dB juge bý 'a biol, TIlsdv, a-,3 LOCAL NEWS. for bi, fil, w Z ,Ir but will, g,ý net wceLý. W. For DRUGS y y ca I'n' 'c' zot ,ut on tru , -ýp,,ial i- - hýi.g -ri, ëfeý Tuesday aller beil., y 9 la oi. Mthodi, L EX days b3 iittack 1 iný-u Th, E., - - 'a, b, ý i jobn or !if Dick 1 Of éOtîOurgý bas - bouglit reetsville -Woolen MiIis,ý brait - wheu afté,.(".n at .1 ý*ch-I, th, I, ill beiý psi on. At thý b,,,Il ou ý,,.hrlsy inee'li-.g f,,r -I nuly, t, d.I they will bc dpened is net known, -, _Pàj 1 Ie dl-ýséd: d6j ili PRICE and QUAL1T'ý7, 11VERY 'XTM-É The Oakviile Fruit Grolvérs, Limited, by thë are about Ild begïn the cýcctiOu Of a Rolo,,t A 0- fwe ý6,ooo packing bouse with a capacity Gf rowto, dic, T 10,000 b Il 'y éverring aftër a morfils' ili lie 'Nas ln lis 40111 benefît ot our knowledge and exerience. The Knox ehurch recital vvill be beld year, waý a son of Re,. Dr., a.,ý,rs vW1 i r On FridaY, MaY 4th. Full particulars Grant, Dow of Orillm, and aýbmLhýr of, utxt week and by posters. Geo. D. Grant. M. P. He vias bore, at Mrs. Ue eýman ls very ilaterdon. ý He was a. active LiLeal ediate te- ence of herý claughter, -1,1i wlid Kidnev U., to e, --d -Soi èu i. "is c.mrty, Gýiv,,e titu Martin-st, aid JE a Il that she cap. ymrked lier 1 e in several electiou we geil 1 , c -2 0 al, Stoulaeh 1 ý, eofreI3ýffàIcI, N. Yý ,troubles. Correct not recover. alppalgus. Edward Oasteý SuiciDý.-Mrs. Frank Ruston, 25, a Bo siour stontach flat- e wasùý brother of 1 of a farmer living five folles front - îlence, l'ýea;ýburn died yesterd*y. w'fe îo, si. Try them. 1 M. Bastedo, Of Milton, a native of Hil: Brampton. committeil suicide un Son- etc. Price 25 & 35c. toný and a véteran of the virer of the re. day by blowing the top off lier ý heail bellion. with a sbotgun. Shé was suffêïià9 froin terri insanity. caused by ifi. KNOX CHIfscH.ýJ I he suhýect for Bab- She bail been watched. She We bath evenin ill be, "The littleness pess, G tý i take to lutte bot herself %vilile lier husband was getý te SYRUP and the greel nwess of man.' Mr. Mac- s _âs -ýs11'III and purify Sell kay will pregch. tinglois ferlai ready te take ber te Cures Oint tbe FOR SALi.-i second hpmd Grain Brampton te consult a physicien. Wr OF best Ho E der yeur route bills for Sund rill and i eFurrow plough RsEm N' Or tirc(l f(ýcIing D cheap lit the coming season ai file Champion Fr' ýi[[s j, and for Storey's HafAware. Office. where you will find a great ver- borne , 1, 1 ýý ork. HYPOPHOSPRITES 75c ýleSsr. Grecnlees B,.s,-are DegOtl- iety of culs. Ed 1-'ox or .5 for $1.00 * ating with fille Grand Trunk Ry fora INSANE -James Springstein, aged bc- tien. Bottle. lumbei yard . on the south aide of flic tween 5u*atid 6o, was brought te jail on M1 Milton station. Satuûday froin lits home in Nassaga- Sund bc RFmOVED.