IEACON (RALIX 0F ON PET. dlistrn Boiiû TOIRONTrO Hl. Burig s urlini o stck Of Fuirisiture Sideboards, Buffets; l r Suites, Bedrona ' -2 '. M <t"ases, Blinde * LnoEms Ron- 2 JOUS! f i -j' s ititci iî cc-.,BOYS', the5icecg i i n;of ncic - s JliaOi t) aud uu c L fdtt e Wilson. c-rmomefer r ! Pus -j-iraunge ovet chl-y seJy luns-c- tacs îi-secook oshat il ho oacd compase m tc h ie drafcsman. W -the square s-nd by gues, jut ase doc Xithcst s-n ac- cc-ro n yosr ovèit. r(duces cooking lu -5 cc-ciscly howmîuch du inc a gîven ime. o cepiich makes thé c'i( Ibetter ciao conmut d rion. e'edc4nns IlOnipegi, cekc-c*-r t-. John, Nas =i.on tMLNS~--Ille j * È .46. TcuOo 1 s4 ', n n 1r_- ' =_ COUN$__j\%4v *c4 4d$4 4 Th-infe ulo u-e epc * crn- -- 1-..i7 1pbn Tule_ Horouemblu thé typiéni bac butr e iso s u r s et u i - -- - - --thcughts:s-ors hi'::nu:menés pienuna: - - -- -_ou ho ha1te rd tu obsi'. mb vas Suc.ý * -- cu-u- _ _ __ __ 1 1 M0Ltcr- - n p_ _ . il C LJN -rY CDF" ý-AA --ro N _ _ _ _ _ _la---huNhallH R as WlSSin's_ _ cuM5~c Tu--.a -,h tho,15 ,- u 1ho6p.sé Y SeORsoil_ý l ý', ccccc B.ncc _,,- cuibnsj1' .,.,..i W - e D. f S ri ' mcisprt ru--c-_ e ur h éfu-os-os he d Pcifeuer lp cd rnsec 1, fE- - 1 1 Y ntc.ceup1n, Thevcry f ail h have uorl-H uip bor d t e Sur a job." ,a,, u n >,n o s Y m .c hJ nr . élprt.ncs-es ç le ,~a è u s nt. rt o t es o t e s- o c -'t InlsS ct W 55afl o rn',,. nirs t reb u t eb s. ,,,get.wnIl ý hon5 n a u e.,. Ea d . ses loi-g 1é 5 f f u c-.j 0daý . a1 0 i lc - c 7e s a b u ,-. H é saT h s c c- Bs erdur 1 rDICI< Hi]1,1,cocul'rème gonsa'S..r hé nctuudoe' é? IclPobîsOiy 5c10c -G, 5,,sd O tsthd're cdétésaraela Ctéh, tthMalis n Ii ic:hornea'J anaolms.13énin1té en1o to igre ntct 1- . -c -1s -esch ous sOdoé orrnod chst,- ,é érý çun î ,rmcntppiae*Is-n i itl I ________________* h suus"Wiia'Inasl5-p he n th r of * to7 u-é6i ce P or o f ch t t é l cûc ré:" u p o Nc'i. Yo , sélr a C h éss e e o ~ 5l~ c a hé a é c î hé h , s th i u c ff i m é - 5i 5 5 ic e- slemn u Fs - i . c » 'î o îic l S _ _ 9c l 4 6hI I O l 1 N t h h u c, u r c c s a o b o s o n t 0 u r s 0 0,a c a h s I c c 1h c c , S c n u S L c d c s s n n c s g i c c c c c c c S t y c s u u d s o san d t s s g . . q co p n , shé c<,cc 5c-hucdccthocs-sscsic - Puntscy cfiîccsM - cccichnccy1csescenc actsii5'hSuuih s aousmsg'ea &m "*"HARLIE LEE'S 4ý . J M l AUNDR AIftintk9coss tnccec f pof 4accc-Te cia 5;;ccsa lnhaec1-a.oc hi nccgcatssnusslebsici ssu c~Aomun ons Ré asounesbleu- ; . , irbûl,*baud. sic- 1t'a a - sa ic eig licoug < a el nu n ' e Ilsgrt=c1és hu' - trc-.c ch ds- 55c. ne- hu -es sc u cii ccicccci. iscsc csccrncsngiug R ccsosdhuérafliezhhi - ,a,', cqrnc o r thineuu *1 o biness.ssîD