Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1906, p. 3

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rClose§ I TOI 30 pin. I V ~ - s' tlailnenFRI~ e es , t.iBRANDON O P' t!EAD rCU p ad ii ) ao pen ., t it and G P ni Saltetta --11 t.I, j5,3le ta . C . n itVaa S- C.Pn~5, PandnnaîN i x tnth,0> .5 tanny n, Agent,amit, mltonl Marbýe anîd 1Graniite .worko i. ttna tînelas enga M 1i ETON 1 ii i i linW,1 PO t i t b~ annaenaeto Ffit i Yj oca l 1 padtl1 tA i.th j Ifoot l.lý, Il.. »..pbuttîr Athe teeth ia an important duty, eloked. Royal Tooth Paste i aeilyprepard alter the formula of an em- a pecalist and is an adeal preparation p" presrvatiol, of the teeth. Itseta tebreath, prevents decay,jbard- ei iegunwhitns the teeth and givesto the ilflt nivgoat ng feeling of fresh cleanliness. Prc 25c. a -Tube. loOIr BRUSHrS, i vaiue at 5, 10, 15, 20 ad2e gRESSINO COMBES, peci ai at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35c. WHISKS, We avtheti t 10, 15, 25,. 35 50c. IR BRUSHES, eil valueslOc. up to $300. C[O H O RUSNES, a 5,2'!-), cup. TI I I IGGINBOTIIANI'S, YOfIASVE N-EY Y0t1i TRiDE 18 tPPISEtÀATED. Higginbothaim & FieId IRIi 811111MILTtON. T'he Metr-opolitan Banîk.. lo' ai 1).. . . Ii CORS ,eda W. D. ROSS, Gc-riral Managrer. A GENE RAL. BANKINU BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVlNGS BANK DEPAHrTlMlNT. At I! -.î,tny f-a- Ir saaa'ag. I i,r-t alatta t,,ea a I WE SOI ICIT Xii t AACL NI. MILTON FRANCH TV. n. c('1ýirEENTS', Managaer. FLOUR! Lake of the Woods-5 OSES & RIB PAIENT Ogilvie's -F3MILY FIÛfSUIIJLB and GLINOH. Lake Huron- STARS and 3 STAiRS, Gouldie's--PIPLE'S, FAMILY FLOUB \V (Il ilil ne graîlinI cose rincas GROQERS- P. M1. 1cJay's Sons. BAKERS. IPreserve YourEyesight. 1 HAVEAIRANED 'II. TAUBE & SON ý ?taufactiii-ing Optians and EyesghtSpecal tsofToronto TO BEO USTR 4 On May 2lst & 22nd c' l a ndti ronsatît tîteau. 11v t1oicmhv establishedin i Torontob 515ce 1871, and # thriigîtfittinte oer ri00,000 casetstiare been successfuliv' If vool-eies ;t tlttr Vont iam. %v4y, or the gînsses yon tntm are nt contortable, dont neglent this opportün- .1I- flivnig tltein property attended tb.t 1li at aagc thev Ihave over ottiers is the tact that they lt'i Ieir Otan. tenossand bv so doing prevent any errer tl, pi I.îrocess tif LE'NS MAKING. Thliewi Elertrir Opîhalmo-Mýetroseope nord in makinig S ail tiiinatiotît. All tigo rantated. Fon reterences see sanattbllt. J- P. LAWRASON & CC.,, - EO CROgSS MehiS'ITORE.] Mir n Mà ilr.. )Iavlnoof' n'o aau te pli> 0 O O 50LO 0 tO itat>I u Put ona r, prnna a a ý, at ai, The King% eqlatnp As, lie bad[A Oantnd5.at.taeJean . ~owLuxnneOtldt ff myCCtiwtl' rYbrMn i.rV1 or and have 1 Opneanali iv Deaohaeon oms ck i.. mic'H rsý TO -oar taon. nta?.tîn cd~ft .,~n91t n natsnoV~Sa ~ lonsg, thick hir;a roft, evoat OlaOAI5S taehtdo o the Supor- hSr. Bu ftrngo I'nf p Art ne y uan 1 o gn .and s he ofe n anawon t tae hgl. S ve wh r a la gaV l~~nnbetfrSaa r'CassstbO& anayveinM Yilieta nlaeuHartiggoîl n llstopn SeaT bcn&D o elti5 tmA ,dr p, nnd mune orfe