1:11,tirs wlicacb o (.otell< (110 tîili.. 3 1 irt e wolpo o[ t.U 0 0 r h1 octcwooct, Ont. STEDO & CO. i i nl g- M o - s.if 'Li 1 i - , - pers. Po îî II Oroil, BASTEOL & CO,. $20 $35 $40 Il 1 :\ - ç'b'MOl the CANADIAN NORTH-WEST L:0 . ' $30 $40 .rd., c attfijS ; ficOdu old4 f~eoo , (W.. Srfttt 1* ý .Plut y Chifi(boIgspeut Vtoatt'u'# igbs oLpg tly. .crtau! fuddr, opticiaud sod4m3 e. cf Nt Lao = o.. is i t Vspoodi ga fetedace ,trlthispartais ac. m lc.Johu Reddy.- At f% inoupocu roequettthe trusutesOî Miltto cîo tgace the uidrena sbat, J. H. P..o ocks hIPIsblpsfor the tagt ttrtio, ocr eirght tur-toude of ibugo and twoc ,l cattlt, o e r.of tbe latter wa .i itThe amou antpiei0foc the lot ugoi101.000. ._ Tbr V, ' S. Of Gcute Cburctbluteuf hstdvcg ah.0cotecoiaton thetgrouds of tht Sui loY Sobol ou Wedueuday, Jume citb. l'le Mltuon au d oSPaltcmt trco o a itt Suaiub the music. Mo.. Wilonotba efucd tothe teain- ig s bol for nuresiatouuttiouteith tbheSeccîal tospital, Guelphaltttr opco-ding lihr vacation bero wthbert poretc, M. and lIce. Tht.. Wilson. Mdcc ubnd hbettstctugtheued by tbe colditooc fut athec soto cornet playrc. Coîccrd Hanlan, et Pettchaco'. Iliste.Icr0 egaged fec tht tracen by Metccll & Armstrong, paiaturs, palpec- Ther ceugccgatiou of St. Georges Chboccb. Lococtîle. are arraogiug focra gerreparty te bo beld on Dominion Dey Ijoly itol t Chrstephur Richard. socot. l'ccîbr patitolacu dît bout.an couceod sootly. Inthelrcpot of Cnvocation tTcinity Universioty'.ther cofetMite RoeaMe- 120011001. laorety cf Baeiugteu, lu hctcrdcrttbrdtgtet acheloceof Musico, and 16cr f Mite ecou, Mito, oit t tbcfcB.A. ScotL lo 50.06.-A gurdeueparte ln tonetonith Botn Churcoh ettfbo field onsthe oocieg of jou e th t tht ru4idrccf IWot. MeLtu, lot te, cee. 4, Eseqotcog. laestoFax, of Toronto, ',cil.appocci, etostetd by other firot-ctaeo Tbhe rectorocf thet teocftht Iae Rtc. J. lilloogh wonUoffoc fer tale hy pubollic 000000 000the tehoteofetfiesfarte 'loch aci i hatllt. gceu'lug cropv. etc.. ou0 lt14, co. ii 'raefalgar.oTueday, tue oi. ai t p.to. Ueo. Aedctw, W. R.lootoard. eeonoThou. C.Hag- î.od, Soi, 1,tloch, harog pasecdhbit fnlcîecai i herCollagtof Phareoacy. ioconto, o ýtott Tutday oorieg foc Le-,Mc, r bischbrothrr, Franh C.,6bas1- iin thetdug buies foo Tok l, I loos Tharbifrafice te îbxflc o , ,f the Hamiltone & Neon tt..locc id ntolaeoittet on u eed.y.4 ,,,ligerý.,r itheoolet acbitcetcr. and ILcis i tiibothcaeowittemptoy1 Go.- 1 llt..otct..-Re.FP. A. P. Chooto cl fArthur bas beap- pintcd i otDeeeotlle. Hc and Miss Cl- -karieodhoeoTeday i ie - ighî lit theresideoitof bot oc ' I)N1,0 'STOOTloS.Tbe firt- me , ir0000for agrand deoo -iîl 1,000io,i-.for foot and hii ycle- o.. ebolotooet eed ttigol 01100Ladcocert sudllcreorks ,1uthe ,'g. secrlarge bitts for 10,, Poi.i Tbc Boys' Brigadeo totfl ici fil pcroded Malt tret loti mI . -oig ndrrchargof1 Srgt. L lngi c. The boyes wsetsb i toc 1i i ccil fusonofpeace nto South01 10 i. coert. Major R. J. Cet-c mn0g1h., hiitbcoogha short drill3 t. Ici 00100 hall.1 A . oi ttdcr the auspicef 13-t-o 10 otol hohed attetrt- ,iui -,oVloocelot 90000n, i To-! il let fctouMitfoon Toi -l7'hb Mitobandhas 1-n f-ceoecol. A god pg ,iuog eretged. parti- ci - 1 o ui11b goen tater. i . ii1:Iphy the felotttg pro- 000001,o il cibandestand onSfatecdayt %11 h 'i.lt.clghCW.O0. Ktfu. do 1 0TouRNAISOfTt.