8Mai5, Canadian Champion. MILTON. May . r0W.. Mo. Borbor, theGOoermMen wiiibhoh bisf8026 meootinon62 50120427 0.01ait Prstoillo, Foo dates and isoliies o meetin2gs which 1.151 foliow, sbe sdoao Tho British GGooro,2ot lbsao 205 on that tho oosrionls îon heisoPOotioii oof atîlefom 'oiAgntlto ouI herove20 aod thstin66futooo iboy oi ho olowed to enter GreatBritaoln h aute teris as Cas4dianoand A2toioo260tle. Co2ý adan livestock derstdo ot relisbthe nw.Ail ogooo Ihai îboOo illi hoa 6i0preciation in pr661hor, aîtboO 21. rsodiateo ,r wtlhin o feors t0h6. )r. Nixon, the Conservaileciididoi0, has opod his ctpig iHal .Ho lias field sootol imeetings. Thtolt Loto- vleystodyooosnigwastoil attend- 04. 6Speches toooo doliiood by theo 6.40,6,6460and Moosto Or-hoo, of (.corgog6060and E. 2V. Boyd. of Mil- ,,,,owhich wertosloooaît-olby the ,67,Hto soupporters. At tho closeothe 6.647,0600proposed lbooo 060002 fot- tho Kii, gan0 th6n dliîghtod the îoPPtOrtem- ,il the o 7,orsont by coolig fortbooo f-,M.,Barber00 ,stead, i. sbteoded. '1, 1u,Nr. Tbspo5 dgoo ,Fbe spH;7ia cmmsion,06.SirRichoard ,Stew66t and Col. Hoiaod, oppotetd by teBitisoh 6546Office60or6000tgsto the 677407H00in6hih orses bave bot ur 776 edinCanadtantteîoUnitodtates5, for roo .0660 5for' theoBtish Ossy. have 1to, t wrtle 7Canada. TloyHrepot 777.666776.6are ,,tî6oied6761 thorsoy in ,, h,h.,67y7706 have640b006 rsdoand 60007061006ariedou. Thoylhave f,, rj ll ot 16...oo ho,tses haHe I,ot 7oglt in0Canadat a ootof 6,07rooL,,oB6o, 0I is olord 707777700 777H 6,,geore h6 otsos i 70nr 6.70.774 I'177000 are n666.6 rsu t61ble z.777777741 7et, "od fileo 6400060a66 busy. 'l0ie 06,7,6 iilgH64as0 r40as tho('6.40 il the 77.7rthttOOt EnooorggPosoo Situation. il'776.,'7, Ma5.-Theo yo400stution70 Aucording t el6 l ifrmto 60776.77 ('40 7H46horl hotoooealof the 770.700 rsrs4r7rocs haooeoroortedthe itirg 70 7(0cig4700 7il4an0amiable sprrrrt 6707667j0, 776 t atCommrro4olant p, .7.7. the6 reitoonros oolroobyrthe i-cabeopoito o the000046 ;iI)IIit he iive ouc .lbls ofooos (7.6 Miita Camps. Nla 777,6- Te il), Cal a76. (76 a'66 , , wlt ic 'r l il , u 66y be0,7 7767.00 t6heora00l nf.i(or And LerII6IBileIAIIAI6A. fpISailm*. e lo. ;;ýifcltoOL Pat 1. ilif oviar. kt AIf., - -t:-::.a )f ChrisatT. . .7 LfSeCaotW . ,h...... Charles . lii. .75 .asoa BScot... ..... 72 Chier Bastedo.-. ------,--6 r- Orese BlSakeiay....... 60 'n Goge Doby.....47 d ParoL,..junior Leoing. d seStewart .........,8 RoyeField .......... 76 ý Emsiy luen ......... 70 e Publie Sohooi Leoing. Fooli Isiman ......... 87 Edo'y Armstron2g.....5 y ........y...Si..8 ot'O Coophoi...... 82 Holen Foeton i.........g Vctor Noiris......... 79 Besa MeCtoan...... 77 Edna Laing .... .... 75 Pearl Mai ......70 Mohol Dalon ....t..I6 e iEsLmaLidsay........ 5o fjunor V. Walter Rouch .......8 Jasper Bot...........So Olive Chîsholm ....... 72 Robo-t Bsiioofield..... 70 Boîsîr Al:osdor.. ... 66 Howard Harrison .......6 Aura sScott.......... 6o Maud Frema .......... , Lily Mis ............5 HamoiEarl.......... 