lR STORE- Rî.Great ProminE Piquna lied - '71.00. .00. Teas. 1, Ohand b4" s u lyi oLmnches. E EEARANCE OF MILLiNER otîltusery îie] oute.,,L,,- andweyl "Itf ilikini$. F etîNuîl îws 75c - 111s th e Season 1u ticrîplo 'f 'sipliffi el ,IIJEtNTAL 81115 and p0ý EDO &Ç0-7 LimII1E 0 ESfabliShed 38 Yars 00od, Ontario. ÀSSET# o' i îý l stlep are LAYO zto gtti wlîich i r e .îi.c. e îlnde M-ciec, a. teaeiueae selu '0,e0o avenue Torocto.- 'i "i i.ituîap igbt asd. i csae t oas on bis We>' "t'uAone of Mes. BashmOre-o e' 'u t is Mms Laue uta Carleton, Ontaioo WaS y t' t aite aof, fHomil- cm ý Carlton Or raja5o. 'Oie lia uug îhereIOn.o et Ige, bisssmotli5r Uh hon" O d le b fisi. Ishedioesina hete il slive or don& C. CHOLEÈR4fi] hocaRemeY oft EL famüyjlligl l Boul SORg FEET dol* I eed to effer wiuan FOOT EM GB T ~CMPOW-DER 15, 20,. uttIH leto use, ~o. Just LaRve tq îo w 'i l'lie 1 wilisorprise yoo. Get them etl' frSh Use ~Ayer's EsoÙcoor eint, feal ne ALL~ ~ tL lu, . LYa the hatentrd Pririls Ir hicew patte1, f5r. f -foreyudar, dch cor f nyta tcccl.ToILIiSoe ALca n-o..1:,.P r i - filand 'yr -rE r ear," l.loé b com1Cc ug -nC ciihe u.s blousees . hieclos ji I raIl Mfer Milaukee and bloe . iOes.tA hawsjn : a Enlir CO on tho bccae n A. j. ide thlirEmboideico .... E . S er le t on T ao d. y s H ll V II S g is ie . at ýO Id y , We-e d y or F rid ay. W F a ne y Gi e ui s a d M u i e TElTIuld be carefuhly Iooked 5t-lifter.,echtrojn.S neo t--p----------',5 aT -mto hotlad coo, V nwgo2 or . Dou the favoriite, preparation for the teeth are~- h WC5O, I5VlY.TimtnSbrbad cfol, ieMuln tipsa r on eyç' absence. Orl, edi thn wao softh he iTARER ltuslns stîpe sd checks, -WNTMOL'TOOTH PASTE. nut CICOning Lor,.Monîr ëf edai3th.s hen zd inr 'f 1 dEAIL ý -in. Linen Table Diapr for . . toz etr a ,Ztlrner M b onti Chorch. D'nnsrîoh nat MsnA t. J. oipal. 'ide Fluul mrek efr. ... Jui f Qh.wend Hi ra Wrnc -ETlhO TthSE.tri.tu.1aele Tou *.V.'a,,,,,gide_________________________ t theaneor I QrbgnaVîc ofto Mr.sand nncd Wm. Moae arkPLI ýOd£uteyDi utwa united leàh drd nrosof ondfaréladtedsedroue75e 10 -ROY L TO TII AST . 'Ai2oucel,1ý1Z11ý ýý bbo1ne- l argausassortc o robs c ROYAL TOOTH PASTE. . atAc entcen meà etArhur Winnc sonof Mr. ; .d......... O randForrS all.o tTk DangeeSecaiPc Iean acrýorrsOdemt ottha lfew'Vorks Tht ecrcmony "Tho Chfcb ilie ve 0as ehan ts t it odbanadbrc ose nes Il li.e~asoei a tb bstmaks f T10 Brebo le tHrald thora. The deoreod secS toa Ee. r. Ellison a efom y h arn nanîmýs law1of tmsthgssd haro lls*iire. lnefe bupa x'dcAîn.c. 1It pays te irade ai HigginbOthaM & Fie1id'S. KNOX CHLIro.