Dtr & Co. SPOFULAR STORE--« r VV ter Wearing ANDi è, aa ~ uflyr Tltankéà JiJseu.Y Ca be's t1 m-oui del'î y garaiy~enti -,:Iloettabgood i t-II va , 1 S alt àp Cal --, c rîî 5 ap$, i-" . 9 adj FURS. if îluthiiîa - h ts îyewth dui a .ahtqbolit theîn - l boite hn -h utsoi tep ina un t nerinea, Ruffa leîts î~and Cape. - .. ýioletlan onJurnj a ~uigfeature. fleefers, Waiterproofs. in uC î Canada are 11Y Nelanda Ca. a;in pecîilat- t GIering mare h sand Dîawers, hrî ~in alil szea.- Illse ils the trade eldMtt'i hs. 1 w tîs ear yo aîi111 'Jia ilnu yous ceacta lilîstreet BrO& Sa aJgran. Ge., et t se a ealane menu- îirltby abrelghta as e-eson ýas about te-o h ais srm Ceea Chamiberlain"ss Colic, Choiera ed J Diarrhoeca ]Ren yd Os et'il'uaaI i a Ili ~If thoeei&any doub t ow tilÔ idngwil l , a l youch-bidren. have- worms Or110f Ni )Il n li -M uptudtei eeyrspect.apn~ -uickly ýand easily décide -the jstü b SCTRA.Fgitosr1 iviigth eu MENTHOL WORM REMoQvERý d f thlMltb.es .i cMin . u wee ôeepfo, -Its iii wee tabletis. , o ý bthry ct. ndwl on treedgadaunes wer founain th -Anychild will'take them. mesNG-O -A cu e ua au ee .,TisaulI bssa ay Johna F.Rinrison -A cur guaraL efd of reato. sas, esilted ln marriage et MsReeeaHisn, of tise Êh cee., Eqaessg.Tieaereesesy as perfsrm. If Ehe eil i pevslrestless edt a b RvC.rTue aspevstoUt of so)rts mf . er w by R er C . Tuis ulllU1 Hravistu fta i and yaaajth etc., Menthol Worm Reniover Soon restOres lepie fraienlarMile.sfIsis the uatural health andvigor. Only 25c. pkg. 1ýAIxc-- .cm.Go q MosGay eeeaiag ta rousait eth R. E --SOLD BY--- Cens1. ilses G.S.,abouat malter ra._ rersiaf Rayal Amis ilasaary je lis distriat. R. E. Camp. Sîteer wili peî 'HIGGINIBOTHAM & FIELD, bisoiciai isit eiHirCher Ne., ISCUGGISTS, . MILTON. re ampariefyea meraof Milton. Ail merabera of the NWonane'o li-. lINGES COMPOUND SYIIUP 0F HOREFHOUND siitrir isOiCg te attend the W I. Coa. tiie favorite and most reliable Cough and Lung Syrup. an 7 _________________________________________________ tarai Eapriîmenîeî1ajaion, e-ilsemi StrenoamlatesS. R. Bers, Se'y, btre Nov, a2iO.lTOCarreires af Mra. - - H E - ('APITAI, PAII) UP. 8,000000 Behrthe ahi1Lsss. af Appletoa, Misa., RESEVE,. .. 1 OOý 00 ave iensbrrsrraredand SOtesili sprak IlIiERVF l,00,O0 evr s ioniasfuring therraseation fi ptannU -~,iTas Aaae7x-no' t'se-l the l etiseasetan abdctiae rrerted atweo i B. D. WABDEB, 0., -PreSideot. 