54 PearliRashîh ..........5 0lroo Patteoso,....... 50 Bertha C looetot...... 45 May Kolly .......... 40 junior Latrn. Beria MoCoao...... 78 Hlo,, F46totI..........6 Robot-t Buttooioid .......s Hoto4rd Harrisons..... 47 juniroFrooch. Boss MoCowao ...... 72 Senio Frenchand Latirs. 1 M Scoot............ 73 A. Batodo.......... 72 C. Taylor ....... ...54 e 1L. Scott........6.. 3 L. Catwrght....... 53 O. Bioioooy ......... 42 C Norooll....- .3 C. Ba.,tedo ..........2 S, IV, (4-Tolol 6mark,, 71 joseCamspbol ..... 619 Asoro Atkrsso. .....616. Almoa Bradley...... 569 1-.toHall..........6547 MyrtîtoHsttioy ...... 5o6 Mobri Camp1belli........0 Kesootit Wioo........464 NelitoLorosoo ....458 La.wrrosooWhartoo.....452 Hoioo Tayio....o . .....445 Iborol H. -o ...s . . ...46.6 N-,or4oWhite .. ... 4-0 S. rIV (b)-Trtoiomrks, 776 Ilorh Kooooy .....56 ',dro L.odobor...... 563 Violet B. wan. .s . .. 457 l"ed NorthrrWood ....437 l'aura Homrs 606....433 Ko>' B,,d oY -......425 Arthur 6V,0,.. ..... 422 h'rod Ir .. ... ....... ..40 lot. IV.-Totalimroks,, (42. jean McCa nel ....... ...58o 1offi oHa rro... . ...... .538 Charltte6 Camp6bell. .... . 476 Nliobol Mils .......4(18 Liroorotctosot. ..461 Wilrid tCamopbelli...46 Nyrtlo Moor. ... ... -457 Clara Stephenoson . ... 454 Willi.t46tChrîh.lr......445 f OLdymsgh. SeweeMo. lam60 M -on 1 n -BDUdit. Mes. oncon.01.8 OThopd Sot. Pors'ter is., lmaiba.MofbeThior'w.B "Il-e 56.1 Elle HeII.-lll ujth TegalfCor. Wleu. PodLtearçnig4ý41Mro . .r Lie. : a to or e îo, a . Jm p Ro ne 9 T .68 W C tE Jo EI.Mid e Fod. Oîe Ri2Woeo C S85od.,A. Osusteset Ra r de no, Rap MoCoolses' os. H~lhts2 ie.-Hr Jod. .I. WIleDol.NIt-4~a Muosrl s. HrfO. SBi il 10 C. tolutnt &-sa ie - Gasesal SasSis Bu"ma2Vote& . N 1157fNriTT. Manager. L. R. Lousley. Tos<tboo. 74-' A sstSsfdotôl'occurreeaotif tue5sel TASE.wi,-A clegeeogn Ml ice ofihe;2td C. M, R. le South Aflios chettel le the western pach.sadtio. At Mr. Mc05021000in in Toronoiio hie Wroog-Hsw 0sHalilfax Major W. Hsamilton Memi. wook. W eii, My sonbas algne Bs' ho fa au iOgenouinvenîo000 et0oSp- Miss Dalsy Oreer les isitingoatManse- pittoh fer asees aeotbseebs. ' Pl.altseeh aeiior 51e2 îtooto bis olh i06010r oohd ueysortiemodificaios susiled for 06064. ,P., ~ te work in ou6th Africa. Wben Lord Wmo. Bntns6610 bs ik otet Ail .2 Re titohaser iluspeCted the 2nd C. M. R. ho Nelson reaeyon Mondoy. gladciam 10 Cho lS""r...woitien5 npeae ihoi aksd Hug6 Spittol. of Beno6o. sisitod o0. A ooaieand ioitnitnira. 't mopeod ihlisp.addtpis ltives in16611 feo o fro dopo losI t wok. 52. sf 00120110122?' Iahale o baoing 1 ae tP M . ond Mos. jas. Toîsley 1and Mosieo 5210ChahY. 'Wso. eqeas.... 