c not oMolonnapon a oYaga nLogrha be c ' ,, o lanna t anna rnptane it espngnndeorn ou. Etïrfeda OtIs n-b ut.g SonntRe Cosr ugStreDalMy e escaPofeanimste S ct lnlnahao totnnaa 21st &pstà otparpontsdOrefnoanM non sial naaservenooÉl i" watmitsesioonnn 15 cealnpgtsCie nn ndcent.r ano Mrna bat St aliser fn oreeaitier. e wht Yaon avéo. Ayen KNOXCansan Satn sbas o 3 ferr tab. biSsr.Chnc iasnta tansn asad ttnl, e e nthrg er flu eae ctnnt qua n deeanro9rilno-iap o aine aln. anpad11 a 1n at aa n cnvn laJltdy P r-o a ýet aarnpnngc oth pa nnas h i-b ls Mr. Mackay will pTonnent.NewaYrekored Lppdanto ho oi. TlaniY O.I c thCtio hecut,à netpl-Etr let, int Pnd -ote bcin tor aodghor I a n poan t a t altertea ccit-.Innr aon asi Mngnedrnaa otaroash honnt. fendntannaods ttans totnad _____ of________________ t andpero'cen off oa NeWata Paper c r m e. of T heMatis ea niqua e inolins 3 naaoroeetra et rio vrsxyy ý w pprlonngnosno e Ceoso spnd nplc te n t dapo t Cliea nd tr apnl An tuostoe lehen n d Dong Saooe r adRn l l, , n Ionnntpla con etan t i g BON.c fetn laco el aOat tt sssly ia .D . ana t on taton toa tans n n a 1mt. ninteSte. a ulp nat nn s t :011r a so aju irtel a mfa aan cls en nnndtae ca1 a ot r ngr the-o uai Ms. W S hthsii s4ta tntes nalo o anat an oton. oaaomobnta n ' entWensdy cntg n Fomra Bna.dogatt tists on n saate t Oltnn, pn aeoa a taa cn aan lac fnatnsctag noracpa traena lan Tn. iE.HU IZOA Hotu,.,55i J .4 aynse aant m J P.Ontse, nf Tn rnntn Jnn d éea e -a so Moaan s ifprscpm CtrJne A tneaO lnnt n. TItot. trnso ejate M . . . andta s udyinM nt nat nt la-theendClub tlennsnet onmts n aaetJyn agitr a h Dfpaperosh n tr9 es -M t e. C rossaeln enr Miln.ton nt ant anes'Cubtn o f atOtto e on rela ie titr s h eoî-t ,nt5 o tlnsi DrStore.ti o0't oiann"Mr pntotaeenaatnnnMsas mnd AGENTn toTEnTe inas nofthntg nh coaCto tietRo CasEAlatsg on a ltn a r t de . lot ofannat a it t h pfnnm rt .t cn gtnna tts-Étauya tesrouaate.ni T ler , Ch m InEýueit . n t00'il sn~nd. tnneni s lan tosito. Ho on a no-apitniMGn.anMs Lon on On t ar lo.cmattno.bbt _______ Wb T.d nhe&ck Oak i trai 3teT D J1H, a f a milronoand fn tw altnFamnenann' SaaW.S.nCC.snaaio 8yand yan tt a or a mnichnon t ldr ntend t0 t cacme o e b osticdabt la peid ttan a ugLITIE PCETPYS 24t ist wtha g etO a,, ato oblenextWnn5 ooa aC on si tnhte fnnnngossusank.rn 3 Meiss' c npenend Catio s Oai ons- ntai Victria Da a nttecubI s . Tae alonas p bat ont thp ne T ne- nhla satE ntitniat MimatRd ss Ding linhean Mat CcnP.narrrnn-ofT orotnnt.ws iett e nio igontbail tan r e or t oftheJye A lnry o h 4hi TS tr ais Etttnt vlCatutor Rny. n o hs. Ta. ofAnaineno Can wrty nC t nta n sOnna s on ilta intsttheP, el- t Paneltnc n. uýdy fille es de ce, " he Wçodlan iaMe- Aat inmoseprie an at h om n howeî nanl a fto lan s te b s n s arsofh e MayTh oa'tai Emba b ur y,%bet o o b CotingntIasnd a lto ho-toit t p rant hai n t alrnS relyo ergtw. " -aorUqhr Io oonsto, îHraîîeî at i htîhortintao Oalsîti Ta e&n tteîndte nmasa ighn e elîtandsnt rauian ehfog fthe arnr' ik fCaaa omonnaynîs tnntaîo . M.nti n ma eantsacrqnn8he.nani t asprbab et t -thane poîmoer physmiaInhaletr oot il îbN t alios t by r aiRt'CrosnoontSoreeayilgatLonytobetotdy b tpt fnte coStie2n d.I'at1.