stIreetBr wi he gven fbo - - c' t.eks to the illiiit-'î y' Dî'ess-»Makiia ilil iff Decoratioll aCî' ins and Carpý iL [1,1 Pi l-MiU i o t, Wew - cilPapers oel, (idd bordersat IA 'acf fI reIt i are~ wjth4u001 '1fice 8d rii I lieaso ad i c d lire -lHdi, J'able dcifl flitaittle - c I 'uSe doti lictore6 the ~1Ftra%,61. HEPSIMSTREET BRS CIOODS i r i ntst a ~ i fc'~ rf-f ici sprîng i ie havi it e have i cdîys, ilfglater. i 11<05 îew Miie - îbDO & COIS. t fo i fll G1teInvestments -ii3, 4 or5 - ad Otanial fivery Day . . W.. y acofnt tithe tâhscun dR oilywilel d mflut John Bradley, ofMilon. ia prepard l 'tawareu. Eveil stiontfleat go e and inuppiy SalbiesDoorsBlinda. Motld-' tbe substantial sunt of l l th 99g. etc. Bar. Saab a speciaity. Ail banda of lb. caabier issunreiy proofasuffi- orders prontptly attended to. 384tf clent tbat the marea ver. gond and the IP R IC E S OOO OnSaturday a CP..braberman vas vi ostbeei cbe . In ,i>tb te joltedl off a a caraut the station bere by diioiotitaent l aused b>' lbe absence jiwo sections of is train coting to_- thougb ilinum of the liarpiot engagrd gether violenti>' durlsg sbutting. one for tbe evening, tbe programme remod fbhis unkleus asburt so badly finitthe tu iacb nobing. as lb. orcbestra did services of a local pbysiciala vere re, double dut>' iu tbe emergency. Miss quired.Mann. of Bay' City, Mic. Ilu ber Birut For aie-Tu, coie * appelaranre before a Miton audience, gondchace or raiagebuiilin oto r;deigbînd ai wtb bier vioiiaplaylng. Higginbotham & Fields' rned bdan hdtre s ;$95ocGet a aaeadP.H ecn _________________________-Jobn T. Moore, Torontojurtion. 3t la listest. Miss Margaret Matbeson in Georgr Moffatt, wbo wus a corpora ber rectutions displayed marbed ability. InuNe. 7Co. * oth Regt. saineyears ago, peraisthemorasi armiumiolher on W ilhifiîfS i'nk Pis 35c., 3 for $1.00. bas bren in bas Iis seeb. He pet istbe programme ilastbe lrisb MaypOle Pui 2fo 2etho wnirr os a ieamserr;. a lumber douce, hue12ta airy-libe lte girls in Stolfîaeh ,111(1 Iiver P lsc., 2fr20 camp urar Ahmeî Harbor. Parry Soudswhile. wîth grecs saubos usd rouegor- Doddis' Kidîiey Pis 35C., 3 for $1.00. Distrit. He sais the intaer wasucoid lands, trippedl ilroogh lb. lanastic 15051f s hidrîey Pilils 350 .3 for $1.00. aîly derp. ut W. i. Raera ilrihs ilgs ocre ('lher Vlis i5e. a bottie. 