NIAS tst D l'al>aoltal la i, 't j, k l I. uu-ati» efthe, FFh thu.5toists ana .8 a lu L* 41 F -adutuy flics, Id furi~ 5 Fît F prf h>. il,, lis livtu IFF ' .nba POlu W M aFilleF aduu du*e ft o 1"'>e f»0o lit à'pur'»Ittu W h on*50. or "Fop-IIet ~Stot uOItoti. s F.d >lt>uhfOne ,[.,Fke ansltu, * '> .. tuF t'th 1hIl A"OF'"FF gïdteo,> 'l' " I tln F. 't ' l u ts leFgh'y, ei FFCFFd'Fudi1 F undFd FI loit. o f-Id il Ilf Fj' I F11 de lha ' I lt FF nf t ',h tMies o fae '. MOF st a.d F .-r'tio hoat fou loi F lt oh'> tal i p thet ' R'> 'ufthe F I . As I l t -F FF>'.pud, oe -1 1 iF, hihet TFF-> Fltf oo FF 'FFF t he çeedul F F o tu f.u t FFFF F 'dth t urt- F F 2 1 h it hd ý ' attf FOFOt ut fuiget 0>F> ft Dîît î u r '.li tu j>ulit F L FFFIi>vhosto-k F. "oft eru' obus d ra- F. î>>>uil sut, >A F A FF'F lfu od te al, F. hF F>F F. ebudpt Il Il, F-lu"> u .,trio iFf ., FouI oteratpoit F F i'>FFOIf mpi tt etion 1..1 - t e .te in ofth ' h h, ( t a k't l u r o -'> ou f ci h>ts olt all FF IF m Ff t tisa o>0 hroain4t 1 , , ,tisa n t d ot d , W h t WL 11E AtM EEADY 'TOI,; MA E TE CHILDBEK 0lis, Gamnes, t1nd5 w' FFjarF4he4;7.A.u.the4 . '>rjassalit h nof aree' Y' tbo i M d e a n P n rst ie so c tan a lt lo t i stu fsg t ' a n d h u a t ro f Mt 00013 ..... *usb a tý .-CoanTormaioatntsaren- ibot 700 . P*ic e' - thfns oo.......n....s.. chudur fin et rsbtohiler o:a "Bakeroo'oa oi i ooP" Tosus anfstfb i bnap d f ***** * ....... ............>$a 7 . C a e ,h ai t f a telo neft tle ir" s ai tn ad ono osa A N DBFt, T H E sîstsFO Lta ' it lus ssy ina o o nl.. -i'» p os. oo su ana o-58.» C aDoYekrn Coin tena Sauts tletnioot -or tino ni atO 'lo ti s c.htgtin 'W ofinih bs aeso. l E TR A I A M N l u usobshe p r n ip l i t elOIllSin 14555 saii- p tiis a m p.ltse 5 fl tS y - at l l o*h a i t O e W u t e o fl n t a w e y l tle » M o h o t F ri o D a B ov l shin2C7 5 t $ 1.50le l Iis s h t> g> o f P u ingâj l. cut r n d i l . Wal tb a onha ontailie d n int h eou M ARRIRD. ss.ésbeobofl«i d evais- foru LlosN at foralj t u ct. so F u oopig to nid styto n i l tît i On Cel ol. 5Prsuf a N Oli a nds badyhrt n»usiitohgRoMcuo r-A ib otoro 5f'21ms'u. ksedos 2nxîp ..." '"'"'""" "' D r e s in g a s eî udie cetsar n h elig - d ü , g ia u , it. s s s aru of» " o t. .lh e . oL . sth Mxai l to v »i'a.s.T.. ..ta..h-i- Sat h s t.h oiinfii i ayhv n' ik 1 pm.M spf oti h oi nepui D n m m uto tho =ars.Porliosot Mojsatottolttsthitsslitotyoé .askatchewan Robes $7 ' boar. 7 too-S pito. * w t d d a p n .D ol l e of f r c ~nIF e ortsllPIiS3. or e sarly u a se, ec.o n bajacb ou s ptieoroailigond, int tes9nus ;t tn toaglitos p-AsuiteA rsidooo aincej Z ndD mle, . .o y .............. .....................O l i ntieis onth st in tsoeMi