ý VI Z1,111, 1ý,_1' _. 4ui-xi -ýVV,1 - - _, 0peý liq 'w "A jý iË - ý 1 . 1 l - P , ý., I- *NTY , __ . 1 11, - , !q ý,_ , 'I', TBLÏ.IGEÈCÉP. - . 1 ý - ý ý , . - V(MUME 41. - . 1. l ý - ,ý ý !_ _ ýý _. - 1 ý . >1 ', . . 1 l 1 ý 1 :: :ýý ;:: :1ýýýýý 1 l . _ _ % , li _ _ ý ý . ,L - __ - .1 I - - 1 i 1 1 . . - ý : ý: 1 1 1 ý IWIL ý -R 1 1 ý ' - ___ - ' " ol ý Q SDAY, JANtJÀRY 30, p 1 . . - . - -CANADIAN cýHAMp1O1q ý ==:_:ý_- ý_ ---ý ýý - U, ý 1902. . . , 1 ý No. 32. --------- ý,_ --------7- __ -, . _. __ - 1 ý ý Il ,ýtl»ub- 1 ill, W11004 ý ý - 1 - EVERY TRURSDAY MOItNING, 1 - ý - -.- - ý 1 9 . 1 - . _1 - 1 wPeait ta DI et - 1--Ihg and charge et that Innocent and ignorant .1 , 1 ý - . -IIL ý .70 . finger--everybody Loci the extrava. The .lady took the relatant ai the rent , 1 'T 1 ý ý t , L ý lady. 1 -s-wlalch he drew off proposed and twithout haggling. Tirera ý g h JU ,£ ý L - -Ibis disenvery bat ý II already beau gamelles of maillot At the Office of Pablication, A c ý l ý > - .1 -, ý ý . 1 were t1vo 5édrooiiis' for herself . MAIN ST., . MI:LTON, ONT. . 1 , ý ftDuSTUeed la the publlejouëoaj& i CHAPTER TV. and placed lu lier band. Alkother of- ý land lier ý - 1 ba» made a mo&t tilt, . r . OtIgh ý _ ý Blond Suu au extraet t-ontainjug the . MOLLY AND r. itered agisse of punch. Thelittlemald ""id and une fourra In whieh s le could Illria, OfAier'i-c#empcýct.,.i Sud ý 1 ý : ý;A news.1 -finis recall did what sbe lard sa offert seen the ce BIL The man round lodgings els, .... .. I3..c.l-I..-Il. -ri. .d-c.;'. 1 ., , ___ 1 1 rend extriret. gentle» T pleases me Io P- a. raid $2 .111 ha .1ali am Prepared th "Y that fer ail dW .... o ir , iL 'y 1 - ý men.,, . ý the tell format of My tain do. She looked round and sel where. Tt appeured from lits suite- T. g,»n.ý..- Ný;,rp., .111 ha .t.pp.d lus eue$ 01 the longs il AcV«ýd . ý Tt wu a slip et printed t railler, bis bent shoI -yOurýgOOd health, ail the c5âmP&D il 1 ment tirait bis mIstrii wus none otber tfil .11 irroant .ao, p. , ..-,t ef th. oi . .491sý il a paper eu Y." titan the Lady Anastùsla, widow of the pmpý,iýr. A poat-officé notice t. dfio.. points.,, 1 1 frOM one of the diumale of London - ý ders. bis wigg- for the and put lier lips to the glass.,whieh elle lit .Ir, . Il 1 ; ..... 1 the late Lord Langston and sister of a- le 'lot -allaient. J. Early Finicy, fransaI ---- 111 1 . z ý N N , "«It bas been discovered filet et - West part awry; fils finira returned. And anotber-offered te ADVERTIMING DATES. ýý 1 , ý ý Il .. King's Lyna, ln the touaty of Norfolk, round spectacles. bis dance, and the Éiddler drew bis bow the living Barl of Selsey. il wis tbere- __ ay slit WALirEpt à - sound which fore claire truc, as Sam 8eMIA-ý brut qIIý .-ý.----- _ __ Ayer's Cherry Plèctormal BESANT 'héri existe & deep well et eleur w.ter __ .1 Int 1 1 y- 1 6 .. 1 3 ...Il tio. . . thln fâce. lit schoci acrOss the catgut. Ir la a .. o" 00 j-6 oll, Om» ÙWQ , l"7 Omo won't cure rheumatism'. 1 rimas Prfflriles. bitherte, undiscover- ý bc was a figure of fleur, Inclines the heurt to beat and the feet sonneed, that persans of qattlity wru C....iI . COPYHght- IIIII bill, S& Waditeýr &ý..t 001 8 60 - . ed' ta- R -verelgu S»eciâé ter rire.- aluraysi terrible, wlelding tire voici or of- to move whenever a Briller heure il. cOTMbieDgLÉaedytbAenapast.asla et Ibis lime nus c.I-s--ýý-1 .--.I".-.-I l"'001 sbo we never Said it woul II ýýý Matisau and about 28 years or agu, a balijý,,.,o i Cý.,Iû"">. ý - - 1 5wý 7eol Zoo , bo là. ' I ,--à-Ia-I..-_L.ý.È........ - manY similar dlaordem'fice with Justice rhadamanthine and "I bave offert seen Sou dancýen'd'myold 13-ille. . . ultid. of te. Il-- - 1- es 00 19 wOn't cure dyspepÈia;, ý ----"«p --1 ... I."-Flpwwwp"p - M*W ...-& «** $%so il l ()or PbY'31elaD'3 bave already begun ta dernanding, with finit unreienting al- MOI "Let the fiddler play, a woman afin, though no longer tu flic . - - - -._, recolumend the Place as a spin, and If Li ternative, things impossible in gram- ghxll sec me darI th. .Pax. pocuplI Inteaurnait by. . M-1- of à WC never claimed it. But 1 "Oh. wbat Distiller. thelr - bercent go umderEtOod filet Borne bave already te. mer. In school bours ho was a very have tract rirai: flush of lier beauty. lier drest, as ..,,,I..il. - present Me bad Drdered tbefir drink- iolved Open betaking tbemselves te Jupiter. a thunderlng Jupiter. Our 150 much spirit, fer, Son sec, 1 hadwell as ber manner proclaimed th-I ..Adý«ýi-...t. .1thtait qffltm#.-U..tt-. IaI it will cure cOughs and Ment? 1 SWI continue to krap the a Plut Of Port for one. a Brown George this newlY rifercevered cure. The dits- Brillant was an ancient hall, with au tnught lier ta dance the hornpipe. Et.. aw0immâpnIeOntaitIâo8rhioGnIle. wIlicoeilfieils(Isntlo)tati,:it,.i ohiosa ý _, .P^ý,e, Ný,,_. ,ha '"*of'::'ý,. h, , Colds of all kinds. We lord, what about theste, plans? what la eanary for a th, tanèe train London la no grenier than open limiter roof. in which bis voice el'y boy ln a seaporstIdtotwonmcaakne dmaunsteýd el[ fort'id. end charger! rd ý bnnk 012 Bundâl ullht& New, al rieur Il of old ale fer another. a Élask or - tend ta be a gentleman and irait nI,,,,, fInlicora Wot Pýý-Id-IY b--gg of «Y i.dilidW. rd. and sa on. But th. 1 Hier of Bath , be rosd% Il lm trué. are relleil and echoed backward and for- the hOrufflPe. We il I..ý..ý, i",! : eha nged r- captaln, 10okIng round flic room, beek- 1 net 'Itu.., ., fond. edIl 1;ý ,.*.Id.