Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 1904, p. 3

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C-0. 1store closes STO RE__ Trade., î!gîîl- î If e Iad ~~~'~~ îî I- I le goods lii> P kff UNDERWEAR - '505tionc da b aod PyeDo,,d. ë lshrsi .ler o Sa,,, i CRE adoI sbbNd rse CLATHU u ILCOTS ira b sW- ru - -ait ls - ai i ' I-I' 1101lise wxiczî i oi t lice aie il e a i. I tî llî t ci- utînd treet Bros. R... Mtîi ieî Racksf lefoul at RLINcÛ's t ForsîIran tore. - MÂADE'EASY 1w want to do pu ahare aumakigg" $Q nli, li tf~fthesooaety. Oraîîtist ince<o.m. 10 attreotia to inake it psmr-»y you to coen e Fair and et the same tirne anake your Püre$aseee Wiie or prives are alwaye 'ow, we maàke the fo1flp attractive pries for the occasion. lt rail pay ýyen liera. A spatial Uane ut Rubber (looda we! are oena at the follo*ýing pnieus Fouataja Syrigea, 2 qt. reglar 81-25a spa I 098. Il Il 3 l l 150 ~ lr at~aer Bailles, 2 2 ;'fr ana aaknjns lie iýA. ý,*l 'e f_ýpzùpî« oForetlueOppaîtUf4, Cus Eqt$raè........... 0 ""' ais. j fg ,,kt&i t 4b Il p-oOss.E'R nyus ye' ily New f 5h s 4 fI idsswol afsodoii oosl.E rngacý Sta.~leof Stock Y1. nam loj vl aVr a.o. .77. J-MiTu' slmo Of. M,, ".. as N ew Aieale A 7h o 00, of af, ow as a (ldltOs a,. rasi af lot3' - l'Iltseirepr aivn flarls, Charier, ti," .10, 98.05a.Robert.Hi ables. Al 0s ,n nlaeoa 010D load. 5005050 aI of .10 1 aiooMrit fnastM oIVE . v Gn 0 oy saes Balsns Pars ssk - n tha argu anforray ave aiu been iSba cao. a 0. Oeil-, nI a As lopo flut ohIeaaas n eetted ehiçu MaryHarisonofboifaistIra.B WG . 0000 u inthe51 MissPb . . . .aIe.Salepsasso Coduarrb.Cors» array rr a-v rlî ls ... ....... ..... e Mata8'Nns.o o4,;k.i111t BsJi ailalasA iMbs:-fOGIo..bsas1 scIldE5 5oast gfo pill Jaanee Ctarh lCre 6-tr Ot 2taîl * s 5'e-13, oniTbarsidsyt d ail s ii ........ o 5. r... r.gl.r. 25Q.Wh, b, Cîirot sgo4s 4o, jlas î.s GelahaMenabol Liisi ~Miltou fora fo i, s.fB E 1, 't Epsaom Sales . ....Slb Torah Ilrshît .2 r a nr, ta bot---50hlbase-n appoisteios- MI.c. ien drsonsl ibrasl STrs ela No s BatSulpho, ....... . .i.. taluSep ,s% g seil Os iafo ao orstlasacing lOasiaC onddoa a odsa .coantO~ forIII thoil Coa.lar esbx'...= h ad C a d da efl lat haros, rlsîaasîtseaaa .............. sh orts 5c. . . . ...25. .S fox tesas ttn. il odMetIal 5 srHls ss________________ e a-ii stli blke5 44441 ers t iigîliiaai Fild'. a5.W s am sppytiSa y ae bol 0. Ot8Bing sl Mby~RI llsîssZy- spssîraortuni g tltI i14~ r g<ls lsal ysr& gse aa tetsChrlel s - e.01 alis. lot Tore Bssîs --lis y basexecat oorh.Jr o od osa o- -daln MI. fasas sîaa tfla isai IILI uIe kl %'ogsdI len] io niefroasifno Sfi e stwgod usaiadinth ocien t- l 0nbe Mllttbo usas2th n t, aaesureartisers rea aarr n te slas sirurs hockif lotosîsfisol yauSlave partoil Ilst weeb klB.q, . s.. ,~ stu s ispeadga at r'-î,er Wl îpsecîa Inûs-. Thbcowssh aort smeeting of abse " i-Kihnide. dlirearlif Dre .lîsa i 's N ~ lacs ls- HIGGINBOTHAM & FIELD, onesote btosnsai l14Nlo. Sr bkng -a'sirb0r 1,tGSS ILO.TehrtthsbogiisosisetÂAI, L 1a lemTwo Weeks. Mds--,i rslls-rad wtig ____________________________________________ sinte, Terris Ctas, tila hoe bsîd onSan. Fasaber aOoiceaisntas ext werk. WpM,5y hotyso raîoobis eF lslras To ,ss, vsasîgflrsllao Loay alososon, rbsefe s, Bh B.BOIYte o i ao t o Oasais lsssdr ;II, Mr,la î 0ils .,1 L e s e' ail u ic iriâLifo s ros-herl Rbr utrelA Swetly Proaay Pisasos sksooo oret l.nde li0sossaý,Il ob Jenet 1Mil- alteie s fet nBe-'Sj -T H E - lPiTA4,PAID C?, 8,00 o bIa, oaoei.of Mlitsssand bitsysassasssbsYeuî la e s5fhtrallini 'e44b5'l 1ofl iss r as git. Twess, lirîsar îsgs, ClIi, 'é boh r ck, af Sioos boi sont- 'The Prins esaIWsr," la athfill Is I wee s ssbfalliesou 'ryth g sg C BI I n e r p lta t.beonsatheCCanadienpeople. Gra Ssdi etmkisgos u ilsî asnd ehilses' a. ID. uABDNg, B.D, .Poidosa sashieitae gluss fro pint h bb 2 ,51Masas1iIsobsiog sordsc s? atslfaotiona I,-91 e S l a o'esthemsmoreosligtsd goslyiv as hi bsoibss- illbesofso fait s. e sntasd isssîasod li.ýoos Ir so is 04,5~ ofossosi- stostabrreaas pouie tbse ' Y cotursbe;losîbcul, abc,,s.1 ,or4- and Blouse ]1 __________ os cash sail ;àrsP nlarge ia t, h aa itssf>a abosa iab laI' P'0 losit, atisesi nibsofc. o evn iftsiseisi s "Te. PA opsscabt-leauAa Tha asogaki tasap.I',ooi i,,s4i 1White. A BinraiBaain1g Business Tanaciedý ,.Pp5 s a La 4asoJ. Siolrprsaifsa srsjsl.tle s sa ib sbspcertiiaiins, oil b osslor . -~L o TN -w a te beso essoY a ent-iol y a îsss e oabs t o a cysarg osa l te sssrsh$îoo os > Piss on I veo bb,-tse pobllicatios a rn dalran , abstbigdollar'@_____ drods sa si os Ibe o hsobe b4 ors W 144 I4 444,os, ofth4e oflXte; avTose js lu-N e44, 1441.44 b liat aI abs' sossas Isir, stai bsrsandI loy r ail mor thssieisiens cse i&yl-. i,- î, ,, l iosst4silui-elr -'ssi- Asaosalsrlad o irldOssss e a s sabnd. 1I oiltash la MILTON frontscBîsdsy TO<p'TO01ON ai .lolssassi e.Ilaoaar Aîels slds hoMsObboa Sol- 24ab, la Nos. laÛ. Herno m- a t. u I-si,l ,,,i, u Ml'l, ,.lIl(k hIlT N B ANd 1W.R. 'JEMEN 1S' Mcsaciqs- ttsidissgsbicaoloOlec ofen thesi b flouote a s eoiog of Psidsy, s'() t o . As ahisie ter44 lssI i , Lasi4lisr.5s,4e4i0 5o and1144 S-O h ai ton ?osilsesica ai., for abs psspoicso 001 orgnzn aei IlMUttaia hsîasarisssi,,,,iils bold a t oouisiao biso aeck. il-.Des- Ifotaslllb is iltons.sa, l aoso derudisl sa ilbsoo *o g o s he ~ 4444,4 I414-il W5s- Oysrbobiîsurs, s- ntLai ica , t' B anso the orRRCTGiar oriiao îlîja, basssso rsasb biîa.ostabsRoyal Templiers' I, 5 crl.,t, H Batik of Ia,-nuIon' oîniioeî leetons e5rUeFoatcjsb The lliOosg afis POcdt 22n:?1 brD04 LEARN SHOTHANO AT4yOME ii,4. lsssii Th aoret pres $la 5à,: c Prrsidcca. J. D. MsOsbboa. MSS VALENI, irr -'çtrlsi HLIA OI C 11E, - BAMILTON, &NT i Ie ndscslisiesoeas oin alhrosltieo. Vise-Oses.. A. O. H. Lostoa. Epr eceoi rsmaig, 1b , roCtAle14c il k i ION s, i 0ii. ThIr e ni îîfull Dr. R. Id. Bggersof Csacho.oIil I05.slccso., Laso ssoao loss-aTcosTAIsNersns bit es s ra. Mesi. Dempsiey esI M Pt s,, -o. c,U T O Br4-uero,,.