Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1902, p. 3

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Lsti ab Ii".el wvays. 7-five Yeaî's. (lilutletre -\( ltt il ex-t-pat,~ 1 tII I *q r f' rIf tiiilit i Él uup soe C $ aiiiaîl 12 ýL fthe in~- llid il'r fittpi t lis go by Vour wool clip. MJTED, -BASTEDO &Co. i ibie for par- slttîîg- up, tiNtt a ofu papers, l t C>-2,5c. tc roll, ,lit lit vOur BASTEDO & Co, Harne ee~-r ExcursionsI ICH WF-Ti AT '$35 $35 $40 Ar JbL. 41h 1. <Ot Sh1ieFint iîî.sFare. TOURIST Rt.. j T- M Lke f iBa. ittîo i- f htps- tripiîititd ttilrinot. MAfKFS A B'E REM OVI t uu GOMP UND SYRU 0F PYHOSPH ITte ovO.uabie remedy for building up the systen aid throw- ing off colds and coughs. BOTE FIREPARED 3Y ..... Higginbotham &Fed CREAM 0F WITCII NAZEL is Mach used to cure chape lt this changeable wpather causes. BOW& -rsYeil7h1 Ih, oo mIGSTRAWucaItIn.--Oun rday Tios. Trer exhiblced et fi hat o ofc sutItBawb eum naari lac lu ie- tmca.ia eumfe e s aid ba picked it la bis m owa gardon ln iown. Laier in the day W éeai Wi. Ciealat brouglit lua c iery wblcil ce s-e - - - _î ie s flot bat of Mr. Turner leto ithe ahade. sceau ~ Khkd«»b Ouic rcoiu Mia.,aliias aeariy8i jche, a circuifaeace, sirecc~i~iai: ae aad wae am aM.Ceica aa et - w a i laehaona. leeti ai woî,', rî iceThe Spactalor reports that a Hamilton Ht0îtitîîîtt- Deuci. ce a ut rcaught threee lilfpaebah basitehay one dsaîaeeh Juin. T, Hannant heat îhcî bm-e. He racghi LOCAL ONEWS. three ln the poad ia lema thaa hoc eh.Sereram lrger fsba ebe cxot B- tp' îNothsekn rw-eanugltnita gfrom2i*to3lbs. The MnIh , t berte ý ga 1m Itouilms tocked &orne yeare age by MissEci wi berla sendng afe eputseue, mho caaghtbaa ut holidays vitl, ' J. S. McCanelet. Bronte. brocght theai 1 Milton in a M-> i-', W11, .Toronojuntion, taakand put thei to the poad, vi'.tte r iti titiitreoand cvrxsity last The reporta cf the peoceediags of the mesk. vorioce Famers' Institutes, Coaven- m îx Sm 1 pttie cf tegeeecît. je a fione ccd Aesociations haiae aper sixttlit thei i f tucpectîtr Dearon inzgin thxecotouxt of TheWeeVîySc thtitt-k. frot eek to eek are of epeial value Mtîo. t 40aud MeGifflu, cf tc the farmere et thie Provcince, and Oltiu li. tti, cc pvuesterd aye er hocdbe carefctty read by thetu. The tou ome acaxegSun makes a epmeatîrof thece reporte, w wuhich, tagether mth tht weekty w. Il e t oneyeterday markeet report, mahec proftable and fcr a b ne-it1t of thrce mocthe ta ieteîeetiug readieg. The 1-hautylen and the Miti nie tt n05s The Weety Suloir6uxothcoly 75c. Mr-. ' -l itereo, cf Quebet. The TorontoStar reported last Thora. Quer % i,î t aOf0î dape last eel' day the appointetocf Dr. Ureeotc the visiîîngftlier f' ltieneaa"rY sethe corgicat staff cf St. TIhe haii