ý.d . a ý before seen a woman .. .",.,,I hargest encordingly first Said this sixty years "We Oned ta the girl who walte(L ..jenny, 90 good. but ai Cambridge Il la pas. ward. Out of a Piece of film pape[' laid .ver ,,.,Iý. ,,,,,,ý,itth..,.Idl-,tb. .ad ..,,I.g« ii aient. we've been sayini l IhOugbt YOU remember, about of i«,I,ýiç, n,,,,,!, ago; " ý Bible ter illose who do col travel in' As to MOUS, abc bad the misfortune tortoise sbell ci,ýl,-It muat bc ý round) 1 less converseil with one. 1 II lis (Ilizt, .-Il. t 90ing ta Tunbrldge In july II bc Said, "nobody celle for ûnything ta- 1 their own carringes 10 Proceed by way to licite lier tailler ln Infanry. He was or wide teuth, and Doue or theu, ,,et! ready, after site bail boll()l.It(j ille II l'III T,,uiet ,.Iý,,ti»emente feu cent. pritueex- lever since. -Weil, simil we Dot go tb«ee?" nlght except myself Gentlemen. ' of s'a w il of conIle,-I-Ii,[.,,i niA wtlj be I1ý:.,ýrted y.dýU.4 ['a. ret fisý Il - - "PerhRPS. But tbere la something te Mulst lie a bowl or ha' if of barge or tilt Imat down the Cam and torried Ott, I belleve, by smallpox. bl*01-en-fin(l mI Ibis Instend rew 'Ir Il . e t = . for o 1 If a (Italien bowls.'the kindness, ta become lier ,Ia-ý 'Ilo »III II 2ô -t, li eah »ubdequnt Insertion MM - 25. ý 1 Ouse a distance, or DOIS 40 miles, was a shipowner and general mer- fiddle tire ,,volatil dance lu the gardien or estitr- atti H«ïý*",."uv-llà"ý,,.,, III l bc doue tiret. Let lue etanifide In yoil"- Tel SOI mistreis, Jenny, a bowl or le in the sommer sbould prove a chant of the town and was commanly In the parlor. But te stand Dit, hernie, il greni-l: M.; al, _t - « dear lord. yen WH. PANTON, ca. ord". IL; al, _I Z; the bIggent and the strongent and the ýrAT-iý:. lo, . bave neyr couc PILasant journaI reputed to be a man of considerable ýl'OlecOmPa[)Yofsallt)ts' 'ý%'Ilowould dignity and even so-rity, ns ,.,ýit:liii Edit., end P-pM.t,-,. CO." fided ln BD3-body.11 ý ev > er, "Sa fer." tbe doctor Informed us, ed rp and 011 file raid ladies illâcovered mlio I)r(,ý11,1,,,tl Ill),, ý - - - - 1 "for meurs. At bis death bc bequeathed Ila- tll()ugbL Il? Ilow lie jump. ber kladnems and iiý,,ýiiiii,,,l :-,:iýr,(,. n1l"ExcePt ln Yen- 1 tlllnk Sou know 'ýý «ýý the printed Intelligence. 1 Dow Proceed the cure of ,lis widow and bis child te e Pet fürmud lier t ' EGAL. : DIS secretir, Ir 1 bave suy. In -'om tO finish the letter: 'Among nitrera, my bis old servant, Carrela Jolin Crowle, dance ýIitl, grerit Rerlousness and so Bu, while elle voulci fi,,,,ze I\iý1I il _ _ _ _ _ ý -ho Importons me fer places? In - _k, . Patron. the right honorable the II of wbo find been ln the service of the gl'.1cýýful]Y finit tbey were ,il] enchant- el-CII 1 confide? lu the ereqtures ýiý - y frown and humillate vlifil Il 1,,,Iý, slic DI Dawg-, : .., ý frirai of the green table? . PYllrigdale, bas lacen recommended by lieuse since bc mins appleiltice(j as D ,il They strier] avouant their Luutbsý1ouàd and did lit, ict ... ,-It : ,!.- ý I . ,Il j: . In frInds 1 , t'le PhYsician ta try flic neil1y discov- LOIS. Lie directud further finit Cilphrile ellen. a brond grill on every falle. The due t'le Most Obdulatl' IleIl Il -al 111 I'j', 1 ý ! of the race course? My dear Amastilsia, . ered waters or Lyni, as a preventive or Crowle sbould conduct the business for 1(II"..I. il,,--I,,,t,,], Il"d'Iled fogothe, in most resentful NI ]th Il"I. craý II Il, ý Iýý[, J..,r,,fMý,,rýýý,ýli,,.--,"ý,-,ýýy--ý-ý,&c Yen 11VOIV. 1 assure yen. as Muria about . 1 9OUL He la a gentleman or the Idgbest the child. wm by fils -,vill m'as te lutter- a 'c'eur and mere quite silent. and wlth ber %liIý,, III ... I, ,-:iý fi.,. g..t fi,, Soit F- I...,-- .loi Sun .-v ý 1 IDY Personai affairs as j koow myself.,» - -:]ci] Il fluet. the most Iiýn ýiý ai 1111,1 iLle ril,,,t 1. gni and L- Cýnj)ýiew. M-cy to Ioout ai ý Venir. fashlou and tealth, wbo honore Il the wbole of bis fortune, whiI î% stol ht9d fluislied, site girl ered se ý..It... Olb,-c Dýý.,'.Bl,,ëkýMilt... I ly;:!f YOu wOuld alwaYs speak en kfill- me with bis confidence. Il le possible that mlght prove to be, cri coming of up Ler gifts-the silk ll.iIdlýer,.hif-" movilig filet y.ta Il ... 11ýA' IIýý ,; , - - - ___ - - - - __ ---- --- - ý Her eyffl b@eame humid, but not i flint lie Inay even allow me te ,trente. age errer suidracting certain suffi,- caule fi-Our Cellicut-Ille seut t ý luid been a wido, f,, t-, , :- ;,I,,!, 1 ýtearfuL A lady or fashlon muet not . I ý briving now plat off iii, Il ,I1Ij,ý ýI,,, , ýIs 9. E. Hý7ffliI B.A., Pary hlm 01, fils Journey. Sbould lie do ments for bis m idovv. fron, ýý1.1,.,Co, flic gold ring IIu1,1ý'a ISPOII ber cbeek by leurs. 1 0 1 isO 1 sball look forvard In tire honor of It.was most fortutlate for the cblll kl'uNý' net %ýher,. _Plit me doto jt,,,ejolelng et flic ft.,,,ýd,.ni ,1_1, ili, B.ýri.týý, Soir, ie.r, N.t.7,ýnblil,, &c "Well, filent ý paying my respecte te my former pu- that Lier g-riardiair ,vas flic most boiivst ý.u 1't'a.C.", .he said. So elle or il, . en, 1 MI allOWS 10 ý oling II 1,1,ýý, j ,r fo: Ott- ý Hall, Milton : the luge la th 1 i rknOw of the condition or DIS 1 i .., f tune and ruolz. - --------- - -- ___ ! l". 1 ylý1-U .1 ýtrons. He tells me flint other persomi Purson ln the m orld. lie 'a. a [,ai Il,- gt-Iltly lihIý,l lllo, te il,,- gl-outol. ý no aile bêtter. An opportunity preseuts 1 1 T1ý,qrH,7s 9, Mi7zýL's,71I 1 Itself te effect a grent i lof distilletiOn are aise 9011)9 to the ter; lie was bouilli I)y tics or gi-atitilIIL, thalik 3-ou al],- site C.111*t,,Ri(ý,l , e'y 1 'File mayor lialle Lui, m,1-11 , t, t1p, C.