,eet o 04andd 5Ie St half 1 t.1. t .ed 1O)Vr s t. -t-Wint0e. Suj' t Il t t ttderupar atn t nd buyers 105offew i t tebrtary, w, "' ue MRitîs the t itl~Tick. - itu-gdepart ts tttljhase lootdgstd and -d Sigar -2ut Ilest eJ,, t, l t- t- be i - t fieO i ls ers, ElVSTREET BROS. t (i'OODS Whte st-t u \ti-ste ,la t'S, C? E 1ES il e W tEO & , i sîd cc C5 mss uts i iHatton. gvery DaY -iWatdGmrëfor lGrthadwoklfo Soseti i uretblg Ts'f~iyotbemM. j4FobrdPt and, ED FIE TIN ,ipprfroya.~asLwa tr" lrin j-ai inas of Mlistpubli H i~~gi n botham & Fie irit (a ibiD4IQ1 Uebc ~ ~ .E :S u e- Aiesasi.r~. elue~H b COaectèaitbsbei - wbb a tb M a rb t, a c r . O u a t r M r b . 1 e . a n d05 5- PrTih - rs e ns e113aa d F sltsu< SkPle c13fr 10.Jb rde. tHsna u pee red Popers ost d ayd a " iuu6gt ceTh;eiiee e -FiA-Vs-ee.adAscyiopre ieAer lotS, t t>sîl ~ a bottie.Sd iuprepardid iedu 1fwob ttbtdciau foir c'hou Iddlsne rig n o h r ie d , .l.aer for cteearrespus htt er cpai obces, EoquMiel -topulcrS V N S D E ~ M ss- - Se~Moheci se Me 0 sud Maun c stui-ie d gt .B.esby ii. Lhorats luiît ssdr 0e nd 3e.ah eoseheuai d icfar,,t.hs e eleny d of thee wn r .tg audepe-aE . c ES-Et S Q.s A.l . sitttie es &tss-o.,icse tiantdt5rdseesto F R S >.oTcc e bebetd t ior thavpeîtîclsearn et c, - otîs e , e de ntTce th oadoalance. 101-11 of ilton lacrebard ciii buapdcsestte,î. ncudngth t- iNN Sets azel 20e. f-cldtodYa. sh dg.eMOqire . Bratshaw, sttt . FBecS hoshce-eseCand5 Nitiato.tcuest, ie Assur- II.- .1 ljj ,vR. & Ce.)15, 2f2 0.. JDfl M5T r5sOHdB u5ý . niotu Ssret - ait officess esisfspubsicationt)e itesede i t,, o. us (pure) 40e lb..ac. M rSCtsthi;tcoS.i bidJ.oi Mtroocred eceat-. Me . B . eCrerueC o.T , VAe sn t set'50, froc$100 codeaII__________Aisnt_______________inandaegr.ThNigaa______C.__ChstrD______________dntMasey - t- se) e l.M teuif tog teet f te. tcgs M e i ra ste her ut o r, reatsgntin arisu. imtd -su i. e d tisd 35tîseir oh r $ re a.to ns A .ss E - sd ite. eb n sid s r e c e ricg to relst1gotit e s ai nets e ult ons ns a p y F W A L IE esetM n g r.W5.ROS.Vt.G M n g r XV. 5c btle a . CtperhofWet T er ande-c des a"dJh )cs cs iec tM an hd l P earet e ailuttt edetetfeekrs d.camo ratr h n d resr "SN o T H A'î f&rFIE L D iethet Se hocco se oad ecttn e t uEcesti ce nCaai. Ther OksieER I A KI G B SI E ST AN A T D Soa) oc.a akeulsseBetecta r e yh,-poocg a seaOG t.-n Siaetfre se.tMc- Ca se stt e -- S-sci i i l ssc Cfstetona M e - sd oIeogs. ,t asi eth r sfat.A 5VesC AV N S E A 'I' ure, tits. -2s5c ts t tcc N tec ci sd etea ist tet e tit r S the te ,eiloateniotegeesrstste tsectttsse,,gahbsedu o on dola Pu s te e ts t si g s oc s s, k sc - e sctS h e ts it sl sS ee te t e s e , scite ry, and ttt, e t son-s ei ng a p a d r e evttadi t r s,%h (ii ll w d f o l tr a eo e - S ui e t a nd 1 5 s, stc iss ta -, M ss t,~ .F o act di e . - ct sts bdi ng lto t . , lia