1Ve are placiug tie agrsoy toc ast clecerly illotrated. sud a fiting climas Bib 'soito Sffi 3 or 5e.Bath Cahinesssih Mmu. Alfredl Kighî s'a reoched lu lbe presestationuta B2ibýlq()\%Il oap fo 25c snc Mrs. Olrkltf, sud ,coold grestîy "Rule Briatil,' ere tbe indepenil- ((,ej irîle bffap 10c. a eake. apprecar aov liitdneurus ho ber- ece Of the rony Scot. thoealhetiio ('sîlh 5.The Tacha 'apct Bah Ca.,Orllia pîadnof ahe duhteof ris aI 25.Onti a4-ifie hope and protitue o ailor Canada t Hîîl)ofIlrehoîîîd 25c. (il Ciiî.MSm itîh, oaiHHo-frisel aliting utiug flrthe1,defiasot PlIiîîofffder 10e and 1,5c. calios, gavere hr fi, st dcisraiîass in asd iuajruly oaiBriasia the Prideaof Fou lrs \îluîcackîag yesleiday ai fhe Royal Tria- 1h, lOcam. Teituia p$13d7a. h WidStravvberry 25c. plrs bail, osIer the aaspic-es aofrrcssguthectff3 ofWthHazel 20c. Hsliaon Vciac's Ilsslifae. Theit iras G. IT. Hariorîl, Runerai agent il ther (c fWtha largecaîicadaocc of ladis and allinger Seiig MachierC. assthis ]-iitter Color (WR. & CJo ) 15, '20, 40c. agrccd on tfe irai value of Miss iffice LI ur rio Froihtrsbiaaos pho oiîiîf 'Partir (pore) -40c lb. lSniihsinsitruicioans. Ste iI libe . gallery> roliairs ofaialIiadu, and is psu. agaiiaaiariaiaaand on Maay. pari orrepir allsahsof sewiug Ep)s )i l Silts, best> 5c- lb. COOa.î, L) OuS r.IO N%.-~TlirHa]-isachines. Caîl and sele hlm. fo Voress lasiiioir las riigagrd Miss i)toliii ýttofl Food aod tlîeîr other preparatîons. S mit ofi.a Hamiltou, ic give deosusra-ÂAcident. flsicoaisgîihelllaowitgplaces: Yeuerdaymrig aG. T. R. poscon ,i-ilî,if );t5d. Mlias Morcl iStb, saiS and ard in ger train goiagucaroniaisuerlp ran thr Royal Tciplarsu Hall at iaa.oadoff ficîrtruch siiles trosiGueilph ni GN OTIÂ2.30ED. ajPsii frcaahl .fiLadiesiaho are and fa assengeîtoaachrold inoa creek _____________________________ _ chaîgrd ici lor each diucsuriuioa Houso, oPreihtrio, aged 2yars, id cry lady îintrrted ini ooabîog shîîîld and LillianI, rvis, au infant,. urîr ilîril, MuîaOllMid.LOALNEB maeransefforti oairand rch sessio.te laftrinoig droward, fotr pasoro- Miltn Ol Mail. LCAL EWS. CasriiLliaper,prociaiidiea.spoa. gersarr sritiiily hari, and assiliri b 'iiîli lriiîii bicfir.c'ac5h.iAc is îî.Sih ill brîiiCacipberIiaîln otahers moce or lcliniirrd,amiaig Th A to re llesFljht A tul March fu ,,i ý irîintî 01, flic a'.t, ad tleld ,jl b i., hsa -m Or si o lu e-I 'l, i , ivea iewir ili-ic.ry, a bicais Actonon the 2 411h.hnake . 5 I iIoi,,,, aiii rirsriifii lic tefc I iflic fîilioing annoauic t. Patrick. r iii,, a.iIrii , ,ig,,. A1 fy il f lace C fih letoi,f f fil. aes if ihe EI-iciEnol iaa 1,iinRIo . my ia,iIba lieiliceparrifiîi uyply Acrrspondent wriicc if- of ii-.claiir, fret uf lby tuecrqirra tccr orrinNDe-,'a.ict-Ne, arc alisais r .1 I !ilu ,rfc or rflil quantiIIi aiIsptfir, but in hi,- iLecfic,iaci an aold tory.iarcîîiaaoy'.acoetedcoffli ii i 1-11,,,,,,1 IIiII, l Li ,igî.tcL.i f F.Syr, wIii bas l enh cticociri,iib iogfrmiithe greenislipiihuiiliadieltiîtd o~'i0 af icand c c Ici raIaTheifiicciiirci lrftuîii'incac,t,1acishPcrbic- tS- . Patipcirvrsr .11 ii,, idf.cc1iiif.aîi I c<i-~,ioi n a ifcilg,I)riii.iuLtrliehas rriiicila a udercfie impression fintLiScotchîlPrc Ifj.1 laal îied rs iilliicrffiy ic II tiller Mcr.byirrauicicLo k isfociai sliapciiniflc Il,-.1 t L l i I,,ui,,, ,i\V.i T. I Lo,O l,,,cc ac-iiair..iihuiliffiihcifa-fib iiA ilfiiicir ti "Iîcrl VILIIlf andIc rIl, fi, iii 11,0foc lilîlcrciî vhoî i lgri is ftheaFarb fli I-i ci ilhfiip if Ar cli iiithii.iiib IliIr c , ,c 1-tlc. iiaihiipc t li siloncgr-xiic inc tche cagiincile Cfiiich of lrrlasîficacuod t Il illh îiffihiiîciiirccîI iigisil ltrfiiic voo,,io , -cIl iiiaccill,cc, ,cu fîcci At ) 2i l' 4fIS 1f ici feaccr a,lierc a, a i1 , iiic -llihicu.iILilfcîrcifil h,, nc fitur,W.filrah ir>9,,-L iic"icil aAîf i fi1iiiilIrc'icuuiccilicILhrcioigrîailiriîicglisiioccsuiliste 11, ec iii lic t es, cc andiiilatflicrate bc.a itihrsssIicc liii bOfg.. iI i lidciiggishuicfifiind teiiu ý'IiO f il fini, -r 'i n' 0,feiIiet, v,;o ý re ,scr.i of ilh)Iclasse. u fiicatils ccii i, I, frit,,inci cnc he I,r o~,c , . G -fs fgIIa,,, giiic 1,ion ,,1,,, l,, fi,.ii 1, ,, a ffuieiii a Slcif cc-- c- rcr a.bios,îi of i-, -o nýrIu Lý ilIiItthlaliiacificSr'Wliiid finrir -eived ,,,. , ,, 1~ oll a ,,, , ici t leir sptiiîg MllifLely (Open- A ce-,ccc'il Incstrcico for fil, Il Iliic, i l-cii fifciagi,,ting o . r nd Sitiý i coclirîbrciofh gh cfuuIliorucoilhtgiain-c i bic t l,, Ii. cýnn o rlllly 11i1 '-itirtll toîcr' s lc aicrs inLicha -l u 'I 11i ifi l , i . i i - ii iDcOiioIda Slarciî 27th aind 2stt. libc hl ai Staley Baiiltks, Tccoii.ii, a-,iiO c is i e Il SA oiif flýrikiaianiel,, ."fr, îfcîcgiiic1iaOii"Ic 17 à il ý Iho tkio Ia l ii ir,, iei,iiiior. ,arir c ficb.ctc ,.,,chi lo ciicil' iii ciii i ,, for a loi ýtiii-i rIiciche Aiicin is ,g oncci.c îiiicffcor tie ciA ciiiO i.idtuti f 1,Iigiigii l", iiiî.uhov tiiiîicciuirîci i' 'iiccrcll)plhci itheiilpo l iîcý1Il fl ic if Ici. ccIoInd, biliiiictf ll cDI iiii.ili ce l icci e fIr, aiSI, ccAicciiciifiliIil' er if'fIlcli iii ut ,iihri. f iii b ,c iidciiiii lb, ificl it a,,ai iabîii cci ii ,î i acirciicagufii.îcacf rv I, JINGLES ANC JESTS. '-g-i- c. l ,, iciio fii.i anc ici Tîhî,,îîî ici, iii ficaicch li alc1 uin Lacor ,ilircl iiih- c le ri I l lle iilrtd lcue gv i nteT .0 ii c AIccig rccmlrcaof fcilthfiilîci ttMih,îd,,i CbIhichi fil>, Il,î,iscMosacc Pa i -ii ci I ,,,~.1 ý,,11 f-it-cci, b flic RcvC.T hfir ilcisac iiiliiiic Oic- C cii,,Ai R ici1,<,lot, ,aiciliccri aliy ui s"'i Pal r c c ir ic i i ii i r a c k , ii i c i i ic , h c ' c 5 R c c i-cc c a ,a p h c u o Iii ' t iaciirr-eud t-c, i 1 il ifcr - i re i,, ute-cair i,,osv ,, grc ic nlire sing dec,- ccuivifiu lek ,lI ,1 11) rpld Ttecif ieti , i d ii is cî I f th, ci and liscPep e-jO PI,-lltiu .