-On Tuesday Lew Srniith. eya cri the base line, about 2 milas Mr ,kkeepuruf the Hedley Shaw Milling front Milton He had a stroke seine God CRGUP- J.,Dis of people iise Co , Thorold. moverl IL \V 1"*Ik, his family and time ago. His mind bas been affecteil Mr w0w G iffiili's Menthol Liiii. household efEects te finit town. ever since and lie bas become violent. l'Oro ment for Croup, and Mrs. Anderson, of Hastings, ber son - He had been running about for sortie say it tilways gives Charles, and her daughter, Miss Jessie, days, bareheaded and- barefooted. He spent Easter Sunday in Milton at the is very uoisy in the jail, He will bc wasl instant relief. borne of her danghter, Mm. S. E. Bran- taken te the asylum as soon as the Miý Our pri ce .... don. necessaryarrangemetits can be made. is vis MAID WANTED-For gencral work. He is a derient, hard-working man, and mi Gond wages pàid. Apýply te Mrs. G. A.. there is a gr2at deul of sympathy for the Girham. Vietýria-st., Mflton. 43-2t him and his wife. town 1 the P:Ii1iU'ý' Celery Coiiil)oillld. Gallovay & Sans shipped a fine lot of BOWLING-The Free Press reports Mk he annual meeting of Acton's bowling Bllrilock Bloüd iiittur.,. caille op Saturday last. Tbey were the t , e E lub and election of officers Mr- Kay. beýt un the Toronto -market. Those c CareS. * ý,i's SarapiTillýi. bought front John Sproat and jas. Mur- Storey kindly allovs the use of lus Th Sarsap,ý,trill:l. ray weighed over à 5oo los each. bowling green.- Milton may liave a 1,,n't pav t- meeting somi te organix, a bowling we re 'Ic.t. U- 1 'Spring ',-5ars.ipirilla. The coundy couticil ofýliVentworth club in connection with the Men',, Club, McK Mr ,1ý tý.,ted -n'l hought a Brantford rond roller last year Negotiatlons have been in progress %vith 'il eniedy Regular 81.iJA and, accordicg tg reports, will send il the town c-tmeil for the sodding and use Hani 75C baçk te the manufacturers, net beirrg of land c-St et Ille power flouse. but it is Suac atirli.ý for ......... satiSfied with il. net likely tbat the terras offered by the Ro VESTRY M£ETIN4.-The annual vestry connuil will bc accepted. They iný of H meeting of Grace Church opemed en volve a heavy outlay. No doobt ar- in M M-day evening. but was adjourned un rangements can be made for a green in Mi tri next Monday evening as the reports another part of the town. Eiuît -ýere not all ready. Tire Brampton Baseball League bas Esqu ?!Aiýi.E SyRup.-Just arrived front the been organized for the serison, with the woods. Guaranteed te bc absolutely follo%ý-ing officers :-Hon. Presidents. [,leu P nie, $1.20 gal .1 3oc. q U art. Bastedo John Smith, M.P.P., Richard Blainý M. th, 1 & C.. P., M. Cup land, Mr, Cliatterson; Presi- ce John L Reid, the wi,11 known horse- dent. J. H. Moore; First Vice-Presi- the man, of Der v West, has sodd bis weil dent, M. G. Chantler; Second Vice- Star. lýr, te W. agý stallion, General Bol- Pre.,ident. G. L. Williams; Secretary- MIL i Shepardson, ci Walter's Treasurer, H. E. Roberts; Umpires, Je Falls, near Owen Sound. Thos. Fletcher and L. Suggitt phere Eiiqi A dczen Milton young people accom- are six tennis in the leigue-Et'obicoke. m H panied by rs. . J. Wilson, as cbaper- town team, Canada Shoe Co., Williams G, Shoe Co Copelund-Chatterson Press tOwr one, and Mr. Wilson, attended an assem. Romp, ëopeland-Chattei son Master ber( bly ai Georgetown on Tuesday eýening. 