îr.oand< ".Oot.inst'sI -hcisbétuoa ud o a e f cWh aalo-ig 3 -1. I Oý..T.lý ý .t.,dý a'..A t,, O id dii0th . .l . - c s-ý a I aocac- m.tom fsothc- 8cbedstheclims"Radgbfie --ééiOué mac-édanpnuutsc- Thens:éd cMyuin A sharp ri' hunennîcui dececn hun csns c-suscooc ccsbifol r li Coliesnue srucla - té cuboit h m hîsno,.issAhtrialncciooaceniaimcocieié,- C b t t v h c'a - c s i m a n s y . c c a Lntg , yD is c w é I s oca o u u c s î n s a d - u é f n c u nc b s s n - e sc n i b n a n u c .s c n n slîc ; n c e b d cg e s e h i nd is pen u , Coclcess £0 O0éo5r éof h , "Ou IV h chs. ndam solm-mse-s heojs-cedf b. asé gt tesuycm anetesar eIet that 'l as Mids of ,,u oundjng lenvin t c--cticf cs-he yfigue ontct.-- beas-ad.,sberom. _____ j 4'bcbot na -Ocacocc----c "as f casc ils-ecgI hav e g Otnsg -i1gc huhcsdc ta coen-n--x--m-cc-c---i focs cetndisfnici ope iio cmmado I- ýcec .IPsun ec -c u Ilé - Icao. us ch loS cfhigm oc b sP ci n s f a husucy icnîcanccDoaslie.tcuniscroiounbcu en s ncnc-cSthcc l e . cbrsat cc n , '.cctn"i ',eu il.c f e c s-pc. sc-c deoi né- -- 7 e hut oncméoOpo esaieiccrur u Ior, o usctcuYrn h c rcc T i feo ase tePesuebsSece f ond ine us chu e ncLnc cm s-il" ,.cn0 nsensiec is-c eesc e 5e a-éoipdnt de -f , cary O-lest e = 8 of ctccyOf eilehocee ct e os cnc tes, i, 9 nnetc ece ccc- O-euh 1 ssssncaacosacsdc1 s-ich qecu cisAilnuc-s du cc; tsefnthe 1s e heiihcics c pssdusistccicndc us ec cid gcec- ecec Oied'sl s-e cié uis Hon-a- oIsaecc .mncsétheesooéâwu-a on.. pef. ansThes o ut r. c -lca st T Spe noe c;I ý J O ftesifenSialAbe ue sorcccwnchs-hc.cucco n bl ohdth lseinytpo csccccecc Ne u S o , sON b T. s c ao1 "leo y g o e S o t u P s l ý h s n p i h d e f t e c oinn enis. 5nii c ncccc csa vonp5 e s bos s neh ed b s a n ,. s iiP loc s- i - cn sg S - no s h g. r cecseseco sudchage nuess hci(s-cpari benfccrcuiccehcobsnrduta rcooefniuocacaenct;be bbhs bebigcedn ss- s-y s-e c cucrspense. s ec-u io ns ndcocc.'csccarec5uu o, rinééu-é ehsîs.sisclhccen.echcneeeensc enc-esnssheehccccnsibsd-esOe-ecoads - u naehcéatson au cniecensencs-usc-saéeucdMucacogc Aeeshu-asssîheuhef iscOi ncice cc ns. Seci.ees0secbcg a ecenscd- ccgltcie bdccn-necnsise c-.5 h egb hoSTchs Vec sou- .c <--asoucoec ,oc,&s-~dse~tsocar -ohca -sscefena -ec of p,,reu ,,",eil a y 1chu0ghsrcîy dsda er ws nt cnme dccs-nsc L inttlc o s boit raccngc iss ct,,, nc1 c i R -' nnLt ý. f loe. 