ndoBali trait s s inWC tho eie'% e.igtg . b Dot t a oo ans suiedth rs 50fo f o stoi lu V A ' d.Wben yoru. 0W0000 E. RtMe, Ssthsst tib ot Afîuau tittg.od tfîît> tfol rigitttsncng aboriniinsitg tsM ot ash.hpfortsin eobit uour'>iote ous.e"h. tub-> It thuî t e a hi io . b l stf T hee Sp o,.ee -tor iso n ti eyf is-i f i d se e ai M . la t t Srio M i lon te doiSsk atb h e wa.ub e H ig g in b o th a & F ield, t z ,.r Dm~5 t on o aMil erao eysa Capoffor- Rs. Jooft lammtî hp a D nt 'ih1010fthoit.t. M dit it 7& f ttlor' D r ghsoadntt o n r . or is li e t or»Ohon irailsonds o sos a dfii uhotb s .. a d D u J H S O N D. -he H O R S E B L A N K E T S 'pja»e: ý f ,Ilelil)e Or FSFIl Fsi- C me arl ad m lleselét o utuéil tton uanatag l i msdpofisod Tthe fiss ooiogakr i ha oon toofW.C.o I Rtssaam AteAutot. oo itoda» stus-eA gaskatcohswanbCsaog rsir titfuit MILTON. st1sstostlenîsoaeClisrtldains Waer in Oain Huioitotc tios i no fatloo,ubur.Josi Rsoi. shpurosgttootottfsgh.Pu- jr e r i Ker t Baete $150 ntrie i Soltot si' n to h etoinrstssfu n t o ts dst g2sop g dt p sa ait inJao. i. Rtj. Forfortboo ng lerat G t'ouo tutup luutu iii The o rfo beF0 -IFIFuF t t Suon i l.soo o a pp roso ». fo "A rs as MititoP o t itibsoo Os Aust n p. ot. oulh otm a o hoo 'ltl bIî>. N laigginbotham-& UitdoodeotdvLimore hohiu tfiotti.'tfMisula.t. î. IF FFihî M looul" 1>10teu'od RhouititenlsnMossp alorsos Coas t ion. ky.DI D JxceltentpuatHutggtoThe R USSELLMit- o n oo u d y m i - A g cl b a k m trot o ita d ot 1 . to F t p ll u d tF iO tIO t *"'" t M ILTotn. s Or siiNg. hs t ensît s>sdteah o a t .sf K o r Saotto- esfto-i. tri soiey Asoiai n. i gf t ssooconjams uss l. s hoptr nt fu t ou t ed e n ThetmostoltifeFtbngoofNthe W.oC.sT..vitriol tltoohtitis Pr s 'pýl thtI'L'>of Toron to bu lPoed o'brsu'o tt sodyartp oo sttotht)sett 3o t Jasn. 1- disrulet att Hepsle etEout HatyLphttigbohit nd.xtrflageOifoftdh%2pjuzta»'te Fp .I0oo m. A tu sth o i em frs r tq e sga- ito tos u a nd P r festsu. .aan . 2 lur t P re tonriltonS a l e .AoI re.lahg ,gsq u reoît ti toiss lo e h vee d a ce l e p i e e a .u M iyt qa ena saowrlssuo tsositMis-tu i> g lsp ,ot» eu , ii t Foufous1,hot nl. ' - tio ob th it got F lltttFîlo( tittout Ittoduus trss put issu tono ststsftthnminelin so so h ttlto u sscto u o n . - P u Bo = gfe t ug-i * S c al A E X . B . h M .far ta ' fh otlaus o oîu iu'ini uft e roa l'>ch hub tito f to ts t iresîfortathoebdm. teM ilsbatbnd t sguint tubpeth t.t hp luoiiFotst»oft. Thootitisre ein 97e >'dî .. ...F t0 us »o oo uu . ho Hr hFf H o to . uu iuip ut Bnso o ahp sio i ibl tg al b ttutud s ts guonoo o. rtlsoti ock i>of t. îtîth d ndut l O> if F'>kiig M tl u F îF îrO ol Gu i . cx Po u uîutuSn e oetuu g tea M upM oi