~1 So~P PDUCES Som F£XPENSE Travellers' Guide. .hNA1,1f 'N "h fifLC AILWXAY f;iPANI 1fl N K R A11, WA Y A Surprised floctti, 01h1 1 1 1 h11:1 "For a îi<hoo tI f eo.I1ha- Soi C- 't - -., d-of Eogiî.1 - '11h jSo0o i. ,, .i,]hy oo-tr .Y C.d ()î 11 îî.îfîî.' '".rdîîf1 ha - - t hîo if'.t0iothat fthf- ,, oi,1l0 Ifiia. iho.ofThe '01010 lîii,1,Offffft îhe <h; pO- , f ýi î h î hîfî-s t -mîî L. 'lfOOi,', gfogihoi, theî. Olyffî 11enIth, o,, thegr- 10 1 ,if ho ofîf'fi ,îioo h - 1 - ,f . b it 1> i fi 1ftIfit fi fi f-n- t;l -i 1111 - d-, -t îita, , i, , h h e 1h r,1 i î1.x fî ia, whIi Aie te ý igllli oioifof offiflilli10,111 'L", i- î 11,102 l - i I 1, !, fîl - fb i: SgtAGE-JIFÉ ETEN VEAS. L N WM su.MA os w.w We t ison Ait... 00mw.& ][tu , "fobi UONV DdN. I lusareps, n*emb5r for Comptant1. A ae'o~ ,p of stage people lhiba- nifbor lie 01. alm forole. vested ta Ibe Uniteds talles , 60 ANton 0101in 01 r iamaül; 7000.Pielidejoe 0rk ~~o o~a.$AD.o LndeOIOIN moVENS op bLjOr aOgofanc0Weep markshNOhNObe ter l otadisputePoPe's ZiM 8 to;ofan. p Nlniealiel l uthe office of chle oker0h0; the1 tory.Houmeof lComiIm00N0. Soin0 0000018- IbIs tact doesDot xdRlWY sOMPtIY t - rioiy proee opo' humouor ta stars aOnd stage people .010 01081 ane ok 11N%0hodioo'B qUAps ln the professio011for 1o.Ife1'0thoee. 0000More00ften0 a rntter of mlet1.. go fer0isNthe.] lie la cent oe5.il, 0snd soerboy0i1cy ospirit, hu 01 0001 l ffooi.hOî longer. Bot ti01.1the tit. pop.,& hluor ta ot 0a1motter blgher thon the level 0f.oo m,00es- 0011011.A 1.00 lot fro10t1the 00000 ten years Io aou et1.eli n dN0 .00loOifO o .oPA ooe.Afer hOing serv dho the tu],,a sfîg in isAto oro1.e,aond pohlo or 1.0 legthot1100 ihoO 001 fi.on ilb opg. It AN s alhing pulfo fit lgth o f UinOie 00 lien t.hondie g0oge'1Y, od the mon 10- doig aythligsuficintl meorlus .od wsUffl je5 odlreoUod gooioriiy orso.vel to attraoONIllumini tOn gelsitba wo00of i. piop is swit the acie0 r o NNes, asN rul . 0111 d if NOOfcis-0ll.fO, 11î 511.0 ar ewa.0lnben, fur s the opf"on l aZ iiO liethobs 01 îe îoîbOole OOOî tloncered and ano'ioOleNhOfONh îîfor the sqiraiolog tbey cuseO the od olg te mUpO0lon4'ous rI OiitfffffO llolU. 50pe'sjeux d'espritdo « on t<heo .ooifg ls ot f1iothedeploed nottalootlîoio' lsis i it au u ran ks. la .s îilid thol plees îphiot-- 1ila fd bleu1 wh0o0dsft l t toltalent ofggi 111,10 oand Uh0,IOf.Osi, 1the ooiispot -o poplef te0the O01tnof omailng faite- îfh opieil li[io qîuikue. '1'hi, s f oîf 0100 001 îîofloliooibOfOO Iha hîîî ofen juded by ahot 10110 1 quaiiied ta o "iz up" the