'SeChaimpios. Mrss.Brelcame faira Bank it esrB:ymiîesses. d aFde ppi Th-i,. Orahai .w Ors sild riaOaipaird rouirthesragrrr- si ).Rosls, mi.rlraauesentai aderr ahîihsheiseaie eepîd by -- Mss. Thoaîpsonanad taobaeesaif agreer- menticlertîd.Wiiarssrsa ee ex- A General anking Business Transaoted. joS as rsinSed ui aiisbsday mdthi.asri ther aftosaiarat tise rose aras artilef b Scera tise Ferries ad thr hild iras1 glîra airs te Mss. Bail. Tise eisld ires .ta.11 rIabs.itrasdddti tst s iyrr At.rol,,Iil~it.. dopted tsMs Tabrs bas 11ILTON BRANCU TW. B. (0LE,'IENTS, Maa - iit h .iiJaadlsaoiri lraothe Mtilon doershuniers, aifmisas sisar LOTL NW. wioe abotiaranty liogeibes. in serria LOCAL EW. pati, gis homne fraine îbrt ass ti Bank of Ha llitnlIlm . of Tooîit, lient sor. Thry sopord dero iOlyFpleati-t ________ .Se ineto w.fi anod thry,,briiagist boiraafiao lut. W. A. Clasli ilîrd a bask tahiris ieigh- t HIEAD Ol'lIÙE, - HAMILTON, OCT A.bî of i.'I b r~li}i- itiîl -d vtrs2. os ha..ead bt. Johas.nai M ls îrîenils o.ii-dey. tisflagel onae stîli largos. Ces. C. C.apitalei oip- .... i.ia . -$22991 Iil ith 14tai Cf M, a, iao.u Benraett bisraght homo eamicar Rererýer st,>aoiilhesssissyyOiksglsiiolo'rk. bu s. sIaSrOn 200ibs.ah. M. Ben- ,,ideirpli -tii-.... 2o,o,s.oace stt is aadvocroaihe prohibitionaal Total Aaaus -........ 1124-71 ,3-7 ct -V-hhIl. Eaî-h pplilt '1 hiekii ghî bsiadisg, aîlh iiiog Oes ain tise ____ i.lit.iiî-thtsiissd, in'COsalîouia er.adoaisofotshîîaigeofddire '.h FDIETOS Sb1uo,, unsd loIns. HDois tîglit. eirs Sne Sus- ,-tii t l(,iii S t hisg idon tsr tolp thr asor ,i -b Ilias SSNii Gîisi, s sdral.fTooto aevi - eg , ' ersiaeiî ofss itrs.tiersetstili C.A. Blase OH .T.asa, bc ,h 1'aeît s iilaM' sa drpirlrd tithia atrir yasthit A.SB. .E, loirS.aDr,i, SteFii iiaot brtvorthihsiteiteosoitibri. GFîî.î iýIl aaaRs rn I M ofîa ,St. (atliihiehi ,te- It uA iît- JOSesi l..os-aAllis" J Tasaas, it.S'oo.rrs.aed Gea. Mýgs. aiosf tl..a-ssiintlaa ontlesde> îoOffrîag tiain e maligaeasintsenti I.M. WATSi., .Ast. e.ManagerlssilcliiOhtroaof is sons. gsealh foreatihseeyesanJsph i A Ilieeo iîil(Fiiîiu, 1111illgia,,,,Lairsaaddîît aibissrsidraroareaiA tsdi.osesarl esiiib oio arp. Brapon vstrdapreaing.Drira hILTON t$RANCM. fiîcash. Appiy te JaesriA. FIs,ait ebslhrs ai Jaha LaissoC, or Mitea,S M toua,. e3 - es'ad wssi rtSliaais herso. Hre t e AgaeOebahkingbieaîass-aasestsd. Fart, JaBellOiiiî, ts acl iwdais.fourasos aned three agairs. k i'es'..aas diaî.,ited osd sýpe.ail 0It nihîtihilOt bs sonsisD. Larsoaaofeamp-. oratnion gir a the colletiaon sea- s.ui,i,itesais. Atsu secinanbîd toa. WXVlin abis prime Ms. Lawsonai îîassial peperad Fesmors' Sal oisr..iî,î,i, -il hc sild cbah. Apply Bomas asosoaid toanr ad geaerre atisterai lirafia issurît payable ai ail tbr p. - 2' b"ttt' adpO îî e 100 rso egare smasli.N uipel poiats inCanaedaond Unlited biaiesa..1 iiaTttbî,ii itiIalteh)'îgaseas ma osbisaer. Gisv .Savings Department. f1,slissiaait asittro So. h 13e,,ed bsCeitysta onge