tttrili appoal in the mat- Micate Heepitot rreated l'y the death teîothrtt recct.GOtariocelec- ofDr. Smeetman. D.ttreeuxca ycug lioes, hoa, i cjorned outil Friday,,uman. He pertisrd foreccme timeait 12th .,t.ArIen and reucred te Torocto ihree A Cli Ji 1The meurttemspera. yeareag tcarcettthe posttcuefas- tore Of tîh^ttiof jaxext6'hdr- sitatecgeou atSt. Michaeles. The rees. 1 tiaiz jdegteec tidea thu. Star eaye s cIe he :ueh a the ragei,ogi Yproe. Sled thio po eha hacmade hlutssf Atrt. t -tdMae Ja c hceexghtyeoetedby hîupeefecsionat .ý .-________ aessoictec." Gai tut"'1 "' i t '.eedugafec- daîts GARDEN PAoReY OPo cED. -The ,,îtbM iRH1 ils1-t.g gardes pcty atxeoonced fer Mottday, ChaieP,,i),vh ba ben eplo-fusa 301h,on0tht tac- ocf Maple Veo croinMr - ho ba rutpicy. o Parie.the residesce cf Win. Cuujch. id I -ltsla- cceer Meffathobashetno pstpoed onaccort ctitple oft - 'eotred a clerhhip cfriais ili day, JulY4th. The taleot 1.t t'n iii !îiî'. t tht Sudbuîry mhich wassecemt fcr the formeredate lgtiHO1 clii ha os band.Tht cemmittet bove Miss t h i, c f Edtc MiII'., aO om creed io addition John Struchac. ;pt î1otf il, puea=ed nith boetta ofiGuelph, îehenldeiight the audiene t bc, i n ît i i TrxîiConseria-mith teadiuge and recitatxeas. A tat. !iytof Ni o- îtlin(junor andpianoehall match î ise txo eicg arranged. Thjs eaght te ataketine cf he houxtan H-fit1i 'lt i StilI acether Halîcu talutueutu cf he sectso. btoyti tiz iiinto. ME.Goolas.'W, A garden partp cn oîd of Chriet B.A., f tttt tla'.paceed trth Charol'.,Cfmagh, mii ha hed atthe tîeîîîlitfîCt - ation tuxmedjiue reittce of WT.Beaty- 5h linTea athetî tttît-- -ilToiettt,. faigar. au ThOeaday. J ely th. The. Tiît R ii i iere c-llhea meeting foi oiemlug set-lass taiest milî bepîire -- th 1h. ' it'tit .t ife icAsociattionrdtd' Hrry M. Bannett, remit ocl aitheb '. .t t-tseto-mtoen(Fil- ict, cf Toronto, lu hit character ceegs; lo it ' i,'itî. Important Mns. Wilrorko, soprano. Gltîph ; R. E.1 hc,îuî bt eee daired. Goîlins.Milles. and otherts; Mius M.t Ailt. t. -11 t îtci. Rd. and Nor- Hotlnake, acoaaulst ; Mî to Btesu it.tiotft hticeand Reed Band. Ta fioa 6tt8p. m. 'it ou-ii iiic-.Jnsank ~Refreshints-cr Cram. Lmetode. AIf tif titi'n MiNait and Rouft. Prost, etc. Admissionete ea 5ctg. biaii iii, tit arogtheTorotooxan Cenud ejcy theoioeriligbtceuttg. vvhtipiltt iie Day io Milton. Mcuî.-The fllctrîeg popiisocf tht Md -t-ilI-ti STUrcccS-Mxtu SBrampton tSllege cf Musc trestoc- Niliîge Nlattie,,itio'. mllas MissoHazel cessfui te tht octe tuamioations: Liitoi ut -1i r uireaamicotiee ai Place 3'd veri-,Mise Flotact Ai- ti C-ut-P uvtoerycof Music.mithstroeg.SBramptona;ued year. ued ctast t ititlIt I1,tCampbellaic.ipasoed.her.Mx oitSIe.cgtrd Alfti t t cp i f MicsHotîjoralte. tctear, itîraauhectir,htMissFlrene Pckering, Braptonu; r pîmory.Mist ti-tcîl'iî.tL,, a isM. Roiog and Haseishappord. Bramptoc. Vocal- \i, %leit 1, oîit.of Duabil', .NY.,151 yeue, MxssAlle Wiiame. io rmptoni. 