisotos oolioss o 6 315 oY $55 0. The Town Meeting. a hotis, of SHILOMl'S U band, thes sople of thes itiesond ownot Cassîd. fte h ai, o si osubl 55'ss- for a quarter. On moon the als01]dso I Plis Thenmeting a h onblo us A a w ofv olr tsll poy more thosthey did forscertainod Mr. Cook look if.dycei, al b ig w eu atwsa vsdscent erticles. bottue os ss.yse s otiflhog. r' . iO0s. soddbyM o o.os.soldlvMos gn w ena twentyfve en Mr.d,-Moore ms osy . eooss.sS 505Mr.5' othamanto0 o nside mn icisopal nos- atiofS 'iho 51>50 oS 0552g q]5o550. o o,1] 53155005 H R. fVossss. o~boule. of00 51] otsodd. fL U cure cue ps 7 hehoseofreug qesio i sil xpesesteR.D.Ware E-,, arT heMa l w issthe oischa iosn ysot do as iundredu of ps'ste i entor.de or ts he nrety nr heir bigl ap fOennthe meesStdoeor hepaa tntynu hoos ho 55s stnsh 00'510 ol]lsdtto1fsssH Si ~ lihdsoîsftlsSoslSshousans o f Caiadaishavec é titrep505'sded for eot thesHosofo,11- opsotty 5ssfortheO sssls 5] 55 ]o.HhMy5ourtO2t5and00,y Sosle ibs Hbsyour dn til ayinwbchle asprsi e oc l badlhuri md is te OAs tr whOflfvera Cogh or'Cid es the buildtg o of seialihoesur ovs5thse2~ionssO sos of t5he ce ... il. noinatons s dtsso bf oeo d ap shs 'Taisd ail Cs,-ssod liya standing51vote.5 0HrHàlrLsbH oodlîlcure joli, andd 3811OinHgreat force wth al hie great varieloy Of gooathiiogsor~va tlim.S ,ortie Of the osssbsof5 ths Thehis.osos2presss5s d t ais l55Hf oroadids i o ss t previonsly5055505 W2 550 'I 155 foo're onslverof a2p15cH2int1 ha o 055rici sinhe 55ardsss ond oths, n- i oboos. Thersis 555 tre20 r druggistobush op this ittenent gorh oS Halo ntesbet iin brso tecorci epese ter ,t ayreie s and tOtten sr osis a posiotive gsorunoee. il;diferet. He hao împroved. He hao Mahy more thong for yon-larger 055 05, pof refuge if th, -sprooyssssossoo the oable mariheeet tnrne yoihsveclectsilis bail00belen nefessarHy. Thougls Thesbodtsso ssssooosy Thssoga (;sserm .S 'r- le ss frm hs u tie 51 10 s cdid onet ossols te10 ss tonsS t5eli onoosî Cougi or CnM cue lit with 9itsOnObdiu-tethAc. atlu ilNýarenadrý,e t, ,,,, o bios 055 or of55 <STTTT baoortmrent and Lmany more piettier presente case theris ooss ouarl.,I,soofs'log A055h205d5dssWo s tessosec he.05]]lssodme. ssss _______________ bc lt of ciher Ir he ourt- rm- recitiO of te C.Plo.n, ,I sidbI l orsOIl 3orrds Heo eo rd-oS bave a chance for il. M. Mote mo'5. s,ods,]isMr. 5551500H]1515S if possile. f-fst5hougtAWNDRU bSLYO ar oHno fss.HS,5ilhIl] mW Reid. th0,, 15151 e lSd Osy soos ut ososi rss...stssio svsrylisg ilis yso .T be rae woold bsg.raood