sfituaioo s flU1do o0nUefOlai f5bai, 15000, asud 11,010 oopoloUOO fff.1llfff lu ..ch oeoeO fil ot 1h,,, c1f 1 omment wioîl do more 0 tliflfini<St f00 oodlsooo peoPleof hi' o î,,îîîOîoifogumenst. In IbisO ffîo tfîo.icOf profession0 OemiuIIOlonger iîîîlfy for f oduto ad asNOfdure. P fl bU 3'0U00easin t10he uinessOO. Tboy Ipoile stfidi olu,anOUd theonOI l hiI tîthor ItoliloOO distllfifoto ulthlogh jNthutlieodîons Uot 010 liste cilte. i infîls iJ.1the excepfti orlitfîo he -, 0. lits U kIoI n hoU UhUt hiN <If t-u0 r1els dopfîloto othl 110Une1 offo rî'ivaole,.,,of-ersatiUo ifll of 1butin-A bcfia he stageUC, 011for as tlioy are dl- w ol cl, i ,001the grooli ohooihao. s a' ret ffootornd, Uffers praofi<UlO O noo31o. 'r, Poelets imioiont 0,1-r' IN cd potuift fr avacemnt Frths yýt,n,- îof,1the'opinioon, pelhol.. 1,1111 1IofcUUf1101Iy ohongiiîg. aUd <ho i fî<off lii ht . pubilman's r c. ,iide. to"0001 îOnc act. a lU s an 1,1, lsocl ,show O onfl hil oooîo"lo,1llo.looOîd 100fîî,c If , . peîîh siOhîîUIîîîîou Il,.îI«10a ho.îoi , an,îî ,dn 1 lîo îiiifî<'lofiff of his 0coun'try 111. ma l- -r g,, <o ofý îfififflfî'd hy iii iiogiishoi0. oo od: f , ,.i,I,fîd of lPo f hult -ilî' Iligi 'il îg h 'o g"r$I o f î the Aln<tic gQu i, 1,f f 01 ,X if, 11- ho the'fiî,, 1 Il îfîîf,,1190 iii i î'ff f f I io.~. l, fifîf iol, I .ul i'fIiî0the0ff.g la e tlifhk . ,,- h ls,,î,fî,fi,îîil)"îf I 111 .11 filf it-I fff.ifhire!! if 'tfaîo ifhoo Ni f-fnu111,î10 PoileO.cilfr]tfir. Il i ir ' o i, L f - " i t, creoîsîiî,i f11,1, îh tire oiîf fi 1,iIeIi ilil sip Ooffhf OOisf fi, if,,,a tî '- I -îsof.f1 0f f ti lldlttie hrl'" 000-r:iitli . Ne iJrsyf iî , ilf. i.,iiI.flIr,.,îî'f 1, i IL1iI l,1 1, o-il1, y y 1g, l gh o't c u A l e ic i o g i. L I f,'1 IfE i, Il 1,Ii l h l o e l "dhh,î0, Ir ln .'"- I . 11f .L,1 ,îLt-IlF, îSta LET ER ROMW. . G GE ... i.. -d.Il 11I111 _t th,,.I..ii, il,,i'., F- ut.iff î'ing - ,,l'i f, îgi t,- ,,, 01,, Il ... t li L - 'LItir,-l>ti,,nfl Nef-irîliî ,ît h fîfIifli 1A f i M -- o li.Ifhff'if-îf'1,11,1,NI1NN1110'ff IL L l I -l I , 0Il, .-t., t , ,, fîîd ft ilffI 11 --~ lit ilibi If I, .Ofo ff , h A fIl IffTh, ,gI,,îîîi in-f0 ot t, 1,I ilaitI , -1- Il fil 11f'119 - fn fl I f0 lb ILfln Il" i l,- dl',ik ouIl 1111ho I li -r I î .- If f f i. 