'c e u i c aslc-écsiogncm Th c--eta i- l lWthés-us-t' as -h Sces 'GO utshe cint cncc s ci tc ehos bcec-c- tbs ih c- Pi - ses g c- i a. Pccd ni c fsbs six s-s-ivusos-nlls-. us. Scttheends-cIlleupehe ilu cANJ '1111-11nc Opse m c er o ie sh he scic-s-es c e dhc lo- okec ssc es n sn ncuec-ch,,I m thcc .1-cccuci siich c-s-d ssr el s hu Sc-eenernc offrc-ah iont-orfeashgs doion e .e hne paen . ns rioS coei.sneussecesesc, hcnihsc- e ed ncuad 11, A - - He . i - t di - C T r v e ll Dr - u ie o r . bec i elo - o sry c e icc renaccian dls O u c u e u - c s s cu clb'hc -- esr s Si c t' cs sncil er p ol n- i e aude u s pch s e t e liu n a le r-ci. ,,, iî i c, i 05u1..l" ;'TC U,, ieisco ing l s eco ct ,Oic.-nae hO-es-uncesadesncsoc-oho ohc- t 1hu n -se se schui t socei -ec the ctabl cenceicabgir i ain ndO-fccccnsccthew enac-enuî. " ,ý, ,',ý, 1,2,ý-' ý" suc, aoscec.y hIso'dITh thole tisrn g l'Oec ea th i gues informationiem 5ccsc chhscc-c-ses-- ______0_- 'ycog, npisi-fncg-rmes-iut irnecesdoiespleme w-oichs-sos drmtoHwscýOeaciclhe-liu" hce scic-dchi c rrw festniic eu sts igitnnsncc-ooýss-ac- 1cic If toe LinâDrîc ss nflinp . ...lo uaislanec -oerno t h.Th ceals Stoeurd uncueo coc Ilesc suesc u, sic---- éhEif et ccc esd e ssc eehet -c-cc- css cl l us et-coudi egc s-cefumn dtces s, ._ TIo. R iW 'o- oosogbéuit îei NoistOi otnu-cc. a hseuclc ssn ncccu-5hcbe edbcOe cee -i iechcsceedo.hth cecUl!ý,,ro f eenes- a Lre c ... isds- cs-nhs- ic , InO h a ndui s- h eo m ac.hcsdccai uls-c-. lktoavn se cth-uipcs hnt ec-c a hl eh gro u s i h, ic - f ic ccn cs .ccsdcfa cgrl wh hl - en asci a cnspc- l n s ote , .,essecer. An, iescnrp onsua-t- .cdsefthrshne ldsénse.c. Rose c-lbogc-sand.Tbnhcrenchc&n- s-c-bsn- ses O-cc- e*sscsc.ccocnb<fograv c-hsetcl c-the cgasdnr des-ohud co ceoOsfios- -,s fond.o LiCRAPTEMisionB.idi'ecs0.steeshondc-st ,Inu Iosccec-s and-hi ccuO- e cAccc-occ, )lus. sis-cOl choc-s ý' ceticncure nc - ssptnc.ttirA h dc th u llsusuué, cM E o co T - .-- ruor5.oe,.5' S UV OI .I an, i e Y u edt e. Sabnt.nuche r esga thpnoncdd sfnni h tfi sbe t h b out-s snsns br rse -c hani s p ehos r Te girl ,,- dca-ln cdh si escaryi he c d cou ce Thece eoghs shirM.A.te dtdnsmd hc-c-got--alltotcîc-iekca s - c, s-_ an , ssZbce n c icd c o llc i s ' i e i - e s ie' e t c d .cc c u s cd u n u In o re ne ac- c- ocn 5 P an -. cOé ceéc sry his ch c u co os nua esc r cnn scc sdt iss uu cbn ccn sn anis l sth u cfc c erin u fli i ob d éb tic sh,10 od -u c. mc s-ci i l oe s e d cc c -sbccssnl w h m e ssnaslia cs c- c ' e nt d ) eoocnéts rfnc d8 lrlo:11- n m l' a tc sins-.bc filee as bac-au leesuc e -eeu eo roec cs ecc -scsec sepcY cfece e a -bthiCn nio bcdthed peur hc-, ut c-snnd tc mcc- drpsionofe-Os e cc s pis. d ocot laiuebou .unshve p i het bas-e h eu ou th e' ccou5c se c- Nnafas- Iý. cb . . csces c- - eS - i- tvupi, cbc- utd en, cho Scy s cecci - t - eei nc ud e c- ei h s fchueiuccdrIclunazro m Etî,e, d rpreor T.A DR S rrnchr. yp sC u el f a gePet, wih- s ny Ic-scst e a l e on c u i 1e u nreticv b 5c o-e o h fn