îC-TOaMMSe T&STaEDh e S a ToetansviStan illa Cunnninentam Th Sirsas ha CuniforRe-snsdte C. L.n n e o enai o u, asofThe cipitalastocaelisoneomitrion1dollari toldsewl iot Regi, , heAndsn poatyate bnnk.Okil. fwic 9o asrqnnn He bed Tist aîes oh lavebntIoaat nai aw tu rovid was onimited fr tril on he chige ad subcripties etccoongpotaissaHytanItitai the tnhalr ete co nt N O roos e wTnna . ater o t ntot a n. oteinfn ley raihe fla r etonnai a teO ocoa k inve o s wtnh e e ai o titî"The it t nIhe tlie aann ansîrlair llot Ns campos y br cstnadpeuennate acurutue Chambernllaeifle orpuse t ar ieo ,. IAppîr ntîa t R. M. gtansd ilanmenttheSeianas te soit ati ta h sano' shnît h a ht Ébtîilt e Carisent. Bell& Mi~mean. Isa tcheai ay. ont Ptiai t 15thosexlortt ed forentisix5emig tttt Moy notai.s ben conecghd, iemonu 1yrnattfi cdsoey f omi LFc Li s W N E . T e ,t ý '1 h vnnnntce îgt tannssentch onque s HeW A S C RESA in tt e nt-ty st at ltt r ct u[-. tborn ils, iibt lnbgo it leet taai plyalateaîtntbn adehtie stne nai r sid Pmama ad '0 'dtt ne ntn i leît9. -ua tiaHara on TlîtsahJni tt.tRe-,t nflueStnc eaheie ss uedtîgs te nir t.aî'h inst. î ftb ,.T helît îrisa renut nt edf O opa ny.'oes chea li Sone an lade olmec nte C abain's bo.agkItblîaîtt.ohllo ithittetttf n rae av pl o Lcu.R.M.goud st e a teooe potof - are lio n vaatbesule i..tt Che nt bn n uenlas s abdîntais Harda-. EL ghRe ey arorý Iamatbnt.în.tntn.oftbn tntn ffciig.l'olb Mna, poattpoen.Uaint The tatarofnyst ns ai ortan Crmetofy D î.. i ac ot te witnr of CAandaESo BadnboîtA g iet. aab anAfor lne oto er annrc saio ye SU ALUWOY U RESai f~ic til orke lt -*iciaiht tod thbsates o f bis ank ai ve betensold îroulnae R et.M. Sailce cea. TbSt trm a nt tad pR IASTL r h ic. in d- O r i n. astiul rfotrt gara i toi.a Triosaa Tbrnt rto st oTauten& alan anie ars etoloStore Catàait.,ti.bi yt ii., l it e t.aalnti 1 i tertn, nittÉbe aa i lan a ]touaenMaistai Sp aln. i. n laatlg. c SR W nbr atsla tnlacett tt pteo, itîi ho Tobfirettt nt ott s t s aiîtsoîeo.-mît I. HWilso as aîy Can tetayi ttnntetîohttoToronto o.b5. e îtoo aým t tnîîdta..îîtîga hnistbnandîaalis nd.rsttOn.to.d tit u saoattnt he fynaegina a. Atnnndltcpon tr.-t t nîo.aoofHrisî1etlya Admînsîno. atats ose. heît etc. ndgrtaarn oanteaatr amesS.nair dy.TIV Lv CO PtII tL . dtti'," a tte t ttanaiti atetta Tassu asa ihabl 5r ctbt.basait eia natîaayn asair. ta t nnoey RaonmDmaitoeat î îtî nortttîlgr t hett -,i ofîVtit Senareas o a ai,ît n tn ct ondnao.ianaoîd tti nolî li,ittoîitbbt.I nosttn h lactentaa t todîa tikuay. ntegnserie etilîgai tebX theos SUPE I PRtUR it, . MLES ttin tltsrat.e T hltti it cs.ae r pottheato t S o nct ît tenI beitor.0 e . T.o. Ita n Tocnaag oT aMýý .e P AE. ttLt iîttt Othe 01 i v. te t Cnono.', Picartnpas ThneCaeym3oace cern t heV a n ite OtrtianseMinctintotîna gonosa n glAltît t 1 ,N.to L it t1nllîrti Oaltiilhl onîtiat basgaillbautoth Ost ta niet în an alan C hair . Atetfheh.aaîa . EEsa RiOlttsî Sn 31. Otal int, au __g- _ai _______________ her Sbhoînp. ThntasanpeenaînatocrînM a inT e alargenn t t ane ofshoo th-oe ________te ___reovdby - h.1 l nlainti, T ere rain genn os ihyotn n of ta gt r.t Hardno n dîte s fA mitt caedt eg 05 o i tiS e o nlanaiaben ieto. ml-apronu n at ue bin og. O n e ect and ntrusctivet la lto S n S.