hra ilsipfr OngtairioRb tirpsîseoisa ead iratO ro- ,eiNsi.ai tas 11).5. ftheibriird tiirr, afdibheirrdal bOr. aerdadîîtssan' r.s daCeaisioyli . ofsiîhie i tM. Forsities caerbis erapetv. Drirastheobresi L 'tispdandtiteot ibdaeihtbit rgbtrbampieesbipfSrstho Secand St Jaddrttdtamaa it srsialwhitho ge-l at bis ss..lA. G. H. titre,Obut liaesr prrsrtiiiaroi Ri bprca erpasits euso reciva e ot - 'llaahgi-iag Dot ad aass Suadey. 1C\iltIaýs.-Coroiier ibtColI held rtsof iopeetsaabsetiaea.ds. Ill îiltrtaetl tliat the titîir-,l naînqorsî osnitherîaeinof aChebrlaiesT The be aiio sntsbilst oelaiir ,.eeîdaai- eai sîtslFsrak bSaarabesgss aiCaipbeiviaîttrJo îîonit iias.iiay nsat, Nat3aîth airSelat eat5sîOey. Acoadîeg tete ir dence, whole or anyi portionaaiof the edyialtar lir deacsed . iierdai BffaN e A. G.H. L XTON ppI'h;g Proincil clctios. Io tre5.ae2 î . C. F. N. tsrante a Agent,.bittes. l IaiIIîî.iii lît î vlsoit îîî h iae .-111 bis mate ras. isb vied ai Gaelphs Hr spiuiiiiyeCfpcaboigagiisrtOf flrtasltepeanddidastrchangeitraism MACRICO. assiel and Sasy atiate seibeor lsai Gulrphe Jaasiîa. The soodotria Xaoasgiftaert Giose CtaîîshY. P. S',aelîaed tbîastppd bis tÊai. onthe n caýsils 0n ebvdaraday. Net. 03sf, Fats Fois," TaitawletTbesdet oma iîr eaboat o00yard, arsi oS tbera ai isaresîdee. CeresRnidnarasDersîih. Jeaiinad tld therdorae tOgoa Breapton. jesephs Leson>,es7îi lincioitnlecol badth i yeeas. Fanerai axie rs lie i oit is Jt~flla ia0iSabdiatrtast a p he bsines o il, YýrWa easiitniues, b ar aafbc asfd 10e rnadC ai roamtoneariipi. aaaseîlîiirtera-in borsdytiiad Gyhibsue mainTbsfsseaarfgoiaibaad nîe.. aalartr dseî , saeiathe Wal- eiieaadirtifatassra rshed. A W JaasA Dî ret. Boalacetarne. îsaii tsainaoasrirgttrainsaasseandisg ,Mlettis J. Justin. a bis 79b Vars lats .blhs lan Piiio tat, Catti aiatisdi sspeefbu el ofMilteniissin ttoashon bisarda sia Tbsaim asery Dises nTafsealgar, osnbtssdas Nov. aay te Toroantosshesstýe visol! îyrîd dosli. Therdecaerd aaises te Guelph, 21Sai.lhaîs. Disea. la bis 4oiila 5r. .meimtvieiibone oabsehisladea.efiers lstiesbissaadfontire aipuated aev MORRItS AtAion enaaTîîrdey. et hiais 0e i,,ti isii atiîr,, ai Kiagsoisa on bodas', 6th Isat. Drdird seat mrs. tSiO.Thoas,îaA. Morsslsainllesib6teandCasitFlace- the Te sdîti -attbvas rytsatOyal Ittiosys t,- Thie 111ti hbrîg noarshy atright traia ai 1b. CaLQi.siais Atllamiltona'onaWr'dars. îdistrctscoaeaîiouaa etthe Epissrtb GuelpJInato theib e eîeg lSoftb v fas N . lii. d asdAirs. Catqo J Lragar anIlbr hsld id e toMsibedîslNoaCahes. 