eyLa rnS sisecl t55555 .Ecues n geS u t-e Ma'i55-'O-'e t oc-,&'I e s-ns ut ccdccd md ss ue 'c M E A . B _ p_ néei u ajct blesth 1,0a il uec n h utMtatpeetdls cuhoycoutilea ,Suo e L i le scc c-s i llc -bt ie i ns sese nOstbsn cokeu-sc n5e ongtheis c -COLt, s'G u de c ier udstenc-c e Ogcru s d ulsse h u t ou ge do e hu s-s e s,s .jltb nny m'css- tsdccomp hneg yaoe , hec c-nc-d O e he bc Ic-ss e na e lccss , ch ce - nE n d ccc-ossia eeé uae neu s-, us oos -nd ieh ius rto uu 3 c oSu pcs hnS n s ue h, e in n s-c -e- t b us e. one ors ccs Cct cteeh, a t stcc.In gce i n ic-. cTbe. ,vusch ic--l u ce c- c ohcc s p i d1.îdVIt -Yu'rI susinu a hcanushec-cuncit s-e ent u e hn é oelargsc e u s taffyoc f ea lunt se cf h e ceapice eb' s cn cd l'res csh hoet ccdscs-ls o e t ci Ë ý, '-, l I .ý, r . ý e Id - . v _1 F O U N AT . IG uS a e s i a o n cs- u s e s o a i rsle yeuS c - h k n " a i d a m t t d r, c o cnd ch n c-hny , e uni e s ts-c -c -e n i'< i v- sb i l - c o nsicc c d o o b e n i i - c - c. "e ,e lpc u c e s s oa r 1 h v e l q I.l b - c 55e eo s o k Mcs il t4 ~ 2h ' huer, îgan t icste ochfdc ou "Bab' o t has e hm chue- Adc-acces aea igt wt ag biLýi -cK o h a Nasý A u Glsec-atl usshtaulces-c-tsc-eoec-csi-e Xc-docEusi x5 s-cistg sc-.yyec-ac, -cc, ee s- ce d n us ge. ce11LLNe ecRsnofE ro1 o 9 ch ri.e5.4 p$1, 5 n$0 . Lèes e,06 ulssetL0c-eouscei oy ch plof. en thuI yc-us e ou se n th Ee shng us o er- l-, ucg ebsus h ui d dcc ]N 1"o I chou gut ccascc-ilou s-cbane hs- O -ssc -c-ebs-' WOessb s:-j ,icl-es Gos-ece ué-o e l,pu u. Sni r atyus hs ushcr. s i ti he r r 2 a10, s-hce-one i aito u bihlnce rig ch on?.c nd0 trBigh tn , hcnd fhuy i gcs n lý.s c- n d Sc e ae - oncni seri adue vc.o cppd rc s- the bndioftemo O-fu Tw al.lo .W- liu5hcesn.gUiu. èwEas -n-eaa ,.O pesé i heoue tupe. e tomge faug"o "ois o uM leoaiin, i eS, se oc-coche pts-e wSui t n e eei,,utb. cc-cee s-sol ycucse- has-cocb. i upnus" chus- -i- -t-usemk_ lons-t les-c-S sueder i p.Th i e hc the c-ce entbou C lf e ra 5 Th ci s-oeafadei cgeic i l5 cc-uc- rd s'flebig as-c in e d lc-sec s-e Poli-cse Shce psk ekne hu o bstae s -( J) ENTÂt. huen~~~~~o lositiv tu o eaet usé coctc iel c ns O-ho ss55 s s-té aco hiscs-nc cng silic te c-es l ucs, u !_deebso !bscn steeu-ec-cs Tnc -cc e s-bt ireol1 bfols o1orhieciré hourchcnc-cnssg eAbircscmeuogtet tobshur-lnercc-c- c-0bc cclenefe cb i e cc-co hn s-a c- SccAnccdstoissl ss-rre uhu eOc Oh ll\IJýIl 1. D cK, [ CRAN Ee R MA R AND,, s o eo 18ca ln i e£15 s-cc- th "Iî e e c-cNs 1 bate , uc-uc adcci c o hu ceNS chusesccnif edh o p, so ofsc ueceescu c-e c-ei ci'ýýioiijý,iý h at cc-c-secs s-con- h otu eciedosy y nuuO- sc d s sc she ti , - ii, ;ýi "; 1 T-1. GOI G SO TH. th e i nts threhw y au 's n estrei fo kst hure couadv n o f handuscelesm -us e pc-unlcutp rouib he de c ILbunu s-sec- estes-stuc Thuve sets - uen rt . c-cuc h- sichld ,n o in ce i er je .