The Disiog Rod. A Systsm for Keepiog Yong tITRNOSGET The late Johno Fske in"M ytho oand rMari n trhes Nev IdaWomas's Maia- 'QossosCity H- thes Ony Jssoih i Myrh hfohrr'." tfor'» tho 'rdirrog sI'" osorb'fu r pîrso r. "of0a o rcf o lsitl. Dosisiss-F"55UPeints. inlsV r'» Iforms turan or'grointho be t h eau kbo hpthe busfot, tobo InYiddish. g"» s-o othfrr Ay.ntfi.r.tlu eorrso. the pt ootrte l,'osto.tte ThooolemeJesh ba InCar oriet ythr.iogy thora f the snoiîpdtrîoman o prog oit ber Ife aldTooto»1 ithe ro"d pos'»""r. "'e he'roor'ibl pr- ofhe GolHv onSeoUsdtrillooroito keePr a OielUnTh"» orl Standard. Phohus. d othorytrorgror dv,'rrr'». e t etolly , adetermi r»' on ""r- Iahome lsrett he corner of Otori frntIIhencehbaye prrg the -Wiliam or orhi. fewo" ror n a hocase artsdkgoro streelO. ol»it& hI 'ell ib'tr" ut th'e '»» ro' , otyh l .ci be.rud.,lp the. in t" r'y Po - broîOhsGkoî,t0tyIlla tPl'ý'P h prg fr'.rrloe rrrr'»perctrrrhe ibleo finrrrflitoti tr,aosg loIho La I torpp-.Iat.ld bO b-ro le,-r'gd fh,'ro;,Ir,'-rra,,t'he -, pà " ..fyO0o"o otr.1y'»i,oiroP, oIthe, 1 "f "j),t u hirh rthe rrrr'r htprr ylr ru.r) , tntorr.have a deprr'»ibo t'hw o'» In doTor-ontio h»'hora 1 rh ,rrIf Ahiesisarhrr'ro 'r fr.r r,,'hor'rrg dot'l,,ptd y'»o ' r ris o I oddooh ltorst"'"'r'Pma f' "rhe 1>,,grcf rrrrrhrr p-pr-rht h fat y, a, orda r'racto, p,5'00 e o -ftoi y In othe OOposit IdrIIrh--r'rrrr.rrrg,rrorrr 'j""r'-rinrry hc sensibloand th,'rfro utbfror' oihdrolUgolrofo. theso-or tr.he ý,or r' rrrh -,drihorrl yrfr'.rrofr" ,th il0'»r d,'rr 0000o, slips and draf o r 0, le 'hr i ,'h'dorr»»1 ' rdr rde. I th Inrro.'»r rrrci11r, rInok-r'p- iorro- r,1'PIdl'» The,' tOttOt or"' 'WI a, 'r'f Ig -th )rrrrfour x ,r A gond jrfo'rrtrJophWlliamr'»oroO,'Orila htOO ,IJfrh,rorrrIrrrrykrrr fo'ri»ghrrn.'trr'l'h frrro-'-rlpot'rf wllkoonHrcc,hPo pryl ri rh'h' rrrrrhrrhth, rrr t..f, r'r hrh r th or'rrho hi le ,' rptftg fr'th, 'anaemetr, -1 icrty'h"Jer'gy, , t' '»r,z ' 1J:- »'r, t hot' 1. l It'» hofO toorýosrhrr poslth> rJ.,rrlrr'rai, ' Irrrrrrgrrfr re ment'in roroifo100"'"dO LI' r, "'ile d, rorr'rrr" 'iniv nr r'y prpurrrn' rh hia , Iriror . ' t ""h "'""""'""d"Iohghoro-,ghrr r ' hr rrrrror rh s ipso or'»ep h, Irýl - Yhdfosrhrthrt".Y-. f I h, III, r' Brh,' r'»enrrrr', rfho ho"' ,"rt'krrg - orrh rrr o rf 'Le A o' la, 'lh-rhhr jArr, :Of lhorr'lre rr Prr"A "r~~~a rc..,rrorhgj ran abeok', anod cr- .h a h,'Ii-o Srpresobcr ti o rs s itfi y rr fht fr- ho, Ir"' rth urr.rr1 y a L"i < f -r ' rf rhrrr' d Il