goso eo oo ot a t a t ft luhe nt g s ustt os i - itoboI st h , î t t acres D o n ' Us > 0: wateuudtuA.3'I W 'p Ru C'> o F hlssa fffo ot r îf lhForih.ttlh iteiintruf*eoustaltlogrnthetu. tit. Pu.indotWttiosfseottinutr IIî grtto to rgtsp "uts ty trossul h tonnaoroîsfor usotuhet oog. b.bbtu Apo yt.tou Mit SIt0ta,, FI), u u p oit p o re tu o so . uuiuî îttgesdioatm e.prith . t istu g iunoit r e l o i a , etlu p og i f oN oiu.t o .O H .a n y 0 a elo l ng e r l o n e H gin a d X .Bo x Cti I S O-er o w nro2 2r*o t to dt s u h na s1 o i k o w wi- iD..theJ. 1 s A>- otsu t t h C m- a uia Soo 0f Ttrp ut t ptiii et th.oint tsssnsooîos a reuhphllooveeiro ea w ll lot M ho Ca on ave hohu it C hih tiso aM tu-tuos Mof k i . dshisto quso t e u F. C l t h î. oruM e-T hea o edt ea rO e V .B o > J h C e t ry ' l .w ol atttat ««'iii --fit ex ra W vb b s oîok i n bu ll t FFt Fi h r ihu t F p oF nt F ' F' Velai u lph. tuos t hirf Miltoseito hotottop Jo> yrtatoides. ofu oijue ifpshras, pu nd ndtsteb ie ýteexc- D n t W i H eieMta it .lefa 0gu' i Tutdoobotoboittosot- uottttofiisgslt pot., itbootbolofxo Mo Mohiittos vos îanduudrtnith Fi e e 'sA n al B l oe Iifi ut thera5 tou uti tuu thefi ursof M . uM ll».tttonafion oiauito hutheu îtîu 00 30 0 il " O t C îriiy oitu ' il go d il la ge Fri . bc, Yaruitto tif ot- c . OhtheSý ohlo. id bru iairslo The tt ergpaptiofoteduu ws ot d aîtiutuihoooup fuHinc t iOut>ttuuhra t> i h.etebt e os Ôobltt O - OhotthnofTe eene Sriencosilu f sns,$6,togl cmetd.o antfy y n î.uFF FFFFF dO fu eo vl lust î,ttu> o otlt utuO uouf lo insîu t u et at mus i c o t hesos fotdaptittiuuifitobotfhtstuua F a . , Il itub er otth eu ua i u t o a e e o w n.t t o o o o i t t t > i o i o a f Pt u o i uob. Sw l q l O O u a o r O v e ir o ats a 1 0 0 a ti u ' a dsw.S o oF'l ,ch ' H g h S u F ' o I l us ostotu Sret lo nOnS t rphtuu.urd iutothovnseousfugthtonteop r s t Ptioou th o ri u i- aî î gru l ogo sthoisrad oo piou cbrts ru oios. A uhbu,. pugt. W b e fu h i oosttand tf o rotA l te tuuuul pand o. ouîtuat wh>koho Sw av e erold onv rc t stly by he $ 71 ldtu "k'uo 0 OFF uus us E Caebriseoif Re. fOoog o hs. tabe . l c.oeCnpTt.f>oot ut.>oufto luleoip ugt otyauitt J ou it t h>uitu xuîutFo - ll"0t eitr OSs -alg t Saes 'I*T ,0 5 v e l ithavi l e a t o u e s o t u s t s t u ip » o fo u p e i o f r n f în s 1tî u A lo îg o n d X mt i rkeut t in v al uTe. . . - -Mfo rO Nu litt e m o eF u > >.nt r " l t h s e a 5 , I l o y' u l t> hlith . ' Fwj , He ovui n r 0s o tipnd s ig u ois î to ip »~ W uth.b h e r T a h r on thot p a t to s taheoMissîo pu tyu.of tid Mu s. 0. ttaulîu r d f o t i ' o LPI STAND jyý; ci pin ýk - tir w lu lufieu s>andbu tr'> sst tFoop Ctno freorsuttero ap gi to Ho e uusoutuu