'as4. bOreaethîab usait butin, aged Os yerîs. iCierais, Miltoa, as Fads.Dp aid. taserapisyrs osa i olaN. ti sboatd bOr a DesarAt glale. est Ti seTbsr li bOr ee ssies.. iag: cnir,îasd foas ainte rsaid Seastora- DURND-t Elinon NothTionuaCiersoanad -risîîg W brgraothtai on asdaîhaight, Y uSatiaty. Mail. itb% CisresaA. asI ssiirtie. Aabs Ms-tu Daraad, bosisiers.agrd 74 )5rss. IW. NosaaînilaCttt, ,tCttSsIauhy. b iiirs.fToronaia.airaded D, CloAbiaeesCesesUnîianSak. bbeiburneslt cF.Loate iaquestaonbrhatb o fth. C 'FP.R', assea. a Thoe ea Neoe. 51, esl Wite, manaers aiThe Dighgatu CasatAttry Diob Sar tbr Croiraw Tornerass, be , gsd o. yress Monitar, isrro 10egaras is elaiesi ad Jaireas5Eley, of Guelph, for the Thma am- hagd61yar. parents. Editat andd tt. N.Witre, ailetshebodessoard, isbalete a idoiwav MsKissa,s Ai Newtoier eth C. oa Feasi a., Tbalisgisiag Dat. ai Bufalo.O SaîardayTOos. W. Fois Ceaay. Net. i3tb, Denaeid MeKia- o olaBufolwyrcmetMioneSa anonai Gof gsoot gd 77 Yvisa. Tht soddsîaîlteastira- t] teille e BSt ass. a erte Me tela apebyr b ad bec-adaag bus,. ialraosemtasitsartgt Aaaa5~a tAtîs oaaaey No. ptîelsyraibnea ationiforsdesiges gaiat the C.P. r 3NDERSON-AtiAai ieoaianlayN iîs sectonaaha,a, d rae-ICnabehaIfthelbidea. M 1 t-Janet MoClaisa, rlît fth tbiag'fa aesaiton. b! ey caos, le James Anerii,la ber 551h yees. large ad airait, la toit andef elolt,P re aapald. teargtoin era d. W EBOM BOUTE AFRICA. Rtobert Clarkse, Catiedas gretesas . a veessiioqolat. Oas Oea ragagod b> - î. r New Wey a! Usiag Oamiertainas Grare Charels -S'.FSteagivea perS a... o- Caagis Remedy. ace iîb bis Comît aifbtck brada is i bis. Arthuer Cisepmaa. îsrîaig from HlTho serayîag et t8.îrFesois.Tret i Durbsan. Natal, Soauth Allie, sets :- ll.iîîît15a. Ds.aFAîeciait Aaapraaf Ibt Chambertainis Caigis agrsd Priabeea svise yaasg I petyostiCthe amiiwig :AwosdfiroîîrSrnaetrGibo t re at ltOi neighear aoftire Saf a cbîtd hast oser Polis lait Setarfap afteseoasa aaaeîîaa- le-a menthe ai.Id. bilaf e 555balCg abat i, e a ariset eirs. Roy. cattgh and tise areniafif anotliaai e e, tlabrlaismtieaedi>ai iriat*gilit. lseggeatef 10e, il ttry tastteeed Chares Hae o ainrga. irbaýh we.atd gtea baille ef Chabrinsss esigttef. At tise P5Ci5t tiare yrrag m .mghitamedy and petlsameapoarbhe Mtbean iaaaladeetates erHty femmy teatth1e ehy rass aceigît oftIowea wereisc>mili rCmaaasia eal A e-aId no dfarshcuranse Or iîd. Tis intg. The appoaientt u Dtea f alar tocysif andrisaglitiaatta qeioh se- tea amsore ihooaeblead ersprrted fbm.St lief and auref tise bhahy. Tisaretarde ilyolt th, ity.-Bitliafs. Mntana, Dailp a is for sale hy Hsggiehoeham & ild. Gazette.Ch r n<efs Flfl A~ P'~ resls Butterlen i lb. rlls..weepped, 9e. 1, IuC C C n e . h r'8 CmesUshg. C s ~ ~~~~~~~ ,4mesnsimc. / aa 'ty baird Tlmqbhy Ray hianted. for leUiThrd C;ou'ghs 3Specials in Flannellette Blankets Ol Avr ieBdtînse e-lu bapasr White as Grey Planaslette Blaneaýhaî.eary ireigisi. :164 esoes.Contiy îautiee5 la.4 Satm. sPeaiai pesîsais ............... SapaIs White os Grey Piasneette BlasOsis. eery seigOt 11e-4 sie,spécil perpair ..... t..... ..s.o Il SussDEN D 'as.