t e t h5e sP ublicat i of is n tie p st s m d n o h a a a c ( ,, 1 ,I, V t i.H e s -s . Ne20 cE pta.eo, e htio ti o t esJ h % s lr erýi en e s g ni at 7 , e th r sg erd a to r - -a n oSeet Vs',tiac.5 iiset.tusseo Noc tsshtsse etSii methesut5otn rrFuld;C e ttswhs es, te Sladttepsa- -od a -th etfOthen"csss te k. tos.tesece sitsses ads seetss resy es vestge cognition ofse bishstsstst e eservices.W q ~ 5stts,,h -st et p~ iteflorin eeesithog s st Aitte . Lst eestt-esss, 5e eetd teasret nouzer e ~ ~ ~ ~ W seA* Clarkes gsgsss toisc Tnseeisseessescg foufou Ce bitsutet tss Tse stEtgts \oitCiotIlptss.tit sotnsess-sip spist e Lascg.M seflOt t ccMs ttcsesC sseogsfi 1 (,efbO T Act-t c Iesl t ttsrIbE peh lS,, ht.sssucus Te l sseuh s Coct e gO5biltvs e vo sesd C e ce.o e JI'~ eesiecttisesttstsSstitcett e s uthat is h Ces isegeet , sc ti ed tseXPTeýsks Ve5uss.EaTtt e. ttsuuue Iflitsasis. aCARRIAGESndSa sy "h lrrstrcehr;vda ........sst.dAU TI -NSALEs.t5 STEttts, sdtetsets hsbT. i, of ot e. yOst. i oono B bses5rr CSo5the ee, Aes t t eireti she oetn ca, ss-. Tise C--st-s. ti s, O k issus, t -t. tan <If l'lent. ttite s tumotu s old and Ro5Sd Ma.ittck n ieofTss s-s g se s ofttires o ce , tIaci ths , t3, n , Nlo wl iedtofscs,,Stt, e' , Atssuc ttr -eetttmgritctehsito tsi .,, sut - tj - Pou-tav aclarig aC otsock nnit inthse tsitehoth ae tttuffersg mthce e cs is't, Wtte , ts5,ueiui s ',oatcrs tco ody ite dttt . ut fie.,tttsst lnt ctcîecth tssts ssttei -i u ,Z,,ts i i tuut iii - S~~p, e ner rsu e. Cha in aicu. et et, thit Seco e i. estmesOf5e s p5uy tsegst ts. t t- e 5 etsst ut, u lc-,sss W ecllcam teG. eeliltl t ii7,sctt, si Brick ture c Issh 'e Se qsesfss e,- s, t-sesy- i. frt ,vts t r i es eri s , - stutt t k sts g atetseyt,,oxsv tt ths e5eII eubi ucin h tstie e de tcu rets its lares. t po Of Te pietr5es cote ct er t e c.h.t qe - , t sut ustty ene- ot c-tis i ce tock imlen ent reisett .ftt forssa-, est astt C> thriittt5-5te e sit-tts h us. îs )ctiR b er T e B t Ntoiigt-u eser E. se Teesste c ssiehlesh Itu (i i etets,.,, tsnto -ss us gt Btssinset,-tt uit teAl sre iglt I s tisecar Ce a rk tA p er e t 7t. ,ce". 8.twshue i s.higtte se tsicsLa ing i tA )i.iicr tuees . istso itt n -ud gr aieohsTeacena tsstoc rpe t tet esees t i ngt i i l,ietset esttset -, The iutttet th C,ute O ili,., ui ko \P. Ilike .tan r lt2"um.2,NstS, IIi iiil pei t y tt-us lis Ssi ie. -iss esiulo i _ tuu, tn tte ha, tts 55stMi' 1,10 Ifst .CipemeT t,etsc.. ontset, ettt. ~Jeesssugîiiu se eeit5 t, iist fiess csstc. Eastgeses. Iiget uuisîsuus ai satt . .t . i tasnd t _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ tsts tet-teu, -suue. s iteth e oucu-2.351tnios e ac h uisstcguit s itsiA TN S . IF N meto . slI i,, P E.s t - 1 lents.ied eg t u s I-l thesshi in s t -e,ilu,(ist' I ' : AN' 1) .E ' B EENO1,1-VI Stlr'Tan oCanad aorh e tt s aretft ee .,ss prupare, tsi,ply