Jas hi oAh cf bWA. Esesys Snoarhsond. Lonsdon. 1'eh. a. Reposis asassaslote oft ,evere waohes as EsropeEMadida said the North ci Spanare seeseboasai. assai isiepossahle ifotiainstunose. Asim5ilar conditioniaof affis eiststiin .5pssbae._Theoae h ees 1 0r tlSiih e alth. s. ssaiir C(bampiao andt aily Globe, e p., S4.2t. own head -it bacs's-fiènda fo or every hait of your head le a fricnd. Aycm's Hait Vîgor in advance will prevent the spltng. Ifhe splttlng bas begun, lu wîll stop t. 5.Q an. d O4l. j ~ ape ln5~siklity i It may be liap a blsw er n ban, hut it hecomes moiatiosan aIlt le shpi,t SethAfrirby tise D resentfAgrti=ltnre for tise .urms assont to *l.îsia.oz ap Ce elate 'a 5Messres. FPCL. 5iteq1m sILC.. -omf resu; E. Pt Thômpis 0-f Pangdae*p 9?iIt.; - e hm-s. B.CisreiofOiste, body on its feet. Now it can. get along by îtself. lýNo sseed -fm dise aMILTN, F b 6, es 2. hatherdre D.Thc .as. Mrss S TeenicuaiofWnwfh bas T esMonuinso leysoos ewy el it latoibting aitl boytahdGrsodrTei rt W Wt~iO ,YO55îîhosad ishbioulr meetrigsTsoon sirn fseln o b tet ftrii hso se.oms oa for he iprcvgen.of saireas ife arscgouta kpoopi ars obs tai a boys r ail a si.g oetisaded ye. atr iiadcni tebsnspato b metna thi orisl esats.eaiashedfgsm sopir hoepyrs carry i a a sic ssiie s çsc. o. seardat prp as Ms aw ,a fom Rsssesryih1. met.Wa th bra p a5 J4 9um. t,( toa sht hr poolasennuiOos sort gCos:l ai nggbt's. ait Foid; o nt busoter omNs g otthne rE -a 1asd Ion ti ha l m- OOifl Fugg $2,>on , .. thea bOntsaaari oerndpic esmres.JhnSelbr os, or a ek bcî g a lssgrp i iaîoosree SothAfirntngtlerabtlmn trds a si rd but the coisale.pir- eseicfss i tsiabeMi"cal j k chas e b k o l mrobaeL Ms atr 5inh o sabsoîsdag osiaslas P ecaino srment - Ioslp msLwirouonddntdefi.uandtttso scooss010ssArthur CtbsSIXTEEN. ad ar thsu ait he eeoptsod thiabY aa Is aa r aai aass t bs dibhehr tt ZI IThm as.M isa Ssb. or.ihypnotisaayort'he ak.ttegaraemeutrara seaun At. las elo f the'o . seasastcil allrprdiina ts a nd ishrcnds mTent. I Th -recbo dso i a éo*UÏDmOie gbrsssg. cisya ord aisi pesonine roi 1 li . bcpo? strlbphe r o rneMs.thï onlbssisg aormer pris ion ,bo > on, oosois. aiurssisiur1i r oitchell osddo ter.Rae ite cssplersiJo e ad iolt Thc oo s. osdousibsobaplaces. Mssospif arlassi s o Miss AThsis aCsllakas spe gfirs orsW"e 551..ai roh 3. tr tsesidn. The aan c. tas rcbisitbso. bol bdsacn- abeo do l ssiîb tris aids Teleatsesb. airi aýiemass scsh fiteb rerWitzit-1 cletiol iiof h a Denacaid cthes tain ap sy a pssil ad bet aC a re nt osl5 a is m rtcrSie atehR. arrerc~îL os M K ni. assasssaioaaaioasashoîasbrs lasilpssrsboystisohavel alBr arsildasvtgossbyilledrCha.lBber. ntl *hdu b , sofi sandi b ois asabsspwrcs.a s nssasrscondpcorles broosoabe ftassaitu- istsarssSsd b y. Ns teationalaae -Ma. end innUOs. paaoaaaaiad asabas noll'. Bil las l py souccid scossasta.ebrC MionsthemeillieBroe WI N., aso. ase igoos is o absopao scsttobosstnddh a. rb ybsoaotsMr.Sd Mis Eses. sII Tasry ep. oai mr. en ____ sdyta tepiias f v work w,0~0 afs 1 tch5asasargaiassaîPs ainec rae . cairo s saNewls s Apessoont susbdfma". on fu cinaob1.1 aa he'ourila rea s t asrdaad baaod osibsoogbas F sacs1 icos oi sa rd arong s t uit e.Sit fia oi 1drýbtî'nd ladet os- "s.sabab . 