-.Mr Watts, of Bosto n Tebiew o dl hitro il b th %rle IL bi~tne Ha.ledalo Ont. tdeArt Mssliou, hoie "po hurheEsub, elespteuhouSu-aecrulle eo afet et tsWo. COOKE FaudeyArt Mulins at.lie l sudpor, Piec sîsesgaeyOWsb i0t ei ;r hritMr.'l ad a wth the eco as asnihsiasa atleo 2tat ho hoyesît dre. aoaning E: adpue Picsalas helweÉMakEYwilpraca rybiaivian 1 rýdalarg ou- steris, wortb 10ecsiand l2k. 7for J inteMednj vnnsbjet- Theqaet nofiChais of he alîoy. She wsa montvil. uslass Chisia."e g o Teattcnded by her sistar, Mm. L. MaeRae oànGla onsfr . W.onDewfter Gordond ig t t ar,.rE. Winn hudd y bis bhte: Wh HG IBT A ilFED adrsBillaspendingeafe seas Thr. tntlod è oDisease em BedCifnCos orsfo..K. at bis home here. The bond wllg TReean eAfare .. .Silapino'V HIG IN OTAM& IEL, Ml P. Rsi buttrewek ndwl 1e aedinlthed Wein . and jshs ld1a DrugthetsCMOto0. eesî Epoiio einOt-Wn el e oc TomNo Need to Far'Gerw s" if te Stomach .B-e Healthy.' M n'sReadyTa' lad rgn n téh r itios on ho oast. ada'its PaiieCa t psTnhIe Tidéalad si srrodiog plaefri m baIte1 uou ebaeo he letre 1 e at oe ai-l,'tony St!0th4,g. temn. Thr food. Oisto OC h eiog as- theslnr-pleaoc aand strecgthets the $60 ad$7 0,f . ILsqesig, n T ..da, J y ,h. e Inthepreenc or luledite ri ges smilted t, ca .t.a or iy er- nrveh o fls th cieso omh hrn emr- M nsSyil ur S lw gtaetla encurs Ja Wdresa '3th.etteCa déi1n ate etig b.ain fn s eu 880. f .1.0,' UIY~ R OP OL ITA N B ANK Faxthefotea's gt:festoa:rist ; a. ofr a rsC.H Bing oMlteo ,me"i .,a nuen d lista- sig ste in soe s thy la adse aom' Srp velJachTit, RtiengtaIrnad h e fl0stf. amoewe i le .' rHgl . Mo Ntosgir nou rontbsuu eroot hot are state fhet fermenttionosf the food eao.P t theo cOal hets ortn hm terelstOood nd thiosdgesteit food ester ct a, n ieegrenth Bos'egeS tnu w e "snos', îoeeîsred tsi issue ' ist of to-day. Mr.MrDonaîd has os Mandie,000 soitedInthe ondsr. ottai Isou. ud pmplo s oilantei i 5Oue distos e msd, haBy'nere an tst foodotie peer as bhrtîos snger in Onoada. seodloeh lu William siiio 5 Os r rotla itsan t smautal i sd Boys' sd iTlmenr's O0idd \I )'ceotlIlo St ihophsDs no hofy esOtche îl. Nereos. sut ho sso orisasosilted ihut a rapif In osa bot,îoî Pur ar rtieoîars see posters, CleverladOhio, fhlthe Re.eW. M. nrosoandt sleeplsssss Oe imfrrenoi sny qsiSehlycýte hrt ..... wek ddgstnthoa ysa ad iit idhyes. o icee n ighi Wsl MensCuoFtn n e eSbîo ...... Ca ai sofosîons uosoGiooph. r cia itociaaa n i ohe silkehond er t fetta it by an acidedspo rr gorcteondcigionhong MONEY E e lnde ws becmingi gowne in ae dirctly auset]M tho a la m gcanteouopteî.fgreRTo Blaklsek enSateen .S.......... uls 3henc eî l t artInilsthateulot asem sfte .rîromaS p e cial Bgcan tom.matchnworteaTtoile erit wijstb urior o didgestive Oaa gi ohsth i"eld iith vrpakg -te tahe te hnt t forangohtoss0 sitand rid white lsting relier. Ilisab oltlysneeasssry.lhorsen, agreeeîsgtarefund the m pe ia Byg Port Dthe 5 0 sThheos royohueag 10 L- . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... ..... t Yn e eetriu rnilway tr rd a i ne ybrose. h nYkov e ilyta otssi stsato.I o on.. ... ..1 each ocrharda . .Cahariso.Merri. T-s'sriRWas5tît 01 l 310i.................... ond Thnrsld usnd the ld andaew hrosilerod crepe-do-t. andi..s erolede eutrve ao l 850 0 ........................ 1 Wcoela oanas. eselarge psters. puhoro. The gr om was sssoîit UN 111 IIl \CEPlIDDis'e AVERttuSr..A Milton mait hiscosi.PercyPp g of Cleveland~, W'0.'oCleiesst ands Serge Dic. - i 5005 tI'ýlIOI'EX E TE .sa i haho wa o t e tetaier for TIse counogrisrs af the risode A h uL Uiersu tW aiss,6is ad0 1 5)c lot 711H ON BRANCH - Il TB.t EM5<ENTS, Manager. etotrir tîght peower bouasethoeotracs Pr ThiGoas Old r oinsPiintWtrapersdrgesses Pof part oftthwereorhthe cianeo h îe ls. e ne urirkd sacis Ths nf . d t Wr rn Wapr, ekr812 forwhch er clsel b te twncon. ilsi . rred asetsof1utn's Blac Sateen n bit, e Bank of .JIarnd~~~oncil, andpomairy a; oalsse as ciuoe o a t ea iautt erat ,lcehpyueDiacard those o1d shabby shoea. Cail anld sep, our SeilPie Oëtie inte nesrspupeor 5theruise. hoeres ut gérait cetohes cshoctofo Ffl 1 0 A ITN N . . it peot the holidayin Wbal fdors thse comimttre suy to tbis? Mooîroeai New orkadOte on n mBLACK, TAN A favorable oîIoriiiîî i , fl,[)UIIC.- A ITO ,ON fFcnA e ulcso epl. Goy ".Chsares aTieS .oS Freltun a s Cr u rteoCeeud o N Cekaites eo. pofPrincpal -rathe Eustern Staice. Os thi eeîoi en S A C ATENT -$150 to$5.0 lie. t'tss'iSitica sud Rheomate peoa aCtayit0 ojîrrd on the Brocu et ilrsd nëeead .Ldeq'SvihTiii "1li ... loi 35 oso RrsdytegsroRnad, sea orratehtu, IMonday. He Amssg tisosa prrasî tfeoc . distance .f.r s and lilseres Lîstlies,' S(lyl iors n d cI lt, .....$ 25,11111. Rei, p, a nedtecu e o r iy oo5dietgueeoL O Mrs. Denon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L adies' Osfucd t, a ndB.k. .25 to 3.50 ilris -,ùrrIa ..' IL fuerra Colt. aMra srl eue , inhsotandMc. Tir i s os t oty. ad, ce, Me. WisoLloydtoscu- Mi.s Tenjs, Outîîs and White Shoeu.Wrsoeeuoiesslsesehgss 'l'er ete , r e iss g frer a utifsiefr11l ha isal rst on0a pile of mts. S ; rmsb Pak, eamvile ad Nagaa adissufeeriag frono aeconcussonofct rad ndMs Brig Gep, Il]filt iiel'tllil odiieI otcs n 'm siýAttlitl F IlECyjits i.NY. tsl ot îge he inas. Ho wus eemoved t o. i îttteieobiotsos udemlm.Youror o; s arâ bit s %\it o oi s i"deuî St îdMr. e a noc Udoh. brtteres home ut 5chao statio, ichore Ptacoch Date. 'sijî)ttied l siltsbe ii Sittîs' "Oses et 40e. per use.r.