11-liani., m They report il te have been a grvat suc- Wha is a ' Poster Show? " il is au spen The M etropolitan . B ank. ýcNeýws came te Milton last Monday of extribitticur of Fancy Advertiaing, fi ls as il be death of one of the MýMurclly a Sale of Gouds. Evelything new and m Iwin brothers, of Acte , who aLtended frýh front the manuffacturers, and the M.del School locre during lis last right prices. Notiling second-band or witt Pl W.tcli for dýtailS. m ")0(), 0(lo P, Tue brothers made many friends useleSs. , J, ,ýIOORO 1 100 (Il)() il it,' TI-IONS V P- during their staY in Milton. The Woman's Instituts will hold tbeir ter l Fui 'l ........ il,, Ký(:., E'q . FoR SALE.-High-class carriage next n- ting ai Mrs. Featherstone's, was br-d-lu.re, eleven years, 1200 lbs.. Victoria-st., on Wednesday next, Apýil P k, E% o ne t, foal in May, a splendid worker. 25th, ai 3 o'clock. There will bc a good g,:t -J, 1. WICKSON, Branle P. 0. 3t Programme, the principal feature being trip W. D. ROSS, Gcnera) Ma tuer. BRC'Kk.HisARII-While pruning an an address by M,,. T. Con, Limehou-c. m n apple treo au Monday, on bis fruit farm subject, -The clhrati.a of fine Bas- spe, fell to t ille,- a s Stre, - it i. Panse. J.lv I4th - Tho BANKING 13U-SINESS RANSACTED at 13urlington. Harry Rowsome 1 Mrs. Coo bas given this address veral the ground. striking on ope of bis e - se bows, and sbattering the bottes badly. time,; sud it bas been thoroughly en- R 1. Goodmusic willbeprovidedas Ban Dr. Speers jourai se many belles broken Joyel and there will be an admission day SAVINCIS BANII: DEPARTZM tbat lie adýised Mr. Rowsome te bý f ... a ,e ni 5c. te sid in p-ing e.pcn-S. All ii-, for your doing as weil as cal' be Il rladles Int,,et M twiçe a )car. tikeiitoSt.joseph'sHospitiil, Hamilton ' bc are cordi , ally inited. Let mer N-(,t R ACCOUN where lie. nuw is. bc e bc a arre turn ont Tor e.pected S. Dr.l',IRTL-Ri-.-A great par TS, Manager. ý Milton Ride Aso- f the friends of Siep en Coný Blý-\NCti iationhasbeendisbandedbvtbetn;litia mary o ýh authorities. too, many of it members hav- way. went te the C. P. R La ion on f 'l Satulday eveiling te sec futur off foZ Eas ing failed te put in their practice last Toronto, froin wbich city lie and his the ysar. They object te u-Olkifig f0tur Y.Ung"crson, Harold , left ysstýrday for V tics for each practice, two te the range v ncouver. B. e. ,Iý be,. le- their new home at a en for many Le, and two back Au order ha, Mr. Conway's f.mily bas bc, ceived for the return of tire filles and imused ammunition te the kiteper of years of one of tire est respicted and f,ýl F LO U R .1 1 opular in Milton ond wili be greatIv militia stores rit Toronto. issed. Mr. Conway is missed partieu- 1-130K HERF.-For the balance of this miarly in the Champion office. He bad c week ouly - WIJI Sell car regrilar $2 20 been foreman for more than . quarte, rit t Lake of the W ood's-ý boilers are la c ý'Y popular Mr Thcse and as ve boilers ar $2oü entory. made op in extra heavy fin with best of with the patrons et the office. lie la a Ogilvie's--IAMýILY EMHOLD ânfl, NûR copper botioms. Try one, you \vill bc first-class pinter and trustworthy in ton pleasýd.-J- WIII-Ott. every way. roi] Lake H uron j SURS ani 3 ýTAsI ROAD MACHINR CONIIE'IITi,,.,,-Tlie PROPOSEI) SiDiNý.