'en isreort a. Tas ijoagsWol s olasps1 1d ua bi fe lt m i rilli astrt t a t.ka.. otebsieqof aapsod a A .h a astbathessssO asfruet a ve1 anafo-'Ole sue nees shae a soskug t upla1 oei ha old- taisesIan sspoocsstseisssscacobis prthoseojpabeielaO eaesip s siiyseig . H3i, wuhs ebo enla i lea it.v o ai. he sthe aen ssiibiiofis tas bi s aaeut of chncea t tbeis sst W i brs. oehaibosonls.ea t it andsesg peop- le ,io ttiesadigcnm pte oisi. oT sasc a boafai Oag1 atiesoMerae sl I mane is o ssaipsestasei b 'vai S755 drpoatsiessti.cegosos.osaiaaabfacthrcs SbabIbeEaisu s s 05 dCss'togh as so e to s b hislbse xvi>e ihn 1tunmnt sadthe sis Zcr.srtai sscsossgsasessaasa csessa.Bashbosh.o tsaitcilpThesrabsti aens ers asbi os ss'li o biaftsdV opted -itcs.tpsrtiholabesPIlfesnd ai e are Te sband iseo thees. At pools y asosa sa e t sbialatr pnin Sp weswihf bisosa '05 70s33hrewsa s .ElMao asotssbosslie sui.sfMis. Tegoasto s the ris Ih- Pot 5o5o0 siasss .aabs tcsssass sedD epefo, IGssa 1tissrs Thesssts.and orpaessossg of osss aag ssastaOMi as s RoeCllnhaiset w Bois arioos Oag.boae s Ota e.3- h hr e s c ho agesoeh oi. ab ascbocks aswihfins nT nly atw e. re ais ac-fl Oiesîbsai- asi ý aassbabtsssaiisssssdtercr f g h rigds esdteh p a n o ci0ay al r. G.a nda M isas B.csios l ais s d rosas. CsJu s b . s. ciftheD micn fr 9.1SP17t 0 Mp entin theCarwrghtreatis incsait onas asa stlssaiOO5s 5 Msftcsra sl Lousi s.ea K isrs (2) o nd oa ls sem as j "t ben aily Mo nfcios asdsalrs crls.igiaaoasai0f55o- sog caled C s a ir. Ato gsis i -lli( b M .Ble te p c iace s s iyedasoneiis in b a i ss of fsas sbsa n saao Sri oNatiaio, s5b o ronals o so tmec-sMrasesa iiegbsbii , iirsin r ultnN .2daassatss baciu. M .H n e aat eea d i ibo s soal Mass ronspestSb a atb s bod s ania n a s s hbi egi sl ce N,1avsIl iue o h o h po- wTbrbvetsse went. Thebbautiful 5esod-abisslEmeson, of Tiesiisi and is th T ,rto ie ý ais ed an ftti ip hrug o a ssôw asfo st bs S bba ss aja ni g oso ss A cr ie o gsased Bu s aie s l aic labo i, on tatlciaisas sisaattbractive. TheLlarge os Mssoso a alaisiyt S ask a i i s Oaepiratheaa ooapaio. tlise ntsbiof ira --",il, iu o]pareilssos as omFoisheacentr, caisaigo aasai asl'orne-tstiaia apspo saoola o ca te osauifboppies f ai sas ilsoassasa k a rebca y a sa as oa.as b ohe opnsiroyisgxit t, A kssgbe fyupo pletsa friotsss5e ofsAlfredCarti gh, iss adler s, d Icaisai R aral. dspsab osolfiled itbagbo dofa.a i asi he. homes o f J.as csibsaue . aone h biobae adesp y ospse at eoa ple I as ss a sa sj 'bo. The'alrosafîbc s bal 10 1' O i g o as Caoassevce n e ll ostba ocabye pietiesesNIar. 