BOT PIRPAI ;tEAM OF WITCN IAHË nach.nsed to s. ým - l Wood'% P ,oadis ultttln tir "eh aabservine. Hlsalntnhn,ou C.. ugifita. . BaOOn.MNRS.-T h iotong it tht apportisent ni the Let-Satatty LOIJAL n e. publie nivolt osant inr Hsltont Jaones Atýla iF rinceton, Wa çew- Esqnnnlag ....... ing aid acq ananes bin owonnd viian- 1 uawn3n...... 77 ity tiis wee. N ......... 320 W. W. F ,,toa. ai Kithaite. vans ins Taagr.......4 town on Ts,td.y ad foeored tht Chais- *. pinwà1te Li9 f hCANNaN.-Tht Csnnty ni Peet lae te Watta Ls ..y, t Chosg, ltistaira ge tira abishletcannon irais tht ns' os a vsit ta s parts. M-a. nd lira. oinios Gotraient. girlsg hbilde ina W. li. Lind..v. . ttlr rtînaif wanted. Tbey welgh Tht caasty aonncil saWtin eet net 1 2,54tita. Thty wil lie place&l.enpab Tansdny. T[ori prnetpa1husinssaut lOrnements. in iront of theaourt housa ha thteqlalooionai thtasisont. lut Bnapton. Tht Goveesstent Winl 1. iH. Peah shipptd a4o bogs tant tend rannon lt a ay onnintiiulit'on tht Monday aforhiah bu paid out about sefeirmeis nto Peel. Aaiwonld $a.Soo. These 555 wtnt lu Coliigwood. Iodla iel i n tht coart hoane patto hene. Chas.'MeNair hoiasantptedinasition t SAN J ont BAsI.n-Geo. B. Fisheor oS sath a a hsle4t eand rtal*lae r oFronseean. an Jose SanIe Inspteer.ha lanToronta, al left tex Jhe City on Sun is fart a op and Ilanllible etistdy duy etios. frtepsvI., au ntistonuof Jnde Tht Hborehedhagnetot Grand rtoleuna nd soarp. Dr. la. Fletther. Va'My, whir, ie bs scure a ood niins Etuoislogi. sapa Ibnat tht Vtattoy. sai ho ua 5tfren retd agbids$ale in hy.ia thetrwttat inonot tb;t trait sraoia nn red rtha gaowora have etat aildta rostasd witb- dep re auoishin hlm naato. and tht M. ithean diucooeay. saiah Rtv. A. J. Blt, aifOnan Chnaah. and la tht renaît ai nutroon expérimenta. E. W. Bayd, ly dlegnt. are t Huoil- lsaifganat valat. tan atitedtog St-9nod ni the ditaitot BADznn unionasGaoRis.-OritTues- ai Niagara, Cînenh 5i ngtand. . day tvening tht bond playtd A pro- Manihly evalsi5gcsrsat ill tii feld gcannaise o ir sletions os Jjudge et Manoo(ma ,lfP. haon Sli Wh, Ioaut'olawa. Tht fine suafe as -tsh in îds~. Sbuta Tegrratly asjoytd ty j daad:lts ln Glo aoonbsPlis aiof o " hunadnihrired.RnrS M. Patchefi, huvipag rtmood ta thtmiseztawaïtt trved. Adftbr lb h a Stevoason Dqok, shsre busitnnes aothe ai he besttrattatoi.ed ta. mil boieglat taimade a short spech, la Whlsb e1hak- roet ay f av or his wth a canti, titht leaderansd oeibshuofnithe baud PaoSo SEL ia Hasaus. Misa M. M. arbc sL îsseatpadlnma#d Cour. Lorqah,,t, ,i okailo, Sas pnsaed tht sratulattdtsa el tata wsis5tmtilly. ..~.oo ~araasis5i la asoa. A LawnBSocial and Stwrrq Fai- ro)ta Ullovîoaty. oith tisd clam bhn-.valutnaetbçamMplaeaoithoV. 1P..Ol AGracetCrb. Mlton. WS ie o a' en Wr. I htt o iFao i.tht tahal.aoisgrnud;o e~tdy bWttA, ai holsa.t OfP nay o ooiE- Jur îtth. ThtMl.. bdau ai- hol , f ji7nto ba pasici a exminraoorahestre will araiuh 1te munoie. tinte inpb aay atT'ooo nivesrsity, Rreirnshmnsa-1ne Creui S Baubert tabah ouolOtirSos l lia esoe i oud Creani, sud Cundien.Rehè'n' t P.,sm. B. tht wel wiil aatplsr tht Lemisae SCarso L FoLC.