1000and Johannesburg. The elteesiv Cosil. of Hotoilton, s. topalMotsdsy otR. Andallie sal: *Ob. sert Mol donglIbe 10ofSneoliesnapparsoiigbl go for McCloîoho's. I l] 10 heljo 16souioe t16ve 04problein of Birotionto toIb 00202 90610hot and ex- - .obiliîy. c6ii1g 10iblo sighboohosd 0006670ioly. Ba&2. a"2. .The journal of the BritihBoord of Oid Bllloe-What Proot bave 1 06sf Agriilture gloosfigures shooîeg the SIXTE EN pou oieusSe isy daughter s gond! probabe effort cf the dotias on grain May6.y ô ubeand loor. on theobasis of the im1portaof Mos. Edsooods. o ho s 6606 sting 5lo 1761 ~ io.l tha er10e00 epo ero daoghter. Mm.,Plant, lot- s foro 66,74l22.7,3o heoreight f bat si riy.oîtordhoo*ttoorok. C6ol bio,~,îodotoa .cighoOole of O, r bt-ill o la otrtoy-and foot'. Thia oedyieîdoaooreveu M. Broooriotr. L'il.l.aspentdSurfay .ial.al Thore 00aI6o 51.772.- wtih MrsssoMrttmrot. 22,476.o700l. he Mrs. andMiss Jusp.0ofToro.rto, olit- --Te wr ait1i20" W 6280litfull 85o060i. of Indien cor,2,46701 rd M. Krog for a fotodays. oft os,. sud 2,c 9 .3o f bale and stol- Gorge Dale, tothoîasoos rsorkog Inlectures2and2rend011 1In5 00111. lIro qoobitieof other groins, o'bich fooMs. H usban of Miroto..ihome on Bol th16.2, w.0 hae fou2d. woold yiold a0rvee00 ,î3o2,0. Il acut of poo heith. Tuothe men hosan das eofSMn& ill deioive ileboooflt ftomthe taxes. Mis ri'or arrston caliod onfriedo lrbîbHoioOiootî in Applobo 6latFidoy. 06 idals. gole lbo hslfbaotsumr bot he iooorMr. el.oSundat-o. srjrdbs "h5 oes fpnr ssudSi 00fo dlg stock. On thoetobolo, ro. ls. J.eauPoi toak So soeody a BtsUopîse, l1,21 le'> ho Brtish 21,16000 and 6aketr se o0 bf-.660,or a Ookoriio, 006 horso .Ho lu woose than 66sf." 220100655 6ave the boit of tho deai. Gor0g Pdllsuent Stdyrcithhris the man bosea't rfu ie255110ti __________ osole. Cha4s. 61460. 6of Otog.t . b'ho.unos --Uteplaa." Mesorst. J.aodElton Jordan 046604 0on-A Wonderfui Proparatlefl 17706760 in Nelson Moday rororg. Bel.-s ..& *110. Atqo0ý0Cemal0 (oSto.' pure, wooe 1 - e 20001i4 6066r COOfar tpewiter.O 'o 20.iO0lh,,bgîyoosss ASII6hROVE. go 1200110., nas getie.siParl, noenor280i. iglyreo b ode Ma.6 AnId i100d120220e ebt ac 1 n2h12yeaighyiins okosq Il's tain, r0060. 00. 0 Vo 046rovite bthoetorîr s goinogtotLake a cbange. IL sureoly s-il btfoot'tht' otb. aoyroy. Evrooooo horeoanod vote therorzbt wa' to i y 1r 6 6 6 he rtort mcin'b a ok gi Little Missr- Cr66,40Thotorsor,. o %vas fSoro yor.old o06ondnesday. Ht-t- ey notoolrttlob hldoyyty rtorth rpent .Ooday t John Htffttto'st 0006 by. 6.6.'I'lcIy.rof Carlislo, suent af66t- 76475ai tho home o tofHny Wilsron. We o 60'60ro bit the at'trctin wa 6.4100,0 ,6647Sindy' Sors4oy otoot- yoog ooordo7,44aoderrtogo. Bot ~2os 96 ~ .7 ~1t. t i i I Wb.. Poiaff.lv Ce.... "'Thoy ased tu ho gondi Menode, 1 65- "obol 1ha1 028 hefore thoy 000v- oU 1016 the luttat2liat building.,. r- sLoofel Tan. r iow, Inet1612agof Ot0111site.s F6160 0021112plat. hel parti To ynicbate ber heurt. Cliadys-No, i woeld neoor marry à man0 0o rfooto 112. Ethol-Wt4l, i1 1 tiblîS eyseif that haroS iesuresare boai. A Prtoria doopatoh îays thot tho to. ductroo in the Boeros forces ftom Jan.1 to Apri 21 021600104t0 5,683,7. 60 Killed, 457 ; 0066404. 