935,52ia ate ass eirgOes.b a nd wth -so net Salat thee w las no er- atwight la roi frosepbis adhome a assIs 48,133 assis5 a sele rnsa disourlad a I usi.'ice T o its ucal.asii. spossoasg asor sth e t a pe abat as i(- 3l .47 156,516 aai o rs a ttr 'active a ndlso ' la' . scsasasei siasb ssoig lbreport sîaa..18 ,7 4 0,2 3 raiA s aated y ala o gpo ple. Ths'aI' ha sa s s s sc caarescsoatg. cstsooe e s ss a s a.o e f r a d o w 1.2.441 - epaII cast sala s o abs sa luec as ane ss C acoiio andHosist ,ro f M ilt n irni ntcp tonast e e rs n N a.53,835o77.a85aamicalterand n o 5. oslong a ev sa . Hai syM ifss atoic o b Cirseao cf aibar so ppr, a- sassa 7 Toronto andsasila s ber theas, ssbosssdM ss &boafbassiis sfc iv 15 * o3212 5,36- assaiy a t lb sofa i hs s'as il Mis cycosoof ,cisasatfole . he wsii sta Oshso. ss.M.P.. s issahe ill. 1 l,,reae 19 11, be s5ant asiabo ne idco asaino i. cult ink'.,ng'he sase asag i assTshbe oos 'o a' s saso aossssg oyscaof bsonfaias'asgtbe- fybasth a plpuinai sain front a a h from the asassaieena saserasce sveayasisow gavep s fudhall confhience f acatableslhutfaasodsas en LhoasssaaLisialobas.og kFi'c lsf sabtin asoaiyasa sgreetiopsssoisrytein as aa u a,î îb,,.n sss aed iîidspasia l bisssy of t,sas ,5 hscsalire. aaBut s ws hot cas lifteras'Hichateas arywr retd 3s. aîasiaksaRssfolsasairasassaislo Caatiuiassaa malleratiloa odayesspsoassaab rnnaftrgsbkn .asb dssppcs Il ahe rural Shl-. oacs iso sasals-osI I lasa l ssa daeairssta'aasss aostheo mp a sba f c as FPt sarrie )li' sao aog asai, t ii i ol(J tl.wl, 'esxb ass pre15~~5555f5yoa sosboPoaaceasigope t an a l, atse " A lu, si lv i ne sîaa .i, sThe.sai.. i 55l met saon .on sve t s isa yMah s m gtosod anisocOc o isasiaiic, c ', S uveroalaaiaacor oaiîsssîîssol al fi yrinthe chaibsa 5 ai sd5hsbluenc.. s' s5o f5 5fs is5. c bAassislsýw di..'ls I 's abs It 'lica i no asI asy eti ng ,r n eib thess sssîa al a G elh i'. ' at " l o-ysaas Iit onla aclsaiai'isasisalos.o asMI csc isa s of ei niOsa lieabsfH f bv -- ThO,,,y -t 3ohait. hn te ae'. Reorstssa oi. sa ssoss Wilpy isaam i bis ssii ho apposd sas bs t aS ti5H y ) ener(l , Fiiid in.aoa ii.lb lsa s sast as spoo(cs osbcdHc bso % so h Kn' issssîc ,IaEn-ashS ih ,a sssk 'an-.s el, asîîasdafosss s si sag sl oibs asoan iss a s a. ss spe yrson s o aakasg h l o, aasc hal s555555the5 o psasasig t a asot y sas sabop l Watin aGOfs259 b dOltra co h isas lthos iuais ty, the gosif aiîflaos as dsg hsIs h fi SOag cC, ,.. lýIlogsi s aeo td c a s.o d S asr a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ka, .i.iCasa 0b c oa iai,csday.bas ssa'aasg sbo it s" uas Wosbsa .. 5as saaisasssîoinoSouthass Halabsas to Mas. Vas as o aieoaease.oli is aboutsaallaland ai te k.ý, T , Faily f Bi loaao -sasbsg tl ssaissM ssB a ssg C o. s osaoly . He aals82boics'oassaic hucasai fiesoslaso 55 Mas Aass o sI at,. 