î.ter - - rs - aag gCa5uriltea-sRltPierceA Ar.'0rr , i \ci-4 l-'.iAs, ia. 55s.sisOf Caon Beaaruo - . rdL W. E. ilîso -IBAs sa. c.. s-lr 4 & o,tas Thebismbesochare Mopa ed A Soceheireei4sr bofrtheeN ew W rapperetl e,',r.1 spnig and saîrsrey ed the filtinie on as Iusdsya dîs h ia. y pablieaaco -nLot15,IsiaCoeces- cerseeass 5g15tRildusonii iraeilstset si oas 00th of Duda SretNELSON i 4.4 Oea.'o,'a, bIla tory io abs fis, gueule plain. - Tbelointueuos a ssiîey)aan TBOBRSo yOt. 20;,1 i IIl 1.1 , i4.4144, RI i;,, a iida-l ra Oss o bl Modareer- hutl e laysd l' as dsssngeais owhieb 1904, 5the foloois Stosb, Ilolpî sssi i.1o54.ii und, G-î Ta5oIt e o.rof Cial 4ion Fr5particesocrponea.t receosi"d playssgaancetier sîide.Lsabers.Grain,&c.-&a irsesNi~,, 444,o y. '115îiiii ii*iu8l FrnklbbaRoosev, th nabs tsnofel'At5'aîif.llîosîbeassce asa.iia arOl HSoaoa .lOo Tr.lîeot i il I IlLr.-. As,,.e,, Ni.îs~eho aM oIr.ad Ma-. ofaithe bos tasi5ei la lr Ps raa k lots. 4sdie nT .Os er ---- - Frday utitThe fumeai toka ce n 4Ooioe R liOy. ronteEeg ses oolle- The o taiotiog OsltIO5sassncd Isba soiaeo,,am-*Id. BRANi,.H. (J ires. boi4essaleyopsabeiscskod ilHate,: bal, bew i ss - csctt, e'rraiîTTsaa os 5flatshs055lssabdi4far 11L O R N_. V t nfluence tIslosiieoasoatla Esgros eaido e ; ilîs - Bn Ls, BreO. Li n-btc tlE-"'Osts' sasas Ssi,- ke 4.aî4C aluethépares inothsss bcsera coen. t iaho; loroarsewNmto~a a, Pter, OaI Id; 0a osl esraboîgLuIss5i asa44std. alersýprsliniiy reqaesteafr bs liisisA. Harosiey bsbo sgba Wilison, botoseigolPObO5 aaid Bul.sglsaithspios ors,,, Ca 4-,- oi anaio, d aiispiai rotabsbrîbb f i" ,seri aluitsd - Le- ' J. S. [)e aces' ell Noes.Grsgosa Klhbsri soad wtom fabepla-.day cests ts play theretrr a ntrs. e.. placesens.., -s-la - -4-k- D's isioril payable at .a4ibe pin J . S . D e a o esi o ho yhe sotile. Me, Hososey;,evrsral sbagesa a bc lords 40the t55i-nýalola.a S 1 de, -Itýonoos-I, 0055,-c, Cislied bis bssioess lhsroaghlp 40 Rog. o s. Te oloig pipr oi sBra l s iSDOILbite sr.e Lisaie 04e a0'4'"r i pnebniy. ophetrolloig lers Losi l L-Irai la-4 1chle-o Oco-4 L Gb hav. e rexc ape<".]ileurre _Savings DepBrtment. i,,nn. h-Ges h Isors RsEaAIRF.Tlho drssstssshe, fi.'î' Wilso LosArmsstsong:Oror, Osssosooilolsosàîscýàg rb4î44eies- -s Hum, saitss.an'rce,îrdtNe-t_ ttel; 1 . sse,1 iri tu, 4t , i iR - ofs.. n e-i ho eorarftbe Meahodisa Chaseis ihav airaTiresslios. 