-The prof. Sre cid, r Ibot Artotiltesetsotne orlleboteba1 otatches os Coonation loto' A.ilG.-H. Luata, Manaer cf i IOol. ilf Hcoitone. Mton, . leoffer- !îcgoai-31o-trcphy oep fer cettptitietà l ic 0the lroootration htce hat day. A iiiicberoif good cleusareotikelyte A-iî REcootter.-Jodgt Gochaut cc,000 inrreodcd 0he Actte bov. Ilboioc.idEBron. foetetnce,.0outhe il-ge ofg c stelieg te catch ht pttaded guolty. Il oct reproetct dte theJudge tliat oogod oeod btdoreoe f0 otltY or' 6e boy by stodlog hlm te Kngston .1'hecCro flriPtsouad that iftiet- cd oitb cteuecy bhg,Oight profit hy tht ce hcielias ecived hp biu itopcfSOul- retoand eooutocatrepcabteembor cfscriet. His toue wtenulbo diuposud ot Mi.l it HousueST UAL.--W. A. Lcotoecc thowes six tcluTigtandnost scddl i h rat liait horst show. W. H. Scott sboot e cursagu muret 3 yeasold ced aopair of guOtruprP0ft horoel Gcliop & Dewtar saurpuajir und a carraegrhumce2 t..C Q'nd.s i.o McGibbc hie carntçt p* 11sud ".In~ rced hecto, ThethW o#essts.yosd omitsestfobhe avetoia"imef. It 10 hoP.d thet as tht Mi» ontingentt M sot wett at Toronto, tlerwiIltCam o tt e shrtetfprises.& o A gardejrt willb 1011 t the cre 6h bliie, TaiurnOp evoi,,9 O TownuCounstl. The coucHmet onModay evuoiug, the mayor lu tht chair. Membrsoi proseut. Mitnutesof et meeting readlug asd rceefiuotd. Lotteco mecu coud froc, C. W. Matn, jaupe Maei, .Harrison, jas. Det ad. . MoCutli shtsg forex e.tpfte&O oetots for improtomes. R eto t .f0 ocm stittee te op ciat co i. mssicatlou The commoittue os caterorohoand fict eparted, rucommendiug Papoteuts et acroeono uuoosntnto $ *.t.sand sbuittiug agoeemeut et A. Totb. ru wtetur emter fer lau crosut. Att. totiog that tht distauce trous Mals elog lomusurciau f0 Pot S. was 388 fort aud eucomueesdiug that cotuoitte bieutracsod te ashfor tendersfor the pettiog.down Ofut loch main ftomuecar. pet factucy te Pie St. and a hydrauf on Plot St-Report adopted. The coumSittee ou toutto and tide- otrîhu epoted. ecomeusudlogthat au euh ccoing li emaeuonu;FaoisSt. ut totos huIt assocos os tumer ie eady. Rtport adopteS. Tht comuittet osntoton hall ctporttd. ceccusustdiag a cute Of83 toeoach- ers'Associatioer nrronthalltOn 2ad May. Report adopted. Tht coosoitftu on centiugtuciee ce- pattd. cecommettitig popuseut oetc coeets Omoullig u *o 7S.80. Report edopted. Tht cootuittes on fiance rtported recomottudiag paytuent et acronts tsdhyotherccuumittett, aismusaaries, totoaloseoutfug te $153.94. Report adoptrd. Ah y-toto te upiet cotetotetof dog taxe es sitodueedtand coud fict Clause No. 3 i0nseateretochu commit- ttt's reportcof May ,9th ta atetded so that 0 tee rorqeircu the Grand Truck Reottoay Ce. te poy82.50 pr monttbfor tater foreschtocuestock sbipper. Thn ceetrol adjouodutol Toudoy oelegttneta7.3 t o nsuderby-ato. Sosobul. Though all forts te ct.ecganizu the .Id Milon senior bhutehoit club fer thisi ueetotalird. the gainte luntdead