înabo tt Mas Onla hîmN t- Auot RFId) CRI lSd DRoSlIf, artoiinH. C tiI o f . Adtitoisiay diat te.,Chit tbt bot Rtglantsangnand nd Ms A tg oinan YC N A . delr twiib owrdd al io 'T r Nerthoteitî thenaindt. iasn tt IoCanrsae. THenîagae Eggmn aaet oki vu oýacpad nrcit fpiu r pîncîlaot ne i as thent. t e aaty apptboe iaahomeiflayait ottoonf- t attas wil T. BoothsC-ons aptabortothe 'ui'd.nT so um it t lo pons ii n teumBit t ster enn. tac T hu e Vic aeah re sd n , M s Saif c on g r nt e . A - N .V Tbceny T hpotin o npentairîconceto ndavtonleecie hotpo inthOnathe p'y. m ver t. t, eea Ototin b is M ilesoa ndMis O TblecnaslayipuMtabl eo tnfrt KnaneygasnbhondtMs Alnr m U tlans nabou selat51yrts Ib eba tyatoînn ntall ouse urnisl Mngs The msntbasunneetinof the W5oins sp ekrte the niOobttt. T e R r oInty iuew lbp ton te. hm tet Miat tyHanîa eathena eat he A Ilaissinbo H oi. i ton e s s . a nd. ni ng fty e ami a aymnn h Thas reprt ofîn th 'ety as t orkîpe tn G retWAM Nts . -erHt abe, bîvnnbnnficît ,o.b Mrsa. . R. meBJe te ntoowot th ya i)5 n io i 5.Hltnt etieAtmof akillstoreH a dw are Stor laaforaesfing, aIle aisthttinnia. b t ntlnn 5bt meot. nt e ctît thepptovnceosaiTh xe le t oab mniy tlo e sn a d an detatital o prou S e ttos W r, Itprn xod Sn 0 S abîtatm sticstdof iistomntsott n los cis tyn b eghta. Ir n S'a h. il httpantnaîcraions Th lotonng i Ciocmltya nwatitcoi At tnfrtials G leîzd .n eoas .îgs tncs DiPw rrî do, Sbans iO iRe a btttc a ste,,] afoe înngns nrani t See ain IbMe b ea ooi g a A Si i g lin aa ta ttle .its baersad raint M m ct a teaner îg aiAton w M eDnt i anai snnsontai InMsco aTt e se M rpe prs. S. R voi s lntnaog n A nilaetna but Cthe ak Deon to menr.sintg , ttnsitencrbdta in- thi t arnnn s t atoit l C n H es o find Danh thesM ts g ndnhoa Anit Os, tbahyc Contr allm ant l n oet nanî rn hetionW r, lprilO f I t., Mhiss te.' titano naiis0 Oat uofn. s .oaai gat inaignena tnttzn tait XVach Egh ageF rnc pet r s e et o the ensorn e ar itoso f t teDotîntDiv i ai anrt rre an o d c ie ,& I-on PW ipeg ad U'taaaaao sut at ritnn, M e taper.)l oetsn on; w.amsa ecase. Bej at m ntingtc'k-, tIRofr;noîand i r Paian E anleans giosesdn, ,. Ge. A dr n sa dA llîan sa i g StsîCld anaso n tb wn.rn ao'yrattgi enpsnanoa tt S.