-trîî's Frît Ilats.reCtîlar $1.t0ti) loît oîî s, Rsusî,e. Met1i adou s n ru esiiigoin e e a ils dalluleog - o. Crdsr Grvee Parm, Paiermeo wsote Sle's St ' lîs]i l"eîo l iî' s , lai k,h ils1 jos.îî~~so o 'Cato, bi.Caeis uit isterbcserig a uecriiaodatuiîore Caiiretn es u Vt.5 " " .B. McDOUGALL. Stelîs v iuL otsii. 91.c I75 toi tko.e'te..stdGs.ego. Its J. RP . dn, troiito a nes metasadne ih the pubhs of t say eeoing laiJîse 21Stueke Ge.N1, Sn fHmlo n bu Weohty Suon Cht psper uni t hoe in otu u o nl epdaughîer _________________________________ ý\, st e.M ra, i' oi m- fBearaseiîîe:ar Champouae ffkoed t wsu s .tofMe. soit Mes. Juon Dale, Osoas ited ..b 1 l'S ti il,, oeritfor theabilance if Joeso Amies, of 'inOnarrisge teoJsas I PH c. Prue els uiWt. ALL. i i1E o lu1L'u'ON mANLewitiseP'ir eaCrî50 entals. payablin sadeaee. Seed OtfBufiss0, N. 's. Thceloletiago 100k aesf,, 12 .ni1 '11LTONlIt aNCibMe .JCaldwel of Van-Suaia cloenfnem puper, giiof the 5uoira Bn D., oaanoting Tie uo1"t îsureosemcywIeWo'y apet ,uîsc eeuredcith 'le e .W Ms, IdIote I. la 1t iiA o oîslio.stkiîgOoiie.,~îatOateo 0.oce lI.. riintMiltoo Cri taîcaîad oet sccule market repoctcs frut c asitiyroodsiW. . Dcegrs ., îoelt'(iItts and . A eca1 o ,'eeetttag. Ttey wiîlIspcod ttc corn. aed latin itformutiona .5e il iic ahiy frte oesioCe.W 55' ClAI.RIîFT J sîhGI, 1K il it ds îsi tot1',uîs, ,rîscîe ttoie e ilis Mc. COduecle pareents. ediCci anditihoroughly' independeot. pae ts edds aeh h kiiP peltastaud FR Pa so' OSte Noiýse Ite. t.A. P.'tics itub TEYsa5osîTLE.-D. Albert Kereiog. spacty itouit onor ang larosoesat e prves ,!t s isosed pe-ae t all th 1e prit ,son. rit scvd in o feuain Windsoruoe tonan ad Asihrue Teford, opplo Iyso ' t he recest icithuruoe ith asn. TheOlis no e tinn îsd e a cf ns.stiIîîîîIa1ot li ii I ioiti aut..stt ansd VaedStteis. i'rida o r. ea sisi is ter groudiparentwr aeorotteiu eGereonbie w o as huisrd cilh tsocfTlcgnder e-Ml.yue and Mrc. Dîec. tstcrc iie nsru tiseilcargoeotcon-Ismie. ichorea firs i ostuhe o heG oc -Savings Departrnient. UDomeitiou Doy ieau quietty ceecbcatcit Is icy et u osroe tise hrerufnesoyfalblocicore a csioig elac tr..e '.of s ced episarois e o ste- h eoifh omble rsltcm iept ohichthcy eme amestdasireported in ing ndailog tulle ve1 uittiorangcei -7l Bars Soap ee japai 'ihrýawihi tge ar t Se do einthe t.,eli a0.5t3 k.Ch ctornaae cko h et, t' sîsee.oini v e aseg.'r...'î.ucugautce tgc Ca hlae h sfo5clu- il, djy of h~~~~liein ull, iaie payt alcoalanîsd dty one osrnc rg l',api-I eery i.ce.cgtue eburge oas iithiruos. TIseir roalbin w510 pop i e iasng. Put u n i lb., j 1h.and 41 lb.boxes. O LOo)epoissio eceiceel ai est IhooEPronL stesoeth lemded stetlemnt allerarresi 05 hebie5n riemidcrie a- RD A 0 PRK iiiiiis. 