1-I îk oc, lis,. EPeacock and Thorip ic.yeur, utd claet hcaote, C! 't;-ieýetof uaît. Wm. I1-icî- MsCarire Autin, Miss Maie Calmer, 1-%, ti! I :praoc'eand Violît rMise Magge Ccukett. Rodiioeta, Mica 1,, 1, 1o:toi ti,- c-rie the goe'.te cf vialet Hotth, Staaley Mîltu. Mis Il, , i J pPeaocikcvetlhe Esther PackhamSi Bampton. Pîimary i't i '1 1,rudiments-Miss Alle Willams, Bromp- iii!--tit tScIe.-That hacdctime toa. a .d , dittbicedece corer BSotoxoo T Gai GTOîtr- Saie Chua i i i ,tr tltt, feemelpocca- tiaedutiag Thursday right Dayfot't iied itidaadpiet tfalechc fatr ascroeaiOtoanad au Ap t- J. S. McCaoctii. Mi-acorafitepmdeehmp t0il. 51 the cafe. Tbey Seost brohe ietc W. R, - i Hri. C Tuecay m rs-Bomcacartlagecbhop. l'ut set Sadicg 1 i 'tlo-iîooePehei ote. -bat they- maated. pooaeeded to Plcb-1 tttt, 1 lriosPeceohoerelie blacbemtth chop,mwhertahsedgin I*- :jCt hx'akc dotrcthteariic ete eeixaed andmwih thece tht hacdie htti ti teall and aathtroadadomatio gcge offthe sfemwete t pc1(>laboard c-hiah femcp ad fbath huored off. The uathisatios mas -cit ittdt. The liiegeofthetab- i ltednthcamixture of dynamite snd f ii t .i- oit pjerccd hut rhe noud ifr-gtyrele, but for see tesnlt F',]i eand Maybe Sericet. ft iiedto explodiile. c-oc sa vrttlarge t ",iîltfajni-et -c- lxton ii Z'a f1 il ~dxtahen effect the whole tic ,aoicrfMetce ef Arta end of the faco.îCSJOsicxYo ave con feereded onMisseFloence becs hians out. Acitmwasthe bargiar iA.. Toronto Uoiversity. aeeaeed aothiug bat c bail-dosespits ilbu'. aicchbecuaotiied by of shoeu. Au espersmas senttforeand ,Coilege cf Musir that ch u ceeeded. cftrernrte heureilugettiag Ile recettseond tyeareuatu. thesalleuopoaed. eeciseluleatcaela - itîtvoal musia atnd the third reeuteeîg the explosive. There la, as \ t, ,!,nt oaintatheory, hoth c-th pet. au defisite cdue ta the Poereralca. tr- - itites. -Heraid i iMt Mcci MAaiaa.-AttestoOf Tee BAcsI) GADENOPesTe, -The tititht foiioiag coeouno< i eathet mac aapte*asdy cool ouThure. Wae 'tIola f the East Rand Meaij day eveulug, bal it djd aut appoartui f It he cs prepaîcd teo uppiyt affect fhe alieudasot at the gcreea prti t h methbythe quateror ijace -e, i breldeaeeofEB.R.Hcater 'i -atiil cautitin at apesiai esoa, for the taiee cf te Milton t Iti. âr, Waiies'ta cai od baad. Mi. Huaieru grounds mre b husineso.. crutaded-, aed -ould bave heea more ce 'ri lb h s aoeeod ut Wasig if thore had bacs more faucveydareu ti 1) i f Mrs. Clark, mife cf J. P. ac'iiahie here. A large aambe of Mii- prý yr. Deeeaced mas ie bar toulaaa mho c-iahad ta go to the part Y IL, and died on Saturday test. mm-e uuahie ta Mca sor bocor'93 gau ' til mstrere heoaght tu Toroato aactiftathela disea lmteat, had th in iî uSt. Jumeau ceserY. tay fboise Pd~~J.W ea î-.