-.A gardes parts- ia Wilressns ilu style. Coise and tajay caaneati- viath Bso Chorrh mil lieyaaroelvns. Aduioion-Ludies sud bld aonlthe aaiog ai Jane aoth et tht ahidrea tac. ;isen isa. Etirutomneta -sidnar fWas. MaLtasj, lotî10,acon-extra. Eoqtoeslag PRAce SERvîcc.-Thtaservices ut MfaSso Theohrthota ni Si. Clair Gooo Chrh oSndy enisg open- I. dge N 35G. R. C . sil mtach ta ed withîthe National Aoihein, andîthe l.aace Cil cb lots SondaY ersi-aoag rcor, Rc.A. J. Bett.pahedater lRav. Bo. A . Bell ahi prah ao onthe délaratoao ptaci s,ýeciISoth Africa. At KnoxsChoeab Ibtat JahnIl iadloey. trooher ia tht publicatas aioahusgving fr the tnd ai tht houalbh-aonneoarîsnegoandtatteoiy osrandîbhe pastar. Re. B.F. MaL. teachinar ,ooBoliaglon, lias boratSmith, preaobed aunable and npprapriute granted sraaaotiaa. Hehonbasltseamon.On acounnl aitht abeona t est nasi 1lonsg yeartarof Cd warh. Rev.. J. W. Cooy aconférencet.the Patriak \IcDerott, wsho han berns ervie,, ai tht lithadint Charah sata spendioo t o months sith is brether, coodaatad by M. Saher. a tindanit. ,lattbroa, s \5. bolag. Virgtniu. hms A gards nrty mil bc heid a the net ose k o w lto tasqareop hithousi- sdntdof na Mes Atlan MaDongali, lot tu, ils.Ht0 ad s to ke Whreliitg bis th ltne. Trafnlga, aatht raenlng ai Oaa loO f or ,ftur. Tbnrsday, Jur îth. .Tht ioliowing ;eOrge w ilHo. tha hashe ose ai bit taleanthba bea to5ageol for theocason:n rpslo,,oa.o eoast rs oaathe BeriHarveyr, c,aofTorontoi; loi,,*o o aisth Maaatwrtn bistAnnieA. OHable.solalat. Horasa teoali st un ady.MissoGerie Halinrnhe. nlaitt.Milton;o ,?eation toiaperat odttoeai iaGlodys Bostidot. elerotianiat. Mi- ho I, 1ha. ad sie ai i. bt he leton ;Mita Editb Dewtar. nL spait Milton band sili ien toe preaeti. Res-. longo vi C. T. Taaghstili aanpy theactair. Pro. JEt.s 0010it,00 -Wt . arsasys Cacasolan&id ai Haroby Presbytarian i as hoIL, .000 o s i t ins lein lafull tChara jasa olsoObothe mangement otNRMo.TE -DSBNIFT-h poie o b t as 3o patrons andiaent bSao. TaBoosBaeî-Tepaiie ol.y io o. ou t 0, nneriy 3,onlbaiofgrdtn prly. tht- paoetdn ai whlah wiii lmupled u hli pr usa f e hootos M. NMaPhail la groaty pleOed 1 n hband. parcohae oniao oooh Io sr 0t lo.aa 01ifne rtad mlaioSo Ros ~ tht evenlng ai Comoatian Day, 2th and J. S.Deaaaa mast.,t the groundsuoaiB.R. Hanter. 11-rebornatteoodng Haiilton Casier. M.Buston la uoitiag the -- ai the Mtbodssl Chorlà t Wood- Hitee in Ma iitenCmr sk as dlgates irais Miltan. Bth crantls siuig h etut li-o. eete othnthepWinîherpoiot. Berttlaaoy. To- ooaCouoilaooaa, which Wi Lacetis rota's lndlug oniuisingr.huanht 00opgoSptrsiber. ragagint.sudhle Wsa iehtoitdhy soo it£ nssoTION.-Stag. aoea irtuso tlent. Tht bond, oS te 0. -onoi lat. M. BStflit i o.foso . IL play snaetaons. 'A cans otho1-Lo I ssoleis, Cupbollilliit. ittet ban heen appaittd ta iraitonu Il- tUkeaSorogt.-tolar Cannlnghao'tciîniloS thtloirs andsi forcon- 1]e o theroîooatian cntingent and tibtisus in thé shape o e rimenss. l" olnd . M. drot. W. J. GudSand ilishovsry onoatopteaasfad sY Ati tt fo Eoglaad tet woutt. ynng tadies i& tht contry i snSistn 00000 00 Cs assa.