186 ; oopuood, 4.2020 ; soot-odoood, 1,038. Oo Monday Aothor Robeot Boot. man,. ldest son of the Biibop of To- ronto, thooto hrtosolifr ontoofoatraie w-bIo ondrdt the infrîO6Of d ioauooo coror-r4 y iogtottinu0d bad hroîlb. an ws ntaoîtly kîilod. The city 0000iof Dawson,.Yuonr Terotioy.as decidd o poytheoas'or $4.060and ooob of tht idoîotmen 17.5oo per atooot. Amotion,,sistrikroutOthe al640621066sal060es00006n0 10006406. bol theret-000a vote s to the amôun. Thet iso lauso ithba Doto on0. stituti boih gpooides Ibot ifthe Qooor nbas06loIson'r M06061y iholahb dicat inbîîs fr'thenbreachbOîhis 0660100016h itthday. bol if no oild 65 h6orojîit, Soo veyeoos tle Dotoh Folîs. ment11 bmrpowr o 0dssoloveOtoem00. Tht Caoadie oroat02561cotingent woil bo boots troog. sitoot and 0men, oro.bl infostoy and the otîhot' bof ts4alt'y. Tho districto oao s or î60 an1114 in i lhOoose he men, ftor'frorn cch ts060y corp1 s d 0onefrontotoobof the stoolîro îîfantoy 6corps1 and 600front ooob of tbeoloogor ifostrops. Thero Woil bc2Ofs o0roî. and theoorceo oh 6016 ftonQbon 0June 7The WarOffice wilI supoîy the bortr s boo beor aido. The Naionol Cboploo of Canodo, Oooîgblroft ho Empire, met01t ol,. moto0 on Moeday. They passed O 0. solutoîn e orooieftho arge 0210621 of Ameoioor, oed oihoofotogoelstfas. Iooad goode iîoportld lefo Coado on, tho tact thai laoge otrcta wooeefoo quently gto.o2 16A21001605 in prefOt'OSO 10 R2gliîh firms. Tbeyplpîdged lbao,. sesoboasu0 p001a10, obreeoopossible, goods of Canadia"n or British mnfacfoo Î."-yp60 a t141 i.a-od iotifpo son 01i210410011d 111î00 By consatantus RORCO ((EREAL COFFEE oifli giva "O'in , g t, itality, osorgy, bootb ad str'egthand i2s aptoitioo curo for dy..prpsia, iîdigorliro,eol. l0c. park. :ros 1r. 1. or b Ibo. for 260. For .1hy ALL GROCHRELS V., c1lon. MliioibolJ. P. iR.Kpt-e,.O D. LIN DSAY -MILTON-- Pumps and Windmiils Sîpairing a fpeialy. W6ood dîon Pums. Bt-os and666 ootoCyliroroo. 36-. RCý t'T6rrOr7ooU oo.36 The Riglit Kind 0f Wall Paper Tohrny inî the isd thotti ilookb bellt- rho twlis oS vott-too, thoon it dors oin0 r-totoe. Il looks hîodr-oro hoie, buhoeprs007F00 onkotssthtoa good designo lîtootlooks btto, sohot Il is btog cor-oootly andoagond designoa]- roays grort-6in fas.ootheolongerit ison. This istheon0067 6,d roostok. Brggoo, brigbtot, htterobaogoiooStntoalI iarop cannothoefoun sd oloroo Bastiedo & Co. MAIN ST., . MILTON. How Would MCCLLUG-MEVI- 66te tosidosse You Like It? rA1oil ulbhpRot,. Austin otloo, If soeeose oold slipsa few Wm. H.« McCullogh tu Mary Maîtie. dollars itto youo pocket 5 Vos Both of Georgetown. wooid' ojeot, woood you ? Wei, MCMoosoo-MoDowîtoau-At tho tesid- Ibol 1. obst O0 ouIldo foo pos eneof the brld'e athor. Ceorge- if 706 buo' our Bltos frouiSt. 5005. te Apil 2lh. by 16e Seo- We bondie the bot imade. Ausn Potier, W..