-Last week Mr. wil t.wn corincil wIll Supply the stone for McAll, of Allaudale resident engineer G. road machine comPetitiOv, wblcb w'll of the Grand Trunk ky, surveyed a line Go-Lilclie's- PEOPL['ý M M FAU be hýld lu Milton on MaY 3rd, under the for a proposed siding. starting from a Dr auspices 01 the countY couricil, and bas short distance South of flic (-ý.TR. water IY the selection of the street on wbich, the tank, rurming aclo- to the Anderson Bu road-making vill bc dette. It bas se ect- farm and paralleting the C.PýR to the Ta G PID P, E R S MeKay's Sons BAKERS. ed.that part Of Bronte St bet\vleen Main works of the M ilion - Pressed Brick Ce. Mr ýe;t and file G.T.R. station. It is practically certain tbat the sid la g Rev. Canon Mackenzie .tecd his ýil1 bc btiilt and ýxtýndcd to the w-rks goth ycar yesterday, and Robert Darrab of the Toronto Pressed Brick & Terra will enter his Und to-morlow. Canon Cotta Ce' It %vill bc a great convenience Mackenzie bas requested the Champion sud will save the licavy expenses lu cou te explain that fois sight has loccome se nection ,,,th flic t1anshiPment Of bricks R. points. It i- Possible sent to G.T. ended te impaired that he Is attable te read anY h in church, and that that the line will bc forth- e.t1 if his friends need net be surpr il if bc a gravel pit near Campbellvi le, the should passi filera on the street without gravel is fouod sati.1f.et.ry. recognizing or greeting fileur as former- TAx Noi icFý.-Tbe -11ector bas bcen CUT--RAT ES--IN..D R UGS S,.'R'to" iS' ci te c,ý]lect a]] a,,ý.,S ill taires rit ly. notifie AI.INIOXY SUIT.-The suit for aliniony once, and make his return te the cOu- n. of Bronte. cil rit its eýt niecýing. All those in bivtight by M"S. Dolosour w te up Rt gainsther huqband, fro finir she arrears are requested pay 1 11 Iý: G I',Eý\T ý PI ý 1 NG TO,ý\ec as settled promptly. ar, se rated sonne time ago Ni mi hepale Ille Assizes by an ýgreement bc W. C. Matheson, C. Hl, came to to'v. Sarsaparilla Com pound tween the parties te areferencetojudge on Monday. lie ]las b--n ",.Tking .11 fix Ille amount wiriter laying ont 'v-rk m the wilds th, 1ýj--1 Lýig,, $1.00 Bottle f,)i* Gorham, local Master, te It carne bc- latt.rly en cil b il te Flic plaintiff - on the James Bay Railva). te tfooreyuad'ge Gorharn yesterday afternoon au extension rannirlog 30 mile, north of ha and vos adiourned. Counsel for the Sudbury te ýjoose ý8joUntaio, vrhiere P) I'TLL parties wýre: Mr. Cleavýr, of Burlinton, there is a bêd of magnetic IrOn, said te of Hamil- He walked ainti and Mr. O'Heir, bc Llie riebeSt ni America. Eniulsi tO' f il f dent. out frdrn ýjQOSe mouot.ia laSt week on On' 'en The sn.w was two tect on of Cod Liver Oil Iý6ý0,r.- A Wire Fence Stretcher and snow sboes. deep at the stait, but theie was little. if z jack Serews. Will the party or pia on Sat.rday bc will .... 