'l s ai , , bcas as il (a as li h a s as lve- aspHi sting s oasbas b 50 srasoîint ,siiladi a eaaskslo tegbratesofsîalasasPeri sinaisC'ri'shoraaa v,'. IsassaszeiainsManitobaisao 'iI"lî~saia55'tl5.Notahe syasbisspl .11'lb'ts a ndss saaos alko 5,1a AGoasaiTc a abcoadas aossdb. il ,grtbidctdl eaiatssoag ifs. thesssspssc, it s -pos ,,,,ig Hss o aa b ssaas sns ora nd s a dyo Maap to ab d sab. Possb faa ya a aa Ro, o a t , bcsis ts A recpy. o cslcsaas i bsaads. b sted oo soo tahed sb i tsd portcbs. o a s eo o s 1. S I l _ 1asisil]be n l ca1ittc, aa<sal sotasafl s ssoo laho aassiga.p la ndocscf .-c sdo si eodaeiTssa isttw. ta H l' iba. f '.ls isabasaasaiay. '-Re-(aîbsissa caci will su55505 Ibisa olfoasabals -v1 ala shaaasssoasois aa.'as bslsleab- to Teoscaalbosoitu eprtd a..a asi is as sas C.'ablaibey asCooiy eit cfIctres. ick a o g tandWahe bitesythe V W ldClins oos f soi B oo . sheCl y a îwing csa. F asasab Fl- W II las......s. abs... a a cHeb Sih , y o nesd y o kil hirn lia l a ,_. ibasacs'oasssbsaso a abM aii 00 aaosss a udun Mbl inre, f Thsa5kitýoi5s sasain anc sgo cf Knsoncýy outciack ie mre (IyIng to-iliglit.aaliasas as basc 1.bt s alîssosassans lb vte o mlure 6,lar te lgjnc, Echo ncsiasu acstes rot he Mis nn e :tnd .lassaR.ilote, bisas asaipsass sas hoasagbac bohrfr etas oupbs Of. 'sa als sa i asi as a A îh', _ l i pha nd . r ' d i soo,. qadise oSprsigied. acaeg ais a gis tte 2,0, A Gr n r b od mr ae thin 'as ss . . \id 0 imdt leOf MssL usaMr0sn sI Maeet Streey , &ssi icaiho, ceabs57 A.IPatrc a 's'src n ii h ssdShels . sabl eral etyviiiTb rntoA las sas . cTasg, o - hsssoall o aitteu s0,3 Grandu nka hagflo dmprssakesor la. aalobs Dansst.ofje.- W. 5leanerhiop1asso Psaibsai-rditTtesayasa, sasasinchrA tisr'tiga the 5.5me 5am laîh os il 'o to.S ioeaasgsasos.sa o osfa fetin body.n Eaih smakes t er 1 oit-nl utter , a asri - Aces fca ssg a o a55 fasiasos Tho s t hu ýM vclDyj M asaa s "Reclob rd, o teforseene. If thewe b Toeng ccc1a Lac s os. glaey vhn teAsgoujasba l.a bc o 3r3asscf i sioiastoac o hs fonthead o Il s . 54) aYong peulcaesscsse ia asai aaaI aboiaig -Me isoractme corn sepeofroun tu thde.nx rakh .1 iaasarno ivingacdin 1 sotient, rasba Oss Hllcamou eyitrsngPOvsabe as estuelt snse the Obfiie l o tsd E'ruc ionste i.e Is. a Helsas a sinbbtant- alaîl i san"t sebandIte 0 roky . "osai cte. 11 .rid heiil sTc unaa sois obserss . M .i,, hi,,.,, ' , ItIn'asssir ill mlass Sfhesinig- o aMoh ig" n hn vcsl c' i o oss said ermarahis oeptee-0 P sur l A il, a l so Sca e asT bu h ei gt ebosibsand ssatsieforebolaesasaiutiob t First it sets th lI 1MlWid a saenSaassal as. Wl Csom n 'aisset utefetas ao.b stssieai s Wh K IC K t. hA D ten B.isoaishci Follb. everiFobarichesbrtheofbMr.d.oThat cii .D, loas oe i nieliedin Nionsa'.liveinim w resge la hoesn Cabo , ep i.Cso s 5 bs adAvr aeVassPatyes Pfragepha. Kikeagthen anthe b ites ndot. l a-g'tort, hu- NI. W i litî v as , for ntr th es. lias segasitb eCstiriO betsherw e fe M- 'l isal sas aa'nteassabs a ossoso ha irdrningstorkaapin at o rv5e a C a o. 5..sael - Arc 'lsI\ lie flas i ial s s s Boso o klya n ie' so e rm nplssatbe e sal.- Fraa illa .