-gt. . .and b Le luSnoupatey ose anke tu Mf.ooe, ifHHamilton. ires titeted pri-The ine sht dont oosamlton Cantmtuau nitWod Msc iihioasa.Teflloir- st0o. He s a boaher oS H. P. Moreiu eMatos utdeua uve psutedUtht j oblshrof aIhr ArîonaFePro resan&nt ent sudca uisnlis i l Ui %vas ait one ste tditer o that utiru- irtli O ln -, a hnd erR.Q 1000000Res D. A. liair. ai Oab5ille, t in i5tt.~ B l ye k t; au- oas lro.od aretary. Theflwinisa R V thrfinal daft made hp tht Statlqnl2ito Woî 5.'eoq#tlt l.ssosoîooos for Mitton Ditrct-Mi'tatIf rfiuar. ta eait be ma joLor W.0?oooy;-,Oakvilt. Daid apur' I. e 'a n t rett i51rC Buot Ilion, J. Witlanssa; Ges gelt. i dT.N tboa&-e a, ap- Aoston Pootr; lain andA eba nt]lah-00eu i tet Gerage oids; WatndnWa. ')Ms5pts54 o hiStâ q O oloo.1PltrmosJasephals (çC lt.t W , itRilsa Trafalgor, Charles H . Woletn N .ma irN Iti ~t.n~, No Geo. obso;Lottitit. téatone W as, ; 0.XoLosl, J ess nMnC by Frlto,AamSuyr. . in, n5 î'i ýýbea ot t A. iedy.stipuagieya. Snst year. w51l tsnppL-teuiusiai sasenationf BIGaFRSaanCOauOLA.anov.-TtOe Vin- couver. B.C.. Dily News-Advertlse ni tist DUa. reparte s ouslidatios Of tbh ro aedru bsistsa oithe Me- rDorei, Atkinis. auaCao. Limited of Vaiposeer. and lSuudersonsBothers. ai Vintria, . a Isaitalo S04o0,0no asd car utagaatonknifaon 4ooono ta » oon.Tht stptu aiSris in Hou- dil an 1onsr. Lboitud. H. MçDowtll salit aeth bunoms ai the ais in Vas1.ovu ILud H. M.Wtn unc.&d im suPrasileut of thtelinOosuli. At- his Watsn. Co.. Lisitti, Bath Mtnrasinliosatit and Wataonsara Mli- tasn id boys, ad eaassd their busnes lu thtesablshment of tht lutHenry Watson. ,NoassBiosu.-Wtoitustanding watch. log thteliaisit gnonste Victora uPark, Hamilton, os Tataday ateroasu about 4.3o betirous tht Ouanvitie and Cunada Business Coiitgt boit payerrn.a foui bal irais the atofiA. Tinted %truck Arthur Ore. aif<re Brother..ou tht nont kaonk. lu ia Msnsile. Hie boSera Churlie and Rnom qsicbly aasvtered-Arthur ta itht Satag stare statblishmntt oS Jobs P. «Il rne, . atig audHess trots, W hrethtijuryWsaprasciunatd ovure, but sathon u u 0 oo ... ss Dr. Lns h ba n 0p niJndtht as. intu atboy',snt kenusilutwn . tue Waadth, heavy ahonh tht panahe b#sanuslouni sldene'ni J. J. Wtison. lai 9. eau, i, Traagar, imiles traInMltas, on TuesSaf. lune iflh, The Sllnsaiug talent bas boau seanrado lilasMoud B. Riggus)onutloais (tatauet Chicago), sWbo siS gritreadingsanadmnolnoguin nharaata costumse;IMis M. Niatonts, elloatiosalOstvitit; Mis Gerile Hoitiashe. Mlttas, libo Wood. Ki. bride, W. 1. Dinh. Miltan.s. aiits; J. W. Billet. vlsilis; MislMary toi- lnshe, aaconipaniLut.Miltoe bosd salît also ho preaiat. Addrosues wmli ho giats by ev. Meurns. Cuip. oSf aleaso. and Aisy,.aiOngh. lDa. Buck sait act as cauirman. Admisiaon a25., ldren ic. Cauvoyances wmli hu t tht n affine iras 7.30 in i p. .ta carry tru ni Charge al tawsupeoplt wiaing ta attend.« Reidenne For Bue-That haudnoiue uan omiuos brickreidenat.aornse Charleas "IldPoste ts., iariery oeea.J p.ied hy t het uderigutd. Gaad stableI ud drirlug shd, unS plety nifinui trocs. Apply ta J. S. laCanel, Milj tas. __ _ ts Cou t[buse, rflilton OnMO2IDY; JUNE 23, '02 at lan is .lto hear and detrisine the ne ra tnsptitsosemr nsd oniit- situast votr LiaI nf tht Muai- ipahity ofIlton fornçoa. 