75C. ties'who haVe tirent please refera t avy, at Sudbury, River where lie 91,11 I oc. e to Storey's Hardware. ]cave for South - one go on the engineering staff of a roilivaY AND GAI-dE PROTECTIVE Assoc which wili ton fronn Ottawa te Sudb-rY _S11ý1111r, fil. being taken for the Organi- and will be constructeil east and west il, as well Ra the Syrup of H yPophosphites ation 0 a brancla of the Ontario Fish troll, South River. and Game Protective Association in James Bay line, is owned by Mackenzie Large $1.00 1,ýr 75 cents. eh The objects of the association & Mann AcP very commendible and include the Any Canvasser. willing tO wOrk lua arc in all Protection Of the fish and gain pla and ,cure regular oui- faites, rivers, streains, and forests, ke-money ]Beef, Iron and W inýe and te làlti%,ate more friendly relations tomerswithourgoods. Itisthequality afield among Sports1neni Illui tbe resi- hioldsthé,trade. Write rick " Àlfred Large $1.00 siz, 75 cents. dents of the districts whçre sport exists. Tyler 355-7 Clarence St., orlon, ùnt.. A meeting of- il interested is likely te or Cýainpion Office, Milton. be held bere by que of tite provincial Bobs Cough Baisam Officers sàloftIY-,Jýree Press' _tIlb bl4mý7vvilJ9O inýoýil Ilimulates the heart while il beals the lungs and brochial es. -%7eZýa local ont _j_ . e il _; Ir -4st -11. .11 1hý -t ýf _- _- i Aýý mi- _ h. anIý bolet $74-21) To ;".,l 9-ing April Rýtu n limitý,, And $76,,20 ng june 4th to jul eturn limt A, -t Ntj,,,ýj vention. San-Franvisc., f any duecl cýrta!n st'r, "'1"legel all-ýeC. t, ama fýji AZAND0,1; Dlýt Ageut. NL of OFFICE' - RAMILTO#lý 1 :îractive, îlish nd. 3elc what we ,omparison. mart Stv les UT ? 11à.'ter llat. act at once. is groatest. jods ili ille aalli 'l - G I., ts ù; ib al Ï119 eoll ï- Il. i, . AND $7 $ 5 ,pers oi- 'S nu N Ped VGS e mil u ru p ýRESH W TTI p ;ON Electric LaIPP aparilla; the original Sa4gý Messrs. C. làlovetia brother -in-law, àrillu; the Sarsaparilla the a'nd-Hassaid, a friénd of the laits, oc tors en dorse for thin blood> PryceJone-sthe young Weîshýemmi_ Bfý%,e grant . who-died about a month ago on ý SIJI dCbili(Yi thetarmof killiard ýViIsGn, came te But even this Rýud luituuui Il Milton on Spil They came te Can- 'oo'. lýàt work If tIQ 11-1 Il L-tUý. udI the ada with yeung lunes, 'but did net go te e -1- Fý tb- beil ý.fbW Uk. London, Obt,, as was supposed. . They remained et Toronto, where they se« cured employment. They did' net bear ýý tur came te flacon in a letter frein England. Mi" of the young man's death matiltbe tl ILLAIR VIGI 1 Before leaving town they beuglait r-9 AlIVECUPIL, , .l u balf lut in Evergreen Cemetery and had lutte. de 0 ive 's perroklit,, - he g man's remains removed tu it th.,f.-,r W. 1,.- -Ut W. fron.10tuhle, "Stranger's Corner" in which -au they had-been buried. They took ellarge p., 12, et his trunk and effiler effects. 1 AT SAN FRANCISCQ.ý-Mrs Lesley Personals. Bates, daughter et' the laits, jobu Rixon, formerly of Milton and latterlv k. A. Griffith, of Hamilton, la in t of Biiliugs, Montana, lives at Àlemeda lay. la suburb of San Francisco, and bc; Vin. Brown, of Toronto, spent Easter busband bas an office in the city. Her fi iday in town. * younger br9ther. Harold Rixon, la a 'red. D. Dewar. of Toronto, was ýtudent at the State UniýerMty, which ne for Sunday. is reported tu haye been burnt. Their trotter bas beett visiting them for serre ýdwy Armstrong, of Toronto