the 0Hn, o$s,* îîlit SSs lict bsîîsss heoss s ento arrasngsement. havese bc3olis 3 l50555Ost 530ar. 20555555d5 îfor heis cu x-'unlo hsol 550IeDowel55155'5 l aske5 0d ssowCer o ts cs s d i anehodstm SOS'.h ïe f Aoool.S so s flabo,d l O 5ss1s,' ,5105.sOs] I0H0o Tousodoyshcandiateoyooos eedhyth 01 If h ss, - ss , ,e. d" I.' o -ng55dd0'SSgl]il the05055105in and extravagance.beossindbfshaof- Sva yo 5000p-n50 ls . t5005o ln]ieatl awn$1.0 anscssîeîs, sîernso10sosWhit et 844. rh,...oosîosoooy h- obsscsI ,t, 1JI ,', oOsTshod eîo P issfoîs liso oos. Thersslied blissno550gOOfS Ibi bthcadidte ]]mirrisî]eîds,, bi * lLargH aie eea fte utpors _ _ e Collectio n of Fancy Goods, Hamiltu a norm l ami b1h 1 r ) 1ht,1 cocItr l ss11, sovesî] ooosîs] is.Eo- Fse a,-os 6 ffss]Ogtoss, (lt ,5] v ce10,,00 252150 3,0 sbo, looIL-, 1), H.In 0,00 AJ. sI , Ro', L), EAS,- 1 -e5,f t. Y ul h v oc nea ds ,vils due te il,,,- lstsS20 115 o .g feeling in bisI.. Hooîsoclin-sîoPsî 'oqslisgsteflsffi NN stIsOc,.,y go.ls].501s,0os21yl11101520 s,,lo1010011f05,05.FS.2 Jl1W.205500 2s150,,1 ss2Fs-ssoss tfff t holie M.de he tr.nOgc,. IL o"as ,,, .ffl, o 00.1,,yof]te0d MA, inrrOED C hnli, w reelvo tilbride Wtoesssorhs. 011100,but] t cllil ,shenind , - îd sssye li,,,,ootIlh,.o'0.Oî toî so,,,O o slol -o'] 52a22rate- 0]S1No,.141h, fîî5 th ssV. J. W. O(ur Ch r Lea n w l ohon .l tIsolîoo o']ssoîîso îpolie] u,î0 finad c,ould,îsg S,], t.ssîbohTttts.ont pseces h s s nd there to de] gît yo r ends wit] Nevor tiave ose ruade tetil aIpPll sc splissdd preaain ogtteChritna h pn v ,111 Il ilW 1 V.oot , , dsHtfo I.51lîbsI550,llsd'y s1.0 1.55.5, tu0 hnueifte s.tkta;I L , ni by osstbsoo 3,î. s fth f, ]. , A ohg,-ity o aisP.f 041.Nosahledtt-eHWjtsloth Il0O r; 5;,tu i 50' I, laeit - 1,ycrefo tI * H F., , 5 10if o îo lîS I, NC. Ihs L,,stoO, tHodl - o 50'1LIs20251 itsoooî Dog Lost. iid Rsoîsto .sooîs', K b O 1,0 l It ue11,0. ehls,0 I .04, oo,.H -50S1h1N s o tw ry abouît sshat yen will gis-e this or uhat fri-end. Corne h 1,_Lt1_1_1 1__eJ_-_t , I idaf\ Bakadp it eRe a edad and look oe uriaygood thîsogo. /e lhave here jîîst chat yon ;,alt, anti ti îsstb--s. o ss.oî,,, 1.lnSlJso's. ,] o so5]]s.yosî'Iliknow tlfeffîwhen o se thf. N-. 'IL f1a,, ,l,,-y 052055100,12 d,H.'oo îol,î0W. .LINDSAY', Sbcl2îOo ll I Ii3 l l 0 Il I1'e 'l"'f 'tl t 1"" I u Jiil o ok . k. o u , , l,y Is Ibs -o-iJ NIr.- aost osked 5t1 5r 55an 0051.0 . CAMPBELL, d houuîJls d^loO.