411-t 'eun s aving business 'ai the 1Court "ae rtqsted ta attend at tht sald tise aNalplane. - Dattd thý ialth day ni Jase, 1902. R. COATES. To emC NADIAN NORT-WET AiT oio tb rtnn nSTo MSwanlen r Wastssdn ..:. 1m DS.ý 40 GnSd 9 nlnsJli. han hnd Jnlti. n oùt .i0aidara traisdatanttain. ThRahku .51. Hotelype»awuth, Ti.k.tta. dsttee#int olr and 5&U tinrsa- lion tenn git Gland T-unk Bryalen JAs.D 1> x llDIAD stn P-onAgTornato Bateçdo &,Co. NEW LINES FOR TRIS SEASON NOW IN STOCK. 1 i- Tht Presbyterbans oi Haraby Hure issae illbu y tht yard, For n rousnng garden paty- On tle îth es-e ni Jane. As b potera yo'lihabusen, W'l meet inumlthiat gle On Mmn. liaDangali's green. Tht toliasateg ireitknawu umista Are seaared and salit attend o Hofar raaidisappointaneul. On them pou cuib depaud. Bert Hamvey. ni Toronto, That esenlng wilt ho ier. To tant tht yassg and oid up AuS hketp theis la gond ahor. ThtXmses oinlrahe sud Hable High cliais union s tne antt mlfad adr MisEdilto Dtsaasb ilttas As agnmpautet appeaos ;o Miltoanda o onnure salItpay Soni of te nsatisg aire. Thtr'tI ho atout ludion and thia. L Asndldes fSou and lit; Camne ose, oiseuii..Youung frugal Y:usaY bave pour choie of att ai ais .* hm,.ta elght- Matie itithe tan or dinser * ' lto Rttebtsst ba'tionO sl hgroun, ln So Sau't fos*tte siier. Laces, Muslins, Lace Curtains, corsets. i Millinery 1 Ou Osummea uillin- eryte ai thttlat pro- S Whie and Blacko Salor Hala ion.ap b.Wite Bst Tua. haut, trissai ready-to me ur4nlb fom inat*.10 ap. Els oWe invite tht, ladies t tavisit on l iiliney partons before bave WO been We are in reoiptof a large consignnment of Bots, S hoes, Then we boaght for euhb-and we are thus- 'ouableil ta offer sonle great, -values in stylish footwear, s4" reniarkablyir res We quote a few linosB ta give you an idea of the prices. Mes nBuff Bals.&epair .î. Ladies" Oxford. pair..$zsoo Mers Dong. Lade . o.. Ladie' Dong. Lae _.25. MasWe',aOCalfS ne Ludies' Dong. Ballon '-.41-$75 Trimmed Stimmer Bats Our milliners are turning out Sammer Rats wbich are mo dels for style and woîkmanship. The styles are in keeping with the latest fashion fancies for sommer wear and the prices are most reasonable. Children's Dainty Hats in a Wide variety of style at most tempting prices. I3Lot of Straw Shaples and Sailors, selling at 25c. We are sbowing very complete ranges in Summer Vests, Sommer Rosiery, Summer Corsets, Laces and Embroideries. We gtsacoutpons o uxaash paahaaen Ak for ihens Hollinrake & Son, Milton, MONEVI1 MONEYI1 Why lot money bu 1Me Make It Work for yeu. Salesinvestonents praard forany anount not lrnathaa*îioa insoalgages, municipai orltaon crpoantions, debenturs, stocks, bonds or anuatins. Bonds or debatarra tnay h pur- chaed tamaurent any tiue desiredhbetween oneyear and forty, Interest pald hait yearly in the urnntiue. The ftaletr investigaion ni any aofny onoaritien in respetfatty invited. isaILTN P. H. DEACON, Financial Brokçer. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER .Setisy saispirs. Thy ae ail tht tairaI styles and donlîns. Beatitot satin grond srtth losely floral d-sigus. oovelties la om hînationt. floral and stipe, new. Evrything ai ight prions. Bordera trois je. ta sc. peo yard abeapor thon evera ber. No trouble tG showsamiplen and glot esîlununes. PAINTING, ORAININO and CALSOMININO Oece Neatly. --z2gumn-Ase CARRIAGE PAINTINO. FRANK PEAREN, CHIC IWanted CHIC!1 CHIC!iAt On'ce. 3 WEEKS ONLY I 500 Men 500 Ladies Ail the bot wàther needfUlo.