-ty C-- Attý,I-.ýy, Blo-1.1.1. 8.1i,ýitýýr, : fimprovenient. 1 ý1 1 e Place. witb the saine Object, dur. tu fil' house wl0eh lit, lialf s(ýrý(,(I; lie prhttIIý, -1 ,isla 3oil good njgbt :tilt] i8l'a "Madaii,." lie salir, , î î ;, 1 ý- w, .r &I oth- II, Ih. Cour, "ID Inviter! by the bichent pemonage III e ing tLe corniot; su,,mër.' fiad nothug te il,, rind I,,,t!ýlIg te 11Iilliý ,,Il,ý:, yen sel ,ail agni., a gond ý,,y- outil .Vestet-dý,ý' -q, 1",t a ý I 1 :,>,Il - . . , .Inselve. fi,;, Ille ,IiIt II , ý 1ý o NoI.tr,:.bIiýý, tarte a more active part 111 the affaIre üt ý ,$, ý '*Yen rieur, gentlemen?" Raid the doc- fll)ýjLltexýlýttl)e\ýýýlfýil«ýý,ýftt!t.(.Ilil,]. ý\t age." ý ". ý - - ___ - - - - - - ý $tâte- No one le tu km.,, tbb, r.r L_.ý __ ýlor. look'Ing round. **What did 1 say? 19 MoIIY waI a Il ,, lait girl, as sirng - ý ,Larits and salo- w, il , , t, t 1 ý, i :II WilliEm 1. Diý"k, rt-mmus connecter] with this propose, 1 : - ïVealth for ail-for ail. So. Let me con. lis aity aura, lier III ... ,I siiit and nill.,cli- CHAPTER V. ý ,if frisillon. )VI, ,fo iIt -il ,I I il , Ir il (;..ý.y ... -. M.-Y n'ri ta Y'$" a "cri" 111 tOwt)-a trading stv(ýel,ý, Gentlemen, yen Will rink (toile: 'SiP, 1 would witb the greatest 1 lui Mie ruine; fi, !ol ruddy ili, 111.1. I courtiers, but yeti wili 1111,1 Il, 1,, , ý, Ir, si ci I.. = al II Mai, tu , li...' - f.w. mit 'Gogh mallors-thr, with me ta the next voyage or the Lady ý 8ubliussion venture Io point Out 1 lie ý ,, III (hu b oom 0',r ,,,ý,,"";ý b,,(",,Yrýq,.,ý,,, bine ENDERS floekpd Into' and Ive balle fiant 3loi Ilill 1, , \, ,ri B1,71,111... 11%1ý. 1. ,Il ri Ille tù,'n. At rite I Our houesty w1l'Il ,le -10111, -I ý "I Id i 1 -, OII t. l. On net certain loquirles. Tber, lm I'r Lynn." Importance of titi. evnt te the tomil.:ftiij ii(,Itlitýr too lurg, ton Ratai, but ont- -- -- - The First Thouglits be a gatherin.- et fille town or file But then a thing happened. News , "'le 111111111Y al" gentry or the .,lgl,ý ' JI lie., bu,,] ni ' '1"f*ne large, l'e, set, though the point,- 1 rum-pect, to doclatu (,iiis,,Iý.,ý lýt, [iy S, E, MýûrH17Ey, ý"1 gentry and people of theemmaty. %ý,oubI came ableil drove ail tilougbts of file borbood should be immediately made fillir fuir and blo%,n g about for trend :,ý1.I1I Ivali full ,,,,y ! huifored by this ,j,,t or ý, Il I, il- "f Cl,-,,,(ý,,ýI, ]ýl,,u,,t, _e Sou Illre ta go, iny deur frIend? il Lady of Lyan ont of eei-ybody's fui acquahited wlth this grent discovery. ,,Ill' loo" ,cils. fil, rffll. bel I,,I,,[.ýg and tire ga'- -hiP." .,Il.t", Sý,]I,-ItI>,, Not.,y p.bliý. Office- will lie Delft month.11 ','bat toast was forgotten. Il oulY bc expected flint there wili be n-k lis ,, hire as su er. n1on'h dunsý and t h, long r-lui ,i-ýr's Block. Milton, Cor. oui ar)(N large ý .-Indeed, worshipfui sir rInI r, ý,ýi - nIl I.Iti,ýIl ý I'f j,,,,',ý-, ,,,,,l fi" "Ta leave town and in May just ha_ The news was brought by the doctor, s'let' a cOncourse flocking to Lyre as vait 1 ter tbpn striail. by reasoli of Ille l')ýý,- Il, IlIc e,,,,,tIg ,,,reý sir, and Sou, geiitl,,iii(ýu, I il,,, g,:ItI ý,(îI ___ __ - - __ - - _ __ ma.gnifi-,,ýt ,1,,,,I,,, lit th,_, ,flou fore the end of the 13fumm,ýI- ' mill bring an . flic -spa for your kind mI 1 .il [ 1,, - , :i, Vi.,Lur S,ýisfi,71m, r-lake, flic I tl,,I,!Xý,t fil, l",-, ý m ho m'as the test te arrive. accession of wealth as in g and t-le ha"Illin gof the rope., ,-d lui ke e Iiiii.sic pltýnsIýd, in the pursuit of Leulth. 1 , Ili 1 - thougil. -Tbere wlll bc opportrinfles. 1 p was a perison who "Il as fume te the borough of wbieli 1 , hy il. m'ans I, litre. ,fer tentures , eicl il ait iIatioIý1 1IýÏI ",'a,", ý,ristuý, 8,,]Iit,)c &c., NInîtry P blic i toit]. of holding a am 1 Ilorlor 1 1Or1lýl iiiiii, arol straight, il,, II lýl,-ý,,,,I, tir'! ello'-eI] lamps Ing more, bellee me. but II, ýi: I,!ý ý I l, M.Iocy to l'-, ai . I- t -- Oe- bank. and il gr., halliturd'y 1.uI blmellwlll, ID4. a. a ,humble native. 1 would aise ý.Lý I -j ler mentir ,lot Ille ait d- to Bnk ,f Haoclýt- Milton. 'IV, t,,,ý, i- , ý 1 ý niaoy sporismert-Itis a sporiingg colin- DhtYýý unir t -Il file visitera sbould fInd Lytin smallbut te n'Ye3'estile ilit, 1 . langled i , lai- Ililleen flic branches --,,ereign waters, of Il 1,, II Il , p' I - - unil plea"d, Il flic conipany ,vais liait. 1 sielun speaks most lIjgIIIý, aI,ýI. II, III il ------ - .1- ;p ,ý-I Y-moy bc expected 10 lay tbir mon- "('entlemeti.11 Tire dortoir laid lits 1)rov'(1l'd mlth the amusements .rues- ii,,,itti In the motId. flic ]III, fall a"d Tllure m'as 1 i3 t t 1 t ., ',ci , ,Ir ")';vet,ýatioli ý ni Inualth allows me, te ait-Il I ,,Ir gI', 1 1,II",:u: r"t',Ial ,Y. la a word, Anastashi, il will net bat upou th il f 1, Il toile, * In J, W, Elli,7ZZ, B.A., aloi pil-, ,ý, ý,,),. ;_ýI ý t o table and lits cent, I- lorry for a sint- [ menu music. tire as- al-lys 't'a y o s ,,;IItl;">ý,11i ý ,,:l ,,,, bc a hall excuinge.'l Il. Tben bc took lits chah-, ad- seui n PumPrOonL a gardeur, the ml-ite -III regular; in .a tre'l no lllil*tl, I'r 'lit II, - ' 1 . Ili l, Io II church." arrueter, & ., Notary Piili,. àf- t, j)Iec,,t, III, ', Il 1 t- ,,,,ý:" -And liov cari 1 , 1 lail and the masquerai], and (bc ,,,d- nt. as fi., a ýorrnII1-Iot od't 1, e d, ý i 1 Il t , gloili), 'ure ilýt t,,I,[,,,, all: file peopiel .