m~~&KERGN D~~ehtot, mi e îa ~an aMa n ~h amion MILTON, TE-URSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1906. t t tilt lit t t S t St t 'N tt\'I A S Ibl1 1 Sugar-coated, easy to take, I~~T 1C'Z mild in action. They cure lAyet 0constipaton, billousnegs, slck-headache. . 1 Want your moustache or beard B UC KINGHAM D YE a bStfaubrowncblck ? Use COUNTY OF HALTON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR 1-ýFtR'1906-t 1 Th~y (tînt ~ t t t ' t 't t~~~ ~ ~~~~~ W, P ' t'tttt t'ttttt tttt.-t' 'iii ttt't' ut, t' t 'e t h\. i~'t t YA't e Chu'c -'l Dieeton-. t.A - ti't~ -A' t ta t 'a" ~t t WHEN IN OUET COME TV Jrtde t Cur Stot Piu %v -- 'E. MARCHAND Y1 L TO0N, -- dIo~ af~ t'~ ~tt~ ti 1qAILWAYI lt'i 't1 s t t EA ANDo ia ce aRem-se dyt SPORT an'Adventure Ashore and Afloat RODAXND GUN Tbtt..oaet, il l'IoataE G.-RB.9 -dNG«. N-1PB I T h Beo.t duup t. Netc'&oek Ctp R.& C. . Burling H. D [ CO NTORONTO, 23 Admirai Road, DEACO Y and MILTON. fh- High Grade Investments -tei and Unlisted Securities utDebettreet. ['tet N.ut gage.I'Ittd' ut Steeet Ratt- tîttjc util tetdtug [tîtut;ttoI. 'per' ceut. ou ivtoetîu t. e"uutttettCu.ofutao(Tut'ttutu-S'iogot'o Puteer Co.) t pet' btodq.Sao u to Traway, Lgbr A& ItutuotCo. Canudta Gt Bonuds [Mackeazte & laut R. Rt). guueoateed by Pro- '.andotuter gond euttitiathbuogtttndodt. 1 avel lers' Guide. The By WILL N. HAathE . The"Abatte D... L&.d ad th.- Substitute Sta, ." Th Mte'Y'..Waie c.---gIYO3. be NARPFR & DROTRERS tt aîtd ahe poutteti 'ltht tttt'tt utue out 0e t'et'udu. utc but Itttt "I houe atotpty nau t'tîto t e .ta e ale tutq'll 'îttu'hetutld.u-'tog bereo'utrtt't"' tttttyt u .t "E.ptuutttioti t" 5abe aotd " iltt tttt"t'bu e . 1.,.t"l bte temtttdu-d ber. tttey wlutît ,,. 11-uttttîaPttt Ob te OttUt- ut ttt lutt.' 'tt' hceuttJed ttet't'y-t'tt u t bltl But utr'." n w," be et oilttt a ýmI miytttl t'tutt""s iItpl. lie-'t 1t'. de IriI I . 1it.ý - Not. 2 'I.1ý t I, à 1 g. 1 t Il ý'M. t', 1 to 1 L n Iý', - ha- au mi.. 1 li, 1 înlz 1:1 1 z r Im u 1 -d ti 'tf-P " a tt t "t "' t t I 't t ""t'tt . " t k ' t t ~ttt t t e., lad- t 't t j, s i t 'Ig tttt't ttt'u ';tutt' u t II f 1 1 R lii tt ttr: td tIl Ath ,k:A 'A 1 11. v,.r il ailu-'al l ttttttult tt ,Ir t t tt1.t t te tu Al u FPAi"t' PE~EN ut ~1~II"[ttti.d.a'l TRAtE gMII ie 'î'u .1 I' a". bt t ttt [l v bil 1 ne mi1 t lan t 1 WALL I~~l'ut t .t 1 't' l eu"t"t :It1,t1 t 1At to tu e' Y.b11 ut.- 1 bt 'b ""I" tttttttttt "uP .Ie t eot'gn tt Y Re,1Y ut' luut u ttutîh.'l tu'0tt I," Il c tetia pt u'I tu'tu.îl hu dd' ottt't l tt"" -utitldtîuukutt.r t,' 'Gttd lt , t 0t tullutab' tuîletd u s Ptttc Pu , ut hAuud 1:'euuthtltltof& , te',tîtt tt btI'ttlut u'I" I1 a ttt p attuguv"Tttu'tOut, ttb" tttt"he 'thor y tt he doehtetof tl.e t"a d îu ie tet te tt 't ' n I o tth e , g b,ýl n e t t. e rS em ie e dtt , oti thtit'tt ' ' ie fue'-W- tatotiter ttd aM e pt ttth[ 0edte itett totrbu'baue'ttetat h'rpttutt utteut-u t-otat oueO Il t-,ry battteinotheC edttt- I"'t'ttttt IN àwt t NItt' t t co" u-,~ tlu' i tt' t 'ottît t. éttà dt t'tt at t':' . I. t 'AliT- t, P "thePot' t Chamberi th .l COLIC. CibLERJ t-DiarrhoeéaRe te- aofanll. b eut if t J' F ta , ll.\i*ii.[ý Nx', !If. ý , stallips. 'i QT1I