hors1 by anyoteeet. Apparetty theteurrasin iag playece et tht cidsenitors hartve in ed tueVictoria juniors. At eny rttoi coothîttd fine. tohlcb iuotadod tout juiors, paytd an ethblflot gaiunstoth Actos here ou Saeorduy. Tht boys had noc pccticr. bot thty pLaytd geed hall. ad the visitoeratohe arevetry strosg this seatot. ted thuos by otp threte r rbeegh toto Hcnnh hed nef pitchud a bail betetthe match. hteput thtmuoer ou great stylo. hed totsofetspsedsand carves and it cao fittdiug thot gave tht goue tot Actoc. Tht othor tnd etfflot htttry, Murray Cauepbell, et thtju- lors, o-atqutty goud. is thcuwiug to second toa ruupouihie toc tht refiet- ment of six wostd-bu haue ttutors. Au tht Chsuspius's tgslur basehaît re- porter tes.s uahîs tu e bupruettuttht gamne, tee-tus osty give tht score hy cus and Itusg. o.hich wsasa folIotes Accru - D. HeuUtitosb ......2 F. Soattie, .i....... P. Rydur. c .......... Grees. p .... *,.0 Ocam. c. f...-....... McIntoh. lt ......... W. Ryder. c ...-....1 Wtlds. 3h ........... McDosatd. oh ......0 S. Srueh. p .......... Camspbell. c ......2 Spriugay. f..Lt -..... Atuoorosg,c. f ........o Fid. ih ...........0 H-arfieT . S .s......... Winu, r.f ...... Barbor, 3b .......... 9 Sus tch ilUg ACton... 2 10 22 . 1 Mito .. .ooo 22 1o - 'oOTT-I ta Suhhufîo4 lu bis sstb1 ta,0f-5 o e% did etowstfora Jobs KmtUfroMt th ed00shie Okaub IssO 40t=Sea goDr. Hitaugtaunted -"Pt-es-sa Oseus tosuTims triseCusoOs tjtlu stss t-u- er00tCu 1»t rids Sesmaatus et tcig -0in1bis Itho ersoc o dleut Colîrgeetof 13181OtO." Me. S. H. Cunninghaue, Mgt. cabts =Ouber ysed. Plilupkts, sad Itoedltely roe t TUeo.-A. slll, No.-218f3ptl oc.,fHalifaxt, N. S., terîtes: tStsaEe U.lsee utleO, umomeud tht prctioff e dicinoein0(larder,lit ffa, N. S., leVco'Prctd,t t-flurisg the puat wtetetlontraetl ",shseurt. Wlecritllt, nt.e crctCe., Pa. Sahe-or f the HlixCtt o rs Celub, Liceuanlet asvrold oh t 1founsd diffleotto SIXTRirsqatlfy ho pructoceil tu Lascater CIoy of Roottotra' Cycle Cluh, Halifa, tbroteoff. Afteseoguetrairomtdie SITE14ptilt to'ty yoact uge. HSilo fiocLu lerco tleao wt]uthouccetu, t potcbusod a hutlofluu lunet4. cm tesubjet o ef touttisatd ctoronic'641o. IrcLtedetyuas eoll ma plorooro Prroaa,ad weeosecpited wltbhte -. -bar fro.ont li e- au nd (themu pn7. disemunai u lteprincipal l ttra iot blocte peolele in11gbpralofciPereao, Oet, toat tnote telh te reoumoad fà taritan harohMuaud. ttlultad States. rupeiolty vcoIltcloen at e cth O steal peronuuaffcrlsg us f dld." M- ij~ shr th. th lém Dsctuu ailthubtoflituathe doofor lso toorquent dcrtsg ftewlnttrc Reua u2E. .CUNNINGHAM. Mis~tuu or tu, sat ~Tss0fsptbeau a speoilisltote tretot o f tie toîocory. Tfoeoocotadittoyulfteth Obeb'aomuu inefoud.s-sJ= * y0a0us- oictsfoerlt. idopcobcblyoroofcd userceuetm,isoteiiny f.nettylid foend "Sm 0000' sd Orosuer Ther o qaste ioutlu . a. l ueeg lden-m ru seu or cotaerh lhou scy ctoor tlot Ithm sc.'ne tmaoY ttrsli cest y.