'o . , - . f fIf1,1 l , ,,,,. f ,,î,.hl o- - f f -l ti f f'.f ,, 0f Il fte..ffffflf.Iff . îî Ir -l,"th, .....A. îAll onId lf,îIî .,fî, Iîlî - - f it- ' - - î î ion , I l î f L tiletFr - I fl 1 f tir z rf t I-d ul iai iNI o rf III th h, I - - - - - - - - - - i ,1î lii1 pr~~~~~fI t:Al I î, tsoîitIý -il,, fAou t R pieseanta1, t he iIi 1fi0r,1 Fiî l ir, viflif.lf ,,th,<oet IL. t oioo Atfî'i ffl Offft0pfI f110, il 101 h 1, Il if,f11 , <0 .0 00 - -hoiî.ooi Irl"I h,111 1 L 11- Ill- Il 1 1 "11h o, o r fo Il 1III51ll1 f ....1 . .......0 11h 1,LAf. LI 1,kl ' ..4lo 1100Il,',iogil,,1hL'ILdu Ir ' ,i 1îtîi o l oreo gooov. -1.ooto ILIp rl l il If il ii ,0 g-îî-, oîîoo<î en 1hfîî,i iht T hr iLIlti 1,1IiI Il 1 .ffîf "1 litff 'îî î,'d 0Oe o.0<ioff0gsO d,~ o O ,1 Oiîf I h.11" ~ l îî ~"' , i< .. " foîîîîoîîg. 11 SIiO-U1oifg ltfOUOLIIif1 fffUfIfff 1Z, 01,îîîfîîf <iîflodlool fi'dliî 110<'l'filthir, r LlNffpt<iifYliIoNs li, îo i , 111< l, ,o,îo oo ,oili, Uo 'o'01tl10001 Iatti 07 ihî~,îf f.,-fh.' î,fî ,îflî il,00 h l,1 < oîo 0,11 I Iîd UO" N <0ho.oU -Iroî,LOîOb fiîfîf.0lof hîdiOh îfffif olo oî 11. il'IOfd <ia 111iN food aoOflC ifnooh.00* L,1 îîîisiîIiyrîoosIoal<< 000d0000OIo0IISiS',;. Piîo< N, iîfîfiiîg îo1 0 _______ o1y o" fi, of tttfghif fI, lI..ri îil.,îog IL .îo iohî îo i l, I sthoo I' iL 0f 000000 'L'io<illhls".110of__2d._ tifîîîSfofîfff.1 o 00t11 Thjiyo<roîfoihoorîoîooo 'hoiiILI,100010' Eo0of ulot. A-o<-iOîflfdifOffo.Of ffî'.Coooioîîo 0 1111,'<0000 000f10f000<100 odtooToi-g th000 c Wd 1 r il o ol ,0iLI ri UeOhlisîhslf 110<0fghîfol fallif i lfdfIO Cf ooSf l, ". nood1 ' th- 1, f-h.hoî ol ooiari gto<o ho. ONILdhINSTITUTsIONm ',fft0fSotfiofIfî ilîthu XîfhiLo 'o<o o hpof 0001.00000 hh Clm oflootn01 otfhI ofr il I r y ut0- d il - ..n1 il, thi00 il,0rit .ioo hîîS 00 -'.". ILoio , A 5, 1010 Mte.MIMOo. Uh-fiO.h0doa d~V l00b o IlîiOiiOi oolotoo oîîe <î C ,g 'I'l ' io o tooOl, oyt Mholpouioîl'Ir îno.obonu0.os, tSofdbCm dOioOoUf iSO< hl.000 X't0 l"IlUtie -lGoo Ill si oohîr<hoitpIsNaNI hSl r5- 100010S0800tk.ilh oon~ ~,u. ohoffIOOtO o IlOIdgO1,1 Ibh iloiioihSVoo"ui, ,to1,opoi. iio ri;oio dNo -I, filedpe -hl", ,, t'Il i"lN 101h "NisioOO EieNi<0CoOr 0000 ho 11 odi MiifIooooodCotofhoi Jasoaoto o oîgts. g~~oho~ oby' OwNToa.ndIa0oflONOdo01nSbtîNn .0 Il:-. oo<poON ohotîîoo lolSle lloc Ifioof "Th Aoo -oIkh C l it"h,, nd oh-tNO iet l, liaNS SBnbotnfo)Ntlou $ roi -1t~ . to001 cagoo ytm.mbIgs fIsoaimJîoPN J."aeoI.Iofi toiiSrtt Tget r a 00. ONN bS yo I0S o tet o loNalOaf'Lit ollu 'q y-, Oiiot fA-ooONN)1Sar ,00V.f ooogb J.totA G geS NtLi j10.o m ...< doogeroN. gocion Trop "VIl -> th-100005 EC ihoo ah qtno Tb1, joo O - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I kt OIkN hî1 "ioioCooNO1ReatHao4Soolier To'm iOdipsoNyoSroohotapw XnoyBn accordp sAl) doalteI the ramethl of Ame,, t n -IrlgT - NN -Ii rire . o Bokhle n. OOlmeoay . .O enjeAtir, g-ort ma 1 ll t - I11 o o s l.'n o.II, o C:l "9 h reD Yt il11 ai ofu'y u Il- ý- - - - - IIIllI i ' lI- - -II T fd ili lfil,.