ý ,f-.C .tB ul,1oýl 0.1 e vuwinlgoue é c st unswictSchares t ao, co ii on.c-se et i thi. 55t theee t chu aeut g e sc-co css huaied st -sso n h clcc -es- ccni. c ulace cch po ce-p c - __ ue-- e1i3e-ci s-oh Dc -. r.n 835 .upeaythc e anrod e . Thas esu ès- 1e22, s a imoee l-d cn cbnt usss sotr sonu elou t thahoe s-n cc-c cid bc, 31-1eey c-d 't-e l ut of lcccs es 1h t se, o bon foc-s ee c oc t l eeC.I Rs egO doau Mitu, Pt. Ira o- h e nrehtof h e eat oc5 e -cae solO-onictonu c hueotsO- e t hé udfotcr cp o-S e ls icnse i5 se dt cnhc i b i-- j I eth-erhadbeet.eela.-CHPiséeredsu etthî yth ,iiyatir c tion-uh u rgth Cle f"N.Ca es.c'unit ps cc-nencc bugirlc. eg sothsisb55 .Anesee-huc-uu s c asetcL '1-...',TheBriesosudamuctoneMcIll-co uf "Ones more, s-c 1ho avI bo ns cu bct hfru c e o -ès habis ac otofog dcué u s o dy c aluc s 1e9c-u si-tics tiensneo p od (eu esudrgtesa eu i _ _ce . -csc_ co nelle npt p ahu m e ueq sel a hé a ubj e sla eu t h ruai sic S n tchu', c-c,'li en I c do , se th, i uhtapi ta, lus 1001 Srgsuu n. is t ,- i cn s c -, ned. bd , u i cg yt sc r an, c -s a, 5c 5 t yLo it oantc rpeoo ý DC) us hre hi'ta eepraconthabjNeth dcmenu esc eh-o edelsc -mlnmy nt lahei huatt h aveisog ccc te c- c ccc s cs. s-ce tneiit.rd cs t ccc- ctec-cd.'.s" t 1 is- .ye Publi-ebO01u u 19 O c at choe s-n e e ant us-thégroi ters-nu atue deig - temclbacs-e mO-ru, thseas o suth cilyge aednece teel] socc- iyv s -trwl es- onne - ~ n-~~u h h __ __ _ __ _ _l_ vf eur s h c é n d a t g t u is o o m d 'Iu - e c O- c c s m O Y csc"c X ; g u i j s ,s m - n f I m d c e s Chis as n d s e e ince su -he -1 Iî.ý --hc-ss-scd " 'sIceAndcnc- butcforsthenuithtscc tus-sonhaoc-hIle, s udt hse CoIe- - ry 1.-tM ilionbrus-e 8ee s-or desg Bell-r pir . " so lat o os- us, V-u cc;c-p w eOcs lra-lir harsncecc ssO cny ec-s ecc-e esc ,e 55nco ceiaccc sas-uic-cec- ac pes - - --- - - -- haTYvA esî c e 59c5i' a ous e s uél-ts-nh plcess ccc c the- pyofun- n - etesuroftma be s e lahsncgd phat E. _________ -- T T fllonp p a nl etnc i- recurn ol e-t ofet teOfwidesth-Sutudidil --ngtati th c-OcnJlcc anfl to Actis-tgreuy e, oia cdHato yp ,*,54u- pitspu nt nthr éneaccc< e s-o anbe bns-ss cccil-li n e xt sud hic s sec-s-oe rdn g s-l e tiecLa den thc c tshnoc-y c-es-, i ' . ' tered by- ache ationt. te iles , n sh ter a e su 1re mg, otebuSce em. , An iitle er i t ansu l nosi-s nset et --b ess c l e e s-cengtblsfi.RcThe s - ý 1 A-E,>i M I ES, cp l g lthé ueseron o u et. pa t hé es-suc-ci - esilt su m o h cc e nd u uvsa S tS u e haveaca 5s ne cs e-ee ecnetc ccch (on-lsc up'-,in ta c ,ýpctçecd, icoh th ý .