-.." Was W.Dae uo St. Tomsulad hIsl- tt physolrlssin thte-orid. cccctet Ihos- endoctoo b-its. Mies M. Joan Sarget, Fakod U.1c l.r. Oosusiu suols and mmcon ' 0sad peope laoferiug froc, thia eOtr. orua 1. e st onty oacusfe o to01, Ot'cOte of a" tsssOOosoth Mi. Duafhe. bots dlsetsef src cOustAntlY scdcc ilotobut a sptedld proorotîco. t keet of "A fete menthe &go 1trsughu aseee vrttsee latttrieais at là-= Ui taestontchlch ho are aOu bY 000odlctcr,îrpactetor otelucs, ocio-Id eoinigtotme freos caneoutog oOmsL f Gluscehy, sud tishut correspondance. l ototftt cocodeuofotprty. boicg toi, thiety dresed. If Smith. u ofs&mtmtos tet Sootdap ith the The rtrmedy upos tetoch thoe dtofCttaue. l.A GIVN ceoprd loto cotorrchcf the chroas M, , atcu, et toCodys Cet. coites for -lte cure of too rvsOtoi Lad Isucsoouod thutiltooomoreosottoss sors, visiitethMm soocck M Madap. tuouoftpeuptela tinccoo. Perrnoale ILote SoujurotSPuefeot OmItimeu bon 1 hutd aoticlpotcd. wttiost douttht otly celioitlu-00 oma c tOte fteongead ofParra and lie clam Co Osc oupacifiefor ctorrh pet otcci.oJ MitestFlorence E. RenahOSi43teri& Si., cf qobck cute, I deterottumi te tey t1 hy the ectcal profession. ILlcsrce- tIc icce, Ont.,toeltotes:sondetfor e bottto. toue tory mach .Bastedo o .8 . *bn, couârh cf te ttroct, of 0101 -ol cihich urîtird on my looo susd rec lottete th.honIbd eotipted or o _______________________ stutseh, tango, Irer, tootoct, tt1. t ,aineoti ltceeso peiutttty ftat t 1hc- ected. Thr third daya tffr osgitImy oarroc hepaelcrganu. Cotoco 10 occoc uarorcol. I hokitedîrbno tlîoot .ogh hadurerby dcppeared, and my NEW LIES FO oTrS : thos ons,oeoeaea torluelca 0t0001 Icocfle,util my dogetire organe foot ppettoIlecio ûtreroe, cichina otthe NEW LIN S F R T IS t dse" heotru fy doftruntoo sra 'cseep.,oo adcoiybrueool bock te. ockfItt betteooandtrongr thar, SEASON NOW IN Pars,tir ou et a patent modice, Ili "'on3O'uh' acccrcy 'uol eqctty. lotad doue for Yccro. STO K.e urcgolu prescrption cf t rogoolý, ..ys, odctcc.d t. tey Pereco, ted 1o, t1tloorcfcrr glodty tedorto lt.,1 SO K phyutclau 10nOtoe rfelue a'prr t0 i oh ~of 1 h.1ol 000tt!..tb f frit Oc ulk vryd M. JEAON SARGENT. medlrluo. Thec rrmcdy tcroeo le O -0 l, 1lt 1Ivarva o ty Oc tytyhlg. If ol ae oyo fcue Orly byhyTheto 'reeo Moctcdiibrcogitotthi-ecol ci faioner, -sil rryoyu Il&rcopyfo Ot.. .s......... olocoOlOotpolrt tiOOtoOt otl i e otDr. fottoo rot, bocks on cronlu Miln ry, 1.T.t.....ba la'to wrioe tdugssatt ocerethe UOoited Staotes 'îîîoîoo th]oco Otcko I rote omPtctcl1 y k. plicctar te ettch o La escAuyodeuf.igfotarh . v re oco cl otctjyd cfclostu 00 e.r opecllty Libl. Sentfrem tu or mttd, seuto or ohroneinlo oy o .0000c. orcmuoc]y.-Tb111Ilocf Lifts"ehtoh Muslins, 100pr ft.hma.bd, bg -1 0000 fovectfhe frtfet fttt.h tPc ccc toc uoc silet lo t ot drog thoeosof Poeun aione. If stoooy E- .r KthllcNobI. stocrentepn equttaosent frerA Lace Uneodsrlug ftetrestoethe hc pct O --r-c.uos e lu FiPnt IOoth." tc ail, firro o ohort descriptionosf utS, - ,iso eths tets y qestioetffDr.t11-t- Mi_ ellCitttcc y, No. Oc Perco,. erchetdîscce. AdeshPrn Curtains, nos ..s rosoeieg top detoît cf te d -h%-.1OOtawo ut0., ttriires arMedicCe.,Cumus, 0. Pro emot teutihch.ull 'rltto t. 1ccuot prtt eohfhîyeof Porteos If yen dosnotdroroprompu and tso Enibflur r y docte, cho wtelprtoly auttetr fc- ,tdlilfscfupeccbialuesordcrtttg ttctoryrecultofront, the ose of Pocooe, ofchareo. h aorieino ct etce 1wmaObîecteeltostaocou-0WDr.Hatue., gle-tsg a reCorsets. Ct-Oh of Irosth. sus ote tsrrto.mm.oJteadtthoat totl1 epemdto i oneuseisot habead - ~~~~~Mo. W. S. Wslhy, Htetl Wonsoro, tcrid Pu,eand 14fi ISltoat afctobpcadege yehoelso O OttewaOn,tetiteo o pfooscn InhrulotilltutcueýiLotoy cue.rom, vice ratisl. 