'ae eMlOilon abolîsly2ottIand ,uhîoreruxpcaole tao tIse usuel niileetouoquets«f crao ad pîut Causesonoxasto ordanger. 0,0 .' t rtvQl' m thputteodt î aherbadsLim petbytet nj fl rohrt J . ecok o fao Sl.wtaan r k, a01 A.l,. . fLU the, fo oiMîeC Gse2P-e-G udsou ria Aftorltheeceremoyaboutifomuy goesîc lot Mis es 1olltOhotfa e. pueiy.sodor the auspces utofeonhv eleutdown tu e lilBledCtales, andtpue- cept ier.. e u.n.Maty proseutu, heausîiîfotandt cIire e Agent, Mtli.,s a, atleosoe Jie th. Me. asnd Its. lsctîiefiJo h ufmes, u olt , c on-g Iswl s u doli t h Psy Il Bac. l _iD-cý . i ..eoti e iines hé Esqusistg, oTuesday, joly th. Tlhc oeila cftIueesee ats ini.. r arid I s.F H fjowioîg oi ui ribute te epro. gandOili andosteemuoftIse tieodcsîet25ecents alb. 5(lis.for$1.00 BUY l Nw. jeacù. ofgrammc:Juamec Fao, huoaiat, Toro-tihe idai couplo. Amssg tise guet e st ti sî Ca kelse Thiestuluîe teh eol kir.teirhday onither s, M iss Olive Norton', autisi Toroto' oOre Mm. anu Mro. W, W. Cule, 'ut "oea ast ilseesReety blomeiast tuiioel htsuseoNIsi 5utissslis Nr:JotoscuttleWia.- Mc. andt Mes. Gny_________________________ "'tooso teooittRee.t onTtFeePess;iand eoitoreoore is Ani NbeS islu ois Ns -eau'Posr. of Bdeoga -.M,. aud Mes. C. Muas Perrbea reieivno'WeilotiuvoicconratuCashos.Pval;mMss Air.e eo, Mrs.itt N.rAis r îi et tqtkî. Ot ese ui pespocos trekîta o105 soi nbrr. Torm ouaoto h Doe, euno;Mc, a nd Mm N.E, m'lsîr uoonethîng îeeîv ie l a ut e tic. o o i e e T h eî F5 ri teo . bn f t e m s r . M s e a l a eLa d o s' O r o c u i m a ai T o. Ayn .o s D o e.Guc k -u H E M S T R E E J Lu.,BeCeeo ol , lt os.. et.sols Th Brapis looit eil hoaleeson;.HeMr.WladîM.NGEuPael. Stto t ycbec as.Otnuseeî Colîs otecet itslot sd3Is tuiscou. Ne]- oîuue Te.Braptosaduil.b' antes Msrs esy. i tIsGo.e aisîra sou, ouf P. R. satio. Milton. OO lac atleuen Aisdo Leu teiresh 0Mfses. TomoMoua Etosgho eya d rgs od fo h tuoc o.Jl.Alelc i.lie tu uileofausla hl 0 mets eday se olog £r ymo7 t , tho M.and t hera.e ofln fte itr îeseticdio ieeiag t ut tIsllIsaoopi detinCiof HerIsetWilsountoua placeoat tIse fifth lie, rafailesg ar moser Mr. Clkse.-R. Preesiss, Ziooieoiao F.0. lia taîtees Isomeue.,000Horaity. AboutiPea culas . r aol ue, eIsar M. WH EL Nle.1 la 'sS'iltusis i to urbe as coco il b gve I 0, . te WiamaCt.ocol Asterîîo AgrepmCisibofeub ll a yearoagao c fodrOossanopération Ladies' ANI)dofarîo i a netinetl'e gae Rî Fatl'ieIssreis.Neloneat ithrreidoose row hliesheadtsirlellecaeeeit-Moe J .L a r s o uug. coltreet. of EdwinREmersos, Nelsonuis"llageonutlaisobleloroîtmored and o seost co-ooe .