Jonc- time. Mrs. Brothers, widow of the late 1, la visiting In town. joseph Brothers, ber sons Amos and liss Miles. of Toronto, spent Baster joseph and ber daughter, Mi.s Lena, iday under the parental roof. live either in tbe city or in one of ira Ira. Dorsey, of Hamilton, spart suburbs. Willmott and Harold Earl, Dd Friday with friends in town. sons of tbe late Rev. T. R. Eari, live in Ir. and Mrs. Thos. B dley, JII of the city. Mrs. W.. McKay, her sister rente. were in town ovraer Standay. Mrs. Miller and their neice, Mrs. Crellati, face Miss K. Dice, live lit Oak- L. White, of the Erin Advocate, larld, a subtil s in town front Saturday te Monday. VESTRY MErTI.ý(;s.-At Christ Churcli, liss Marie McGibbon, cf Georgetown, Omagh. the meeting was field on Telles- ,isiting bar unele et Hotel McGibbon. day afternoon. The financial report Ess Saille Hometh, of Preston, spent showed receipts $2so. Messrs. 1, A. I Easter holidays with friend;s in Gibson and Mr. Devlin ý%-cre elected lu. wardens: 1. A. Gibson. Jay delegate tu lisa jean Brady, of Oakville, spent synod; Messrs. R. Biggat. E. Htitt, Jos. 1 Easter vacation with Mrs. A. Me- Askin sud Clifford Beaty, sidesinen. At Y. St. Luke's ChillI , Palermo, Messrs. 7he Messrs. Howson. of Toronto Wall. Cowan and Arthur Smith were re guests over Sunday , et Miss Elmý elected wardens, and, Messrs. Morley Wilkinson, Leonard Wilkinson, Irvine ýKay. Lindsay and Russell, sidestrien. The dr. and Mrs. Frank Wickens, Gf fin.acial repoit was gond - At All maillon, visited Miax, Ford, towla. ove, Saints' Church on Wedrinsday ev.ot-g II James Hamilton was appýinted %varden. 1 ýobtIt Goddard and Fred Allbery, Tbe little church bas met every obliga- Hamilton, Iment Sunday and Monday tion during the past year, paid $20 tu Milton. missionary bjtet,, and bciught a new 1 vliss Lily Smith, of Hamilton, spent tg lu. ster Sunday at ber b me, and itre. quelling. Ï . E. Hollinrake, lit TO CATARRH SUFFER ýnds at Chatham and -I- ,i,.i. ERS last week. Hyomei Claires by Breathing Medicatedý ,ceil Earl spent Easter in Buffalo Air. ý guest of "Ir. Holland, of the Buffalo The popularity and increaý in the aie Hospital. salesof Hyomei are uniquein the annals lutin Wilford, of Blytbe, formerly of of medicine. Such astonishing cures quesing, bas been visiting Id friends have been made by tliis remedy that its Halton this week. sale is steadily inercasing every year. 3eo. E. NIcCramey, M. P., ,-s illa ' l'he e..plete Hy.mci orifit coacs but vu on Saturday and calied on a nom- $ 1 où and consists of an inbaler that car, r of bis old friends. be carried lit flic vest pocket, a medicine Mi;x Daisy Taylor, of Guelph, la dropper and a boule of Hyoniei. The 1 inbaler lasts a lIfe-tinie, and if one boule ýnding file Easter holidays in Milton does net cure, an extra bottle of Ilyomei file gulnt of Mrs- Mathes.n. can be obtained for 5o cents. It is the Miss Edca Renfrev, of ront., la niost economicalof ait remediesadver- Iowa spending the Easte holidays tiýed for the cure of uatai rh, and a the ýt Mis. Ernest Henderson. oulv one that follows Nature il lier Miss Dewar, of Brampton, spent Eas- methods of treating