-W, Impetooffer yoili I.III.- "Il I.- - ..a ofli'cý II dolor itale, J ,11--ti ý tallit Sou? Wby ýjstii(.1te(j ba ýý.ig ,,nt 01, bis blIectacl,,, iiai & C, à sh- fil Maie lu , Mlloort. ý:,ý,,ý,- ,:; .III 1 ', , ,ý 1 Elould 1 go there?" 1] il then. laylag bis band urina th1'ý room. dent) 10dgings. 90od III and ait 1 dailiry Liiid, [)lit strong. fat ailli looltLII nt (q1ch liftier Ilud willked round thBil the latimprouln", IIII, II.:!ý,[ , 'ý _ _ __ - - .-By iviting file people, the couaty i 'arui , of the chair . lie once more III fish, II and le, 1 Ili abondance. 1 fat] of (igtire-as ont, tria ' v ýý,Isb te [«' Il ,Il d ro o 1 ,, 1 i , , 1 i 1, ý, j I ,ý A fi e r t h II fi, S t I t 1 o lied. owe Ira vu , 1 I, v i.,,,, 1 i , , , ý ;r 1 ý I "! file mnuy virtues e ', - ro[.gi,,nes, for th- e sug- to lier dijIositie,,. Rit ooý,'t l(IlýII-1--'l'I, ""Il" IIlI'ý !ai] Ilý,ýI'ýl!ltlle, hl, ,ay roctins for tlbu ,1,1(,,t . :11 Il ýIt E W BEYJ, Il durstil ' 1 ri tond the l'nom, and ail fias in Ille hurnIdy risi, e "as il"' di- gils 3:""",,l il ... 1 Ilantudlef the company ,vitil .... Ije l,:ýý! ý- E. M A RC H A N D, ý 'ý;' "' "' 9,s(ioIjRý and 1 bae the honnir te re- terder, aýI,(ijcnato, .",Iý,ýt' Roul 1 ri, L R il gmees ,bich disting-fisb my char- niost Important. dignified provoking a t. 'l"d ,II. -,, .ý,,III,.r, N.t.,ý C .... y..I-,, , ':,"" ý ["ail). bonored sir, your most obdiot ,outil bu ]I,,ýigi.,ýd. sIl, vas a ,aIs 11,119, and we trope te li:i%,, -, Il iIi,ý ;lI I II 1-o. Offi't, B-tli'ý fil-k. ý ficter. %O one hilows me inciter thon Iliteresting mantier possIbie. --GuIItIý . Te .lie If II ,,, zIIIIiý g oIlý tý, see fil, fer dancing la the l""'I 1 'i:. 'l l , i.-ýI, go,- J ewelcr, 5,eLirselt"- naun, 1 Lave Devra for you - " humble st- uni, v, tilt nIY 91-ateffil serv. tiiiiiL!iig of suiiieilling Io ploi- ( 1 I l"I' P_ Imi. ' 1;,,ýýý,,ý, linit'j'ing, "O t muet] enferrai ...... III, :, ý 'It :, - __ _ 'J'bc lady emiled. "No o:te." site mur. (alitain Crowle lande trasver ep,,al-. 'eu (o lit] the gentlouten , lie snb,,,ib- , 1 . Io, el] bc,. SII, .,iq,,,(l I- ,ýmtIb- file la iluir a ru ' sz,7Lrs, GÀ7Lfs,717 & Sziirgy, MILTONONT. mured. - ' i*ý,,,IIIl al"I ,ý,i:,I,] ,,IilIý flic rouste play ' lit ln,- 1. the naine or the srclet -3ir, (1 te ruy %er.wR and tilreuy proi[ded ail 1 ,,uikell for li- gkirir(Uan. Slie "I's - ' -(LN'SIIIP ]S accustouje'l i ,, ý, 1 ,, ý > 1 't . -nys II 1I1III4ý , 1, c'l. tIqilr,,g 11l" , >!,,,tý, of, the fillor, muc(h as they are v u ýlI1:1 I , .1 , ,Iý -'*orcanspenkwitligreatýrntithorlty VU aýaIt Salir plri a a re. , ' y ýLe witb a bottier ni, ý filet Io rilse. al, vI ai son 1 - r 'n'l fini , (filet; 1Iýîrored If Sou wili coii(i(,s, ,,,ýI 1,. .ýli.tr ,ýIoInus. N.t.,is, offI __ - - - . - - ','ýýtIIUEL SEMPLII " ,as qlwa, ý, III, i,,gl,;g ri,, ý ],,I,,Iý. ý gton, , 2, M.,L-d. 'Ill '*.%]Y nvývs. gentlemen. lm of a star- ý1 filli'l'y. sIle -il- ,If,,.,,, .*iý ý 00 the subPct. Ttivre ,, bc eertain ' ý ' ' II,ý il, f:ilI,; I'r il , llIý ,f ýIo,,g ToPII Ibert. , I.I,, - Stintais, T. Eý.R.6ý G.Dg-1, ý 1 -', lie Parson, Sir t1lug ellý'r"cl('r. 1 %%lit erition-ilzé or At fils moment file bcovl of Punch Rillgillg- And locr, t:,,Iil fi,, -1o , ,, You will finit Ilal g, ,, i , , i "! J:)Usua. S. STO luil. '.. - ý ,ý .. Dur Ir "'Id' "ý-Ü 1 '_ ' al)[)reviale it. In fi mol.d, Illel.,fn,.c, m'as brought in land [)iac,(l bef.,c tri, IIIII fil". dýII RhII llý1,, Ili ï,alt ý-1,[ýI t ]1ýi g l' 'J' II"Iý'y fl«li'Il flic "-allie- thel, ldl,, of the I,,Ii,,t,- 'li! 1 ý il - __ ý - ry. il, .ýý'ý." , ,il 1, Ii,,l C', - IIIýv,, and ,:,Rtilg nt sphnscorn unication m1th lidýy and - .,. fi b, 1 tri, m III ,il tray of glaýqýa. 'J'I', cion (Illit SI)u mas li(li,ýr 11j;ll -l'I'l lier iinworthy or your ilIýýII;Iý :, - oo-root .fb,.eý Tedýph ... No. art. 1 . a eggal Y crer, and blown up- mIe ale ail about to beconie ,ich. AIl capta ý Il ý il ý,I, ,'ý, ,la, il oli, , glIli"ý('ý 'If u-,ý If (Ille Ivas (iii:lIntauce." , ý - -1 col TLey arc da.g"ouR." Yen who bave bouses or propert ý y in dortoir folded bis lutter. refflaced If in flIýýIIs ,111(l o ý9III1oT's-Io'.ý. ,,ý,ý - 1,Iýtt,,:- il , --il III. l'f 'corti vviu. .'le 111l'il., 1 accept your iiiIi!lli II ýI ', .. Net ai ibis quiet and sucluded III Ibis toýrn, ail man are conc(,t-tiL,(l la fils i)oeýelbooL, and took off bla, ýt,,,t.- ,loir to-, of Lyll", -11, 1 - , -l' , ("'e (II, -ed thal. tic,ý.sulI,,,. JM K 01CAL. - They will bc strangers te yen as %veil the irait, or tire town. ail .,Ira Ilir,,,t cles. ,hart, n'Ill ,LI1,1>,ý,, t,:,I] I,1,lu,ý, .il II, A 1 te ý grea t pleasure. Tlicse gn I. i ý, ý II: - i ý- --- - - . __ ý __ , 1 - as to me. And they will bc usefui. the Industries of the people or take "(,etillemen, vol bave lira'd n'y gu lier. t: 'ne " __-Jn'lý " salit ('-P d-d unexpectrd. 1 locit . M l' ý , 1 ý II- . 1 . - in ("«(" I,ý, -l liI"[, 10.1iing ui,.,lt n". ,teillent ta making flic lo'q ý I:.ýý Hý A. M,ý'n':1i1, III . - - 1 . - 1 - After al]. In sueb a Place Sou need un rare et the benltb of tire residents, news. Captain Crowle, unay 1 request 1 lIý,lýIl "'le day Ill"Il Moili, inil 1 1 "Y 1 ,ýiiiliooIil ln tire Il,,,,,,J,,g, fer, inany days . thlit yuu pe'n'it flic S."ily te ý II 0 t 3 .il, 1:, ý l ý l ý1 ', III @p,,I,.