*. MeMilias oS Htoonto 0MissMary M. McowelI BUCK'S RoBIîSOs MNNs--At the irtidethod- ««HAPP isi Chuch roh ,Haeuilon, 6n May 6lh.by Rev. W.IF.Wilson, Missu TH OUG HT" Dai 2 M 2,s.of H 10n o .L Roieson. of Booilgion. -u-- Moes-IED SOUVENIR Richard Madde, gedj 74 VariiIîs.. -R N HIReso-At CsusJbealocil . us Suaday, AuExOTU ENS? <60 UI.21H Map 4 jobnai 01i 65716 Fer. Vou 0111 5i.d our 'poee* s Fise-At ie tata resid coe Trafalgar. lunch loerhae Bheavoeoageestete'i on April 2916. Ndwao. F1,6, sged 74 Pliel s 5200 eale on as asvng 0o, peame sveoal dollars as pour oOlte-s t RoD-Af Georgoetown. DUMay' 20d otfit. Ievasmtig*0eioir oy-s~ Nos Riiddy. oifeof ý ae R1dds': svlinsnesad yoe wilIl 5n4 aged 65 yeo-.- s , - extra ol larisÙ o t15 paopeh uas i MOLI2'Âfils, 4danfeCheooh. esf-- ville, .Fildap. ap Jas02Mo- - P fil'lHbaofWodsd C~ufe. In 182766 ~ Cesters*sc l65h..sÊ.a Url- Ùëýàd rs-akr have got down to bard work and jal érdeors wi1j be executed vwith' Mie greaiest possible p 104i1ptfseàs. Our millinery open- i iig provedto be au evenit o very genersl intereat and was attended by even greater ninheirs than ever, t~verdiet on ulaUides befing that we were easy win- ners. We have the gonds the people want and the yr4lnr artista to handie them ; and now that we bave,,t be Cash, Systern est.abisbed, our prices are Iower for the same goods Lhan theybave ever been. LACE CURTAINS. The handsomest and cheapest we have ever offered-50c., 75c., $1.00 Up. CARPETS. Yd. wide, from 20c. up-Union, Ali-wool, Tapes- try and Brussels. WALL PAPERS. In great variety. Odd lines fror 2c..îper roil Up. Lots left over frorn last season at haif prîce. Fine stylish patterns. See our Bargain Counter! Odd lines being sleared at nomnina.l prices-3 papers pins 5c.; hahy wool dres.1es 40c., original price 0,1.50; 3 prs. men's searnless sox 25e, soiled kid gloves 15c., 925c., 35c. pair ;children's touqueÉ' 15e., 2 for 25c.; ladiese' fine long sleeve undervests 20e. Cash Down Means Low Prices. We don% have to add 10 to 15 per cent. now to protect onreelves against losses on bad aceounts. The Cash Systein saves you money. HEMSTREET BROS. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER1 Soo rsy sples. They areo liithe lOtoot tyl- an64d deigns. Bautitl tngrsd wiisoIoicflorl desilgns ov. lies in tt bioito, o6rao,l nosrirje. to. Everything os ight prices. Bordrsoofrm j. to 5c. per yard cheaper thnevr.beoto. No trou61ble t 60how toplot oand giveo i2oses. PAINTING, GRAINSN and CALSOMINII6 DUne Nsatly. -rn.AIso CARRIAGE PAINTING. FRANK P A E , J-t p ýhda '"ý On May 6th and 2Oth TLast Homeseekers' Excursion For this ooaoon via the NORTHERN PACIFIC W,i looo N. P. R. easteoo terminal,. Vooy loo ROUND TRIP rates in effoot. 166n, missorthis chance Seod fror or ate,01144 aonce. Addrooo. W. T. MASON, D. P. A.. N.PR., Buffalo, NY. o wite CHAS. S. FER, Ooo. Pos & Tht. Agent, N.? R. May 15 St. Patul.Mina. Good Clothes- .For Man or Boy... Try ther al, then corne here. We have the hest that's procurable to suit the purses of all. MCKENZIE'S-. MuAIN .912126T* THE TAILOR. j Great Clearing Sale BOOTS ,SHOES In conu ened>lagepnent and refitting of store, I =ewil eIat ceosfths1ole of my stock, con- ayesting of Men'a and Boys Long Boots, Coarse and Fie 1al. and GatersM s'~a Miases' & Cildren'a Butiion and Lace Boots, Oxford Shoesansd Blippers. A Lot..of Ladiés' and Men's Felt Shoes anid Slippers at less than cost. Maiesans' mi thlldua's Car4lgaau75c, 85h, *1.o TEhiffisla agenni"*ne.sale. T e stocik muat be leared TERMS S-~rFzlr y CAS 6 o Thak i ND on" ,-ooC r . 