tIIl,rrlrsrrrrrr f o itt ige ýýfIdin'r"'I ,I, rtInd 'a l -- ro, fr ' ' r rrrI r' rr"rrr 1'fr'r 1' r. "'r1. ' r he lorr"' , t-IronsrrIci, rrf tr, II,ltII " 'lk r 'r '[r h r:"i g "t-" roi pr ror tler ,srIfo r r r' "and'Ihi a, "'r!le"rgrr rhoo,%rr,,,'rfrr'rfofrrrrr' ilrr.Irrrfrrko', r, rin'kr'rl - .Der'11r" tr.r ' A CHEhIJ dL TRJICK<. f'r't-:r"'r Id,"t' t-11 »' a rrrr1rof'rr"rIr pur r I a.rrf -., rl,:,' 4:1r r o l'rilr 'r'br A TORONTO MAN TRIES l'J1 11; IT'r ).i' f: ELLh1AJiE A I-rf' r' r "'r" rr ',,' r hi ! ' Jr " " rr'rr rrgh, !l-ir rrorpAofI r r r M1.-o'elro eo rb, Tbr'or0b Rs,t,rg Us'», horn M onrr'»! odor, o' J 'r f-î _hn.!o ohJh o to Iltdrr irpi rtroh ilr toIrcorhirog r r> r» , drlOrrh Idrt- bof or'» ,rho ',o .' ,, Ilrhor- ,Il ro I . r'trnr h- hlr f rrrrrrA 'if Lt hr Jo ihi o rr"rolr r»'» 1Ar ."s i rrhrIing' Irr, gitrr'»Ilorir,,nd 1r - " Jr d 'îtbot o r- .I h l n .roAorh drr.- rrn r. ' I'l"tir.r I i , h cI r0 i t , rAr r r r ro piri'1 1rt r Il -ir t' oA nc ,,-, . hnd »1 r-rl i Or hrrer, s iorc sO! r r ' ro- ho rohroh Iri o.rA ' irhr,,o' 11hi h I rie r ot ll, I n IIu.r, fi.irrrOt stlgeu , rr t I ldJ! nIr, 1' ' f.o'rrri -ýr I- ilrrrh, f0 hr rhIll u- il r the r irc i .,Or 11>o Ilr 'OAoh r r ' r I.. 1 trd'ILrrrrArh- ? -rrrrtr' \O'ht eoh'dOro rod'r tl, rt-r fot h hrr on rlt i rrîho, y i,. J,'d ors n. gt lu .'IrIItr A ,h:firii , ,rirr r, r ri1ir h rr r! o y 1rorO trO.rii ootr1rr'r'rl stirrhrr'r or "ni' r h r h . J' r. o r rr r n t » t -t rla t tOo. rlI Ir.s rt g n o r.rg I .'rt-A r. i A ' f r r r r r 'r r ' i lr r l Or.c inoi'theot-a'rou . fth,-ti'rirrhiA , rrLrIrr.tOfIla.r0rri n, hrrr- ib Lrei o torfror o tsta r r ,doi rr rrI r»'rI."of lr,orr 'o fr JnA ithe f t- t ite ,1rrrrr rI , oogr S-r-r'r ,'- r,o oulu19 i r, r .trrr', hrc 0 Li A iotbdrr 1 r1c OOorr it-' r r -Ct u" rirrdfhhr i i ' ~rrrrrr»rt r,.'rAi ilrrrc,..rr'r' ,'o-,orh'ru ci! rr AZr!u' 'rsf r 1~ri. , r r r' rrr f i ,i . terr I ursi i '-recny ico affr.tto ii!'d hoke ro IIu oO rrrt trohif r' Jr IrJr r I lleJr ,rooh i ou01 lesi "» r ' hfr rr grc sotIho, t-l r ,d 'r.»Af A r lire JdLrh 1ir.rrrrL.rrrnrho. ror'i.".rt-..'rtroborsrrrhel o lacl ph! hi,,ii Thha Drhiirr C o ntro'rla n tto- fo h i.tffOl ti ii f>Irho hfi! oo r.n yen A oodNs11 o,s ot osI, h liedg Brcto i' ILIW!o-"Ilo't \\ooloa, H tor un for uwihro> r , eae oofc h rmo sortOcOo Pf uts stirr',cioseo [D ftcr- Ifs.LIRII a en anuae c.ihreofrr n e r' i r'tt.' ht-n rrrorartoi £ ICo . st a ae for the ar rous eionorh'r'»or.O.!hooyihton s roc tt 'PtlEBTAl-OOi;t -odoosyNittWs,'sverc -ti'»i Teeses cs S it U fstors.ino, Arost 000and0f r h '»o ben '.oIioaosrct- tri' off t,' hon'But I hn _ I Io.f I e lt l r- * f Tos at sisl s itU -i fg..loklog girls, ocd hltlO' to.Whtherr it sUsthe srsoObsih or5SCýel 1 "rh îb.rU Toroîsto Stock sças '".