ît . h pon O i P otin er M for wlai non namotofaainE aneinai thot Sott.aastt Dntn &ba es ioimernadntulahot11n04 Vlansoe MiaRr. ai rn a n dtî ite. ona & 5oandl omn heia me ntiforde.full., W RITHER ch ilE I N tCK IL ET I taad nen t-,. nt heo sanMeMîel ing t h~ ende- 85pernst yo e ns afil e Mart. lten aihnheisauMD nîtia alansan F l? OiOn-IS ' LE nat eapa taatai rrtfi ing grassesg ai rati an t'îttaroaiyntseMkn rna hntlaenrs ite i Ïld W e lP L pilaI anv oeme. n r i tt o nartheruyaaannn esnyvlnin aain*teana. Ntdn ejurn te IiA n xpneîo nkt troampidtsatos a saiaon t aioy & ont aita tHen o t oat n ow Dmg a e o-oeta n Panuia tr ie Fb I L10Liadute o 22.d.ond n. Mottoasala în, tOCa na natlonnai samn kEan. tlae oltiponla iMosa r ne,-otaala ndtbis heittla nas n hetaicou vsr- on ORcon Uitu tpu OR r ret1tneTttMADE et the e eý santnt a ofngneoatm ns t ofNorok Tbnnassoaian annngonai if nnnnns Ree Taertdateasanemauent ne.* 1 lewsapr. nd elght i maingilvis e M ilnag. n db if sonre an th c aitpionlantninet tost str ets. t' latumn ta nt.scatottonCrossau t r e n m r h nlite-nbn nd P p itigt m ueY I anosytanrniMooae. to itbh orait y e 2bcSip& osi th drietrog bune s i nessaend iet n acmnboThtrai hrn l ttn ftheW .S. O rtr ooOta oeaecs. ýeh v hi, d hsnet,Cthe sttlietiik ngn thn CeMnm-fthbe tds . .Cloment edo Vs o t r SI u p i y u e uiein tey iietC"M r. M as nanatlrcstdtnsed. e Wtn. heg anrs e vr en phocnhistang aak sit eît la id o utt. tateenat T ndnfinanses. rnat ie r t; Wttlain th nieate ot e e rsig an nd e ua y wa hoebttitndsone famront a annamo&re Inor, n'abis e-Pmvtw e ifeM ufi hi batlsto oaiam t a n t mn lioe- bersmniatWnnaiS'atan d t F laynontobnMr. Te tnnnar s eeTe. WAc onntînain tni emm nnak sttlarget.and ent re yati On- tismoaep or. ST ay. Mmces. ecdfr t mailenack iscana nal t he s elaitens a nsnon aits. tatîgnidnt. TŽTG basbronla anht tennis acouartsta&c ,ganiosi s P. co-r sn. ,M .J nt aevCer a re itao n aJefýtCnditnie sonWlMt nrgsaasheapresidD XMis nC ctlae .nsaTed t urfnts.nî as nnIey ni e ana talautt-ean. îdenM rs .T t gie.Tn e cemenas n i s he O atmd nmn a-Bennet . S Wodo Miao M.a L.p or ntains. lana able fninane nitagn tt- Laanerio-.,attatS.gi.Jn. oThSuohne raOran tbrate ih pnotna sa t int O e-of n te is .asc on.a nent ni fobnoe lan aufom td ita, ln n A- Soadorguenabeen. aedi ee LAo w ae nyo>m ofnthe ni n anotd n d usttisCnmt n e r . sof tens la c berch srnn hcla n ag e ni T e noofre tit r da y a getin s and the amonen ta naatS.tG.ahenaetlanSin.tGenogt'. heoe hn anA wranianp r' neries buiatheil an. d inor e nilla e m. Banleano'itt Johassist asa Cnntnm aithe inarpotatni aot nawsstd n to- sian tarnen in Gfrathe Clanefin iet aa«- fu l heat yosa have a"uno biie'faon Coirftng ealan Be fa m in e ,tithe, nCm-nnnang.,.Tn teRe. ta. G. WBanks pny bra taid ortsaf lanettt aageo. amatogsnrgttatiks Lansil t pon î h h od ray wne scr Lah berg of o anta ntn t s forp ns ottan. striceia nîthd o e nt inaprtat ne anete o e o o e a n t an m a e os f n n aisn ana tomge papaann aonai n daes instg he b is p nt e ignbnt. n adeineo' i a nd other wiays pos eroaao unra staf lan stntelaaas nr itneresein oon . tBankts inl as itCar nira- lota to etatla o t tmnn Inttt ioanatSrvicy.in'racet nnanaaoaeminne hatflha fyu aea S nhre frae laing n the enofoPs a dnditio n anng. tlaan anas _Thecie . bas ,te c a ien In T o o o e n a e D e 0 h k u o ,b i o atr is patcry a pr fte vl age, tnr.ionadneg ntoly ia nCmn.in oha ed rats. his jua ras ttar s s fuelhaingd