6 .s 7o 'oH, J2O&.025 The Garriag StalI i on PERPQRME R "The King 5d Acto MONDAY ooil)-ve hit2lao> tto o tlE ebo- yof 0.. h U I , 6isght. liIDA tehit(ohT260. WilDNa'iiOAY N1e ial.Ho TBU1500AV, cars'. Motli, ATo,,, r. FRODAY, AI, -MoDO5d'2 6 ý.r64' 16- hr.d. iod s, 102 u,12 16 i and-p-al l hi h ne foIo,, rMIrr 5 Thoshorooof ,,I.bar., the '769'rr ilh- r005000 ill 61M l itoo , 16. hrl o 64 Ah0t S6t II. g 'Ir hîo- .9 ltoG- ,,oihaO- C d 111 tPl s y- ro6o 2 os01 lr ,hror 66o, trsan tlo 1 eshoci 1th. .0t64 - f.oo . A H lt o 66 lOUB, 1h 1 i-r, i-, lid et, ,.600 ,f0-1-00 afri-,6, 11hlr li.- 101 , ocisf itkr loooho.u W. Nh. S6.0106 , Winoe. ot- Navigati7.on wi h20011Ur-67.l So..dpabouatho Pa.Ao.orI,: tri B1 o laveTo ronadMi s."o , Shl, u I< -V7 ulow 0ol5554Steamsl loba" wiTo leave OweS. oo.7 tho rthe06, ptool bulrg i.,.- A . M . pOTM tr. A. G s - r , ,,, Ni.g N F9,T 1 H k*lWl "Royal Muskoka" MUSKOKA LAKE DISTRICT Eiegaîstly Furniahed Fine Cuisine Beauttful Surroundingd î.oorofoot above ses looi Most Ch4riog So29mer Reoroo Rogios en Aueoo4oa J. D. M.DONALIDe. ossoAg Photograplas and Statkonery Rlave yoît seen Our ~W7' Photojraphs ? . -Phouogoaphie k% Wook, -1lew York Ar -S WC aoe iffeieg a e 'on,, i lkew Uigturofor3 toad, prîoeu are0f 50ve on hga eand frs. Pir 1 7.rrl-r.6'7Wlliam07606r6.70 Wat760sonr-... 44 t5hrrrIt th.tooey..ng mailt-r-, Iýx:,ý)t'a',tol F ct r nBrrrging Elginr d ......- --, ý 666.744717>76illy 07770iy his drve, wi.g ro 6o777Ooti4rrLavina Moorht4......43 t rcmI . obc'had. EvooytbrogrHa- 67777 .7.74 '7770,rofo6 Mary07 Vao>t-o .- .47 -e t. the .676.r g'77.7746.76 ror6...4nr42b1iDu6krnn >rrgrtlrthe uody Schoolou-t ne, 'irthe 776.077ri 6e'oots.o e. Ki ..........y..- .. 4-r t.06 b6o h hH64ut Ahg,.oo, May j'Iýe Li T -u R i i 1 tav 11 Il bthol A pd . ... ... ... 4, 7,o7 rILorrk mentin'torog Ath brotl ooY_....... UINTN ;11.7.67 IL7 ilobeonrgrdiroylyorilo Jo . ý Totl mrs62. Mrb d r'no. George A.lWaton viit rc7rvtrorg cogistic o67.rtrriolpt-4600 Charlotte- Boots ....... o d redsi ort7 6Nelolo74t5or04.y. lu6t6.e64767 mof ootht-t' ndoiddle- 0107ys Ba,6t-70......... 4616 J.hri.oorr.lcd66onfrrod tuoZrt The70 '6 ,6(rHghHcld 706.6.6 "u'0 - nh LDuitoo.........3roema ut roook. of A,irl.6rrlurrpe.king Ofiih ol-6 Mabl Robinon.o......383 Wi . arpe astradt-d hrrstore ont III7>.'17 .1, it c6006461706600 RoySycr.........- - 3h2 tirt St.r, C N. Mrpy for bispro- ut 7.,770760704l-ddeti,,n,o,6670 Fk rSa ...... .-.343 in Ptorrt Nelson, n- 606oyttid by 06.ugsff ;t i orgo7.nrorrtsr el6 t.otty Algor-Sio4-lm........3 .W I70 LI0',6II776 7 l(0hi70777ht-ldKra, 011. lMc.Pb4r7Morrol DorrgIa,îo onbt ' rtooni, oril-ho gs LIoClotro 7,7677 7 .rOorr7g 7(H7 t lsi-6o.ooorvllo Ilar to l1,7 0 6777 > LIro,nof itofinoor In. Iîî.