îied intaramuptoa for MaaY Of ifiitoa. and J'.0î vGeà t.ci Ms Clark mac c Barber, c cative alcrdowa. aad M Brtc el, rguietownc-Brarnptoa Baaam-. - oronta. anid le. 11)ao Mla Woods FlouWc ITpdealtitrusi Te Oac O lbas 77 came *caade,, Mitona, a Taeiday, Sth lInt., Item a p. - W. P. Seaîaaaof BlahoaCollage, P. Q., sen oft1h.ete Rey l.Im seaua., iaawciBe. lnaWuatiag Ratiflaca SaBit for theasutaiet. The aareq1laChrist Church. Oiaagb, la helcg habl ,et s p.utonse Scdaya, ecce5it fauriý Saaday la macth. Thua. ifcmphrey, if Cleveiand, O., a iltonolad boy c-ho lit tome ci pease asocu arteto-dap. TAIEN ÂL, LONDON. .- Thia year Canada'sfavrie exhhibiio m wli be héld froai Sept. iauto ta th. a c-weeh ictertihas last pear, ccd fetoc-iag beth the Ottawa sud Toronto showc. Everyauccessice venr the aagers ut the Wetera Fair umalleamoirefor- mardadthis year wllieanoexepion le thia regerd. Preporatiocu aie beiaig utade mhich c-l heep the old "Western* meltuothe froat as the mut uccessful as c-elasthe teadieg Lite Stoek sud Agreltarat choc- cf the Domineioc. tNec- ccd iutatouticg fecare, aebeleg rietrodaréd fat the fiet linia. Sume im- 1potantichangesn mli ha uade la the ai. 3rasgleetcof uuhihitc cn the Main Baidiag as ccli as lu otheî Depctt- t Thiu peat milisctthe Introuon inl 3 he AtGallery of macymworhsof arc of high merll l'y the icadxcg artielc of the ecountry. A largoeahbhtia asaicdji ooaceqceeru of almttotemeatlonpre. leui; nthat departmcat t aitista cf note bhcraIaready cigoifed theirtentt- tiou cf eahihltxcg. If le roubideatiy osperted tIhott1h, Machloory aed Agcicaitoral Implemet Depertetntu c-ltbac-tei ilhied, stocf theoiargeoulmanufacturerccof the Unitedt States bai-c cado applictiolfofr spore, chb las beau ailotxed thein. A oum-. ber cf Canadiau manufactcrera are aise acaiestoca hihis. Dooblese tht grec- lu g og'rcltual eoiceth cf curcounryp effets greainuducemealo te tht mau- fctrluon eceratascruoe;tht f ce. Latypinte aapaeaiellild tcceas en the Lite Stock Dcportmcota c-ill ce daeht ba iopoated. Cixhihit'. lu tht c-coscls e e e suoameu,. hat buidîngsoeccted fat other ppoest ail to clarccd itcstalfu.a cI s c rcmmcdatcon prcetded acîside tht fair ground. The prosctu of gccdrcropt threaghout Otarta chîtîti!entattmake the Western Pair of tia o2eqeai te aap thathbas boe. ,as regardt the pioderts of hformnand daxry. It lu ucmrc-hal catr l o rafeeto the apocia alttracîtiot, hutc-e are aseai-ed thal tht manaegment l'are otreadp setiored somr fhtîttxeg and hfghfpsen- satiaot ariekmatto toatorin, oct tht tutt tc far tram l'cjcg