c,. etsI ,-ter etett lits, Qîtîciats andrTthesers Bieno ees frs thenttetus tuse ss i dsste te,s 5tdinc..ttk tt ________________________________ - MIii Ivila ilg dsl t rvlvvt hi ifcsh u ou snl ttts t tis atjt eces gtso, refort i te tte n e ac e ýst aiGrandtm rce Trn ilfu pca ris eraifos h.Sust.ssît ettusetu Idet Corntt ithtspalie pusse, sthsis wrtl wl eave,stshse tttt Station, Ours utcsehste 5,,s5sss,,ersTireCONugMPTIO of I)Itd0ll ToonoevryTueda drig a c teIitsuG stuut-si shuit -s t-ut-i.,h P in ,,,utte It, a e Sa i e w it o nt b e sto k sb o ld ta e th e trai P eel cttin ,t w e e bltked tIt a il -i f i - fl D E r eseseest adtees sagetttorpare-e ah e fi iest liu ttlle AimtftaeFIP' luuugtý, n R .W.un ,A - ..IL larI aneus d thesss.essetnecttsatu ,ssi-. esestur eieds s : Goretw ,suot Ies yfi l],t SsC te isit, etueestit acsutttineferte5tius h , su t h, t uste va-ei-tud II g i, r Th c~ior ttandttCtcsatset oMo, 'Ic(,bI,. , .... *- iJoi. . iru tussut-siesutts)IED anO,]yCA l'B UR D ss te -.Toii mpceststsson tsof ttssitSeetitand oss ss 2 tr6. tt Stie tu-,,u lreru t., s us,,ss 5 tegse cael a-e iphiippesemes, o St.JohnaTdE.-.---TtseIl hiPud ltiec Theettteint - tiseh duEciteetorant riziSt- 1 e t a i ets.- StxtmetTtstshettud-ie20teslî'ecoeilh etter-stitieoMî ri 11f i lo Sai rs nP rilin.pteOnttttes-etu5 tstesu5 Jstetsttttthue vii\s ot heu a- er, e ietttc tc tess e e lttt s tstsohn g mte de s a,. ,g t ti- sci ,st t ti S-efilmtstt.e su ut tttthe F.pmn foDe c nril o issti hie hpsstOe t asilg""In c rclfgtr u d At, la ge m uits I . eiietes commun, i ceul s s os-stMr.cstt5t,.îttri t-E . stts rsSO t t Ai sla co usnessu, i t e s s>1- u- s da. Sci e t epttess most. i bi- tstlsuc tiittssitstt -tutsts-its-îe EIig-Ih. G rade Jrivestrnenthe12 Ici nesu--s itît7,tmrie ad ictse tesiu tio - t-S5i5tsstct.5- ,ilsss5 ts,- eetg. sst Cii 55s.îittad toser o fr .g aou. itstoic tso etett- est Cd Li-t ii -ti iit O0î Co, B iiie s M, ILI etttcutt-KtB-t-eEmulitnc due l-oi aiR c o tm P ie ,t.ct 'Ftotussite i te t u ui .tiest usu o e ot tes-, t 55-i ie - b , uts ,,,iegi ri tc e . u i, gseei1rtt istttciitîitin ut Tise of-,ii eiitt lib elh e ofieceo tr llbl5 want-etre 5555 u sbut bttereubrick ,,sI,-avus t a(banctts i let-ueu. BAR NETT 1 eginah herccesuexahediorbckstttet gttsettii-se, ete Testîsob, - I vaine f atbuinet-sndeenfrkcisfite eust t -e ls,, t\\tctl'a-CAsuD E - ut T be Taior. R. . GiLý nfF lýin elstîCo ireu5atest.re ,, s t,r, v, isg.ts 1 tie1ltt.sssete ts l ii -tuu")s"l giye anentrtaiimet fl Ile Netl ssii s T"e.gsei5.u i t-sico T e t ei frte f h elb oh r tll ] C .CIles , ts t ,laT si this1 Atteisser .1lnciaryTrobletft1,orsnyheshssosuss-o an _______P __________________________________ et.uB,,tif] . pi,,05 *egees titt tetsi tuse. , ucssso e at s tutirteuiiist t ari ecll DeiIv, .nd10 en vbct.u s gl'ori cr- * tsset ie lcite o f set i ,iit lts 