reoiih riho abo s oftius Pu>y tup run lti h u'gth r u>ee . ipt i lSrn ' Ou F t> tu ut huudo . Fou- lso M>tiot f ou Ch ibt trotteoio ad n.gao geot in o mo t hest't f0 lt e ut ruo ius Rait eu olb o > uan, s i tru in_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ O ylbMtoiitKiii uuu Chiiu.stas Gocerite tubAiotcoi u plPsons pelour i fl drgton ou ta- E orptt a asartp tpt>uir t'>homeSld ol b ade'F/ns iklBte ns.wt 'if1"' c MitOuFad Oot y. fOu tutîd oto o ns, B. o xs t cRo ,t thusupa>uhuhoto theuritM uioî» îug. h tt.t t.. M>htttuihtuuuuîu'Fdo : P L ¶rirrl "IiouA,'JG IrttIG %vnb t8ad1 --doog>r tu.A eaisetoremtptt u r »>otto>rin..hptyoCbut. and Mrs. 0. cKerbe_ __ ___ ___ , n IivceonSitda. er bu MS190> orhist as dohm tho eld t Atuuv.nt dotoool,..ittb takuuoi roottoîrionote 5ha ivryoftt tghtotT A L Y I S & O uiso t tFit, u«VuurFoud hCu i-tranin us th I,ý C, it houAl reO K i tuAof i. T ter sguo ets 0 tockp lateo t p ia t oo p laceu ntheopî sut out i- EuttFu etituto r y>uuuf joy . uol >0ehO At AbvuutjoguosBtunhe,-o t eat et o U n~i on euVbthoo . g euiuu i e rsci. A E R H N G N u4t fte.thi let Adnodsrtahr ihorbs Ma fs u» Doetet. î01ht 'i.Ft- htu ltpu O uitIF'tuubi t. up F I u t ur, An i dineuu ot u o seuoip el est Tte d ltu it ur lHoutiup St.e o ttuu>p ut jur D L I j'II ryhru cettputhis h u Noto 00 Oooo.t I 100 sti t:uriog tofbr ohuu thtiuouhss uu .topr f a ses oi f sul *su'A N ju> tdIuothe W up- COnla t >. Hutb FoutSmith efo uso the tlo tttte- it as saoluugotfl ofuithethu' are Th o rt 0duon thet lao r p he t a f & r st o gN T T O B U o as .î' 00 ardg onulîus uOogtupf.htuemn asutilPtanh reseti ft henaol o ofioiSec w tthneael'serons,.ott&Aou'ouChrttmalhr :t y. Th g o m uWuote a en s oThe ui r ca W l P pe o. C ia goR STNew . : P "F the Oo lI' ift uric ot Outgut off Trno.puuuuuP mryChitasadahoeo T unt d lu ' l1 ' . 1 1'> to it ou th og ao f upMi ts s itt u . s u ts Ouhos te t t ap y Ne ea .an lo a D sgn -alotoîu ei n an i i h h y c n t b x Ab.' .o iî> t Cl hpuutouu outf t tl storeas ,îuîdele.T e ooin r ic n ncl ledd Pie anefota a Wkly nte Ocen austtuboftahonoopsoIariteaotsottththlgbuslurtFiu<antnit 'iGouhu.uuu"Ooluos iptulut Ogpt>t't uoton bhott p oftaup tuîo.ttt oft>ouu. T O B U '>1Suu. tbîte o rtlHtt#t ttOOO iuul'Goautroll.o'. o'.>îîi' >ot.tsual to ývit.fru suhuM.o luft f.oir Dls, atwrt, alig IeHani .WoLLe FI RALKE & SON IH olidayaG oods! I> hîhu >ital'Flon f b iFFItho ist B r-St»- la lmuetoso th 'ho o'>'>'>oh too I A..Lut oronpC to. ThePie- ')otlltiiogu tuhtuol '>0»r us'anoott ut Pu'd o u our O ngu ra thu bgo^tc Mo ý x. Cît itout bo s t n utt i gta t ea o.> t h e. vo oîhr W a a ts y n i il n ts y Aitff>u1Ttîfogrt Th putg Tus fo f0 uutttttbis uis T.oikit l o ruu h eiuoo.fA m st on . 