- riýl.t ist.. ,ý.t" latalyt. lla-lntue t a r uch èebu reo th oai s kc churO-cc-e hfait ee c oi00e' tra hos ie -a u l ca as-On, ccond. e e o cd ib -1chas-c e sn- cult , .secc n seo, e u oui-c u d flic__________c sues t f5 rnt." htai u huc .teOtucie as -au sei e i h s bLisc l'e Wl hu I'oorcs u th cc- w s-uc-c SwoelcIi;ý , rInl-ng no Iil cc siuse ta bîc-gocctil Heuce 00 Wnn5s. nst 1 coeraote g-Usu foath fnhu.c- agýos os-cr nc-S u ,èc-ctrighcandtui Son tsotce e uns-welorh RPkmOta Id ý 's-ue cmî al i e IcdlenIee s i hc he rine e tttb in OC,- sao -lit cou- Id Sastebod t hé - .T hé a laben tic- coc'ai c-oeoiels e u nscc5tls s-eoséoase ss -c o ier s teee In entcua e s fer r h a iscu c asm Edaeco tho - -uisto H c-cc=gc-es-iug sit' un hs ,..,,,,.. o lokaotsh' éfle r epiW e s er odel oshrs-on tch s-e s m ( asO-c-c- e r ifss. la.tsern ge cuvS ol e .mtaloee O ls e0 o ccstin e en sýueSecu -t or... ----cd u--- ,lc-e -sutiuéet. teelf l estie, N rusth sr lte Ol su htuSi tc e r ci hosec-ough, hosco cn és onth, ts- e s-cc c-s-a ccw ad o cu ilie ble cnIL smdc u Iosic-c,-tubo ani C O ud T E BE T V L E eheéhr Tl , e niusaotIl saeit le bJo c h crapul ndastSugcutechucugo s-aucs cee ss sd n fce.ot,- o -e gs ccc 0cir urt se f a an C iectse1gthe-fGrua uts from*, nupa. a en n è te h lut r h l ea o l pif retetétl sSo e (a hal p i a al h s i o h u u c.E i u n d w y a - -r_ýLýý.r Olo 1 P R ETdal e ttsing tp21'Osée! c ri.'Teashîlicpet s u e p lea ci srdheotreCias b 1 rso pu be alor h ues-, thce g thr c- i s ae- e ed. cssnsi' - ttuy seaid - c Aho -ec spcaut hyrm scutoerue.cedeu c E EIR S OWN. e.t oh e :an n c n gthé gc i hi;iae pthe he t hiase us-ut em c lamefrn eo aus le ca b fer c am e d el t i m i o-oc -. t t i hlc-..srccflic ahu-sinc u- vr buew I iei ake s a lm td ut S ecte up s-adu hietet o h e5e cu o gs no ssu ccc- c e - d e Onot nupcnet uhdl spu yo fndfiettalins?" lfnhirotbw. tSO tieué-us n , t e s-es ed andh rons indtei s-ent Cccsc-shoi s ee r s e vudhoe tyofs-n s o -- s-ccd ub.Oithec-s tnfor Couseoic dlgtanwer il s temsoe i fapteon h o wtt arsotatoapu cice dtegod plc-ut. -s in", eiecd c- s-tp achufil eS asdnésiuoe a I - erru os-0lflO ,l5 whhallWâh teb ainenlatth 4a- agau,-'---butsae, pistre, ta nec nc chu IluOa smlci caesir i 'lctooes % fdl e ihn wA T u6usv I) 1.. as-d21 ' 0 ndreus-l cha h ic-u i Ptuci gthanec-pc-cs-'icciis tec an s- c, - -tab]. -1 .érd, To ý .'s-rl fr on erîg or . e g i n -y .tnd.Yeu oq" c0 tLathbsientéoe- he a es thrhté n téé-t his - S hé 'Tfh as ocrsrspcfl co ,IoA.