diseases of the re- r Sunday witb relatives in town. She spiratory organs as ccompartied by the Misses Kerr. Breathe througb the inhaler for a few Publie Scheol Inspector 1. S. Descellai toutes font tir- a day, and y.or )t home on Monday morning fi ont his catagli 1, nu-d. Tbat's all. Il, te tbe Southera States and Mexico. If yen cannot obtairi Ilyornei of your Mr. and Mrs. W. Towne of Hamilton. dealer, it wIll lit, fe,,ardcl by fn.il, lent Good Fridav with and Ms. Pos'.gc IlI - reccipt of picý. Virite Mrs. 1 owne 1 to-dil for consult.ti.I, blank tant il[ bus. McDowell, P a parents. entitle vou t. II Ilf ur ",di-1 Roy Stirling. et the Metropolitan departaient without charge The R. T ank, Elmira, spent Sunday and Mon- Booth Company, Hyotet Building, iy tu town at ilie home 01 bis parents. Ithaca, N. Y. G. R. Cottrelle, of the Land Depart- ent of the National Trust Cimpany. oroiito, spent flic holiday with his are.t,. bell ent of the Bank Nornian C al, 'Toronto .1 et or Harbor, spent ng e aster Sunday and Monday in town at te home of his motter Wno. Witson, cIf Nuil Falls. ,,n,- îy of MItton, i. th. go . es; et, W.. OF ewis, Terra Cotta. He la recovering B ustn.,e-..-çs 70m au attack of typhoid fever. Rev. R. Haddow, MrIs. Haddow sud [iiidren, of Toronto, spent the holidays VING 1lased tlie builies, t the boule of Mrs. fladdow's parents, CI , Ir. and Mrs. W. Caldweli. f i;S1111111*ý(IUSTON, we solicit Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Paige, of Builing- H' a et ritinuance IIf patrolia"e lu sud M,. and Mr.. Geo. G.re, of T-- of 1111 Iii.s clistoillers Nvith ils. nain, have been spending a few days rith Mrs. Geo. Houston and Mrs. R. B. oui- aini will lie to pIvü'uý both -Ibraith. Ili-jecs, ou and W. Birny. of Walkettoil Ont IIllýllit% M rs. ' ; - aller APRIL 1()tli. )r. Spencer, Buffalo, N . Y_ Roy Bra , of the Western Union Telegraph Co , ýjIffalo, Mrs. C. Robinson and Thos. ýnrner. Toronto, were the guests of We continue flic BREAD t'ad, IrF. S. Bradlev durinz Easter tiolidays. -th the nid reliable film cf Wm. Lees & Son, HaaI 'Inch la well knowil tu be the best bread on flic market, Don't f.1get to t I t th. h.-se wIth a ZÎ: ni L-,'. 'Phone or leul, Vour order for a loaf and il %%,ill be delivered, as it be Road-Makin- Machin- t,.rg coutil to walk. ery Competition. Our stocIt %%ill be complet, il, Ille course of a week Vitil all ti)(ý lu-ýt The publie generally (and Mayors. goods ou the illarket, ,il vur . v losc Reeves and Cotincillors in particular) prices. ire invited to attend a coýpetition by inanufacturers of Road-Making Machin- ýI,'e arc fi,,' Farrrl ýry at Milton, on ThtI May 3,d. Iligliest prices paill. Il is the intention of the County Court- Produce. -il te, puircbas- 1 mon. crelsher or a rond roiler, or butta, and thiscompetition 1 \Ve alI elicli un(j (,tic to give ras been arranged with tbat in viev* cal]. 2t R. D, 'WARREN. R. W . pringgay Georgetown, April pcsIry FI..,. $I lie, pet II ln. Flour .. - .. 5- '; 24J B.king fl-or, il Muni chu, ,ci qS lb. -k. 2. Manitoba sud j Ontario, 2 1 Il - ùS and Feed Il - t.o.