complatepet, a fau it mxi bea dietised in tki a ppr later on. As usaotthis timeteaih ytor. the officestaff are boxty engaged inmaiinag prtce litcond other odvrîlîcîg matiar ll'îccgbcal the prero c. The'aSocîetarp informca usthoc holi iIhbcpteased te mail listu to anoc mabiîog application. A copp cf tht entwy reeised Mcp cf Winters Ontario c-xtl alec ba maied la oty addrese. It jua mcaxcomplete mep, horlUgoafulltmrginal icdex, c-tthri- trapcandtatios sdpocxotty arked s thal lac c bc easiy fceun.The c-upUothescpyrighttd. Eacb cccot xhraugheet WasternaOtaric has hetî furnishd with a suffcierct umbrrt. tcpplptuach rtcn. MOD 5015 T SEENTO YOD l mm c.tu m ci i iatu go Wba.. salla.Sat crios hetait«Ste. fio, ItarS. dSet rcea. s,,caseac't .tud caS 'S sau.Wl- .11ccm. fltotry tttas, Sut ce tah, cfei Lo- ekt-,a.c. ., ttc.Soc ut9hua Orebta-k. lt alsst- reOua l.u oma«ite, otxa looi-t toua. 0, eut5b.. « eSe, katrdid ()r Ih. esc- of bhto.ntcdh dioi Md Orelm woudacei-t .aunds « Puai To U a tmd acet ca ie ifre,"it, a0g51ut ..deusd am! -14i rd iixacetta cealle -1t, autieuulsaixW celt.a u i j55. thé ouatltsethécxcba acstuIl e,- tu aut la St titl 1, ll'. dia and Oce Ccd gt .&u«b.. th. ta. . olua à"1 ait. c-,. Sted- aitama-tusYtin Jt "' -statua Dat MARRIRD.- Mifîcaon McDoceAI Atoc1îpa. Jane îsth. hy Rec. R. J.uMotasu ford, cf Chlmetais Chuch. Arthur Meiron ta Mjss Lottie MrDonad. bath cf Georigetownu. Wîccxee-Katx- At Guetlh,on u Juc 'thfi.bv Rer. R. J. M. Cioceford, jas. balh cf ERqecicg. - Cuaeco Recta-At tht reideure of the biidea methet. Acîce. c je aut h, b yRouf. H. A. MiPhersea. Wn. M. Ctec eta Mias Ado May, secondt daughte of Min, jas. Ryde. BRemu Loua-At Muun' Corners, o ele2tblan Mu nua Chutch. l'y Rut. .A. Moir, cf DObuvllie, MissetRta Long. second daaghtet cfGCou. Long. ta Atoble Browu, of Fuel Williami. Ressu MrDcwaxL-At the rouîdeneof the brida's pareetsi, Milton, on lune ihth. b y the Rev. Ruaa Dean Beli. Hugli R. Rosa, cf Sf. Thoaias, f0 Camie. fourth dacghter cf Thomsc McDowcti. LIeDAuY-He.t.-At the residene o f the bridec tuother. Actuos unJuaa ,a1ih. l'y Rac. A. Tomait Gaelph, NiaiaR. Linaiaay, of Taosuto, ta Misau Bella M.. yauageai dagter of the laie Chàîrfes T. ll, Actua. CHAobANt-'DuNNlu- aTnafalgar. onJae aîthi, bp Rec. Thos. Amy Beajtl C paataMiss Adarýda DM ., bath 0fTaagr Vaueieci.a-ilFitercou-AI Horaby' oa tane xith. hY Rac. C. T: Toagb, sale Vauiche.of Paler mu. te Mit liceiiHfuaaetniforcby. Lacaa,,BauuLe.