~5 KiDU5hi910AigNE>153oU505A.o.hi toPo am»'~ m s oedry les st se S nd'soe yaMsflo.Y1'UC'. 50, siso'U'o'»o'S' r r o ge wentoo O ousr t t.fls ' ' i ls 522pud oIjèBtlr. froittol, ' 55 ' o' sxosOTact nid atout ai snotmioalli iSi est hoLand yoslet<s'lfU5 ieMress0stPUî*tlottt.ldQ-u E '0F ONE P l its a I rsm'eosiroood Brldgot. The 'soll o fV5 n foh- girl sross o slrduo'soîdano r s a-, o burt 0c ù OnWtfotfr lo srll la0 5trtue fer Ife rgainittet s0o ts'f e d os','? OdOilis l? fo the Social excellence~ Snteos lor. 'TIse'othor girls it tihe *ilosg and sa'» Wtiq acdoes,,'f i odn hU UUO oo e lIogoraio be u es a q e._ I 0r»Ilsos'U5 doohOt ai tolts'ows" Pin;oirousUs aapaot, troUieateO by the tlshrosi !r and eb nt re kapecial I o rrives.totrso. T o, m o th u t o oraytosissoohGoa, st ise wrior flu lortrl'o'thes Postrln s ta d telpe. lOl ir o u t so thUe oll U o UYpot i's ooog ooad stroogtoeDO C;ri- 1 - - -C rep n a c F.t sa ter ood retot-to ti oi lor osoteloo an" secore t tousal i .. o me tisU oris Offices- e he SI inoto lo.roian s o tasthé oowoes o! 1lfr, 72 ING ST. WEST, T R Olos gro wrs o l'» bosse tere ulln aisOs sOos Oc» luin spnoripeteto, tise homrà nue - r tetsfss hal llstg oand sInch- prorcu11Ioi t o! rter, lîglot tuS noi, tiQSoS 5 0 l tir trOtrss liso o! orthc men5 e o'oo- tcpltsslodorts ns-tot» turcs groot physîrrl fûts. rir oi' a Oaln tsihe o-bat. Il osr050-o do eIte»' ooill, eio terot -oit tsohfor the enrs cfloso t h. otb d'" eroexstecel os s SilssMgyeroso r o iro tOe r o»-lod Brooget 5vaspsrt- ,"' natabrggOOloth y fvrpi rotoolecin r uis- ano-hr rchoo -. o o»'t ston1 -ad.,'# r. para foteIte gîgostilo cane rosersic d»t e o u'tier r lotialyt h o or '»tlssachrnescrtono o 000ororird f?,0trrrOortY.fI- po? ff' d <'rsvp lsaortfris oro utûéo dsbror!'l D ISCOURA E grrI lss ohoo t titot aostt000 0e. ' ',» U yolir!?ttO tro , Aeber tBalle ro s »O»0o-to o, .rh of o eorol' soltudes, osofroroflcu1gLTE WO TH LIIN ri ' lo Ilelge ilwsaco.tIsortse00 xirrods tthewlzs, sitti I0501 OR ' » 000 hoC ,rr dg,,,r o mi ' hall Ilo»r otot r'rr» l rîbf pooi flrrr poto fo rido r te Ils he o d vt o'rt re, lnto ,0ý hugged. Il Il a horgofftotOOa uher oooo-it Nbatre ar so eblo loy oto oso- oter rOcolooolrs