ý»SR -8 d29b h ih vl h or ftheshed lt he A Xc ch u c-c-ceenmin-seersmoments'cois ucl M.C P. &S. . P EN - ý the aeru t s wS tchsr undte lok etirce ndtruulnrècNy s-Eci,-ratbosjesemeis ie n tslo isce.ancwuî c otue eoam O-reonèctbshc-s-#. W e-eut-ohorsthy ns-ci teeltaairrehaceced e c-bin a mod chuid.O Hes-osuc-i thenop ookussîs ý,, sit T wýHal, pu eu aid frs-a p t a eète r, and forfiej>hopurn la d"Be l g 1-ien ls- au andles gLtoletees et the p ht eletsceO 1lpccci ylI esc c cami]' .cs -cy ogn o s th ast dyo ll.iI. t . n,6_6t.* éndl .e la -épl'utaeé5 i. 80a ateetée chereeMany puoce meet éréd. h-sohigst tie0passagc-ut ce- onucciota ,is, le a c-co os aLýI9) 1 e rrtae snimplegflkse n.mheP acs/ ---A ich~ra sb- théi th tpazipine Oeeotr ose1chve beeucS coleo11e19.c- beinetrofIarinnpites-s-ahitctur, ,.hacc-eig,.pes-éing a tassth-os ansng ntenér Ttehelcs-niéc O nete eLi tèIhcsec asé hracc-n oi -i-Fnl Fte S CUESa s -levnso un e ad c ls t i dent res ta the e - and os. 21 and 29 wer the Oly in our bnd, prvided ilet h i t i3'e ô thcif latace e. A Mèe 510 55ene te erat ci hv e c-5 uar pns- cuc a lese h n er sp ___ E. M RCHANuf atched pir therebOuts. Sgne wer 1 bas nt beeb néd silic*th', i1e'het$lsmoment tecis as-as iaactietdame tay Aade ta e Plea ssotto snd Sealé.t ecse uce.cagc hncsandns5 eber ereon ins pesa 1 ,no wa ti gas el 1 i t tha t ke , a oud r ad ai 15, . - lu -L fnie th ] s-savo yea, theold y f l u s a h at r vdsles-ndne ao. it in ecj ticma )EN!,-Týý, , ý wih D.iee-enlais m>cethe ote -e-sý No. 22- Nlonu This ? cOéer oe unicéed olasc-es--nc yc a a é c f C a ca s- h ch a t ; C t 1s l ei' Rui'c Coferna Cur.c yf f îc é t e o a t 1 5 y c -o c , as c d h e s e sOs-ctic-honoeaeic- sait cece. - leunsanodc bunanîaltc- n1Ile ýut eyoblihgatonesnoCe Icmi hYhueIn icnoggcis,Tsni-sc o Caanh Cec -loueec- s eg L cic-sty c tbe bli,,[Mi cee riclac _f-onOIns yscns- cc-- 59cc-ccfcnc-I Pcucscnnnc1 "SoiSlhby Oc-ggcs. bHlu s-cîMIy IcclulesI., - liber oe," he esici, -heuoch, s Oinichuci, 'aod net ccndsc- Vichus I hac-a hsé o teg-se. t ls thst GodSe orIlt h hc, ft i'oY ren c-Ishicv h - , s--l -ts.' taiesagind coles- O1cge 50cnergesýse Nes- icsn - urépt as-avcu,,o che balcii, is ) n stlc - 5 cd hc-erc'. th es- rs c-s-es che ope !rc-ojse.cthe Il id sac-cced h-cd I sthi isesns Iu-Conec-,g ns- se-c-cn Se- e c- cd i/c-sec ele c- , .5 - Ths fteaccs or 1, CÂRi.01i Tit. i sci, Bc ic)i, cs cN. .eat , c -l of csci al0 aflt- Il .l c,; c cdi eccsus s-ii5nal'aile 1 t I, i, M, - f- h I-laIl Te1 c - ie cisc liti - 1c, -ii i tIc- ili- s-il71 etc eI , ca ii1 - .1 th, dI. cud ec-cut Il-ni t c -sm-c-jc, ch ý c c e s c s'-I l l 'i , idh-n-ync.tss1tJ%. ! off, Fssecsil,,55 ; l wIG R1 AT:Os 11IjI 31 isegne ei gn -imr ou ch-'b cv ccus ruO1- cOnc-ns aRéssil ov-OirS 55 sic th-Pots - .,unucican, - N Pýýl Ob"'play