0t hvbsehen tatklg Pecuaifor es- ucd att. tht ius asoa supeial P'.r ePrreoecaribe pnchmedforc$t.00pe M :illnery tarheofthe bhechisolu te ,frth-or cosceol O f threct dittfccttic. tootto aiailutit ct esodrag soest. ji lln ry 1wok, adtestruly oteetrd ie bd Ift coopo m.cInfinSaclocalh, atd t Addccoo Dr. trnuas, Pretet o £ Our ue inutîlo. I asfoctodo. eompltcuree."' &juorlie 1clttles vry oooc." Tiho Hattte uSuotericot, Columbus, CW g eyl fteltcro- W. B. WALSY. MIsS ELA PtTTAWAY. 0hio. p ctors. ab % toplce itoe aodtr lck toea Whh aite t of tur- lin astissasn.imdrayt Law, randies, fancyr.5 Dres M euin ite the laes corgsadpattees. Wanted At Once. 500 Men 500 Ladies 500 Boys 510 Girls 500 Chiîdren TO BUY THEIR Embroideries 1 1 ...Shoesil Anticipaticg a great de- ciacd for embroideries we have secured a large stock cf useful patterfis and widths at prices frcm 6c. to 60c. per yd. Corsetis'! We bave tbe cew shaped Corsets now je stock, ini the ventilator and foulard mater- ials, at 50c. pair. Straight front Corsets 60c. Stnimter' Corsets 85o pr. Ladies should see our stock of Corsets be- fore purbaaicg. SHOE PARLORJ, MAIN ST., - - ILTO .... Repoiriug a Specialty... CHHIC IOY 4h YU 14t la Specis inFurni'shingsl Straw Hats Mens Rough Braid American and English Straw Hatu, the latest style-no old good- froni 50c to $1.50. BaIlbiiggan Underwear i A1l tises, from 50o to $2,50 per suit. Boys' Col'd Cambric Shirts Separate Juiffs, sizeu 12J to 14, 50c. each t Newest Neckwear The lateat designs Imperialu, Criterions, Coro- nations and Shield's Bows. COB N Suitingso InsWoteds, &tripeoad checks. otr are fhcoiOg tbe ltfent et remooahie proses. Wt are uhotefsg fes doffecetot nahetoSf Bltut Serge Suitings which nue geareufete hkeop celer. IA CALL SOLICITrED. Teilorsan m. 13, , Bws' SONS.I R.J. -Cunnnham L . el... Cleaiiu -Sale of; Entire Stock at Costl sL fOeIl-to h. fMr 25é, « kt for osý0 j *59 25C Doesstic Sardines . h... t oc uic. Cusoud Cherits ..... co ste. Rtaspborles .... Tsces. GlttftuLet...... --,jforc,0 GoSXXX Cider Vinegur .... 0ud 7-W qua.o tor 250. -7 qurt or 4j.tg fOT o5c. ào dvauts' e cf get- :'-tîg yer Raig F B a in théseason. K. Will e c i 44 sie uif in tile.bustie -aabu9 of hayimg o& veryting jegood .We carry a, large.a'aying Tools *arid the -faious l«Plyrn1uh' Manilla Reoes. *Al of 0cr cato arî, r 0d 1 c t malleable iron, Corne and ose us, or writel- we will cheerfully gIve you an eac -ftinae t tfifi for your barn. Our cauh prices, rernemWn away below the ordinary iniplernent agent. Ebhing nentioned ie the itema belcw is the best f its kind, and the very best value for ypur rnoney.. *Myera' Reversible Strivel Coco Maflosble trou Root Passera.. i .......0......... . .....45c ea. Q Diamoud Reversible Swivel Cars Mye< ,Snatch Block Pulteys ..... . ...... ..... 