-.Osa SagaUrdav 5o pairs White lt GreyPlaFletrîie Blahets. eaey aseieot. y sigisl JalteJ. Dises, aS Trafalgar, waCa 12-4 tsar, spécial pe pair .............. isdsetirre Ols sa eth e rame. rez IlirwitO spinal mestegitis. He su r egratl and convlions eerIAl Ireqaenat. Tareeires a tmrars>m BargÉlins in J.vLlLlnery1 provemear in iescoafitisn as Sonde>' bel bie fief on Masfap. Hoearas great- y respetef ana iesaf O.n ea rarOcea IN THtS DEPARTbIENT ire sireîdIbisasas uwit bC getesmtidastl a gseatrisls e issranytreds in saproeonaaaapréoi ssmassrodad, idgisgby th iucass ofatt Trafalvar adMilton. effort tiuseae aesinafair ay eassrced. Par thesnexetihrsrsakars Thse Tisaabgieîag sappraadleaier. $04.00eein arisasrabkrest.so e asereea egaai Lainiet tgisea en the Merhadist bsa, .ar pis, a laetThurdayevering rewa lageinety-eight Cents. ssisal-eom by thC ladesrof5thecosa- gregatias. Altorsuappee s anara. AaF Diasi Dat ais tbestads. oaS cah bere ore aiaayaserontsaote tnn, et a meat smdaOeftatoai r r erdutai iass.rIIE PERsaETo. Tbis Oriaga theotsstofa b ebyo clown a short miral programmeiatcssreadesr- eaapinitciserrit wmli payb-a oisr abayarcwthaa tahavealdbat rriaed. ef O> leorchsesara and avoa ec-,yubtr ias b> Mes. J. W. Boisa. ThoeabifCblfresas and Mses' Dais-aiccys a spraiaisy suth o a o prises a isb eatas.ea th1e Cteraînmest as the ssolraea-bat%Cr yorsbildrrna arss..at,. lecture .a Charctirstîs Peuple" by th, Ce. C.G0 .habaaîaof Tasaaîs Dap fataear Miltiry Obea-saose cbs hopping anscllerrsal-rsfor Tbe lectre iras instructivre sd neîrtyoutrei. tliCg. r, .C. T, Beannrtt cc.plîd______________ tlie cbair. Reseipls $65. Pre Prom soya it Justic, ars etssiiaes M nt andfMaarnfîaisarfIbste chesgesaof Saadoy liqaai-aelliag laid by Iisaprats OWING tua emenarage Pasahase aS Ladies' MesSes ce are esabîrd taeaoffr Ceyoldsagaîest Albert J LeOara, a of eee etabbtgdslasatcsi is.Grtsî aoa r 1.e aaaa Aîi ons. Atorge esitheouoaaiy andaam-erictheiblseast.W hae sld more Mandes tbisSes- oirsbofeeitaessrsstrexamtineroand senaolrady theaaapiapeiaas soeaaaand ourSstalesrritiliisaeasisg. Wr eldeiedhaslg bagh ilur S u r iaî i el vsasdurn u hnkg ae dapC. os . s0 aorn i arts qustisaeo-ailsTba g'agbt the saineresali. Illoosaatisîghitbe Mî.eCsr aib ae OsCaqsaOî. caresssa-rr laid as rhe spositlîon Missos Jacealrî, wirih St aad ap, .