îîotîîîil ,,, - et, dthattire hssoostths.. iso.k.b.ela Agent. BAST E./'../& C.. MI ILTON IiI. 1 1 cort51,nt oorfOtttytI1 10I lrg tht lons 00 fi, I, _'ot o, a p ll 'ilI' ' let ainîl 51010 f',1,hcshooîsd 'hri% TOWN HALL, MILTON. _____________________________________ !'oett'o ,1, yof Ji,,,,loîsîtm 00,10 ~0,,ma, Jî. re0o O e To sa aCOL O N aE DAYA Io5.îîgd 500,1me , t ilant, ,, kîIl. îl11- 1 I, î 'r glotrid, o r' 10 IosLAXATIVE H005OM r ovT.Mo .1 o 0o l aen a,,,If l o /D50055505050-fo m f5 t os O, Eý tr ,eýdý,"I ln ' ,.s'191%db,loIt 7,ce-h 4,Ro .s._Otg lis5ss OVRuon555o550rythiq Ready for I ll5.0IJJ0 lm a es1 1.10000,0 , rIý , an52d pa0lg55f5555050 Of the male bloslifTfososofd U foi e'o 1,t.1'2 l, o0dhn, te Ah l,Ab.bBUCK.5'H arieh e s051 0,lslis baci5 ar le 1. 111 OltbYo ll Jî, 51 55.0S ,20 os.g SSBuftSdOf.510001]Sl24ooS3tA h, "Il 1.sth, hl o.sOoîîoîAbouet ts, -t- ifL.J.L.5.oLIJ5s.t ile P 5 U t t h ils oohnîrouh osoot so]]-flOdîthe %IL in- Notice to Cr55055rsf,] i sloîosînola O st and fruiM S ' J , îll t , I I ,I o O 2 o H H,Ir c I o o t d o 'h l I -. ,l 6-ll o , . g atP o T s s . o h i , te . h e e l eils o s o . le IL , li ,had ,en - III th0,0It tssîo so îo s' ds oo sse so ss O os oo e od os t 5531 tf otlha,01 -h'l tili- Iý, lie l'ght ý1-illi'ena,,sl' .ttebsl , s 1 ,0 P Thso m-dO leSi fSOstsotenoa HM S P f nuitt,' ha0 b- r, omshh, for the 10oîls,îîolsto500o0ssos..5hipf ,lgarobih ds lilueifrdoo,-otbos foi' vit'u ta S5 -t,,f5i,îbsl . I 11 îfe . n55,soosI oho d0don the oss-5 o Is If 05 the e 1o,,Il o,-ý boas 25 of5, 50100, are -'in 1J E the bso55rivertthe s olns]]The, - co te C r tna tad sî fl dosi 5510 oelo fOli ons salion, th ~.,.le'stgoo pefi5yH.OpO hlssGooo- 5100îlOî5M,1J21J1 ]',J t u v "i.01,hi-2j5 2.,-s ,odOs osSg5550555 s 5 itSi' ad onf~na . Il g. I LI psL IsCll,,,,,, ,y ld tîî fbio,,losl soft, tus'as tbo tSio- anuî.o -oe 0',,oI- J ,lIIu0Zr2 Tfdo'HIIIC'-055yi,0th-1505510510015btotos]ooossotire sypos-s Stoînt 111 o7s-'sos os 100tChon-eploeuv .habsgftLadies' ifacy, Latsaaid PureCI...is Sf 102 o oIosodar*îs h is 10 usnes. e av aful in o bc ,.pItd12550t,-tlo.sh,, ol.0.,.Id î'lieî]îsld ois h o i t-g o s s e i ll d p e o th h tnst d , s OS, 0 5,0 îg thOî"lîO r- da5 rîsint o'ewlltyloudy ire00 t 010 f l'o ll,-tOOn, h, la t -' "" Ilt s50 ,,Pai 11 niile, Lag P,5ut ' l oors go.ven te sspladidyd.radd5 aresilkBrotadeehaluhie IL, îoleilaîsY.P'sis.liant Casîby t 00] Olos lis n e ra . ber "maite. 'fa, Io1 I 0 .lb"11sThe"Pt,,lv- aitht.,, ,fCh,,enwUs f Fuc La.