'croc,%vaidt. Nse2toîsO dBs trct -d 4 a r, -I .al4ra-ed fis'i d I., o i nIiratioirî Oct. 27t1î. Ibes. The mers o f 1the Ailrogo O.O s5ssas abs .theclu eir sei-obcPlîsao o a o t e":lsoo l J os i se-ti 'r ras -r. of u4e srdsoiobbs- l iosnabho ses-nsissasd be dnr'o adfe àtesete.ya ooa inh:, " "e t aiEiothe possible.tLuttas.,h'y, e di!, aou., ic-iess sMs ~ 0hî ot-1.grossi saes esqossard ts da t a Mot-n - peoibr Plsriag, Piso teI'etssyOst00 ais-rcoi,,daas ,csiucpsae 1 sisoi-secisciiaî dry. soissusrceo ]plaes pat ticsstaos4a s iO- "Illfi5ldastoy as roaail sy o susai oassîîssse.,U~o, Rthsd Cool oi ps arof al, qseecdi10,idsPo;aid-plai--o;sM si-e se- .srirs tuu , se oiabi-ioai rI abse - Eaa ie dai dli 0 ortr o o gued.Ai l laesa ýu t1, emlTo-oddathecet abrna asd tsa tuaentout sad hsIp the clsb ms...asa Osuhd Onltread ar l-' n r ic e sa ~ O C Q ie lahoilail eaI hO0.tIO.sn RossI Dm0nBeltla P1en'C ai gaind oc aess i oso t i s si -.. sa.ut 10 -sbrs Lub li Ab. bH. LOXTON, i n fte eei rm iVaDl -ra nan sîos amafsincqaaly as t si-og -Oo.s saoroa socbs nnîlî .iuitn1141 -dat Agn, ito. 4Ie s ieond band roal and ihr- e c ct ue a os o onayos she teanuepsscd foer ilbriehd. tstl isasocasa slba Agshso - od.s i.ail blisters. for tsale eacusn stO Mmo. BNch. _______ros ai asointu. A G EAT, ~ n î .'&s u a SeVatnt -Wsatea. 6t. Jdba os . JDM .1fcBeod as d l Atolonsonra sursosods-IIlsto : tain.. aros 3RIGH-TrSCIIOOL.Pî CS iIl00fo ,as a ýcess. ntries Item umeroie baselioasattables-u-l._d -' eirrefe fii011 var, ;'. 4ad~Lions cse.- and:the exitsex- - 1kbsad seb'kfosat.Zkand 1 So .â W haOOj,,Oarosxîaifli-e andin G.od oucyirirsob riyeadbrllbnhsandotfies pc bott ure he dvehv o"tebi-ies coi-y n Rasc. The5. W ath araierI ad -ha elsa dyst alfe sa000l05 o hambesdsabi tnoe 5 is b. is 10 bob 1obo ab O n i v t o , V u i d u fs m -Is s e r s s , f-s s s s i aid o a ra isto n rI isa l o s Ct h a s c b ,nd r e a b s o e c b p pa n s i a s c , t o pes J. b a s a T i o - o s s d o l o s s o i I s a s e 'b s d - $làdi Mîlîso..11bin odipe -r si ns- .osTasi25y htenir lia aW oseofsijaluafTesossPps ilas.th oOiWcdsoodsr Si-Obasaleîs - a n ce ts i lse .ls ih ro ra out eaab.s.s a tts b- i oec aodssn- n xih eso lcas bs es s le, Pn isd ae lSE, Ls suiscT . Osil - sr nTsTTT stlo~ affesolni ss b ie -, ii fii o dp IL u fise rmlsttal sa o 15toisa ofiEsvd1rli fi, -eand. Robon Rsog. Asb PO. i.si.aronsoH54bvasfoaacooon. eolW.SithProf sai b HiTexa bs. b ,lions- outi l .5s"yoon er o 5 Ou1isirboso WthBRIgTISI4otbe oi n 04. I I14kNO I E iersdO t r s astry - sri. teC. Tblt -venoeqa. i, a AMERI Nro, 1.t ilrs-t b Robe-orssKing, oslaPO. v .o o ssa il rabonkîgi th ers-ermon cets. or al b essslthsm G ayIsa giss oI i0,s,-aag oe iaoaoatsosehs 5-I abs theslsPastraesonsasý i d ndRL I"'oser, Y MiA Sd-IlToan M i I firs,ob fIésissssspaa eooos?, Gas s Cbluntitase sos hen sricedssI s,194 Ttassasaso.rdautoa.b..O L LE s XeNoi a oiNryCoe4i.n:tne Iy sss of s--,A. Ths AtdthesraiogerveialoýIl oudbehdsselle fhnbuoConaasWrble ta lp.O.s.i. lîs 0 iToron tuses-ont as lLOl5,eassuepo deb at a s -ocThu lseRr.Cso Paro . A Isle sod fate p hestand onfio -Pfsbststs00rh1asBaonetsa, jsns isiroioaonsanbaaasatoa5o laailiosu %ill psmsb. Tbherieiiro ~doan odmove abs csoo-d sntbtu