5esofiecte 1ieeietetsseteo Oncsg btsu for.essts tt t it L are t CV5c; Me nce. ci c eldes lcita dhr. Paper H nging etsîsttascuubssîssthsutisrtetts se tttluseeitt-st-iStSttsi5Ct tig G0 P Pr Sa e * t-tttesr hes t i ruaessi geitartesisi EtfUCtî t ilT, RAs S , -us it e teseîs e rtitRtt-Mttls, usrstt-tst es m re-1ycr 17thCt-tisesIf, _1 'at he'e'hoce-tee teeos od Live Ol ofA DuN * stttt.SCfieand assItte iS11 e sgtthe 1e ,,i thgtbsc I laeIC r Acd. 1 eIjle qlel ilýiii x cnosa d I r enesecststsrdo etes t aTheautsof ue e genon ti s s5t ent InthSs e i tt NT a dettgss ldnesmusc d prit-eam!regoode) on l.Tis latcion C5 REu q ihlint y n t îtete ear, flittfihenot * rih l- i-p t-sa thc 1,,a,*ý,teiut,,g iuu of~1~5tOtfE ce~t e , i Ise ps sotte. ste) 1 2 1ý4 u aces selte uit,,. The (ft- o s e es ofroC Eei seeil 1 iSsbttîu t su ssg ulocCI D * 'noi uîu.eetests. hetee t , tt tes eiic steaits n r yb e.i , : is t llOaig tetteet- tLh s tfo 2tc t -,ut-tssý >e sttt t e p,;,tg t ptlisu___ Bi :tZee ir o etcet t seotnd it e ifus et-cetill iM i to lf & A rm tr fl . ehst sise t iset Ore e g onits l ITe kret sirtOf ssutscIt bt sii, * otete t-,seotueectliheetlothenaccitiue.d.t ,'a 'etds - t irs se h e t*# 0,C** **d 00 0. u**. * .....** ....* o*' Mss lio ltî'thes s o ecese ets eh s,tht tetis essc e te, Isus us St seaJigoai esthasln eC sy te Aes gt)wsit s Stn555 ie ie tis ,st lietsschargseesfte teiiiee strutue55e, in , hcttsess otaedstHea tp.5Scuni Otro eot,,o Are tehs o ,t ,, n,M thestst Cet-toantht oreS. tsa o tg httges ,eory i55,tio t ete t o s l.tlaO veecitforthe e ei ttefthi, atts-s T ho-. ts rryetmtsagrgt N Milto M n ari th 10. Ma*cttstesO cdut eSte hafoes býteeS syatC , CssI , nd pOit-O fo ý5, NS u-ejîtt ntadisg an tlir ar 41 b gi ttu b tScs, Ceoceedth e. i, tten -t-il, ,fil A t tstc,îsos s t attts lur, îLae o h W o s'CeS ed eAhce e aest G ui e en tecotsent gtC -t lIiabecgcd etesoI, T e et .to eeec r im rsn etfo bu - OON'T S OLO TH 000K f te ec keiSA sed tos -tes inThet 5 chargtsset etisgeld k ý'ý2 W llPa e[Co a ca o nd Im ir W ll Pa e[* asC oeph .t a ite o nT e ic se o-.Ttiishs e ,,C o d_____________ E0AnUYde-atterureas houn, S T hto e sctSc pstat e c ttittacte ccandesehStL Toli on tc.of s eeig a t.cd ee n the Bt nsts M es heS C na tu rC t BittehttFotheRO KE WA iN FL0Ue . M. Caott-hrit. et tise s-ss-edte an fTee ae-oitseî-e Neluivthtir aeI- A M F R E E T R IA L fmsil.5atofe Les 5 Heedtevcs c set a,îhD L 1* - esgncoorsi nd0 nd tescS t-ttoce s ,tdatas emera , lst te ti nce R-. se55At c6 rus he t e s.drce ohaveetie d gt' -ae c il, pirasec, tu sJwshcT seCpMate Cttgon H1%eordroplhsaeeardiC0etienasSdH. Blakeatveo cet eeeuasedei* ufeecincte thelhreo e - th.A. R ST O C ;e. u ttiain, I i WeIIesat-,Enies. Set bein t e Cvin e. r .f.Soi, bu getIleati.cusiu otc dsteCdU teot Markleca sesc oannuitd c arsget, ise t Sqthe ,ccCS.utpubbab i Fe.rslraiet,5cmueth-soaDr