0..... 3.75 ...- .ý .............. .. 71 e . JWHarris' Double Hurpoou Forbu.. Mue')t4 t ep Ht hSi e. S~.. . . 1.0o. ExrCar Stop Block . s 35c e. Wmyemt Loch ,* L 'rr îc 2.5o oRope Sllug Holdes....... Qcen SMaple Leaf Horpocu Forku.4.50, oRopoe llugs ...5.....4.6o pertt.Q MMeable Rafter Brckets 5.c es. Mt'Centre Trip bling Locho iiDouble Mitted TrockBSoIfs 7c e. ... ............. - __ 65C Sjoiuted TruckBoitSe.f.....'12c ea. Myero' t.omprotcod Slocg ti.1cîdrQ He Iron le oks 9 . .. ........ $2SI o. Q LiGrey ImooFot-hPultoyu .oc es. ....... .. Sî*. Qi Wood Shoaf Knot Paseerau28ceat. Tackle Slocks of au coco. The bost andoly pore Mooilitla ie..Q ohRope ile rtorld. Nono botter and froc tcgood. 0ur Q ~Costo o ltte oore thon the moot foll stock for thiocoocsto iuferior, bot lt paye. ood la toto. Ask for the Plytason I 'n SPricofper foot, rot to atytoegtb, Plymouoth SslTic -cb ii inchSe. Tho boot boy forb 6SM Plymouth Moillc Twiner 3Ço lb. 1 it y S ttkb. QtS te occcdiog to t.heSeiou. Q sIèt olef baru, 89-76, *106o, $r2.94s Tofitoonyutecbicc.AUoicpoc and $.odc. ouly .......... 5 cr c: : Letousgice yoou nuetitteo Rivets frec. Scocg e pattern ono Wyo boro. papor, or acnId sectio. ' SScreen Doors 8Oc. ' Screen Windows 25c. Thertocgcttoandtctrest pcdestockhwe vercbcl Qooliesr Wug as toood as wboocctold theDoorefor $toc Voti cglt jut a torIl boy earty aed get tbe gond cf thuto for tbe trbole sor.c.Q Sefirccn oorsc, tcyestccoed,I1ScreeouWidows, coolooo matde woitb beet greeno trot 1 guu ucrecoor and olostr co m screigoand cotopleteoritb I1 frame, ofîochotbih anod ad- bt fliigrs t, h ook aodeye, 1 jotblu tfit aoy ooodoc. for - - ... * ... c. f1 rous OO 10 ý6 tochro cidc, O *l dAtt ojucooOcf.t eilet .. dc... L.STAN LEY? M ILLS & CO That Iingcring spring cotugh by usinig Binge's Compound Syrup of tHorehound MAXES A' CURE BY REMOVING TIIF CAUSE.L GOMPOUND SYRUF 0F HYPOPHOSPH ITES A valuable remedy for buiding up the cyste i n 1ro ing off colde and coughs. BOTEIPREPARED BY... Higginbotham & Field. CREAN 0F WITCII HAZEL je machi used to cure chîcp tii-t thts changeable weather causes. MONEVI1 MONEY!1 Why lot mono) b. 1dlo? Make Il Work for yîu. Saerioceutoocotoprococcd for aup amouatnoct lrot thao 5.00 ontoortgages, muoicipat or lbau torporatiots, dobroîccro, stocke, bonds or acocitico. Bonds ordebuktces ocy bc pur- chbeteatuctre at aoy titot desirud bettroooone yer anod fcrty, lotetoat paid hlbat ortp on the meaotime. Ther Iclîot Investigation cf any cf my secorities lu respectfully iocotrd. OtOILTON, F. H. DEACON, Finaccial Broker. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Set nuy uauptes. They arr ait the iattst stytleaod de.sigos. Htaetilul satin geeund tolth Iovttyloraltdeuguu. ntocciein -ni-00 biuafiettu. floraS and stripe, ure. Everyfblog et rigbt procos Borders frou e O. to Se. par yard chttper than evroo hfoter. No troublt te soecatuples and gicu ustimuss. PAMINIO, ORAININD and CALSOMII FRANK PEAREN,T D ons lieatly. o~ CARRIAGE PAINTING. ieytoLoan of"I Tra"oga bace ai Ae Itts t l t er 1 il