sopb5 escîa00j~~ s orasis, slo rrhlBysan oui (D ' M Aprmeb eha rasm isrhascdr-l o po sc ofassaublierstforoe tOsa a si-sa posit o u veis bnst, o ir lýid Beosedo-coase tshtthleosMeasat ahtl týn n o c o pt co bah> carsiogetnosnysaiighsons ,otssId hoq suo1o u siess-doea e u h -s i og sougf ,;IM Ii-t, ives . ritas asbînc l. rbusîblutsatbaica T io, 1,, P O N T O N erohssobT ois g os, ao rofar.ss g iIls rso, H . ont h a p p enthoc ste dsan e p sosd, A 1 - ,, f iarsusisi-r . 5N o stie a dian T E. , .. c l i r cu o ,eP ~ q i e s bac oorsseoaa Styna hnikofige H s-oa aIeaeaosssceeiiy'togh a- soss Iops-acsîpir Weo .-, rniais r I TALOS v . apv I'arm for al oyrreIosaloesfiles...,eo-ai roapsced l as by seisa as e fr one o gîsn ouaas t tss aloac boo a. ira. f L ,d.c e b rts itoi el r titt __ail t ismae fasateu eogei*s no caoSr. d ltrdag a sstin saa seti n n lady Piles.D ELAS ettepoua e ad Irj ssa Rqcso srs-n bTîseh* sy'f 0ab Caa1d0P4 es thy- es leie, osisgo,,,nedreaaaed bis irileamra.AS-or. N 'ST(,TI' - DE I -*3 isas-d soesp78nvantre of oard4Hed, Icraa Liharob I L VLAM oikilbear cessioTrfasgar. Ho oasog oas s oaHesemtbnîcg Biid, BIcedhgserP oains of eatoto.ult ,k.T IO i îsla r i o adnuaiîoasLr sl I sto sl oi -eaie ns Dsogisasrontsd aiae t aar 0 A LL Pebe 1,aEoiWL. P P R O "O luiiaso b ssefsis u-aar yPbî ashc iisaled y erns fo ayysosn-bc l speshaNisor a obsss ons mi toA, Suocnaysnos asinerig hi dvrtsunn usi-srpiy oo lb psai 55 51 ai-aab ay aI Obh, 001hlsn. bi os pi tsi lios a dsit i o si e a on e ssa asataontothboss Iosg slssdiagW .asRhOas O R R E T S - l e r . c c o t n t o h i e e n i & d i s p ai t dn . p s .n oP ii e tiap polis o tit .8a2 ueo e. r o dl Mst4,cn.2 s tosbil, Iboares sThsid snabRtheiiConadaelesby_ p . oasgtrrhsgcs tb dcitrita blocR NK E ECDheAr =0-îor ' a~~~ a uM lno f s. a s f i o u g e d , s a V.I '. ai e l t o u i i gas p a r o t a t a l t l u i n o d e st , c . IfPifo n o o s a i , I ,llleaed xcet u ate, b loas1.,saslcsboee llîae oso so s. asethsafsbssaba î ch nga. indslsssodiaas PtubafPAEoRWAL P 1 b ik h ue a d o ,u n s îdi te Co tyos ofaa sail : vl efeth o reu l blla b i bberliso R asro s ugsdd tt-ad y ref ndhneif os ss W A L LHO- NO A IA P OER~ IlFa xen yneo r Salg e 'fîalie ofPub l bi d cio , nsards a yab E xRIdp r -Thog ilon a's lc oanpRifle t I-osNT as ll5 teMse.y as- ms 'I , t , m , a pl y e n h e r c i , c o , t u hpi s d s o f b y is o s i P e e x t ( 1 4, l so e ion o g ao ia a s e nto i nab e tOst fbe r i a t r o F o c -g st n i g n e 1 R A K P A E , h A t Ms rIn fiamasbela, asona, sali cisyloosCi2. 