'FFle foliot , M uttlF City b Fu ,thfl e f tutu o ll arut expressitu o s h re arbo d it orth eui e e v d t e S l g n y f r h a h sd a h , i'>tf rn a yh s s o e. F e y d prMî i t fhed îîi M 0 S J A G I S M K N G J C K T S N3 U og F ' F F F L O » luup.'flu-opIY toiat is goshiotetot ou Bttbrtequit. toGtuetfoHgbSuuto S t ,bsadrdit nukol ani usin es ;tl, o'd F 1IOuîtt î huotstO fOO tbslsts tt- uFthe . Huuopo fitOtgOttP litf mutrbctrneoare appgrstecîtn h ra '1lusoeae gs îg H R S Atitîuu î î N. F rg hpeon biv ERCOATSisFildbybi ofititoubihIo er tlofitiffuns.u piestnuvthol tueay fs partnu tio aduoPtsttshu of. Ft oslt o u .au Mlg ul uto F 11 22. o u'»NR AE &oONtj I ot.Il bloit-15 bilwu- hh aCavnFe - O rvilg eoivascoe nF ' .'î Tîgtu Ru ghp tfOitc,ý19 .,tutluF Aut ho CusOnSp tHitsso bsn Asi hio aotho qontîu FriCOtouts.pou ts su. Nu Hotu. pt pF oOu»ipn .PoTltoîB utrd ut ng, o p o s BusFlnin .o i uln. y f n n .it u S>.ut'îOo luouu u l'u loca a instutmHotatl'1an r ot , ti tsot Jsth ti VieMiss>ut bIts X ai. ptu phg fou. notlt'le> Cuttouts l rg .1 îta»tiosi anu>5 o ti t se atu G îsnuitbosphotihtig e it a903AphO P e otu,5 LI)Itt Cbususnist .Mcwit'duhbauseuifishneh=y. .1 t oud suHce tu.wu ui glahsrg ehe s o u t u r tF ound M s T . u at t ts tos . o - en e el y o l s > îa în y o'11e ec 10 1 îf Xîo o s g lî s BR - ?. M ( K, *N G J A C$K, E '-r- -N oto y, t1 Trflgr -t'u ..Cuu o.A .ul Ts h e ousorut min otM thf tust Sh Oitab inîbtet r-t m rst Suoeotopd p rnin sflld\im prsn hon tI F ' potl A Fit . to oio, t hSfos nt tho iie a tua drut o t he OFfuYotiMtur s GWtt. H. Cusuinoboitls i al li F0F0'I trthefo ,,, l r oif uitgo Suotis Flont fl, c os ui. uMo uti.tUth Ff<t Su g sé n =Fdsrbe ciisweaeoosîî 5 L'nERS-oo ,>,gt h& S h o es. bu tnootte s eusothitinOi Ssuuben uuuuîubc gl p uanedt Tif'y epus- t illegocat.>t. oftYOU. MoutKMus.7SThos.aid .M 1, mtou-iitheu a rstotir . h>h o itf iiu tn a rsHongif. iherhomViocfois.'aren tu. F RlAD e pic ae rn i, fq aîY a d piecln ihy u uanniii t u T e a l souhssuouontoeud-fROCuEituEfpteouosttt251ooos$-p '0' f' las Ili diloca- oo>.i31' oes.eFout Muot Pluotîtte>Suspttdtuoner'>re as>.etatini3oetsottî aoiiesii'arehie pruces.- fZ. f - of -c aMo.f he k E - îhs w reahi> ito ga i uaim pot ,.so . K F2iohF on d B otot on lh Si s >u' M o s F bh Ftku u2 5C. b o î b ' îu o ' o k n i h e s '\ e l s i Mo t Cootss<rdai-srostt qni o. otatbsy ottowkt 5otifut 4 Bs u îoît styot 5C. t r> . hîk u -ut s>, ý o n '>1 >. utttel » if aiit utP.W *G i, or nt E . E. Sogrn tr ut15 .gBoxttiusst John Firio ut Pase' c t aI atoi s u l ol e t 5oi P f D tu o t t l tuRh '> .u » s es o u a s C o ngullf- ot o thtsik o n ueth s L siuh anT i r n e * ' s . .... . '3 . 