-. rl*by , Ill tend the ý ay.11 V it buroue, 1 Ray, rieli." d, mi. Il I I Il , lIlý;, , ,Iý 1 1 II ', il, fil l" 'Il, ,f ,,le .I-IýI IqIiIy Ili ,liII,ýl-. Ille I:II,,,,, ' II 1 , il 1 »ý,ý ,,,,, and ýýargý,7i, (oro-r. Office The lady made no respouse. The d,,etor pollua out a pocketbook "Illi ne te tire proýIiprity or flic> spa- Se she rose and droppl li:i - J , 8P... ý lit, prosperity nI d - ,,iýI-, Nlý Ind, thore i, n"i (",iý vIthile lier man Il1revý ,ýI,, il 1 ýI II -i, ý ,_1 , , , 'C". II lit . ', Ha May rail il settleil. tbpn?" [le from N't'Icý1) lie ,xtrnctud a letter. -L 1 of the slia-the spa of ,,,,,,,-,,,," - '-"" L"ý " " I.,II"., [II,,ItIý', ti', "' ai] Il ý11 i., lit te bc n'al-1 1,11. I , t;,, il belli ber band. "If you would have É*e(elved," bc went on. "a ]citer "Ylltl'!" .- -- and Iliedeputation výithh-l. ru -Lut - m iili our _Nl,,I1ý, (;,I,11,,I"... lire thevI ___ - - - inter net go, Atinstasin, 1 will tind front R townsman, the yong ira[, o-, di.1, Il," said the ciptitir. 1 lilu i,ý'L Ille ,,ý:""!", If tb,,.,, g,ý,lzj,,- in Ille evenilig fin, lýq,!., , .,::, - t II II ý , , = 7 M - , - 't, il I- "te (lie neu ]y disrovered sp& put tbis ý long room Bonn aftpr t1,.ý ... I, ý , ý l'- sortie one elsf. but 1 raid boped"- n1mud Samuel Semple-Samuel Sent. -<ý '111,V are IIýI,,Ily 3""" g> 1111, rue.ced. lfr. 1 all,,-t, li,>,,iil,, I-ý, , j- H. K. A z7,ýL . D 1 b emphasis. bc- sa., III: the imnat, strI.sý" e ý .,ý,ý_ý_,r % 1 She (Irew III lier [land. "Yen are lýle," lie "Peated, wit o 1- 1-41 tlI;,.[z Iý-I Iil,,ýI,,!,. '11";, fait,, aie .1 11.1, glit," abc Raid. --No one knows yen cause a 1.01; or dise "'Xe must bave a columittne te ire- ý1 ý -'l :î:ýd s"('11, ,, at *'.-,ý V, 1ý 1ý,fJI-boI ýh,;IIl,ý;ý11,fI1S 'c.., ri 1tIo1ý' N teil lier ta boilor C', -, IIi[ý-, 1 ýI III - (,',r U,ý,,,..d bi.,.-.I.ý,...,CP BIýýý. son . 0- ý ý. Bo welt as my8elf. And ail 1 kDov up-n ule'y film pare for the accommodation of the ,la- ý - ,_ý 'ai "I 'I'y lilg a minuet Ho 1-- ,,, ,i a ,, , 1 1, - le o- O roisI , P ointinen tell ,e __ý1 ri-- , ý1 - I, :il -11)? .Mý _ýiII ,liait ,I,:I,,-y win, of 1 ý about Sou ta filet Sou rire always cou "Sam S,",;pler' growIed the elipt.ila ItII " ,ý, , -14- tl,,,ý,, ,,,r ,IIIIl ,l, tilin- ,IIII tb,,I,). niait, flic son of a .Norf,)]', ,,:i:Ii, Il ý I, .1 trIving moule devilry -7) In , __ - - __ _ _ MILTON M US IC STORE! Il f- 1, ' ý , , Il ý ý , Ith illany bIm;fiusý I, liz >1 il 1 ,,,ý' ý, .1 %ý'bat la il tilts "Once 1 broke my "We must put up a lin "' proom. /tI ', 1 - - 1-1 ýI,, ,.,lill 't- :It I",!I"ý." tell ont this lady, all J ,III 1 ;, -ýý:, Iý- [ri m-1, M.D., High Gril Fi.- .d-ogi,., al".Ya la 'Ime y But SOU Will not tell me. You bal L - IIIý Ilid net. holeer. explitin -We must engage a clipper.- - .'l 1 ý l. l'iliý I i. ,1111 111- il, fi: ,t ,,e,ýk or il% o ,. 1 ' - , bous .and perche,,, end , Iý, ,,,, 1, ,ýýa, P. & 8 , Phy.,,li.., S.,,-., &u Office stock. A lot or ,,c':,nli Ili Dever tell me." hy Ile hi,.1 donc so. --j ýIý,b 1 ,,,,,, '*We must make Wallis across the _ ý, ý- ' ' ý a S ]le ,ould Co [ri ,,, il , ,il 1 ý, i ; 1 I 1 II o il II d noi, org.a. il, gtoi e ý- ý î, ' , ý 1'lýe ý ý ... ý ý ýý - ,. tir Iý I'ILý oI,ý Il Ilý ,( fil,- spir .Nfolly ru- ri .1 r..Id..cý. ýpp..ýt. t- la ý.II, tire.. ,rlplll.c.ýAýlý', 1 ý1-a,ý,,> ,ý(ý ,ý.,ý,,,IIlý'... .5 lo'd ",%Bastoala Son do me ail Injustice. brol'I'n tu-', %ý,lIIt bas sain S",Ijle fi ý - ýý 't- lit, ý 1 II ail ,,:,S ti, i s'on if, m. ý II. lu _tI .el fer p,-,i, , b '_ , ,c - ý ý 1 ;ýýý,,ý'ýý,ýý'9ýý""Iý:ý",ý'I' III lit, gard,!;". stlicly danceoit the faLI,:,ý l :111, - II I-rlý t. 9 -.., 1 to'2 and I te le IrýII.rpos- &-y I,-n.ý, Thls te a pur'ely publient II ý ta ..do %vlib tire pi-osperriy of rite te%% Il-! .. ... rhere mont bc an assure ly, ,III ý' ý, / 'o Il 1 i '.', bly. __ - - - h, N c, R-oIooýI1-ýug bl.,IiI,ýý Sc",.g Mr. Sain SuluirtI 111, dotor ,ne tousic amil danciti,-." , /ýy , ,,ý-ý /i î ', , ,_ 1 .1 -As yen xvill. Call Il what Son : ý TI,,,ýiI-, y fui]' 'lary or This dore, the iiI,,Ii- If t1i, t I 1 , ,- Mît, ý;,,,f], ,, ( , ýId.ý. li.l)li,,ýý. ..o 1 1 tlnued. mitii ,,upbasý.,.oIh, , -'] -1 ý Il , ý.. 1 I II ý _, o Put "Il "'th il hinu em Sour servent, Sou know - 1)".Éix -Thure nlust be a eardm.li." -Ii - ý t 1, II 'ý:I II;ýIl1 ýt ENTAL. gýe.nuaI -pairs, al,, .ý ý- In t,- k. ,ýc,,.,1-11II.,l P eaSe- sure -h lotilled 1 "I'littre ainsi be a long rouir, for tli(>ýe ý ý 1 ý L . ý - 1 ,I :il, 1 ... !_,::,ý, ,il IJý, cq,.ý olil ,,,Illt,, les presented anothet g .ii ' :: ll I : II a p 'ilig M.'lin, III .11, ",","'Il", trou luter ,lie,; Sour bamlmafid la ait filin te mI lie tc: -t *as Doi ,il l 1 t, - __ - - - ---- _ _ Alý,,ýgý.tf.rtbýI),I,.ý_.,,ýý..ýýýýc _ ý g t Itied tri bis native ta, ri, -dont net :1, 1-0111 . fý. I-r IIIiIIII tl,,,,ý ai,,, co ,I,,,,y in I,ýIIII, lier hodyshlp cond,ýs,,,IýIII 1 , , _' ý 1, __ - __ - __ _ one. Not for ROIS altier woman. Ludo- .k who wisli ta walk about and 10 ý for belli. lie lm uni suIrýIng: lit. la verse. m-lth au orchestre," ýJ--ý --.'1ý,,Iý 1 _,_-ýJ ý - . ' 1 1 1 ý dance, after whIch ,lie r,,t,: I ,III. ' 1 :-L il MRS. KELLY, VIck, not for any other untortanate ý - ý ,,Iý,ý,, 1ýo Lrýt :,,ii,:il f7*,;I, 1 ,rilort r ' - ' 1 ' / 1 ý, I , G,7iiuu, L.D.D., D.D.S., prosperous; lie luis .. 'ýý 17ý ý d.,,l. The first gcnil,,,ý:i-, II ý :, ,ý : , '. 9 --- - ---- -- woltan. wili 1 Ilft my Utile finger. galned tilt- ri-wiel i 1, 1 m'III Put up the pumproom," said - ý ý,,ý , ý I . _,-, , , t-Iý pl ... ... If -l' [Iat ,Il .I ,i,.,g, ... II II cli ,,ith niiotber lativ. 