$5o andeai Iboitihsee aka Seqo't harr isss bas akeç ngryadblc reznwstls anti datsal asdos a seoder tliget iqîler. IaisJtea syaOhel naaslls iatia Those iba tay saab charges saea.r rînrd. sorgua .o,fot C4ois da searaepîtopsaitv srniaeis. tLades aeiro astyewoth $io.oanad $1200,alîh. The11ltn . . Cnvntonassgouda, al siiss a agsihet ran~ege, for >e ta50 ni. ssinla Aýosaardand,îFlrio Itesonraiiisaosa mrier letsa 'e salit îoke yaaa prpeyeirîaaîshb icll ho deii.ý alet resses wlthbe talir by Rots A. E. bSmith sdJ. C. Wîtsse, Ladies oatDsitog Ceois, rsbbý es sîeiaiag. ery.îsosmieand Act- ; - ltC. Csiîe ;losh J. seatîteehîr. gonO appeosoatr. aad gsaarordsbaaar.ghty. R. Otettii, Massssad; hetaHill, ta- waterprooail ait ses. segslas patce -Sîsea.saleriae $75 l -- H. A. Motisessea, Toronta. Ltalhoftbts i-ll br 1Csstsrsiî, L.adiesîiatiaîoa Fessia Lab Ceats. wislh aspleodidlamtia 0,LradieigOSchalarsata dte flas lionaCh ieSormCalltas. sbbes isîerugtaî iheaagilibis tor tbhem aO1e SOaol. Rer H. M s. IC. Dotea, Taroatoa; "Bible biadt.- Nos. A. Biais. Nalsagaweso ; -Supplrsisaey Lraaaaa." W. V. Dtp- hies " The boposiaseadesi. G:itass McKeihaîe, SctchOBlesh ; -Ceaioseaae onBla beasd Worh, Mut.c Telapos ane omeC bldy, Net. J. W. MCi Niia, SB. D., TaalÈet ; - Nassiol Worh, Nose. W . B. Dasýasd,Ba A., B. D., Torso;- Oabbaih Obsess.e. - Rea. T. AlbertiMoore, becsat- 1--d', Day Alliac ie, sîs - - blî; - Leoasata bt earedrdonst the wsalOî S. S. Canenation ai Iersaisis.* lCs. R.h. M. Glîastd, Guelphb. Loir Lst. Sti îîBFrank eile ut o.ba Witîses, ta,-faiB bi.,,, irasebi belote Sqoiîr W. H. bta, charged ia lb Sîsssîtesy toadool asd lialasbiagltherpsce r,lis ACiieiPsi l. CeiatAttorney Dtaasre- wst giasa Sos the prasesa tisna la t 'sFîidaysgii Fertteileai e S tiassFol- asha esaidraîr. mode a dista batce ai aithebraa saidbliioaned "Bill."Miss tallia O rathes te glas hia cwhîshos. Hercitd oest raseen baressd tat e woalObc praosaîrtd and seîdle dd s aotsarefr teeagssae. Frtsile and cao altrbre alagisenswe- or t tir de.4 rasce tis'ai Waltr Thoiaa, Cearsboc W'es PalliaS aosei, bed osked ita 10 a0nbita and tellhimîsi balSas es- ployr- ed Oies. Thomiasirobes.o ated Ibis.'Th.e..seaas disesisied bal igiiag jiidreralbthe gistaleoli ateagih oa the disseder -a.h scpue- valed rtBroaairtrrith1e Beplîsi isarshhbaoîsg Orea drssosatedandt kiadsbaviag breamachbac feqarart Miss Pollaock ad bora tarieîtrd us varleus ties. Tbe yeseg mtara ar -asaed ta baseriselves iafutrae. 0 la isrepasrd tisaI asi loag cga55ret asangsmntraoseste Gaheille anîd se îsrdcîOita eg algea. wcisbst epao lvisetsîla ge cigh sules d v surf 0e seillagess t e brtihîseres, -bihuistisotdîd astit a tans psetithe r keg and spîlird ils contents. Tbese iras FasVI TUE N 055H55 Roi.