-Harry D>6.bt'oClara 'Ills, 76 hEWorl ri. -70064,76lgvingorp oo7rr the'rer6,nor eiorinrtheotrt>.Lel Roac6h.ElmroCrorso 4.6rm g rnr(oll selhis stokand chat- rt- MeKay. 6da Nooont. Ha00y Atk tisn.0 i'orrr oot voths fiaot-onoto Sooth ilbi, ou, I g,,447di.grth-675(774y, AoooWecdobrb . Af,e. 0.n67',b op the Bootrt',-A. , 1loc, a, - sh.. ts Sen. Il.-Effie GOoi ss.Looo, ora ere. 644 .I. ro4d.L. Ogg4tsnd550 .trh. p67.77606 5.'ort6trtt4dpoAmsy Morley, Haz0ihtoOOt6.t-4, .11,7664 76.70707 othoo 0000 re iltog but orld 7776. 70(tI.ro r 6000 ot lor.-Arrrr4 Little,6146.07 797740677M6i.tA7o 04s400r, ho bas had cbargeo tf 07-.0h.ro' r -77 00707 00'.70704767 Jo76 Fatloto. XiggirH hoo own o-n.7Kerni & Co.',to tirg dopotmtoîud-4 il _L cI'l h. th -uls, Il jstily'Stew rt.den y 67o477y047td an itta hoogbt 706->76.0> hr 766.'r.o770 'n66,ntr6> Il.-Etrtoor Robnono. .6.40,probaoble tliat chon o 66s46 il]th o og..r7 d07776 7746have bt-orbas 11770 fo r t.A inoa,rttt7,of6r,,ooro - 6000640646604, d. Allbot-,oyu6.tbAi-rot 6.rrrrr(.7r76the 7tr6ug6scason il assur 'John Ford. Buringtor\vusonsid lstrsoo byoa il66. 7777.oiofin-toS. P.rII . 0,66ll . 5.0777 StM. "0yieOf(rt6rr .nro e0oo-. The Weil. lalg PIL tolul1111vue 41 51 rotoo . Sooor.Ni. Mtil, Il044700onedilbuto dsto6ged oîtspt ]u (lgo .ir7îrror roirnof4h i" ot, rrt. In t P Il-SIBrown, .îî60600t- rt74tho irgrtheooytsOSof the c tn ooILito7rIIrrnrttil.ot. ield- H. Iman, .March.bodth nrro6dhbut the S,îorday galeksorob. ing )"i-noi he gnic spcie Of Ju.Prt.l.B. paOttrO . Fhoggitr. edt-i rhtt5 ot goOtli. Amonot the th inorrhrr>bo77.7760 rILth, C4rr4diu C. K F77, ..Hil. 0mnttoOs o the sîtrni arc he wind 7 1c1ll ,.k.ogP-A" Clos Charleso Koooy. lorenct-etoil l ofMotiod Young, onthlbob 0.7-. rrrirrrlrrg, r4rDo, ts.ook aooo. Gordons hFod , jeanA7î4thbatk saosohd to atots nthe 6,645 . n o (-7676.7 o andoillrk MabhlTitbrs. -stoobrttofrtheold Handy Coslo6Co. I ooo he-ie - gneringoî b ieHlisoNororsosWint. Mon. The letonro ttir bas 601tîlotted to arct7777t77I7Il7th,0Gratin7 rr,,.bol yet, but bhpoortoes aoo gttintgin 6T--rrlr.7 4006 , the 6liftunnel, o C' SVotr Lon.boro'. Kc00tb 1b010or6asot-06001gb10and4a2100y one. and bridge,Onr Buck6ny07007057.7. ggt Andetr-o, Claro Deot. - - - Erl67vi6Houston06and RuthHamirltont. G006000160b Smith of the Amricao "6 - borsHio, 5Russell00. -toy intht Pbhiippione s ohaoged oîlb 56,rrtlrrororonr>o-ohr004000 hokt, 6, 6400406 Lao. or- sudAsstooboodIîiaod or6Baad bhtsoirod ou s7r76.t- 676750and4FranOk WV.1es. soldtns, adoalîo t laialIpeots Unr,itd 4ro ,hýln774 ri ,lrid. ahtoveto yers of ag. Thér-tot'y ouldI ou, 'i't-rly.bc stotdihir bst orth.bofoti Ibolsaine i'70tue I6ia7H0 ( .b,,,hoieod bS. .No. 8,.Zrmrsortrao. pyo-iîartoying tooexouseoo lbnroolty 'lîroQrrrh,,no tt Boro,ri,l7 Sro hoIV.-mos6îBennett, BrtatMc- are pr005rhd he aivs r Irf,,tr66c,, oM r, 5 . Ooogall, Waiboo BridgrsaElgn Par- Conditions60 77i'Prturgal7-le0 grr O7Of Jo Boo ,ors, 7.7 The 401td6 r.d -IV.