-fi t the Muray ebtesa ndy ukikhm asai as isoserlyai sc . ichnai WaiseleSespssaaaas aceraain sfctt asis retel Ili'os s neab to o y ae lassis s si ss,1 T,,eiaso als ae Iacs JA. Gaenealcery Gtrcifosb, me ias as m o n bt ashageof Theoo and kickb thod mke sassis sa aaîb\as11age c, t s asis abs etin oneaso htrsisaa 1 I be pro9ot1 ipe rstefm onta b con- Poptsi issaouAoabFigu og ares.pLiîincolîîs ag issintsabe the ireitet epoal thei ore. Eakc kEth 'fcol hîzm'aha",asfrcassairai bac ain. a g - Srn oy sasaasaa sa a 5fosysesciicai ninshp. fthfai- A ohsallmte l iitn foretbi,I a imanother bhe ter TIit wa !s~seaîsao;L~.bîî~. 'stSsaad rasit sir uterng is donnd a youa-d re Starsst b estOeee e a ct' m lio ostet Faria tuj Relit. tossgtiasos'.aeriybalaescof lots t13P 4. ais 'e od concssionas asaEsqoessasg. F., futshseosssso clarsappiy as Boxe 17a. Milcsn P.. 33-tl Cosiy cf Haiso. If cue ftor Salte, Brickbosidesse. os WetMasvst., containig r o;large stablehbrck. sa inaside, isels i, sonebhiharesa nos herolf goalfruit trees andasa splissia irell. Fose eiber pasticolarsaspply las WM. PEACOCE. Milice. A hll epoled as the Uoitedi Stases Coigres sillni erls (asadios vessas hiable to inspection tees ie American pentse ctal te the frai cbasged ce Unit- ed Stntes sesseis by Canada. Many sreoha are reportait fromithe Maritime Prosieices as the nesoiof tise big sterm. Theseoaisteamer Mira.front danses. sasîfssi near Yarmsoth, NS., andbirer snsresesea ith iba lnea andt bskaet wuh the stanasi diffiasity. The Britis seuilsthie Osiebhpas. Panaisaies ihai H era in thSema saIgatistefota an..andit ibaithe ternisa msai be discasasetinaSoih Alica. N. ferig t itereetion. sill ba t.eraint. The Diasager Emprese ef China as just Imani o aie n %weibaise itirnoa ail offictaio, by diplomatie larane. te disasasage theba linig oethie tesitet Cieme emaies, seylag the custom lls barbatoan. Rer. M. Ferait, ofet laistrseg aidossai. othtia smendanoft 5 tebMe. bhist iiiillio. -la bis sermons on Sulida, s einsehoa nai ha had aienado Lling -su stock, syliteiti aves Mc a~ fk'IVpes'ufZ ûvýu for your miosey, indicated by ýy space to quot6 the price of evlsry- epough: to show you that tise cash to the b4.ser every tinso. Homo are tratios ,andiihi i aas balatit ie'r lais g90 îc the bot vestige af disease T'liset ho ,ssOSath- eseso osasdetaaî ,UWAMTA W'd.r, O . Lsd.. The TMa&ers Bank HEADOFFICE(, a TORONOTO, 0NT Asioiasd Capital .........Iî.i,sss.00 Oai sp capital .............s11,3ia.sss. Total Assets over ...,....5-$1,80,000. Coresesrosiansand Nter Sseet'. O1EN D.5..ILY Olosos HaUS-ios a.a.is 3pps. Saturdap, tas asm. t0i p.& 7 aaq9p.5. nSs'sINS BANK DEPAisiENssT. epsiiorisefe.d eaistecoos alitcs8i P-s ve.t. ses 55550n, casposooda hid sas. P. B. BENNETT. How Would You Like It? h. saeaoneold slp a e darlos inoas psspoobsa las s sassIai betsold yco ?Wsii that s shai se wi ldc fors ysa ifysa boayorStases fro sas . 'ae boodî rthe ets sade. BUCK'S "H APPY THOUGHT" SOUVENIR -.