tec, hyrOCt b00 ** 0 ite fin t ercccnduted Mt rs i. C itfogetetelltdasah. esrbtdcttIesielesiiomadssedte ic m. ndclge tbe7 ei. t e n . se fft 'tsi A setet.o t-hat pc rtg teibe stetuebana clotse atrne PAPER H A N G ER~~~~da snt e aeeecpigSatul d t- etitr'dbcSec ns C sttt e notees.Haty lttabibeopc.Ytuoietdtaes htbsu-te, Mitnyrc 2t,19 3er. J. h lette.and ietla t ao- i t~h-ueso h aic ot tuesnc R R A M N w~~ ~ ~~I~ o n.t ~ ~ ~ ~ fablet. dice r c Wnteas-tîtcd ssi-. Nîsees ,togt st-es HaF eSy en ofTef etbs tirmrc. teas nsb -e ig anfiln for L keo h odsA. icf W L thetupit- gtttpr te bllTbcA.aSieeuc Checi, The Ne-A est Novelties in CanadiBfl ~ ~ ~ ~ Th dfeffa~î~m asth curdo rca on V A es . ,in aleJaon Maecnad -, ir choo h rmce on riCupatLccd 71EegSro RnnDner ooa o c. JofunCharless M nsTBron bîts, Weî. Tresie gitigopoGeorge-ue E3U -I« Eciablept e a h o e t- ibu oseetiaieb, .du1supri cienu Catoiciii bnpeeatpth- sacs Toroto. eceaed ws th d 1nge h.Ma hasbele M. Ctepo hnol, s sud Me. WtertM.ty a B.ureC n ADustO.Ci eM Norh A erian ifeAssraCeCr-L hecttcdo h s uefcivl re, Pg1 isient han i n a acilt eactret ,îr;h)1,1) çîd Offc. m Iim.Aot egns tOO ro Ht tcifce tiSoir.e Mccl, ur t-wo s ru cees pons liplss su Organized for the Spring -~-m-Campaign. Rmady, ayo rsady for, the Dlggost Season's Trade, Our Stock- Boiit foi cash in the best imai ket s S iu( with the giesteat care and intelligence. Selet ted te suit the needs of otîr trade. We are rotitsîttal \ tudy in, how to improve in or biiying--boss w e ceu tit1 stit oiir custoosers andi patrons. New Spring Goods in greai e set New Dress Gxoode, New Prints ii sud t, eHý Newv Watst Cloths, New Laces and 1-ssbt, h( New Muslins ansd Lawiis, New Sits silttss New Gttsgnsîîs, Zepliyrs, New Hosiery mi-sut;t setL The Housefurnishing Season is at Hand. W e ase itit a iii tîq iislled pc-s i ileiit 0t si 1 uiith tia tter ocf HoîssefLîirnishiig-;. N CwW M-aî I pers, large etocs, rio- Roller Wirîdow ' I t-h]' New Lace Cii-tiIS, froîts'25cs t. , s. New Cai-pets, iktss1, UNWO( (>Ilc-lotIîs. C'rîrtain 1>oles îaitt Ii\[ Art Deîîiii and Sateent. Art M ilsli nand (Crtonnmes Our flillinery Dept. MtISS AN ttEltr-dt\sagitil1 t h ý ttttttter. W ati îsteîstesas-es-y depatittestt. tOttt ets îtllinery Ji timu tub ies tare tu s r pr ortîswtttie WVe want your business. Let tls e-t-ttt Our store, our stock, our staff atre et yurss service. Hollinrake & Son,-- Milton. New Spring Goods. Our ss t.s ii- ' Ittstgs andst t. , t t-s. Wtvt aretss- ss sîstm. i my e.ci,,ý il ofci iS[uit-- volig(e h-ttîii $12 s 2 tudt li>t. io 3o Furnishings NECKETiES "t-tidict SI-1;, k m ,ds-nbc t, t - AT SEN EE A-li ',, TAILORS V W. BEWS' SONS. FUPIHERS. Clearing Sale of Winter Goods: N e are s(i-tettsg sssr ssst-re stock tsf ts t t.r d setsm s l, - IlS t-oomssfo- sptiog goo t 3 ,, ,t tt,t,, - , st, ,s5sTlie , . ,-,t i CZ