-Bloh Bennttdren'ac -'u'Yil an , Snclirr, Myrir Bridgma.'W no 6--Lof'1 'e ieood. Cartwtrght. -C fd e Thl ,,gc.,s wo attnded IIIs entLee, ChoolioS mps5os d Mn Koiioo o6,oor he wasshot noil bc pond Roy Smson. F rI I e $317;-out oftnfhe aoun ottd ftotheo Il.-L oooBridgmsanHrodPalier 77707> ter-.Son, Veli o 0006464,Chas. Catoright, o'rc 00 00,04 oatthquobt thoolos Poorl Lee ot, 60200MoMslen, Loyd Thats a good camte for rtri , 6'rro eday. Cbot-ohrt, sclbolo Ooslad, Keoo6oh Faîlotsor. andthe buldigswer baly anage Sr I.MagieDen 006GoronBridg- Seotis Emlioi. Chiidren 6>,, peol rc areiiikeryoung plant O onSnw on, a boi,e te,61bho Jr. I.-David Reots, Silioeooua,.ae k ougpat.Some lighied .1ooCo-noorrt, 0thott wlon PeroopLot, Bert-ha Gorsood. oilI grow in orolînary SOI ,aclarniht b senfrotEglId, "A"-Bosoo Woiboo, John Curt-tî So ,6o00 Ir7lr. ,0Wales66n06,10 Isl fBlake e rnts, Others ceed fertilizers Mano. Average ateodotoot, 09. Tentr freride l'lie Proodnronf file Brtish Boat-d oS E S. Shields, Tooohoo. Tentr fhm lide Agrn6.I.orioot.6tlInO te IlooletlCoor-*.prevents them from hirvng ml05, orts Morday h.1 rhe OOort-001016 S, S. NO. 2, Nleso. da fn uhc ottîrI ot reoveootthere-l7strt. ntsh.r.lnrinaryfod Sc il importt-1ion0 orf Canadisor ottlo. S. IV.-Mohol Poçooao, Maud Aiick dren grow right if treated right.i Smailipos osttht-oks a000 pt'060l04 60 and,- Rbl Shopherd, Snooy Smth. rilezandTibur Nrthtonshpin J. IV.-Pood Thomuas, Cboloolo WiI- Ail they need la a little fer- Essx. ddtionl cise hae ocuý(lsot, Allia Preereas, Wiunie Wison, Essî,A4lrllrsi osl hoo6660011Nelia Shephord. George Miliat. ' tilizer-a ittle extra 'ichnesa., u1 Castloooands4Russell, aod Webb Sr. II.-ClarkPt'eeman, Winse er-o ct' mlinl h ih wood. in Poooy Sound., Compîaîî,1la 611 SellaBow.Scts rnli160, terih msade 1601 tho disoaso lO bogt toR Jo IILi-Gladys Webb. treatment. Otaro st peposons rossig the Otawoa Sr. ILi-Charhoeehp. yWilia Smnfth, rie.Ruby Collieg. Eertiizersmnale thingsgrow. Jo, 11-Gool Preema nd er Guny equl) 1ar.a bphrd MnieTht'sjut-wha1 Scotts Enwlo Millo. -~ ~ b~ . PartsII.-Gordon KaatondilfoodCol- s dosa.It nike eianren li% Bert Watson. go n g, in .2i VFr t I.-Feaoi Colite5aoeg R a0ý,grwansfe- ~~~~~~o b5.8aGW.n oe e. d. richbcod.muono 4&p uolsi ia.rua.b oo riht. looy.Tliagrow,, at The . teâigfiapadSsyuapS P tIfo onitO. for.bB 1 ýi ý, middi. 1 This la net in ase awith HiegilLotIli a Dlivinity Not-in (1 'i Em(, lies Japalese B> '>, I n Japaneoe 1,,,l11: D)evonBhireC(rr, 7761 'Ve havce167176 7 ,t 1 Ot.hers ,rt ï6. and60( NO bettir lie 7 5e2.iolou 6 (lt F. M-Cor 1, R Br . 00 M Osodot' 60,00il71 c d sy 54 6,76i' LOCAL o 816001l. APPY ly Mliors Fo66. 6.' Theofaniil, 1 ,uood toHam!' Mr..and MI- Toronot. H .oo'o ttsthre Holy67 ý port,. - Lroot.-Cr'( h f-ror 1 Il lc deor 0666077 So, of Bra4 or 6 johb. Ald,-.7 years. 000676' olooo ho r-11' son CtI',,. hot lt Loor' t Te TooR--, Limrîd. (t - . Chlydroooinl bios s, h-s e bilubd i, t le standsoor 2 1>c f r- : wil p y o.b