50Bbs. fo tagetcrirgstDstas iboldab dabtalobcssspatedppslicaaIipsns gîsuosscase andar Cs4c4thMiltonlo.0e ni.. bheootas in R.lan sheta.: i e uta triohos iot fri sel fr@ bso es tl Sun.r.fore d a r. s epasi i, F A H E S fosse rues ~ i bsisao oSTsonte bond thot bo ciccess argels o-hncaariboa en M esicsseod anc stencilsisa 4and SisfioacySooeoer Maasi lous sshrdosaosli it B lodDts nI M îllai, 15atb S o ep5504 iorsI. Ametn f Tstrshesuascols-rlpsasor Z Bcg bsgebooI bagy od bao 'aA NeOFe o, b ,, ~ Pootlo n rîc n egs~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a .cst atdbeosc piofTrnt B ssinAtlas te s ayosg es, Rab teoMbon Hse loioMon-,StLui, wsM. d os s ia, WAL Fapplo gis-aIe 1I 1rge eo itsidaasoiaiooag Ws.thetridaotaenideort o oferd atrM t ue s oa annsrmalmson A L P P RP PE A E TIR T N' bîrs ohantsoe.vCosiorastoo bots ý. ooS.. 'ssio asneeacn ds t l esse sdrip e asPorosudbarnuoorslies 703. DafNesonTon ia ewSte so. an d dsoo Mogstee. JTe.ridcah.sîl ~be l te attnd asthel, oni h ot.oA T EFR TE V L PS To t S .sCo n .V7s-a0 0 aAros ;N ootlcH o aîa o . s t b r s r e ain l s b e r b aiz s h anf o - b o use o tatc h s t r e s s e o 5 e s i o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bricktienn , _lage _baik _ba n, _aone __ Cwllgbo re-assla te oopos a dit i eos- itnew rasiied i an t eobpse. N tt cG rasd a y hee lpie h tiergh . C l td >S a i n r ii.ul. Orcard aa saii frut. Buld-Mas.d iMoilon, 1tnosetby B04.ieop Bly. P oto lu n a d fr11 1ed n th Thsnee e esieo ortta Obig [ r 055 st einf eITl wel u s- Jg oth n l ug n aei epit(." s ý me Jo. .t al h bv rie ensMs.obiltIselasliatsn e onro M su on- l 165 u 5725M.de ama seV II l Otoper i1t n S -y A plyt WA i F..-Astro g w man r y u obiay tt einil lo b s n e n dbIle as e ld ee- is e e nn AItoor-W A L P P E ST N '5 htý Wm.Oser grlforgeerl ouE wr i n f i yspaes ltl tiSb eraru.vs d sIEBI nroy l trngesdA E a P E C l A L u i CoV A U abE ho. G ond E d R s ed Ton to. b e lltto d ponb t a In suuds e e u e . S C C I R TO B G T & C H VnA L ,t,2t oroto.wl e s. AdefToo ee ogad anuanosslies .B. P albaE.,Milan se l aso7T9ssa, s r clu ornersoorthaiseaise ih oe BitraA e ot a itn h o ed Noassor lmitan];mW i e jaln 2 0 neeeu bis pass idoscsveo s. m u à t r r 0 o pe a n h e r n T E A S A N D T E E S snd~~~~Clgar, a os lstita. t esfsui- l ei t ns~tersU O!o ae a rie fvto gsa E 5 S o VEEKWt* ChabWerlain't OoTey glos ses ~o he ord lueiirtn Aise tua Jane et cauaaed goud jo-stock. Aillneu good .er a nd ? &WIÉ Ï& =& T hot tvegj~RI r's M . M c n d fa il.AY ' Se t w o duSO Kb u-S ., e- - *nl * ë e l o s e a s am( A n a d y a n î a S h i p a i e nt& C On sc-,~ gosl oso ppbae eilso Maressifan ols> esoise a wIS.rkroeaof Trtemeand N m,' .l5hitl4SU~5yiP5 - t ad h - - - Caiton anr iés sO MM S 0SMî,f t.éal-lirof0Eds idA5 M k Q T l rr --es ' - d Ate Eoot(e1n sus-6p. $th'T C & $ ,O L D BS T À N - s ; o 5~A. I fRADE., hLv een bu iyjuiarkili 3çods. uýs pf montha ire 15041 hureei togetîlefiof' tîe Llinerytiiit 155sf a40 , ii l, xS ay.ucd .1i-. îî b at ileaîo, Zilrliiiý ,:!]"Iinels îds [iiîa 4,4cr n thing Su 4i., an fh i, ,o s y m Il PS. 3.FURNISHERS, d ournu -ot ;Styleso..... IULTON, 0< e1 fr Women Men IDUGA L jr i a4 4 51 t '1 NE'S

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