- Jîîîn B. Scatt gsi barh te Mîislesta onBradoa lt TOassday. HDosa irli and ea. ressesahimearas seaily plence-utistb Manitoba. He ill gothese agaîaaneer iriagead eaprrs tasreaaie tere Wou.Stagg ce taaieîslasee and iii roeaia brr ntil seat spting. Ho s a herse srasch 30taile srnL'al-h ssry. Hr lata tOat Soew aay herura re brofed iel at uty, but neosarons. Saflehornes are OseS Seoit iisbrsd am, Oaeaand afClevsland baya. e- af tire Oral basee arr seatrat. :ice eOig as igisonsthceranscs as bey arc Oere. Ms. Staggra broaber-ha- ne. joseph Fiîsr, Oscedasremanats -r thse Britishs asmy, 'iseeiag psr- ussef oae of the atalies sent te afadaOy Major Drsi. Ms. Stegg says bat heeroece grrat maatAmerieau imigrants in the seigObaoaao f alo la rlttcyay famiCg land. Tise> ir eeit tppEaf ed isOmoere, Ms, Uogg spents se hoosefleMiltnanad asafr saiea easas lie staffaoftise Campionefiea. DEewet la Calgary en yeare ega. Me rame rose se leergeofe trot ainInido af eessOtlc. nans' of them Meaires langhOraa. whici ere sisippef ta Engtanfd. Mo. iaggseys tbnt tusexesMiltaias e-On ive et or sear Calgary are anit aig al. Finlay Chisim, manager for the ffass-Barris -Co.. fuera linge hsai- se.. Bis>ssnArthur. f;ai se Oc ras Bti l, Me New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peels, Pruneg, ;o.5svilan, and alilknds of Fresh Canned Goods % iel, u L: erlbaS afis pofenolCulte .. ATMisa e rradaiH P. M. McKAY es SNS Nbstr,%il rv GRop RS A ~ t,, oammese MnS and Boyî Overcoats. Mena Overeoa.e, Cheviot Beaver Clotha, etylish Hb effect ýwell trijaed and, .7.50 te $È Boy's' O*v*e**at8, Cheviot sriped Tes , tyliàh el .... .. .. . 50te e Men's heavy Frieze Ovem wsth ses nicoller ... .8..... 5. (0 o81 Boys' Reefers, aIl sizes, ople serviceable eloths. .83 Stylish Dress Fabîics. If you have flot yet anc you e aes'ltIdressa, ltlus e yaa lan the mott r. F.ar eu.tock and yoor boskol cidlssg aili he mode casier Ws shows styliss absie. Tweed Soitings, Pebito Kaap Effeste, Ilopsasis Wee Broedclollîa, Ceactions, Pol oaid Voiles, Cavos ad P me Clothe. Glaces, Hisiery and Underwear, tLadies' black, white and fe Hingwood Gloses. . 25c t Laodies' ond Boys' ieoivy V oted Stockings ....25ecjz l'adies' Ilibses Vesîs, 2.5 & Laies' Woal VlashrrIPo N'est.,........ ;,Oc We show splendid vas I)ress Oh Ladies' Cheir-ot Deesa Bluets r est toia.iogs, tiiosd it stle. ....*-*5 3.50 t-& Lodirs BI."h Salea Weisis. Laedies'Fiene ackOSaan a ry stylilli rOraqIs. $1-7! R. B. SCOTT, TH~E BUSY STORE, ACTON. Ready= Ahl unes are nos coi savelleat ronge hat sac the IIBw stripa. Price Rain Proaf Overcoal nohhieot gorments ,...,..,.********............ ***.