îA itl" b I L g.,Tuulaystuty it. suppee sceveit peratio %vasosietrcsoo. Thia garo A p aty margueiteo oodiig Lookuhne ore s Cuesu apc. Pegessm esciss t tisouteelef.butttieuas]y tempare plceoetIigisrepuoneow dOesd, 08t lîjttion -Sale Registers. lames Fax, Miss Deompse. of Tueuses. aey, nnd Sr tIse pasi ilire musIiIsut sih hmotrbdMsRihadNoî 0t Da ePOsfOffiCe.Sme C res t.FurosoOcti siAso lsand Milton BeasisBanf. AtriSiiOn 25codiiohas n eapatlcty hopaless. N. Mooro, af Milton, sen theim thie Sum mner Uaîdeo-wt oigb.5tesoietlotporni ic cf seot.TIse docesseit ous hein et Aahgcuee itotghtem. JeaoeB.. cias united inmar. i,.Proshvn odtisih anO5ientuîs. g ughWÇ~ tî.sevn as go adwsasnrife teoFrankC.cWeeo oronto.________________________Clrd1\ulîs puts'b.lic os ti i a iti.stabe tasbIees Caced t gsî'e op bsiness: Wiliaom, oear Georgetown. Jamesnandtgoorites, peouas. rosas. cartiîaioisa a nu Stit. C tahe 'Mi. King ioiesds ginigte laîereseille, Gereof Trafalgar. SMr. Wisonahalli seandoevergeensand tIseitranï ..... ..MG en d n s fesp i hl.S hu-NY.eîîdstee s s o isao-'yh ord oer b pasioenit worein eoom cas prepareit torthe erémony G e a ie i ti lts edOs o. Fra, n eg e re oanine, . ghohodthe Sos oTmperance and lest year cith a puniretfmargiueriteand ef oltlf t k oand cv G od Th ng er SunCier ress Koin ioiaiait. sa. iaaepub-tegasti suseisosue s e oas a gof asappointOd t h ofc f e ythe same Bsces saOpondait ram hL L Glt nu w odTig g shaîîelc, wagons sîrîga.cetter, MeeoiCLE Fass.-Des. AI. E. o. took place at Aohgrove on Tocoitay aond Tehedoo ilthetis e oothnpo .,ulusd eera cte lne. tido Zmem anduofJ.K. Mses loregly aitonfeit. The servicae as -parei loanieg on the arrmof herjfath ,. i aîî v hîstol tsioe egie uaoiot, suepse Ieconuted hy Recsro. oCok of George- ohîte lber, o0051n Jubse E.Molîro.Waf Ducrongee f, Soramet >Sustiiege utn Tweeds, Flanîiil ci S Oý utiR. ofbospeau, Atielîstuce. Su aiiain fioOteoC t snodM.Tog iHdh.The Milton, plLîyed Mendelshs ttc oueoy iantetiiIb rd. W aegb 01iî n Pisysi.iadSufrogeoos, andt patl.Iscarecc, mho ere ehasea bythe 1h , -Icorecteut ndLJU" t Marh. Chlcobrrs lise=et etscee et ndBtiutb usrdeigs îî Siui ntéTitihis oslholcnci s ceie.O'.J ceeot sonofiimreeast i hî iI aineaCcr ___________Light Weightl And eeo, u bNe a s ucpassef theise a th oaeu :A. Wison, E. Brsssnidge, caoghl sith a %vrenth nS ili'es Of-ibe lu eeteedisiesunitD. E. Robectson, of R. J. Gcahami, t. Wright. Id. NSOna. alleyoandteorriod a rsbo nnet Cn m ells usts is emr.and F. Wrlggtosseorth. bridilrosen. Ging a bc. or U N SH N S oasadV COLO, COOORA M ToArMonto, t uh ,Noaorf.Aca5ae o.al0itayaigi1nvy bneosuit trmtmeih 1aneda .P R Àt adV ~L D JTrenAarninersfthcgaomehle . boo Ccao h ace t5uo C hsnA P. - u sc tho a t, i 18sep h Hgru P r:e y ig ebi ch fon P iotom eh t. h e b id e S U M E R U O D E RW E *R in F ce eh B elb cig g san îa ndN a ttu rsir e i v d a COLI, CHLuoAND ersea baeityheeampioun ad.te iemosraea h Hgoe te onrotheoawattaiheavey Min ente W o. o e.caml as itethinoM. 