-Ât Ail ShlatilChaoh ,AmI tgeeloca therilt ha adr thi ~ialrn thal theavcerage bamae t'alg c-teh about $18,00 cO uine ,a tadpolit. Nisacuoea,. lOs ra hasti on the fiolues f rth tàmouaabody contoac hiot tousas ýtd thirtoin ounccin uof aliai. rîd Jouhua Safard, c-ho hcd l'eec a pets- uner ina aletiear Paria, Ont.. for four daya, c-as rcoaed ai t 535 ta Befurday sifleruosu. cand bas recoccred frei his; iipiag ecporîec. We have seumo ptefeeesltot thorea cf one Company to pays5 percent. perenu. aai ; and of aaotbcrcompao copay 6 paer coul, pot aaocm-hoth recotmoand. eland guaalcd. Applicrations may bemadeaom.andasharscxal'eacp aoy finme beforc tastrirtebet peotx. Laidtate. Raputi & Bircall, Iniparial Baok, c-ct Toronto. Oco. Pollock, Taxidermist trttLTroN,CT Pelooe for Mcexttag Sitdu, Etc. Cc-ta, targueh. 2el$2 75 BI..cJciaixC3t. $1tc- 1 W 211ti rc Pcc ,125 t5U 150 17tu ii»tCSandHr '00 u ccxe, Mtz t150 Nat1cr. 75 C r et15 Lo r cf thaeTanFshxp cx atcc4W e th C Bc.i-CfHt. FoHrmatO,cor. Settctoi teoCrcect cS0 luth 0ctr of hc-c-, htci i-mouai ofthTmccownhipusotiNesocinithe lhoicta hrhgom, piOit teqoBiiit0e 180dhiCap. 19,rrott .1 iti dcliii. o.g cftîx, lOtc. Cx ittîxc tr kou th îtî. oa ce t.ot the 101h Ode of Je.1 tt,- n*xea,axddre- ud cOt-iti,c sndeift]t ce eux-lo paticteac oft iir îcitdOi att the natrîothce airtoty n)btOI- Ibece. dcii- i-fertt a dteil l ethIe Reid Sac thea -torxwiecce cilrehditibte th,î a-taitfth.O-r u trherparta.. ttt.d thei-atc, h.iacig e o uIo thca Datad its th delu otf J-,ixu. 102. J W. EOitTT, Bastedo & Co. NEW LINES FORS THIS SEASON NOW IN STOCK. e Millinery, Laces, Muslins, Lace Curtains, .-Enibroîd'ry 'Corsets. Milliiery t Laces & Mslis Whitt laebeoe otdr cite- linse as this season.o Law, ratdies, fncyii5 Dre r uslnsinviethelatiest ooigeadpatrus . Laesbroideris Nticipaeg e avgeat e-e tOru td orlacebroris-w ltaversscrea aret of mof lisfl aott ees 'd idha Dres foiMusinse.the peyd forsboret s w I ' 'intO, L..., ittotu .uc.c i Kiaaàaii-' t Teta actocut sain aicdcSt#fiinNJ9rSetS now. un .~ek !~!i!~ti-~tenti1ator aasd fosulard -- jqeçdým L, Mtve priff. values ses - r eyàtYig? aâts-. - ,- vrstylWi at $150. * - etylh i e ail 2.00. Ail er newest. Summer MUI'li ëry wtlbecleared at a big reduot$ on regaiar pnices. Seasonable Blo e Waists... We have a great varie~ of styles in Sammer Blouses. Fancy Prieted Blouses tO, 75, 85c., $1.00. Muslin Blouses 75, 90, $1.00, $1.25 tu $1.75. White Lawn Waists 85e, $1.00, $1.25. New Lmnen Effecto $1.$25. Ladies' Linen Skirts 85e., $1.25, $2.00, $3.00. Men's Summer Wants... Stylieh Straw Sailor Hats 50 ,nid 75e. Faecy Cambric Shiirts 50, 75c., $1.00. Balbniggan Undertocai 25, 30, -10, Cc. White Canvas Shues 90o per pair. Meu's Negligee Shirts 50, 7,5c. W. Have a 1Handsome Showing in Muslijs-white and coiured, plaitn andîiftncy. Ginghanoe ehecks aiiîl strtpes. Fancy Zephyrs-the neweit effeets. Dress Sateens, Foulartds, Petîgees andtiC)t-aîîdîîs. Our Range of Stîrrîter Waslt Fabrics ismstvriedad cou irei ensive Hollinrake & Son, Mibtnu GRAND CLEARING SALE W'e tnust