-ý bhng ta n inake thé. whoie family oomfrtabl sMke eèi dog days bearable.>4 stressDM relti tNOb*4 4 ,aren h, ait vidttss. StaîsadWlsdiZ=. pried ...9 te20C d. airens onors, wiîh bt d 4nsult alue wlre lt. wali made and anis- wd.nwb s,*ne, vellasa, rmd .St peaaloii P piek andVa Fidoos..sit Pni t atpn5cîsg y foutaî t n g. for )a. ~ frtaun î. ri nt P~a na fr is a isaes'wids s i. ta p u rea *i foris a i ta gO d. SêluhnWigndw.u ntabligaune und orra , hckayd adutal nncteghfiut ah indf orst e Satisausuo hg ae 41 îtnheu 25C.ldt . n hareeetc font, 0 *i2 fro g 2 gt d 3 i ndw n hh21 e.r site i 8on yd. . -.............-3o, g and 40 s . .....1......... ... 8 io and i2oa t. Sprisg Hingr ... .......... iga pair Hone Reets .............05c0rach" * Ione Nozzlst i........45e rach 4 ~A, ~ Lap Duaier. 4 With gotnd hardwoonfa ise, A heautif:uI. sew stock. fSte bestgalanied inclinnusudqualitie%.aitla141551styles. rang- eteedaîachthnand ng irais.__25..teto$2.;o aol UtenL ýTht tatrot anprostd stylea Pa.s4 te thrnghy emlade heat. prisad Rohurisnns Pure PoittIl4 teca sttn eg...t........ .. ..... _ oenfrn, j pinta 130 quarts 35c. - . 8. 00, $2,Sia 13 i galt....... - ....... .......65C. 'T WOOW W Vnn'esta aima Raser, S oaepedid vanes ndoauchoaýrrsty teohoone front ;osaI4" telyo= ,ot'hemtaitlhere;bthaihnt with regard tepriars 4"p ,~White Cotton Rlbhed.Vrass Fine Blackh xitton Hosr, flstI Wwith orsrithoaut shot leerea, cooors slîtsdhleelo andsarn, loce ttrimmed and rihbon in eak, ialioîed ieg, ai ........ polo .t............... ... .. oand 1not a Fot Stock Collas Hase. tith, 4 Finr qoality Cotton VenIn, la Balhriggon or saburai nvool fors, three tylen, wttIslong as-vesl, erysoft and coniortohlr. o,5po. 4" .h.shortaineami aînd ins a strap Real Maco Cotton Hosofull overnlnoulder. nioely Insisted, iaîhioed leg, Heoondor dy,tore bjf a................... . o1lceooh qoalities lt.z5i02o d 25C alr. , Ano':zr god Befinquai. Faaoy BlackLiale Nana, dr~op 4 le r i nead and rthbonlInoeck 'tee. Herisdorf dye.. -35e POa 4 at a........e.. a n TCottoi ofasot colo 4 Fayncy Vests a aread V V....... ...... .......... o2esal'oo tlsalaped fts,,'ohodîe t Polka Dot Mosn*n bloc and 4 s'nlahnot sith 1t odriolask, o.sitto whte dotn, os 4 li . ............. ........... . . ...... ... a io r STANLEY MILLS,&CO. 4 Specials in Furnishings Straw Rats Mens Rough Braid Amerîcan and Eng] is Strise Hato, the lateot style-no nid goods- from 50octo $1.50. Baflbriggan Underwear Ail sizes, from 50e to $2.50 per suit. Boys' Ool'd Cambrie Shirts Separate Cuffs, sizes 121 to 14, 50c. e;îch. Newest Neckwear The lateet designs Imperialo, Criterions, Coro- nations snd Shieldes Bows. coMBÊ HEiaas ta Warstrds, sîriprs and ctrcks. ooore showing tho 1050sf ý, reosoooblr priaes,. Wrarr show sog 5n dsffrrooka, Blue Serge Saitingns whsoh or guaoootente eep color. A CALL SOLICITEID. Taibors and Fernisbers. W E j- lit iû kit( Ieh BASTEJ & Co. k j ,of flalton.