- .43 l Ground Feed le. III. Bran und Short le. th. 1 iL Whether ready to buy ci- not, coni, have to offer in TPI.MMED MILLINERY ai Hats., Come, if for no other reason than t We're confident that yen will appreciaU fê the axtistic effects, the attractive 4eattirç,5 ation of our Millinerv. BUT ONE WEE EASTER HOW ABOUT 1 Better walze preparations at once to ordei The time is drawing very close and you* ýfake your selection when the varicty ol New Spring Dres,ý M*e want to empliasize týe values illid sb New Dress Fabrics, We are satislied ip froin our vride variety in welves 'LI, ý1 ýoIo Sec the New 'Uohairs, Crispines, Popli Suitings, Fancy Tweeds and Cliccks, Ci BI.Cý; Dres Effects at ... Ladies' Spring and ]Rain Coats N'ý,%v that spring welitlier bas arriýol and further delay in providing for il foolisli. The new stock is in. \Vliat you will I)e dcliglited with the qualit ' V, 1110derate price of the priliclit, we 'Ilo'v. Women's Covert COats, st.)'Ii qil and well tftilored ........ ........... . - 1 Woirlen's New Raili Coats, il, ýft variety of shades and styles ..... Woinen's Japanese SilkWitists ib stylishly trimmed and eut ... New S ring Wall p W v aný roadI. to suj'p1 I \:,llli ý\:lII l' stý,uk of NvII Wzill r d-i! ý,\t 5e., Gcý, 7c. ali'! p And at ](Je., 1212c. 15c. il se- ýýfaIçe this, stmv v0lir Ilousc,-Ftit-l)i,ýliiiig iieuds- HOLLINRAXE MIL-TON We Ha v e M 1 NTO 01 - 11, NEW \ND EASI OF (il il, F( W E qný to >L,ý Noi -\Il 11w li'.)v 'ffi-cts ili :'Ild BI $15) to $25 lier S pýttturlis in Trmlýuriilg- flým OVERCOA7 Il", c IoIlý a"'! mý'1l1ý lip in thu 1:11, 'l 't.I 1 EN'S FURNIý of and to umi)pariý ýIitI1 ý,m l mi S'Ill t1lu -,>rreýt sluub.'i. 011r -tsfrorii 50c Q ti, illlofactilrers. We cali giý,- I., 'Imt illom'y cail ImN. E Owing to ever f(* 9( piiru, and ilicreasud tu 11-111(iling and usilig a tlloi-otl,'Ill.\ il Purem,,..ple This SITup is Fr(-ýý AC. Foriiiý of AdnIteratiý1l1 ........ I 'ý (ý PRICE 30 CENTS PER lâiP] mzmmý 0 Emm A iii(,- ýiiIqA BUTTER S. FREEMAN; Electric Light Ph ot Pr,,. and Gen,-Àfil. A..t. G,,. et FON BRANCII. ý1g busine.%strausa.td. """",tld and S , the collection Zeelai Farniers, 0 cotu. Salo Note . p.yabl, at ail th . ýý11Wla and United 'Prin -S;t\iligs DePartnié 11, nit. te - S. $.-o and Onlday,>f 111l"110.1 ail. receivedatij, IL. n'Il 111bielt tayde. Ilithd rawal of tb, p- t- ol th, deposit. H Pý WAMER, Agent. Ifiltoý. Marble and Granite WOrks 1- 1 , oý,i b- fy engaged ý-t m .,des in..r Mm , Nfartim SM, -T (D N ti'-s togil'e ýýiH aqd Ste Our Finished Work t nfinished Work in ProgtC$S. re boretol. O'HERON & FLETCHER. \JVE HAVE INIOVED l ýýs' SONS. yý>1Ir IDIPec II, of v sp'ing ýý 0S. may not 1' IV 'U IVUI 1 f"11 of int",t, des eý CORRECT . ..71 %ve %vill give on FRIDAY, SATURDA on dozen. (,orne at night and try graplis. ge-Open on Friday àfigl and Saturday until Il a E. C. FE 1 -goum--MILTON FLOUR MILLS. TH F, BEST You Want We have it 0 Suiti.tigs, Overcoatings AND TROUSERINGS. suits and 0verronts frorn $12-00 to $25 00 Pants t, order 3.50 6.50 SARNETT, Tm E TAILOR y. u r Sb ce'.' done bel !ý'ýg.d at the el Dunlop 96 yonde ToRôe4 ch.1 ... t FI-1 f., .d C.1d-T. - d L»te. #Pvjý, re 100.000 R Ir. JOHNH-DU "" T-"s L..d Dât.... Pb.. à 42,90