have rofrue-Faîl] oueds. Wbarre ci artttg off ail surneter goude at cuet, mditinvite yuu te ciadi tdepet goudsansd prices. It is no trouble te bheu gotis, bttt ratîhir a pleasître. Cotue une,uc,-'îe ail. Macs Fneurlcku Mat c" - Mu-,'c Mrtt. -Tao Mie'. Stock LoOtie'Pot.rath, Ladie"lI Ladies*' Thetabcoie dae aIrîr ilthe gtointttba.oc-ay. ririLiý aoît, rgtiar tSsii. t 3ii. ti re ii ff,.,tii.g, andtttfI itti tmici- i p.attt t fli ii ti ti o- il i , 9M-Ohi- pn-ta,, oi- titiotyi MONEY! MONEY! Why let ,nonq bbo dis ? MaRe lt Work for you, Safe it'.lmetsproctîiitie rayiitiiciiit le- tfii hf- in moitgagrl, Oîiiiipior ltatiiifîîniftîi stoic, hbonds ori cu ti li. BCiîît orlî t ii t itttt.i i ti i pur îbtsd o mcaue ait -ytîne etîrediîîtiîiîi y-an forîpiclerceltpaid bifpîoitlîetinthe mctifii,"i investigation tif ceptof niy euiisi epetul ivt te5ILTOtO, F. tM. DEACON, Financial Broker. E Raleduîîtîon WÂL P l? f'ro: ftois aixîil t if -'i the besil valises jenj --l , ths ëetobe'hadrzight in j the Goods that yoD * sre Mo8t -'inting. Inse e aricles Eite Shirt- tissg, G"&jte&, Deuris, Coi s, Tickïng, Prints, qk (lettonis, ée., ,you'Il lied v in this store that can0 'be.classed as 0sgia". t Wt woutd dratiyoue atfetctiou o hesp au opoialir met! certh 1-youe time and mhiltels:eet - < î-inch Couadian Oxford Sltirtiasa, >i=cotet, ee feccy patteras, g e e faut falots, epeoil .......... ... ...........ite celia a rjford Shirting. M1ey ;o , ih htîripol oud checksagoodhbeavy quaaitye- caloat-.....i_+-cpyd. eb a-iuch Rothwutl" Euglish Shirting, Ànpeettr ucaceted atrtpe paot- -teuns, doîl' aed lighî celers, porfecty fast dye, upecial at .x2ci yd. Prc W o-tech 'Rock Fast" Drille, lu aary grounsed, ith mhite ati, g J, Sirm quality and ahsoeutely faut aolpira a upledid flue lotr e". S shirts. cr ihitdres w eor, speciai e.......f .......... ....... - 5ti il. 29 loch Heavy Calota ilglitIand dafk biue gondc, faocy p îlco s pecaotat - - --...................... ...... ...... - - ec pît. 29o-ieb heary e.eloht. hine and heowe Qeoimc.cae rm c-tara, .teiiotif 2-nhCtoaeindorh &trie pr coeok patterns, with plaie or fleur - hacha aitahîtlot feor îî,irit; porfsctlp fast ooro, ,peîiottit * 3t-iloh Sîrîpa -Tiîhkiong,>*le *bloc aon>d m*w'hite cîtie. gticit.bro xicpd ~/ qîîoty. yrcial t aiit n 2',yt. ~ 3o-it1h ac Stripe Tibeg, satiunSiih, etfreli hictyîlpecotia SBest Binder Twine f At 12ie and 13Bc lb. Gîttheobesit ll potye. Nevereacytîîtcho tp,iittîîî it1ti cirIctic'. Tbcy runootitby andtvecly titiutîît,t f'îîi, t- thebeselt iietir booit i loand c3*opertlb. M, lj Cel Atericaioti etlcrîieesfoc ClodeiCi,ii ttii s gM 1 Mleeýt ige, cli iisoc Wood Ral,î. i Stteîy Frit0,l)or'ý. copîrîr $i. Heg.Rictiandt1t,,,g,,. ljee Aîji.ttt iit it îîî-ot fer. ftotoi'.andlîî'.t