odBd,'sur n rdjei h e.,foo pr 0 t 0 A Cure 'Pht Cr000Wort- r pnteoozoneorshlathe Moot»fosly t-sC 'tar al- IleT"», 'rr'Ie. . c. r 'POcodo ot rooftoo thloithOe bock b0 dhslbotOOt o! al sogrînhfe blemit'aond it oorhtrtîîo di orh s'arordorth ho' opoglOoooOXsotlautonOcctheOtYpo ofOurhflitoandthe[O'b-lo.oodr,, d m d ,.,n-hI fhi. IlquitrtfyosdcteikobrUacbssgoadhs« eOIlmO f!itoro it'. Lylssglait1he ve1,-,, Ir ohi ," A '" ' ft hi,' oroohtt' ot o di to oftefml ns r U bi Ju ng he utrcp ad I.,h roor - od- orhie ,,oa drooditopainsodoo,»h ilOtU o! ofay, ot-otroelo' hghor hro r'. ! t udOrI I :v mI tha - fcotinue fnt!tiO he V PO»cause oOrtso- p'vara 0b ,feOorrOO Lydro b. Otihom's VOgtgohoh oin n nelieroSaouemit, c rmirorrrr..od 0ror, , 'ea- n oîyooeffetirùmt't-dy in Huhtcase. Ilht'rocohmetiosre o g sooohrt-rrNe r rrrr rr r.rhrhrtO o- 5dtf o'» rrito'ottnd i sheo Ille h]f orl er fi sod-d oandfrlorfge I î,or0.r'rrorr.'rrt1roh . 'letîo- 00 i1ýdo res ,àIlIarorganetand kio rhls'dlgoftorth-oot ohhirA r»'rroro-h otr roohoboihgr'100 o-ootrtr-drorrotrrrrr eu ' -, otiftr OoOhr orrr 'rr'd ,Ar . blk t - rdobho»,oA ,riyoOr-ortoinir'»o t-ry Othofofrtitbasrmdtor dthc rtrof- ,oor tlm? Hosyare rd ,0o Lo în,rrrr , iAiJr IlLO r»,,grrot - rrrthloi raoirrr dety ikhv o s oror,' o tioo Inantro-resI lle. ttto,'roEADrorrh 'ot t i fo r. ON L p_ a t, e, o, 000 1IlOOidam atrorthkod.tnoo to r »oot- othloo- , .d r b , ', rf I rohrrro rrrdrh'k-trrdoryt»rr "roito.rirrroorric rb orson, r .holt',rloooOost'idTr,'rr enhrr ho11 ' Jrr h Il ho l ot.'amolIhite rrof"» ý ' of-y l ,O'r " ras lafiler.i ' ofiroftatueO todr r ,, o t- to d-r f o. or , 000 ON U rrA 'ih J briJr ,,rdrhbr'ot-l Lvti»ho o,, »' ori rr rr» r it- etrontanttObrdc toldof @'rr '»,r'r'rr tosÂoLChargeY.UO0»50CUR N oU,- r' r" .i,,,.Irood i.rr. 'f.rr,. i r4Y orlh, O,, frrrr, uod _ forot o it-terutsof'rr'r,u IIro w W.--" Fhoo1 de fr»l.-' orrA1rgrrr iiie',1 e.fIl-irliio oor-iflot hboofoo!se'itrot ikerudral o C orIlMDîc1» g ansv.adSsîyS Iu ' ll r r r k f r'r nt h i , , f i r d 'o L y inbi t t t r t o l o t eto g r o h io irr t- r r r, i r f ,' y t,3h, I'ii-i l ou MII frourotsr &I o't harets ris, ho rs oo hrrif but,' OJA r/h11r)irr fr>rtgrirolti» ct-otrt, oh!r tt t, '»rfoct' o Lo . p-sfrr ivcr en il IrIfor gr as t t0rtl o- g eid y te R -Y. ESTAT , aIN eS , onÂic o - !i lue »ir,frr'ranr a lneu O htsrorld ite,' t tr s 1,'cia A e ndSebyS. 