***~> Prices fsom $3.50 FURNITURE. READYMADE PAN àttvo liuaea (aC stee - -AL-L KNIDS OF-- Ovesalla fri Tables, Couches, Chairs, Music Racks,*Pot s ase aill othes hores ara (o he fouînd ah : UNDERWEAR 5 Thiîs usea ite ivp aery- ~ R. BURLINGS * btavy Wetl Fluets a ILe. N soe LFusiaiture Sore.* BaCter gradles 51.75 Stîlyees.Fins Natasal Meiil TAILORS.W~.13EI Get Your P Nosi is the tînie ta ha, hava (hem iia good Clint fc photographes rush thetri. s of styles and satisfaction gu Remembes, weae., en Stationery.1 ~ré News. 1uI with th e goods yen at he rw&IIt8. We are in a cater t6 your wants. ,etter Values! tri es! ýSour New FpfI1 h -Jacket ? - 'V" aane aie tîîîîs eleti oi, 1a, wUn eta avas-ei pîl a, eaetaiacal e1ibasot'tarî ý4ne, 'Wil ruade,-asîoli gr D e i in Ier b.îaîo, i n beaver, broaîleh(i,ît li - il, lae.v titit.,ith lît motde] ell.s t lîî-,îi i,i ý1. s New Wiintcr Fui m Il eîu il t -- i ,ii C . ..î- t isaestîi - s t a eayiîtiitt iii 5- F pecial Prices in Trimnied Millinery, ,loi .ýii ii ilii as ofut jîa, hi I iLadies'lCeady T i1oîh i h L,dira, titi,t. ,it Stes --t- irake & Son. =wear crcoats id in tise tiathoît \hh froti bh.hh h) Waterpraofs, inil[ît carry al range5 sit, h ND OVERAI-1-5 (s1 h. 5h 'oiilu .3n-I 1h, o. Taken! rphaoto tak-ets nus sý1 stmasan niI tt J;,,i osty. 'Vo ilav i i h h os otîr ]Flmct~y (5io3 - E.; -C. lEATI-IERtSTO-NIl, ICoanM Sst..-The 100-acre lasm -Tise elertian Di W. a. 5eaieys, Lîbemil, tOC laIe Johne DeC, of Esaciag. as nWeele-t assl.e-saaed oneMone. 0f Che amaunt of utnp bar sale lsy aones tes atsdav day Os' Jadge Beider.e-ha dorlaref C. a Dallas? It is flot a th safeerlisef. The Olgst l if mas D mth, Ceae.electd leGac thdue peTaevsleithdr e lelf pent Teeklessly. We j ,niCr le, the dayryM. 5to'soa1awi. -Pn hvowua power af yaar dallas by ei ae £C $4,4 lite yrioio ~ tn, eliminating everythi Ta Oscna <lid a Os Da. CoicChoira sii benefit is ailfor aurca Tû Ore Ool nuOue.Day 1, Fal Fotwear and Bavea %k AAJEBÔýýUNN DiarrhoeàIiRem d itaLtur.E. W. Orosee'ssigne.,Nar4l lais eantanete. ,Veeneloehy Bsg 25c. tn5t* 5151- b. othink ? - enèsgy seprsenlel be lightly Cash aside iij eaaing the .purehssoh i -h Se 4lS buying atnd sel eii 'ba as ndesirable. , '1u1 Se.e us regasdingý,omi BMcDOUqALL.j WAL-L PAPEO WALK PAPEO SFRANK PEAR EN, The Art0oscorator, IS SHOWING A I NE 0F SWALL PAPERS Noto bsrpssd y,,re, tiprios thatie riih. Call and sethrman m sa rraemens rrly. ' NBrg alg theeldbugoyiad ha triepaîint o Nris heimr.N WAýL-L PAPEO WALL PAPEF Vast Bodies of Timber ~ lu %VESTERN WASIIINGTON Al.ng the Afford SOPPORTUNITIES For ~EMPLYMENT :INVESIMENT : W. G. MASON. last. Pesa. Agent, 215 Cuirait Sq., Buffalo, N. Y. ¶ en afouarrcista 1er For Emirtiors Pamphliets 4 Lewis and Clark Boislet te sarite t A. M. CLELAND C. W. McT ST. PUI, Mt5ti. ST. PAUL, MrNN. Do you ever stÉ