& heCI noi that ros on wheela. Sali Enirrwhero. 1aS CyIP010L0 o, THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE. W. WN0N seNlfnN 0111-11-jN F000. perbUps. 0ore011100 11.0 it th OUOOOIOautomobilecnsidered lntire 0000e of a vftlfff'f0 onîtîiiifiie <'ofhîin itsîf po000N of locootionor oftfili 1, 00 IR 01< aothinie f oOfOiel; a Oseif uovilg shrieof OBachus. This wa0 theo «ti111fof 010000 of Alexandrlo, tîho descifhONIl lnii1 i'orl, en OuîtoinatfO fooo1o<1f01,Tire 10 netuquestion was mounted 011),"' 110 oupportin<g oand0.00 dt0ifoowo'1Oîf. on rite îîsfo of Ille dol of 0g ohoofo 0,1 adroto, aot i lefh w000 oiiod i 0110.e ft'ffliffpoosod ojîo'00fl îhfotigf the 0pif<eon 0<nue ideo.of fîth hifllf1110" p O îîî ld < f-as oî< te, i l"' fffof n voderus Iad týi liii, o,'tîd ni ,,, q tftity of dry, fille 11. 'l'n 'Of O 10i. ii llffl h>iîî,Iî a Ein lo d 11 0 f1 i,i l ,î if-îîîî-'d flîf rltie te, i, wo sf110 iî f-111111. ind a f0tî Ofif foror rn if f11 f1iid hîf ' in l n ifjc i il t l(' ii 'l 'IflIlîf 1,0 t e f i 1,' Clini t b IfUf ' Li - il lsîi-iiîgt flîlo rit i gli ofi otle o'iifo 111, otootf o oi O do l e le s î' h ptetofficefîî'100 gil 'dPatenite il Sint nihlOflef'. nt f,îfftýiifflg<fîllf f1001 fîlyTfliniffs1 h. îukonnisioneor ffif'l i '<.0, it i lt e.îd oîîd i<(îîfh Il <fO lieiansn ofifl. ' î 'fîo10u t lî 11 moer dI', 1un dlSl.i fîllof l of tst 11 ,10lu."11ers0 no<fifglh'f,.fourldro fho suit.' A ., 'iI" F>","«, for ::,Il"f"fi'l h-1' il.î-. t n, 't "'T' 1 f iai11, Pi'l i 100 fi.' ii If ' i'1 i, Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A VEAR New Idea 01 Orle Womnan'sDoa Magazine f t th AI,,,,pot r 0,f' h0- SI. dolnîF leM, ooy, Wom-o W okoad oReding: <ENwh yostoh y10c. . I Send Fîve Cents To-day I- l1I cWYoîf1ho N M tOI I O -d O h,t g5 O 1 ..I 00 0W001 00il y0:0 JO: A iNi Uioy ONOT ne No I5ARGA, WE Ohave hiondreds of Uprigot' Piano retune0 fom rent. ng Ihy persons 0000,011 which musthoedisposed oh 000once as woooOtlot maeroom for thni in ur salesooms. Thoor pianos nciode Steinooays, Ktabes, Fisohers, Sterlinigs and other weil htmwnm mhes. Matip of theno 00Ont ho ditjoguished from nr.0.prt alore offered at an enortoolo disount f ro Price, oheoN nw. UprighOsa11 IOwooof$lm. Voy emyiermlsof papONono No reimble peroon.. ta olS Probablycont about $5for freigbî o have one of Ihese pianoshipped to yNu. Wrt OC Once for coooplete lit anS fll partienlorn.Vou caomae gret .niiag