ê-RANGES Vcs III teid orpri.sassa maaslower taniretbavrastoreo ps sss as las s ks you a asasgsof i erldllars, osn souwne5' ouit. Isosstiateoas sasas i sasseg insor aid 50 ou il asd T extra dolars in yaac poet as a Aisa fll lias af Wooand s Casai HsosssaassaiBixsa aooes krja in sock. Iflcs are loskasg forabb'asb- ng Machine. lassa 5sf 'ThesKing,' assaastasiiboua rivas Nsie-bis ae astoisg sors ai hoogososs nR. C. Wosges. SUGGIIT & CO, Great Clearing Sale BOOTS é0 SHOES Iii conseq-îence nf enlargernent snd refitting of store, 1 sili seli at cast the whole nof my stook, con- sisting of Men s and Boys' Long Boots, Coarse and Fine Bals. and Gaiters, Ladies', Misses' & Children's Button and Lace Boots, Oxford Shoes and Slippers. A Lot of Ladies' and Mens FeIt Shoes and Slippers at less than cost.. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens Cardigans 75C, 85, $1.00. This is a genuine sale. The stock mnust be cleared hefore cormnrecing extensive alterations. TFEPMS STRICTLY CASH. Thos. Wilson, PROPRIETOR. 4 ElRL UILIO b 5fela FiemOa L g Femra, asigt la - a U B&E8 D TUDINTI. New Orleans, La., Mýobile, AIs., ana Pobusoola, Fla. PIEUAIX 4 ta 11, 1909. Frontatatir e 0taï,Teroto t *lil h Baasand F*8. ueus Jlledpa*h's bestl'Granulated Segar 21 Ibe. for $1.00. 'Bri YeIlow ]Refiusod Bugar 24 Il s. $1.00. poas, Cors and Tomatoos 80. eaeh, 2 for 1.5c. Cornatali3h, 3 for 20c. Laundry Starcb 4 14. for 25c. Eddy's Bort Mattihes 10c. box. Freab Pôsîs 15c. lb. 6 Iba. Figs for 25e. Splendid Wool Tam 40e. IL Baldwin's Bee-bii'e Tam 8c. sikein. Berlin, Zephyr and Andalusian Wools 8e. White Carpet Warp 90c. ;Oolored $1.15. Wool Cardigan Jackets, regular $1.25 for 95c. Largest rize, best qnality Flannelette Blapkets, regular $1.25 for $1.00 pair. Mens Fur Caps, regniar $2.00 for $1.00. Chljdrens Toboggan Caps, new, 15e. Regular 121c. Print0s for 9c. The balance of Winter Jackets at pnieus to dlean ont froni one dollar each up. Trirnied and îîntrimrned Millinery at half price. If yoo need a Sewing Machine btuy it at this store and tssve agents road expenses, which neans a big eut. Ouîr OeW eut price litit since the lst October, when we discoîîtinued the credit system, bas brought us an un- creîîsed trade anti the people show their appreciation of the charge ina their favnr by avai]ing themot-ives of the opportnnity to buy gond gnods at the closest ity prices. Hiave a look at our goods and get on prices. Hemstreet Bros. Oi?~vercoats, 1 AND AL UNES OF SUITS AND PANTS 1L!ITER LTN At Greatly Reduced Prices!1 Also a fewstizes iîn READY-TO-W'EAII OVERCOATý at the righit pices to clean tlhem out at MCKENZIE'S-w MIL-FUNTHE TAILOR. CARRIAGE AND Ho USE PAINTING AT RIGIIT PRICES. Hîaving eecîîîed a siiitaîble shop arn prepared to do a] (<nds of ssork. Brîng in your nId buggies niw' and ha'a them rttoîîched. Shop in 01d Tannery, behlind Somnerilîs's Planing MilI. FRANK PEAREN. Tbe Caeiels. i.ehn. * Gol eOi soalbtIo le acsayoyrSsi' csaddie.,lstIli skoalthe boy cfia expeoleace Oh. i dobat kscse.sansesei aI. soperinleitlad. 