-,c(lirce tliinrrariradiciican Tiel, fr-lic hrtaloring and ThcOo0.1,a. liii 10 ielg a h peao.B'lii,-l. 1 n esan ln V U O' Ieci 1ý-t- G , cr Mi iil,IIIi esti iid îîtiîîîihic ci cibaraîîIls'byf, ro iilici htatr j-scflia,,.d IpîîucAîîs ,l rliuiaii, Screio rîlof iiicac iî'-iif'iuli iicci.i Iîli, t l icita ar-l i ai a îî incî crcfcc aîîîs IL ' ir iiiel utIns isYiiii Y il gdl ifSALI',kl fI -, fîcai ii il, lihad ciryiliiaiaiaci f icaiafiiin ot.. thic],il" An(ctoc iiifcfaii ,, iia lsciipr fipingcs'ctgrdav, aiiiiil iirn richitinheccficu. 51 on N a1 c,, If -Il tecrrii PenIl i c ri-ciiiiiigii oIiî f ,th tics b Souci' tas r licol ifa-lilffobilanduiliai Ioiiiiifni 211dic.cTiufrectk g N-1 1 .iii~ict i uruy I ch lsr uG .l lcýdrered hiigiiitrfrciugcr c-'I' 1ialicasG. C. astonCraig- wrlcisouuitic.l fu1,oe, ifitiî tI1, lî ,rfs foraa' îîroi [ lir t A f iirru iîîFa\V Ibrrias ho iliiMf0 ob.Iic g...I,, cru o l If bc fiai I 11 ,îandIl irîlîf Jiicc Maiui cii Tli,c ccc ýI,-ügg lIisup. Ife otO f v ii i ca f c,, N o , Ac pdc aitronsciii c prayice , ndafierrards Ii jacs. co l'"I 2Lh a 1l, n actiIflia ion as o ffcccifiauo p farcii, psible.5i.tciit.C cl I ccIr I ii, 1 f ie ,timsi cfflich sai i,en 11FFI il.-Sxo lcbohr l wn uhvihrpcuetkn atîîkilc friiatbacboaniitheiiepaciitoru îuî ii i iiîŽii iou Ue atll :ai as hr ler-aer ýI, III g Col.10fsciuilr ciiis- ifi iiic f hlfirici,icifui l"I ig clffI.i).F_ îccl,dng Th ic imwhrý,idt, s c llirdi ,Mcrchitit'aiSraîbecifi,îtail ikaIcîi fca0orf oin r hr ebrouicme asiiusafd, biobOfatauni'c,~ .2-3 nuc )fi o teIi f iccîifcfiufer - ndb h itc Mloun a s uday eeocigfcccigisg HI, fi Il i -Iw.Iaa o). ii cliftii i i raporcuel lirtl t a iîllcie'f t'le ,rilî frac sevrO candidate, hu , ob i l . pe<i.Istcrcaf "f 11, li, III.Bo iaopies Tauîo arff $îîa the u aio a ie iitifaiefand giccn ithehcîcoctu io cruioofcgil.licy- ff i rc 1i.l.I O nite hi a artrl ici ofhle rgîar mi ngctosg iltoniucLadgr,T I'vpo'h,ý,,LI1Ia ticaufigatica. ciaccif il 543 oo Ifh akhl fee i ae ,, lactter f fork ii F sittcfansgxeptsoiaasni ,ithl A- stm teadpa il ifeecei, ie ci,,sed iisf aoutii2ai111. Rcurshmsi k,,'orb oîbr is. Cocnocua i fi Thefirii,ilciif oii. r itrisc frt crcd inthefaifge roaailrsfies t folioau,- answercillierbcobaob. Co li igigîîîî.~fWoîîîîf lîirfrfgif hcîîucîwrîrfoîr ciiifcrigifitelirit cgrce. Tht ucîrk "Luias-ilgty wl tL tiasaoleot." Ha i 1irlîii al chu i faauîi fofiler Mr Jhî T.SMoore, .1ofailie dogrees cous particitfptly di 2 Il 111. i445 yabcAve..Toarontoialociiîs 3' deteiirth0iiicicruOfciMltons Lodge, ..gbip caraplirolced Sp tht ct.a W. bat i aues. Al 'flîcgi Oddffýlousup Lias "'The 05000sf sustîtor cisguaor Pro ilig not beenabingincrit ptogrcoc it Are uJtfchoaccocl "Nu,bsleus g' iitoîi, Marelî i2th, 1903. t.ftu;nitnareigt. rti oIogebu Not coaîua ave fies, - buti luihi bain a fai ,imbsr Ofaild iOsbers, theorfi bis U fr itst 1fillihlioig lfnotfter car, 410 bags, smateriaf, odîcd tit sceh saif the beci And bislasnbis of cosi fi thi IiifLiln 1 li, lak o te 'ods"and msuait he sanie OuInds copetel hnie f r lsfor -aeofteWod. ntht ,cor faturr. ..Os Toudac rots LI. ndpu Ing Milaton afgpascca rsltioi 1Si th yue. aild D bout r.pis F C-N'T SCOLO THE 000K regfci fccr tht comsisg bc1arurt cf Bco. Iho Oh, a oîccatt sdzeog shoot ber. E * S,r ,sjiunîg hsproieriadltoîussauolepate BUS EUY hopin,isuat is lbornSseliWyominug., suaa. eFut - CLHie-Ytsr to ruooher dowu.' K EWATI1N FLOU R-- I r usi,_ s .si-u i1iHaua ___ The Il-tropolitan 1Bank PAID UP CAPITAL- RESERVE FUND - -$1,000)000. - $1,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. DIRECTORS r PESssîaos-A. R. AMES. ESQ., AA E, Ams& Co. BasSets usnd Brahers. Ta- ronto, PresidentoTuorotoarduof Trade. Vtos.PREsuî,ssc REV. ROBT. H.WAROEN tii) - Ileal*Agent ai uSe Preshpyteeiau Churoh isCanada. ThsBradsa, E.,sqPIA., t'ce-Prru andrctacrfitiperiai tifc iruar suce Co, .. J. Moore. Eoq. SMgr.Th Cart riiirC,, ViccFres. anc Mge, The INiagara Sitttr Cao.:lChesfer 1).Mauocs, E-q.. Freident Masicof Harris Ca., LiatcI F. W. BILLIE, Ouseau Maager. W. D. ROBS, Asst.,Geool Manager. A GENERAI, BANKINO BtSIsNESSr TRANSA(TEFD SAVINI3S DEP'AFTMENT. Speia attentiton iubircsr ca fics Oepairiaul -dp fopa ncî,elcciuî and upttards arcrcrad sisircr-i,cuvhic i aliaccd fccsithelartefre pasi, i adoeup onuthe daily ial&oae. A Brashofithe Ba asobeen cpesrcf in iltufiiacathfclnnatgociecf ofiMr. WB.Cfcaensin tsflicprerncucu formrlcy accipel hy BatoC,,t bIain Srert. W. B. CLEflENTS, Agent. CARRIAGES cufuncag c"i.f l" iii, c o i f.... ý A t D eIjîîiî, fndîlsatoi, . ('arria-es, Bugg-ies, X\agonfs, ind l Sii. ~~Mlatt îeoîta k cf 1 im1i A I ' 1 I Our piat Rubber Tire Buggies liii R()iig c A1 i i ck I; l - h Afc, i th N'ARTIN ST., MILTON. --0V7uoE. E. BENSON. lO hat'Ii ck. i i 111 i ni- l hi , fflf I ic N,lih G - ccilio i i asIcu cias,..cfi.ii.a o .i I Rc ih h p,"h arki ,tbi,,n lc Son f -l '- i The socca fcc--a f,,n i c, fi ghl onc fli ms tescry. -. ,i iii The naiedfiacc ra l ananInCacl ii -iIcibliil' - -c -leift tIlf F- hi fli -cf ca-, f I-, It cia fi ccligicicf ,a fînia ci Ilfi luadîftha c Ii lice ac'î , ,C f I , i1 caiccciiicandlidssca o inicic cct, i -c.l 'clii a wcrcin heBali tfac ic.i, 5cibalcccc -f oa i - a i k cii.