'l il, - I g Il. De TIST. (Lately assoiltred ,,jth DII blinuld Sou betray me In frits respecri I or the pait-onage or certain Fier t e doctor 4*tu my garden oycr the ý, - ,- ,:7 ý, ý ' , 1 ý ,,ý,,,,,ýI] lý,ý.,jýi,,,,I, PL-1,ý,l ý>%,[,,I]I, )II, tIfl.a.I succeeded iiiiil. ill"I ýi, I I 1,,:- 1ý h.l.y. of Chiong ) Hýnr graduait, He laughed. 'tA woman? And ln sons et quaitty. 'riais lm the ,e,,.aI.ýlf - w _" , 1--l 1-1-1-1 ,ýii. r, foi iil ly ,r 'I'ij':iit.v u'ýII,.g." , U.Iýýr.ity. 01iý- .- a lii-k, .âdââilkl- EXPERIENC günitiz. Let lis forger flint he xvils br ,ý 'ý1'l'ýe r.TI ' ý1 I.mld dance. .Mr. II-pp, [ j, ,, II ti ý, iller company? Ilest cosy, rieur child. IlOoked on meanwhIle, ( :,,iIlI"Ij'. il, ,-, Il 'I'an or 't'j" ln lady Anastasla file,( II( ,ý i , ï, s lu ý _ ___ ý Be jealous as much as Sou pieuse, but son of a elistoin bousu seratu, and jet ý mýbisp-riitz in my par front finie ta 1),,n, ber in the cri .. .... I Il il ... 1 "1"," n1IIý IlIt III-I .... ... fil, figu,, buing mnall ,,110, belonged te tilt. gt 10ri, ;ý Il ýIý1 ri 1 a Dot witb sorti a cause.,, us admit that [le proed unequai to Ille i rime. "';Omuel IR a llnr." bc Raid -q lapon 8uf's't. Th, lIttl, I,,:,:,l II a, il 1 ,,, o t : I ... 1 Ili,, lut CIII, d .... . . ... 1. Ill, rend Was presently surr, ...... 1,.,l i,ý :I ý , ,I t ,, 1 '7.S., Se touebed ber elle dulies, for %vh,(-[) bu ,vas mari et a know hier to lie a lier. * ', ýI, Ir1,1ý ,'t Iý,,i 1, II II, Il fI,11 oct lestas- e ST, O.ký,11ý, ,lit lisIt Milton - He thns nom, heurt. %Ve , Ili be lie about a thing Of go Maeh Impor- us, .a , 1 t Il, I [ ,,,ý,ý .II :I ,,,:,Il, Ir- ,III bet'v'en T. T. HErris LL à ek with bis gager. c jerk. « Yet wby sbould 8. and 1 Ivas 1 U. 1\ e ,, ui u 1 "" ' 1.1 1 li, . ý . C'r-lipany, w1th 1,1l,,,,, 'J". lj , , ,ý -I ýý W.d.ý.d.y ,if .-h ..Ith. 0111ýýhr and hlssed ber hand and welconne one 'chose naine will in tiI.ý,lnne, Il Ille tells the trulli. .1ýil,-l 1 , ,,ý , Il , 1ý t -1', 'n'l ,,Ii l-l' ,Il il-". Il, I-Led lIll"q-ýfi,ýtly and gr.1,1.uýl.,. Il ,- ,;ýâ m r witbdrew. ', 1 s cold. aA ,,I, v., - IW i,,I,,.,I, ,,, ,I III, t liait round a leader. H.-ý. triture add Ilister te Our tovu. knOw IIOL 1 relation II the fellotv. y,,t ,-, ý. ý1 t rrival front fýý,,,',ý,, ,-q Il TRADE MARKS Lady Anastasla stood awbile wbere . u lallýi,,g Ira ... 1 la haod ,'Il,,,,ý,, iIý il lIJ,,, a"Il ,u,-ýld ([le ,("i'I'ýqiy 11, - DESIONS I Iý II 11, !Il, .il I'r - III , II ,I3, 11, if II, bzid ,,, ;, "" ____ - __ - - - 'The victir shouli bis limi. "Trah!' 0;,,nji, lie triay tell Ille trulli. And nby .tl.,.ýIl [],,,y cul[ 1'uddiig ill'I', , I 1 , larry Alalyus, COPYRIGýs &c. ha left ber. The joy tract goiie out 0 f bc murmured. "'1'r*.q.ý,1,!" s1t.uld lie lie, 1 .a,'l Titien one kno,-s [' ' il ), 'ý'ýý"' "f : ;"II ARtHUR ZIMMERMAN, A.yocllslamlàî,ný« ,,>etch and d..ýýIlýc .., ber heurt- She trembied. Sbe wns ý . ]und. frzn, (fi,, Couin-n S la t 1; '3 Il,, 1 I,, tIý centleman wlioIý lit, ,,.:,,, ,I, ý, ý.',".k.1tý_--ýýý.'"hýIblllýPtl.".'UIfre(ý= ,,ýýý, seized wltb a foreboding or evIl. "15'el4 gentlemen, 1 wili proctitud to aut-il rite rompany Se May lied tir, marliet place. ýooIhî, ane ([;,ýj,ý Ile ,ý:,,,,, I , il; ,i,ý,,,I flic ,i,,ýr l'y a deývoted ta the lI],ý.Lï,,,,, ý, , i II ý ,,, ti-,fati1ý01y1gfident L Hýdbýk m Paient. [tirent berself upou the sors and buried .land. a Entiers tlfi i 'I ý"lý". II J'Ilý,,I, who bad S"". lhe ,,ýilI :iýIl , I 1 - L Site rend the lutter." a hurdiand for the girl." fil -11t l'II, I !ý: ý ýýil, l'nil a""q'ted Druggist tact re.. am glaccy f.r.eý..,i.g et. He unfoided Il sud begun m-lir, al "il mily reiiinins." sald the dotior. la, 1 dure say, lit ail Ig -slj"ý5 stl'il ,a I I,,,:I !,ý, Il.v ]:. I., 1 ý,,,111!,],. Jý,dgi,,l;1 L,,Iitom3, carried tilt or hiq cý;-l Ip. pet-. Italien -..h Mus. A C'm -iý. ber face In ber nantis. and. forgattrul of Sonorous hum: j "Illat 1 LuYselt -bOI11(l ý(Ibinll the waier b na SaIllors dtIsIrt>,' [,;O, Ill'i n,,ý la gbed ai the tbougbt of "l'a - i, ,Il - ___ .pacirol -tg.. ýith..t .hors.. 1. th. Ouse I, Il 1 v 'ý.,I I - j ý 1 , I 1 1, a I ha. r Il Id il ý ,,nII--,,,r to p4sie and paleb and peint, elle suffered " 'Honored sir.' II LI c repeatod fil, Of My Weil ta an exarriluntion.1, 1 le 1 furnlshod at-cordIng Io ilbar ,iiio, Iin,ý Il"' I' Il I. , III, !I:fý ll,ý,<,Ilý,ý, II, 'l"", b . 1 1-'l . 1 hý. _ ,J 'il il 1- 1, II,,i!,ýilati". voile. P(- on SIIIII detofi'd t', tl, fdý-:I i , ., Sckn fic Mmerican. rie Laru-dertuis feurs ta destroy trial words. - *Honored sir.' The lI-trý-i ,cin dId out Ibuth il nvevssâry IO infortu tire' wishtý As wu pri's"d, the PIý,,-, bc, , ' 1 , ( - Ill' Il 'IN , Il Garland & Rutherford. A hant cet - %vork or art, ber tj"Jslled face. .soit ta myair ii!,,,iiI icompany finir bc hall rerri vpd lrom Ir,, il, etilitio. . .ý tatatu, .1 - ..,S". leunen. - a ý dy .p ,.Ill, t,-O or Ilo'cc la , I I., 1- ,il ,,:il , A oul tire and fi,' - ý 11Y,- -]II Ill, 1 ýI ý II, stý Elod. Illoolito. III h, !M ý1 Samuel semple lin Grellysi. IL S1î-d:býyk-1-y1JI all-dealerre. J i I. .,.,,,,,,,, oý.di recetilly lo-alli ili i; 13 or the %va rite. Il. S'Oleus, Ili,. dný, Il, 1 a 1 . IIýýII I, ad - -11 -lýQe flic toast] illog. -Illit wilit tilt ý 'Ii - 1, , I - ý( ý 0.361Boad" ,NeW York CH APTER [IL - wir tl>.IiI1,13 atie.l , g 1 III - Il ],.r'.ýIlI,, il,ý,11,llI Ive t,11, tý ý IlIt tilt lit- ],:,, ],,ý-,,l ,I, ,, 1 ---- - U N 1 ter siaxIng the Ingredients and iiieir open and 'lie mfný,,Iv(l ilois(ý'tj'r fil'I'i;;"" il, -- il __ 1 B,ù.,ýh ofn-. M p Ri- W..hýgI... DI C. ý CIEF.