1 r fG1,OOD E-0*501 ' 1"hls s ýOS4 Intodttth h m r ro gi ortcs o ta adhr irr or c sO0teoore iurJrrrry ea I IS 1 MI A "0f , o, hn rt-.... o th,' o! fot e to stg waoct Ileriu-o ts'h yrorî - td(rciig rfio g dc,' o! dtrrt, cibtl ho i s u tur- VANe"W ho.Ilboirro.1,t-o pr'tsoowugor' coteemetihr siopto ord areofdsfog giototep5r'5 rrrnRALfooorr,r Mr'o INESrhr t'ouO fo"II ý b tLr wih lj gfle a l e v ns i steusIIe ci ut N rr O A ' rr r L I rrI o r r'» lot- oi ?l n o fd t h eo o rfr î i ho is t r 'y, ro rrotorer irr R M o'rhrrr R ANCHES, tgo t tto oroo rî y dtotroir o the'ghrrtints en. h,'ti, t h e l îltB ro»ou rOt o ho' fOot- '»rsit. tb t o ot ttrs o 'vo r oosf hcogrooic-cah', ~ hc O ofoi rfrooer or dyse t h,'pmretht t InInXac-~so S n S. P . BPCA n d ON i con __ Wh _,_ie let usc __y our usI ta' ets trlotiioo, botdicfi tchrale fil r.orr t r or irrcioti, ' OC Ls L S A "orohau lottltril ' o s ho s oso ief b Ame Inveýt- Sud gtnthoebotit~orofo'rctr d W'l g _i'V a',a Nd'ejug te o tîof ie ndro tiherttisr hoImm orM ns La ie a i isre,'F ,.ý ý' I Ilt ' or iens bokb te bok igi" ber e Itan agrsioo Br fts r orom h eo ir loovote At sor rre flf'i»rA ,."»r l0'g ttsdogtslr andtfie'lttr' bfidesoli E X P E R E N C E r o rrrr.r s h e r ev it sgio ot c'» fooffian d w rtu igi lao p p oir a i HitaU Cf h hheae.nfeiLTE'r r» thotlroo't thd hodefotwllh M n' o k ng S i o"'» NTOIVI'» liasHNNAH MOR, utwbE. f u0itlOn pie»ceni rs rolirire. t atre'tir ho'of Bo s Sh es l tsof t ei 331'mi ý_Bc LCAD S GrftfsLNUSERIES 'eus tUeo'».ithe U sneswr7 rosUUa re sr-e gl y u h' rd 'P,'soo oso Ar'rrorrr'»r»r f»'» r»rr' r anceH r rs Mort l ho ot Fr02 OostiosoU i.rh-rmoreo h..,rrro goSimaotheiorlrA 1r4tha Corotor t, oorf'».rWA hNr-',rE-ro) 'A r ose t otsruitas urfor'r aticr. th' lei'seîaesû ndiwsst f Terenti 60 YER91 nt rm A f Jr'MIL ON -dor.- hrr fogan*ythsoul r hot r etht- i l or o!a CIPRECEsnl erfm o', Ar oruteo V I 'r»' tîlî%eoorto,» HPIR, Hîr,NAiI-h'EIT îAr. iterorlottoorgbofod Itf"1 r'» t .,r.irrrtotrrrorror.u.sro &ItuatW0 LI N Qth d Ot oo g r sf'o , ' tt, s h MUNN *Ž»~e;nrt~:uauewYorkZ-, et Sta. of oon, tinGoucestersbire, the best se_________ ol ' u ' l -O 'Pd»2-1 GN1 '. A iO'1 » be ~ 'rt rr t-,'sfic o rd faf hco 1 oh or»obot thenhbo ro7tOc rod175 O' doa ftH*AUN.t8%t0tK t Oteqt t*eecr.s*TIFittetteee s efir e0'»foOiterry , 'ttbfot-scSho! oer tbnrsetvlyte n e ",a f ag, aspupis. Te sc.,4 H ~ ~~~TRNO ONrrdfg"bt, rîbri.o ufTARIO. n. etccrfr r!Or Seeke rs'l 6riIf'lofii 'r Oîi'iOlhrlacetf'fohatUhrIoco l~I~y, ~ Rcoîî * ,uBroioirr i» sa'r Ar'» ro irrobor ~, 'tîorrriîîîc oloîr hico' rr.'i(lrrlyirold0fe