- c ,,Ill dfbciih cnt B $ c- ilîi 1ci cc bice t't. ' hi, , acîa, eInacc)n I lé-ai aicuWicfii a e1 , , F irc i cccA l, , k 1 1 ifa f 'c i iciiian n t) ii pi. , lW , i ý , f , a1 -1nii,cci 2oa -ii, , -i i i t i I cf Il Theii c i c si, c- aAg clcadscfof L-ktil, u nfiiii i iîuricail fait- if i 71, ifsî FiiubiigIc an" Fig , ctîî rdtci. htbh ic,, r cn gnou Famua sIi Pli, cOupclli Q, fi1-cAn Applictationi -, ci c iP 1 f tIý,IlI ofig cSt, - f iiusatiuiiscniatiuiiliav, cIll g agent, fui No-iiai oel, n oîclmines.akifn icefu iai Prîvate Ftînds .Igrct ua l iîi aT 1,ci a tcIi i - f't irpilsos. 'tiiefilaniiioli ppeals\%ica usufuird F ciBal, ii Mf SWEAK LEAD TO LUNUS Consumption. THOUSANOS 0F PERS0948 ARE HASTENING TOWAROS THEIR GRAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE A rcu snow ihi. hec chof. Pul.Mo stand',isrîaf ary Eat ry Cigood, pann,hing P U L.-M O andu5 PuCdoas dt f used as directed wiIllcheck thepm is hol Lu ai Nafoir 0,11 d. îhc t-ut. this fatal dise... aand re-Loretbeaflirt- Puyo. uoir rogsl i eItopoeféetbeazIfb.Donotgotolhrida, dogih.ulccir a %adeire, California, Mhexico or the Rockyy proure iiifii t ic dfor .cns oumntais.Remaja at bomea vitb friend. If yo.r dggist bas nt ot iPaf Mo i wd jomé comforasaruld youad u tcko, a -pl. o hoîloill be dcford t. pà-Bf., ýWbicb i. ithe achievement of thb, .y dJ,- :estcy ln umgii cilence. Pul-mo is an FREE OF ALL CHARGE. amoa cure o r Consumption, Titrant Addoeu ail ltter. tu d Lùn Trohu'ÇonKb".ods anld ai] nu Pai-&WaG.. Tura. On.. ber çoil ie ByePtOUe. HGLW N IKE&SGR I Organized for the Spring "" ý-Campaign. Ready, aye ready for the iggest Seasons Trade. Our 5tock-- Boiiglt for cash in tiîe bust tîîccîk-I c'. ,tccii witiî the gieatest care and inîtelligenc-e. sfi cii-il ii suiît the îîeeds of olîr rade. W f" CccUolii1h I Iî t i il"g 1î10toimtproin b our buynîîgl îfî li c iii li ti suiît 01fr ctloîuîrs and patrotîs. New Spring Goods iii rucici -.\ie% lî-îcfi cd Newt- rinitsandlîlSif Neî dothcO, Neýii l i f ii N uit M litsanctiîi[.awos, New :111 icdii i. Na,îî fcl ilcfh I , -pbyrs, Ne-iw l andîl l The Housefurnishing Season is at Hand. \u tli m ifim 0i aled i ti fi i Il i im lC Pa pers, large , f Il, "I'sft t- 1:1j!i fiI ý ( Î, il Ni~-(dLa lle1tqa, j ( )Iîîil-.(îîttIl>ulaîîi 1\1i' Our T'lllinery Dept. 1)Il 1\ ' lkSON iý WVe want yoir busines, .Lit LI, Our store, OUF stock, Our tiltf service. Hiollinrake & Son, - .Milton. New Spring Goods, t( ilm .'in nu txvo afh 1>i 1)t i l iits îaîti 1 1 ji1 1 s Purnishings TAILORS. BV EWTZ' SONS. FURNISEPS, Just Arrived ,t~ ii f il , ýo the iifil}iI1), - 11 ui :m j .,i to iisedilîg ci31 I 'Sic Icîb ciry a full lineo f'aI al kînd,. of Cic' lt a c al Iand Yoil ',IllI Ici (b At the Milton _Shoe Parior, FURNITURE. * -ALL KINEDS OE -O :* Tables, Couches, Chai-s, Mîisie lHaîL. arc al other lineare t ( omful it <fiF iiOO ' R. B U RLJN G'S a aitTfofcF(iîrîtture Store. 0 MITN do qmpý