-IT NEýB FOR L"X. 1 I"!aro,.,.,y..:ý,rb,.ý,b ,fini il , inierests Il, i Pro partions as made by file anonymous ,.d_ and fort 1.lIo,;ncj. lu n_, Il Ili, t iii],I,,, il - , 1 ,Iý il t, I- li:*,,f,ý,- u,ý halids. Yen (lIi;,!, I,ý ,- ', ý ý ll£i-;--WCDIII, » N iliù evenirig or the niy beloed mil town thiii 1 rcel il r)b3*si(-Inn of London. "Should Il provv. blilgýmot i-onIpý11).V, ýMoIly Petite, mc 1 IwI, zoo 1,1 ý 1 : ', Ili piell'h. g:,ýp. Indeed 1 11, -'l i : before 1 was ta de, laiy duiy te eorn[nUniente III, faut ru of whlcb 1 have Ilttle doubL tbai file ri e ' 1 JILIýilloIIM. ', Il, II 1 gave trial 1t', il, [ý p-, , . ;, m. tire rinud and sti,!)Fed IO Io" in T'h'y ad la the W.lIiI.,ý I,ý t- t Captaln Croirle end you without lit 1 do se ta yen water lm surir as bas DI descriretil by stoue ,vas 'InIt 1 trace ziIrvady ]ndl I Il 'Il, 1,-,,,,,,:!, lýil,,,,,] thIt ý% Ir. 1 ... t triai to, bed, hnt l, -il ,ý 1 Il A N IN G M ILLS ret ,,i,,cy.ý.u were wI tDron.,. retirer train la ury estý-iiitl(j pfîtI-oný My leurned Droitier In mvdlç-jrie. 1 sitar caturi The 'evulry or Ib' roun - il a si, lialry la not RI) ('Ill I'ni II, , ,, ý ,ý :1 Trad of ,,, La d Pur l'O II il ;1ý, l i , ý ,.,I,. III, ,Iý,4,ýR , 'I'n, 'Orne fatl-ue,." S p o 1 the tarmw intelui ih,ý tire worshipfui Ille mayor, out-e roy Inforna Son of file tact." ! Ref ln* F,%'f"'Ybo(IY mas ,Irfnlýingiz.' onu nt si. ,Nj,.iý.lii, fIl I !, ý. -,k, II, e ber, Lath, Shingles, il,, ex- -- .dure telle Indo the timmier, or Io Criritain f'rowle or ta Il %vos a curious rotrelidence. though ,liq .* . ,I rI alotl,,,- ,1,I,,ý, II -l tri d Pluiences of sportsmen as . - IaIlI TLlý f ' lier wite pbreing der ,,, ,1,:,,,,Iý 1 jý,. I ,1,:I I , i , Ili ,ýI III, IeI-1u»ü-R.-ým,,.ý; (If II, II, ', , ,ý ýý , ikvt place any of those who snbmcrlhdýd for DIS ,ut, y. budý,JIfu of a iý,!,,--, pal. , l II ,,I,,Iý-1 'n", ickets, Cedar Posts, &c. E writtýn by sportsmen foi - grent ru, the committec or rerepilon were lier In., 1 1 7 bore Ri aur I., Ili volume or miseellany posniel ineoinqe formald of Ille factý [bar the dortord %Vé, aboula have IDOLLA na for a mIný'(..IL thiýs dot, ý ', IIl,ý1IJl:: iý ýI _ý tý 1 'l'y li"IIs hy the hures. 'lIli, '-4 :ý , , ---- Crown Inn. The rendu ninturopriaied 1 the rentrer espI 81111 J)ec-tlilarlç iiniilysiq exacily agreed *]tri thi:t sent I Jeu ci- IIp.ý. :1 I;iI 1 I ý g-,iiý lu- tnir, (Mollet LiI ,,],,, -, I, - à, A d v e n tu re the Society of Lynn. willeb tuer eçur, concerne yourseir as a physicien end lis tO blin. ýutp aind left filera. But one of the cruasd lits ,(,,)tlt:ili,,[, Ii,,g*, Sarlet, Li.ivil,,,,, '. I- Il . : SOUEI17ILLE & CO- evenfing ait the year round. was tha rite fortifiante Owner of tire spritig or Ir vres a mpmorab'2 evpnln,-. For'mblOrs rucogtlized MOIIY fý"Priugi1Ig te A day or tvu arter mr. IIIii dtii ý tir- """" 1 promotion in flic II , ., ý rtsnienaskyotirnews- vit Il wbIch le the subject of the dis DIS toivil part. 1 knout not wliy. during bis f,,t, be made .il lettpeulfui leg and rii.il«(.nliie a cal-1.1ýigt. alif ri - fi,. lirailk flic bardea, lo- 1,1,,,,ý., l Mill Street. w ith zoler for " FOREST on the ground fleur looking allant the ' AND STREAM" market place. ý .!Overy.' The subjeet et Ille di.-oer*y. 1 file renaling or the letter my heurt sent; sulmd il,, vhild. -ýIt,,," lie ,vieil, bibling , ,,,,, fi,,,, lady uIIl,,1ý' - III,,pest, lie Bitture tilt, l-,li-!I ,l ,- ! ý II or senti us 2; cents forver and lomI 1 t was the ruminait. j - ,lis .'lier 1 1. m il b ma, alvvays ready te talIi- ,I11, ,, ý, t The Society or club. which la neveri 'ýentieule[L AIS well-nIine"' II ý Our (Prvuurý The htlI(ý hIdY -mes ri,, inaid and - nuin. $lie dr'l'e ta Il for four weeks trial ment on: -Ton are nware as m nias ILIC of evil. Plurielle It was conseil by the barky. 'Iý*hat Aluill met (Io for ljet,?«' lie mas tolerated and e-il 111,I 1, 1 ý Il R -o d dissolved, consiste of the notables or the Crown, flic people ail looldng lifter lie ives gond c..,Ii,,l,. III , ý, _ý . ter ln [lie Science of mitdirine jwThen 'bey trIl spiang te filer feet lier. A large cost or orms ,vns emidj. cause l'e ]ý I - ,I nting, trip. A large ilIuý better sort of the town son- lie raid «IiiI,ýilItI,; the vicar of St. curadlve properties of vtirmais miles or ith a buzzii foi, tilt, oivnur and fleuri zolled cri the door of lier carriage, ivith ,a n d shooting, fishing, animal Margaretts, the curate 'of St Nichaient, ,phage ln Ille c-oiinir.v-ilitý nainem 01 wM speak presently. yerimps il wua, er for the ship, land. If you vil] bulievu a ,orcinet and supporters. Her man 'c'y ice in the West liodies -d Il ,, ý:,ý 1 Ul 1 er-lâanging, IO yachting. the monter of the Scheel, my own la- ftiiii, Truilirldget Welir; and li.psom nt, the thouglit of seelng the girl whom 1 It, thir rougir fo*c*.'IL banda tir hallf a mas druseud ln a noble Ilvery of paie tailler places; lie Inel lia", Il , : ,, -, 1 1 _ s, . y1t. $2 for sur thet Captalit Crowle and otber retired roixl121jir IO Suit: .0 dotitil..,a or., 11-11> loved, wlille yet 1 bad no hope of wln- minute liad tire clilld en the table Ili a gre'n, with scarlet epaulets. A ,,fils many advenli lie us1I1:ý:I ! I i a -«qp- ý G Month 1 s. ' Senti for capitaine, the doctor, some of the more or Hanipsiend end et. Cbuds, near., iiing ber, carried off ,by saine opri of !chair Uke a queen. She Rat witli'gruat erowd guilleret] round lit, door of the successfully, the renouer ,If :1 9--d . list of Our . subsitantial merchant% wlth the Mayor, London.. Il Dow apprurs filet a Iller - .9 Ci quality who would tench ber ta despise digItitY. undurstatuding in monte way Crovvri v, fille the fwtiiIau lield the dour ,,portement fres, wIth Ilis 111,,:,, ý II :', al han tisonne nome or the atdermen.atbe town cierk 1 . 