by su rig os ,0! the" lnstoanmeaos. . Suer., u al gts Nh a foot ,t JOHN ProUO. Go.R thexoi oo at otofthei Wo. GINSiON. ~ ~ a jepu t a g th Ind o tfIh - le lutroseogg iluni oiiih i 130LL. r DxtE »» bçLeethaOt o goeoraUiUO Ii~ JH ROCLTON ISO.R.ANd. h____c ~ li ~0 A- . E£(T roto 11.1sf meNOiooi k nobi t -' AgOoeA. an fONI NeOt0amcî i holooî11 o Cnd re Pu'ofi Wu.,eONOeNdoosoUOdNd 0>051p: lat othe oasoelbo %li ottoUOOgOONî th ooïeo4 oAoooi 9 gg w ofdî,o dlloNhh, l_ o.ooolSpOOdFONeoSseNîe r-Tht o n o.sOm h 00001 il UffliohoJEsgANfdLt .lA4" I xltnii I 000<b1A 5 . lUlfcoslocshe.o.hOtaXNowholu oylf enhin,1o 'Ipefof opooto aoo roeîod ot0Nt~- fl n~Iîfiltois. - f Drts iss1oued pyablhet ll te prnf le 1 e 1Je'tNhooletg [uld Alo dicr o tsof 0thN to naljOOf un art 511ffo o .- ~ .icle0ho fo1o î, f0 th Baik o ofbndWOi <ho fz p!4such th It tOr 11 wliict cailhbePca.Aed ,,,ithout chargedOr ilnig l t - 1 1f1- throul i ay part o te od.ool. I i n f, ,yîghoh S vrg eAgot Meft0o MIdtMKîIOilo 'h 0'5~ Late. Rate Excursions ni Vpca eoit loci .Notern f god ratesof iteret. T e Unted tate Sente bs age- 'ro ilil I 'iý e d e o.s t or ý n o s ui j ec t o a y d e t o ap op r ate to . rd . th e d , h c 11 0 f i hofl i hI .~,Durflg th Summe th ogmd,"i ViaNorher Paifi ilif PIi_ ,, i th, lof 1- 1 ii i , hf v iý HARDW-ATYCU ARE i SheifandHavy Adware ihandf" li'. 1fo odfl DEW S'SBLOK, - -- MAf--- 0T gffTO' hot 1 î.j,olu, no B.7/I CHESTE R ! 'Id 0-te guulitarie$200an la afidnra e 2Isock $25o , but1, I-I, had c they wîIlouthooîand ourlsr he hgber prced .,ý, .îiacthoI, 0 doule ale us and tbevy aeHS aerediae, 1Yî' md hsdy esies. inchsre Shot.un1aremad ý o! hever bs, O IaLS, thaSPT cas ETprC re, a "'a f.f11 Ih D WIN LCKT MEETNGR SO. E ANT, MLONtOrl. lk, D IKNNEDY&KERAN 0fkn u hf ., lft. fa,, gnIRVOUs DIILIt $70 n o id oraOegu osoot$25o00fbut ,1. t the1 thy il othot nd otlstthonges 'cdi lii t oUi dpoo.ooul aree uad O No Oareas sall, relable l,, I tîîdîohoU ,ý and handy beoîUl sids. Wnchester d rfoNd 0000are mde ilhooO0h1 .-'f WN 0.080 modrn.0 steC o f. manufacture 0 V r mittIn ifn g .., o'tihfol, tef Il Sîrnto..Una.NnN taoýgtSN eOIe.k.., LNO.ytuh oh i o iof< thONnULtÂON Fe s ld nOOybe F INI e s. uo0 elN O lNb,, Ik o ii d .i nO foi 100f110 "11 , ' . 1 hî, o 1 klffthIliit .. ARE ANfui_______ DR&RN EDHERIGMOni hi E A E RMAu j P>mn9lvs DA TriMORU, mAYa. pic r buo t os io'hohi- ----- --- Toiyoo i 1 f~~ .Oh Nce0 oo haitl"dIl1Z.tý %eAil o dUmA ,ýa I hai ilil I f t 0, i I I f f NLOfil lAlL PANCIN ST AILS The c :7 S. Sotn To. T. f L ARTHUR Dru If LYON 1 Cey