~., des a a c La adue rs o], f,,l ,,ed Zîo l-,îî 11,îît hfu tre At]S SdllS1 rit 1 55050510Jl5 O1o.O obSO OI 1] .0,0 o' oO Of,d Ii i" t,-C 2o bo, oo', Maglh So., tIb b oî,Jg,ooloo ,1,s A.0 ,,-yOu cs.]l O lO ]sîof. ioll 1 1 Oldy,.d 0,0 1 OStieil , the J 5100]J iiboc oodtt h s o oîîm hl:i' a fT r ,seii(f po oin1, e(L n n E b oie e r m 5 .e I..oîol os O, (salue1 ceasider iIliaa3 0 1 5 1 t i l , a l l I i J c o o k. 1t1 .1oo t C-14 u t20, S .h y1isd o î oi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _rN o oB lo u se.5 0 ]5 bP l a i n P u r e 5 0, 1 5 1 Lis e l h e s i v a i c i e L 00 lOd Ol ,,] ,blî 0y00 3 T O0l ,55t5 l ue0005100 ly S oo fo] IlIit.s Pe o51s-id OpL î]dh ..at the Plo sts55e5000S.,ssooo ooS bSH ,d e ' ay in g yo a a ed Laeea. ru toOoOs,-oti il re' yI 50 O ,oîî odoo55 bs 'o,,o~oO .H ~o hsloe îd5,lo 151 2S050] o5o'.50,OOî,22SOS u cl'Iadecif a h u tc !Cîioa od I2le1] oolip Oldfs îhsy orco tuochbceNon0505 endîîly Yari caded, PLL I r0'aoefinow hiteow %Il.î s -,odedoso sooOpt SloSs. osost , ossol00, Oys] S y odas.chsosoh,550.5 Oso]n]]s rlh raeetlc h iy 5cm lt adpiss oeae the SO,5]O5 H5i telt Ni bc]t Le 5îoýAl e er l S ssiosb cslol ns tpati5s2Os00sob1onM ______of____onsfo ol ndcloe n oîb O H IîI O O ]Ot v 'Il,, t ir e 0 I 0 I l s î lds Ie O s s o s',osI,. ofy:" .o llh- -,9 0 50col, 10 I O s o g o o S o i o o t o s o s l H t î s o o o s o o 2 o e X o o S S o t s s S 5 S Tu.oîsoSbV- o, s.. the îîîîooh l0î O So ars,i 'oî.os]ol, dtcîd li-'s-111osoossososil., ri m'l' iit LI, bc pLiced i, -J, expel DO 5Pt mll 55 fr 005onti 5ti, 2 itosots t Chr's i st Uf s an dEoc ey goodo. a e av y t ho 1o.Jogdîoo]llî.OoolIdy ossI olot fso.îîîîo.Jolît 'utoS]ssJooshal l iîoos,0p50bL otlsisf]osioCo Ds]Sdhalsal-het bSo.sSd wll h_ t ..]so]e55î t . o o o o o t , h s s î o o oJI o ] f , l> r te ] î = g "'. T lr io o o o t o d o s b i p s t h o s H B 0 1 W i t t ' 0 ] o s a n d L e iso s S X ip a t o n . nse tsts o dc h e s i h eO r s o c f C r s t a o s îi:. -111,fguesfo t tire îs oo, s,'li tradeicehutbe invitebarilof i to conie i Pslgaun oa,,s.adlI,. toog-rtr p i ols t i f sîtu dte Sh il) pr ove Jsgvnt h ort o f ColSe so s os 5ObOOs 00 esoosu o u 0 o oiele o r- potIA b.,31I Sho 0phe lisoro,- lts, p box S0505j/Ste]]t.Osmtihe ton rýýt..C,\sh lu 00yodk 3 l'ut 0Il hCop , sa oodsotoedblac cislotesi isends]]ut.Seto]], tofo 5,f pssfssm nS] Si M,.1.