'Thoo'so ase s.. a pisa le ibis club ihatil psy ysous'a' for looklssg t ot sibr wny an'nti seasI' aeytblsg than ibop sîli for ftisais lis balla. Scave gsi 10 ceasa whea la bave tus syesilit n sobru ast ta halau Joames Beokiami. ose of sar sist pseis. pottata bosiatîfl vrsa l osa airai whlsh ssosal dderng the 0MOI ar. HeesaIle fit Tise Csisssn bossl'> The Incident asssTwo grelasa.a mien, sasne enlaug tbhetisa salasi the gray. wooo dasasoeptla pssi tise Ifor botll. As the eaeetsg fol lItsl basais bofn os 0tic. '«Dixie" las Sas essibsrses a s toilisasit hp 'i55is D4ýesitebp uaI oiiasenes,oand "-Ma- rylandt. tMp hispioaid. dosa oit 'i1l.s Coluia." *Brasitcl Gisrlsorh South" soase'ed iy "isu stasosr tho Hotus. hithcs. BacSelsde oaa rd andI Jeereit the sihera samnieAsasi cherrsitbteir airs sf11 Chesa son aie est anditnlencetetll. Tbrn. titiasittoit, s basdaic os oa tise Use began te playp Home. Sasoo CHome." Astheransaitaneibea iclaîsai 00111 aIl the bandis os bath nides 550 PlslOYD ng la sa. ansai. ncgos ,As. more eaulul tilluit.le mes n ona.' b eaides siars aagiltag e irrds. 3 sa ceeman ebeait haitbeen etress.casain theatSisas of S smbotanin irnto anOnCb lIalesensîtimeni. "Tiese's as Pilace like home." A arrp lta Ilitore biaisPganinionc nssan laC e coceraietrsomi. look tIse vieil. aidtConeheilthe string. li,*ai o eestring broke. andt a areille wessa rassithtisarsane; ihean antiss tring- bruite. anal there iran more audible os- 1Pressioa sr mectery. Whou a thîsai string braise. Dsony ple i langie t-a rtght nt bis iseamalisa. liai Paga- niai atunit forth snCb bis stelia s tbiaUgbsOtbiag liait bappenei oaid fillayaii ia tËe.'paèMrin.inithtie peu e ie eneit twiËdlStel Noteisneit atol- rbamuIt80110fPtlisse sho haitdrlai- sad hlm bagsnai ne».sud nme essa t-Phetumeýhé'Amentor bis fili Famide. Tise isanOsmnapiluseeforteset "tý ýpPnW nett tsr anu bgbfoodi basasse ihen fact- sh ment In 'Iban' tala iw . b orastihas binsi of ab C. tBat t la g for tais f r~aa' prrlyfoa It la le" atmulot- tona, iss.dament. lansnalYrdigestsai more «RY n d c au<ases the production la ef ~ 5mMfewer of the Wosts poal hh if Dot at-oaf, eltei.i mtt.U u jrloualy apoa thendeli- eatenatlos sa yatem. The -bitnt nuoned paoprtl laon sibieb realite ers feopegl valin i tiha diet 0 pnnsnueslogfrocs Brnlbt's. dm5555 ami other affectionosi tihe idlitay&,fraie rbeumatiao, gasa. and at tChose di eMefS wblebaman phiss alalana reg*lljan the resait ofe esiis formation orreteartlan of urle sciai. Fas sanvalaemetfias It la irctasetuas5 it usppliem a fait ramenai 0f Dassitis o matetiaila intaleble fessa, 'suS o i Iesie of ltamib te dîgeseite ergans. Among the mi st arlsblsf aid as the same iasadigestible aish are ines' rLab. nhed. reit as"Per. trash ceaSois ss-itiaflsb, gniliod b8n8% haliht assa onnaera.Anai eqnally nutrition&. a] tisougis perbape lama digestible. nss basis Cai.entak iset aot.nsh ,nsask eel andi sala. Rosi a Dot Paritual nutitisosbot lit ila tf5eSble, Cathabt taste andit fnlY digestible. ai The mode et PrerOtIlas luncIos s do wvib itheitlgeattiiaiehb.as I han wiib that eofmil ther gi8t.Bosil lng andi braillaS are beti odeas orc ciaeklog tisan trYlng. Thaeief objectsio te hb3 lis prannesa to decempcsltlilr Ses as bosi kept ono for. iltssp bs fisafr sc tesateor star. end pst Jt maly Isiatsn dergone shanes a'bis mltke lit aises a. rosse tlaroe paisonOna 11lai bos neves,cocatoaiaf glia the nmuslaie lag symis. o or ites etb fIr sassa 511 sme poeraC la aIt 'y oas aises sot aigre,.esssefeg digentise dise dosas as nkiia esospoifos. Thisla liaotahi iisc Ih etsa cah. Ahstis. tbe green flendai bs asai. ratés tashiosoble France, w'iraSOiliii ly os etoaseiy hiarmIeSiOsesoli s. iltes nFrenoch physiniotas sas b assai IL Bis sisasair as Ordinaire. ai bc s'as lîiigneas s efager si Casas 5 lu la a'itsefaaaaaf ait tbe cscfilsas elgbsacath s55i555'y. Like istsy otiso csouryaits t sthat tiloso. ho - is sfa doogglat. ccd bis faorieiac sas dy sa*a sIn la riba tofiasht u whihb bc hoeb acai the secret. At lis deeih hohosissat" t he fsaI misla 50bis bossksoîssa, bIil. Doa Il pire lsosad sabc lai fitte oaicsghta as or l.istcssst Hesrosa. Thos sîi sassa Infiahis huIs igordei thebs o a neess5ry fos coasotinlsaf'id.asai Ob ilshe ad isileia cras oine0quisoosss a S3 to tiasoOst peddless. ho quickly dis, possaiorci ils abs odjasosi towsso o suis aest. Flosiip. dasofsg Otofrti deadsatshebi aineteetssb cosicoo'a c e'aily ditilser purcbosed the faore, saniaai rs ss aiee'nrai hs lalasslon the maekt tlia maaoernabsinth b.shIcla diffeos gocai1 lscss the olai sodisol seissiy, siose ta e lassosrscitaissai no0alcohol and tas little shsioah. Te Lidaivs aboutriveyeOs Oo Bs ass ai iaaiolly is(asasiise. He 1siakoa bias alIse qusationas he lbeainocC, s poierxd mn 'abs ysasgstoo gsi os the sciajea s or the ilascr woolaiosas day oaid was Secte a ici cf thioga. 'aili posa cd. t-tsppos IseIll, iay sori,"'tel the fthos. 'Ysu'ili ckea apsinyangol." Tbsre wit on sg pas, aid Ico s abs boy shoal ra bissfai S e braves sas. 'Tbs athos la 0coas a - atisfy hieisso seat lais lcagshp .d tolle ndeasiisg ie hoeassi. The lsd liseed i s h coe ses s anal tasllp salai. "Wh, papa, boas os msit lookIatke the tesasntsaiaoc.: ~juary Public Ss Isilia (C5tIil5 a Ch'-aie Tsa . , .'l'a Nras-I aAlfredsaiBstol a grier as loî MatsyhostO, a Wilios Aitiaa Lasso osat-.."' Agaes ssîsssO5r F .Le Jobs5 ssa Pearl 5'a s. Marra, 1 .,upbefl ' , N -, ai liais e ali,t .. a jiaspeil liossa Mal k a leiaN -ae Ai. Bsa A. 1a'3 la C. Ta. s Dl. a C No a' fi, la r A. 1. il" hlassa oChJol sa lisirs 3W.a Elinît 1'i, aaa . DIs." ' Sr.oy11 Elga I hisabolIli 'a bis. Lals Mo.l i, hcosa Ell Jo. Il A 5 Hasosaail Inc a. P a boI t i1 a Jo ni r "A"c c a SMct,,, AdesonsasMi Nil- il bssaibsaao HoSn.aV Mi hssd, Fil Th Esa Jos\o so Jesan.Il-a Mas sas ,a Ni PLart.Il.asa a t I il n'a J f r 'iii