r h ri , r' fIl-d rri *o; r,, lic, Sb tA- - - - - -, ttm e t edsfIr igOt'r'ro ,r- , r ue o le rr rf USCOCs>êctt0 -sopot'st.tit..or....t.. .'y t-nr,'ddrr'g ___________________Suites, __________ 'tOf nonalOrtt'r-rrx rrrr bo clfoos t.r'a»oiogrirî,oirrrfu'ot,'rroi Poles OileothsLinoliiiiirtooitta B lot btt - orIotcl ]i ig rO,'oim fils() o her lileS. . r'»o ts c r ho ' T to' HI p osif olc - ) tiotsIN A SIEC AU fro bc oot o t o ' t h es f ioiotNot ooo ouoo Co k0ad Ba scrrho'O c rdralle' O oiortoli oN A E P U or e feor Oteo-t-d tsd gileros o o i nt.îr Pla-red tht same totsroettb c Itig Turr lo ffehcr tion or e roo cuatt, ott, haveg for skic Min ot a, N. o rt otM nio a Therend Jo s u nSeef r- -tor h oIltsoo- b caa tsro ariicoroonasn tn ad ttn ri protsiiosOt-nd o,' atsotheyCpcrdood NoOt- oth r on eaou 0ra mmc,' to utrhr os to 0 c r e on s olie lftr i s terfoore'andha th o n -.od-. r o o-oiliomTho sas Nocu se thot yen con bak îu ste eorrn ond oolo on ùie i b tonier cd, ttfso mahe gooo rto' 'spo- ngst oi orofgoo o î - 0otaf ho tnd I ohor o rngaîod iît' top sto ohe som Li e rtho T hSpD I ng n orthe Bo l p bob o e lo' '»t b sor ot s 0cb r. lots' od st oo TosoIsesrito othor aod r rag bi SrJene tOoh ous tohocq t a nrrir anssrtiboo lpoo rd Bo ynco oioh nqaîywoi otheoheae sloso tt. G00oWeîo etstsfotuat o eouoo odoabeasess es lo osc Clroc,',' net-otrofrooIvthtet osiand- SIeotofl rheutralndPai feGa Muayt I m sude t stp ehî moo postie rio nr eso !pct ,' i t>Mr. orereg nexeln ppuiytoscr conîrt o u a bk n h ve n Co nth oIitinu tfeo ber nuta, 19 Os ict r ntse ds arenoilaorge,' Ifo enp o te ookngoU oorhosehîd enFr ber a ou>- T,'o A M aeCeraibadan he i si endisr»itÉ co haprc saie Lexo y wiho t o ile on r he Bt t»soro 's 500'ooo oota ma ri. o iro ortu eadsu re4 lop. Tck s l'ofi other. a~~~~~~O'inr oois sonsubsetoOioeceff,'sigg ibrl tooerpr B tyucrdobt qal ela th a oto o tr o s oto ! r is,,'abc "0 P,' f's bon 8'»bon the itdyssp"ecfo,' toonotssssno w arted tincalgbot..G e net nrie ts McCIayk Pador esaodr cotrition l050r Renda l tMsudrth ipet M oiie M7z;:0 trv o rtSldltr St pgss'» rn acfit» bf Wtd heCok n ntpegur Vsiscd ouer, o> unsSfthPslloiandeMintnsapolisn th St John iui B Haeltoncr00 c5at thism as oUvrSoi tyie»ida r e, ' thoiot o%è 7ot1 ropas a -M 0ead e LOC AL - flion tr _ O Rý tirý Nr cd 'r ,' ient. r.a fr0h ýp r a'» 4 "t tin h tro 'grof todAdvt.-tr Ashore aii' ROD AND s 346o isfzii- - . N L - j h v-o;» I/y0 'o il' .~ itrorj 'ni j -'.4 %0o~ ;; - l' . Ilr - f-A ,