>l Ipp, e orIlueuabwsch teituhse h-ss'l 0oo-t ,-thesed ofs51d - s al- . CLEywrl. B-.axli e nm t, D'L e are jyurservic oe. igafehnwsipyo b ft bu g- i, l e a le 0f tite cermetweakeiningoo. o.s hl. knowhu Ifths hOi. Os r e alooods]] shotth e sog tememtio]].r II neRtosoliet ost 500f 035 RED C OSS DRUG STORE. ad -1% -î-s]lilui, i> e h oo he Ifsgîoh abos rsoooIli IlBb L ed t h HutE M SIB E E I alemi1, "d i h ,Il ls 111ronsfou- nit , Il -unit, tIio0 o'Il il]] Heosfol ot t ooso the ver 1and Hypohoapiea un t inneaaiilomty, . Ne rut, el, enos OausdCnde,.us il, the "Il lIývcý f te nid Inli 1 pouns il, lio he a at oh.ccH s liessef wtveD crpin.i, ftae CI geated frm, je he greatHt 8treg-l1-bander sOot Sho 505500 ooeoStSe55a55fullo liseh sosabos. Hnetrelio]]i o el. fortrialo:l 1oliljomD r. Ung on*bl stock 111 Ilt -jre a eaily fil-te tst h.nigta-fIl tle cra she fhlis o soos o ie 0055hitstorseg Thed atre otbening nervea andomuaclea.h, n9h6f and Ssnsl ofilos aresWe car fbotellnyli lhere of arl the 'lice salDng aswsohah Olo Nsi ss]] hot hsoonssstlino t ~ ~ a th.sPerC O t o i ,aiful005î25 .Ee.an5 -gM]PhId onaI boxealLoudos Esuds ou]] 'vis, 1,1e 1.e mde l .o. ut th boutof]] lis oo AckND e bx nstc o t eols ia r debu .ivi N oute ascoule5 Ponte scfl lea. Thir iabidths wc] ]herscontrndsar rluesid aVisuus.evitlAcsCrt Lh.n. Invaluable 20'- Cooghs ~nd Coldv t nd50dO ste.h. He ondO 550 315es0 icean tto oilraderTftoreCur. sagw5 o sSats 'al]o M Gbb Grippe DrIfu enzaTs i c Ne i 0. btow no SoOuothe ]]pav e htsr 360 6.50 tise Mb otefNoeemWi hur,,laHap C stnanbydur sioida5nl son to cl ti n o hssotw a emn oey a b esot valsed in m4kingteinOS.3C B A RN T T.i E TAwIe 1~ a r~ e r1 it y ur srviceps. ibO Â,j 5a. J C.B slin tiun05 plSh es !ini l wa15S051 0s. un-pease "0.'f5sseu'.fa-f,'.0. isr 10 si diseaes kown.necc.,ayte d se.'The valkcommt- Sbriffs OficeRED COSS RUG TORE tee hall explained that the cngù,'es oadyNOsiMbel 21St, 190S.S 1 die .0 ,s,. IL -u0,,d ,a,, belli, .l4 intn SPO23-4,0 nTus URY-Sox DEAJD 'TI1 S311, A e. n05 b', ho is- dd SOI $4565 sp, Silo S4,o50 (ed Ratsins at the osve jit uaient 16 OZ. I'Àhobt0- 2 for 252. enîîaîî ÀSI' ERS,~ffffIhl -l,5vefihIsd PF t..,1 , ~We ha n ~. dv.tao sWoIsrKd 1ters' Excnrion1('j. U SINGLE FARE 6OCT. 9 TO NOVEýMBLp p0is t.tiTo', ' Il â_ &P- t A , Img1. Boy - .odLooSIp, G OCT. 25th to NOV. bth Nsslh L1.d-y t, sosk. L,od.wsk oy 0 ,lh,t ,; mai . o sssO,10D.j. Nsîoslîi1 . s -, 14, c arc foi Thanksgivirg hU, PD.R.. IV, ,Poo,1>.t MVILTON r'bte and ftranite Works R. O'HERON id Martin SOs., - Miissss On! rIREE POINTS 3EM . 1 W 1 : . en lkes inP --1 WORKMýAN I1:. PRIC I. ,poînsoPR]I efirsossam Y.3 MY Fhigheý qsmp canî.otb be pleaed t. sî s osI M ' r 1 - rd 1,s ,s >. W< STRICTLY GI'UVsýf1. -' DOLL CA rN HAi E The capital Rleero A EERAVS b-\1 Al-,, ~IILTON BRAý, BANK Ch\Il1 'TOTi Boys's,' Ver b]i e)Mo Ch> lîpi I 5~l r'

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