thogh et ithn ls crpoat on, an ningOontance t inos nsd e as e t aiertbeoierae l , ue Aconbi lrgr oultin t a enoureainOin CTheio C faNna.mgra' « downes i a ny heing 0151ver ont11e furnae tha ofbe isertwn o ilagsinH atn.3a li na.. t. sa'sPfr nfrain00 tIeod nea akr ty lit e exectd tht te aditin Mi pn.. &Snd GacT e ome M tton. l' ps tae oe h oprainbfoeln. t ilSsw s epee. bu .P.tleann n aY T o kesare mos t akt hye nbeav , rp ing nar- l BNKN SOTAN, ,betwd nÉi sSndaaingdoSan FiftSdi. oaidgae.Ti ut cisteýo1 fsai laies.adSt mpatteitlo ont no to.hen vryvc doBo <olg ooe hatt if, xManaon t esdawelT h l et i albesdsbigcse ntefraet A teý orn ad...n......fn0.t0c.M." t uen ltrmnde. 3uoklet faon.ke stle I nen B4N mmmSOTHID, bjd atle steocla of thae dofento i r vr-vp ýhiýh1- 16 tk.dthý 1Tdri or aya.ya nditlt y.'an.Ono a na rmoa GIRAND DISPLAY 0F.. ;SUMMerkDe: P -,Theanewoanper nno nnrnot vP'als thoreare to be fount here *rO &Yta dabday. Conte and no' i. n evory departntat nt wre neyere t 'yaour neelds. 't' Shirts W Etf.' E ail the lt st styles taks lstre, rttoaaa&ct q.Pracasesa om50e. te i'Sm oaar gmreatange tin haotita t sy q.' ni1.25, 1.50, t.75' " Ladies' Whi fl Lottes',XWhite Gons ....... Ladies'Wbite Satmas _........... Ladins' WhinteDaonn.o........ Lotie' 1Wlaite Cnrset Concri. Lnadies' Wh!ite Aptnns iy Our Wash Go 'i Castnisns bndnuts aipintes oail ifi taomalonWASH STOPPa. W' ne havean immnenseansontmnof SUMMER NO" Wn sho laathenaest inLattas, E gZephyts, Dock, Linea UIfets,ati, Prices s osas S. Anai at 8,nn.,i2,. no7,a ne.2 eo~ We Con Scia Von WASH G000? ià ontincr 1 sthnow Ybthein pattrns, tIiaies' and Ciailniren'n Somac Vesi. init ascv), Corsets, &t., lui O'Our Milliner Tbe extcsste busianss n ibis amp for snntyle, ttistie eelleusnceîan xi 'j eî oet ie anide ont tci, moaî.rtpplar tha Whatabouat penn CARPETS, fliRTAI O> lOt ibn pntansd to avote asne, O>logctnare tthisatigtogonvaaieo. O' j l5litbeetnnkiag ot baî'tng o r O' OStgna anai titer tknsshr. e.l W. BeWSe'éee Q ad VERAIGA liate en l.fetisin'r Itti a nd S MEN'S FURNI W, re mi'oluîî%a ing licol t rngeI' i ot HÂT. oîad CAPS t ia, etonam Noîtinbg iii comparue ,îit o'lin rocl SIltAIRS-ircenuut riteîf the ornect a_1iadrs. Otranutge tarnfroua i a O. li to .(), t i iiaiutties. Wdctan git r.y ilual totu'ytcaiboy. Attotb i l"on .ni tabinzs'tait1 se Itangonds grCnnandddîtonuith s a W.BEWS' SONS. WE IECOMV GOLD SOEAL GOOR'S PRIDE S. FREEMAN Grocers,- -ilectric L'ght - DAY LIGIIT FA'DED. We bite jnst foar the parpone of hetping thone whc aime an haro their photos taben. Cor Wt make a speoialty ovry Satorday nigbt. noiinaf May and Ji E.C. FEIJ ÇGoods.l -malt partoet ata ,iltat %are r toiaag l'self. Ouîr stocks i. ýr ntaae btouitv . 't' auî. rear If 65 toI i. Dept. st dottoulI *ý Otgattti i O. .e i i ii i e, Saue .' lind elpt. i Doý, ii, i ,i, \'I :I ,li Iit- Ih t WAtLt PAPt t?', ' MKE & SON. b De iý. ..l. il stHatQ' LOUF?ý, d an Rînntir t coatîr ni tlis 'i-a ,iglît attlnd oa. 16 Photos for-tane, :RSTONE UI1EÂ

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