0. c N e wS i g , t,, b Ie3o otd uu iouuts>hoop 15c l URat Sp A R T S tir s as a ut >'k a rd outil rp a - I f, rrait i n c ol rs L n g t n eab e r - o o . To st i r aist ve .. u a pto n tn t s i li i uo t 2ulu io s o ter 25 p u u tu uiut.. F a cy C a e 2 C 'SF ti u>'hiuhs bou t h ein . R s i t h O u a net S nthf i s a i lhdso hon t t u ysh u eiat N ewo e vi t s ie on ut y io uî e îu an t robpetu ss ll ii I F An Cooest, uthe asounr. o«ttsof Blofi tW e n0F R IH R 1 .' îca mpu nstrJ Po . Mr M tu og tlo tu o éas UcOt t iti s". o rs hii ofB ac H mWp lfqS irs, «oll taune i nd ne ns c t n s yl $ 25W s e ot a sn p naooudW o ansonu îr îîOf ou nh'I'F O Au u tatn. A sundPporat elth Wa ollot o u r ndpg.Foc o Itou fo a ssisiar.o nof aiî gns whos vlibousmtnte T ossUi sobDyWtinsM renU droit....home.... -$0,$12,$50aecsaigahorsar.W nyhae7 î Pu IF FI tIohotus ' sts a scéit atuorilt ott ut Z. W en the i'eo gai Tal F edosa teir, o5rsCo rmnersT ol-tott. 0I n InkiIý O r e e t on o oin sg f an t he sii ni g a t soua us Mae is n atn deSi h O al ehdssS n isohtn a Gat fu r i utta St Cor.-lISiadFanoyoe ve iSg sne h misie us th t -eg orsFerto s o h uaydsrbeatce eaesoi bFcF lt aoogc m ark t asettY i n aiv fPu To. c be 1Wil bctlisrilOILts dopr.a hnd als ntff t ,,,adrll, hioroiovr n csh g ne it hnoh ar, inOatre ti Wel have tof i se iOlot tck ofrXWSS Im1sw Tîtin ed Rats for $1 00y$125,W$1 50. iller shry C hrleilstm as )( ,S Ssinst s otheo ts seu eîau">le Artîcsu.ýls we bave wltîcbtwtul b apprs' - -iALL K NOMi0 buta Sive coletio w" b MAONÇ--t- Collm e 'sateS as Xtnas gifto--- 3 Our akCT î~ tt fihl lask W e ake - -hr LIOfui fetMeOlMr-tna. Foe35,4 Ts5c tu. Cin lTM Cu'tMea le , C u h sCnr , M u u a k *vnn ytepee h bem ng m wnt of Msrs.i- G , Lios To i$Ns.i 25 aiool fl e ns no s TuulsN Whto oîtn. _35____5_ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ m. Giîahty GrandZ puih Cake, 15e.istlb. W E les i,,E ottte . T. lo, Vthe; M $ tcitY va s> as.5,0 ut Lto Çs e u i tlets, repeh ot erroo poriebe5orhr st5,i,.ft p r . N ovof th era mglo nary C argoSita ,s. sp o tiata s a ratsano .itotoo p a rt.) ohl a te of thtiteoo s aIsonn m5beri p tin the .jo ero tà g v le it.FO W R O*en s a d < 'Slt hI e apUE-,l abe,&tb ut* r s o h f u d e Cotn f c.uWl#'O#ftg au-thPClamp.ttyGeorgeeotsMtoSreiaS.,a'Hamilton Vfr hotos tRsBUyL NOs ut Evnerery k ie .H- .mW a. i. .c c,.d r.o t lil'> 'i >t-. 1. bcrearsltwrR.B jas o oaiiplceatFenuSlfrikJÉEhfiL h otsipaiss ta hILVtWACamp-V *A T > altertjs15PuG SçsandpEx-XsMessrs.j OPP.TOW1f HALLBrarn.tuOf Store.y .10.of- Stt.t> n....41t.t.le-,Ni"-lBain .for- itjeqsS* SflS SdhSfflflfinVw'> ',,PA12s 'CHa -. f Isc" e ek rto y ino.O0.con Q$ 1At C ) Q517O fr0IlTbN -'8 . ar W nyhar ,5pi t 1i Ir(,