greeii eî HgTiiîît t se, '.itntit0<g 2 eogto titi Gi-n Wtîc Ciîî, C-titai otti oud Stet'lî P1f egttî __ 9 cli2- per yard Houey ICi.tii to Ott On Do Tol.Faim Betti - Tcrl l .S I .e stttV..iWratti I-tg t', ii Cittic.,5o -iMachine)t1t t , c ,Il -tce îî iî Secto lotltîig cIt t - .0-tifi, r 1ttdi c. - I, tfr h m 'lbhi,î, agtttt .,iieiTRUNKS and VALISES. ( Ap Ag-1ttiittiît ,,tihîîîiipigquat t-tt ftJ î flm th aiti, ic tt l t ii oe ttietttî t' ' f Ro 1o qaeTi t iitsti vraec tut,. slt gttiC4 toptiitt t h i s aeto 21 - h T,, ... k 1 75 1 -,4 3oich ,el 2 h36-'t T 22 iic i STANNLEY MILLS &CO.p S pec'Ias' Furnishins Straw Hats ïSer iets i'Eiîglî iraid Anîrîriîrîr- îrrll îri . I t I i r,.- bît-s iW Otî, tielt ttest Styic tr tti ot i- ft lii 5(ic O ti1.0 oBallbriggan Underwear 5 A i l/tC i !t)(fle tu$2.50 ir I îrr. Boys' Col' Cambric Shirts '~ Ot~itiite iffF- si/CH 121 te if, Jî Newest Neckwear Th, ;test t uit i ni- llperiaib,Iit t t.I' il- Itrîrîs and îlîliBows.tlt iiî Suitings i \V, i ti l - ii 'ltirinîg t ti A ACAL.L SOLIG. TED. 0P Tailors and ~ fE Z O~ Foroishors, p j (?,ft,%.1;*.,,Thlav, Frgm now until Jet July youî au have a urioice îti »111\ ~,j4, 14LIL!L,1L~i Lik or 400 eamples of Wall Paper at a redutiîîton of 10 irer ceItt. Be gure yen gît the benefit snd bîîy at onces. (learing' Sale otf lrtîs{," Stock atf(,»l FRANK PEA___ teeIuoircet ct DoMmtiesttit Cii-tii1,_Il Nteete rdios BRASS BAND ; -aterî7t1- Iii 2ý1 ea)c.t t tua- f t 2l; J Glle. t - ~ ~ ~ 77cZc-aiatithd..dD 7 %. Equ1Oi î.îoIioiî îî,tt, . - CttX \ i o ta the utatie cf theetateo i lîf liam ttrIicecf- qu.e. Rne C-loti 00 tt4tlpt'ît 1th i c 'ir2ý. 7 -IiL- :Ill, jamou'MrHo1uh. tata of the Townsuhip '- MatOctmicir,.ac,0e b. T fi' h ' 3îy SaltPiC' t ofTmafi> alt teCocnty cf Haitos, ý IL.cegL uaaa igxia- F 1-t» r dcased. _______________ Must be soid. Coîîîe esrly as it 10 going fa. DtaS ds 1h d" 09au», cc. c J. W. MLLOTT", t-Otmaa, saticifofuri S Maag Mvoney to Loan Butter anîd EJSgs takeni as cash. Orders deîiî'ered promtptly. 1The Tcn.shipof Trafolgar l'aa cari-el -thoucao rSto o ac os fx ut mcrt-****** ************ a****e* ~ege onaiooete. Aeply t Dr.Bock, ~ F N I U RE E T reasarer, Miton. 48-3in F I*RE -z AWàndarful Pf*p&rgiOA ' We keep ln stoek only the beet in Parlur, iiltttig* aiEBo-ra 0ceiOoae," Pure, -1 * and Bed-room Suites, Window Shsdes, Csrpets, (itît ,bomleoiballIrca ae tain Poles and Tiiimings at the lerasat prîces. 40. O e utaonaaa. MachiequLenn M-Call ad examine and yen will hi satisîied. S*O&dlacaod n jiegla tend of Ploe i or, viW[it fl nory O Ïà -UNDERTAKNG--ý clja.poctiveçori. In:u ci Ita eache'. oîîecdtd ta paomaplîrand tit îuty ~j~sf -O.1e NmT O-R.BURLING. t IL c s t v a tl Il tl fi si

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