1 -1 ý le with the land- Played deep, petit Ili, del'Il 't 1 !I, ;' ri one with neatness Md premiqui en- Md jus , le peaee or two. II MM learned physicien. baving ressort ber homely frIends, the monter Mari- 1 flint thesc men were ln ber own service open and the lady spok et once and exiect,,] ,,, [,, II !Il Il jýýyings. IsT , 1 mont et these gentieurrain ý Wére ta, belléve thRt olmüan wàtêà exIst, as " ' Young and DI I know not the and finit they designed no harur or ait- Iordý 10 4 ý - ý - ý ressort. But If was a féreboding orifright to ber, bat ondy to do lier honnir. J "Sir,ý elle sald, Inelining ber heurt like mannéïe. 1 espateh by, ....... Is MI - il Il Pressait. - _-", l ý 1 ret mallusiestied. rit 4ingle Lyan. bas -as - henvy heurt Therefore she was Dot ln any fear and 1 l'est of ail came th, III i,,ý ., , f l"il Picture (I 2 x I - ý. 1 Crowle'saluted the eaidpany proclired a jar of the ý inter front your - eviL and It ,vt .with, a 1 For my own part graclously and stailling upon flic crowd, colupany, lordl-'yli.g,]:ij,ý b,,Iý,, l' , __ 1 (R... ;tAhn ' - Ir, -Ithat ý y and rowed smiled gracieugly. , 1 '-i bave been directud to ask for t1iyý 1 _ 1 -k bis ý Sent et the heail t«' the own Iwi;u-tfïat tri ý et l'repiarcd te the,- Sir Ifarry _ = , - M41yne beingg 'Il Ir fi, es)I, is - - - UOO ý Salir gardeu*-myý ,qua foilowed and stocul ai the table, thluk- gond cilices Ili proclaring n'h , oneofthenfý ý !uksisif back Io ihe ,1iI]w in, the , , ýJ. lm V M1411 ýelkamin Io i', , , . . --Géntiemenj, lie sàldi "Il !sI WeIL reýllenieý ln mv civil ýrCLýn-1 i. - ý -, MOI 1. - . 1- - . Iliý_-1--_ . . . . knew bis lordebjD. sho.'i II 1 ôý, . . . . . . . . . . . . iieting with . l , ýho fed si' -Z -OP. alat in, lts f t, belleve Id "Ide for fi 1,.t as yet of -und farm la il,, floard's D iii protein, bu ý,r silage, lt It as suiumer Il Solon as the It Ive comIneu le 1 a day, ta Il 11, , br.. r.ti 1, aiffl all throu terrilýleZest fi i 1 k fro t iýi iip to tbelr meffl iti two exe to f'eshe f-l, ned enougil be dri, 'Hy IW lýIIIng. aud tl:,. 'table that h o la rg r m e h- '0. ill, wee S Rý - - so sat luili, Sula nier Sllaý tloît coýt 1vftsý 1 yield or ni, One, tbin d law a fý ýý'tbI, silage g9l ýI, made to ail tt il 1 a he cows Cod er 't a ow cannot-J green corn as I, silage and tbi Il o part digest, !Il, silo; hence tl tier epropriatil R LINS $25. oý 1 n s a 1 ý il ad roc Lý 1 a v rIll 1 M ý fý ý W HAVEN CT HEAD NOISES HEARINC LE 01 ATELY. A Yý L L. d V 1 1, k 1 1, Iz "r i_ of good ensilât apprecilited tban fi lo 1, solirl S- bl f, 1 il il Illey eau afford says Il e, t Il ý,merlcan Cul is tbis YE r f lh, t1lat ivill prove Dut I,ý Il,, profitable te t .,,,,fi,,tory to i li j 1 Y lu reti lu t Illat toduy I conte p' :ititIiction the outIOOk 1 1 There are 900àe ensilage, Which Il lý niiLiais ln thrivlag conditl a t ,il file winter. clli SIIII.T. j)() like or who think th ýj_ Ile rainons Chinese di' V 1 the foljoývlng recipe, wbl bousevite eau folle l'y NV. E. S. Falea, for geY 9 ýo-t ri! ri, ioù corsul nt AMOY: t,,0 ickeils, gizzards. one pou Il pork cut loto Binai' Pl- s(ý, ý Il 'ilince or grreen root ginger R t-, Ii or celery. Saute thlýlV t -uli the r,ýmg 1,,lo mera flot fire, adding'l' tý,ji-joonfj, of olive oil, one tab of vinegar, balf R CUPtUl boiling alter, 0 re tea.pouarui tencll hait a teRSPOC IlIýýIl-S of gril. foi of salt, bIack and red PePPer ýjýi ailda clash or clayon and' elin, -1,1 tl', "ln whiât , on. Wl en ri done, add S SM k 'l- 1 Say, crin of inushrocons, boit a CUP11!111111 Of hean sprouts or French ireelli w a il ý ei q u tek a@ toi, String beans ebor, ped fine or 80PIL giis t1ps. The see-yu enlace Wili eaten vith thls delectable êiéb eau 1 vi ti -51 pli ut any Chineme ,Civil= d Zà- 1 ré er in a paper rend lié I,ý:1 Gu e rnsey E. T. Gill sild -Il S entlile Pr tià1on 'l'ile iC;iiernseys certain- k"'"' Il blood fines shouldýbe de- ,,j and, baving se1;ý fI AVE ONE. ýiIllýýI lires, the lu hould be sought ltu inodIfIed and the 'ified lu the seIe;ýkiO hich lit le Iutendé&ý 1 .... ........ I ý'ion or ýrotaIl-Y th. r b.ýtI 'et' r oodIllo 6 t ,,,,tie lumadation SU(Il flUII1Iý'tion toick, IjnUst a record or will meetttt r . ýIa lard as nearly ag liain ,lust bc a typi -11, quil, abo Ve ail, elfe > Iýi I- le capable of reprôd he gI-ýl qualittes 0 Ood bn"S of ber te br,,oý1 cow, 1 wili býtter . spýIý.1 ilit b.11I a ý. _tbe bý7 g li lbe Porest or bi us, JII, il lly e es 1,1 RU Ordin"'Y, poor the mýi,,ll filles li having "I' flic fouadation ot (1,Ietiou la il bull. if -elected la the 1, I-b 11T.l t1i'l lipoil such lines 'Il witb tinc brýders. si tu lý u bretd and E vIl Il 1 vu 1 "111 r hlood llnes Ch have Dearly I ami ha pr.du P tuproducing Wrà T S ,i 1 1 1 ýI 1 iI:1 ry qualitjes or, W,ýA Hiles. d P.1-1- rdware Ilkeanyalft iii 1,,,%v tirs t of ail ai :1 la rge quantity Ibýc ,ben fui' W, t,](.It.foretliefi-t S, ETC. M, A of th Ulti ",01"sboIwn that ion an atil ,Ii.i,,, the mainte sie sbould be m li.,iiiiig course, co 1,ýilled and m ýýnd Ith ait l"I Plewasing toË