1s iôm$1.2 ïb st tou2.50,in 01 al, Wrhvejts totzeeitia e rîmo u t siu camy not fCri5ouentos. a carrant Éaiast bios %ie, cat g ilprétirin a whitoecinlio eýde. izjýn É3 frosar uUing te Kin of ua irîeTiesintirue ehoa Dirroe]Rmey reen sbsrie fr heChampion bri fieperue."ieachargeo We are ik-esTe nrglr, y aslln t$2iO tj s esu foi tho Famnilymle euttaoaC eebly in the warrant resta t rfele ytase MsM retMoosre,.lTre il' hI Mias negioret littlaerbosondCicings, frontteii25et 2forlue50e eetîîo s h E, maofeta asîlySoLsO f e StCar Car tIse ahase periof ferc40 cents. peeteasas, haf mode mbi Cacalet snorca Iil inchite anit carrViof a supND 8L 2etP euh ito~~i t my mc lafNice , 5ee.h, S oscal eao tiia rmendy in lus home. en it Senti onyoor orderset once. Thesone s e atpnIy le, la 5n ti ni itA c iofToronto. b hoir per gbt abu oc souC. ose. Splui _________MayBave _________35_._yendo sepoheomoreoS ealnahvain apetpgey Donalnhet.pMoore.Spît.ppor. liiriralsemeepposyo rl ettat. as ic lasfol Wcife, nandî obtainef Dona d ____________Pi__slow__of_______La__cf lIa8MthTde;4orfitasait"tof tthee oi __________________ 'Thcelet:ay oonandmithae not con Liitd by .nsmus-s~tau hludo hr anf~ocr fCu.osP {î îs q L soman i a loian s ' or t.M.MEyao ilo.da eau beruhoffrom h Hh 5570 n ae odogean e" The grmlmn'n gfft to thc' bride wkva a o , r e co, n .t e n $1i 4file ,- PECAL \s.t [ Our 25c. ~~~~~~iea ____ati._ la aeeng tgodeale fid Berolia'lth lwhat tIe ietat oeascb n f ai eiîrbiieea.tABe1Sltychtru alrSaeO h e sa abtas bias aug agoGasale. jît cel partoh5so t It la good tea ste gava ber as Ua1nie5nà . eain addsannBo.hga ms 4 aht nlnaaaarag.Tatest, rite0TiaiIplaîpeli sno '._J . . . .. Oùr 25c. 7 a it____________________ __et W e have a nices bený o COFEE w sessi at 40e. lb., île pricie oUrsellses in kee iug the. BEST GROCERIEs i 0UR PRICES ARtE RIG 7u0T. .*- h'1DEWIT Oa frorn a]woal cîne wthc doii a, supd are theabest gonds avec oftfedaî. h e p r i e i d o I hi b e r t h n i h t y î i i ' LL PAPE, 'tslI éesry piece. N'sithoc did any.i Weather' ei, Suifs Its, 5. ;sh us un.gIl, rt slîoît'îî. fout of W ew,bt gonds at Y -Prices r4 uyers. ýrs. You can't afford or wrpesdrseam lfe ao l e . , mioll 12,4e. 5. l 0. Ùetedpzitteoji*ialm . i, reg os i ei nt for pou, Applique avs for . . . . . CeeîooiJl ... v efin Bd Clothing Values Vear Goods [illine.ry! V e i N l 11 . rading lo .cialsI1 :ta "I